How To Use Infinity In A Sentence

  • More particularly, in the hoodedness of her eyes, she reminded me of Malvina Schalkova, the Prague-born artist posthumously famous for the sketches and watercolors she made in Theresienstadt, and whose self-portrait, mirroring an infinity of sorrow, I first became familiar with when I visited Theresienstadt with Zoë. Kalooki Nights
  • Instead, we get the "kerplunk" scene we knew we were getting from the end of last issue, Luthor revealing that he's actually kind of a bastard after all, members of Infinity II declaring twice in two pages that it sure is a good thing they still have their powers, and a lost-in-space scene that once again fails to advance that plot. Week 35: That Most Dangerous of Animals
  • Some indeed were revelling in the formulae of algebraical infinity and of twenty-four-dimensional space, like a child in the elementary class dealing with the four rules of arithmetic.
  • A collimator is a simple device that uses a reflective surface and lenses to replicate a target at infinity. Undefined
  • ‘The pulsations of the air, once set in motion by the human voice, continue into infinity’, and he went on to speculate about this constant movement of atoms.
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  • I practically drove right onto the beachfront, an unspoiled, unpeopled coastline that seemed to stretch to infinity. Smithsonian Mag
  • Infinity pools (where the edges overflow with water) blur the boundary between swimming pool and decorative water feature.
  • He adds, a few lines further on, that this term freedom is an indefinite, and incalculably ambiguous term… liable to an infinity of misunderstandings, confusions and errors.
  • This work contains fundamental ideas of projective geometry such as the cross-ratio, perspective, involution and the circular points at infinity.
  • A row of semis in myriad colors stretches to infinity. Exile in Greenville
  • The four-bedroom villa sleeps eight and has chic interiors, as well as an infinity pool. Times, Sunday Times
  • Expanding — and flowed, flowered for him, fluid neon origami trick, the unfolding of his distanceless home, his country, transparent 3D chessboard extending to infinity.” I Am George Jetson
  • The stars and planets that merrily twinkle, light years away, have inspired song lyrics and poems, become pivotal symbols in religion and have provided an eternal need for man to explore the concept of infinity.
  • It has just 18 villas and suites, an infinity pool and a small restaurant set in lush tropical gardens. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rooftop infinity pool has city views and a lounge bar. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lights on the Bay Bridge seemed stretched out to infinity.
  • Thus, the one-to-one correspondence between the reals and the naturals fails, as there are simply too many reals—they are "uncountably" numerous—making real infinity somehow larger than natural infinity. Strange but True: Infinity Comes in Different Sizes | Impact Lab
  • I have been trying - and not always 'poetically' - to posit that intelligence is a function that involves beings in relative place and time 'accessing', for lack of a better word, the space/field/infinity quotient that contains/permeates all matter, including chemicals and their processes. Telic Thoughts
  • Infinity is just so big that by comparison, bigness itself looks really titchy.
  • He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and squirmed at the sight of a balding old man with a pert nose and an infinity of lines on his face.
  • Doors lead out to a covered veranda overlooking the infinity pool complete with hot tub. Times, Sunday Times
  • As classically conceived, a real number can be thought of as an infinite decimal, a completed infinity.
  • He also wants an infinity pool. Times, Sunday Times
  • After all it is infinity itself that the untiring artist wants to grasp more than anything else in the world.
  • The universality of which I feel confident, however, is the essential oneness that underlies the diversity of life forms, and the equality and inherent worth of all dimensions of infinity.
  • Yet the wave length of the photon at “- infinity” is equal to that at “infinity,” where these are defined as asymptotic regions. A Dark, Misleading Force
  • For miles and miles, above and around, great billowy masses, tossed and twisted into an infinity of fantastic shapes, arrest and weary the eye, lava in all its forms, from a compact phonolite, to the lightest pumice stone, the mere froth of the volcano, exceeding in wildness and confusion the most extravagant nightmare ever inflicted on man. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • In a convention that extends to infinity the rationalized powers of human attention, no atrocity need remain unexplained, no mystery unsolved, no mistake unrectified.
