How To Use Infertility In A Sentence

  • These measures are also recommended in BT Yevamot 65b, where the rabbis point out that a precedent for the practice of divorcing an infertile wife after ten years may be drawn from Genesis 16: 3, since it was only after ten years of living in the land of Canaan that Sarai accepted her infertility and surrogated her servant to bear a child on her behalf. Infertile Wife in Rabbinic Judaism.
  • Some urologists also specialize in the area of male infertility.
  • Infertility is one of the complications of this type of radiotherapy.
  • Getting private treatment for infertility can be very expensive, and there is no guarantee it will be successful.
  • Now it transpires they may be linked to a woman's infertility. The Sun
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  • Women with unexplained infertility may also produce healthy eggs which can turn into healthy embryos. The Sun
  • Both also have private practices and perform infertility treatment at the private Assuta Hospital and Herzliya Medical Centre.
  • It's little technical, but basically gives good reasons for why basically all women and men should take some form of fish oil: * An increased prostacyclin/thromboxane ratio induced by omega-3 FA can facilitate pregnancy in women with infertility problems by increasing uterine blood flow. Fish Oil & Fertility
  • Smoking can cause infertility and an early menopause in women, and sperm problems in men.
  • The cause of male infertility according to the medical model of infertility is due to abnormal sperm parameters, azoospermia and antisperm antibodies.
  • There are many reasons for male infertility, including low sperm count, inactive or incompletely formed sperms and other factors that hamper fertilisation.
  • Further, among every 100 cases of aspermia - sperm shortage - between one to five men have severe infertility, Li said.
  • Ascending infection in women leads to the major complication of gonorrhea, pelvic inflammatory disease, a common cause of female infertility.
  • The attendant dangers are urinary problems, infections, infertility and complications in childbirth. Times, Sunday Times
  • New research conducted at a New York medical facility has found that the second function of a man’s testes is the key to overcoming male infertility. New Study Focuses on Testes’ Second Use | Impact Lab
  • My short list would include sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, hepatic steatosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, infertility, pseudo tumor cerebri and many more. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Rimonabant for CAD - it’s Not Just About the Heart
  • Infertility, regardless of cause, is a major reason for culling animals.
  • On the other hand, if women ate at least one serving of high-fat dairy food a day, they reduced their risk of anovulatory infertility by more than a quarter (27%) compared to women who consumed one or fewer high-fat dairy serving a week. Lactose Not Associated with Fertility
  • He started donating in clinics after meeting infertile couples during investigations of his former wife's infertility.
  • Infertility, generally resulting from chronic anovulation lack of ovulation Regular Exercise Prior to IVF Treatment Lowers Success Rate
  • Sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, which are on the upswing, can cause or contribute to infertility. Fat, Carbs and the Science of Conception
  • They deal with infidelity, infertility and incest, as well as sacrifice and death.
  • Dealing with infertility can become emotionally and financially exhausting.
  • The attendant dangers are urinary problems, infections, infertility and complications in childbirth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pain-Free Progesterone: Women undergoing infertility treatment are sometimes required to undergo daily injections to deliver the hormone progesterone.
  • Part3 Infertility gynecology obstetrics assisted fertility sexual dysfunction ovulation pap smears TV interview Egypt Cairo ISCI IVF IUI oligospermia azospermia gender selection baby sex selection menopause PCO ploysyctic ovaries baby blues myomas uterus vagina vaginal infections ectopic pregnancy high risk pregnancy hormons circumssion dysparunia HSG folleculomtery post coital test hypoplastic premarital early diagnosis antenatal care osteoprosis family planning delivery labor health education cervix labaroscope habitual abortion woman - Articles related to Adult kids feel sting when mom picks favorites
  • The most common male infertility factors include: azoospermia (no sperm cells are produced) and oligospermia (few sperm cells are produced).
  • The report went on to suggest that the much talked about availability of infertility treatments was lulling women into a false sense of security, with many believing IVF was a reliable and easy option.
  • Now it transpires they may be linked to a woman's infertility. The Sun
  • Male infertility is becoming commonplace.
  • Objective:To explore the effect of interventional therapy with fluoroscopic guidance in treatment of infertility caused by fallopian tubes obstruction.
