How To Use Inexorably In A Sentence

  • They can exercise a subtle, unseen influence, somewhat like a magnetic field or centripetal force, compelling us inexorably back on ourselves.
  • Spillover would ensure that political elites marched inexorably towards the promotion of integration.
  • Around the bays, the continent's ancient ice-cap creeps inexorably down to the sea in shelves that crack and avalanche with the sound of howitzer blasts.
  • Inexorably impelled by time, he will, with inavertible necessity, pass through all the stages of human life, from the bottom to the top, from the top to the bottom. Savva and the Life of Man Two plays by Leonid Andreyev
  • She is inexorably engulfed by the cloud of shame that surrounds parricide.
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  • Accordingly, he could not find in his heart to behave inexorably to the graceful sinner; he entered into conversation, and learned from her the project of a singular disguisement, wherewith it was intended to surprise the Countess. Chapter X. Book III
  • As the law and order clarions sounded ever louder, as the measures of repression grew, the numbers climbed inexorably. THE SCAR
  • The plot is a complex intercontinental ‘quest for the father’ which inexorably transforms itself into a manhunt where said ‘father’ turns out to be a murderous, unnatural genitor.
  • The tide is flowing slowly but inexorably against him. Times, Sunday Times
  • The machine moves steadily and inexorably through cutting and tunnel, over viaducts and under bridges, exultantly ignoring sun and storm alike.
  • Also referred to as "aptronyms", New Scientist journalist John Hoyland coined the term "nominative determinism" for these strange cases of people who seem inexorably drawn to their profession by virtue of their name. BBC News - Home
  • In the hands of a competent architect it can be an orderly process, but it rarely consists of a linear sequence of steps leading inexorably toward a predictable result.
  • time marches on inexorably
  • The effect is like watching clods of earth fall inexorably into a grave.
  • But then slowly, inexorably, the great occasion descended into torpor - deliberately induced by a classic Brownite bombardment of figures, forecasts and the odd indisputable fact.
  • While retaining strong connections with his roots, he progressed inexorably from unexceptional beginnings to a position of some eminence in Vienna.
  • But caution: During your animal adventure inexorably the moon clock up to the next conversion ticks!
  • Its great propellors breaking free above the water, the Lancastria slowly, inexorably, turned over, just before she sunk. THE LONELY SEA
  • And Katherine could do with all the comfort she could get for the illness was slowly and inexorably taking its toll.
  • The net result was that the number of adoption applications began, inexorably, to fall.
  • The story line is telegraphed from word one and the meticulous unfolding plot plods ahead inexorably without the slightest bit of suspense.
  • As the snow accumulates from that little boreal patch, growing inexorably year after year, gargantuan ice sheets begin to form.
  • Spending on health is growing inexorably.
  • We now march inexorably toward war with Iraq, and to fight that war, we will have to call upon many soldiers.
  • There were hundreds of them, all marching inexorably east, crunching their way across the tundra, emitting comical, guttural oinks.
  • The only course left to us, is to do the impossible - to abandon the paradigm of capitalism that has defined our cultural, political and economic life for the past 250 years, and whose supremacy has led inexorably to the despoilation of our planet and demeaning of human existence. Jim Schumacher and Debbie Bookchin: Our Oil Reserves Are Depleted; It's Time for Utopia
  • What made her wince was the amount of circumstantial testimony falling into place so inexorably against him. Crooked Trails and Straight
  • Then the whole spawn of so-called unmoral romances, which imagine a world where the sins of sense are unvisited by the penalties following, swift or slow, but inexorably sure, in the real world, are deadly poison: these do kill. Criticism and Fiction
  • Identity politics is deeply and inexorably divisive. Times, Sunday Times
  • They can be there for a few days without the nagging spouse dragging them inexorably back to Monday morning.
  • We felt the tragopans slipping inexorably away into the darkening forest.
  • Consultants' caseloads are mounting inexorably and technical complexity is increasing while junior support declines, both proportionately and in terms of doctor hours.
  • The following article makes no attempt to be a 20-minute Chem 101 crash course for the perplexed, but, it is hoped, should at least provide you with counter-ammunition the next time someone corners you at a party and starts dropping terms such as stoichiometry as the temperature of your beer rises slowly but inexorably from cellar to attic. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XXIII No 4
  • The day Crowley would call in his promissory notes was inexorably approaching. WHOLE SECRET LOVE
  • Paradoxically, the illness coincided with the revival of a training career heading inexorably downhill. Times, Sunday Times
  • But during the making of the movie, the story was rolling on inexorably. Times, Sunday Times
  • It moved in inexorably like a flood tide, washing over the barriers, filling the hollows till he floated helplessly in its eddies. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • The exercise of American power from time to time will not lead inexorably to a law of political physics whereby states always coalesce against the top dog in antihegemonist entente.
  • The growth of the exercise phenomenon was inexorably bound up with the ascendant women's movement.