  • Euclidean geometry, Fibonacci numbers, the digits of pi, the notion of algorithms, concepts of infinity, fractals, and other ideas furnished the mathematical underpinnings.
  • Week 2 Limit of number sequence. Limit of function. infinity and infinitesimal.
  • Ideal division ‘progresses to infinity’; actual division terminates in atoms after finitely many steps.
  • A lemniscate, an infinity symbol, glowed above his head. Rogue Oracle
  • [69: 1] We have a Gillespie setting aside the Design Argument on the ground that the reasonings by which it is supported are 'inapt' to show such attributes as infinity, omnipresence, free agency, omnipotency, eternality, or unity, 'belong in any way to God. An Apology for Atheism Addressed to Religious Investigators of Every Denomination by One of Its Apostles
  • After the spheres, the next important spaces which arise from En by a suitable addition of points at infinity are so-called projective spaces; we will speak only of INFINITY
  • It was proved that equivalent resistance of infinity ladder resistance network is a constant, whose calculating formula has been derived.
  • The question of infinity relates to paradoxes - an infinite regress or a circular argument indicate something is wrong with the argument.
  • In 1874 Georg Cantor worked out a system of degrees of infinity that solved the problem once and for all and greatly increased mathematicians' understanding of infinity and set theory.
  • It should be remembered that in his era there was little thought or knowledge of fractal geometry, curved space or different degrees of infinity.
  • Indeed, unless some such suprasensible and unifying principle were available, phonetic spelling would speedily perish in an infinity of degenerate variations. Essays Towards a Theory of Knowledge
  • Comfy leggings and cycle shorts - they won't stretch to infinity, though, so you may need to buy maternity versions eventually.
  • An entire chapter is devoted to cleavages, and another to infinity, beginning with Zeno's paradoxes and leading up to Cantor's transfinite cardinals.
  • My favourite ever piece of digital art is an excellent example of this kind of sublime infinity.
  • After two years in development Infinity Ward (IW) comes back to deliver an experience that tops every aspect of the already great first game. Bleep, Bleep. Bloop, Bloop. Video Games. 11-08/14-09 « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
  • I wanted a real working ranch, not a dude ranch with an infinity pool and a spa and a yoga class. Times, Sunday Times
  • One could lean over from one of those little teensy protuberances of rock, ice, gravel and snow and stare straight down at infinity.
  • This axiom is problematic in some systems, and some people, finitists such as Hilbert, wanted a consistent way to talk about infinity that stemmed from proofs using finitary means.
  • God's infinity is not formlessness but rather the beauty of a boundless agape, eternally and freely shared within the Trinity.
  • We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.
  • The snake swallowing its tail is a representation of infinity.
  • The pale grey concrete floor changes here to dark blue and cubicles are hidden behind a screen of brilliant pink plaster, stretched to infinity by a mirrored wall.
  • Rooms and suites are luxurious and the rooftop infinity pool has views to die for. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gods, a greater and a lesser, thus denying the absoluteness, the infinity, the illimitability, by any category of quantity, of that One Roman and the Teuton
  • It simply continued, going on towards infinity until finally the air itself was so thick as to be opaque.
  • SA MI 75 DZ NY 12" (2012) is an "infinity environment"—a featureless white room (the coved ceiling, floor and walls are fitted fiberglass panels), open for viewers' entry on one side and illuminated from that side (i.e., from behind you) by a complicated array of very bright electric lights. Shock, Light Therapy With Life Thrown In
  • Lifted up on this stately mound, whose top is fanned with air as light to breathe as nitrous oxide gas -- and bivouacked on its very ridge, (where nought on earth is seen in distance save the thousand treeless, bushless, weedless hills of grass and vivid green which all around me vanish into an infinity of blue and azure), stretched on our bears 'skins, my fellow-traveller, Mr. Wood, and myself, have laid and contemplated the splendid orrery of the heavens. Letters and notes on the manners, customs, and conditions of the North American Indians
  • The global structure of the trajectories of the system is analysed and the disappearance of the limit cycle at tile infinity point is explained.
