How To Use Inextinguishable In A Sentence

  • Step into Plunkett House, that hospitable headquarters of the Organization Society, and if you have been nurtured in legends about inextinguishable class and creed antipathies, which are supposed to render Home Rule impossible and the eternal "umpirage" of The Framework of Home Rule
  • It constitutes an artificial pleasure more than a natural need: this thirst is inextinguishable, because the drinks one takes to appease it have the unfailing effect of causing it to arise anew; this thirst, which ends up becoming habitual, makes for the drunkards of all countries; and it almost always happens that the impotation ceases only when the liquor is lacking, or when it has vanquished the drinker and put him out of action. Economies of Excess in Brillat-Savarin, Balzac, and Baudelaire
  • This incident occurred just after I had finished editing Fred Turner's article on the inextinguishable power of the traditional poem.
  • Zhang Ziyi is known in China as the little Gong Li, and her forte as an actress is the projection of an inextinguishable innocence.
  • The danger is real and immediate, and yet the allure of taking chances, of putting oneself at the mercy of the swirling forces of nature, is inextinguishable.
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  • It's this inextinguishable but faint hope - where there's hope there's life?
  • But we can also view the persistence of the human element in war and the need on the part of combatants to take responsibility for their actions as an encouraging sign of an inextinguishable humanity.
  • No matter where you go in the US you only have to scratch the surface to find that inextinguishable spirit of dissent.
  • A central bank always imposes a tremendous burden on the nation for "rearmament" and "defense", in order to create inextinguishable debt, simultaneously creating a military dictatorship and enslaving the people to pay the "interest" on the debt which the bankers have artificially created. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • You could argue that Coghlan goes to extreme lengths - the devastation of London - to demonstrate inextinguishable compassion.
  • This child is the bearer of inextinguishable hope for our fallen and troubled world.
  • He found the mere repetition of the word "wabble" sufficient to produce almost inextinguishable mirth. The History of Mr. Polly
  • The entire stern of the boat was caught in an inextinguishable blaze.
  • The flames constantly multiply, often respawn from inextinguishable red blazes, can never really be put out for good, and occasionally manifest as strangely living things.
  • Here, when you enter his gloomy penetralia, and invoke his services, the sable-clad and cadaverous- featured shopman asks you, in a sepulchral voice-we are not writing romance, but simple fact - whether you are to be suited for inextinguishable sorrow, or for mere passing grief; and if you are at all in doubt upon the subject, he can solve the problem for you, if you lend him your confidence for the occasion. . . Archive 2008-06-01
  • an inextinguishable faith
  • However, the tradition of zakuski lives on and is indeed inextinguishable.
  • But at the same time, and often in stark contrast to Goethe, Schiller displayed an inextinguishable sense of the tragic.
  • But isn't the vengefulness part of Shylock inextinguishable humanity?
  • The pilule in that vial is the little spark, the oceans are the prairies, and the oxygen the fuel upon which the fire is to feed until the globe perishes in inextinguishable flames. The Case of Summerfield
  • Yet West's point is that the past always catches up with you, that there is something in the Protestant idea of solitary communion with one's maker that is inextinguishable.
  • Paladins smite enemies with divine authority, bolster the courage of nearby companions, and radiate as if a beacon of inextinguishable hope.
  • I've got a friend who shares my inextinguishable obsession with Late 1970s Los Angeles punk rock, and the fountain of musical genius that followed it in that locale in the early 80s.
  • Back home he is racked by paranoia, loneliness and inextinguishable desire for Simone.
  • When it is hit by a strong wind, it is fanned into an inextinguishable blaze.
  • But I think there nevertheless remains an inextinguishable, if a tiny, hope.
  • A few simple brushstrokes have captured the essence of her inextinguishable hope for a better future.
  • For one moment the spectators stared in mute astonishment; but then the discovery of the Yankee's cheatery drew from them a peal of laughter which seemed likely to be inextinguishable. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 56, Number 349, November, 1844
  • an inextinguishable flame
  • Some men will hide in the coils of DNA, a few atoms that spell red hair, and they'll flare up for centuries to come like a fire in a coal seam, stubborn and inextinguishable.
  • It was late afternoon and her body felt leaden with fatigue, but the spark of life at the core of her essential being seemed inextinguishable.
  • Behind the cheery facade of constitutional government lurks the inextinguishable specter of legally unregulated power.

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