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How To Use Infinitesimal In A Sentence

  • What an infinitesimal fraction of time's fathomless abyss is assigned to each of us!
  • These infinitesimal particles are usually grouped into four main categories: the mesons, the baryons, the leptons, and the photons (the most basic unit of electromagnetic radiation).
  • Twice an infinitesimal is an infinitesimal that is twice as big. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Year of Our Lord”
  • An infinitesimally small step for mankind, maybe, but one ginormous step for this unlucky man.
  • This always struck me as redundant, since if we assume the system obeys the equations of motion, the action must be invariant under ANY infinitesimal variation (since the EOM are found by assuming that the action is at an extremum). Special Post: Noether’s First Theorem – Emmy Noether for Ada Lovelace Day
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  • But Clark sees something change in his eyes, some infinitesimal flicker of emotion.
  • But side by side with that history of inflation from the infinitesimal to the immense is another development, the change year by year from the shabby impecuniosity of the Camden Town lodging to the lavish munificence of the Crest Hill marble staircase and my aunt's golden bed, the bed that was facsimiled from Fontainebleau. Tono Bungay
  • I don't have an explanation - I'd like to have one but I don't - but in the meantime, without evidence, the odds of your position being right are so infinitesimal as to be irrelevant.
  • Angeli's many works were on infinitesimals and he used them to study spirals, parabolas and hyperbolas.
  • Ultimately, El Hanani's drawings are meditations on the relationship of the macroscopic to the microscopic, the infinite to the infinitesimal.
  • At first Berkeley poured scorn on those who adhere to the concept of infinitesimal. maintaining that the use of infinitesimals in deriving mathematical results is illusory, and is in fact eliminable. Continuity and Infinitesimals
  • In fact, leaving aside the infinitesimally small world of math geniuses, there isn't any evidence that men are more intelligent than women, and no one seriously says so.
  • The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics tells us nothing about one of the most important elements of risk... what dose causes what level of risk the risk from infinitesimally small doses like this is usually infinitesimal or non-existent. David Ropeik: Warning! Health Warnings May Be Hazardous to Your Health!
  • In particular, that potent instrument called the infinitesimal calculus, which Newton had invented for the investigation of nature, had become so far perfected that Laplace, when he attempted to unravel the movements of the heavenly bodies, found himself provided with a calculus far more efficient than that which had been available to Newton. Great Astronomers
  • And that's critical to the analysis of the solar wind, the particles of which contain infinitesimal traces of the 83 naturally occurring elements.
  • When Carlyle, in the strength of his reaction against morbid introspective Byronism, cried aloud to all men in their several vocation, '_Produce, produce; be it but the infinitesimallest product, produce_,' he meant to include production as an element inside the art of living, and an indispensable part and parcel of it. Critical Miscellanies (Vol. 3 of 3) Essay 5: On Pattison's Memoirs
  • Week 2 Limit of number sequence. Limit of function. infinity and infinitesimal.
  • There were infinitesimal cracks in the sides of the box, where one piece of the puzzle abutted the next. THE HELLBOUND HEART
  • For these analyses, robotic equipment precisely places pieces of the pathogen's DNA in an array of infinitesimally small droplets on glass microscope slides.
  • The gangs of feral youths that "own" the streets now know that the chances of a policeman catching them in the act of mugging a passerby are almost zero, the chances of any CCTV actually working or producing a decent image or not being used to take photos of cars parked six inches onto a yellow line or one minute into a proscribed period are also nil and even if caught the chances of being charged let alone convicted are somewhat slim and as for having to go to prison for more than six months, the odds are infinitesimal. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Of course, discrimination and prejudice are all around, and only an infinitesimally tiny sliver of the total number of racist utterances will ever get in front of a Tribunal judge.
  • In the infinitesimally small light, I saw Jason bang against the edge, and I clamped a hand over his mouth before he could cry out.
  • He began to study the geometry of infinitesimals and wrote to Oldenburg at the Royal Society in 1674.
  • Infants are very sensitive to it and only the most infinitesimal fractional doses should be used.
  • BTW, "infinitesimal" is an actual word and not made up by Obama. Obama says differences with Clinton 'infinitesimal'
  • In spite of the glowing reports issued annually from various foreign hospitals for natives, and the undeniable good, though desultory and practically infinitesimal, that is being worked by these institutions, we cannot blind ourselves to the fact that western medical science is not making more rapid strides than many other innovations in the great struggle against Chinese prejudice and distrust. Historic China, and other sketches
  • But the new puritans argue that any risk, no matter how infinitesimal, is intolerable.