  • There we are exhorted not to fall into the common error of passing from unity to infinity, but to find the intermediate classes; and we are reminded that in any process of generalization, there may be more than one class to which individuals may be referred, and that we must carry on the process of division until we have arrived at the infima species. The Statesman
  • Infinity in space is a mind-bending concept.
  • The usual convention is to choose the reference point at infinity.
  • His answer to the Eleatic problem was that continuous magnitudes are potentially divisible to infinity, in the sense that they may be divided anywhere, though they cannot be divided everywhere at the same time. Continuity and Infinitesimals
  • Bolzano's theories of mathematical infinity anticipated Georg Cantor's theory of infinite sets.
  • There is no vice and virtue, no moral framework to locate the individual within the cosmic infinity of the universe.
  • From the mighty to the minuscule, the cute and cuddly to the creepy-crawly, amazing adventures await budding young explorers with the Smithsonian Networks Kids Pack, available on DVD today from Infinity Entertainment Group. Giveaway — Smithsonian Networks Kids Pack
  • Nevertheless, this second favor was rarely granted; there was an infinity of claims, blind as well as enlightened, as it may please you now to call them.
  • If you like talking it circles he cold keep you here into infinity. tony and lido Think Progress » Bayh Claims ‘There’s A Fighting Chance’ Obama Will Call For A Spending Freeze
  • It's been a long day of trundling past an infinity of fir trees, and photographer Ridgers has hardly survived it.
  • Under that merciless star light of infinity, any unrightful challenger would be brushed into nothingness as effortlessly as a man might brush an ant from his sleeve. The Grey King
  • It exists in, and influences every atom, whose combinations compose and constitute the entire material creation, or each and every orb that bespangle the blue infinity. Aether and Gravitation
  • Nothing need be added to what has been said above concerning self-existence, infinity, unity, and simplicity (which belong to the entitative class); but eternity, immensity, and immutability (also of the entitative class), together with the active attributes, whether physical or moral, connected with the Divine intellect and will, call for some explanation here. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • Zero and zero and zero and zero were added up and the total came to a perception of infinity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Into one end he plugged the whole of reality as extrapolated from a piece of fairy cake, and into the other end he plugged his wife: so that when he turned it on she haw in one instant the whole infinity of creation and herself in relation to it. Archive 2004-12-01
  • A line that stretched from here to infinity appeared in front of me.
  • I don't want to be part of a production line. I'd prefer, instead, to have no names or an infinity of names, and to make identification through a binding of addresses against possibilities.
  • There is nothing which I more certainly know than that space is infinite, and eternity unbeginning and endless; but I can not comprehend the infinity of space or the illimitability of eternity. Christianity and Greek Philosophy or, the relation between spontaneous and reflective thought in Greece and the positive teaching of Christ and His Apostles
  • Shelves of toiletries stood on either side, stretching to infinity.
  • The walls on either side of the narrow stairway are mirrors and you see yourself reflected over and over again all the way to infinity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The very names negative numbers, irrational numbers, transcendental numbers, imaginary numbers, and ideal points at infinity indicate ambivalence.
  • For no less than three miles this vast upland of hillocks and brows roll on, serried knolls which appear to stretch onwards into infinity.
  • Once this infinity attaches to even the most trivial or dissolute of ordinary passions it lends the full force and import of freedom to it, fueling an obsessive and insatiable fanaticism.
  • Otherwise if the exponential rise were to reach infinity, there would not be space or food to sustain life. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • Just so the painter of the gulf should suggest the ocean beyond; the painter of the landscape, the infinity of space and atmosphere in which it is enisled. Without Prejudice
  • Bolzano's theories of mathematical infinity anticipated Georg Cantor's theory of infinite sets.
  • An ancient Russian weather satellite has worn out and will plummet Earthward unless its out-moded equipment and doodads are repaired sufficiently to send the bird in the direction of infinity.
  • Theoretically, a line can extend into infinity.
