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How To Use Infiltrate In A Sentence

  • These state agencies are heavily infiltrated by fundamentalists.
  • The chest radiograph usually reveals bilateral, mid - and upper-lobe predominant reticulonodular infiltrates, as well as hilar and mediastinal adenopathy. CR4 - Recent Forum Threads and Blog Entries
  • The infiltrate was seen deep, involving the skeletal muscle and adipose tissue.
  • Troops repelled an attempt to infiltrate the south of the island.
  • Granma (which, now that I've said it a few times, is a really bad name for any magazine except the house organ of the American Association of Retired People) had "compelling" "evidence" of the U.S. attack, claiming that if the parasite, which is known as varroa, had infiltrated the island naturally, it would've spread from east to west. American Beat: Bad Bee-Havior?
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  • Four adult patients, including ours, had clinical pneumonia with basilar infiltrates revealed by chest radiograph, rather titan the interstitial pattern seen in neonates.
  • MyDD's Todd Beeton offers praise for Listening to America: Democratic Platform for Change, the Obama teams suite of tools for collaboratively crafting a party platform -- and heartily mocks Rush Limbaugh's plan to have the writing parties "infiltrated" by Dittoheads. Daily Digest: Netroots Grapples with Obama's Ideology
  • Where their debut looked to the KLF, Surfing the Void's psychonautical vocabulary recalls another oddball early 90s dance act, the Shamen, who infiltrated the top 10 with talk of a "shamanic, anarchistic, archaic revival" in the days when trance acts played clubs with names like Megatripolis and expounded on the mystical importance of the number The Guardian World News
  • Likewise Deut. 23: 17-18 must be pruned from the list, since it most likely refers to a heterosexual prostitute involved in Canaanite fertility rites that have infiltrated Jewish worship; the King James Version inaccurately labeled him a "sodomite. Homosexuality And The Bible
  • Highly nutritional active lotion infiltrates into cuticle, soften deep derm, moisturize rough skin, at the same time remove wrinkles of cuticle, restores delicacy, smooth, natural health of skin.
  • Petra, you said you wanted to talk about how I infiltrate Radecki's world. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • the substance infiltrated the material
  • He infiltrates MI5 and prospers at the heart of the establishment, but in the end he is exposed as a spy and whiles away his final days sick, surrounded by empty gin bottles and memories, answering a young reporter's questions.
  • The group was tasked to parachute behind enemy lines, infiltrate into the town, reconnoiter the objective, select the place to kill the mayor, and then execute actions on the objective.
  • The headquarters had been infiltrated by enemy spies.
  • Then she directed her attention towards the Russian mafia, which she said had infiltrated some 300 Swiss companies and were using Switzerland as a piggy bank to launder money.
  • Alpine-cleft deposits develop in an existing open gash in which hydrothermal fluid infiltrates and recrystallizes the surrounding rock.
  • Last year, representatives from several indie music labels infiltrated a private BitTorrent tracker with the aim of gathering information on both users and admins and using that data to force it to close down. TorrentFreak
  • In the liver, varying degrees of centrilobular necrosis and steatosis and a mild portal inflammatory infiltrate were seen in the SARS patients.
  • It must be distinguished from ecchymosis the result of a bruise, by making an incision into the part; in the case of hypostasis a few small bloody points of divided arteries will be seen, in the case of ecchymosis the subcutaneous tissues are infiltrated with blood-clot. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • However, the panel had overlooked one very -important thing: an outsider was trying to infiltrate the system. GYPSY MASALA
  • It's a minimalist sci-fi mystery about a Silver Lake couple who infiltrate a cult led by a charismatic woman Ms. Marling whose ambiguous identity unsettles the pair. Visions of the Horizon for City Moviegoers
  • A cursory analysis of the issue of Jewish settlements reveals a calculated and systematic strategy to infiltrate and 'colonise' the Palestinian territories. ANC Today
  • He sends in his best officer, Jin, as a mole to infiltrate the group.
