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How To Use Inexplicable In A Sentence

  • How we had found each other in this throng of 250,000 people was inexplicable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rachel Maddow mocked a Democratic senator on her Thursday show for what she called his "inexplicable" opposition to President Obama's jobs bill. Rachel Maddow Mocks Sen. Bob Casey's Opposition To Obama Jobs Plan (VIDEO)
  • And that in itself becomes the great terrible mystery of the film - the monstrous enigma that propels the townspeople towards some inexplicable, and therefore, inextricable, oblivion.
  • Robert Mueller, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, released a letter he had written to Mr. MacAskill in which he called the Scots minister's decision "inexplicable as it is detrimental to the cause of justice. Lockerbie Fallout Spreads to London
  • Expecting cooperation when such can lead to self incrimination on a whim is just as inexplicable. The Volokh Conspiracy » Juveniles on Probation, and Their Parents’ Guns (and Other Weapons)
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  • Why contribute to collections of essays that try to explain the inexplicable?
  • It's been suggested that this otherwise inexplicable aspect of chimp life is a little bit like a religious service. Times, Sunday Times
  • For some inexplicable reason, he's decided to cancel the project.
  • His jaw fell; there was a remarkable exiguity about the coat which was inexplicable. Stories by English Authors: The Orient (Selected by Scribners)
  • To subjugate all paths to the proofs of Science is to neglect the irrational and inexplicable mysteries of Creation.
  • Among the inexplicable fashions and inspired dancing, I stood alone next to a banquette, and in a quiet, shocking moment realized the fogged-up atrium was filled with people I loved. Welcome to My World
  • Sumptuous maybe, but these programmes were riddled with stereotypes - setting suns, crowds of smiling children, inexplicable crazed violence - and had little new to say.
  • Being alone in the office with her boss evoked the scene with the father and the sense of enigmatic, inexplicable menace. Times, Sunday Times
  • Â Submerged in subtext, The White Ribbon is a fantastic film that offers no easy answers and a future both inescapable and inexplicable. THE WHITE RIBBON Review –
  • Towards the end of the film, when an altercation with the earnest young locksmith erupts abruptly into violence, he retreats into religious superstition as a means of rationalising a seemingly inexplicable plot development.
  • Not only were expenses loosely accounted for, but there were a lot of inexplicable receipts.
  • So please, stop pretending that the motivations for this are inexplicable.
  • He shrugs aside questions on the deeper reasons for his sudden and inexplicable departure.
  • For once, however, this apophthegm failed; the next call was altogether as ineffectual as the former; and moreover, attended with a phenomenon which to them was equally strange and inexplicable: this was no other than such a reduction in the size of Mrs. Trunnion as might have been expected after the birth of a full-grown child. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • Dark means not evading the sad and inexplicable complexities of life. Times, Sunday Times
  • His behaviour was inexplicable, angry and aggressive, he had outbursts that were nonsensical. The Sun
  • The armoured regiments and the Guards remain for some inexplicable reason untouched. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps, your belief is something that is an inexplicable conviction in which you trust.
  • Now, after 30 years, Marianne has an inexplicable yen to see her 81-year-old ex and tracks him down at his summerhouse in the mountains.
  • Koman Coulibaly: inexplicable call voided U.S. game-winner Memories from South Africa's World Cup
  • For some inexplicable reason, some rooms of the mansion will suddenly turn very cold.
  • [Footnote 125: Formerly noticed as a species of velvet; but the words marsine and versine were inexplicable in the days of Hakluyt, and must so remain. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 07
  • Passive modes of defence are as many and varied as are the active; one of the strangest and most inexplicable of these is that known as spontaneous amputation, technically termed autotomy. The Human Side of Animals
  • I was unconversant with the altitudes and energies of sentiment, and was transfixed with inexplicable horror by the symptoms which I now beheld. Wieland; or the Transformation. An American Tale.
  • I was on the brink of tears for no reason other than the moment's inherent, inexplicable beauty.
  • His behaviour was inexplicable, angry and aggressive, he had outbursts that were nonsensical. The Sun
  • This theory makes sense of an otherwise inexplicable phenomenon.
  • For them, that idea is the undiscovered planet that explains otherwise inexplicable convictions.
  • Besides this diplomatical dignitary and his wife, we had two American gentlemen of more than average intelligence, who related wonderful things of the 'spiritual manifestations' (so called), incontestable things, inexplicable things. The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • This is another inexplicable effort by an actor to overplay a slow, strange character and teach everybody lessons.