  • What wonder, then, that not until the first Omaric madness had passed away were the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, Jr., lifted into the light after an infinity of sudor et labor spent in excavating under the 9,000 irregular verbs, 80 declensions, and 41 exceptions to every rule which go to make the ancient Mango-Bornese dialect in which the poem was originally written, foremost among the dead languages! The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Jr.
  • Take a group of mortgage loans, most of them squishy with impending failure and pungent with ripening fraud; "securitize" them into a bond; then place that bond between two mirrors that face each other in such a way that the mutual reflections appear to trail off into infinity.
  • In the equation below, as E goes to zero, n approaches infinity.
  • The hotel has a spa with herbal steam rooms, massage, a yoga pavilion and an infinity pool. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only singularity that can envelope you lies at infinity in the complex plane, and ipso facto could not describe a collapsar, at least not from this side of the event horizon. The Volokh Conspiracy » Review of the New Star Trek Movie:
  • I looked up and around me was a infinity of space, stars glittered at me as the last of my home fell away leaving me drifting, drifting away slowly into inky blackness and glimmers of white.
  • Hold infinity in the palm of your hand. And eternity in an hour.
  • It is shown that the proper acceleration of null geodesic with conjugate points approaches infinity.
  • And the number of combinations and permutations is so large as to approach infinity. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • Chicago's Peninsula Hotel has on its top floor an edgeless "infinity pool" along a wall of glass, enabling swimmers to crawl across the city skyline supported by water. Lane Lovers
  • The usual convention is to choose the reference point at infinity.
  • It is always simple to fall; there are an infinity of angles at which one falls, only one at which one stands.
  • Demonstrations of general theorems; contracted method of division and of finding the highest common divisor of polynominals; theory of indices and radicals; discussion of equations; mathematical infinity, infinitesimals and indeterminate quantities; summation and interpolation of series; theory of logarithms; binomial, multinomial and exponential theorems; theory of probabilities general theory and solution of equations of the higher orders; symbolical representation and properties of numbers; different systems of notation, etc., constituting the philosophy of Arithmetic. A Catalogue of the Officers and Students of The Furman University, for 1860-'61
  • The snake swallowing its tail is a representation of infinity.
  • The statue had the infinity symbol on it and was white in color.
  • There is no end to this inconceivable infinity of infinities’.
  • People have the power to contemplate and reflect upon infinity and eternity, concepts which are totally beyond the realm of the physical world.
  • The topography is majestically varied, spreading in hills and folds into infinity.
  • Levinas for example, still go on imperturbably talking about the way "the feminine is the Other refractory to society" (Levinas, Totality and Infinity 265), and, implicitly, about Jehovah as an old man with a long gray beard. Crossroads of Philosophy and Cultural Studies: Body, Context, Performativity, Community
  • Otherwise if the exponential rise were to reach infinity, there would not be space or food to sustain life. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • It has sea views and an infinity pool, and a basketball court tucked away in the trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • It could well be that there is a way of getting to the quasi-local, infinity-free expansion by solving the spacelike commutativity/anticommutativity requirement directly, but if there is, I have not found it yet. String Theory is Losing the Public Debate
  • But secondly, without committing ourselves to Professor Hudson's dictum that personality implies limitation, we have to point out that we are not concerned to defend any inference that might be drawn from the infinity, in the sense {81} of the "allness" of God. Problems of Immanence: studies critical and constructive
  • Frege's approach to providing a logical analysis of cardinality, the natural numbers, infinity and mathematical induction were groundbreaking, and have had a lasting importance within mathematical logic.
  • Blake would appear to find the latter conceptually and aesthetically interesting and productive up to a point, but boring in infinity, however intricate fractality may be, such as that of the famous Mandelbrot set. Chaosmic Orders: Nonclassical Physics, Allegory, and the Epistemology of Blake's Minute Particulars.
  • Tomorrow, I'm "preaching with my hands", or at least conversing with them, at the RevGalBlogPals Monday book discussion: on the DVD Into Great Silence (filmed inside a Carthusian charterhouse) and the book An Infinity of Little Hours (a chronicle of five novices who try the Carthusian life in the 1960s). Preaching with your hands
  • The views from the infinity pool are straight out to sea. Times, Sunday Times
  • It formed a twisting spiderweb of lines and patterns, a swirling sprawl of lightning that stretched out into infinity.