  • Sections of the bone marrow demonstrated areas of erythroid hyperplasia; however, there was no evidence of malignant lymphoid infiltrates or a significant increase in blast cells.
  • The blood has infiltrated into the tissue.
  • At the cellular level, necrotic hepatocytes infiltrate portal tracts, leading to inflammatory changes in the liver bed.
  • When last have officers of any branch of the protective services infiltrated the ranks of drug dealers, money launderers, and provided intelligence that led to major arrests?
  • For freeze fractures the glutaraldehyde-fixed cells were infiltrated with 30% glycerol.
  • A small group of neo-Nazis have infiltrated the ranks. We must weed them out as soon as possible.
  • In particular, in convective cooling the fluids that infiltrate the rocks lead to extensive thermal metamorphism and hydrothermal alteration in comparison with pure conductive cooling.
  • It is imperative that the needle be positioned correctly so the recurrent laryngeal and phrenic nerves are not infiltrated with medication.
  • It would be necessary to differentiate herself from her predecessor, Serena Burns, if she was going to infiltrate Cyberdyne. T2©: RISING STORM
  • Folliculitis presents with a subcorneal pustule in the opening of a hair follicle, with surrounding neutrophilic infiltrate.
  • Much debate about how a TV series can spawn tourist trails and how the characters infiltrate our thinking, who can have forgotten Mrs Pumphrey, the pampered Pekinese dog Tricki Woo and his regular bouts of flop-bott. Endsleigh Salon - The Test of Time
  • Tumor cells also infiltrated the smooth muscle of the ciliary body.
  • From 1999 until early 2001, Lauder infiltrated the organised racist movement in Canada.
  • An attempt at anetwork show was frustrated by lack of sponsors, but a few years later ABC's The Jimmy Dean Show was playing in millions of homes, and country music infiltrated middle America, thanks to what has been described asthe "cornflake charm" of its youthful host. Jimmy Dean obituary
  • A philosopher simply couldn't play the game absent some basic facility with indifference curves, Edgeworth boxes, prisoners' dilemmas, maximin rational choice strategy, and related esoterica that had infiltrated the discussion.
  • The inflammatory infiltrate raised the possibility of an infectious granulomatous disease or a conventional diverticular abscess.
  • The Kurds have generally supported the patrols, but Arab and Turkomen officials complain the Kurdish forces, known as peshmerga, are being allowed to infiltrate territory which is not theirs. - News
  • As an example, negativity of cultures does not preclude the possibility that this older woman with bilateral infiltrates, blood leukocytosis, and neutrophil lung infiltration had a lung infection.
  • Troops repelled an attempt to infiltrate the south of the island.
  • The tumors may be bluish, red-brown or flesh-colored and slowly infiltrate the surrounding tissues, eventually forming protuberant nodules and causing discomfort.
  • Only a handful of commandos could infiltrate into the enemy's defensive positions.
  • When the interspinous and muscular attachments alone are torn, the effects are confined to the site of these structures, but when the ligamenta flava are involved, blood may be extravasated and infiltrate the space between the dura and the bone and give rise to symptoms of pressure on the cord. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • A journalist managed to infiltrate the powerful drug cartel.
  • The chest radiograph among persons with advanced HIV infection and pulmonary TB, for example, might have lower lobe and lobar infiltrates, hilar adenopathy, or interstitial infiltrates.
  • Al Qaeda tried to infiltrate one privatized military field kitchen, in Afghanistan.
  • However, despite such inauspicious beginnings, by Act 2 Noel has successfully infiltrated the upper echelons of society and seems set for success.
  • However, the panel had overlooked one very -important thing: an outsider was trying to infiltrate the system. GYPSY MASALA
  • The headquarters had been infiltrated by enemy spies.
  • The organisation has been heavily infiltrated by informers and many of its members are now in jail.
