
How To Use Infectious disease In A Sentence

  • Poor sanitation always leads to the spread of disease and to deaths from infectious diseases. EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER: A Journey Through the Science of Feelings
  • We have forgotten how important enforced isolation is in the control of infectious disease. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dr. Cahill, senior attending physician in infectious diseases and emergency medicine at St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center, serves as the orchestra's in-house physician, treating everything from violinists 'stiff necks to an epidemic of food poisoning that occurred while the orchestra was on tour several years ago. One Virtuoso Physician
  • He is board certified in infectious diseases, allergy and immunology, and rheumatology.
  • For example, if an infectious disease is associated with high levels of a factor X in the blood, it is often difficult to know whether this is of pathogenic importance or simply an epiphenomenon of the disease process.
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  • infectious disease
  • Today the world is once again under attack from infectious diseases. Times, Sunday Times
  • Clearly, infectious diseases contribute significantly to economic losses and days of disability in the United States.
  • He received his B.S. degree from Utah State University in Wildlife Management, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in Veterinary Science and Wildlife Ecology, with emphasis in the epizootiology of infectious diseases of domestic and wild animals. Contributor: Thomas Yuill
  • Surface water harbours pathogens and the insect vectors of infectious diseases.
  • Clause 70 of the previous Bill required the undertakers to install monitoring apparatus to monitor water level and quality for infectious diseases.
  • In his short life, he had been a paratrooper and a physician, specializing in infectious diseases.
  • Other activities address the development and implementation of guidelines for preventing emerging infectious diseases and the provision of prevention information.
  • Many of these regions also suffer from epidemics of other infectious diseases such as cholera and malaria.
  • Dean Blumberg, an associate professor of pediatric infectious disease at UC Dais.
  • A third example is foot-and-mouth disease, a highly infectious disease that infects cloven-hoofed animals.
  • It was the good fortune of this ill office worker with the mysterious lung problem to see Dr. Robert H. Rubin, an infectious disease specialist at the Massachusetts General H.spital, at the time the director of the hospital's clinical investigation program. Diagnosis: What Doctors Are Missing
  • Unfortunately, there are reasons for pessimism and the recent declines in infectious disease mortality rates may reverse.
  • Infectious diseases are spreading among many of the flood victims.
  • Activities i. Establish mechanisms for timely and systematic information exchange between public health agencies of different countries about emerging infectious diseases.
  • It would be expected that people with more antibodies would be less susceptible to infectious diseases. Times, Sunday Times
  • Current systems that monitor infectious diseases domestically and internationally are inadequate to confront the present and future challenges of emerging infections.
  • Any infectious disease must be notified at once to the Health Ministry.
  • Before AIDS, many health care experts believed that large-scale infectious diseases were a thing of the past.
  • The $50 million lab is across from the university's Prince William campus and is one of 13 biocontainment laboratories in the nation that were built with the help of grants from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Prince William research lab is part of effort to fight bioterrorism
  • He was board-certified in paediatrics, paediatric immunology and infectious diseases, neonatology and perinatology. Times, Sunday Times
  • Recent research shows that only half the dogs and cats in the UK are fully protected against infectious diseases.
  • Today the world is once again under attack from infectious diseases. Times, Sunday Times
  • This decline - like that of most infectious diseases - took place despite the absence of any generally available cure or prevention.
  • The progress ranges from substantial successes in reducing infant mortality and increasing life span to the reduction of childhood malnutrition and the prevalence of communicable, infectious diseases.
  • If we find that giving the vaccine intradermally is safe and prompts an immune response that is as strong as when the vaccine is given subcutaneously, we potentially could protect more people with the same amount of vaccine," said Dr. Sharon Frey, principal investigator and professor of infectious diseases at Saint Louis University School of Medicine, in a statement. St. Louis Business News - Local St. Louis News | The St. Louis Business Journal
  • The marmoset is also an important model for research into infectious disease and pharmacology.
  • For people born in Britain before the Second World War, child deaths - mainly from infectious diseases - were a familiar experience.
  • We can do a great deal to save people from starvation and infectious diseases. Times, Sunday Times
  • This outbreak illustrates how factors such as weather and demographic changes can affect the emergence of public health problems from infectious diseases.