  • As time tends to infinity both the variance and the total number tends to zero.
  • He is “for us,” with all the infinity of his being; with all the omnipotence of his love; with all the infallibility of his wisdom; arrayed in all his divine attributes, he is “for us,”eternally and immutably “for us”; “for us” when yon blue skies shall be rolled up like a worn out vesture; “for us” throughout eternity. God is for me - BatesLine
  • The blade itself forms an endless loop, like the infinity sign in modern mathematics.
  • The snake swallowing its tail is a representation of infinity.
  • This is abundantly clear in his discussion of infinity.
  • In geometry like this, all lines intersect at infinity but in usual geometry parallel lines do not meet.
  • But the infinity of God is always paramount for Descartes.
  • The Hisense air - conditioning has infinity transmitter near its draft flue.
  • The opening sequence of his six-minute abstract video drags you out of the surrounding blackness and absorbs you into a receding infinity of coloured rectangles which may be an animated painting by Josef Albers.
  • Where, of course, Divine immanence is held to mean the "allness" -- which is the strict equivalent of the infinity -- of God, evil in every shape and form will either have to be ascribed to the direct will and agency of God Himself, or for apologetic purposes to be reduced to a mere semblance, or "not-being. Problems of Immanence: studies critical and constructive
  • The rooftop infinity pool has city views and a lounge bar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her reflection in the sparkling water below and in the clear blue air above stretches to infinity.
  • We pass a stretch limo carrying a woman with a masklike face that has been stretched to infinity.
  • It sleeps up to six and has a stunning infinity pool. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was never-ending, a black blanket that stretched to infinity.
  • Infinity in space is a mind-bending concept.
  • As folks enter the bars, they are now obliged to present an official piece of government-issued ID, which is then scanned into the system, cross-referenced with a list of known ne'er-do-wells and stored for infinity.
  • But the vast and untamable character of infinity means that, whatever their claims, neither religious nor secular philosophies can offer us a total or exhaustive interpretation.
  • These included shooting it into space on board a rocket so that its deadly payload would disappear into infinity.
  • It cannot indeed be wondered that this new revelation, as it were, of the Deity, this profound and rational certainty of his existence, this infelt consciousness of his perpetual presence, these as yet unknown impressions of his infinity, his power, and his love, should give a higher character to this eremitical enthusiasm, and attract men of loftier and more vigorous minds within its sphere. The Hermits
  • [AU] One of the ablest mathematicians, and the most persevering Hamiltono-mastix of the day, maintains the applicability of the metaphysical notion of infinity to mathematical magnitudes; but with an assumption which unintentionally vindicates Hamilton's position more fully than could have been done by a professed disciple. The Philosophy of the Conditioned
  • When the scale factor depends exponentially on time, the scale factor goes to zero when time t goes to minus infinity.
  • It is interesting to contrast the introduction of i into the number system with what happens when one tries to introduce the number infinity.
  • The usual convention is to choose the reference point at infinity.
  • The plains still stretched to infinity and the mountains appeared no closer even at maximum zoom.
  • The four-bedroom villa sleeps eight and has chic interiors, as well as an infinity pool. Times, Sunday Times
  • The short effective focal length provides focused images at distances from lens contact to near infinity, even in air.
  • Now, in an open or flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmological model with no cosmological constant, whilst the past 'Big-Bang' singularity corresponds to a spacelike hypersurface in the boundary of the conformal compactification, the future timelike infinity corresponds to a single point. Archive 2009-05-01
  • And please, for Valentine's sake, do not doubt my mathematics - my equation refers to the ‘right’ pair of people who fall in love to find that infinity of life.
  • The fact that the cumulative discount rate rises to infinity and the discounted value of a unit of income falls to zero after a finite period of time for everyone explains why no one plans for the indefinite future and illustrates how everyone demonstrates categorial time preference. The Myth of Time Preference, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • As folks enter the bars, they are now obliged to present an official piece of government-issued ID, which is then scanned into the system, cross-referenced with a list of known ne'er-do-wells and stored for infinity.