  • And on her unkind face an expression of inexplicable satisfaction. Kate Morton Ebook Collection
  • Wrapped in inexplicable garish neon colors and costumes that suggested a cross between Mad Max: Beyond Thurnderdome and Calamity Jane, this production failed to ignite much fire of laughter. Archive 2006-09-01
  • The minor downsides are the relative infrequency (every 30 minutes outside peak times) and the inexplicable fact that it stops dead at 8pm every night. Finding Cheap Airport Transfers From Australian Airports | Lifehacker Australia
  • So strange, so inexplicable a phenomenon, attested by eye-witnesses, corroborated by men of recognized standing, and acknowledged by government as well as unofficial historians among the people who had sworn undying hostility to the Bábí Faith, may be truly regarded as the most marvelous manifestation of the unique potentialities with which a Dispensation promised by all the Dispensations of the past had been endowed. Rothwell Polk: Baha'is Commemorate The Martyrdom Of The Bab
  • The authors offered neither diagnosis nor cure for their inexplicable and uncharacteristic lack of hospitality.
  • The candour of this speech, in which his aversion to the Delviles was openly acknowledged, and rationally justified, somewhat quieted the suspicions of Cecilia, which far more anxiously sought to be confuted than confirmed: she began, therefore, to conclude that some accident, inexplicable as unfortunate, had occasioned the partial discovery to Mr Cecilia
  • The devotee's irrationality springs from a thousand inexplicable demonstrations of God's instancy in trouble. Autobiography of a Yogi
  • Incomprehensible as he was, one might always be sure of a certain princeliness in his inexplicable methods. The Head of the House of Coombe
  • In the theater of memory, I see that it was a set piece: his concept was to lead our young minds through a chain of events culminating which is to say beginning, since he constructed his lectures as flashbacks in a mysterious, inexplicable event that ignited the creation of the world. Seeking, Searching
  • It is important, he explains, to find answers to what we currently find inexplicable.
  • For some inexplicable reason, he's decided to cancel the project.
  • Among the 20th century authors whose works I find mostly unreadable are two who inspire many people with a devotion and respect which are, to me, quite inexplicable.
  • The English have given an inexplicable charm to these superstitions, by the manner in which they have associated them with whatever is most homefelt and delightful in nature. Bracebridge Hall, or The Humorists
  • His absence from the year 's Proms was as inexplicable as it was spiteful. Times, Sunday Times
  • For some inexplicable reason he gave up a fantastic job.
  • I couldn't look at her face, flushed with complete bewilderment and even some inexplicable anger.
  • But again I damn my inexplicable vertically challenged self for not being able to reach it.
  • The best violins, violas and cellos were, for reasons inexplicable, made in Cremona between the middle of the 17th and 18th centuries by Antonio Stradivari, Giuseppe Guarneri and their teacher, Nicolo Amati.
  • The first part of this dominant Western reading is true enough, for the late unlamented USSR was the converse of paradise, if you were a dissident, that is, someone with an inexplicable desire for freedom of expression.
  • But the story about the time that I just acted on a moment of meanness – of unbidden, unjustified, inexplicable meanness – that story, I don’t know how spin didactically. Falling Out Of Trees | Her Bad Mother
  • So even though she may find her own action inexplicable or “surd,” she is in fact acting rationally, although she does not know it. Weakness of Will
  • It also felt unlikely to run away with you, so that its stiff switch remains inexplicable but seems far less important. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rather, they constitute an inexplicable wave of energy which the Toltecs called the tonal and the nagual. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • For some inexplicable reason, her cheeks flooded with colour.
  • ALL that day I lay in the dungeon cudgeling my brains for the reason of this new and inexplicable punishment. Chapter 3
  • More inexplicable happenings occur within Appleton than any other borough. The Codex Continual. Official Website of Steven E. Schend
  • It always seemed to me inexplicable that someone like Waterhouse was so popular, yet so unfashionable.
  • Micromounters are looked upon as some sort of secret society that does furtive things under microscopes for inexplicable reasons.
  • How else to understand the otherwise cruelly inexplicable? Times, Sunday Times
  • Why the officer corps of the army or the conscript regular soldiers were all fired is inexplicable.