  • However, the author's "noetic" scientist reports an infinitesimally small difference so, Eureka! SYNTAGMA
  • He took the circle to be an infinilateral regular polygon, that is, a regular polygon with an infinite number of (infinitesimally short) sides. Continuity and Infinitesimals
  • For Jill, in the twinkling of a star, had let fall the enveloping cloak, standing for one second like some exotic bit of statuary in her black billowing satin trousers and infinitesimal coatee over a silver-spangled frothy vest, her great eyes dancing with glee over the face veil. Desert Love
  • As I sucked the iceberg piece, contemplating its ancientness, trying to taste the armor of Caesar or the ash of Krakatoa in infinitesimal traces, the pristine cold water seemed to evaporate through my membranes with no intervening stage.
  • But if one grants, as Leibniz does, that that there is an infinitesimal straight stretch of the curve (a side, that is, of an infinilateral polygon coinciding with the curve) between abscissae 0 and e, say, which does not reduce to a single point then e cannot be equated to 0 and yet the above argument shows that e2 = 0. Continuity and Infinitesimals
  • At their best they became monolithic tomes - bunkers for content, guides updated haphazardly that infinitesimally accrete ‘content’.
  • Say, rather, "infinitesimal" - much like the snowflake that starts an avalanche. Do bloggers create the buzz?
  • The distinguish condition and algorithm procedure for first - order infinitesimal mechanisms are introduced.
  • There was an infinitesimal pause before the last word, as the principal tactfully searched for the right word, but an untrained ear wouldn't have noticed it.
  • They higgled about prices, and the sums which they gave were almost infinitesimal compared with the value of Patrick Nasmyth's pictures at the present time. James Nasmyth: Engineer, An Autobiography.
  • Some functions are really "jumpy" - and they might differ on an infinitesimal-by-infinitesimal level. BetterExplained
  • So chemistry divided and sub-divided down to atoms; then, in the essential insecurity of all quasi-constructions, it built up a system, which, to anyone so obsessed by his own hypnoses that he is exempt to the chemist's hypnoses, is perceptibly enough an intellectual anæmia built upon infinitesimal debilities. The Book of the Damned
  • But now, increasingly, those infinitesimal aspects of everyday life, taken together, are seen to have a broader importance and even might be the keys to a certain kind of political action or subversion.
  • These two concepts, infinitesimals and infinite quantities, however, were stirring great philosophical dilemmas.
  • How can mathematical concepts like points, infinitesimally small quantities, or irrational numbers be anything but products of our minds?
  • manille" for infinitesimal points, they would all shout and gesticulate violently, as only Southern Frenchmen can, relapsing as the discussion grew more heated into their native Provencal, for though Nyons is geographically in Dauphine, climatically and racially it is in Provence. The Days Before Yesterday
  • He finds in the fractal, and its "hologram" - like self-similarity-across scales, a kind of "secret order" to the apparent complexity of the worlda confirmation of an overall design which we discover stamped on the most infinitesimal components of that design. Complexity and Order.
  • That is the one and only actual meaning of the use of the term infinitesimal by Leibniz. LaRouche's Latest
  • Demonstrations of general theorems; contracted method of division and of finding the highest common divisor of polynominals; theory of indices and radicals; discussion of equations; mathematical infinity, infinitesimals and indeterminate quantities; summation and interpolation of series; theory of logarithms; binomial, multinomial and exponential theorems; theory of probabilities general theory and solution of equations of the higher orders; symbolical representation and properties of numbers; different systems of notation, etc., constituting the philosophy of Arithmetic. A Catalogue of the Officers and Students of The Furman University, for 1860-'61
  • The design of the pipeline means that the risk of such an event or any other type of gas escape is infinitesimally small.
  • Who could dream some ten years ago that science would be able to penetrate the problems of heredity in that way, and find the mechanism that lies behind the crossing results of plants and animals; that it would be possible to localize in these chromosomes, which are so small that they must be measured by the millesimal millimetre, hundreds of hereditary factors, which we must imagine as corresponding to infinitesimal corpuscular elements. Physiology or Medicine 1933 - Presentation Speech
  • There are infinitesimal numbers of cycles of improvement and degradation, one following the other like the phases of waxing and waning moons.
