How To Use Infant In A Sentence
Baby and Infant Products, Flap Hats, Swim Diapers, Swimwear Outwear, Sleeping Bags.
Yea, we see in that wailing infant of a week, the outspringing of an immortal spirit which may soon hover on cherub-pinion around the throne of God, or perhaps, in a few years, sink to the regions of untold anguish.
The Christian Home
The requests were the old ones: portraits of pretty mistresses done up as Arcadian shepherdesses, Virgins with downcast eyes and brilliant blue cloaks, sentimentalised pictures of the Infant Christ.
Food sharing with nonkin reduces the costs to kin of child rearing, but also reduces the resources recaptured by kin after an infant death, so evolved infant mortality is lower.
Archive 2008-06-01
There is Pricey, an infantile young woman who cares for her rag doll child as if it was alive.

The two variables are infant mortality per 1000 live births and gross national product per head.
If an infant's condition is not as grave as was thought, he will live, and he can then be given optimal care if he has any handicaps.
Proper footgear for the Confederate infantry was in shortest supply.
Minerva has noticed a growing enthusiasm for using infant bath seats in adult bathtubs.
They wanted me to bring my US passport, and Mexican Visa, but instead of two black and white infantil size photos, they wanted color photos here in Morelos and they only wanted a color copy of the pages in my passport and FM3 visa showing my photo and the page of the FM3 visa that I had then showing the prorrogas (renewals) to verify who I am and that I live here legally.
Page 2
The conceptus, like the infant, the child, and the adolescent, is a being who is in the process of unfolding its potential; that is, the potential to grow and develop itself but not to change what it is.
He remembers his shock in the infant class when he was expected to work with the tiniest ration of clay he had ever seen.
The land forces are organised into British, Austrian and French divisions, all of which contain recreations of the original infantry, cavalry and artillery regiments that fought during the Napoleonic wars.
As a holder of the Combat Infantrymans Badge, it and my Parachute badge are still on my old field jacket, as is the 173 Abn Bde patch on the right shoulder.
Why Life is Now More Complicated
A flanking attack on Antigonus' troops from Spartan light infantry stationed in the Oenus valley was thwarted by an aggressive cavalry attack led by the Achaean general Philopoemen.
He is also the loving father of an infant daughter.
The Times Literary Supplement
The infant Isabella from her coign to do obeisance toward the duffgerent, as first futherer with drawn brand.
Finnegans Wake
The pod of whales included several juveniles, five infants and two male adults trying to protect them.
Turks had come on with three battalions and a number of mule-mounted infantry and camelry.
Seven Pillars of Wisdom
Umbilical hernias occur more often in premature infants and those of African American descent.
Baby and Infant Products, Flap Hats, Swim Diapers, Swimwear Outwear, Sleeping Bags.
The military's southern command said an infantry brigade has been sent to the site to assist the citizens.
Most units going into Iraq now will go in as motorized infantry, mainly driving Humvees.
Moreover, the high number of births in a family is offset by the high incidence of infant mortality.
The nutrients are becoming an important ingredient in infant formula globally.
In general, bottle-fed infants tend to gain weight more quickly, suggesting that eating more could lead to them crying less.
Times, Sunday Times
Because newborns have an immature immune system, 90 percent of infants infected perinatally progress to chronic infection.
Objective To investigate the advantage of combined general anesthesia with sacral block in infant laparoscopic surgery.
Tank battalions, which supported infantry divisions, were at times broken up and spread over a whole division.
There is no consensus, however, on when and how to treat infants and young children with symptoms of asthma.
Families have a specific incentive to report miscarriages, stillbirths, and infant deaths to the family planning system as this leads to authorisation for a new pregnancy.
Other races were infantilised or barbarised, or held up as object lessons in the perils of racial degeneration.
Children of parents who smoke have increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome ( SIDS ).
Except as noted below, data on all cause and cause specific child and infant mortality and of age distribution of child and infant mortality were regional estimates or other aggregates.
The infantryman carried a substantial ammunition pouch, bayonet, water-bottle, and ‘snapsack’ for a day's rations suspended from broad cross-belts, usually made of buff leather and pipeclayed to inconvenient whiteness.