  • No longer do the middle classes loaf about in inexplicable luxury. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps what had seemed inexplicable then would not seem inexplicable now. Times, Sunday Times
  • But for some inexplicable reason he opted to turn and attempt to pass back to Mannone. The Sun
  • In it, golf turns up as a gag having to do with such inexplicable jargon as "mashie" and "cleek. What Links Wodehouse, Fleming and Updike?
  • By the end of 2008, Castilian agriculturist Cayo Lara replaced Gaspar as leader, thus bringing to an abrupt end an episode marked by an inexplicable drift towards the centre. Spain's socialist moment
  • The removal of that filthy, vile piece was not inexplicable.
  • Communion and oblivion, sex and death, the mystery can be revealed - but it can be revealed only as totally inexplicable.
  • The book became a hit thanks to Singh's gift for explaining the inexplicable.
  • Sitting in a pub, brooding on fate's inexplicable blows, he encounters Geoff.
  • For some inexplicable reason, her cheeks flooded with colour.
  • Then had come vertigoes and strange, inexplicable qualms, as if he were in an elevator that sank under him with terrifying rapidity. The Pit: A Story of Chicago
  • How do you explain the seemingly inexplicable? Times, Sunday Times
  • At his first school, his odd and inexplicable behaviour continued. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Between the Worlds, a quiet American city has been struck by an inexplicable crime wave!
  • It's been suggested that this otherwise inexplicable aspect of chimp life is a little bit like a religious service. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then there are the names that dictate one's chosen profession: Arsène Wenger's name surely explains his inexplicable devotion to Arsenal, while the recently captured Jamaican drug lord Christopher Coke is absolutely my drug dealer du choix. What could be better than the man who once pocketed a £21m bonus being called Diamond?
  • But in these oppressive surroundings, the seemingly inexplicable becomes very worrying and you begin to look for other explanations. Times, Sunday Times
  • For some inexplicable reason the natural paths over Po Toi's beautiful and rugged landscape have been concreted over.
  • For anyone on the outside the concept can seem inexplicable: who on earth would watch other people play computer games? Times, Sunday Times
  • I had often on previous occasions remarked that Panuel, who, when sober, was as silent as Videy, and looked like her in the face, became, the moment that he passed into 'market-merriness,' as frank and communicative as Sinfi, and (what was more inexplicable) _looked_ as much like Sinfi as he had previously looked like Videy. Aylwin
  • A premonition is an early warning of future events and is dominated by physical sensations: an inexplicable feeling of unease or excitement that something bad or good is about to happen. Decoding Your Destiny
  • His reply was quite the most mournful plea for understanding I had ever heard in three decades of involvement in the crazy inexplicable world of racing.
  • Progressing by decade, Sutherland offers an informed and zippy commentary on an inexplicable phenomenon.
  • The inexplicable disappearance of some nonlocal seasonal women worders worried everyone.
  • For some inexplicable reason, the investors decided to pull out.
  • This habit of taking tobacco gradually extended from the extremities of the north to those of the south, and, in one form or other, seems to be equally grateful to the inhabitants of every climate; and by a singular caprice of the human species, no less inexplicable than unexampled (so bewitching is the acquired taste for Confederate Prisoners at Roanoke Island
  • For the time being, home was a railway compartment with a very hard bunk, in a train which made many inexplicable stops.
  • How we had found each other in this throng of 250,000 people was inexplicable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stead off, ‘Andrew’ Cole on, Radostin Kishishev has an inexplicable brainstorm in front of goal, weakly knocks it to Kiely, and Cole gets in and scores.
  • Those powerful and seemingly inexplicable sensations which an anxious person experiences in some situations are in fact easily explained. Banish Anxiety - how to stop worrying and take charge of your life
  • The tale of a supermarket full of Maine shoppers who find themselves trapped within by an inexplicable ground fog bearing creatures from another dimension, the story and film recall Alfred Hitchcock's THE BIRDS 1963 - there's even a similar resident whack job turned doom prophesier - but do without Hitch's trademark sense of detachment. Through this wonderland alone
  • For some inexplicable reason, he's decided to cancel the project.
  • Illegal subcontracting, unjustifiable fees and inexplicable budget overruns contributed to a grim mix of apparent frauds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Actions are sudden and impromptu and the motive sometimes so inexplicable that we simply have to accept them on trust.
