How To Use Infirmary In A Sentence

  • I sat there in the infirmary watching the nurses run about, taking blood and putting in tube after tube trying to save him.
  • Pay a visit to the camp infirmary, get your clothes deloused, or just park yourself in the latrine and fight that nasty case of amoebic dysentery you picked up along the way - it's up to you.
  • Soon the hotel began to resemble an infirmary, with dozens of guests in various stages of illness strewn around the lobby every night.
  • The infirmary, or hospital, was across the rectangle of stone walkways from the stables.
  • Today, a spokeswoman for the hospital trust which operates the infirmary confirmed that the source had now been identified.
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  • Cherry sat across from them in the prison's infirmary, sipping slowly at her cup of warm milk.
  • The size of a small hospital, the infirmary had more than enough resources to tend to the wounded, and they were well taken care of.
  • He was referred straight to Leeds General Infirmary and had an operation to correct the fault.
  • This is what a new £7.4million extension to Bradford Royal Infirmary will look like when the prefabricated sections are slotted together.
  • He was finally stretchered off by paramedics and taken to Leeds General Infirmary.
  • The salpingectomy was done when she came into the infirmary for treatment of an irritable bowel. Second Glance
  • There are the parish vestry, the parish infirmary, the parish surgeon, the parish officers, the parish beadle.
  • [Page 156] the poorhouse, the result of centuries of deterrent Poor Law administration, seemed to me not without some justification one summer when I found myself perpetually distressed by the unnecessary idleness and forlornness of the old women in the Cook County Infirmary, many of whom I had known in the years when activity was still a necessity, and when they yet felt bustlingly important. Twenty Years at Hull-House, With Autobiographical Notes
  • In fact, he was driven to the Royal Infirmary at an undramatic speed because he is not registered with a doctor in Edinburgh.
  • The 24-year-old from Heywood was rushed to Rochdale Infirmary but has now been transferred to Wythenshawe Hospital where there are specialists in microsurgery who are attempting to save the victim's remaining leg.
  • When she finally left Quarriers, aged almost 17, she eventually secured a job as a nursing auxiliary with the Royal Infirmary in Glasgow.
  • Its origin, and its method of financing, almost inevitably led to it becoming effectively a horse infirmary.
  • The study was approved by the Western Infirmary ethics committee and each patient gave informed written consent.
  • Her name was Netta, which is a name that I still love to this day, and she was a paramedic at the infirmary.
  • He was taken in a coma to the intensive care unit of Glasgow Royal Infirmary.
  • The district hospital was built to replace the 220-year-old city infirmary in Fisherton Street, the geriatric unit at Newbridge and run-down buildings at Odstock.
  • With the com unit in hand, she called the infirmary to ask how Kamiton was. Freedoms Challenge
  • Several times he wrote his name onto the list for sick call, and waited to be escorted to the infirmary. SUPERBUG
  • Withering first settled into medical practice in Stafford, working as a physician in the county infirmary.
  • Paramedics attended the scene and she was taken to Blackburn Royal Infirmary suffering from concussion.
  • Professor Paul Finan, from Leeds General Infirmary, said possible reasons included: "the degree of surgical specialisation, how guidelines were followed, the quality of high-dependency units after-care surgery, anaesthetic services and whether the surgery was laparoscopic, which is less invasive. BBC News - Home
  • In the postsurgical wards of the Glasgow infirmary, Lister had again and again seen an angry red margin begin to spread out from the wound and then the skin seemed to rot from inside out, often followed by fever, pus, and a swift death a bona fide “suppuration”. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • The survey was carried out at Glasgow Royal Infirmary by Glasgow University academics.
  • She said the funeral was due to take place at 1pm next Wednesday at Pocklington Church, with a plate collection for Leeds General Infirmary.
  • Doctors at Leicester Royal Infirmary are to assess the benefits of giving magnesium to heart attack victims immediately after an attack.
  • Police are also carrying out medical reviews of 18 other deaths at the infirmary and St James's Hospital in Leeds.