  • It's the creators not the businessmen you are harming by stealing, the market is infinitesimally smaller and comics are far more expensive to distribute than music. More on Marvel’s price increases | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Each advance in human knowledge should then be an infinitesimal approach towards the supreme comprehension; and the aspiring race of man is justified in that inchoation of long hope which is folly to the single life. Apologia Diffidentis
  • There were infinitesimal cracks in the sides of the box, where one piece of the puzzle abutted the next. THE HELLBOUND HEART
  • In an infinitesimal spark of time as she watched the beady eyes staring at her, her power became all. NAKED EMPIRE
  • It is important to recognize the distinction between the PRC here and the infinitesimal PRC that, in theory, could be convolved with the waveform of the perturbation to obtain the total resetting.
  • This always struck me as redundant, since if we assume the system obeys the equations of motion, the action must be invariant under ANY infinitesimal variation (since the EOM are found by assuming that the action is at an extremum). Special Post: Noether’s First Theorem – Emmy Noether for Ada Lovelace Day
  • Now a partless, or indivisible entity does not necessarily have to be infinitesimal: souls, individual consciousnesses, and Leibnizian monads all supposedly lack parts but are surely not infinitesimal.
  • In an infinitesimal spark of time as she watched the beady eyes staring at her, her power became all. NAKED EMPIRE
  • There isn't a single person in all these millions, including the president of the pencil company, who contributes more than a tiny, infinitesimal bit of know-how.
  • She didn't notice the infinitesimal patch of damp beneath it on the dark leather. SANDS OF TIME
  • This has been achieved in two essentially different ways, the one providing a rigorous formulation of the idea of infinitesimal number, the other of infinitesimal magnitude. Continuity and Infinitesimals
  • Who knows what infinitesimal variation of brain chemistry might have made Kaczynski susceptible at birth to the hospital trauma nine months later?
  • People worry more about infinitesimal risks they feel are imposed on them than they do about the more important ones they voluntarily bring upon themselves.
  • Since his work made its appearance just before the dawn of calculus, infinitesimals will be used in the sequel.
  • Here and there cluster flocks of light, portable booths, each also with a swaying lantern, where steaming tea is sold in thimble-cups; where saki may be drunk hot and hot, poured from long-necked porcelain bottles, or trays of queer, toothsome-looking sweetmeats are to be had for coins of infinitesimal value. In Seven Stages: A Flying Trip Around the World
  • One : the Library is so enormous that any reduction of human origin is infinitesimal.
  • In this nascent electronic marketplace only an infinitesimal fraction of business transactions are currently handled on the I-way.
  • We simply know nothing about the physics -- if any -- beyond the infinitesimally thin wall of the universal hologram. Clay Farris Naff: Can Physics Save Your Soul?
  • An infinitesimally small chance, but a chance regardless. Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Herding Cats
  • Professor J.J. Thomson believes that it is possible to break off from an atom, a part which is only 1/1000 part of the whole, and these infinitesimal parts he has called corpuscles, which he considers are the carriers of the electric current. Aether and Gravitation
  • She didn't notice the infinitesimal patch of damp beneath it on the dark leather. SANDS OF TIME
  • The ascendancy of the notion of proof as the sole goal of mathematics came about in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, when attempts to understand the infinitesimal calculus led to a realization that the intuitive concepts of such basic concepts as function, continuity, and differentiability were highly problematic, in some cases leading to seeming contradictions. MAA Column - Devlin's Angle by Keith Devlin
  • It is completely determined by its "metric" property: Let dxo, dyo, dzo, dto be the coordinate differences of two infinitesimally near points (events); then Out Of My Later Years
  • They tended to be the sort of persistently-involved residents newspapermen often refer to as "gadflies" - deeply, obsessively concerned about issues large and infinitesimal in the communities where they lived. SARA - Southeast Asian RSS Aggregator
  • Or maybe, we fear that if we pause for even an infinitesimal second, someone else will grab our place and get ahead?
  • The book shows how this notion can be used to form various kinds of infinities such as the projective plane, transfinite numbers, and infinitesimals.
  • Who knows what infinitesimal variation of brain chemistry might have made Kaczynski susceptible at birth to the hospital trauma nine months later?
  • In this nascent electronic marketplace only an infinitesimal fraction of business transactions are currently handled on the I-way.
  • Also in 1786 he again worked on his ideas for the differential and integral calculus, giving a new treatment of infinitesimals.
  • In most cases, such concentrations of atoms are so rarefied that the chances of colliding are infinitesimal.