  • And, in spite of my confusion and agitation, the inexplicable voice which we call presentiment whispered in my heart: 'He has forbidden you to CALL him father, but he has not said that he is not your father.' The Count's Millions
  • So strange, so inexplicable a phenomenon, attested by eye-witnesses, corroborated by men of recognized standing, and acknowledged by government as well as unofficial historians among the people who had sworn undying hostility to the Bábí Faith, may be truly regarded as the most marvelous manifestation of the unique potentialities with which a Dispensation promised by all the Dispensations of the past had been endowed. Rothwell Polk: Baha'is Commemorate The Martyrdom Of The Bab
  • Inexplicable things happen to irrational people; unhinged persons zigzag across an unmoored world.
  • For some inexplicable reason, he felt depressed.
  • Perhaps what had seemed inexplicable then would not seem inexplicable now. Times, Sunday Times
  • For instance, he continues, as most modern & contemporary poets, too, do, to break his lines in inexplicable places, a kind of game of hide & seek with the reader. Bertolt brecht | the burning of the books | bad time for poetry | reading the paper while brewing the tea « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • As every student of Women's Studies 101 knows, what's called aggression in men is usually trivialized as "bitchiness" in women: Men get angry; women suffer from bouts of inexplicable, hormonally-driven, hostility. Barbara Ehrenreich: Hillary's Gift to Women
  • The sweet scent of heather filled him with the inexplicable desire to grin like a complete lackwit. Much Ado About Marriage
  • Lisa is the ‘level-headed’ girl blessed with inexplicable powers of precognition but is utterly useless in a pinch.
  • Dark means not evading the sad and inexplicable complexities of life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since it first aired in 2004, audiences have primarily been drawn to The X Factor for the entertainment value to be had from watching the most disastrous auditions: the tone-deaf no-hoper who performs an acoustic version of Michael Jackson's Billie Jean accompanied on the spoons, for instance, or the mother-and-daughter duo with an inexplicable faith in their non-existent singing abilities. Cheryl Cole's favourite designers are the real winners of X Factor
  • Yesterday he told him their actions were inexplicable and inexcusable that night and could have had even more disastrous consequences.
  • She seems to wonder at the inexplicable attraction of female to male, despite the risk of imprisonment in love or spiritual dismemberment: "disarticulation" is the word she used in Undefined
  • For Clinton, except for his inexplicable publicness and apparent drivenness, too, is far from being the first of our leaders to fall into this trap. Rim Shots At History
  • Being alone in the office with her boss evoked the scene with the father and the sense of enigmatic, inexplicable menace. Times, Sunday Times
  • As for me, I found myself suddenly plunged into instant, and to me, inexplicable melancholia. STONE THE CROWS, IT'S A VACUUM-CLEANER
  • The Los Angeles Times said some in the crowd threw bottles at police while others mocked and taunted them, dancing on squad cars or lying flat across the ground in what is known as "planking," a pretty much inexplicable Internet meme that is at once irreverent and potentially dangerous. NYT > Home Page
  • He said other methods of sabotage being used were what he termed inexplicable increases in prices of commodities by businesses and manufacturers here. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • But for some inexplicable reason he opted to turn and attempt to pass back to Mannone. The Sun
  • Thoughts conceived under the dominion of that spell are often realized; but we then attribute their pre-vision to a power we call presentiment, -- an inexplicable power, but a real one, -- which our passions find accommodating, like a flatterer who, among his many lies, does sometimes tell the truth. The Chouans
  • It also felt unlikely to run away with you, so that its stiff switch remains inexplicable but seems far less important. Times, Sunday Times
  • Does the existence of something inexplicable make our own mind, our own mystery that much more special?
  • The activity is marred by the inexplicable appearance of treasure chests that spew inane facts.
  • To them it will be inexplicable that this man, with his health and his millions, could not go on living as his class lived, keeping regular hours at desk and stock exchange, driving close contracts, underbidding his competitors, and exulting in the business disasters of his fellows. Fomá Gordyéeff
  • Is there an otherwise inexplicable fact? Times, Sunday Times
  • You know, ever since watching him on TV for the first time back in June, the Midterm Roundup has felt an eerie, sort of inexplicable sense of distrustfulness toward Tom Kean, Jr. Midterm Roundup
  • The original worked so much better exactly because he was an inexplicable force of nature that defied any easy categorization.
  • He also had an inexplicable fondness for overstuffed pastrami sandwiches. FLOATING CITY
  • It is inexplicable that these women find optimism amid calamity when like lemmings our young rush to enlist in the politics of cynicism amid relative fortune.
  • If the camera stops working for inexplicable electronic reasons, check the batteries. Photographers Handbook
  • There is always something inexplicable about hideous crimes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Had I, in some inexplicable way, left my own town earlier than I intended, and really travelled in a slow train?
