How To Use Inexperienced In A Sentence

  • Practising lawyers find it harder to get trained staff and find less time to train inexperienced staff. Legal Education—For What?
  • The rest were made up of inexperienced trainees and players carrying injuries after the cash-strapped club sold five players on transfer deadline day. The Sun
  • Much of the management of these huge tasks was entrusted to young inexperienced Allied officers. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • New, inexperienced members of staff are more liable to make errors of judgment.
  • The changes are being made to address the rising death toll from crashes caused by inexperienced and reckless young drivers. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Inexperienced pilots of those gyroplanes should not fly in winds above 15 knots.
  • A group of young, inexperienced Boy Scouts wanted to go CAMPING!
  • The pole of a punt is a dangerous weapon in the hands of the inexperienced, and as such pleasure crafts journey too far into the path into the path of our rowing heroes ‘bumps’ literally will occur.
  • I never hear of an inexperienced buyer in search of a rifle without being reminded of the purchaser of a telescope, who, on asking the optician, among a multitude of other questions, whether he would be able to discern an object through it four miles off, received for reply, 'See an object _four_ miles off, Sir? The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 61, November, 1862
  • The inexperienced pilot flew the plane badly; it was off the beam most of the time.
  • They have lost nine matches in a row, and with a batting line-up so inexperienced, that losing streak could well stretch to 13 by the time this tournament is done.
  • The report also said that readily available malicious code kits made it easy for relatively inexperienced hackers to mount attacks. Computing
  • The prime minister now has relatively young and inexperienced aides in his political office.
  • I look back on that as a time when we were young and inexperienced. Times, Sunday Times
  • But this is a big ask for an inexperienced colt. The Sun
  • These experiences included assignments such as product coordinator, overseer of sales meetings, trainer of inexperienced salespeople, and task-force member.
  • He is young, inexperienced and he is prone to court controversy. The Sun
  • The two young gentlemen, having seen their blooming charges safely within the door of the Alms-House, and vainly endeavored to look through the keyhole at them going up-stairs, scuffle away together with that sensation of blended imbecility and irascibility which is equally characteristic of callow youth and inexperienced Thomas Cats when retiring together from the society of female friends who seem to be still on the fence as regards their ultimate preferences. Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 14, July 2, 1870
  • He is inexperienced, arrogant, and his speaking leaves me thinking of a televangelist, which is not a compliment. Obama calls win 'very humbling'
  • To my inexperienced eye they appeared more unprepossessing than ever. CHAPTER IX
  • Being an inexperienced traveller she took a good many trunks and was pretty unpopular with the steward before he could make her understand that one trunk to the stateroom was the rule. Gigolo
  • The inexperienced pilot flew the plane badly; it was off the beam most of the time.
  • We have committed the sin of an inexperienced team. The Sun
  • Game’s over, but Obama’s too inexperienced a player to realize that checkmate is now unavoidable. The August Rasmussen Public Trust Numbers. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • For inexperienced architects joining a team designing a tall building, this book is a must.
  • We have given lots of latitude and flexibility with a young and inexperienced squad. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whether you're experienced or inexperienced at prayer, just persist in doing it.
  • The normally potent Nebraska ground attack managed just 159 yards with an inexperienced line to barely outgain its passing total of 151. - Holtz's humor pays dividends
  • If you take him out of the equation the England backline looks very inexperienced. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bush was in inexperienced and unqualified candidate in 2000 who could only speak with slogans and vague promises. Republicans compare Obama to failed policies
  • When it opens July 28, the High Line rink will offer traditional-style roller skates for rent, in part because they're easier for inexperienced skaters to handle than in-line skates, but also to "bring back that old feeling of people who grew up going to roller-skating rinks for birthday parties," Mr. Hammond said. High Line on a Roll
  • For the inexperienced in the team, the campaign has been a baptism of fire.
  • The Red Army, which had beaten the Wehrmacht colossus from the Volga back to Warsaw with incomparable martyrdom, had to quickly relieve the pressure on the inexperienced troops on the allied Western front.
  • We were a pretty inexperienced bunch of people really.
  • I am simply too incompetent, too inexperienced and too unfit to be let anywhere near anything you can fall off.