  • The most numerous of the compounds of the human aggregate are known to physiology as microbes, bacteria, and bacilli; but amongst them our microscopes discover only comparative monsters, "those that are to the ordinary infinitesimal organisms as the elephant is to the invisible infusorium." [ Reincarnation A Study in Human Evolution
  • The odds of it happening are almost infinitesimally small, or precisely 1 in 2,432,902,008,176,640,000 roughly two and a half quintillion to one," begins Guy Griffiths in an email that we wished had arrived in the Knowledge inbox before we went through the past 120 years of English football tables. Has a league ever finished in alphabetical order? | The Knowledge
  • Mr. Francis quoted Dr. Gordon Margolin, Chief of Internal Medicine at Jewish Hospital during Dr. Patrick's residency, as finding the plaintiff's presence "evanescent," which is to say infinitesimal. Undefined
  • So how did it come to evolve by slow, steady, infinitesimally small Darwinian improvements?
  • Bolzano also formulated a definition of the derivative of a function free of the notion of infinitesimal (see Bolzano [1950]). Continuity and Infinitesimals
  • Yearly raises in our profession range from infinitesimal to nonexistent.
  • I seek leave to table from the New England Journal of Medicine a recent definitive study showing that intellectual impairment of children can occur even with extremely infinitesimal amounts of lead.
  • The risk of getting AIDS from a health-care worker is infinitesimal.
  • The book shows how this notion can be used to form various kinds of infinities such as the projective plane, transfinite numbers, and infinitesimals.
  • It is fair to say that in the entire North Western area that the level of infrastructural investment has been infinitesimal in comparison to spending on the east coast.
  • The move was a symbolic gesture to show that he is contributing "infinitesimally" more than the board for an estimated half-billion-dollar liability down the road. The Frederick News-Post : Local News
  • S = 1/2, are confined by even an infinitesimal interchain coupling. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • She was _diaphane_, diaphanous ... impalpable as cigarette-smoke ... a little nose like nothing at all, with nostrils like infinitesimal sea-shells. The Joyous Adventures of Aristide Pujol
  • Just a slight tensing of the muscles, an infinitesimal straightening of the back, a tiny lift of the head, betrayed his sudden interest.
  • The national divorce rate dropped, if infinitesimally, from 1992 to 1994, according to the National Center for Health Statistics.
  • Angeli's many works were on infinitesimals and he used them to study spirals, parabolas and hyperbolas.
  • It's hard to envision neurasthenic pulling or other activity, but I don't grok Hegelian infinitesimals either.
  • And so continually flying forth and returning, it weaves endless bonds between the infinitesimal and the infinite, forgetting how to despise, which is the heavenly science. Apologia Diffidentis
  • It provides a rigorous framework for mathematical analysis in which every function between spaces is smooth (i.e., differentiable arbitrarily many times, and so in particular continuous) and in which the use of limits in defining the basic notions of the calculus is replaced by nilpotent infinitesimals, that is, of quantities so small (but not actually zero) that some power ” most usefully, the square ” vanishes. Continuity and Infinitesimals
  • The cost of carrying such project would be infinitesimally smaller that the cost of present war on terrorism.
  • He blinked and rapidly adjusted the viewer's dials, but what seemed to be a tiny, almost infinitesimal flashing green light on one end of the diamond, did not disappear.
  • Only by reducing this element of free will to the infinitesimal, that is, by regarding it as an infinitely small quantity, can we convince ourselves of the absolute inaccessibility of the causes, and then instead of seeking causes, history will take the discovery of laws as its problem. War and Peace
  • Along the way, we remarked on the strange powdery consistency of the soil and marveled as we were surrounded by a swarm of infinitesimal white insects.
  • He addressed all boys indiscriminately as "laddie," though he usually alluded to the younger ones as "smallest of created things," "infinitesimal scrap of humanity," or "most diminutive of men"; but, wildly eccentric as he was, no one ever thought of laughing at him. The Days Before Yesterday
  • For whatever infinitesimal consolation it may offer, Wellstone could feel the victory coming.
  • Let's be honest – the differences between Dawkns and Margulis are infinitesimally small compared to the differences between Behe and Kent Hovind. Behe and Gene discuss the Evolution of the Flagellum
  • Smooth infinitesimal analysis embodies a concept of intensive magnitude in the form of infinitesimal tangent vectors to curves.