  • If I have a chance to meet him, I will tell him that basically I love inexplicable true-event based stories and his stories has successfully left my mind in trance since they seem real but stand beyond it, which makes me wanting to read more and more of his works. Influenced by One Sensible Sentence « Write Anything
  • But it seems inexplicable that he used so few primary as well as secondary materials.
  • It's more about the illogicality of suffering and how inexplicable that is and how we fight against it in all our lives, whether it's cancer or whatever.
  • But I apprehend that we were personally fortunate in engaging a servant with a taste for cordials, who swelled our running account for porter at the public – house by such inexplicable items as ‘quartern rum shrub (Mrs. C.)’ David Copperfield
  • There is always something inexplicable about hideous crimes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Already this has been a tour where attempting to explain the inexplicable has become a parlour game.
  • I had strolled through the carnival grounds once, and upon my return was drawn to the fortunetelling booth for what I can only describe as inexplicable reasons. Heart-Stopping Hallowe'en Horror, Left And Right
  • Hamilton's use of the word inconceivable, and finds that it is applied in three senses, in one of which all that is inexplicable, including the first principles, is held to be inconceivable. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • She was aware that she was babbling, but for some inexplicable reason she was nervous.
  • It would be another man's name, another fortuitous match of an unused life and a sociopath 's inexplicable mission. THE LAST PLACE
  • Otherwise, her misery seems inexplicable. Times, Sunday Times
  • In chapter 14 of On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, Darwin said, "On the view of each organic being and each separate organ having been specially created, how utterly inexplicable it is that parts ... should so frequently bear the plain stamp of inutility. Intelligent Design: Scientifically and Religiously Bankrupt
  • For some inexplicable reason, my improvised soundtracks don't go down well.
  • It is squarely in the tradition of Japanese ghost stories, where revenants deal out cruel and inexplicable vengeance for obscure reasons.
  • All around her, the other children happily babbled away and adults occupied themselves with inexplicable activities.
  • Their Highnesses never struck out a name; they welcomed with enthusiasm and curiosity the Hickses 'oddest and most inexplicable friends, at most putting off some of them to a later day on the plea that it would be "cosier" to meet them on a more private occasion; but they invariably added to the list any friends of their own, with the gracious hint that they wished these latter (though socially so well-provided for) to have the "immense privilege" of knowing the Hickses. The Glimpses of the Moon
  • Her inexplicable absence worried me.
  • Owen Coyle will doubtless still be hurting from the unforeseen and largely inexplicable events at Wembley last Sunday, though at least he may be permitted to regard the 5-0 drubbing as an aberration in an otherwise smooth-running season. Arsène Wenger is threatening to become part of Premier League's past | Paul Wilson
  • It's not the most convenient location and it's not much to look at either: fluorescent lighting, a couple of booths with flowered upholstery and a few inexplicable Dutch ornaments on the walls.
  • What appealed to them in Copernicus™ model was its ability to do away with ad hoc devices in Ptolemy's system (such as the equant), to explain key phenomena in a pleasing fashion (the observed retrograde motion of the planets), and to explain away otherwise inexplicable coincidences in Ptolemy's system (such as the alignment of the Sun and the centres of the epicycles of the inferior planets). Thomas Kuhn
  • For some inexplicable reason, the investors decided to pull out.
  • Their behaviour may be cruel, condemnable and seemingly inexplicable but seldom beyond understanding.
  • Apparently, the reason for our seemingly inexplicable discontent is simply that our whacking great aspirations have outstripped our ability to fulfil them.
  • In science fiction there can be no inexplicable marvels, no transcendences, no devils or demons.
  • To subjugate all paths to the proofs of Science is to neglect the irrational and inexplicable mysteries of Creation.
  • The drop-off in production that followed the change of clubs was almost inexplicable. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a paper you cannot make head nor tail of, and at the end come five or six long folded diagrams that open out and show peculiar zigzag tracings, flashes of lightning overdone, or sinuous inexplicable things called “smoothed curves” set up on ordinates and rooting in abscissae — and things like that. The Food of the Gods and how it came to Earth
  • How they manage to acquire so much sap amidst the surrounding siccity is inexplicable, unless it is that they possess the function of absorbing and condensing moisture by an unusual and unknown method. Arizona Sketches
  • How is it possible, that for whatever inexplicable reason these atrocities carry on?
