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How To Use Inequality In A Sentence

  • Government regulation did not end inequality or banish corporate influence in politics.
  • But its impact on class inequality ... is to sharpen class division.
  • We might describe feminism as a political project to understand and, therefore, to change women's inequality, exploitation, or oppression.
  • Institutions that formalise such inequality have no place in the 21st century. Times, Sunday Times
  • What is true of the inequality of wealth also holds for income inequality. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
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  • Democracy shows an independent positive association with health, which remains after adjustment for a country's wealth, its level of inequality, and the size of its public sector.
  • We strive hard to build a just society, but we ignore a glaring source of inequality.
  • And that means narrowing the gap and tackling the continuing inequality in our education system. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only thing worse than inequality, however, is a facade of equality with nothing behind it.
  • They are having an intellectual smackdown on the growth in income inequality in the United States over the past two decades and what to make of it.
  • Strategies to confront class inequality, sexism, racism and homophobia started to be discussed.
  • Inequality and poverty breed class conflict.
  • The real solution to inequality lies elsewhere. Times, Sunday Times
  • More generally, of course, economic inequality undermines social cohesion.
  • As a result, the inequality volume constraint is not always active at the optimum solution. In other words, less material may lead to a stiffer structure for an optimum material layout.
  • A simple morality play starring villains and victims always draws a bigger, more indignant crowd than the more involved narrative of structural inequality.
  • Innovation nevertheless is welcome as is reform to utilise the assets and capabilities of communities, improve society and tackle inequality. Please explain your true values, Mr Cameron | Editorial
  • Until that changes there will be little progress against poverty or inequality. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fundamental patterns of inequality have remained and have been accentuated by the war.
  • The final mechanism of inequality, distantiation, is the most subtle of all: the mechanism or channel most difficult to pin down morally and politically. Open Democracy News Analysis - Comments
  • You don't have to be a so-called bleeding-heart liberal or a low-income worker to worry about inequality.
  • The law has done little to prevent racial discrimination and inequality.
  • They desire clear, unbending moral and behavioral codes, a fondness for systematization, a willingness to tolerate inequality and an inherently pessimistic view of human nature. June Carbone: Polarized Politics: How Extremists Have Taken America Hostage
  • Women's participation in political institutions also shows inequality: On the communal, cantonal, and federal levels, women represent one-third of candidates and only one-quarter of those elected.
  • That taxes should now be used to reduce inequality is, however, clearly outside the realm of comfortable thought.
  • A case in point is the conventional wisdom on inequality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Redressing economic inequality through more progressive taxation of the rich is out.
  • Partly this derives from the inequality of the relationship between doctors and patients.
  • With this inequality, the requirement for brake efficiency can be changed into the requirement for the accuracy of the controller.
  • Thirdly, for a difference to become an inequality it must also be abolishable. Eurozine articles
  • In doing so, it opens up promising avenues for invigorating contact between corporate demography and the study of labor markets and inequality.
  • Critics of popular capitalism argue that it is a programme for increasing inequality and poverty.
  • They can build a more harmonious society once inequality and exploitation are removed.
  • It will mean an immediate end to all inherited privilege and a drastic reduction in income inequality.
  • This might lead to growing social dislocation and rising economic inequality within the European Union.
  • Since inequality is a natural aspect of society, it is foolish and even dangerous to seek egalitarianism.
  • The experiment proposed by Fry and Walther intends to make use of the first BCH Inequality, dispensing with auxiliary assumptions, but the second BCH Inequality will also be reviewed here, because of its indispensability in case the optimism of Fry and Walther regarding the achievability of certain desirable experimental conditions turns out to be disappointed. Bell's Theorem
  • Taken together, they constitute a quite dramatic increase in inequality.
  • Here were the origins of international economic inequality. The Origins of Economic Inequality between Nations: A critique of Western theories on development and underdevelopment
  • Anaxagoras, that the reason of the inequality ariseth from the commixture of things earthy and cold; and that fiery and caliginous matter is jumbled together, whereby the moon is said to be a star of a counterfeit aspect. Essays and Miscellanies
  • Alongside the political arguments about inequality, Wall Street corruption and the failures of George W Bush, Moore argues that capitalism is also fundamentally unchristian.