  • Like most inexperienced people," ran his notes, "I was astonished at the reported feats of men in war; I believed they were exaggerated, and that there was a kind of unpremeditated conspiracy of silence about their real behaviour. The Research Magnificent
  • It's a beautiful horse but a bit too frisky for an inexperienced rider.
  • The biggest of these is the casting of inexperienced actors in the key roles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many teams, especially teams with inexperienced quarterbacks, hardly ever change plays, or they keep audibles to a minimum.
  • Paul is still young and relatively inexperienced at this level, but no one will question his ability, his guts, his doggedness, or his commitment.
  • Pietersen, who has fallen three times trying to quicken the rate, each time to the inexperienced leg-break bowler Jeevan Mendis, could easily be depicted as a victim of overcaution elsewhere, but he remains scrupulously loyal as he tries to adjust to England's three-captain system. Kevin Pietersen on the defensive over England's misfiring batsmen
  • This is a very responsive boat and inexperienced operators will need to be careful not to over trim and steer a boat that responds so quickly.
  • The inexperienced driver kept stalling the car
  • But he could have given a statement to the court without swearing an oath, an option not pursued by his inexperienced lawyer.
  • Caroline, the inexperienced co-pilot, takes command.
  • Inexperienced dogs tend to lose the trail and end up following other animal tracks.
  • An inexperienced pilot may easily stall a plane.
  • It's a mistake at this point to confuse ‘inexperienced’ with ‘inept’ - although I hope that Stephen is right and that Cameron has been overachieving.
  • Relatively inexperienced amateurs can now be guided, and in some cases almost hauled, to the summit.
  • He has good patience at the plate for someone so inexperienced.
  • The inexperienced sailors were winched to safety.
  • The world of international banking is now full of aggressive, bright, but hopelessly inexperienced lenders in their mid-twenties.
  • There will be inexperienced players on the field for us but they are getting experience. The Sun
  • He was third in this last season when relatively inexperienced. The Sun
  • He is young and inexperienced, but please do not count that against him.
  • We may be inexperienced but naivety is not a characteristic we possess in abundance.
  • It was a white triangle with a red border and a black exclamation mark inside and had to be pasted on the windshield and the back window of the cars driven by inexperienced drivers.
  • Heaton's inexperienced side simply cannot get enough runs on the board.
  • He was a young and inexperienced player, but he possessed the priceless knack of putting the team in the right place at the right time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Playing an inexperienced goalkicker doesn't always put teams at a disadvantage. Rookie Kickers Under Pressure
  • Conversely, the inexperienced infants nuzzled the bedding or briefly rifted their heads and then resumed steeping face down.
  • He shows how frequently this principle is misunderstood by the inexperienced, who seem to think that rubato means breaking the time; whereas true rubato is the _bending_ of the time, but not _breaking_ it. Piano Mastery Talks with Master Pianists and Teachers
  • But the bigger problem is the systemic one created by legislators themselves: state law mandates that Citizens Property Insurance "depopulate" policies even to untested, unrated, inexperienced private insurance companies. The Dogs of Wind
  • Ramps increase the degree of hazard, especially if they're positioned manually on a slope or by a relatively inexperienced driver.
  • Truth is Obama is an untested, inexperienced, unqualified, overestimated fraud who is on the verge of leading this country to a military defeat in Afghanistan, and getting us all "incinerated" by a nuclear-armed, angry, apocalyptic Iran. What do Republicans expect from president's Afghan speech?
  • A stop of 15 seconds or more can mire a driver at the back of the field among inexperienced racers and those with ill-handling cars.
  • To some extent what is now occurring is a reflection of what is happening in the outside world because of the vulnerability and susceptibility of unsophisticated, inexperienced but curious and money-hungry students.
  • Capello is still relatively inexperienced as a national coach, and by his own admission he is still learning, yet if he rigidly sticks to the formula he laid down as a club coach he may never learn quickly enough. Emile Heskey snubs England return but Wayne Rooney keen to play
  • As in any situation where young and inexperienced people are conscripted into military duty, you will find a layer who question their actions.
  • We have got an inexperienced team, especially in these conditions. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bottom line is, this american election is going to be won on who is more cool headed and experienced and takes action and is partisan and wants to fix the “DO NOTHING CONGRESS” vs hot headed, inexperienced, do nothing and bi-partisan and dosnt want to fix congress. Too perfect to be dismissed & The Sarah Palin Show
  • The world of international banking is now full of aggressive, bright, but hopelessly inexperienced lenders in their mid-twenties.