  • For some inexplicable reason the DJ on the radio has decided that it would be a good idea to play the Happy Days theme song.
  • Even before I was a radio reporter, I had developed an inexplicable affection for pay phones.
  • We invent bogeymen and angels to explain the inexplicable.
  • She said the offence was inexplicable and Williams was ashamed of what he had done.
  • Submerged and sublimated, they will periodically push their way up through the conscious surface as unquenched animal desires, inexplicable tendencies, arresting visions and relentless dreams.
  • For some inexplicable reason, they had hit the glass in their millions. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's inexplicable that any truly anti-communist conservative would offer even a half-hearted defense of the man.
  • Doing so on a whim is simply inexplicable behavior tome. The Volokh Conspiracy » Juveniles on Probation, and Their Parents’ Guns (and Other Weapons)
  • Economists would call it "inexplicable" because workers who are afraid are supposed to be harder workers. Labor Market Issues, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Some people seem predisposed to accept stories about mysteries or the inexplicable. Christianity Today
  • Dark means not evading the sad and inexplicable complexities of life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Family and co-workers will not be impacted by the inexplicable. Christianity Today
  • For some inexplicable reason, they have switched my account to a broadband one again.
  • Those powerful and seemingly inexplicable sensations which an anxious person experiences in some situations are in fact easily explained. Banish Anxiety - how to stop worrying and take charge of your life
  • It would be another man's name, another fortuitous match of an unused life and a sociopath 's inexplicable mission. THE LAST PLACE
  • For some inexplicable reason, they seem to grow better when planted in twos.
  • I had received a memorable lesson in the ability of inexplicable experience to produce powerful emotion.
  • In the northwest, troop desertions will plague the Ottomans, and even farther west, in the Christian kingdoms, inexplicable diseases will disarrange the lips of kings. Excerpt: The Blood of Flowers by Anita Amirrezvani
  • For some inexplicable reason, her mind went completely blank.
  • For some inexplicable reason she was attracted to Patrick.
  • Otherwise, her misery seems inexplicable. Times, Sunday Times
  • A series of court judgments so inexplicable, and so crushingly expensive, that the CEO doubts his ability to manage the business.
  • There is always something inexplicable about hideous crimes. Times, Sunday Times
  • After going to great lengths to impress his mentor, the filmmaker in these commercials will happily accept inexplicable rejection and admiringly accepts his new task - taking the studio head's script while spurting out accolades like "ameer" (prince) and "professour" (professor). The Black Iris of Jordan
  • The inexplicable stays unexplained, and in the daylight that doesn't seem to be a problem.
  • This theory makes sense of an otherwise inexplicable phenomenon.
  • The impulse to write things down is a peculiarly compulsive one, inexplicable to those who do not share it, useful only accidentally, only secondarily, in the way that any compulsion tries to justify itself.
  • For anyone on the outside the concept can seem inexplicable: who on earth would watch other people play computer games? Times, Sunday Times
  • Seen in this benighted context, the election is as inexplicable as it is marvellous.
  • But those healthy returns have appeared positively pedestrian alongside the soaraway - and in many cases inexplicable - values which have been placed on internet related companies.
  • She took a shaky step back, mentally berating herself for continuing to react to him in this inexplicable fashion.
  • As for me, I found myself suddenly plunged into instant, and to me, inexplicable melancholia. STONE THE CROWS, IT'S A VACUUM-CLEANER
  • It's not the most convenient location and it's not much to look at either: fluorescent lighting, a couple of booths with flowered upholstery and a few inexplicable Dutch ornaments on the walls.
  • And I was not only given to dream by day -- I dreamed by night; my sleep was full of dreams -- terrible nightmares, exquisite visions, strange scenes full of inexplicable reminiscence; all vague and incoherent, like all men's dreams that have hitherto been; _for I had not yet learned how to dream_. Peter Ibbetson
  • inexplicable errors
  • But ask them we must, for the human barbarian seeks explanations & meaning for what is inexplicable & unanswerable in the terms our puny brain can understand. Main RSS Feed
  • For some inexplicable reason he gave up a fantastic job.
  • Their relationship parallels any triangular situation, for even in denial their bond is inexplicable.
  • Experience has already shown that whatever plans drawn by foreigners have failed to deliver the goods because they are always inexplicable and lack that important local adhesion.
  • I saw tremendous tessellated pools of anger, inexplicable rage, one that said - vengeance is my outlet. Frankie Horror | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles

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