  • The play avoids predictable paths. It is not a thriller -- though the tension builds inexorably.
  • In Ireland, the number of nullity decrees had been rising inexorably before divorce was introduced.
  • A long climb inexorably drains your body of glycogen and liquid.
  • On a mudbank a hundred yards ahead and to my right, shapes were moving - long, brown, hideously scaly dragons waddling down to the water at frightening speed, plashing into the shallows and then gliding out inexorably to head us off, their half-submerged snouts rippling the surface. Fiancée
  • The only category that can be said to have ‘inexorably’ risen in the past decade in New Zealand is white-collar crime.
  • This leads inexorably to feelings of exhaustion and fatigue as well as a myriad other symptoms. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • But you could equally well show that the centre ground of politics is moving inexorably rightwards. US politics: more rightwing than thou
  • Bushland that is not burnt regularly turns into a powder keg, as the fuel load inexorably increases. Times, Sunday Times
  • That will lead us, inexorably, down the path of industrial ossification and economic decline. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moreover, thou has lost the edge thou hadst," he contin - ued inexorably. Here There Are Monsters
  • The privatisation and embourgeoisement of customs surrounding death proceeded inexorably towards an English speaking world marked by Victorian forests of of obelisks, stone crosses and angels marking affectionate remembrance. The Book of Common Prayer, part 4: In the midst of life
  • Together, however, they are inexorably marching toward their fourth league title.
  • Its huge popularity in ecclesiastical and domestic decoration had led inexorably to widespread commercialism, with many designers content to work in a pastiche of historical styles.
  • This leads inexorably to feelings of exhaustion and fatigue as well as a myriad other symptoms. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • In this way, the day-to-day compromises of supposedly "practical" politics get pulled inexorably in the collectivist direction.
  • Until the 1970s, engineering and economic imperatives had been pushing the fuel mix inexorably up the power-density curve, from wood to coal to oil to uranium.
  • Again, the methods or source is as important as the actual results making one inexorably tied to the other.
  • They were like a needle stuck in a gramophone record, inexorably repeating embrace after embrace.
  • Four laps in and Webster forced a way through at Paddock Hill bend, grabbed the lead and started inexorably to pull away.
  • While people are taking to the streets in unprecedented numbers, the countdown to war is inexorably proceeding.
  • Driven by ever accelerating information technology and the greed of the affluent, this process is leading inexorably to an enfeeblement of the weak and alienation of the poor.
  • Recent hurricanes have swept on inexorably, bringing with them a range of responses - fear, alarm, stoicism, fatalism, and self-defence.
  • Such growth cannot continue inexorably and uninterruptedly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Man beats back the jungle, the vines and fluid spong trees inexorably overwhelm the masonry.
  • In fact, in the real world, while the answers to the odd-numbered problems are not in the back of the textbook, the tests are all open book, and your success is inexorably determined by the lessons you glean from the free market. Archive 2008-07-01
  • After the break-up of the USSR, he inexorably gravitated toward the US-Israeli axis.
  • Worth makes the man, and want of it the fellow, and that it is to her best interest to place all men upon the same footing before the law; mete out the same punishment to the white scamp that is inexorably meted out to the black scamp, for a scamp is a scamp any way you twist it; a social pest that should be put where he will be unable to harm any one. Black and White
  • As emigration began to rise inexorably in the 1980s, the focus of attention shifted away from returners and toward the burgeoning diasporic communities in the United States and elsewhere.
  • Each of these are milestones on a road that's inexorably leading us into a one-way street from which there is no return.
  • And in that, Mike has put together a number of essays written since the 1970s and I found it quite an education and quite a sobering thing to read those again and to see how at a particular moment in the heat of a particular argument you're inexorably pulled towards that kind of overstatement and then you have to wait until the pressure comes to the other kind of overstatement. Rowan Williams on Writing
  • The double-faced clocks, which inexorably mark the time limits for tournament chess players, ticked off the carefully allotted seconds at Havana's Capablanca Chess Club.
  • After crossing the gritty plain where the outriding developments of greater Los Angeles creep inexorably outward, the road climbed steeply, all curves and switchbacks.
  • A series of jobs followed, until, inexorably, he found himself back where he started, behind the counter at a Chinese takeaway.
  • Although to the west a few stars still glimmered, the sky was slowly and inexorably paling, taking on the dull pearl colour of coming dawn. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • Man beats back the jungle, the vines and fluid spong trees inexorably overwhelm the masonry.
  • The tide is flowing slowly but inexorably against him. Times, Sunday Times
  • Slowly, inexorably, the ‘man’ sank into the stonework, and some of the molten lava rolled towards him, stinging him, scalding him.
