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How To Use Inference In A Sentence

  • The method is to derive the maximum a posteriori estimate of the regions and the boundaries by using Bayesian inference and neighborhood constraints based on Markov random fields(MRFs) models.
  • While pointing out some defects of classical logic[Sentencedict], the paper attributes them to substantial implication being directly applied to inference.
  • All due beasty inferences aside, the sudden departure of Hammond, a seasoned spokesperson who has good relations with the local media, is a blow to Smith's operation. George Fearing: 4th Congressional District deserves better representation
  • The twin problems of ecological and individualist fallacies occur when inferences are drawn about one level of analysis using evidence from another.
  • According to this account, our original intuitions about this inference were wrong.
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  • The bending property in transverse direction of tin-phosphor bronze strip is a very important quality index which has a great inference on the quality of final products.
  • Causal inferences are constructions built upon foundations of assumptions, and can not be more valid than the assumptions.
  • Once again Dembski demonstrates that the Design Inference is one based on elimination and our ignorance by arguing that to falsify ID's hypothesis it has to show how it evolved step by step.
  • However, this is just the inevitable defeasibility of any form of inference that depends on background empirical presuppositions.
  • Clearly, whether that inference is valid or not turns on a metaphysical question about the identity of persons and minds.
  • When you make an inference important to your study of the sources, you become a questioner. A Short Guide to Writing About History
  • The prosecution invite you to draw inferences from the telephone evidence.
  • The first question that occurs to the enlightened enquirer, when he learns that the functions of the brain have been positively determined by experiment, is whether the cranioscopy of Gall and Spurzheim was successful in locating the cerebral functions, and how nearly their inferences from development correspond with the revelations of experiment. Buchanan's Journal of Man, October 1887 Volume 1, Number 9
  • Some findings of primary fact will be the result of direct evidence, whereas others will depend upon inference from direct evidence of such facts.
  • Now, if reason generates only judgements about the world and inferences therefrom, it is hard to see how it can be a motive to act.
  • The normal curve approach to inference begins by asserting a null hypothesis that is expressed using population parameters.
  • And when Rabbit shows Pooh the honey, again the inference is direct: a honey pot, therefore honey.
  • A knowledge inference strategy based on a index table was developed to select knowledge which matches different skull types. 4) Studying craniofacial reconstruction method.
  • Subsequent evidence may confirm or deny that inference.
  • The reductio ad absurdum is related to a familiar form of proof in logic: You make an assumption and then derive from it a contradiction or a known falsehood by a series of valid inferences. Fun with Hair Splitting
  • The immediate grounds for the inference are not facts about horses and riding, but the linguistic or structural parallelism between the statements ˜white horses are horses™ and ˜riding white horses is riding horses™. Mohist Canons
  • If we say that science is organised knowledge, we are met by the truth that all knowledge is organised in a greater or less degree -- that the commonest actions of the household and the field presuppose facts colligated, inferences drawn, results expected; and that the general success of these actions proves the data by which they were guided to have been correctly put together. Essays on Education and Kindred Subjects Everyman's Library
  • But is it not fair to say the judge has put his processes of inference into suspension?
  • The inference was unambiguous: the parliament was an intrusive, petty-minded bunch of jobsworths, bereft of any credibility.
  • The right to silence is and is no more than an immunity from adverse inferences from failing to answer an accusation or question or evidence.
  • For this is the form that every tabulation of family pedigree must assume; and therefore the mere fact that a scientific tabulation of natural affinities was eventually found to take the form of a tree, is in itself highly suggestive of the inference that such a tabulation represents a _family_ tree. Darwin, and After Darwin (Vol. 1 and 3, of 3) An Exposition of the Darwinian Theory and a Discussion of Post-Darwinian Questions
  • The drawing of inferences from silence is a particularly sensitive area.
  • Friday's letter, however, states that Thomas actually did report the sources of his wife's income until 1997, therefore heightening the inference that the justice had not "misunderstood the reporting instructions," as he asserted in January when he filed seven pages of addenda correcting his omissions over a six-year period. Clarence Thomas Assailed For Alleged Ethical Lapses By More House Dems
  • In this sense, the method can be viewed as a Bayesian method for paternity inference.