The infant babbled for half an hour.
What's really annoying about this is that it's quite easy to raise a healthy infant on a vegan diet.
Why, if Ponce de Leon had found the fountain of youth and drunk of it as bibulously as we are apt to guzzle the cup of achievement, he would not only have arrested the forward march of time, but would have over-reached himself and slipped backward through the years of his age to become a chronic infant in arms.
The Joyful Heart
The officers thought that in modern mechanized warfare dismounted infantry would delay the mobile units on which success depended.
But the world of an infantryman is unlike any other, and a soldier’s motivations in battle are hard to judge from the outside looking in.
The Road to Haditha
Administration of surfactant in neonates with infant respiratory distress syndrome has led to improved survival rates.
The eighteen guns were back in the cemetery, and a storm of shell began bursting over and among our infantry.
In some places, it meant maternal mortality and female infanticide.
The synergistic effect of brave infantrymen, massed artillery and close air support was why Bastogne held.
And even if she is right that many readers "don't care" about the matters of technique and style she says critics often "overvalue," does this mean critics should abandon more purely literary standards for the vague and untroubled standards she attributes to her infantilized common readers?
Style in Fiction
infantile paralysis
As time went on, however, the church began baptizing infants and then sought to evangelize them over time so that they would experience conversion.
And, while we are at it, and just to pick up on one of Arnold's areas of interest, the overwhelming majority of students and people are completely unaware of how lousy is the US performance in life expectancy and infant mortality compared to the rest of the world, nor how much more we pay for this wonderful performance than do those elsewhere.
I Heart Textbook Authors, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
But it doesn't go into new research about how or when to introduce potentially allergenic foods to infants or whether avoiding certain foods during pregnancy can reduce the incidence of allergies in your child.
Book explains allergies, asthma; magazine rates teen TV shows for safe-sex info
Between the ages 7 to 20 months the fontanelle, temples and back of head are particularly vulnerable when an infant is learning to walk.
In one trial, installation of the equipment reduced infant mortality from 10 percent of the litter to 0.5 percent.
Highly skilled Sharpshooter with scoped M 1903 Rifle, effective against all Infantry. Can use camouflage ability.
Kippletringan was distant at first a gey bit; then the gey bit was more accurately described, as ablins three mile; then the three mile diminished into like a mile and a bittock; then extended themselves into four mile or there-awa; and, lastly, a female voice, having hushed a wailing infant which the spokeswoman carried in her arms, assured Guy Mannering, It was a weary lang gate yet to Kippletringan, and unco heavy road for foot passengers.
Chapter I
The city's most shocking statistic is its high infant mortality rate.
No one could possibly take exception to this Mathis infant.
Infant mortality is much higher in the poorest areas of the city.
Affected infants have suppression of erythropoiesis with extremely low reticulocytes despite a low packed cell volume and normal erythropoietin values.
As he looked down at his tiny godson, the infant opened his eyes, turned his head, and stared straight up at the glass screen.
Perhaps I am a farmer myself — an innocent colonus; and instead of being able to get to church with my family, have to see squadrons of French dragoons thundering upon my barley, and squares of English infantry forming and trampling all over my oats.
Roundabout Papers
Chassepot armed infantry easily checked their opponents, but were pounded by artillery and forced to retreat as the Germans found their flanks.
We have shown that red cell volume predicts outcome in preterm infants.
Objective To observer the effect of phenobarbital in preterm infant with jaundice.
He has commanded airborne infantry units at the company, battalion, brigade and division levels.
When she came out with her infantile one-liner about turning Herman Cain's "9-9-9" plan upside down and discovering that "the devil's in the details" 999 is 666 upside-down, geddit?
GOP presidential economics debate in New Hampshire - as it happened
Conclusion: To find placental abruption early and treat correctly can decrease danger of pregnancies and infants.
Gastric teratoma is a rare tumor usually seen in male infants.
Consequently, we now have more major generals than infantry battalions.
The Sun
You have recurring thoughts about your death or the death of your infant.
Times, Sunday Times
Traces of the modus operandi of the light infantry of old still live on amidst special forces such as the SAS.
Infant mortality is frequently assumed to be an especially sensitive indicator of severe poverty.