  • Mrs Hardie had been taken to the infirmary in an ambulance.
  • Carandiru is more measured, and even stately, in the way its old lags - fundamentally respectful - troop through the doctor's infirmary and recount their autobiographies.
  • After further study, he also took a clinical assistant post in ophthalmology at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.
  • He was still feeling a bit groggy, probably due to a sedative given to him by a nurse at the infirmary.
  • She was admitted to Leeds General Infirmary where doctors ran a series of tests, including checks for CJD, before they were able to diagnose her.
  • William Warden was appointed porter to the infirmary; the regulations stated that he was to have bread and cheese for breakfast.
  • There needs to be a shuttle bus service to cut the number of vehicles going to the Infirmary.
  • He was taken to Hull Royal Infirmary where his mood swung erratically.
  • Norris, originally from Scotland where he trained, began work as a staff nurse in orthopaedics at the infirmary in December 2001.
  • Miss Nelson had to be put on a ventilator in the high-dependency unit of the Manchester Royal Infirmary and stayed in hospital for more than three weeks.
  • But one day Flibbertigibbet -- so Sister Angelica called the little girl from her first coming to the Asylum, and the name clung to her -- was sent to the infirmary in the upper story because of a slight illness; while there she made the discovery of the "Marchioness. Flamsted quarries
  • The study was approved by the Western Infirmary Ethical Committee and all patients gave written, informed consent.
  • For chanceful and perverted individualist Kenneth (Andrew Lee Potts), chronicle at the infirmary where he entireness is a program of long torments from a assemble of enterprising scrutiny students. Planet Malaysia
  • Car park security staff jobs have been axed at Bradford Royal Infirmary - as hospital bosses try to solve the hospital's cash crisis.
  • He was referred to top surgeons at the infirmary after one of the aneurysms showed signs of significantly worsening.
  • Joseph turned and headed in the other direction, down past the infirmary and the town midden. THE LONGEST WAY HOME
  • Fans are encouraged to attend in their kit and a collection will be taken for the Burns Unit at Bradford Royal Infirmary.
  • He sang about grannies in relation to public transport, enormous jobbies and wellington boots and managed to rhyme the word pleurisy with infirmary. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
  • Mr Hesketh waited two hours in the infirmary's accident and emergency department for an X-ray.
  • The Bradford Royal Infirmary deserves to be proud of the way all its patients are treated and the respect shown to everyone.
  • He also had two stitches put in a wound to his scalp after being taken by ambulance to the Royal Lancaster Infirmary.
  • Passers-by came to his aid and he was taken to Leeds General Infirmary where his condition was described as ‘serious but stable’.
  • A British doctor, assisted by 3 medical orderlies, is attached permanently to the Camp, and a German civilian doctor visits the Infirmary 3 times a week. Work Camp 10030 GW, Lavamund
  • In that same year a Fever Hospital, Infirmary and Dispensary were incorporated into the workhouse buildings and the Saint John of God nuns began nursing in the hospital.
  • The lorry driver escaped from his cab and was treated at Chesterfield Royal Infirmary for minor injuries, and later released.
  • The night passed peacefully at Bradford Royal Infirmary, although staff were braced for a traditionally busy one.
  • He died suddenly in Bradford Royal Infirmary from ulcers in his gullet, which links the throat to the stomach.
  • The panic-stricken parents of the three-year-old from Chippenham took her to Bristol Royal Infirmary on Friday night, after she developed a high temperature and sickness.
  • The study was approved by the Western Infirmary Ethical Committee and all patients gave written, informed consent.
  • One former nurse at the infirmary said he had a charming manner but made it clear to staff that he was the ‘king pin’.
  • In 1830, it was granted royal patronage by Queen Victoria and became the Manchester Royal Infirmary.
  • The infirmarer was allowed to speak to the inmates of the infirmary, but was to do so quietly and in designated areas.
  • Lee, 29, was taken to Doncaster Royal Infirmary after he suffered multiple injuries to his legs and arms.
  • Check whether the camp infirmary stocks your child's medication, too.