  • A true departure from Greek precedents was the manner in which mathematics of the nineteenth cen - tury set out, in earnest, to deal with infinity — especially with the infinitely large — by confrontation and actu - alization. INFINITY
  • Shows such as these and an infinity of others, occupy a vast portion of viewing time on our screens, and merit an entire column on their own.
  • The usual convention is to choose the reference point at infinity.
  • It has five bedrooms and an infinity pool that spills into the lake, and comes with a resident chef, an assistant chef, two houseboys and a maid.
  • This invariably shows some modest dip in earnings in the immediate future to be followed by continual improvement stretching to infinity.
  • In the aftermath she survived by founding Infinity Personal Training, specializing in prenatal and postpartum exercise. Meet Debut Thriller Author Michelle Gagnon!!
  • The modern controversy between logicism and intuitionism arose, in fact, from disagreements over infinity.
  • The bluish region had now resolved itself into what appeared to be a tunnel, vanishing to infinity in the distance.
  • Gardens include sweeping lawns, a timber sundeck and an infinity pool. Times, Sunday Times
  • Will it burst with love again, like colours, speech that catches fire, tears of revelation from infinity?
  • You'll also find a hilltop infinity pool, candlelit alfresco dinners and massages. Times, Sunday Times
  • Infinity Hold 3 (It's supposed to be "cubed," but I can't figure out how to represent that). Book Report: Infinity Hold 3, by Barry B. Longyear
  • One kind of infinity involved 'countable' sets of numbers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Expect an infinity pool, landscaped gardens, a tennis court and a sense of serenity amid the mountains. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nothing therefore exists, according to Leibnizian metaphysics, but an endless series of immanent representations coordinated among the infinity of monads — though the term Club Monad
  • On closer inspection, there weren't any lyrics for either Neighbourhood of Infinity or I Feel Voxish - as according to the booklet they're both "instrumentals" (God knows what I'd been hallucinating all these years then). FallNews - all mud and witches
  • Doors lead out to a covered veranda overlooking the infinity pool complete with hot tub. Times, Sunday Times
  • But once you're at the summit, the views appear to stretch to infinity.
  • To our north, the vast featureless Kazakh steppes, an area the size of Western Europe, stretched away seemingly to infinity.
  • Just at the edge of visibility, the hair-thin line of the diamond-fiber elevator cable stretched from the summit of Pavonis to the infinity of sunlit space. Who Do You Say I Am
  • I very much enjoyed my infinity bath. Times, Sunday Times
  • So reasoning, he felt his soul go forth in kinship with that august company, that multitude whose gaze was forever upon the arras of infinity. THE RED ONE
  • Wide-Angle Infinity Display Equipment (WIDE) which is composed of projector, back projection screen and collimating mirror is the main display method in large-scale simulators these days.
  • Castries' luxurious, 210-acre, all-inclusive Sandals La Toc Golf Resort & Spa has 211 rooms housed in a shorefront, lime-colored building dubbed Emerald Village. 120 brightly, colored villa suites some with butler service and private plunge pools dot a hillside section dubbed Sunset Bluff, and are nestled under hilltop Millionaire Suites that feature 180-degree views, infinity pools and whirl pools. Dwight Brown: St. Lucia -- The Shangri-la Caribbean Island
  • Hold infinity in the palm of your hand. And eternity in an hour.
  • The miscalled eternity and infinity of nature is an _indefinite_ extension and protension in time and space, and, as _quantitative_, must necessarily be limited and measurable, therefore _finite_. Christianity and Greek Philosophy or, the relation between spontaneous and reflective thought in Greece and the positive teaching of Christ and His Apostles
  • We'll have the hits, maybe some hits-to-come, maybe some ruminations on the fame he loathes escalating into iconographic infinity.