Toward the end of Period 1, an infant begins to distinguish between objects, a behavior not present at birth.
The medical term for large infants is "macrosomia," literally meaning "large of body.
16-Pound Baby Born In Texas
It is said to depict a chrisom child, i.e., a chrisom is a child's white robe worn at baptism, used as a shroud if the infant dies within a month.
The term SIDS is defined as the sudden death of an infant younger than one year of age that remains unexplained despite thorough medical investigation.
Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems
Please make sure that you don't reconstitute your infant formula with water that is not purified.
Recapitulating phylogeny as ontogeny, Jakobson states that the phatic is "the first verbal function acquired by infants; they are prone to communicate before being able to send or receive informative communication" (356).
'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star' as an Ambient Poem; a Study of a Dialectical Image; with Some Remarks on Coleridge and Wordsworth
In 1969, he applied for Officer Candidate School and earned a commission as an Infantry officer.
The armed forces number 18,500 men divided into an infantry, a navy, an air force, paramilitary forces, border guards, and auxiliary troops of the Interior Ministry.
We are the laughing stock of Europe with our ridiculously high prices for everything and our stupid infantile government.
Risk factors for sudden infant death syndrome were remarkably consistent for both Maori and non-Maori populations within New Zealand.
Ground lines of communications to the infantry companies are the primary mode.
They were also friendlier towards female infants and those not fathered by the current alpha male.
BankMuscat on Infantry Road has swank interiors, but it has a traditional touch about them.
He saw service as an infantry officer in the last war.
The crossover design is unlikely to provide valid evidence because infantile colic is an unstable condition, and the effects of dicyclomine may continue even after a washout period.
It turns out that, just as most infants have a crying jag every afternoon before dinner, parents with dementia experience "sundowning," a late afternoon agitation that can get ugly.
Karen Ann Coburn: The Visit
But her daughter lined a huge laundry basket for the infant, and wherever she went, the basket went with her.
The infantry began to deploy at dawn.
Prior to World War I, infant mortality rates in the workhouses were more than double the rate for the entire population.
The point out that it takes years, not months, to produced a trained, effective infantry soldier and more years to season sergeants and warrant officers.
For example, the black veil and the farthingale, or guardainfante (the rigid framework of iron hoops to support large, stiff skirts), worn by the sitter were typical of but not exclusive to Spanish fashion.
Instead of the term SIDS, the certifiers used other terms, including "sudden infant death" and "sudden unexpected death in infancy.
NPR Topics: News
The brawl led to an attack by about 300 members of the infantry battalion on Madiun Police station and three other substations in the town.
Chinese boy, suffering from infantile autism, looks at a beluga whale in Changfeng Park in Shanghai December 21, 2005.
Pregnant women with trichomoniasis may delier a low birthweight ( less than fie pounds ) or premature infant.
Before transferring an intubated infant, assess vital signs, pain score, breath sounds and ventilator tubing for excess water.
Guidelines for Skin-to-skin Contact
An autopsy eventually ascribed the baby's death to sudden infant death syndrome.
Halloween, for me, is the gaudiest example of the infantilization of American culture.
Primary schools consist mainly of: Infant schools - for children aged 5-7 years.
In 1955 he also isolated the virus which causes cytomegalic inclusion disease in infants and, after working for five years on these diseases, he was able to show that the human foetus, while it is in the uterus, is particularly susceptible to attack by these viruses and that, if the foetus survives attack by them, the infant is often born with severe damage to its brain which causes mental retardation and cerebral palsy.
Thomas H. Weller - Biography
Rarely, an infant can contract the infection during delivery and develop a fever after birth.
Their vehicles bore the blazon of the Afghan Fifteenth Infantry Division.
From the moment of birth an infant is showered with attention and care by family members and extended kin.
It brings together juniors and infants on one site, rather than a quarter of a mile apart on opposite sides of busy Bag Lane.
In one trial, installation of the equipment reduced infant mortality from 10 percent of the litter to 0.5 percent.
For a dad to succeed in winning infant custody, his approach must focus on establishing that his guardianship is the best choice for the child's growth and development.
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Israeli infantry and armor rolled away from the town of Beit Hanoun and the nearby Jabaliya refugee camp shortly after daybreak, witnesses said.