  • Objective To study the inference factors and their influence magnitude in the determination of glucose by hexokinase and oxidase method.
  • Conceptual thought is essentially embedded in complex practices of inference and argument.
  • The question was, what inferences were to be drawn from the collection of facts revealed by those documents and by other uncontradicted evidence, is it not?
  • The mother drew some inference that made her voice rather cheerful. Daniel Deronda
  • All the inference is that without your pin stripe suit and your four hand tie, you are beneath his contempt. My God George Will is a bigger fashion snob than me! - dfi
  • That was the inference being drawn in Westminster from a job advertisement for his spokesman. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both yield direct inferences about the process of evolution by natural selection.
  • For our current purposes, it is convenient to axiomatize this logic as a natural deduction system, taking all tautologies as axioms and the familiar natural deduction rules governing the singular quantifiers and the identity sign as rules of inference. Plural Quantification
  • This is related to Grice's first maxim of quantity ( "Make your contribution as informative as required") and is held responsible for the inference of so-called scalar implicatures, among others. Pragmatics
  • In the former, the researcher can draw very strong inferences from comparisons between randomized groups.
  • Subsequent evidence may confirm or deny that inference.
  • Saying McConnell "belittled" the troops is a matter of interpretation and inference, and VERY subjective. GOP Senate Leader McConnell Appears To Belittle Deaths Of American Troops
  • The common construction put upon the expression, "_rule with rigor_," and an inference drawn from it, have an air so oracular, as quite to overcharge risibles of ordinary calibre, if such an effect were not forestalled by its impiety. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • Elsewhere (and prevalently) confusing or misleading information is given (e.g., [at brail] "Earlier spelled brale, it came from Old French, braile, belt."): Is the inference to be that the modern English word brail was borrowed from Old French in the fifteenth century? VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XII No 3
  • The judge said the jury'may draw such inferences as it sees proper. The Sun
  • As an argument or reasoning process: that kind of mediate inference by which from truths already known we advance to a knowledge of other truths necessarily implied in the former; the mental product or result of that process. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • If the employer omits to reply, or is evasive or equivocal, the tribunal is entitled to make any inference it considers just and equitable.
  • Having argued that the right of slavery, if it exist, implies the right to shoot and murder an enlightened neighbor, with a view to reduce his wife and children to a state of servitude, as well as to crush their intellectual and moral nature in order to keep them in such a state, the author adds, "If I err in making these inferences, I _err innocently_. Cotton is King, and Pro-Slavery Arguments Comprising the Writings of Hammond, Harper, Christy, Stringfellow, Hodge, Bledsoe, and Cartrwright on This Important Subject
  • If the evidence is sufficient to justify the argument that camels are herbivorous _because_ they are ruminants, it must also justify the major premise, _All ruminants are herbivorous_; for else the inference cannot really depend merely upon the fact of ruminating. Logic Deductive and Inductive
  • This inference is confirmed experimentally by observations in grid turbulence of changes in the spectrum with distance downstream.
  • There is not much here for scholar specialists except citation of sources, ancient and modern, wherefrom the material is taken and whose inferences are borrowed, respectively.
  • I do not find this very significant as the interpretations and inferences appear reasonable.
  • Not necessarily, says Ratzsch, because (AFAICT) he thinks that things like mind correlativity and "counterflow" allow rarified design inferences. A brief sidebar about design and evolution
  • UAV is a complex mechatronic system, in order to meet the needs of fault diagnosis, based on the theory of fuzzy mathematics, and integrate case-based reasoning into fuzzy inference machine.
  • The chapter also contains discussions of the kinds of consecution or consequence, problems of inference connected with the referents of terms used in consecutive sentences, and also on how to contradict a conditional sentence. Peter of Spain
  • Knowing the level of inference will subsequently aid interpretation of the statistical methods.
  • Le Corbusier's admonitions echo much of nineteenth century morality in terms of emphasis on order and health, and by inference cleanliness.