  • However, Carter will allow a jury to hear evidence about MGA's accusation that Mattel dispatched "gumshoes" to infiltrate toy fairs where MGA displayed its products. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • At the periphery of the tumor, the crystal-laden cells infiltrated the interstitium and also occupied the alveoli in a desquamative interstitial pneumonia-like pattern.
  • Likewise Deut. 23: 17-18 must be pruned from the list, since it most likely refers to a heterosexual prostitute involved in Canaanite fertility rites that have infiltrated Jewish worship; the King James Version inaccurately labeled him a "sodomite. Homosexuality And The Bible
  • A journalist managed to infiltrate the powerful drug cartel.
  • In this microphotograph of the anterior horn region of spinal cord, you see one of the characteristic findings of polio in its early stages - perivascular infiltrates of neutrophils.
  • At least the naivety of those “genre” novels has been put in its place; these pretend to be proper books, with complex approaches to trauma, even as in their use of the strange and the diegetic they seek to infiltrate and undermine the literary order — which is to say the self-sustaining absolutes, the “what is, is” of maieutic miserablism. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
  • In secondary syphilis, psoriasiform hyperplasia with dense bandlikc lymphocytic and plasma cell infiltrate appear at the dermal-epidermal junction.
  • The student organization was infiltrated by a traitor
  • Activists had infiltrated the student movement.
  • This article sources it to the attempted frame-up of Phil Berrigan et al. on charges of conspiracy to kidnap Kissenger, etc., based on testimony by an informant/provacateur who had infiltrated the Catholic nonviolent direct action antiwar movement. 'Better Privacy' Firefox Add-On Eats Hidden Cookies
  • A chest radiograph showed bilateral diffuse basilar infiltrates, otherwise unchanged from findings on previous radiographs.
  • There was another day of brutality during which Ansar vigilantes shaved their beards to “change their look” to better infiltrate the crowds, students later told me.100 That was followed by a large but listless pro-regime counterrally, with the usual offering of “every drop” of blood to the Leader. Let the Swords Encircle Me
  • Rumor infiltrates the camp and Euryalus' mother cries out in anguish at the death of her son.
  • A journalist managed to infiltrate the powerful drug cartel.
  • Occasionally, the upper reticular dermis also may be infiltrated, but by isolated single cells.
  • Postmodernists claim that science, no less than religion and literature and philosophy, is infiltrated with culture.
  • The fact that these same government agents then "infiltrated" the nascent Reform Party, to the great embarrassment of Preston Manning, shows that these "anti-hate" campaigns have long been torqued into a partisan political weapon. March 25th should be interesting - Ezra Levant
  • There are people who have already been assigned a mission to infiltrate and spy from the beginning.
  • Already, members of the Da'wa Party, many of whom were taught in Iran, have taken over mosques in Basra, and members of Hezbollah have heavily infiltrated the Shi'ite population, in addition to Iranian intelligence and members of the Pasdaran-i-Inqalab Iran's Revolutionary Guards to pave the way for vilayet-e-faqih. THE NEWS BLOG
  • In this paper, the author tries to discuss how to infiltrate philosophical principle in the teaching of chemical balance in hope of helping students improve their study efficiency and overall quality.
  • Sadly, America remained free for only a short time before the plotters from abroad and the greedy from within infiltrated its society and government. Iran War Resolution May Be Passed Next Week « Blog
  • The triads may show a variable degree of ductal and ductular proliferation, and may even demonstrate edema and a neutrophilic infiltrate.
  • At least the naivety of those “genre” novels has been put in its place; these pretend to be proper books, with complex approaches to trauma, even as in their use of the strange and the diegetic they seek to infiltrate and undermine the literary order — which is to say the self-sustaining absolutes, the “what is, is” of maieutic miserablism. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
  • The Rangers were to infiltrate enemy lines and take up blocking positions in the Irsch-Zerf road and prevent German forces from using it.
  • Your intrepid blogger promises to infiltrate this suspicious-sounding organization and report the truth!
  • Drum & bass has infiltrated house and hip hop and garage, which is good because it keeps things changing.