  • This matter is too important to be left in the hands of an inexperienced lawyer.
  • They're a fairly good team - their only weak link is a relatively inexperienced goalkeeper.
  • The manual is too technical to be of help to the inexperienced user.
  • How does adding an inexperienced driver make it less likely that we'll need to claim on the insurance?
  • Again, during our late war with Great Britain, of less than three years 'duration, _two hundred and eighty thousand muskets were lost, _ -- the average cost of which is stated at twelve dollars, -- making an aggregate loss, in muskets alone, _of three millions and three hundred and sixty thousand dollars_, during a service of about two years and a half; -- resulting mainly from that neglect and waste of public property which almost invariably attends the movements of newly-raised and inexperienced forces. Elements of Military Art and Science Or, Course Of Instruction In Strategy, Fortification, Tactics Of Battles, &C.; Embracing The Duties Of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery, And Engineers; Adapted To The Use Of Volunteers And Militia; Third Edition
  • He is also inexperienced, untried and untested. Times, Sunday Times
  • That bench will strengthen in time as inexperienced players gain the necessary knowhow. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a beautiful horse but a bit too frisky for an inexperienced rider.
  • They are less likely to have to jet around the world for board meetings but often find themselves looking after a relatively inexperienced management team. Times, Sunday Times
  • Diving is generally within the atoll lagoons for the inexperienced, and outside the atolls on reef walls for the advanced.
  • The Government is confident that the foregoing general ruling will enable junior and inexperienced officers, temporarily employed on famine duty, to classify appropriately and with facility as denticulate or edentulous all individuals afflicted with dental hiatus, mal-conformation and labefaction, without further reference to higher authority. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, February 12, 1919
  • The danger now of instructing inexperienced barristers in complex serious cases could manifest itself in injustices, and indeed the system crumbling into disarray. Times, Sunday Times
  • This feature is designed to aid inexperienced users.
  • This is a most valuable guide, especially to the inexperienced poultryman. Pratt's Practical Pointers on the Care of Livestock and Poultry
  • I think he was just a little bit inexperienced last time at Cheltenham. The Sun
  • I'm too inexperienced an actor to be landed with a duff script.
  • But Lara is adamant that their first match, against South Africa, will provide an accurate barometer of just how far his callow and inexperienced team have come.
  • The inexperienced young promising men were pushed aside in the scramble for places.
  • Much of the management of these huge tasks was entrusted to young inexperienced Allied officers. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • Yet with many drillmasters themselves inexperienced and with even some experienced ones being of doubtful competence, some curious maneuvers resulted, never contemplated by those who drew up the drill manuals.
  • The bad news is that in the hands of the inexperienced person, it can be a hairy beast and damage your work before you knew what hit you.
  • You are an inexperienced player on your second tour. Times, Sunday Times
  • The work is easy an expert, whereas it is difficult an inexperienced person.
  • The use of bombers and fighter-bombers at the frontline helped to ease the path of inexperienced armies that threatened to get bogged down in Normandy and Italy.
  • The women are too naive and inexperienced to know that they are engaging in an ancient system that oppresses women. Alice Walker: On Finding Your Bliss Interview by Evelyn C. White
  • Rather than rain opprobrium on the "inexperienced bicyclists" perhaps it can be stated that there were just too many cyclists. Sunday Parkways: not really a pedestrian thing (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • He then beat back Republican efforts to portray him as reckless, naive and inexperienced.
  • As if that was not enough, I have also seen young, inexperienced service staff members being subjected to loud and harsh tongue-lashing by senior citizens.
  • An inexperienced team will struggle if there is stick on the terraces. Times, Sunday Times
  • Obama/Edwards 08 all of these save the Edwards ticket I would like to see reverse order on, and the Edwards ticket i have no real feel for top ticket because they are both inexperienced from the foreign policy point of view. rk Clinton picks up a superdelegate, but still lags behind
  • In my view, it was someone inexperienced who carried out the fixing of the spool to the spindle, which is why it was not properly fitted.
  • They're a fairly good team - their only weak link is a relatively inexperienced goalkeeper.
  • The system used is not particularly user friendly for novices or inexperienced staff: this could be improved with more modern software facilities.
