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How To Use Infectious In A Sentence

  • And the thing is, the resulting cartoonish anarchy is infectious. Times, Sunday Times
  • Poverty is something that is contagious and infectious in our community.
  • Poor sanitation always leads to the spread of disease and to deaths from infectious diseases. EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER: A Journey Through the Science of Feelings
  • The songs are irritatingly infectious with enough angst to keep the moodiest teenagers frowning.
  • His boundless energy and enthusiasm were infectious and his pride in his family paramount. Times, Sunday Times
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  • He's an amiable man in a striped shirt who talks with infectious vim about science. Times, Sunday Times
  • It seems unlikely to be an infectious agent that is causing the problem as only Koi and Orfe are affected.
  • There was also a statistically significantly lower incidence of leukocytopenia, or decrease in white blood cells, of 12 percent on Treanda versus 38 percent with CHOP, and more infectious complications with CHOP, Rummel said. Aktuelle Nachrichten
  • We have forgotten how important enforced isolation is in the control of infectious disease. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bunker is chic and arty without being too pretentious, and its friendly, laid-back vibe is infectious.
  • Dr. Cahill, senior attending physician in infectious diseases and emergency medicine at St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center, serves as the orchestra's in-house physician, treating everything from violinists 'stiff necks to an epidemic of food poisoning that occurred while the orchestra was on tour several years ago. One Virtuoso Physician
  • Laila is blind, rambunctious, with a laser-sharp wit and a highly infectious laugh.
  • Your enthusiasm is infectious; it spreads as rapidly through conversations as it does through bloodlines.
  • He is board certified in infectious diseases, allergy and immunology, and rheumatology.
  • Microbicides are likely to be most effective at population level if they both protect uninfected women against HIV infection and reduce the infectiousness of women already infected.
  • It was a glorious swansong, and her enormous grin and triumphant punching of the air as she mounted the podium were deliciously infectious. Times, Sunday Times
  • While she has a broad repertoire, her infectious exuberance and natural athleticism give her a distinctive edge in leotard ballets and soubrette parts.
  • The cull of a flock of 9,000 pheasants was under way yesterday after confirmation of a highly infectious bird disease.
  • The prostate can be affected by a variety of infectious and poorly defined non-infectious conditions that present as acute or chronic pelvic pain with a range of accompanying urinary and systemic symptoms.
  • For example, if an infectious disease is associated with high levels of a factor X in the blood, it is often difficult to know whether this is of pathogenic importance or simply an epiphenomenon of the disease process.
  • Infectious etiologies of chronic diseases: Focus on women. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • Norovirus is the most common cause of infectious gastroenteritis in England and Wales.
  • Infectious complications of medical devices are often not considered in the context of reporting, and so the possible lessons that can minimise recurrence remain unlearnt.
  • Your excitement was infectious as you laughed and gasped as we were whirled and twisted.
  • His boundless energy and enthusiasm were infectious and his pride in his family paramount. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the way, colds spread through touching infectious surfaces or inhaling viruses.
  • infectious disease
  • The end result is a hugely infectious upbeat floor-filler with hard knock drums and a new level of vocal from Craig. - Celebrity Gossip + Lifestyle Magazine
  • This makes it potentially an attractive alternative to medications already available to treat patients with non-allergic, non-infectious, perennial rhinitis.
  • Then she bursts into infectious laughter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today the world is once again under attack from infectious diseases. Times, Sunday Times
  • Clearly, infectious diseases contribute significantly to economic losses and days of disability in the United States.
  • He received his B.S. degree from Utah State University in Wildlife Management, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in Veterinary Science and Wildlife Ecology, with emphasis in the epizootiology of infectious diseases of domestic and wild animals. Contributor: Thomas Yuill
  • And of course, there are no big choruses or infectious hooks to get you humming along.
  • Infectious-disease experts say the most worrisome of the gram-negative bacteria may be acinetobacter, which is commonly found in soil and water, and may be carried by up to 40% of people on their skin. 'Superbugs' That Strike the Sickest Patients
  • It was a glorious swansong, and her enormous grin and triumphant punching of the air as she mounted the podium were deliciously infectious. Times, Sunday Times
  • She has an infectious humour, a hearty laugh and can fill a room with her cheerful personality.