  • In Haryana, India, a team of investigating veterinarians report that buffalo consuming GM cottonseed suffer from infertility, as well as frequent abortions, premature deliveries, and prolapsed uteruses. Jeffrey Smith: Genetically Modified Soy Diets Lead to Ovary and Uterus Changes in Rats
  • Conclusion Laparoscopy can diagnose and treat pelvic disease in female infertility.
  • A prospective study of dairy foods intake and anovulatory infertility. Lactose Not Associated with Fertility
  • Doctors have found that excessive weight also increases the risks for diabetes, gout, coronary heart disease, asthma, gallbladder disease, infertility and some types of cancers.
  • Other side-effects include high blood pressure, infertility, erectile disfunction and baldness. The Sun
  • - Fat women suffer from menorrhagia, infertility and several other disorders of menstruation. Hazards of Obesity
  • The plums are reported to have antibacterial, antiviral and fungicidal properties and it seems that the disadvantages of temporary infertility are likely to be outweighed by the medicinal benefits. How Monkeying Around with Diet Affects Reproduction | Impact Lab
  • However, as time has gone by, I am more convinced than ever that infertility should be treated as a medical complaint, just as any other condition.
  • Dr Waljit Dhillo studied a condition called hypothalamic amenorrhoea, which prevents menstruation and causes infertility. - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • The coatless sperm don't always fail, so it's not clear just how much this issue contributes to male infertility overall. Lack of sperm coating plays role in infertility
  • Women with a history of hysterectomy, oophorectomy, or infertility were not eligible to participate.
  • Because the participants of the Nurses 'Health Study complete reports every few years detailing their average daily diets, we were able to see if certain foods contributed to ovulatory infertility more than others. Fat, Carbs and the Science of Conception
  • Fibroids are noncancerous growths of muscle tissue that form in the uterus, and can lead to infertility and miscarriage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Researchers typically use embryos left over at infertility clinics to obtain embryonic stem cells. Robert Edward wins 2010 Nobel prize in medicine for in-vitro fertizilation
  • The treatment of infertility is largely dependent on the ability of couples to pay.
  • It is important to treat STIs, as untreated infections can have serious consequences, including infertility.
  • Reasons for divorce are often infertility, adultery, unreasonable behaviour, and madness.
  • Gary: Yeah, that did amuse me. @rutty: I think CV are a great example ... mupwangle: I'm sure that CV were also thrilled to be included ... rutty: Stephen Green causes teenage infertility. Bigmouth Strikes Again
  • However, it is well known that endometriosis is associated both with pelvic pain and infertility.
  • Secondary infertility is when there have been one or more pregnancies but a further pregnancy has proved impossible.
  • Methods:Hysterosalpingography and clinical materials of 33 cases with infertility associated with peritubal adhesions confirmed by laparoscopy were analysed retrospectively.
  • Based on our data, auricular acupuncture seems to offer a valuable alternative therapy for female infertility due to hormone disorders.
  • TUESDAY, March 17 (HealthDay News) -- A hormone called kisspeptin may offer a new treatment for infertility, according to British researchers who found that the hormone can activate ... Undefined
  • That is why in the Christian tradition, and historically in Western law, consummated marriages are not dissoluble or annullable on the ground of infertility, even though the nature of the marital relationship is shaped and structured by its intrinsic orientation to the great good of procreation. Nathaniel Frank: Christian Leaders Scapegoat Gays on Marriage
  • These included physical exhaustion, muscle wastage and infertility. BLACK KNIGHTS: On the Bloody Road to Baghdad
  • If their function is weak, then irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, and infertility will appear.
  • On a purely physical level, it makes sense to lie down for a few minutes after artificial intrauterine insemination, although not all infertility clinics insist on this.
  • Turning Point: 30s and 40s (January 28) -- Starting a family, infertility, balancing family and work, stress management, and oncofertility. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • If their function is weak, then irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, and infertility will appear.
  • Have infertility, miscarriages, stillbirths or infant deaths taken place in the family?
  • Symptoms of hyperprolactinaemia include amenorrhoea, galactorrhoea, infertility, loss of libido and erectile dysfunction.