Serious side effects, such as convulsions, are more likely to occur in younger patients and would be of greater risk to infants than to older children or adults.
Hinc ab infantia inde ialinis adfuefcimus, unde infulia fere naufeam & faftidium creant, & ftomachus, condimenti hujus flimulo deftitutus, in fonftione fua penitus torpefcit.
Caroli a Linné equit. aur. de stella polari archiatri regii med. et botan. profess. Upsal. Acad ...
Innocent's interdict forbade all ceremonies save baptism of infants and confessions for the dying: it operated from 1208 and John was excommunicated in 1209.
Infants at high risk for hearing loss are those with a family history of hereditary childhood sensorineural hearing loss, hyperbilirubinemia, ototoxic medications, bacterial meningitis, birth weight of less than 1500 grams (3.3 pounds), in-utero infections, craniofacial abnormailites, low apgar scores, mechanical ventilation of 5 days or longer, or other syndromes known to included hearing loss.
The infantry have taken/borne the brunt of the missile attacks.
I have said, that she also was a promising pupil of the good father, upon whom her innocent and infantine beauty had an effect of which he was himself, perhaps, unconscious.
The Monastery
The vulgar always knew what General danced with the lovely Miss A., and how they looked, and what they said to each other; how many jewels Miss A. wore, and the material her dress was made of; they knew who polkaed with the accomplished Miss B., and how like a duchess she bore herself; they had the exact name of the colonel who dashed along so like a knight with the graceful and much-admired Mrs. D., whose husband was abroad serving his country; what gallant captain of dragoons (captains of infantry were looked upon as not what they might be) promenaded so imperiously with the vivacious Miss E.; and what distinguished foreigner sat all night in the corner holding a suspicious and very improper conversation with Miss
An Outcast or, Virtue and Faith
There is no doubt we have the finest tanks and infantry fighting vehicles in the world.
Pillow and blanket, in size befitting that missing infant, made that black perambulator all the more confounding.
Dudule infant Hotness Clearing Treasures helps mother carefully to protect the baby.
We view skin-to-skin care as a major advance in helping parents develop a closer tie to their infant.
It was made by the Confederates on an artillery battery and its supporting infantry in the lines of General George McCall.
Infant factors available for analysis were presentation, multiple birth, gestational age, birth weight, birthweight percentile, and Apgar score at five minutes.
Eight-eyes glued to the plasterboard screen, we witnessed the power of hope amidst prejudice and unreward as the "indigenous" soldiers (aka the Algerian Infantry Division) arrived in France from the colonies to help free their "motherland".
WWII soldiers remembrance
What were the main theories of infancy which psychoanalysts had developed, based on their clinical sensitivity and intuition, by the time the trickle of infant research became a flood in the 70s?
Respiratory distress syndrome also known as hyaline membrane disease occurs when the underdeveloped lungs of the premature infant cannot expand and contract as they should with each inspiration.
Mothering Twins
Pardon me should I use the personal pronoun "I" too frequently, as I do not wish to be called egotistical, for I only write of what I saw as an humble private in the rear rank in an infantry regiment, commonly called "webfoot.
"Co. Aytch" Maury Grays, First Tennessee Regiment or, A Side Show of the Big Show
He took nervous infants of nervous mothers — babies who in standardized newborn testing were already jumpy themselves — and gave them to especially nurturing “supermoms.”
The Science of Success
Infants, because they lacked a will developed enough to choose evil, need not be baptized for the remission of sins they had never committed.
There she found a unit of infantry soldiers who were also without a commanding officer.
Miranda was weeping aloud with the infant in her arms, as was Alannis standing beside her young lord.
The authors conclude that controlled crying reduced infant sleep disorders and benefited depressed mothers.
Most irritating were the German rocket launchers, which miraculously decimate infantry and armour alike with impunity.
Some of it, what we could call dismounted combat, which some might call hand-to-hand, but that's basically infantry moving through positions on the battlefield.
CNN Transcript Apr 5, 2003
Life expectancy is high and infant mortality low.