  • The infectious glam stomp of the closer Retreat explodes in delirious joy, a fitting high note on which to end. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a glorious swansong, and her enormous grin and triumphant punching of the air as she mounted the podium were deliciously infectious. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is highly infectious and is lethal in more than half of all cases. Times, Sunday Times
  • Immediate priorities should include improving facilities to deal with infectious agents that require high level microbiological safety precautions. iii.
  • In spite of this Gajdusek showed that the disease was caused by an infectious agent which in chimpanzees gave a disease identical with kuru in man. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1976 - Presentation Speech
  • It seems unlikely to be an infectious agent that is causing the problem as only Koi and Orfe are affected.
  • Surface water harbours pathogens and the insect vectors of infectious diseases.
  • Clause 70 of the previous Bill required the undertakers to install monitoring apparatus to monitor water level and quality for infectious diseases.
  • A virus is a small packet of infectious nucleic acid material surrounded by a protein coat.
  • Infectious set brims with the trio's near-psychic sense of mutual attunement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her joy was so infectious that he momentarily forgot his own fears for the future.
  • With the completion of the sequence of the human genome and the list of full sequence of infectious agents growing almost daily, medical research stands at the dawning of a new era of advance.
  • Swiss veterinary expert, Zschokke, was the first to make use of this rule in the struggle against infectious mammitis in cows, which is an epizootic that causes serious deterioration in milk. Ilya Mechnikov - Nobel Lecture
  • In his short life, he had been a paratrooper and a physician, specializing in infectious diseases.
  • Mumps is highly infectious and spreads rapidly in susceptible people living in close proximity.
  • The efforts, known as antimicrobial stewardship programs, team top pharmacists, infectious-disease specialists and microbiologists. Curbing Antibiotic Use
  • Until science has a better understanding of the etiology of this infectious protein, medical professionals must remain vigilant in asepsis and patient advocacy.
  • Backed by an ­invigoratingly swinging big band, his singing made me feel good with his personal, signature sound, infectious jazz time and conversational phrasing. The Other Frank Sinatra
  • Typical of the infectious optimism was Michael Ainslie, president of Sotheby's auctioneers.
  • Other activities address the development and implementation of guidelines for preventing emerging infectious diseases and the provision of prevention information.
  • The Third Man is very much a jape - a sardonic waltz set to the mocking gaiety of its infectious zither theme.
  • Unlike other animals, Dr. Prusiner said, deer give off the infectious agent, a form of protein called a prion, from lymph tissue in their intestinal linings up to a year before they develop the disease. Seven Reasons to Stop Baiting Whitetails Now
  • However, in general practice a classification on an etiological basis is probably more practical and we shall consider inflammation of bursae and thecae as _infectious_ and _noninfectious_. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • Many of these regions also suffer from epidemics of other infectious diseases such as cholera and malaria.
  • Thanks to Isla's rapid success, the narrow, 55-seat L-shaped room already feels cramped, and the music is so loud and infectious that you resent the lack of enough room to rumba.
  • Those are infectious stages of the parasite and it's also excreted into the environment with the faeces.
  • Onchocerciasis is the world's second leading infectious cause of blindness.
  • His infectious enthusiasm and energy engulfs players and supporters alike.
  • Dean Blumberg, an associate professor of pediatric infectious disease at UC Dais.
  • When infectious people cough, sneeze, talk or spit, they propel TB germs, known as bacilli, into the air.
  • A third example is foot-and-mouth disease, a highly infectious disease that infects cloven-hoofed animals.
  • She was very mannish, and what we were taught was that those masculine traits were evil - and that her evil was somehow infectious.
  • Miss Carpenter, as she separated long strands of raphia and initiated her pupils into the art of twisting and stitching, was almost as merry as Miss Pennington, whose infectious laugh, as she related James Mandeville's latest speeches, kept them all in a gale. The Pleasant Street Partnership A Neighborhood Story
  • The focus of the design proposition has been to help in opening up thedrinking occasionality, and communicating theconcept of ‘infectious playfulness’ for Baileys. Bailissimo Traveling Bar by Jump Studios
  • It is not less infectious than measles or influenza, and even if it were, it is much more fatal.