  • Her immune system is greatly compromised, and she becomes susceptible to a number of crushing diseases, such as mastitis (painful swelling of the udder), ketosis (disease of the liver), laminitis or lameness (resulting from metabolic strain), "milk fever" (unnatural loss of calcium from the blood supply), and infertility. Dairy Cows and Veal Calves
  • Violence, less and less embarrassed by the limits imposed by centuries of lawfulness, is brazenly and victoriously striding across the whole world, unconcerned that its infertility has been demonstrated and proved many times in history. Alexandr Solzhenitsyn - Nobel Lecture
  • Circumventing infertility with intracytoplasmic sperm injection: A case of transmission of a ring Y chromosome and true hermaphroditism. Publications of the Urology Division
  • But one of the most common causes of infertility is anovulation, which means the hormones that are secreted by the pituitary are a little bit out of, you know, balance. CNN Transcript Jun 30, 2007
  • Infertility among women is often due to ovulation problems, including failure to ovulate.
  • On a regular morning walk at Marine Drive with her neuro-psychiatrist husband, an infertility specialist was discussing wants vs. needs and how she could avoid wastage in the lab.
  • The study resulted in evidence suggesting that a little-known omega-3 called docosahexaenoic acid or DHA may have implications for treating male infertility.
  • Ascending infection in women leads to the major complication of gonorrhea, pelvic inflammatory disease, a common cause of female infertility.
  • For example, it is unclear how these superficial peritoneal lesions would give rise to infertility, especially if they were distant from the fimbria of the tubes or ovaries.
  • The treatment of infertility is largely dependent on the ability of couples to pay.
  • The treatment of infertility is largely dependent on the ability of couples to pay.
  • Pierre Ray and colleagues at University Hospital in Grenoble said while deletions of some portion of the Y chromosome have been found in infertile men, their discovery is a rare example in which a mutation in a single gene causes male infertility. Gene Mutation Leads to Male Infertility | Impact Lab
  • She hopes her future projects will help destigmatize conversations about infertility.
  • Repairing varicoceles is often done to improve male infertility or unexplained infertility because the dilated veins are thought to result in poor sperm quality and quantity.
  • All these factors can cause not only low counts, zero counts, and immotile sperms that lead to infertility, but also cancers in some cases.
  • Snug trousers have also been linked to male infertility because higher scrotal temperatures can spoil semen quality. Men feel the squeeze, too
  • Have infertility, miscarriages, stillbirths or infant deaths taken place in the family?
  • These are possible causes of cervicitis, PID, infertility, miscarriage, and premature birth, so a woman with infertility or a history of miscarriages may wish to be tested for them. OUR BODIES, OURSELVES
  • Women with unexplained infertility may also produce healthy eggs which can turn into healthy embryos. The Sun
  • Polysorbate 80, boric acid, the aluminum adjuvants together with the natrium chloride (salt) will induce infertility in boys and girls. Alex Jones' Prison
  • In the not-too-distant past, semen that contained no sperm—a condition called azoospermia—was a sign that complete infertility was likely. Getting Pregnant
  • So it should be clear that the separation of husband and wife has nothing to do with infertility of the woman.
  • The opposite is true: periods of decline, an absence of having something to say and infertility are often insufferable for those who can't endure it.
  • If this function is abnormal, infertility, infantile underdevelopment, maldevelopment, weakness of bone development, etc. will manifest.
  • Transient exposure of a gestating female rat during the period of gonadal sex determination to the endocrine disruptors vinclozalin (an antiandrogenic compound) or methoxychlor (an estrogenic compound) induces decreased spermatogenic capacity (cell number and viability) and increased incidence of male infertility in nearly all males of all subsequent generations examined. Dan Agin: Plastic Bottles, Poison, and Endocrine Disruptors
  • Symptoms of hyperprolactinaemia include amenorrhoea, galactorrhoea, infertility, loss of libido and erectile dysfunction.
  • In those instances where there is potential for fertilisation and conception to occur, a variety of technologies are available to overcome infertility.
  • Egg donation is another method of infertility treatment, used when the female partner of a couple is unable to produce her own viable eggs.
  • The objective of this study was to determine the chromosomal constitution and sperm characteristics among Indian males with severe male factor infertility.
  • Conclusion: Salpingemphraxis was the key sterile cause of the secondary infertility after drug induced abortion.