  • If you think you've contracted an infectious disease, contact your doctor.
  • But this applies to the basics of health - clean water, control of infectious diseases, curing the curable.
  • Accurate, efficient data transfer with rapid notification of key partners and constituents is critical to effectively addressing emerging infectious disease threats.
  • These results support the hypothesis that aggregation of hemocytes in the gills impairs normal respiratory function and help explain the increased susceptibility of crustaceans to infectious disease in hypoxic environments.
  • Over the past 30 years, a global outcry against using the pesticide dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, or DDT, has led to the resurgence of the mosquito, a voracious consumer of human blood and carrier of infectious disease. Scott Dodd: Climate Change Drives Dengue Fever Re-Emergence in U.S.
  • No antecedents of orchitis, infectious disease, or orchidectomy had been recorded in the patients' histories.
  • That's because children were vulnerable to infectious diseases such as scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and measles.
  • Molecular biology has had a major impact on medical microbiology and infectious disease.
  • In medicine (pulmonology), psittacosis — also known as parrot disease, parrot fever, and ornithosis — is a zoonotic infectious disease caused by a bacterium
  • There, he will serve as a clinician specializing in infectious disease and teach post-graduate medical students.
  • Infectious diseases such as whooping cough, encephalitis, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, rabies, tetanus, syphilis, and botulism rarely are seen now but can cause vocal cord paralysis.
  • The medics will include infectious disease specialists, microbiologists, virologists, and nurses who specialise in acute care or communicable disease control.
  • Our results will allow focused national serological studies, form the basis for the development of predictive models of virus transmission, provide a methodology for the use spatial analyses at a national level for other infectious diseases, and demonstrate the need for the reporting of arboviral and other disease cases at smaller geographic scales. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • About 7.6 million people have trachomatous trichiasis, the blinding stage of this infectious disease.
  • This cross sectional survey was not designed to provide direct evidence of transmission of infectious diseases in prison.
  • Its products treat millions of patients a year who suffer from hemophilia, infectious diseases, and cancer.
  • They might be applicable both to bioterrorist threats and to infectious diseases like ebola, West Nile virus and SARS. The $6 Billion Bio-Defense Opportunity
  • It would be expected that people with more antibodies would be less susceptible to infectious diseases. Times, Sunday Times
  • In order to better avert the threat of swine flu epidemics like the one currently spreading around the globe, public health efforts must address the conditions that allow pigs to become breeding grounds for infectious disease. Wonk Room » Flu Farms: Decreasing Factory Farming Could Help Avert the Next Swine Flu Epidemic
  • I'll be fully engulfed in infectious disease before mid morning! Anhedonia (excerpt)
  • The hepatitis A (HA, is called hepatitis A) is one kind the acute intestinal tract infectious disease which (HAV) causes by the hepatitis A virus.
  • Spread of infectious disease in this manner is called droplet spread or droplet transmission.
  • Today the world is once again under attack from infectious diseases. Times, Sunday Times
  • More effective vaccines are valuable tools for the prevention of transmissible infectious diseases.
  • The behavior and clinical manifestations of infectious diseases also might be dictated by the same phenomenon.
  • The classic means of protecting persons exposed to infectious diseases is vaccination.
  • When a person has an infectious disease, he is usually isolated .
  • Because pentavalent antimony is difficult to use, consultation with an infectious disease specialist and the CDC is recommended before using it.
  • Infectious diseases rather than chronic degenerative diseases were the order of the day, and the majority of the population lived in poverty and squalor.
  • The 12-member consensus panel included representation from internal medicine, gastroenterology, infectious diseases, pediatrics, family practice, oncology and the public.
  • Brucellosis is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria of the genus Brucella. Brucellosis
  • The incidence of infectious diseases such as diarrhoea, hepatitis, Weil's disease etc are on the rise.
  • In reality, however, this view of infectious disease is oversimplified.
  • The Health Ministry has warned that people are at risk of infectious diseases such as diarrhoea and leptospirosis, but authorities quickly ran out of water purification tablets and had to wait for new supplies from overseas.
  • National infectious disease surveillance systems form the foundation of our ability to know and track the routine.
  • The company's specialty pharmaceutical products include generic injectables used in such areas as anesthesia, cardiovascular, infectious diseases and pain management.