  • Elma has great plans for a water feature and a fernery (collection of different ferns) and her enthusiasm was really infectious.
  • My hand traveled down my side and discovered the padding that had been secured to the wound; a rank stench told me that they had used a poultice to keep the infectious humors at bay.
  • It was the good fortune of this ill office worker with the mysterious lung problem to see Dr. Robert H. Rubin, an infectious disease specialist at the Massachusetts General H.spital, at the time the director of the hospital's clinical investigation program. Diagnosis: What Doctors Are Missing
  • Unfortunately, there are reasons for pessimism and the recent declines in infectious disease mortality rates may reverse.
  • Our feeling, however, is that they most likely contain a single infectious capsid.
  • There will be a reduced risk to badgers themselves, cattle and other wildlife if the density of infectious badgers is low. Times, Sunday Times
  • Infectious diseases are spreading among many of the flood victims.
  • To explore the dynamic changes of cellular immune function in children with infectious mononucleosis .
  • Measles is highly infectious and could spread very quickly.
  • But here his energetic, knockabout humour is totally infectious. The Sun
  • John Sabia is the CFO of Medical Infusion Technologies (MIT), developer of the ProVector-an innovative biopesticide device that is working to solve the infectious-disease problems in regions such as Haiti. Political Pistachio
  • The treatment makes the illness completely noncontagious, although it turns out that leprosy is not highly infectious. Archive 2006-09-01
  • The camaraderie is infectious, and is continuously enlivened by new arrivals and passing vehicles honking their support.
  • Activities i. Establish mechanisms for timely and systematic information exchange between public health agencies of different countries about emerging infectious diseases.
  • Granuloma formation in sarcoidosis may be a stereotypical response to multiple infectious and noninfectious agents.
  • Abortion may be due to pathological changes in the ovum, the uterus, or its adnexa one or both -- to the physical or nervous condition of the woman, to diseases either inherited or acquired (syphilis, tuberculosis, rheumatism); to any infectious, contagious, or inflammatory disease; to shock, injury, or accident. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • It would be expected that people with more antibodies would be less susceptible to infectious diseases. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's important to keep in mind that the cycle in which the cat is infectious and passes toxoplasmosis to humans, it lasts about two to three weeks, and the same cat can repeat the cycle later.
  • Infectious tropical groovers with a hint of rumba-flavoured funk are presented in a seamlessly blended big-room format.
  • Current systems that monitor infectious diseases domestically and internationally are inadequate to confront the present and future challenges of emerging infections.
  • Any infectious disease must be notified at once to the Health Ministry.
  • In the filial generation, haplosis occurs as a result of nuclear dissociation to produce uninucleate spores infectious to larval mosquitoes.
  • Before AIDS, many health care experts believed that large-scale infectious diseases were a thing of the past.
  • The $50 million lab is across from the university's Prince William campus and is one of 13 biocontainment laboratories in the nation that were built with the help of grants from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Prince William research lab is part of effort to fight bioterrorism
  • Infectious mononucleosis should be suspected and a diagnostic evaluation obtained in febrile patients who have sore throat plus splenomegaly, palatal petechiae, or posterior, axillary, or inguinal adenopathy.
  • One horse has tested positive for equine infectious anaemia. The Sun
  • _malignant_ and _poisonous_ affections, as scirrhus and other varieties of cancer, and also cases of infectious virus, demand continually, or with but occasional exceptions, the primary galvanic current A B. ☞ In treating these malignant affections, the current should be run through as short a distance of _healthy_ tissue as possible, yet so as fairly to reach the diseased part. A Newly Discovered System of Electrical Medication
  • It's good the enthusiasm is infectious as the overly polished, shallow action misses the point and rings hollow. The Sun
  • Although any toxin or infectious agent could in theory be weaponised, the WHO believes that there are only five diseases likely to be used in a biological weapon: anthrax, botulism, smallpox, plague and tularaemia.