  • Take a dip in the 12m infinity pool or walk to a nearby secluded cove. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lower level consists of an open plan kitchen, living, and dining room, witch lead onto the sundeck, and infinity edge pool. Modern Floating Villa – Villa Nackros
  • These questions and others are being asked at hundreds of meetings and in an infinity of conversations, memos and e-mails.
  • Let us join in chorus, just this once, harmonised or in unison, for I care not, and state our position for all Infinity to know and comprehend.
  • Euler asserts that the sum of the harmonic series equals the natural logarithm of infinity plus a quantity that is nearly a constant.
  • But apart from me, expounding on the murdering pioneer of moving pictures, infinity and ecologic, you will also come across a professor from Arizona State University on exterrestrial life, an Oxford professor on the realities of nuclear power, a superb writer on the science of music, a TV scientist on weird inventions and more. Hear a real writer/scientist speak
  • No contagionist, however unscrupulous and enthusiastic, nor quarantine authority however vigilant, can pretend to say how the disease has been introduced at the different points of Sunderland, Haddington, and Kirkintulloch, -- no more than he can tell why it has appeared at Doncaster, Portsmouth, and an infinity of other places without spreading. Letters on the Cholera Morbus. Containing ample evidence that this disease, under whatever name known, cannot be transmitted from the persons of those labouring under it to other individuals, by contact—through the medium of inanimate substances—or throug
  • The landscape seemed to stretch into infinity.
  • The luxury pad has an infinity pool, open-air film screen and a spa. The Sun
  • He gives me a blushing peek through the curtain at nonconcentric electron shells and light hydrogen atoms where electron and proton are separated by infinity. Passage at Arms
  • f sharp a sharp infinity said: "Hooray, once again living in Australia gives me the opportunity to window-shop, and window-shop only ..." eustace said: "There are many such screeds, of varying levels of sophistication, as well as varying levels of regur ... Boing Boing
  • According to reports, both employees were being "insubordinate" and their firing coincided with the arrival of some "bouncer types" on the Infinity Ward campus.
  • Each villa has its own infinity pool, with views to the Greek islands. Times, Sunday Times
  • Intent is what sends a shaman through a wall, through space, to infinity.
  • The void, so described, is not the Buddhist Void sunyata, but the void created by the intellectual knowledge humanity has acquired through empirical observation of ourselves, the world around us and ultimately the cosmos stretching into infinity both as macrocosm and microcosm. Rodney L. Taylor, Ph.D.: West Meets East: Confucius And Bertrund Russell
  • The f-numbers marked on a lens are only truly accurate when the lens is focused at infinity.
  • The Lord, with all His infinity, is at the same time such an incomplex My Life in Christ, or Moments of Spiritual Serenity and Contemplation, of Reverent Feeling, of Earnest Self-Amendment, and of Peace in God
  • The pool is so designed that its end wall is on a level with the backwaters, conveying the illusion of stretching into infinity.
  • For in duration we consider it as if this line of number were extended both ways — to an unconceivable, undeterminate, and infinite length; which is evident to any one that will but reflect on what consideration he hath of Eternity; which, I suppose, will find to be nothing else but the turning this infinity of number both ways, a parte ante, and a parte post, as they speak. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • Theoretically, a line can extend into infinity.
  • Whereas, if we have any sure prenotion, infinity is at once cut off, and the memory has not so far to range. The New Organon
  • As such he is a finite infinity, an "indefinability that is conscious of itself," the very embodiment of the mystery we usually call God. The Dream of Karl Rahner
  • In this sense at least, I suppose he chose one form of immeasurable infinity over another.
  • In this weather the cliff face was a foggy drop into infinity.
  • The held tones become vitally important as the piece progresses and the primary motif slows to a crawl; with more space between the notes the connecting drone that stretches to infinity becomes the focus.
  • Take a dip in the 12m infinity pool or walk to a nearby secluded cove. Times, Sunday Times
  • They and the villas have spa and infinity pools, rooftop gardens, staff quarters and other luxury features. Times, Sunday Times
  • My point is that infinity is a lot like zero in some ways, but in other ways is totally different.
  • Japanese food is the infinity pool of eating out. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why is the quotient of a number divided by zero infinity?

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