  • Superficial mycoses are probably the most prevalent of infectious diseases in all parts of the world.
  • Farmers have been warned about the risk of picking up the infectious disease, leptospirosis, from unvaccinated cattle.
  • This nationwide network of multidisciplinary academic centers will conduct wide-ranging research on infectious diseases and the development of diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines.
  • Anthony Fauci, a physician and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the NIH, where much of the basic science of flu vaccine has been worked out, says, I have no doubt that it is effective in conferring some degree of protection. Does the Vaccine Matter?
  • Unfortunately, there are reasons for pessimism and the recent declines in infectious disease mortality rates may reverse.
  • There are also some major infectious diseases for which vaccinations have not been developed.
  • The source of infection may be a person who is incubating an infectious disease.
  • Leaders of our medical organisations should not allow informed consent to interfere with clinical management of infectious disease or seriously ill patients.
  • When a person has an infectious disease, he is usually isolated .
  • Periodontitis is a chronic infectious disease of the gums and underlying bony tissues.
  • He was taken to the infectious diseases hospital three days later.
  • Leading causes of acquired hearing loss include infectious diseases, especially meningitis and otitis media, trauma to the nervous system, damaging noise levels, and ototoxic drugs.
  • FRCVS, professor of virology, department of infectious diseases and pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine University of Florida News
  • Of course, our hospitals will continue to deal with emergency cases and treat infectious diseases, whoever is involved.
  • Its products treat millions of patients a year who suffer from hemophilia, infectious diseases, and cancer.
  • The Act was passed merely for sanitary purposes, in order to prevent animals in a state of infectious disease from communicating it to other animals with which they might come in contact.
  • Despite historical predictions to the contrary, we remain vulnerable to a wide array of new and resurgent infectious diseases.
  • Sperm donors undergo extensive medical and genetic screening, as well as testing for infectious diseases.
  • Timely recognition of emerging infections requires early warning systems to detect new infectious diseases before they become public health crises.
  • Today the world is once again under attack from infectious diseases. Times, Sunday Times
  • When a person has an infectious disease, he is usually isolated .
  • This decline - like that of most infectious diseases - took place despite the absence of any generally available cure or prevention.
  • It may be remarked in passing that its discovery had another incidental practical lesson of enormous value, and that was that it paved the way for the identification of a whole class of animal parasites causing infectious diseases, which already includes the organisms of Texas fever in cattle, dourine in horses, the _tsetse_ fly disease, the dreaded sleeping sickness, and finally such world-renowned plagues as syphilis and perhaps smallpox. Preventable Diseases
  • Aids has become the world's second leading cause of infectious disease deaths.
  • Associations between MHC heterozygosity and infectious diseases in free-ranging animals under natural conditions have been found in Chinook salmon and in Gila topminnow.
  • There is a similar story to be told in vaccination, which was supposed to spell the end of infectious diseases such as measles. Times, Sunday Times
  • -- Congestion and inflammation of the kidneys commonly occur in mixed and specific infectious diseases, such as septicaemia, pyaemia and influenza. Common Diseases of Farm Animals
  • Before a transfusion, the donated blood is tested for infectious diseases such as AIDS and hepatitis.
  • Those suffering from infectious diseases were separated from the other patients.
  • The organization of this vast amount of information into concise comparative tables will be very useful for pathology residents, microbiologists, and infectious disease fellows learning the complexity of parasitology.
  • And we are launching a new initiative that will give us the capacity to respond faster and more effectively to bio-terrorism or an infectious disease - a plan that will counter threats at home, and strengthen public health abroad. State of the Union Open Thread (Blog for Democracy)
  • Dr. Koranyi is board-certified in pediatrics and pediatric infectious diseases.
  • Public health agencies focused their activities on infectious diseases, especially vaccine preventable and endemic parasitic diseases.
  • A balanced diet can lower the risk of infectious diseases and this is apparent in the reduction of diseases such as cholera, diphtheria and polio in England.
  • At the same time, our ability to detect, contain, and prevent emerging infectious diseases is in jeopardy.