  • Identity politics is deeply and inexorably divisive. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the UK this will most likely include your eyeballs too as you find yourself sucked inexorably into ITV4's coverage with poor old doggedly persevering Matt Smith, locked in his bankside broom cupboard with Robert Croft for the next 49 days and 73 matches. IPL4 is the ideal accompaniment to the parochial intrigue of ECC112 | Barney Ronay
  • It kept bumping inexorably toward him, following the tracks his own truck-camper had left through the grama grass. THE JOE LEAPHORN MYSTERIES
  • Slowly and inexorably though, his effervescence and buoyancy turned to bitterness.
  • Deism reflected the scientific paradigm of the times in which the world inexorably and thoroughly followed strict mathematical laws of nature.
  • We all sit here, watching and trying to make sense of it all, as Time marches by inexorably
  • The northern hemisphere has effectively eradicated itself in a nuclear war, and the fallout is creeping inexorably southwards.
  • There was a concerted attempt by detectives to get answers that would lead inexorably to their preferred conclusion.
  • Three minutes after Hartson made it three, Petrov made it four and what was looking like a comprehensive victory started heading inexorably towards a humiliation.
  • But ceding it led inexorably to megadeath, including Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Auschwitz and Belsen. Memories of the Falklands
  • In the eyes of the elderly, youngsters are often seen to be wastrels who are frittering away their time in frivolous pursuits, unmindful of precious time slipping away inexorably.
  • But, inexorably, he reeled it in, thrashing and squirming.
  • The need for water investment keeps inexorably increasing and tends to accelerate as the deterioration of these systems advance.
  • The world is moving inexorably, impelled by the march of technology, from systems it understands to systems it only occasionally understands, if at all.
  • This path lead inexorably to technocratic healthism, a kind of good-willed totalitarianism that seeks to make everything harmless. Matthew Yglesias » Marijuana Legalization as a Revenue Enhancer
  • Spending on health is growing inexorably.
  • In fact, it was the aggressive chauvinism of the industrialists, the middle classes and the press which had created the climate that led inexorably to war, even among the Central Powers.
  • Bizarre or not, uncritical attachment to old shibboleths inexorably yield contradiction.
  • Polls show that the British people are inexorably losing faith in their governing elites and institutions.
  • They were like a needle stuck in a gramophone record, inexorably repeating embrace after embrace.
  • Huygens' ground track marches inexorably to the east, though the descent is now getting much steeper.
  • Perhaps music wasn't marching inexorably to dodecaphonic heaven after all.
  • But when the daughter of the Fitzpatrick family begins to take a personal interest in Kwame, he is drawn inexorably into the stained, toothed wheels of history.
  • Since costs tend to rise inexorably, attempts to stabilize public spending have essentially meant cuts in actual services.
  • Its great propellors breaking free above the water, the Lancastria slowly, inexorably, turned over, just before she sunk. THE LONELY SEA
  • Feeding and environment Many elements of marine aquarium care are interdependent and inexorably entwined.
  • Privatization is an economic tool inexorably yoked to politics.
  • Mostly, he saw Bert's fists moving rhythmically, seeming inexorably drawn to Marlon's cleft chin like magnets drawn to metal.
  • Happiness is a transient condition that vanishes the moment it's in your grip, when another allurement emerges that goads you on inexorably.
  • The price often seems to rise inexorably as more voices must be accommodated at every turn, especially as the EU enlarges.
  • The unpopulated landscape remains inexorably negative: unfertile ground for a moribund enthusiasm.
  • Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinaine in a choral sequence that marches inexorably.
  • This leads inexorably to feelings of exhaustion and fatigue as well as a myriad other symptoms. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • In due course Agnes forgot her first impulse, yet was moving inexorably on an almost preordained path.
  • In my opinion, Pinker and other evolutionary psych advocates are very strong at gesturing to the adaptative forces that inevitably, inexorably, just must have been the cause of behaviour we see today perhaps because it gives them a chance to take a break from proper science and read lots of Hobbes on the 'war of all against all'. Mind Hacks: Are we designed for violence?
  • Schuman's sixth also unfolds in one movement from a germinating idea and one thing seems to lead inexorably to another.
  • Man beats back the jungle, the vines and fluid spong trees inexorably overwhelm the masonry.
  • The upper layer of asthenosphere under the South American plate, for example, is moving inexorably westward. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • But the hill-imparted sidespin soon took over, and the ball began drifting slowly and inexorably to the right. Hacker - Death at the Member-Guest
  • In this very, very well written book, Ellis details the remarkable political turn-arounds of Madison and Jefferson as they inexorably created two-party politics in the new nation in response to the banker "take-over" of the Federalists led by their onetime Constitution favoring ally but now the archfiend Alexander Hamilton. Misogyny and Racism in America: Is it Lethal for Politics?
  • And without that, the whole edifice subsides, slowly but inexorably, into the silt.
  • So mighty is that particular vortex, it is said to have swallowed whales, swimming bears, trees and even whole ships, sucking them inexorably into ‘the inmost recesses of the abyss’.

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