  • Money, social status, talent, opportunity and chance all define the contours of our inequality.
  • An inequality of years so considerable, had led him to expect that the fortune he had thus acquired, would speedily be released from the burthen with which it was at present incumbered; but his expectations proved as vain as they were mercenary, and his lady was not more the dupe of his protestations than he was himself of his own purposes. Cecilia
  • This led to a movement toward rewording the death penalty statutes to attempt to avoid the inequality in application.
  • The rise of populism is not only a product of our economic divide, it’s a product of a growing social inequality. Smithsonian Mag
  • The scale of global inequality is quite simply staggering. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are similar differences in the air; of which the brightest part is called the aether, and the most turbid sort mist and darkness; and there are various other nameless kinds which arise from the inequality of the triangles. Timaeus
  • As Sir Benjamin told Parliament, this was gender inequality, for men convicted of the same offenses were no longer subject to drawing and quartering and ‘women should not receive a more dreadful punishment than men’.
  • A simple morality play starring villains and victims always draws a bigger, more indignant crowd than the more involved narrative of structural inequality.
  • His supporting analyses of property, social structure, poverty, progress, inequality, and cognate topics were wide ranging and deep.
  • This is a city that struggles unsuccessfully to shake the traditions of backwardness, authoritarianism, ignorance, corruption, and social inequality.
  • These changing conditions led to a major rethinking of the causes of global inequality. Sociology
  • But that fact hides dramatic income inequality: while wealthy citizens live luxuriously in sequestered Guatemala City neighborhoods, the poor are barely noticed, living like feudal peasants in the countryside. Hungry in Guatemala
  • But a difference and an inequality are not necessarily the same things. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unemployment, inflation and greater inequality are often the downside of a market economy.
  • Never for a moment did they realize that the existing structure of society is the breeding ground of inequality, hatred and cruelty.
  • We also agreed to deal with the structural conditions that sustain inequality and inequity of the global economy that in turn, encourages underdevelopment and marginalization, which is at the root of racism today. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In other words, the widening gap between pension provision in the public and private sector will not just lead to widening social inequality, it will also become a block to Scotland's economy growth.
  • Most notably, William Jennings Bryan, “The Great Commoner” and the fieriest critic of the new concentrations of wealth and power, fused fundamentalist religious fervor and political radicalism, culminating in his famous “Cross of Gold” peroration at the Democratic National Convention of 1896.36 The phrase “What would Jesus do?” was popularized in a bestselling 1899 novel by Charles Sheldon, a Congregational minister in Topeka, Kansas, as an appeal to overturn economic inequality. American Grace
  • Hostility to the existing political setup is being exacerbated by growing unemployment lines and widening social inequality.
  • But as long as the political monopoly of the slaveholders was broken, enfranchised blacks would have the power to prevent the re-emergence of aristocracy and inequality.
  • This paper discusses the space-like submanifolds with constant mean curvature in a pseudo-Riemannian space form, and obtain an integrate inequality and a rigidity theorem.
  • A further cause for unease is that adherence to a free market philosophy combined with reduced taxation has increased economic inequality.
  • Economic inequality, however, cuts across ethnic and cultural boundaries.
  • He shaved hairs from the back of his hand, glanced along the edge with microscopic acuteness, and found, or feigned that he found, always, a slight inequality in its edge somewhere. Chapter 9
  • The free market program implemented by successive governments has widened social inequality to an unprecedented degree.
  • Robotisation is the petrol you chuck on this already blazing fire of inequality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gender inequality shapes different experiences of poverty and impacts on women and men's ability to move out of poverty.
  • Although hierarchy was not expressed by ritual along the coastal strip, inequality remained fundamental to perceptions of caste.
  • More limited forms of resistance such as normal trade union activity do not alter the fundamental relationships of class inequality in capitalist society.
  • In this framework, inequality in lifetime income arises basically from differences in endowments.
  • Research into health inequality now aims to move away from description and towards explanation.