  • The upper lobe was crepitant, though infiltrated with carbon into the interlobular cellular tissue. An Investigation into the Nature of Black Phthisis or Ulceration Induced by Carbonaceous Accumulation in the Lungs of Coal Miners
  • But as we took our seats and smilingly waved to one another across the auditorium, we became aware that we had been infiltrated by several square-looking, heavyset men.
  • Perhaps this tendency toward self-will is the essence of 'original sin' which has infiltrated the human family. Frank Schaeffer: Religion and Child Abuse
  • He then bayoneted his way through infiltrated enemy soldiers to a second gun emplacement and assisted in its operation.
  • And it's certainly true that our style has infiltrated into the style of singing and congregational worship in this church.
  • I've got to infiltrate a farm and do an investigative piece on the conditions there. RESCUING ROSE
  • Other nonspecific features include intimal proliferation, duplication and/or fragmentation of the internal elastic lamina, a sparse perivascular inflammatory infiltrate, and fibrinoid necrosis of the intima.
  • The new game finds our furtive hero having to infiltrate a diverse assortment of sites such as military airbases, harbors and secret government installations.
  • Leaves were then infiltrated with deionized water under vacuum three times for 4 min to ensure complete infiltration.
  • If the Zionists had merely settled without claims of taking the land as their own from the principal inhabitants at the time, then yes "infiltrated" would be an inappropriate term. Edwards: I'll Travel The World To Fix U.S.'s Global Image
  • Nothing against those particular bands, but their sound has evidently infiltrated the very atmosphere of our fair cities.
  • Gravitational sediments can enter a cave system in the form of entrance talus material, colluvium, roof fall, or phreatic infiltrates.
  • Troops repelled an attempt to infiltrate the south of the island.
  • Ectoderm from the mesencephalon and rhombomere specifically migrates to the mandibular arch primordium, and rhombomere infiltrates the hyoid arch.
  • He fought hard to keep his lunch down as the smell issuing from the creature infiltrated his nostrils.
  • While the mucosa of the gallbladder appeared unremarkable, an expansile neoplasm had infiltrated the full thickness of the wall.
  • It was as though her mental exhaustion had infiltrated her physical being.
  • The fascist bent that infiltrated Argentina in the 1930s was quite popular among conservative artists and intellectuals.
  • Which of them would have believed that a mere boatman could infiltrate their world? THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • The CIA agents successfully infiltrated into the terrorist organizations.
  • the submucosa was focally infiltrated
  • Toxic gasoline fumes can outgas from the fuel tank of your car and infiltrate into the bedrooms.
  • Lead a detachment of elite fighters to infiltrate the human ship.
  • The upper lobe was infiltrated with carbon into the interlobular cellular tissue, leaving the bronchial ramifications respirable, and lubricated with frothy mucus. An Investigation into the Nature of Black Phthisis or Ulceration Induced by Carbonaceous Accumulation in the Lungs of Coal Miners
  • Small groups of Canadian Fenians would cut the telegraph lines, destroy the railway bridge that connected Canada West and Canada East, infiltrate the Canadian militia, and suborn British soldiers.
  • Microscopic examination of the gastric biopsies revealed the presence of cellular infiltrate in the mucosa and submucosa.
  • Well, I believe the electronic surveillance has importance, but we really need to infiltrate the terrorist organizations.
  • The discrimination exists across all of society and, according to this research, has infiltrated into the agencies charged with confronting the problem.
  • The surrounding stroma was infiltrated by plasma cells and scattered aggregates of lymphocytes, forming follicles with germinal centres.
  • They had infiltrated a military airfield, and this was regarded as prejudicial to the state's interests.
  • The CIA agents successfully infiltrated into the terrorist organizations.
  • Only a handful of commandos could infiltrate into the enemy's defensive positions.