  • The attendant dangers are urinary problems, infections, infertility and complications in childbirth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sperm immotility is the one of the leading causes of male infertility, but worry not!! ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Like microwave ovens (see below) and computer terminals (see previous chapter), color televisions emit low levels of nonionizing radiation, which some experts believe is linked to various physiological disturbances that can result in infertility. Getting Pregnant
  • The reverse was true for women with the highest intake of plant protein, who were substantially less likely to have had ovulatory infertility than women with the lowest plant protein intake. Fat, Carbs and the Science of Conception
  • Chlamydial infection can cause urethritis, cervicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, and result in ectopic pregnancy, infertility, and chronic pelvic pain in women.
  • In many cases, male infertility has become a treatable condition. Times, Sunday Times
  • Women with unexplained infertility may also produce healthy eggs which can turn into healthy embryos. The Sun
  • When I wrote about it before, many of the comments said how it's somehow inappropriate or oversharing to talk about infertility or the trials people go through to start a family.
  • Fallopian tube scarring can cause infertility and ectopic pregnancy.
  • The very infertility of the hybrids thus propagated was cleverly used to create seedless fruits, which in and of themselves are interesting in practical pomology.
  • Stress, surgery, illness and genito-urinary infection will contribute to infertility.
  • Sequella of STIs include infertility chronic pelvic pain ectopic pregnancy and other adverse pregnancy outcomes.
  • My years of primary infertility struggles were filled with difficult months of "temping," three years of (un-monitored) Clomid treatments (which eventually led to PCOS), followed by three IUI's, 3 IVF's, six "recorded" miscarriages, and a lot of pain, sorrow and loss. Rocks In My Dryer
  • The condition, known as cryptorchidism, or undescended testes, is related to the increase in the number of lower sperm counts, declining sperm quality and infertility.
  • Another means of detecting pelvic disease that might contribute to infertility is by a surgical procedure called laparoscopy.
  • Along with general chiropractic, I have additional training and specialization in women's and children's issues, as well as functional endocrinology, which is an alternative treatment for hormone balancing, thyroid management, menopause, infertility issues, high cholesterol, diabetes, and stress management. The Vail Trail - All Sections
  • The cost of treatment in respect of infertility is allowable but not routine maternity care resulting from a pregnancy.
  • The bacterium - which, when symptomatic, causes purulent discharge, dysuria, and urethritis - can also cause ascending infections leading to pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases have long been implicated in infertility.
  • Researchers in the United States have found a link between a low-fat dairy diet and increased risk of infertility due to lack of ovulation (anovulatory infertility). Lactose Not Associated with Fertility
  • In general, cold breakfast cereals, white rice and potatoes were linked with a higher risk of ovulatory infertility. Fat, Carbs and the Science of Conception
  • While the most common function for testes is the production of sperm, Dr. Marc Goldstein of the NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center found that the gland’s production of testosterone is behind a common cause of male infertility, a press release from the facility said Wednesday. New Study Focuses on Testes’ Second Use | Impact Lab
  • Previous studies had suggested that lactose (a sugar found in milk) might be associated with anovulatory infertility, but Dr Chavarro's study found neither a positive nor negative association for this, and nor was there any association between intake of calcium, phosphorus or vitamin D and anovulatory infertility. Lactose Not Associated with Fertility
  • Death in a holy cause could wash away the shame of divorce, infertility, or promiscuity.
  • The following homiletical tale from Pesikta de-Rab Kahana 22: 2 teaches that infertility is never more than a presumption: Infertile Wife in Rabbinic Judaism.
  • Other non-life threatening complications include pain, keloids, dermoid cysts, introital and vaginal stenosis, neuromas, painful intercourse, and increased infertility rates.
  • There is generally no need to stop drinking alcohol before pregnancy, although couples with infertility problems should cut it out to optimise their chances.
  • Fertility scientists like Trounson say it is only a matter of time before the technique is also used to develop sperm and eggs cells, making infertility a thing of the past.
  • The treatment of infertility is largely dependent on the ability of couples to pay.
  • And according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, most cases of female infertility are caused by problems with ovulation, which is typically marked by irregular or absent periods. Infertile women sing acupuncture's praises
  • The pronatalist society has increased the sense of failure in infertile couples, pushing them to find a variety of solutions for infertility. Reproductive Technology, New (NRT).