  • Because reaching the top of Kilimanjaro doesn't require technical climbing skills, the climb is attracting growing numbers of inexperienced hikers like us. Eileen Ogintz: Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro With My Daughter
  • An inexperienced Karien princeling is no match for a court'esa-trained Fardohnyan princess. TREASON KEEP
  • Not a technically challenging paddle, but the sheer volume of water is enough to overwhelm inexperienced boaters.
  • Full instructions for use are supplied, to enable even inexperienced d-i-yers to put the edge back on their drill bits.
  • After proper voice classification (click here to access a description of this procedure), many inexperienced singers who might have been singing untunefully in the first session of choir or music class will automatically begin to match pitch in a day or two.
  • She was still a relatively inexperienced pilot.
  • Mr Peach admitted departmental officers were often overworked and inexperienced, and worked in isolation.
  • At present the organization has to rely on young, inexperienced graduates who are usually birds of passage.
  • The report also said that readily available malicious code kits made it easy for relatively inexperienced hackers to mount attacks. Computing
  • The inexperienced young promising men were pushed aside in the scramble for places.
  • This is especially true if we are young and inexperienced in the ways of the world. Phoenix From the Flame
  • If you are a young, inexperienced driver, it is worth having comprehensive insurance.
  • Instances are the case of a young and inexperienced woman who has reluctantly submitted to the operation at the hands of a person who is known as a practised abortionist, or where the operation has been done by violence and against the will of the subject. Report of the Committee of Inquiry into the Various Aspects of the Problem of Abortion in New Zealand
  • We have given lots of latitude and flexibility with a young and inexperienced squad. Times, Sunday Times
  • These divergent party impulses figure to be even more acute if the Democratic nominee is Sen. Obama, who is widely perceived as inspirational but "inexperienced" -- a code word for not knowing enough about how the big, bad world really works. Peace, Prosperity and the Primaries
  • A backline is a sum of parts and it was a relatively inexperienced centre combination outside him. | Top Stories
  • We have got an inexperienced team, especially in these conditions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Part of this is a reflection of inadequate staffing, poor management, and an antediluvian records system; some is a question of attitude, especially among inexperienced, simply ignorant, or poorly led secondary care teams.
  • Craig Tannock, a key figure on Glasgow's music scene since the late 1980s, is more likely to turn talk to radical politics, vegan food and the joy of hearing inexperienced bands making an unholy racket.
  • The pitch was pristine, the sky cloudless, the air breathless and his attack was a mixture of the inexperienced and the nondescript. Times, Sunday Times
  • I agree with westsideguy, moonbat is appropriately named if he/she thinks bringing in someone inexperienced to be the CFO of a bank is a good idea. Changing of the guard (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Even to her inexperienced eyes it was clear he was no beginner, and frankly it was a pleasure to watch him.
  • But the manner in which the goals were conceded left the manager seething with anger and the bulk of the blame rests with his inexperienced Poland goalkeeper. Times, Sunday Times
  • We may be inexperienced but naivety is not a characteristic we possess in abundance.
  • Obstetric forceps are potentially dangerous in the hands of untrained or inexperienced obstetricians.
  • There is a certain hylozoism which is only a childish, inexperienced way of looking on nature. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • In an inspired move, they took on the young and relatively inexperienced Ray Unwin as director.
  • But only the most blinkered soul could fail to see that the football team were as inexperienced as they were feckless, as bereft of defensive qualities as they were deficient technically.
  • It's a beautiful horse but a bit too frisky for an inexperienced rider.
  • The plaintiff was an inexperienced investor who had wished to invest conservatively.
  • Such a silly, inexperienced creature must have time given her to learn to be reasonable, beside, she (Frau Brohl) would take care of everything, and Herr Haber could call her grandmamma now if he liked. The Malady of the Century
  • Hardly the kind of sentiment to galvanise an inexperienced squad a few weeks before its departure for an eight-match tour to New Zealand.
  • Nicolson, a successful writer but somewhat inexperienced sailor, teams up with an old salt and buddy George Fairhurst, who continually bails them out of near calamities - foul currents, fierce tides, raging winds and equipment failures.