  • Tumours growing _in the substance of the cord_ are nearly as common as extra-medullary growths, and as the growth is usually sarcoma, glioma, tuberculoma, or gumma, and infiltrates the cord, it is seldom capable of being removed by operation. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Interestingly, the positive cells and associated debris were mainly located within lacunae, indicating that most lytically infected cells were phagocytosed by the infiltrated macrophages.
  • The mystery this film sets up is how far have the tentacles and influence of the rebellion infiltrated the town?
  • In what is one of the worst attacks on NATO forces in months a man reportedly wearing an Afghan uniform infiltrated security at the base outside Jalalabad in the early morning hours Saturday.
  • A barium meal confirmed a hiatus hernia but the chest pain continued to infiltrate my left arm.
  • The way we dress, even the way we speak, is impinged on and infiltrated by these alien cultures.
  • The thick fog seemed to have infiltrated through the very walls into the room.
  • Pulmonary KS may cause radiographic infiltrates and respiratory symptoms that mimic a variety of other infectious and neoplastic processes.
  • They claimed she was making strange demands of the budget, she claimed it was a coup d'état by radical prohibitionists who had infiltrated the organization.
  • We need to get left blogger interns into every congress critters office .. into every reginal office.. we need to infiltrate the system and talk at them from the inside. Firedoglake » I Don’t Think We’re In Kansas Anymore. . .
  • Police attempts to infiltrate neo-Nazi groups were largely unsuccessful.
  • BBI ran undercover operations through a "cutout" - that is, a go-between - in Pennsylvania, and first ran surveillance, then infiltrated, Greenpeace affiliates at Lake Charles, Louisiana, where Condea Vista, a chemical firm now owned by Sasol, had caused a giant chemical spill. The Guardian World News
  • The condition, known as anterior stromal keratitis or nummular keratitis, is characterized by multiple fine granular infiltrates in the anterior corneal stroma below the epithelial layer.
  • The nine-month undercover sting saw two police officers infiltrate drug users and dealers in the town and buy heroin and crack cocaine from them.
  • A reporter tried to infiltrate into the prison.
  • In a few locations, spills of these liquids infiltrated the soil and created very large areas of contaminated groundwater and soil.
  • In this specimen, large lymphoid cells diffusely infiltrated muscle and fibrous tissue.
  • Spending will probably have to rise again to pay for increased efforts to provide surveillance, infiltrate terrorist ranks and perhaps find a "supergrass" or two to testify against former associates.
  • It is characterized by crypt abscesses and ulcerations extending down to the muscularis and surrounded by prominent mucosal infiltrate of inflammatory cells. IBD resources for professionals
  • Foreign culture has constantly infiltrated China in the form of weapons and then at the mental and conceptual level.
  • Boty's seductively subversive multimedia poet, risqué dancer, radio show host, actress expression exuded the spirit of the androgynous Aquarian archetype that continues to infiltrate the collective consciousness via the antics of tabloid celebrities, even as the authentic rebellion driving this zeitgeist has been institutionally repressed by the art world system. Lisa Paul Streitfeld: Feminist (R)evolution in Brooklyn: Reclaiming Women for Pop
  • They are able to infiltrate friends and family completely unsuspected, and carefully pull off this ridiculous covert operation, until things start to get hairy.
  • They often disguise their affiliation by wearing civilian clothes, and they often carry arms covertly to infiltrate various places.
  • The ensuing Meiji policy of modernization allowed Western ideas, institutions, and culture to infiltrate Japan.
  • In this specimen, large lymphoid cells diffusely infiltrated muscle and fibrous tissue.
  • Mixed inflammatory infiltrate, granulated tissue with or without prominent endothelial cells were found in some biopsies, but to a lesser extent than in the biopsies with ARH.
  • For the next four decades, a small minority from certain Iraqi towns would gradually infiltrate the highest governmental positions as well as the top officer ranks in the army.
  • He would now be quite interested in the various usages of the term, its numerous acceptations and definitions, and the way it has infiltrated the discourse in and on the arts.