  • If the US has pledged, according to top counterterrorism official John Brennan, a "multigenerational" campaign against al-Qa'eda, wouldn't it be wise today to also pledge a multigenerational campaign against poverty, inequality, authoritarianism and corruption? Mark Levine: It's Time for Truce in the 'War on Terror' so the Real War on Terror Can Begin Before It's Too Late
  • Some economists attribute much of the rising wage inequality in this country to the shift in favor of the most skilled workers.
  • Inequality Building society mortgage arrears have risen considerably in the last few years.
  • Moreover, in their view, this inequality is not random, but is structured by the needs of international capital.
  • This appears to confirm Napier and Jost's contention that right wing political beliefs can guard against the potentially upsetting effects of inequality.
  • Inequality and poverty breed class conflict.
  • Alec Baldwin (with whom Ronnie Kroell's life partner, Taylor Proffitt, starred in Equus this summer in East Hampton) - spoke to Ronnie and Taylor of the "incomprehensibility" of codified inequality. Ronnie Kroell: The Vital Role of Allies
  • Perhaps most important, inequality in the distribution of income and wealth means inequality in political and social power.
  • But nor do we want the divisiveness and social damage which inequality incurs. Letters: Disciplining force of organised labour
  • Since accurate data have been kept, there have been no other periods of sharply rising inequality.
  • There is one man that everyone is talking about at this hour, and it is indeed Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gadhafi, who used his maiden address to the General Assembly to basically rail against the institution and effectively rail against what he called the inequality of the body. CNN Transcript Sep 23, 2009
  • Thus the power of the Church was used to legitimate the system of social inequality.
  • Optimal regulation rules and minimum economic loss for economic systems with an integral inequality constraint on the control of quadric performance are given.
  • Concern about new human rights requirements elided into the gross inequality whereby he was allowed to pay for his incarceration in a comfortable house, with a security firm of his own choosing.
  • Income inequality in Byelorussia is among the lowest in the world and the government, rather than spending money on bombing other countries, has a large budget for education. Belarus: That's enough democracy | Editorial
  • Reducing social inequality and promoting diversity in education have been government aims for many years. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, while growth in the last decade has been fairly spectacular in many parts of the world, the fruits of that growth have been shared very unevenly, with inequality generally growing. Stronger civil society means more power for the weak
  • However, economic inequality has remained a pressing problem and has lead to riots and violent outbreaks.
  • Their eureka moment came when they thought of putting the medical data alongside figures showing the extent of economic inequality within each country. Times, Sunday Times
  • We should not object to that inequality which is natural -- to the superior ability and superior virtue which place one man far above his fellows; but we should object to an immense inequality, _which is not natural_, and which sometimes places the superior man at the mercy and in the service of one who has no ability whatever, -- who is simply born to rule by means of _hereditary wealth_. The Arena Volume 4, No. 20, July, 1891
  • But this assertion evidently denied the coeternity of the three persons of the Trinity; it suggested a subordination or inequality among them, and indeed implied a time when the Trinity did not exist. History of the Conflict between Religion and Science
  • Yet they fixate on their differences with us, and they are faithful, sometimes gleeful, chroniclers of every American deviance from the Jacksonian creed, such as our growing economic inequality and the corruption of our political system by big money. Misfit America
  • What they do to redress inequality is highly questionable. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was intellectually stimulated by biostatistical applications in demography, and a critical element of her work was her recognition of the links among poverty, fundamental social inequality, and population growth. Mindel Cherniack Sheps.
  • Inequality in our society is increasing and for those at the bottom things are getting worse.
  • He felt strongly about inequality of any kind and mentored young children excluded from school.
  • Racial inequality may be contributing to the problem, too. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sweden saw a reversal of strong earlier declines in inequality and in the United Kingdom a century of near-stability in earnings dispersion gave way to a sharp increase.
  • The underlying cause of growing discontent is the enormous degree of social inequality that has resulted from the introduction of capitalism in the former Soviet Union.
  • Inequality is natural, inevitable and may even be a good thing - a spur to ambition, competition and achievement.
  • Under New Labour, not only has inequality of income increased, social mobility has actually decreased.