  • The inexperienced ought here to be guarded against the highly improper practice of some artists, who strew their pictures while wet with acetate of lead, or use that substance in some other mode, without grinding or solution; which, though it may promote present drying, will ultimately effloresce on the surface of the work, throw off the colour in sandy spots, and expose the paintings to peculiar risk from the damaging influence of impure air. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • Then there are the dimwitted and inexperienced daughters-in-law who think they know as much as, or even more than, their mother-in-law. Chicken Soup for the Soul: New Moms
  • They are a very inexperienced team. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was completely inexperienced; I didn't know how to take the pace off the ball or how to bowl yorkers.
  • Fellow drivers kicked up a fuss, claiming that he was too inexperienced, and that he was a potential liability.
  • Describing Palin as inexperienced is an understatement. Think Progress » Jeb Bush: Sarah Palin lacks a ‘depth of understanding.’
  • Frontline staff are often inexperienced and need strong managers asking the right questions, consistently getting involved. Times, Sunday Times
  • Caroline, the inexperienced co-pilot, takes command.
  • No one is validating or checking any of the data elm is they have surrounded themselves with inexperienced people because of the political favors 'owed. Biden says errors on will be fixed
  • The trip began with a practice hike intended to teach inexperienced hikers how to maneuver with heavy packs on their backs.
  • An inexperienced young adventurer becomes the key to unravelling an ancient mystery when he joins up with a group of daredevil explorers to find the legendary lost empire of Atlantis.
  • I would discover at odd times (generally about midnight) that I was totally inexperienced, greatly ignorant of business, and hopelessly unfit for any sort of command; and when the steward had to be taken to the hospital ill with choleraic symptoms I felt bereaved of the only decent person at the after Falk; Amy Foster; To-Morrow
  • The problem, which is a blessing and a curse, is that this industry has an abundance of relatively young and inexperienced trailblazers.
  • On the contrary, it seems there will be even further politicisation of HM's 'boys in blue' (or 'boys/girls in dustman flourescent/helmeted riot gear/Stasi social spies' with the front line essential responses devolved to inexperienced, under-trained and underpaid council workers). Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • Hitting more bum notes than an inexperienced boy band isn't easy, but recording it and committing it to wax is another thing.
  • It would be asking far too much from an inexperienced team which is clearly in transition. The Sun
  • Why do teams fighting relegation pick an inexperienced manager when there are experienced alternatives? Times, Sunday Times
  • The airplane troubles come as the union of professional engineers that service the Qantas fleet plans its weekend strike to protest what it describes as inexperienced managers filling in on overnight shifts. Home -
  • You should never have sent on so inexperienced a player.
  • The inexperienced young hopefuls were pushed aside in the scramble for places.
  • The problem, which is a blessing and a curse, is that this industry has an abundance of relatively young and inexperienced trailblazers.
  • Most of the cases diagnosed as pemphigus by the inexperienced are examples of bullous urticaria, bullous erythema multiforme, and impetigo contagiosa. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • It was towards the start of a game at Taunton, and an inexperienced Warwickshire seamer was bowling with an equally inexperienced wicketkeeper, standing in for injury while a substitute was en route from Birmingham. For cricket, read life: Andrew Strauss admits his 'sliding door' moment | Mike Selvey
  • I've yet to come across a restaurant that said: ‘We're taking 20% off the bill due to boring vegetables, frozen fish and an inexperienced commis chef.’
  • Her relatively young and inexperienced opponent, whose lackluster business career was his main credential, seemed to be the least of her problems — especially when it came to speaking skills. When George Meets John
  • The inexperienced therapist often feels that he lacks knowledge of sophisticated treatment techniques.
  • I don't consider it very responsible letting a boatful of inexperienced divers, many of them having completed fewer than 10 dives, loose on a wreck in 30m-plus with a screaming surface current.
  • Yet it's the far more numerous black farm workers who've suffered most as their jobs disappeared, the land usurpers - primarily government and "parastatal" officials, Zimbabwe's cronies - hopelessly inexperienced at commercial farming. - Home Page
  • Our chosen walk is perfect for the inexperienced rambler as it is pretty much straight, with no map needed.
  • A new study finds that a young, inexperienced, female bowerbird judges a male by the manner in which he decorates his bachelor pad.
  • A stream of recent novels with young protagonists bears out the problems of writing about the young and the inexperienced: Either the characters suffer from a bland yet over-articulate precocity or struggle to become more than a series of increasingly bizarre tics. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • She was still a relatively inexperienced pilot.