  • There is a constant feeling of suppressed impatience from him, although every so often he breaks into a wheezy, rumbustious, infectious laugh.
  • - Also called rubeola and morbilli, it is one of the commonest childhood infectious exanthems. Chapter 13
  • We like to use words like contagiousness and infectiousness just to apply to the medical realm. Interview with Malcolm Gladwell
  • An anthemic song with a big chorus, and an infectious spring in its step, the number demonstrated Rooster's readiness to have fun with a big riff.
  • His wild abandon has been infectious. Times, Sunday Times
  • The G major quartet is a bubbly and infectious work throughout containing much music that is ebullient and tuneful.
  • He was board-certified in paediatrics, paediatric immunology and infectious diseases, neonatology and perinatology. Times, Sunday Times
  • Taxonomically this places virinos between conventional viruses and viroids (a class of plant pathogens which neither need nor code for proteins to be infectious).
  • Infectious organisms found in saliva are released when people spit.
  • There is evidence that both infectious and Serum hepatitis may be transmitted by faeces , urine, blood and other body fluids such as ascitic fluid.
  • His way of life may seem a bit ostentatious, but his energy and enthusiasm is infectious, and there is nothing snobbish or affected about him.
  • Flu is highly infectious.
  • They both led bands in the 1980s Paris punk scene, and both now make genre-defying albums that combine radical street politics with an infectious cocktail of salsa, hip-hop, reggae, cha-cha-cha, ska and much else besides.
  • She had an infectious laugh and a fine soprano voice.
  • Recent research shows that only half the dogs and cats in the UK are fully protected against infectious diseases.
  • Today the world is once again under attack from infectious diseases. Times, Sunday Times
  • The inflammatory infiltrate raised the possibility of an infectious granulomatous disease or a conventional diverticular abscess.
  • These safety shields will reduce the risk of accidental exposure of healthcare workers to infectious agents through contaminated sharps in the workplace.
  • A tripping, folkish vocal stitched to a coruscating harmony produces an endlessly pleasant bump that has simplicity written all over it, but is still hopelessly infectious.
  • Since infectious mononucleosis typically resolves on its own, the only treatment usually needed is bed rest, lots of fluids (Grandma's chicken soup) and symptomatic relief (such as gargling for sore throat, acetaminophen for fever). The Observer-Dispatch Home RSS
  • His enthusiasm for disabling nasty people is infectious. Times, Sunday Times
  • This decline - like that of most infectious diseases - took place despite the absence of any generally available cure or prevention.
  • The majority of these patients were initially suspected of having an infectious etiology for their diffuse pulmonary disease.
  • The literature on infectious illnesses occurring in day care settings suggests that social interactions with other children outside the home may be important.
  • Recognition that the spleen had ruptured was delayed because of the patient's stable clinical condition and lack of coexisting symptoms of infectious mononucleosis.
  • The lyrical logic is hard to crack, but the record proves maddeningly infectious.
  • As the mysteries of many infectious and nutritional diseases have been solved, what remain are the chronic disorders with genetic origins.
  • The progress ranges from substantial successes in reducing infant mortality and increasing life span to the reduction of childhood malnutrition and the prevalence of communicable, infectious diseases.
  • They have an exuberant, vital, natural radiance around them that is infectious to others.
  • But here his energetic, knockabout humour is totally infectious. The Sun
  • Chicken-pox, or Varicella, of which the contagium also remains a mystery, is another infectious eruptive form of disease, peculiar to children. Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
  • Lyme disease is an infectious illness caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi.
  • If we find that giving the vaccine intradermally is safe and prompts an immune response that is as strong as when the vaccine is given subcutaneously, we potentially could protect more people with the same amount of vaccine," said Dr. Sharon Frey, principal investigator and professor of infectious diseases at Saint Louis University School of Medicine, in a statement. St. Louis Business News - Local St. Louis News | The St. Louis Business Journal
  • Not only that, but it's the infectious happiness of the manner, with the very sterile, factual detailing of demise that is the content.