  • Language competency is the direct result of our ability to make correct inferences – to fill in the gaps left by writers and speakers. Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know « Books « Literacy News
  • And I don't think Fido or neurons have concepts and hence my view that they are not the sorts of thing that engage in deductive inference. Backing Into an Evidentiary Standard for ID
  • Though the term of “possibility” in the supposition, and “may” in the inference, seem to be equipollent, yet to render them of the same significancy as to the argument in hand, they must both be used in the same respect. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • Under the order, jurors in the trial will be instructed that they can draw negative inferences — such as that Arab Bank knowingly aided terrorists — from the bank 's "recalcitrance" in producing the documents. Bank Appeals Disclosure Ruling in Terror Finance Case
  • The inference of intelligence from marks of design in nature is not one of analogy, but of strict and proper _induction_; and accordingly we must either deny that there are marks of _design_ in nature, thereby discarding the _analogy_, or do violence to our own reason by resisting the fundamental law of causality, thereby discarding the inductive inference. Modern Atheism under its forms of Pantheism, Materialism, Secularism, Development, and Natural Laws
  • Text inference is central to natural language applications. This paper presents an inference method based on HowNet, which organizes knowledge with semantic net and infers with marker passing.
  • This supports the inference that the agriculturist was a nature worshipper. A History of Nursery Rhymes
  • Some of his points can, nonetheless, be interpreted as sound criticisms of oversimple methods of inductive inference.
  • Gibbon’s inference may appear stronger than the text will warrant, yet it is difficult, after reading the passages, to dismiss all suspicion of partiality from the mind. — The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • That case which was Weisensteiner, the court said that in the circumstances of the case, an adverse inference should be drawn.
  • If therefore it be inferred that A J D = a J d. i'his inference is fM to he made ex sequo perturbate. i6S The ELEMENTS BookV. Instructions given in the drawing school established by the Dublin society
  • The inference that Inkatha and the NP will form some sort of alliance to win a majority in the forthcoming election also confirms that the NP are leading this country into a dangerous state of political bipolarisation. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The inference was that Japan needed to be a lapdog.
  • I'm not sure how New York could have 7180000 and half of inhabitants, but if this were the case then the type of the tuple string * int anymore and would instead be float, as the type inference would correctly deduce that the second element of the tuple is a floating-point number. The Code Project Latest Articles
  • Of the methods taught by Aryabhata and demonstrated by his scholiast Bhaskara I, some are based on comparison of similar right-angled plane triangles, and others are derived from inference.
  • All of the evidence is circumstantial and requires the drawing of inferences.
  • I have enumerated them merely to suggest that any hasty inferences regarding the bearing of the Susian design upon the general problem are apt to be misleading. The Evolution of the Dragon
  • I have already animadverted on the bad habits which females acquire when they are shut up together; and, I think, that the observation may fairly be extended to the other sex, till the natural inference is drawn which I have had in view throughout — that to improve both sexes they ought, not only in private families, but in public schools, to be educated together. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
  • Specific topics include color, objects, categories, similarity, inductive inference, space, time, causality, reasoning, decision-making, morality and consciousness.
  • The influence of observational error on statistical inference is discussed and the method to diminish the impact of stochastic error is given.
  • Prerequisite: STAT 250. Emphasis on applications. Topics include analysis of variance, multiple regression, and nonparametric inference. A statistical computer package is used for data analysis.
  • Strictly speaking this process of inference cannot be completely deterministic.
  • In each study, contextual description is used in an effort to make larger inferences about the process of democratic transition.
  • As both from normal organogeny as well as from unusual conformation contradictory inferences may be drawn, it would obviously be unsafe to attempt the explanation of the so-called calyx-tube in general from any particular instances; so far as _Rosaceæ_ are concerned, there is so much variation in the relative position of calyx and carpels under ordinary circumstances, that it is no matter for surprise that similar diversities should exist in teratological cases. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • In the place yourself chose to mention as the foundation you laid of the inferences you are now making, our Saviour says it is a being “born of the Spirit;” doth the Scripture make this appropriable only unto men of discretion? The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • For a lot of people, positing a deity is a pretty straightforward form of inference to the best explanation — and for a lot of our history, given the dizzying complexity of the natural world, it was scarcely an unreasonable hypothesis. When Faith Isn’t
  • The inference that his disapproving father pushed him away from home is clear.