  • He then beat back Republican efforts to portray him as reckless, naive and inexperienced.
  • Ligety, an inexperienced downhiller, was a distant 32nd, more than three seconds behind Miller, after the downhill. - Late-bloomer Ligety's gold 'unexpected'
  • Much of the management of these huge tasks was entrusted to young inexperienced Allied officers. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • Smaller, inexperienced contractors sometimes bring undersized or underpowered bargain-basement tools wholly mismatched for the task.
  • Or perhaps the birds were fledgelings; young and inexperienced.
  • Why do teams fighting relegation pick an inexperienced manager when there are experienced alternatives? Times, Sunday Times
  • The normal pay scales in both navies ranged from $12 a month for landsmen and other inexperienced hands to $14 a month for ordinary seamen and $18 a month for seamen.
  • He ran a stormer for one so inexperienced, and finished third.
  • But hiding the crime becomes increasingly difficult thanks to an inexperienced district attorney who quickly realises the detective is up to something. The Sun
  • I would discover at odd times (generally about midnight) that I was totally inexperienced, greatly ignorant of business, and hopelessly unfit for any sort of command; and when the steward had to be taken to the hospital ill with choleraic symptoms I felt bereaved of the only decent person at the after end of the ship. Falk, by Joseph Conrad
  • The highly inexperienced bench, including three rookies and two journeymen, were the only major differences in Seattle's player personnel.
  • She did not foresee the severe disappointment with which an exclusive purpose of this sort is pregnant; she was inexperienced enough to lay a stress upon the consequent gratitude of those she benefited; and she did not sufficiently consider that, in proportion as we involve ourselves in the interests and society of others, we acquire a more exquisite sense of their defects, and are tormented with their untractableness and folly. Memoirs of the Author of a Vindication of the Rights of Woman
  • I agree with some on here, America will return to prosperity when this inexperienced stooge is gone. Obama shifts focus to Iraq, Afghanistan wars
  • Some die on the table, but far more end up never walking again, having permanent colostomies, or just a dysfunctional and insensate genital mess due to inexperienced surgeons. RIP, Mike Penner « Dating Jesus
  • The compère was inexperienced, the DJ unforgivably took it upon himself to heckle the support acts and the sparse audience was less than receptive.
  • They call the Kentucky Derby the most exciting two minutes in sports, but it also contains the most bizarre, fascinating and harrowing millisecond—the moment the steel starting gates pop open and release 20 half-mad, inexperienced thoroughbreds that zoom to 30 miles per hour in just a couple of strides. The Most Critical Two Seconds in Sports
  • Many are undisciplined and inexperienced and in some cases questionably young.
  • The road from Dearsley's pay-shed to the cantonment was a narrow and uneven one, and, traversed by three very inexperienced palanquin-bearers, one of whom was sorely battered about the head, must have been a path of torment. Indian Tales
  • From a certain angle, it may look like I'm pressing my hand against myself, in the quick manner of an inexperienced masturbator. I don't have a gun and I don't have you
  • Inexperienced in a large battle, using combined forces, they had overestimated the ability of the Pilgrims to keep pace with them.
  • Also, a word of caution to the inexperienced adventurer: make sure you stay away from white waters because that means there are strong undercurrents.
  • Routine tasks are often delegated to inexperienced young doctors.
  • There was a tremendous amount of soldiers there defending the armory, but they were inexperienced Guardsmen, not regulars.
  • My dictionary defines naivety as ‘The state or quality of being inexperienced or unsophisticated, especially in being artless, credulous, or uncritical.’
  • The inexperienced advice worker thus need no longer feel a burden on colleagues, as the need for support has formally been recognised.
  • The danger now of instructing inexperienced barristers in complex serious cases could manifest itself in injustices, and indeed the system crumbling into disarray. Times, Sunday Times
  • Luke Skywalker is the inexperienced farmboy with a destiny to become a legend. 100 Greatest Fictional Characters #15-11 | Fandomania
  • They're a fairly good team - their only weak link is a relatively inexperienced goalkeeper.
  • It's a beautiful horse but a bit too frisky for an inexperienced rider.
  • The inexperienced pilot flew the plane badly; it was off the beam most of the time.

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