  • The island is believed to be the world's first lazaret — a quarantine colony intended to help prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Low Water Again Plagues Venice: Acqua Bassa Redux
  • leprosy is an indolent infectious disease
  • Individuals had to learn the importance of clean hands and basic personal sanitation to stop the rampant spread of infectious disease.
  • This caused a sensation in Western countries where the threat of serious infectious disease had come to be considered remote.
  • Gastritis, duodenal and gastric ulcers may be infectious diseases treatable by antibiotics and by the 100-year-old medicine bismuth.
  • A truer picture of the numbers are the 30 to 40 cases of brain-affecting disease from the pork tapeworm - known as neurocysticercosis - treated by Tucson's top exotic infectious disease specialist, Dr. Eskild Petersen at the University of Arizona, during his 30-year career. Undefined
  • It may be necessary to track down a donor if it is determined that he or she has an infectious disease.
  • He has been involved in all aspects of biopharmaceutical research and development, with a particular focus on the development of products to prevent and treat infectious disease.
  • Clearly, infectious diseases contribute significantly to economic losses and days of disability in the United States.
  • But the World Health Organization also considers the disease eradicable - one of only six infectious diseases in that category.
  • Infectious diseases spread through vectors and vehicles
  • This decline - like that of most infectious diseases - took place despite the absence of any generally available cure or prevention.
  • As you know, tuberculosis in cattle is one of the most damaging infectious diseases to affect agriculture. Emil von Behring - Nobel Lecture
  • Myocarditis may develop as a complication of an infectious disease, usually caused by a virus.
  • This outbreak illustrates how factors such as weather and demographic changes can affect the emergence of public health problems from infectious diseases.
  • Other activities address the development and implementation of guidelines for preventing emerging infectious diseases and the provision of prevention information.
  • The isolation of the tuberculosis bacillus in 1882 by Robert Koch, who later became professor of hygiene and director of the Institute for Infectious Diseases in Berlin, was a scientific breakthrough.
  • Unravelling the genetic and environmental determinants of infectious disease will soon be feasible.
  • In addition, tuberculosis, as well as seasonal influenza caused by pneumococcal pneumonia and meningitis and other infectious diseases also pose a serious threat.
  • Being unhappy is like an infectious disease. It causes people to shrink away from the sufferer.
  • When a person has an infectious disease, he is usually isolated .
  • Health authorities initiated preventive measures to prevent infectious diseases, if any.
  • But a campaign to save the 50ft tree, also known as a Chilean Pine, has been launched by residents, who insist the prickly foliage is not likely to present the same risk of spreading infectious diseases as a discarded syringe. Archive 2008-05-01
  • Caspofungin is a Protocol Drug at UIHC and may only be used in patients who are refractory to or intolerant of amphotericin B or amphotericin B lipid complex, or by recommendation of Infectious Diseases Division consult.
  • Scientists are a step closer to developing the first ever blood test for the deadly infectious disease known as kala-azar, or visceral leishmaniasis.
  • This, in conjunction with bad water, leads to the wildfire spread of many infectious diseases and greatly increases diarrhea among children.
  • B.. Develop more effective international surveillance networks for the anticipation, recognition, control, and prevention of emerging infectious diseases.
  • I am a board ... certified diagnostician with a double specialty of infectious disease and nephrology .
  • An infectious disease that is spread through contact with infected individuals; also called a communicable disease. Contagious disease
  • Under his control, he has turned Allied Medical into a growing and highly profitable national distribution company that sells a range of medical devices to Australian public and private hospitals across a broad scope of specialties such as anaesthesiology, critical care, pain management, infectious diseases, obstetrics and gynaecology. The Sydney Morning Herald News Headlines
  • The 1985 edition was played in May 1986 due to an equine infectious disease
  • This caused a sensation in Western countries where the threat of serious infectious disease had come to be considered remote.