  • MIAMI -- Author and folklorist Stetson Kennedy, who infiltrated the Ku Klux Klan six decades ago and exposed its secrets to authorities and the public but was also criticized for possibly exaggerating his exploits, died Saturday. Stetson Kennedy, Exposer Of Ku Klux Klan Secrets, Dies At 94
  • During the exudative phase, chest radiographs reveal a progression from diffuse interstitial infiltrates to diffuse, fluffy, alveolar opacities.
  • From light microscopic study, in immediate group, after being infiltrated for 20S and 30S, the epithelial cells remained intact and lined up tightly .
  • Isikoff, Newsweek, and the rest of the Mockingbird corporate media are tasked with portraying this growing "antigovernment" movement as extremist gun nuts who share the ideology of the FBI-infiltrated Hutaree and pose a threat. Infowars
  • In permafrost regions, summer thaw produces meltwater, which is typically unable to infiltrate into the ground because of the ice-rich frozen soils found in permafrost.
  • Domestic waste water is infiltrated down slotted pipes to provide shading rows of trees.
  • The tumor infiltrated perineural sheaths and peripancreatic fatty tissue.
  • Students realized their activist gathering had been "infiltrated" after an undercover officer of UWPD showed up to their meeting. University Of Washington Police Accused Of SPYING On Student Group
  • The epithelium covering the tonsils is extensively infiltrated by lymphocytes, plasma cells, and polymorphonuclear leucocytes.
  • These cells infiltrate into the colonic mucosa and are abundant during the active phase of colitis.
  • Chest X-ray showed no interstitial or lobar infiltrate and a normal cardiac silhouette. Colchicine Poisoning
  • As an example, negativity of cultures does not preclude the possibility that this older woman with bilateral infiltrates, blood leukocytosis, and neutrophil lung infiltration had a lung infection.
  • Things get dangerous when the recruit is given the special assignment of rooting out a suspected mole that has infiltrated the Agency.
  • To enhance the U.S. ability to "infiltrate and combat enemy forces," the panel calls on Gates to "institutionalize" programs that develop "indigenous capacity to infiltrate and disrupt local terrorist networks," including "mapping complex and social landscapes, understanding relationships among key actors in insurgencies, [and] identifying the key goals of marginalized groups that could lead them to be recruited by terrorists. Military expands intelligence role
  • The comedy duo have infiltrated the building and even managed to acquire their own office.
  • Activists had infiltrated the student movement.
  • One officer so deeply infiltrated the Communist Party that he traveled to the Soviet Union.
  • Each level consists of multiple stages, which the player must infiltrate.
  • This is why I sometimes think we should infiltrate the Countryside Alliance - we'd get more cameras pointed at us then…
  • FBI agents and confidential informants infiltrated antiwar organizations at every level to gather the names of those who opposed the nation's policy.
  • The infiltrate consisted of small lymphoid cells mixed with medium and occasionally large cells.
  • The idea that the White House might try to infiltrate the press corps with a shill is a chilling thought in this democracy, but this is the administration that has been caught paying “journalists” and generating its own prefabricated “news reports” to distribute to TV stations too naïve to recognize the attempt at propaganda. Mjh's blog — 2005 — February
  • Alpine-cleft deposits develop in an existing open gash in which hydrothermal fluid infiltrates and recrystallizes the surrounding rock.
  • A secret land, infiltrated by humans, and the loss of spirituality is at stake.
  • Mr Santos told reporters that there were indications the security forces had been infiltrated at a very high level.
  • The actual story is this: Kew Gardens has been infiltrated by ‘yellowflowered perfoliate Alexanders’, which may sound rather nice, but which actually grow up to 1.5 metres tall and starve bluebells of light.
  • The EKG was normal, and the chest x-ray showed no infiltrates but blunting at the left costophrenic angle.
  • The discrimination exists across all of society and, according to this research, has infiltrated into the agencies charged with confronting the problem.