Times, Sunday Times
Garrisonable by 2 infantry groups, same specs as a normal 'hog, no weapons, but does have ram ability. 1st upgrade: bullbars; increases ram damage considerably. 2nd upgrade: v8 engine, increases max speed.
The new Infant Jesus Church will be consecrated on Thursday at Vivekanagar.
Discussion Mortality from sudden infant death syndrome varies between countries.
As regards this latter class of contracts, the Infants' Relief Act 1874 very much altered the law.
The three Lowland infantry regiments, whose members have traditionally worn tartan trews for centuries, will be forced to wear kilts when the government's planned new Scottish ‘super-regiment’ is formed next year.
The lady was blue, and in great pain from cramp, and the poor unweaned infant was roaring for the nourishment which had failed.
A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains
Finally, corporate HQ had alienated its store managers through infantilizing incentives schemes, and irritated its employees with oppressive ‘loss prevention’ policies.
Tell him to have his infantry brigades press forward now with the utmost haste.
Man of Honour
Charlie Q. Cutshaw served as a U.S. Army infantry, ordnance, and military intelligence officer.
Infant male circumcision as practised by the Jews occurs on the eighth day after birth.
The post-war concern about population decline and the high infant mortality rate contributed to the introduction of the Midwives Act 1902.
Sometimes called chronic lung disease or CLD, it's a disease in infants characterized by inflammation and scarring in the lungs.
This bond of sisterhood reflects the bond of brotherhood within US infantry squads where men are broken down into smaller teams.
A typical task organization for route clearance would be two ATGMs with a section of infantry, including the rifle platoon sergeant and forward observer, and a sapper squad in the engineer squad vehicle under the MGS platoon leader.
The Royal Artillery (the drop-shorts to us infanteers) has been using a ground-to-air missile called Javelin for donkeys years.
The duty of the British infantry was now to stave off increasingly heavy attacks from cavalry, infantry and artillery.
Times, Sunday Times
The unsoundness of such reasoning can easily be brought into focus by considering the fact that historically, and in some places even today, the infant mortality rate has been very high.
People — and I do actually mean “people” here, not viciously stupid animals like yourself — already know that that pathetically infantile piece of snivelling ideological tripe is demonstrably false.
Think Progress » Deficit Peacock Evan Bayh Hits ‘Far Left-Wing Blogs’ For Criticizing Obama’s Spending Freeze As Too ‘Austere’
Surprisingly, the E1027 is just about childproof, if you make sure the spine is firmly against a wall so the cantilever supports your infant's weight as they haul themselves up to swipe off everything carefully arranged on top of it.
Fifteen years on, thanks in large part to the 25 brave souls who put their careers on the line to be in at the beginning, the ailing infant has become a strapping teenager.
Some of these issues include infanticide, child abuse, incest, forced marriage, marital rape, classism, ableism, and sexism.
There was to be a coastal ‘crust’ that was to consist of a thin screen of infantry deployed along the beaches.
The Chief of Defence Staff, Admiral Michael Boyce, said further British forces, including paratroops, infantry and armoured units as well as RAF strike aircraft, could be deployed into the region at short notice.
In the huge battles of 1914-15 Russian infantrymen had to attack unprotected by artillery barrages and often lacking even rifles.
He was a common soldier in Company E of the 25th Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regiment, finishing the war as a corporal.
Three of their six divisions are armoured with the rest being mechanised and motorised infantry.
maternal-infant bonding influences the child's psychological and physical development
He said he participated in several infantry actions, including hand-to-hand combat in which he and other Gurkhas killed with kukris.
Dr Gyi
This operational capability requires commandos to be trained and equipped differently to conventional infantry soldiers.
What is the relationship between infant mortality and prenatal care?
An Introduction to Community Health
They stretched juvenile situations until they were infantile.
The redcoats inarched with unloaded muskets for the enemy was still a long way off and there was no sign of the Tippoo Sultan's infantry, nor of his feared cavalry.
Sharpe's Tiger
The Minority Movement, organised by the infant Communist Party of Great Britain, sought to organise militants in trade unions.
The horsemen rode overland as the infantrymen and artillerists crowded onto railroad cars.
Cavalryman of the Lost Cause
Moreover, the high number of births in a family is offset by the high incidence of infant mortality.