  • Protection zones were set up and cattle culled within hours as a precaution after displaying symptoms of the highly infectious disease. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a second study in the same journal, Belgian investigators led by Dr. Kris De Boeck, from the department of pediatric pulmonology and infectious diseases at the University Hospital of Leuven, found similar overprescribing of antibiotics to asthmatic children. Too many kids getting antibiotics for asthma
  • He was board-certified in paediatrics, paediatric immunology and infectious diseases, neonatology and perinatology. Times, Sunday Times
  • CENTER FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASE: This is a parasite called cryptosporidium and it causes diarrhea. CNN Transcript Aug 20, 2005
  • And other infectious diseases, such as rubella, chickenpox, and Legionnaires' disease are not uncommon. For the weekend: Staying healthy on the high seas
  • Physiology or Medicine concern the development of new drugs which have become essential in the treatment of a number of different disorders, mainly myocardial ischemia (angina pectoris), hypertension, gastroduodenal ulcer, leukemia, gout and infectious diseases. Physiology or Medicine 1988 - Press Release
  • It's like an infectious disease they've all caught. The Glasgow Girls
  • This is hardly surprising in an age when resistance to infectious disease was weak and a whole host of endemic maladies — infantile diarrhea, dysentery, scarlatina, measles — very often proved fatal, above all to infants and young children. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • It would be expected that people with more antibodies would be less susceptible to infectious diseases. Times, Sunday Times
  • Accurate, efficient data transfer with rapid notification of key partners and constituents is critical to effectively addressing emerging infectious disease threats.
  • • The rapid emergence of infectious diseases crises, such as multidrug resistant tuberculosis, SARS, mad cow disease, are likely to spread globally causing severe health and economic consequences. Dr. Paul Zeitz: Call for Global Wikipedia of Global Peace Organization (GPO) Charter: 31 Days Until Global Marches for Justice on 17 January 2011
  • In Liberia, the major health issue is infectious diseases, including yellow fever, cholera, typhoid, polio and malaria.
  • Yet UN officials said this epidemic was unexpected, attempting to excuse their slow response and failure to quarantine the zone where cholera broke out - even as they took credit in preceding months for preventing a postearthquake outbreak of infectious disease. Crossover Dreams: The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund is Lying to You
  • Then for a number of reasons I got a degree in microbiology and spent about 6 months after college actually working in an infectious disease research lab before ending up in a clinical genetics lab. What a Long Strange Trip It's Been
  • What we have to recognise is that we have a real opportunity to cure infectious diseases in the developing world. Medpundit
  • Several non-infectious diseases including the leaf red spot, gummosis , herbicide in jury, typhoon damage and genetic albinism and an unidentified leaf crinkle disease are also described.
  • The fact is this is a poorly infectious disease and in our experience in Western Europe, we have not seen any incidents of person-to-person spread.
  • Final microbiological diagnosis was made by two infectious disease specialists who weighed all available clinical evidence.
  • What projects would they confect after rambling about the place where outbreaks of three infectious diseases for instance, the West Nile virus in 1999 were alleged to have started; where wild animals are killed on sight but a habitat for several bird species is nevertheless supported; and where the serial killer Hannibal Lecter would have enjoyed a brief respite from his incarceration but one which he sneeringly rejected? 101 Plum Islands
  • Activities i. Establish mechanisms for timely and systematic information exchange between public health agencies of different countries about emerging infectious diseases.
  • Dr. Osterholm reckons that irradiation is the necessary fourth pillar of a public-health platform—the other three pillars being chlorination, vaccination and pasteurization—that has delivered astonishing progress against infectious disease and a dramatically longer average life span over the past century. When Precaution Trumps Public Safety
  • Vaccination in utero may reduce the vertical transmission of infectious diseases.
  • The subcommittee included experts in the fields of primary care, otolaryngology, epidemiology, infectious diseases, hearing, speech and language, and advance practice nursing.
  • If a patient carries an infectious disease, for example, then a doctor might put the interest of the community above that of the individual concerned and have the patient forcibly quarantined.
  • Among the infectious diseases are some that are quite directly and quickly conveyed from person to person and to these the term contagious is applied. Physiology and Hygiene for Secondary Schools
  • Without a doubt, anyone who saw the movie Contagion would label infectious diseases a pressing public health crisis. Linda Rosenberg: A Silent Public Health Crisis
  • Chickenpox is a highly contagious infectious disease caused by the varicella - zoster virus.
  • Medicine had conquered the dread infectious diseases that once cut swathes through entire populations.
  • Standard doses of garlic caplets can cut blood levels of the protease inhibitor saquinavir (brand name Crixivan) by 50 percent, according to a study conducted by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
  • Other infectious diseases that pose a threat include plague, tularemia, botulism and tuberculosis.