  • I've got to infiltrate a farm and do an investigative piece on the conditions there. RESCUING ROSE
  • The idea that it will help Chinese intelligence infiltrate America's military secrets seems more than just a little ludicrous.
  • The holding pond should be emptied before it is full, when waste waters will infiltrate the soil.
  • The mass involved the sacrum, infiltrated the sacral foramina, obscured sacral nerve roots, extended into the pelvis, and displaced the uterus and rectum.
  • The infiltrate consisted of small lymphoid cells mixed with medium and occasionally large cells.
  • Rebel forces were infiltrated into the country.
  • In coastal regions, sea water can infiltrate the rocks, and a salt-water wedge will then form below sea level under the fresh groundwater.
  • These were no self-willed Dead spirits that had infiltrated through the Perimeter. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • In the title piece of Steven Millhauser's collection of new and selected stories, "We Others" Knopf, 387 pages, $27.95 , the "we" refers to phantoms who infiltrate picket-fenced suburbia—becoming "the companions of lawn mowers in toolsheds, of gas grills beside tarp-covered woodpiles"—and who try in vain to join the lives of the people who live there. Of Bouquets, Suburbs and 'Urth'
  • They have infiltrated organizations large and small.
  • Higman notes these men of God lost their enthusiasm for the August 1st festivities as myalism infiltrated the churches.
  • Weishaupt soon infiltrates the Continental Order of Freemasons with this Illuminati doctrine and establishes lodges of the Grand Orient to be their secret headquarters.
  • The scrub persons drape the patient, and the surgeon infiltrates the surgical site with local anesthesia.
  • One of the young Marines told me that they had units of Navy strike teams stationed onboard supply vessels and they used these teams to infiltrate and exfiltrate, via zodiac boats, the government coastal supply centers to identify good targets so that the larger cargo choppers can get in and airlift the food. Day by Day Armageddon: Beyond Exile
  • The mass infiltrated the overlying pleura and adjacent lungs.
  • Man – I really need to figure out where the secret lair of the matriarchy is so that I can infiltrate and become one of them. Desperate Feminist Housewife Moms Rule The World! | Her Bad Mother
  • Six patients had DAD along with severe necrotizing bronchiolitis, characterized by extensive necrosis of the bronchiolar wall and a bronchiolar lumen densely infiltrated by neutrophils. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • They repeatedly tried to infiltrate assassins into the palace.
  • The tumor seemed to infiltrate the tunica albuginea and the rete testis, as well as the root of the epididymis.
  • It is bad enough for a believer in any faith to have the content of his belief infiltrated by alien ideas.
  • Two undercover officers purporting to be dealers infiltrated the gang.
  • Although the chest radiograph may be normal initially, subsequent radiographs will reveal an infiltrate, which may extend rapidly, involving one or more lobes as well as the pleura.
  • The organization was infiltrated by the police.
  • Pits occur when water infiltrates a stone's pores and then freezes.
  • Here, he used the intimacy of video to infiltrate the intense, distancing formalism of modernist dwellings and let us peer into some fanciful dramas unfolding within them.
  • He failed, but within a year he had infiltrated America with new teams of sleeper agents ready for one more big push.
  • In this photo, the man who always boasted that cops could never infiltrate his gang was actually posing with several undercover agents.
  • In Arabidopsis plants infiltrated with avirulent bacteria, specific calcium ‘waves’ were found to occur concurrent with the oxidative burst, leading to the HR.
  • The tumor, which was found to infiltrate to the muscle, was successfully surgically excised.
  • Likewise in the east were the Seljuk Turks who had infiltrated from their Central asinan homeland into the Islamic Empire where they were employed as mercenaries by the Baghdad caliphs.
  • In most cases, there was marked subepithelial fibrosis and edema with a variable lymphocytic and plasma cell infiltrate.
  • It would be necessary to differentiate herself from her predecessor, Serena Burns, if she was going to infiltrate Cyberdyne. T2©: RISING STORM
  • So he had infiltrated our houses and let in heaps of ants.

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