Effect of inhaled nitric oxide in premature infants on tracheal aspirate and plasma nitric oxide metabolites.
Recent Neonatal Research Publications
We put Emer in the carrycot, where she slept, and Linnea in the buggy converted from a pram back to a buggy Infant Travel Systems: Robots In Disguise.
To write
In infants and young children, the tube is wider, straighter and shorter than in adults.
In infants, projectile vomiting happens when a baby has a condition called pyloric stenosis: an overdeveloped pylorus muscle at the bottom of the stomach.
You Raising Your Child
What Spitzer observed was a sort of perpetual crystalline rainstorm made of a bright green mineral of a class called olivine, pouring down on the infant star. Top Stories
The crew consists of commander, gunner, driver, and four infantrymen, with the commander normally dismounting with the squad.
What induces perpetrators from all walks of life to sexually abuse young children, even infants, often with appalling violence?
Also patron of infants and lost souls.
Kombat includes all main branches like infantry, tanks, artillery and air force plus other like sappers, reconnaissance, counter-espionage and special elements.
Traditionally, the mother was the primary caregiver, but recently the father and other family members have been recognized as equally important in raising infants.
Infants infected with HHV 6 may develop roseola, a mild rash that disappears within several days.
These infant teeth are used to scrape fatty secretions and other nourishing substances from the female's reproductive organs.
(vagina), in these cases, are not only irritable and itching, but are sometimes hot and inflamed, and are covered either with small pimples, or with a whitish exudation of the nature of aphtha (thrush), somewhat similar to the thrush on the mouth of an infant; then, the addition of glycerine to the lotion is a great improvement and usually gives much relief.
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Batteries and small groups of infantry were attacked with machine-gun fire.
Demonstrating parental behaviour towards infants may be a ruse by which low-ranking males are able to gain mating opportunities.
There is no such thing as a natural infantry soldier.
Times, Sunday Times
It is our tank sections and infantry squads that invariably make contact with hostile forces, not companies or battalions.
In infants, tonsillitis may include symptoms that appear to be less focused on the throat, such as poor feeding, runny nose, and a slight fever.
This infantry of the janissaries was the first standing army in Europe.
Great Men and Famous Women. Vol. 1 of 8 A series of pen and pencil sketches of the lives of more than 200 of the most prominent personages in History
When a mother or an infant is hospitalized, lactation should be continued if possible.
The crowd of 30 heard he could stay on the infant's site while awaiting trial.
The Sun
A British infantry patrol has been ambushed by a group of insurgents.
Times, Sunday Times
Children disorders: restless syndrome, infantile autism, weaken in intelligence, poor develop.
In the 1950s and early 1960s infant mortality of the first born babies were higher than those of the second.
The infant can not continue its own existence without dependence on others.
Kathryn Jean Lopez at National Review looks at the mainstreaming of infant euthanasia, which many "ethicists" justify on the grounds that newborns lack self-awareness.
Killing the Children
People slipped by silently, furtively, like ghosts -- white-faced women carrying infants in their arms; fathers leading children by the hand; singly, and in couples, and in families-all fleeing out of the city of death.
Page 7
So while the Japanese infantryman preparing to meet his Soviet counterpart could be in high spirits, his misunderstanding and misconceptions about the Red Army were about to exact a terrible price.
Overall, females were friendliest and least aggressive towards alpha males, regardless of their treatment of infants.
The present display tries to give this unfathomable infantilism an adult twist by labelling it officially as kawaii — cute.
Times, Sunday Times
The practice of infanticide, for selfish reasons, was, as we shall see in later chapters, horribly prevalent among many of the lower races, and even where the young were tenderly reared, the feeling toward them was hardly what we call affection -- a conscious, enduring devotion -- but a sort of animal instinct which is shared by tigers and other fierce and cruel animals, and which endures but a short time.
Primitive Love and Love-Stories
Assess whether the infant is a candidate for skin-to-skin contact (kangaroo care) — the infant should be medically stable and not have a chest tube or intracardiac line (RA, LA).
Guidelines for Skin-to-skin Contact
Maithris also looked around in alarm at the clattering of armor and equipage and her ears went back at the sight of a squad of armed infantry making a beeline for us.