  • His web of deceit finally unravelled at Leicester Royal Infirmary when, as Reed told police, the hospital visits of the three wives ‘went out of sync and they all arrived at once’.
  • Kind of like when the typical western-themed summer camp names their infirmary “wounded knee”. Oh Glorious Day | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • The ophthalmological infirmary was well-known for its clinical research on eye diseases, but was barely recognized for laboratory-based research. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • The infirmary door unbolted from the inside, then creaked open, just enough for Miss Little to see the mess on her front porch. Kings of Colorado
  • Phineas is taken to the school's infirmary where he is cared for by Doctor Stanhope.
  • I walked out of the communications room and headed towards the infirmary.
  • After house jobs at Cardiff Royal Infirmary he enlisted in the Royal Air Force and was posted to India for most of the Second World War.
  • It boasted offices, a county records depository, cells for petty prisoners, accommodation for women prisoners, a yard and an infirmary.
  • She explained that she was currently treating a patient in the small jail infirmary who was about 24 weeks pregnant.
  • Since at least the first part of Mark's mission was meant to be public and demonstrative, there was no reason why every soul in the enclave should not take an avid interest in it, and there was no lack of gratuitous advice available from all sides as to how it could best be performed, especially from old Brother Dafydd in the infirmary, who had not seen his native cantref of Duffryn Clwyd for forty years, but was still convinced he knew it like the palm of his ancient hand. His Disposition
  • Her eyes opened and she stared up at him curiously, seeming not in the least bit surprised to be sleeping in the prison infirmary.
  • Last November I had a cataract successfully removed from my right eye at the Royal Lancaster Infirmary, and last Wednesday had a similar successful operation on my left eye.
  • I can move her, if you like,’ the elderly surgeon said, a hint of asperity in his voice, ‘but this is the infirmary, after all-'
  • Three of them had serious face and hand burns and were transferred to the burns unit of Glasgow Royal Infirmary.
  • The north end of the entry opens directly into the east alley of the infirmary or" farmery "cloister, which is built against the north side of the east end of the frater. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Gloucester [2nd ed.] A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Espicopal See
  • Levin was splinting a Guardsman's broken arm when Hawkins came into the infirmary, his faintly silvering hair still wet from his bath.
  • He does feel that the doctors at the Royal Infirmary should have referred him for neurological tests more promptly.
  • Early English infirmary or "farmery" traces remain near the Bishop's Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Gloucester [2nd ed.] A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Espicopal See
  • When I went down to the prison infirmary, I walked down there on my own and I didn't really lose much blood.
  • The farmery, or infirmary, where sick monks were nursed during illness, was a separate building, having its own kitchen, refectory, and chapel. English Villages
  • This inquiry should have been ordered last year when the Royal Infirmary management was crying out for funding and direction.
  • The almshouse, which is now called by various names, the county home, the county infirmary, etc., ceased to be the repository for all types of delinquents, and for children, and became an institution primarily for the care of the aged and infirm. Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. K
  • I headed out to the grocery store to buy a crate of limes while the crew was laid out on infirmary cots in the garage, moaning over their painful open sores.
  • The mix-up happened when the five were being treated at Bradford Royal Infirmary for an eye condition called blepharospasm, which causes involuntary muscle contractions that cause the eyelids to close.
  • On retirement he worked assiduously as honorary consultant in chemotherapy and cancer care at the Royal Albert Edward Infirmary.
  • The next time, he was lying dead in Bradford Royal Infirmary.
  • He was taken in a coma to the intensive care unit of Glasgow Royal Infirmary.
  • I had to visit someone in Leeds Royal Infirmary recently and in there they cleaned the ward daily - floors, walls, windows and bed frames etc.
  • The Royal Infirmary was on the other side of Princes Street, beyond the Grassmarket, towering over thenar row streets and ancient houses around it. A Kind Of Magic
  • Never mind, he'd buy her a nice bunch of flowers from that stall outside the infirmary on his way home.
  • She did feel that she was fit to the task, prison infirmary or not.