  • From the change in the exchange rate, it is not possible to make any inferences about the value of the dollar or the euro.
  • The inference, that the ideas that it contains should be carried to the field of battle, is inescapable.
  • I have not time or paper, else I could draw an inference, not very illustrative of your chance-medley system. Mary Wollstonecraft
  • But Rome's inference hence, is utterly false that the Church has a stock treasury of the merits and satisfactions of Christ and His apostles, out of which she may dispense indulgences; the context has no reference to sufferings in expiation of sin and productive of merit. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The inference followed like lightning that it was "Johann Helm" who sat beside me, and not a Baron von Herisau! Beauty and the Beast: and Tales of Home
  • A.D. 1598, and the reference is evidently to an instrument of the spinet or cembalo kind; but how the tone was produced there is no statement, no word to base an inference upon. Scientific American Supplement, No. 385, May 19, 1883
  • The inferences that may be placed in data materials can and do change as theoretical frameworks change and shift.
  • A flexible inference rule in belief networks is designed and quasi-information filtering provides a new approach to studying uncertai...
  • I regretted the words immediately, knowing that they'd carried an inference of sourness, and guessing that she'd notice.
  • For a long time I have thought that I was a statistician, interested in inferences from the particular to the general.
  • Logically, advocates of land privatization base their illogical argument on the premise of a false proposition and go against rules of inference.
  • This involves a consideration of the reasonableness of the inferences to be drawn from the circumstantial evidence.
  • If the centriole looks like a designed turbine (ones that humans make), then the design inference is strong (we have direct experience of an intelligent agent having designed something like it). ID Research, Look to the Example
  • This means that the inference to teleology is an inference by exclusion. Alternative to Dembski's Theodicy?
  • As they aim to be monotheistic, each variant of this approach has a unique way of undercutting the inference from three divine persons to tritheism. Trinity
  • Where is the scientific evidence for alternative inferences, more reliable than we now have?
  • By inference he could be accused of taking on board the views expressed at meetings.
  • This problem is no more tractable than that noted above, but some inferences can be made.
  • It is for the jury in a criminal trial to draw inferences from the evidence as the trier of fact, not the witness.
  • So the masque was essentially contemporary: when the masquers were unmasked, they proved to be not legendary creatures from classical antiquity, but the King and the nobility, and by inference possibly ourselves.
  • a process of rational inference
  • For the proving of which, I shall premise this one note, (which indeed is clear of itself from the very illative particle therefore,) that this and the following verse are so joined together, as to make up one argument; of which argument this verse is the antecedent, and the other the consequent, or inference drawn from it. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. V.
  • Logical inferences are then defined as relations between propositions or sentences, abstracting from the mental attitudes that go along with them.
  • In the courts below there was some judicial difference of opinion as to the inferences which should be drawn from the evidence.
  • Prying apart the text, he located discrepancies between the author's conjectural inferences and the evidence actually offered in support of those inferences.
  • Who indeed can watch the ceaseless observation, and inquiry, and inference going on in a child's mind, or listen to its acute remarks on matters within the range of its faculties, without perceiving that these powers it manifests, if brought to bear systematically upon studies _within the same range_, would readily master them without help? Essays on Education and Kindred Subjects Everyman's Library
  • The opinion identified three ways of proving deceptiveness under (a) (1) (B): survey evidence, evidence of actual confusion, and “argument based on an inference arising from a judicial comparison of the claims and the context of their use in the marketplace.” Archive 2009-06-01
  • This paper deals with the inference for uncertainty of precision instrument.
  • This perception, if we look to its origin, may turn out to be primitive; no doubt the feeling of "crude extensity" is an original sensation; every inference, association, and distinction is a thing that looms up suddenly before the mind, and the nature and actuality of which is a datum of what -- to indicate its irresistible immediacy and indescribability -- we may well call sense. The Sense of Beauty Being the Outlines of Aesthetic Theory
  • The crucial questions, accordingly, are, first, exactly what the form of that inductive inference is, and, secondly, whether it is sound.