  • It has less to do with a decision about what's good for you from a personal health standpoint than what is the extra added benefit from starting earlier, i.e., transmission, especially if you have a partner who's uninfected, said Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Early HIV therapy protects against virus spread
  • In actual fact, for the vast majority of cases, the childhood infectious diseases are benign and self-limiting.
  • It is clear that a significant proportion of heterogeneity in outcome of infectious disease can be attributed to deviation of the immune response in one direction or the other.
  • Despite historical predictions to the contrary, we remain vulnerable to a wide array of new and resurgent infectious diseases.
  • However, limited resources have left many state and local health departments with inadequate capacity to conduct surveillance for most infectious diseases.
  • Robert Koch, a German physician, and Louis Pasteur, a French chemist, both experimented with anthrax, an infectious disease of man and animals.
  • B.. Develop more effective international surveillance networks for the anticipation, recognition, control, and prevention of emerging infectious diseases.
  • Other infectious diseases that pose a threat include plague, tularemia, botulism and tuberculosis.
  • Other infectious diseases that pose a threat include plague, tularemia, botulism and tuberculosis.
  • Bruce Bowker, a vet practising in Nova Scotia, says some in the medical camp caution against a human/pet bed because of the possibility of cross-species transmission of infectious diseases HIN1 Influenza, MRSA, and external parasites such as scabies and ringworm and internal parasites like roundworm. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • No antecedents of orchitis, infectious disease, or orchidectomy had been recorded in the patients' histories.
  • Activities i. Develop, evaluate, and assist in the implementation of guidelines for preventing emerging infectious diseases.
  • Although these particular ligands do not affect the enzyme's activity, the researchers plan to modify the ligands so they can inhibit phenazine biosynthesis, which is associated with bacterial virulence and infectious disease. Chemical & Engineering News: Latest News
  • Months passed, and I finally admitted that my symptoms weren't going away and made an appointment with the infectious disease team.
  • Poor sanitation always leads to the spread of disease and to deaths from infectious diseases. EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER: A Journey Through the Science of Feelings
  • Its main study area is infectious diseases caused by viruses, bacteria and parasites.
  • He was board-certified in paediatrics, paediatric immunology and infectious diseases, neonatology and perinatology. Times, Sunday Times
  • Activities i. Develop, evaluate, and assist in the implementation of guidelines for preventing emerging infectious diseases.
  • In the case of acute infectious diseases, attempts are made to isolate a single identifiable organism.
  • As society, technology, and the environment change, pathogens evolve or spread, and the spectrum of infectious diseases expands.
  • A highly infectious disease, it passes easily from sheep to sheep, particularly when they are confined in a small space, during housing, periods of supplementary feeding or even in handling yards.
  • Clearly, infectious diseases contribute significantly to economic losses and days of disability in the United States.
  • These results support the hypothesis that aggregation of hemocytes in the gills impairs normal respiratory function and help explain the increased susceptibility of crustaceans to infectious disease in hypoxic environments.
  • Infectious disease experts say that the agents of greatest concern are the germs that cause anthrax, smallpox, plague, botulism and tularemia.
  • Dr. Koranyi is board-certified in pediatrics and pediatric infectious diseases.
  • Today the world is once again under attack from infectious diseases. Times, Sunday Times
  • The potential application of this technology to monitoring environmental changes that could affect the emergence of infectious diseases will be assessed.
  • Modern medicine has made such huge strides against infectious diseases, yesterday's great killers, that, at least for those of us living today in the developed world, death from typhus, smallpox, infantile diarrhea, or a bad bout of the flu is a fairly remote probability, far removed from the radar screens of our daily concerns. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • And other infectious diseases, such as rubella, chickenpox, and Legionnaires 'disease are not uncommon. For the weekend: Staying healthy on the high seas
  • _ -- The term influenza is applied to a febrile, contagious, infectious disease of horses, which is characterized by a blood infection, with inflammation of the mucous membranes, which frequently involves the lungs. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • And of course they carry infectious diseases such as plague.
  • The introduction of hybridoma technology has opened new vistas of research in immunology, diagnosis of infectious diseases, and purification of specific antigens.

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