  • Vanessa sits cross-legged on her bed in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, a tiny, elfin figure with a striking, delicate face that looks as if it has been gently chiselled from creamy alabaster.
  • He was appointed a consultant in obstetrics and gynaecology at the Huddersfield Royal Infirmary in 1959.
  • Apparently, Franklin decorated the crutch the OSP infirmary gave him with slogans touting his gubernatorial campaign. Funny stuff
  • One of the founders, and the first surgeon to the infirmary, was Charles White.
  • An unconscious man was freed from his wrecked car but was pronounced dead just over 30 minutes later at Leeds General Infirmary, from internal injuries.
  • Nobody ever had to wear a hospital gown unless they'd been in the infirmary for something.
  • A nursing auxiliary on ward 23 at Bradford Royal Infirmary, she joined the NHS in 1979 and is now a health care assistant in elderly care.
  • The two men spent three hours at Rochdale Infirmary having blood tests and were sent home swathed in bandages.
  • She was taken to a police car and then up to Bradford Royal Infirmary.
  • The collection includes views of City Square, well-kept parks and pristine bandstands, the Civic Hall, Boar Lane, and photographs from inside the infirmary.
  • I wanted some time alone to think, to get my head on straight, and the infirmary was the only answer. Haven
  • His thoughts went back, inopportunely enough, to the time when he had been surgeon's dresser in the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.
  • All were orthopaedic patients on ward 36 at the infirmary.
  • They praised the neurosurgeon and his staff at Hull Royal Infirmary who saved their son's life after he was rushed there shortly after the attack.
  • The youngster was rushed to Bradford Royal Infirmary where he underwent a skin graft on a deep gash to his ankle.
  • The lack of medical supplies and the primitive infirmary the delegates observed make it clear that it is difficult to provide even basic medical care.
  • Manchester Royal Infirmary, which is losing 1,000 pairs of crutches a year, is hoping former patients will dig them out of the loft, garage or garden shed and bring them back - no questions asked.
  • The section ends with Stephen recovering in the school infirmary.
  • Before actually coming strait to my house I had to drop by the school infirmary to get my hand taken care of and go in search for Sam's clothes.
  • He was taken to the Western Infirmary and found to be dead on arrival. Times, Sunday Times
  • Later that night, when taken to Manchester Royal Infirmary for treatment to a hand, she was not psychiatrically assessed despite her agitated condition and was allowed home.
  • It squeezes them like a tube of toothpaste, said Amal Louis, clinical lecturer in cardiology at the Royal Infirmary. Boing Boing: September 23, 2001 - September 29, 2001 Archives
  • He believes that moving to Rochdale Infirmary will add to the already difficult parking problems.
  • Blonde Sue was one of the first people at his hospital bedside in Manchester Royal Infirmary.
  • He was flown by police helicopter to Hull Royal Infirmary, where he underwent emergency surgery to remove the post from his chest.
  • Detectives will look into the records of other patients who died on Ward One at the infirmary between July 2001 and January 2004.
  • On the way to the infirmary, Sisko asked the computer to redisplay the Cardassian deserter's personnel file on his padd. Betrayal
  • Cops used pepper spray to stop him at Leicester Infirmary and found more needles taken from a hospital bin in his pockets. The Sun
  • Joan, who has worked at Blackburn Royal Infirmary since 1987 and on the children's surgical ward for the last nine years, said she was shocked but delighted by her windfall.
  • Mr Wood was rushed to Rochdale Infirmary and paramedics, police and three fire appliances, with an emergency salvage tender, attended the scene.
  • Within five years the infirmary would be a paperless hospital.
  • In addition, the mean difference between pretest and posttest scores for The Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Firefighters had to jack up the bus to allow paramedics underneath to treat him before the air ambulance ferried him to Leeds General Infirmary.
  • In one corner of a large, unpainted building was what he called the infirmary, and a comfortless looking place it was. Bidwell's Travels, from Wall Street to London Prison Fifteen Years in Solitude
  • We begin with the most significant of these spaces, the church, and then examine the other places within the monastic precinct: the cloister walk, the chapterhouse, the infirmary, the refectory, the kitchen, the dormitory, the workrooms, and the gardens. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • The data are collated centrally at the department of medical cardiology, Glasgow Royal Infirmary.