  • But his inference was clear. Times, Sunday Times
  • The inference was obvious: if sudden change can happen to them, it can happen to you. Times, Sunday Times
  • Implication is an indirect way of conveying one's own meaning; inference is a process of discovering a fact outside oneself.
  • These problems were outlined not to paralyse comparative researchers, but to highlight possible sources of bias in drawing valid inferences.
  • The contrapositive of the inference is logically equivalent - X simulates Y, X does not have P therefore Y does not - where P is understands Chinese.
  • OK: “luckily” hitting the one side that had been reinforced is specification, but do we have the complexity to pull off a design inference? 1000 Architects and Engineers
  • The "hoodwink" language makes a clear inference that they are dispespectful of the electorate (which is clearly true). Obama On Veep Talk: Clintons Are Trying To "Hoodwink" You
  • _Hence, therefore, why_, etc., used in making an inference or in expressing cause -- as, It is dark, _hence_, or _therefore_, the sun is down; _Why_ is it dark? Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
  • Of the methods taught by Aryabhata and demonstrated by his scholiast Bhaskara I, some are based on comparison of similar right-angled plane triangles, and others are derived from inference.
  • Launching a staunch defence of his actions, Mr Ferris said that he and his family were deeply upset and angry at the inference made in the front-page report in the Sunday World.
  • There were two inferences to be drawn from her letter.
  • Logical empiricists can readily incorporate this point in an account of the relative merits of different types of inductive inference.
  • They didn't have weapons on show, but the inference was obvious. The Sun
  • Here the obvious inference is that [Greek: ta kuriaka logia] in the second clause is equivalent to [Greek: ta hupo tou Christou ê lechthenta ê prachthenta] the first, just as the [Greek: suntaxin] in the second clause corresponds to the [Greek: taxei] in the first. Essays on the work entitled "Supernatural Religion"
  • A mathematician has left an untraversed gap whenever he has not tried to verify directly that each proposition in the sequence of propositions that he has in mind (as being a proof) follows from previous propositions in the sequence by a basic mathematical inference Non-Deductive Methods in Mathematics
  • The inference from this characteristic, that he possessed what phrenologists used to call "combativeness," is not unavoidable, though such was the fact. Western Characters or Types of Border Life in the Western States
  • Prerequisite: STAT 250. Emphasis on applications. Topics include analysis of variance, multiple regression, and nonparametric inference. A statistical computer package is used for data analysis.
  • The study of inferences involving modal operators goes back to Aristotle, and was continued in the Middle Ages.
  • A valid inference is one where the conclusion follows from the premiss.
  • The inference from intellectual advertence to volitional freedom may, as noted above, be valid in the one case, and quite invalid in the other. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • It provides a basis of fuller understanding of allusion, implication and inference.
  • A leading and fundamental inference in the denudative history of the Earth thus finds support: indeed, we may say, verification. The Birth-Time of the World and Other Scientific Essays
  • Supervaluationism requires rejection of inference rules such as contraposition, conditional proof and reductio ad absurdum (Williamson Vagueness
  • So by inference just as there will be many companies that outperform the market there are also many that will fare less well.
  • But the inference is still an excellent inductive inference.
  • Ree, RH, Smith SA (2008) Maximum likelihood inference of geographic range evolution by dispersal, local extinction, and cladogenesis. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • He certainly was not the only one to make that logical inference. The Origins of Economic Inequality between Nations: A critique of Western theories on development and underdevelopment
  • One sentence should follow another without abrupt break; and, if continuative of it, adversative to it, or an inference from it, and the hearer needs to be advised of this, let it swing into position on the hinge of a fitting connective. Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
  • Hitherto, evidence of the crops grown in medieval times has come from the analysis of charred and waterlogged remains from excavations, occasional herbarium specimens, descriptions in herbals and botanical inference.
  • There is as much a need to remind the jury of the circumstances in which a proper inference may be drawn under section 34 as under section 35.
  • Many arguments have been given for regarding the probability laws as coherence conditions on degrees of belief and for taking some principle of conditionalization to be a rule of probabilistic inference. Bayesian Epistemology
  • Le Corbusier's admonitions echo much of nineteenth century morality in terms of emphasis on order and health, and by inference cleanliness.