  • With their passing went also the last sensation of weight, except for occasional ghostly pats and nudges as the low-powered vernier jets made infinitesimal adjustments to the orbit. Tin
  • If we have the case of a countably infinite number of independent infinitesimal generators, we still arrive at certain, profound, dependencies. Special Post: Noether’s First Theorem – Emmy Noether for Ada Lovelace Day
  • Like stone, wood is an unforgiving material that demands a carver with a sure sense of design, an unerring eye for infinitesimal detail, and the patience of Job.
  • A number of infinitesimal annoyances, winding up with the resolute persistency of the clerk at the stage office to enter my name misspelt on the waybill, had not predisposed me to cheerfulness. Selected Stories of Bret Harte
  • I believe that life is infinitesimally brief in relation to the immensity of eternity.
  • For this all one needs is the assurance that a proof using infinitesimals is no worse than one free of infinitesimals.
  • I squinted at the horizon, hoping for some infinitesimal glimpse of Barnhill, remembering the fruit trees and rose bushes Orwell planted one year during a special winter visit, dreaming of the glorious garden he managed to carve out of the "jungle," reminiscing about the afternoon "the whole of the nearest village" arrived in lorries to help harvest the corn, regretting the beautiful white beaches that are now never used for swimming. In Search of Orwell's Scottish Retreat
  • Mr. SMITH: We're so used to being - and necessarily so - you know, completely worried, or completely honed in to infinitesimally small details, constantly. Beethoven And Beer At The Happy Dog
  • There were infinitesimal cracks in the sides of the box, where one piece of the puzzle abutted the next. THE HELLBOUND HEART
  • The curvature of the central line is a one-dimension variable characterizing each infinitesimal cross-section.
  • To Jack from Texas, I know the Texas education system must be in terrible shape with Republicans running that state for so long, but infinitesimal is not a made up word, just do a search, here is the definition: Obama says differences with Clinton 'infinitesimal'
  • Some there are of great note who, not content with holding that finite lines may be divided into an infinite number of parts, do yet farther maintain that each of those infinitesimals is itself subdivisible into an infinity of other parts or infinitesimals of a second order, and so on ad infinitum. A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge, by George Berkeley
  • But the new puritans argue that any risk, no matter how infinitesimal, is intolerable.
  • So, living in London and desperately weak of will, you get poisoned by choice; overwhelming and almost infinitesimal choice.
  • More carefully, Noether proved that a physical system described by a Lagrangian invariant with respect to the symmetry transformations of a Lie group, has, in the case of a group with a finite number of independent infinitesimal generators, a conservation law for each such generator. Special Post: Noether’s First Theorem – Emmy Noether for Ada Lovelace Day
  • Chuaco is the Montrachet of chocolate and still attracts the great chocolatiers of France and Italy, who fight over infinitesimal amounts of the finest criollo cacao in the world.
  • The changes in timing a hit are almost laughably infinitesimal but are utterly crucial to the way the foil is used.
  • It was a pause so infinitesimal that I almost didn't catch it, but I knew what I glimpsed.
  • Any way you look at it, the number is infinitesimal.
  • Who knows what infinitesimal variation of brain chemistry might have made Kaczynski susceptible at birth to the hospital trauma nine months later?
  • Really, what I want to do is impossible, for any listing of an endless series is doomed to be infinitesimal.
  • The ‘internal’ logic of smooth infinitesimal analysis is accordingly not full classical logic.
  • At first Berkeley poured scorn on those who adhere to the concept of infinitesimal, maintaining that the use of infinitesimals in deriving mathematical results is illusory, and is in fact eliminable.
  • The rock is already slipping down by infinitesimal degrees.
  • Minute, infinitesimal amounts of chemical contaminants crossing the placenta can cause cancer in young adults decades later.
  • A number of infinitesimal annoyances, winding up with the resolute persistency of the clerk at the stage office to enter my name misspelt on the way-bill, had not predisposed me to cheerfulness. The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Tales With Condensed Novels, Spanish and American Legends, and Earlier Papers
  • Staring at the endless universe, looking at the twinkling stars and pondering the infinitesimally tiny atom of matter or the gene that makes us up, helps to put issues of religion in true perspective.
  • Anything that happened between the big bang's start and that point, an infinitesimally small amount of time, cannot be discerned through mathematics.
  • Well I don't know whether an electronic sniffer counts as nanotechnology but it does seem to be ever so adept at picking up infinitesimally small particles - in food.

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