  • The marmoset is also an important model for research into infectious disease and pharmacology.
  • Along the same line up as their sisters Morning Musume, and Berryz Kubo, these group of adorable girls perfectly represent the definition of the term cute with their uniforms and infectious bubblegum pop music that the Hello! Recently updated products at
  • For people born in Britain before the Second World War, child deaths - mainly from infectious diseases - were a familiar experience.
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  • Measles is a highly infectious viral illness that can cause pneumonia, diarrhoea, encephalitis and death.
  • Non-infectious causes include salivary calculi, tumours, sarcoid, Sjögren's syndrome, ingestion of starch or thiazides, and iodine sensitivity.
  • Those treated can support their families and are likely to be less infectious.
  • fear is exceedingly infectious; children catch it from their elders
  • Meanwhile, there could be a large pool of symptomless people who do not realise they are carrying the infectious prion protein responsible for both the cattle brain disease BSE and vCJD.
  • His wild abandon has been infectious. Times, Sunday Times
  • We can do a great deal to save people from starvation and infectious diseases. Times, Sunday Times
  • Septic arthritis and acute glomerulonephritis have occurred following ear piercing, and infectious endocarditis has been reported after body piercing.
  • This outbreak illustrates how factors such as weather and demographic changes can affect the emergence of public health problems from infectious diseases.
  • That zeal is infectious and I finished the book long before we landed at Heathrow despite my struggling eyelids.
  • If you think you've contracted an infectious disease, contact your doctor.
  • Nevertheless, she understands the essence of the formula, and applies it in a manner that is infectious.
  • You find fun in the unlikeliest of places and your laughter is infectious. The Sun
  • Be thankful that you don't work with infectious biohazards. Safety Buffoons
  • She had strep throat, too, which often coexists with infectious mono for some reason.
  • In support of the virino hypothesis is the existence of different strains of prions that cause differing patterns of disease and breed true; the existence of strains in pathogens is usually the result of changes in the nucleic acid sequence of the infectious agent.
  • But this applies to the basics of health - clean water, control of infectious diseases, curing the curable.
  • It may also be the first sign of mastitis, ductal candidiasis or another infectious process.
  • Accurate, efficient data transfer with rapid notification of key partners and constituents is critical to effectively addressing emerging infectious disease threats.
  • These results support the hypothesis that aggregation of hemocytes in the gills impairs normal respiratory function and help explain the increased susceptibility of crustaceans to infectious disease in hypoxic environments.
  • Over the past 30 years, a global outcry against using the pesticide dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, or DDT, has led to the resurgence of the mosquito, a voracious consumer of human blood and carrier of infectious disease. Scott Dodd: Climate Change Drives Dengue Fever Re-Emergence in U.S.
  • No antecedents of orchitis, infectious disease, or orchidectomy had been recorded in the patients' histories.
  • The infectious agent is commonly called a prion, the pr-i standing for proteinaceous infectious, though my mother, in fact, always disputed the term because her work showed that the agent was not destroyed by radiation that would inactivate both DNA and protein. reply Tikvah Alper.
  • That's because children were vulnerable to infectious diseases such as scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and measles.
  • The most notable increases were for chancroid, chlamydia trachomatis, gonorrhoea, infectious hepatitis B, syphilis and trichomoniasis, according to the National Disease Surveillance Centre figures.
  • He has an infectious, donnish enthusiasm and joie de vivre that television producers obviously believe lends popular appeal to subjects that some viewers might otherwise consider dry as dust.
  • He stressed that biosafety staff 'have not identified any infectious exposure risk to lab workers or the public'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Darlene simply had the kind of infectious positive attitude that influenced everyone in her presence.
  • With their tracksuit tops, lank hair and implausibly fresh faces, they look more like teenage scallies than harbingers of a musical revolution, but their enthusiasm is infectious.
  • Conclusion The early manifestations of fulminant epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis are mainly severe infectious signs.
  • The most common cause of benign calcified pulmonary lesions is the granulomatous reaction to infectious or foreign agents, such as tuberculosis, coccidioidomycosis, and silicosis.