  • A similar inference can be drawn at Mallia, house Za, where the furniture of ceremonial hall 5, together with finds from the nearby storerooms, permits one to associate a single stone rhyton with hundreds of conical cups.
  • The radar trouble expert diagnosing inferencer uses the 6 slot VXI test board as its hardware platform. Inference software platform is designed to be based on the omen.
  • But secondly, without committing ourselves to Professor Hudson's dictum that personality implies limitation, we have to point out that we are not concerned to defend any inference that might be drawn from the infinity, in the sense {81} of the "allness" of God. Problems of Immanence: studies critical and constructive
  • Typically an expert system consists of a piece of software called an inference engine and another piece called a knowledge base.
  • There's no logic to it, only a contagion of inferences.
  • Once it is established what the defendant knew, then the inference to be drawn from these primary facts is objective.
  • Yet there is a certain justice in the inference that women are often most severely condemned by those who are no better than themselves; and this insincerity of uncharity is far more to be dreaded than the over-zeal of virtuous hearts, which oftenest helps and heals where it has been obliged to wound. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 49, November, 1861
  • My students are always interested in lessons which deal with what linguists call pragmatics †all those things about using a foreign language which go beyond grammar and vocabulary, and have more to do with nuance of meaning, casualness vs. formality, manners, inference, etc. Rambles at » Blog Archive » Teaching Tricks to Sea Lions
  • Plus the strong inferences that data has been "massaged" to give the correct results, and other data subject to Freedom of Information laws that they claimed has been "lost" has actually been deliberately deleted. Kaguya Discovers a Lava Tube on the Moon | Universe Today
  • Kellas cats, only discovered in 1984, are introgressive domestic cat x wildcat hybrids that appear to be evolving their own unique behaviour and morphology and, by inference, into a new species (Shuker 1990). Archive 2006-02-01
  • However, the inferences based on conventional data sets could be quite misleading.
  • But to overlook the hard data is not to abolish them, and the inferences are not removed by being unacknowledged.
  • His change of mind was recent and sudden, the inference being that someone had persuaded him.
  • When Hume argues that immediate inductive inferences are not valid, he seems to mean that they are not deductively valid.
  • It was clear to a mind so acute as Bruno's that the dogmas of the Church were correlated to a view of the world which had been superseded; and he drew the logical inference that they were at bottom but poetical and popular adumbrations of the Deity in terms concordant with erroneous physical notions. Renaissance in Italy, Volumes 1 and 2 The Catholic Reaction
  • It is not a matter involving any findings of credibility or a matter depending upon the drawing of inferences.
  • The natural inference was that as the veins were followed deeper the proportion of chalcocite would rapidly diminish, and that a leaner primary zone of chalcopyrite, enargite and other primary minerals would be met. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • Some philosophers even claim that the phrase cogito ergo sum is a syllogistic inference , as it appears to require extra premise. Regarding the US’s High Infant Mortality Rate
  • When he speaks of stupid and intelligent faces he is a physiognomist; he sees that there are intellectual foreheads and microcephalic ones, and is thus a craniologist; he observes the expression of fear and of joy, and so observes the principles of imitation; he contemplates a fine and elegant hand in contrast with a fat and mean hand, and therefore assents to the effectiveness of chirognomy; he finds one hand-writing scholarly and fluid, another heavy, ornate and unpleasant; so he is dealing with the first principles of graphology; -- all these observations and inferences are nowhere denied, and nobody can say where their attainable boundaries lie. Criminal Psychology: a manual for judges, practitioners, and students
  • It also prompts an obvious inference. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the present we need to proceed by inferences.
  • The inferences made by the psychologists in your report suggest she is insecure or unsure of herself which is why she overreacts so much.
  • She said Rico was displaying a kind of learning by inference that is called fast mapping.
  • No such retainer is alleged by the claimants and PW are not in a position to prove any such retainer, except by inference.