  • Indeed, it is the only country to sanction surrogacy as a solution to infertility and make it affordable to the middle class. The Times Literary Supplement
  • And we found in my blood trace levels of PCBs [Polychlorinated biphenyls - a man-made organic chemical], DDT [dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane - a synthetic pesticide], PFCs [Perfluorocarbons - linked to infertility] and high levels of flame retardant. Plastic Trash in Oceans Enters Marine Food Chain
  • The main characteristics of such soils are infertility due to the low level of macronutrients, a Ca: Mg ratio < 1, and the high concentration of heavy metals; moreover, these soils are shallow, well drained and prone to erosion.
  • Methods: Real time FQ - PCR testing and germiculture methods adopted for NG, CT, UU testing on spermatic fluids of 105 cases of male infertility and regular spermatic fluid testing.
  • Other manifestations of the disease include osteopenic bone disease, infertility, tetany, ataxia and neurologic disorders.
  • Infertility and hysterectomies often follow. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bacterium - which, when symptomatic, causes purulent discharge, dysuria, and urethritis - can also cause ascending infections leading to pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility.
  • Chlamydia can cause pain when passing urine, long-term pelvic pain and infertility.
  • My herb pills (got in Belgium) for my infertility, virilization, acne, hirsutism, etc problems has almost run out.
  • The abstracts John Theurer Cancer Center will present focus on the following topics: laparoscopic adrenalectomy (horseshoe kidney), hypogonadal patients receiving clomiphene citrate or anastrozole for infertility, robot-assisted radical prostatectomy and CT-fused indium-111 capromab pendetide immunoscintigraphy in management of recurrent prostate cancer. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • (Soundbite of laughter) SAGAL: Experts say TSS is causes stinging rashes, permanent skin discoloration, and in rare cases, infertility, which if you are a cast member on "Jersey Shore," might not be such a bad thing. Limericks
  • For a study of female immunological infertility by Chen Xiaoping, researchers used Guyin Decoction ginseng, rehmannia, dioscorea, cornus, cuscuta, polygala, schizandra, and licorice to treat 60 women with infertility attributed to antisperm immune response. The Best Alternative Medicine
  • Indeed, it is the only country to sanction surrogacy as a solution to infertility and make it affordable to the middle class. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The intensity of the latter desire renders the doomsday and infertility scenarios profoundly depressing. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Infertility was a deeply distressing problem and childless couples would go to great lengths to raise money to fund treatment, he said.
  • If untreated, STIs such as gonorrhoea and chlamydia can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease in women, where the internal reproductive organs can be damaged, causing pain, ectopic pregnancies and infertility.
  • I can give you urethrtis, pharyngitis and cervicitis - which can lead to infertility. Neisseria gonorrhoeae
  • The main causes of infertility in females are irregular periods and menses at prolonged intervals which may lead to decreased egg formation and ovulation.
  • Secondary infertility is when you've had one or more babies in the past but can't conceive again, or if you've had one or more miscarriages or stillborn babies.
  • It's little technical, but basically gives good reasons for why basically all women and men should take some form of fish oil: * An increased prostacyclin/thromboxane ratio induced by omega-3 FA can facilitate pregnancy in women with infertility problems by increasing uterine blood flow. Archive 2006-07-01
  • FSH levels have been shown to help predict the timing of menopause and the likelihood of being able to conceive using infertility treatments. Home fertility tests questioned
  • Indeed, while frequent nursing is key to achieving lactational infertility, other behaviors may be required.
  • The syndrome should be suspected in women with hirsutism, irregular menstruation, or infertility.
  • Each new infection not only increases the risk of HIV transmission but also carries the potential of other serious complications miscarriage, stillbirths, infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and severe congenital infections.
  • If untreated, STIs such as gonorrhoea and chlamydia can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease in women, where the internal reproductive organs can be damaged, causing pain, ectopic pregnancies and infertility.
  • Other viruses in the herpes group have been linked to male infertility. Times, Sunday Times
  • TUESDAY, March 17 (HealthDay News) -- A hormone called kisspeptin may offer a new treatment for infertility, according to British researchers who found that the hormone can activate the release of sex hormones that control the menstrual cycle. Undefined
  • More worrying is that STIs can often go undetected and can cause infertility issues. The Sun

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