  • Antibiotic therapy for these noninfectious problems results in the colonization of highly resistant organisms.
  • What if I tell myself the rash will go away and it becomes infectious and spreads even further?
  • Molecular biology has had a major impact on medical microbiology and infectious disease.
  • Exhilarating and highly infectious, this young Canadian folk six-piece present an anthology of Quebecois dance tunes, Celtic reels and world music.
  • Hip Hop and Jazz tunes were superbly mixed with turntable scratch and an infectious piano line that dictate the film's progression.
  • And the thing is, the resulting cartoonish anarchy is infectious. Times, Sunday Times
  • In medicine (pulmonology), psittacosis — also known as parrot disease, parrot fever, and ornithosis — is a zoonotic infectious disease caused by a bacterium
  • There, he will serve as a clinician specializing in infectious disease and teach post-graduate medical students.
  • This ‘wildered’ reading-effect, however, is one of the book's unhappier accidents since it suggests that Schad's enthusiasm for topsy-turvy meanings can prove dangerously infectious.
  • Infectious diseases such as whooping cough, encephalitis, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, rabies, tetanus, syphilis, and botulism rarely are seen now but can cause vocal cord paralysis.
  • Shingles is not infectious in the same way as chickenpox, where the virus can be passed on in coughs and sneezes.
  • Common infectious forms of vaginitis include bacterial vaginosis, vulvovaginal candidiasis, and trichomoniasis.
  • Their happy-clappy Beach Boys-inspired music is downright infectious, so go along a join the worshippers - you'll be converted.
  • Dutch botanist Martinus Bijerinck called this infectious fluid contagium vivum fluidum.
  • Beginning with the haunting sound of four recorders so infectious it was soon joined by the renaissance guitar, viols and voice for the first song, a celebration of the joys of hunting.
  • - Acute inflammation of the conjunctivae which may be infectious Chapter 10
  • He grinned slowly, an infectious smile that soon spread, spanning ear to ear.
  • The medics will include infectious disease specialists, microbiologists, virologists, and nurses who specialise in acute care or communicable disease control.
  • The number of recorded episodes of infectious illness from birth to age 15 years was calculated.
  • Our results will allow focused national serological studies, form the basis for the development of predictive models of virus transmission, provide a methodology for the use spatial analyses at a national level for other infectious diseases, and demonstrate the need for the reporting of arboviral and other disease cases at smaller geographic scales. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Please yourself!" the Maluka laughed, and with a flash of white teeth and an infectious chuckle Cheon laughed and nodded back; then, still chuckling, he waddled away to the kitchen and took possession there, while we went to our respective dinners, little guessing that the truest-hearted, most faithful, most loyal old "josser" had waddled into our lives. We of the Never-Never
  • About 7.6 million people have trachomatous trichiasis, the blinding stage of this infectious disease.
  • The second: unpatched flaws on legitimate Web pages that enable hackers to turn such pages into infectious Web links. Cyberattackers focus on Web applications
  • Study on Infecting Method and Pathological Observationof Serositis in DuckThe duck infectious serositis, nowadays newly appears one, is extremely harm to young ducks.
  • This cross sectional survey was not designed to provide direct evidence of transmission of infectious diseases in prison.
  • Its products treat millions of patients a year who suffer from hemophilia, infectious diseases, and cancer.
  • They might be applicable both to bioterrorist threats and to infectious diseases like ebola, West Nile virus and SARS. The $6 Billion Bio-Defense Opportunity
  • It is the one great weakness of Dickens as a great writer, that he did try to make that sudden sadness, that abrupt pity, which we call pathos, a thing quite obvious, infectious, public, as if it were journalism or the measles. Appreciations and Criticisms of the Works of Charles Dickens
  • It would be expected that people with more antibodies would be less susceptible to infectious diseases. Times, Sunday Times
  • In order to better avert the threat of swine flu epidemics like the one currently spreading around the globe, public health efforts must address the conditions that allow pigs to become breeding grounds for infectious disease. Wonk Room » Flu Farms: Decreasing Factory Farming Could Help Avert the Next Swine Flu Epidemic

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