  • He could hear several feet clumping along the polished tiles (buffed without love by the infirmary passman; you always save your best for the cell), and looked up to see a party of three come through the door: a prisoner and two screws. It's October, 1956.
  • There were the infirmary and the hospital; the calefactory or warming apparatus, the recreation hall and the winter hall, the locutorium and the common hall, and I know not what besides. The Coming of the Friars
  • The air in the infirmary seemed to thicken with an anxious, uneasy feeling.
  • Even those who have access to an infirmary or clinic may visit herbalists or other healers.
  • Police officers performed mouth-to-mouth on the child before an ambulance took him to Pontefract General Infirmary where he later died.
  • She was freed from her car and rushed to Worcester Royal Infirmary but paramedics and hospital staff were unable to save her.
  • The 54-year-old auxiliary nurse at Rochdale Infirmary children's ward is pleased with their response to her ‘Pay to Breathe’ campaign.
  • Staff at the South Infirmary Hospital were alerted on Monday to the unclothed baby girl lying in a blue hold-all on the boot of an Audi car.
  • Medical attention: One hutment is reserved for an Infirmary. Work Camp 10049 GW
  • The study was approved by the Western Infirmary ethics committee and each patient gave informed written consent.
  • Note 80: A doctor in the infirmary is mentioned in TSB, 42. back Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • No place — the cloister arcade, chapterhouse, infirmary, dormitories, refectory, kitchen, workrooms, or even the gardens — escaped the notice of Dominican women and their many forms of religious expression. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • I awoke, letting my eyes slowly adjust to the dim but still traumatic lighting of the infirmary.
  • To mark her dedication, the trust is displaying her portrait for public viewing in the Gilbert Scott Gallery at the infirmary.
  • The earliest account of Swain's existence comes from a Noxian infirmary doctor's notes.
  • He was taken to the Royal Infirmary where he was said last night to be in a serious condition, with multiple stab wounds.
  • The inmates of the institution were treated well, whether they ware in the workhouse or in the infirmary.
  • A site on Infirmary Road was rejected because of its distance from the city centre.
  • The victim went to the infirmary and left after a nurse stitched his wound.
  • He graduated in 1970, becoming a houseman at Pontefract General Infirmary in west Yorkshire, before joining his first practice in Todmorden, in the Pennines.
  • Others perform duties in the kitchens, the infirmary or the laundry rooms.
  • Professor Paul Finan, from Leeds General Infirmary, said possible reasons included: "the degree of surgical specialisation, how guidelines were followed, the quality of high-dependency units after-care surgery, anaesthetic services and whether the surgery was laparoscopic, which is less invasive. BBC News - Home
  • The inevitable coughs and colds of winter, the chilblained hands and heels, kept him busy replenishing the medicine cupboard in the infirmary, and thanks to the necessary brazier his timber workshop was somewhat warmer to work in than the carrels of the scriptorium. The Confession of Brother Haluin
  • In such a beautiful and spiritual atmosphere I spent nine of those noontime years - three in the minor seminary, one in the novitiate, four in the major seminary and one in the infirmary when I was stricken with a severe bout of tuberculosis.
  • The woman, who is in her 90s, is being treated by Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust, which has wards on the infirmary site.
  • Being back in prison after everything that happened - even if he was in the infirmary, it's still prison.
  • A resident of Kimbolton Road expressed the fear that the new infirmary might be prejudicial to his property.
  • Yesterday, he remained in a stable but poorly condition in the intensive care unit at Leeds General Infirmary.
  • The impact of the news upon Stephen, semi-delirious in the school infirmary, is registered in the James Joyce
  • He received a cut of the thumb, was afterwards made an out-patient of the infirmary, but the wound mortified, produced lock-jaw, and death ensued.
  • In 1992 Gareth was offered the chance to have his jaw reconstructed, using bone from his leg, at the Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford.

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