  • That the crone is Polish must be constructed by the reader as a kind of logical inference: the Polish keep kosher, the crone keeps kosher, therefore the crone is Polish—that is, Orthodox. Archive 2009-07-01
  • And if you delete the video, an adverse inference could be drawn from that act. Times, Sunday Times
  • According to Goodman, we formulate rules of deductive logic by taking our cue from intuitively valid deductive inferences.
  • I am wholly unable to draw any such inference or conclusion.
  • Not essentially psychological but of importance for the criminalist are the inferences we may draw from Herbert Spencer's assertion that people whose ancestors have worked with their hands possess heavy hands. Criminal Psychology: a manual for judges, practitioners, and students
  • There is a narrower sense, in which the name reasoning is confined to the form of inference which is termed ratiocination, and of which the syllogism is the general type. A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
  • I think the test could only be met by express words in the later statute, or by words so specific that the inference of an actual determination to effect the result contended for was irresistible.
  • In the absence of detailed documentary evidence, we can only make inferences about Minoan religion.
  • Van Inwagen proposes a rule of inference that uses an operator “N” that is to be read as follows: Np = p and nobody has or ever had any choice about whether p. Van Inwagen calls his principle “Beta”: Foreknowledge and Free Will
  • But a fairly uncontroversial example can be found in his use of supposition to examine the structure of certain complex terms that would remain unanalyzed on the traditional account of syllogistic inferences.
  • Second, it is more difficult to draw strong inferences from these data since they can not be subjected to statistical analysis.
  • Such a graded response according to exposure can strengthen inferences of causality.
  • Their tenor was boastful and jeering and the only reasonable inference was they thought they had somehow fooled and misled the court. The Sun
  • Now the nature of the material evidence is plainly this, that the resemblance of camels to deer, oxen, etc., in chewing the cud, justifies us in believing that they have a further resemblance in feeding on herbs; in other words, we assume that _resemblance is a ground of inference_. Logic Deductive and Inductive
  • The linkage is an inference you've drawn all on your own, and it obviously bothers you a lot. Changing Your Name
  • The jury was instructed to draw adverse inferences. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tenor of the above letter seems to endorse rather than diminish that inference - Ed.
  • Secondarily, and in its logical (epistemological) usage, it designates the theory that all human knowledge is derived exclusively from experience, the latter term meaning, either explicitly or implicitly, external sense-percepts and internal representations and inferences exclusive of any superorganic (immaterial) intellectual factor. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • a valid inference
  • In the absence of detailed documentary evidence, we can only make inferences about Minoan religion.
  • I hoped the political inferences would be clear. The Times Literary Supplement
  • A method of implementing symbol logic inference system using recurrent multilayer perceptron neural networks is presented in this paper.
  • The differences in using the term ˜default™ consist of the acceptance or rejection of at least the following properties: cancellability (also known as defeasibility) of preferred interpretations; availability of preferred interpretations without making use of conscious inference; shorter time required for their formation by the speaker and recognition by the addressee as compared with that required for the meanings induced through inference; the availability of preferred interpretations prior to the completion of the processing of the entire proposition (local, pre-propositional defaults). Defaults in Semantics and Pragmatics
  • He wrote five works on the subject, the most important of which is one on inference.
  • The value of data depends on our skill in drawing inferences from it.
  • Instead, another layer of inaccuracy via inference: Since Hu's family has caused all this trouble by raising a fuss, peeved officialdom is going to make sure that the old girl is out of here chop-chop.
  • In a Hilbert system, for example, we have a number of axioms and rules of inference.
  • Tusi mentions two types of argumentation that the tradition describes as assertoric proof or quia (burhan inni) and demonstrative proof or propter quid (burhan limmi), the former is an inference from effect to cause and the latter is from cause to effect. Mulla Sadra
  • I of course think that education should return to being education, which is to say a classical education, by means of which one learns to master language and thought, so that one knows how to find information, how to evaluate it, how to draw inferences therefrom, and how to organize and express clearly, simply and euphoniously one's thoughts concerning same. So you thought ...
  • It leads to the inference that he was taking some stock from the petrol station shop and selling it as if his own stock in his shop.
  • The real table, if there is one, is not _immediately_ known to us at all, but must be an inference from what is immediately known. The Problems of Philosophy

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