  • The creationist group Answers in Genesis is running an amusing new ad campaign in various conservative magazines, blaming racism on Charles Darwin, whose Origin of Species was published on the eve of the American Civil War, six years after Gobinau’s pseudo-pscientific racialist ur-text An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races. Racism: Plaguing America Since 1959!
  • There is overwhelming evidence of a link between economic inequality and social disadvantage. Times, Sunday Times
  • This degree of inequality was by no means true of all Victorian marriages.
  • It was a cause of economic inequality, crime, and social dislocation.
  • The report goes on to chart the direct co-relation between illicit outflows of money and inequality in income distribution, and indicates the role that liberalization has had since the country's Independence, in facilitating both these phenomena. Marie-Lou Fernandes: Will Corruption Trump Identity Politics in India?
  • A search of the Lexis/Nexis's database reveals that in October 2010, U.S. newspapers published 409 stories with the word "inequality. The Full Feed from
  • Empire must be more guileful --- and thus the massive unjust inequality of OpEdNews - Diary: Alfred P. Sloan's Monetization of ���Democracy'
  • Are we waging war on poverty, inequality, the victimisation of women and children?
  • Vast inequality and poverty could strain the social fabric of our society.
  • In particular we need to focus on ways of building a mutuality of respect across the boundaries of inequality and difference.
  • This led to great racial inequality within the church hierarchy. Christianity Today
  • The term digital divide indicates those individuals who are advantaged versus those who are relatively disadvantaged by the Internet and helps illuminate our understanding of inequality in the consequences of innovation. Diffusion of Innovations
  • In owner occupation, the evidence on house condition and disrepair suggests a growing inequality within the tenure. Home-ownership - differentiation and fragmentation
  • The growing inequality between the rich and the poor is a real issue here and throughout the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a condition that is demoralizing in a hundred ways, and is fraught with peril to the republic, peril to society, and peril to all the interests of humanity; and therefore as I would assert, -- and _who would deny_ the supreme right and power of the people to protect the republic from any impending calamity by any just means, _but not by any unjust means_ -- I would claim that it is our right and duty to say that this grand hereditary inequality shall not be perpetual, and that The Arena Volume 4, No. 20, July, 1891
  • The phenomena of medical cupping-glasses and of the swallowing of drink and of the projection of bodies, whether discharged in the air or bowled along the ground, are to be investigated on a similar principle; and swift and slow sounds, which appear to be high and low, and are sometimes discordant on account of their inequality, and then again harmonical on account of the equality of the motion which they excite in us. Timaeus
  • We discuss how the relation between income inequality and these physical and mental health conditions compares with the relation between family income and health.
  • I think a major reason for these shifts has been the increasing dominance, since the Reagan era, of an ideology that is indifferent to or actively celebrates inequality of income.
  • She finds that mothers used testamentary legacies to balance the inequality among children required by primogeniture: they may even privilege the cadets over the first-born son.
  • Around them at the different tables there were groups of faces and figures fascinating in their strangeness, with that distinction which abashes our American level in the presence of European inequality. Their Silver Wedding Journey — Complete
  • Then, the Lyapunov function, linear matrix inequality (LMI) methods were used to derive a sufficient condition, which could ensure that the NCS was asymptotically stable.
  • The writing spoke of a desire for respectability and recognition: even for social revolution to alter a system which naturalised inequality.
  • Inequality and disadvantage don't come neatly packaged in parcels marked age, or disability, or gender, or race. Equality report slams divided Britain
  • As a rhetorical device it was effective, but there were no ideas for how to solve inequality. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a country beset by poverty, squalor, inequality and violence.
  • Inequality undermines social cohesion and weakens the bonds of co-operation.
  • A new inequality probability sampling-adaptive cluster sampling (ACS) is presented, which includes the conception, characteristics, the two basic estimators of ACS and some reviews.
  • Fairness matters - but for him it is less about income inequality than the actions of a wealthy elite. Times, Sunday Times
  • A monotone linear variational inequality (LVI) is acquired from the smooth problem and it may be solved by a projection-contraction (PC) method.
  • Its new promotional campaign positions the company as an agent in the war against inequality.
  • The order of castes, the _order of rank_, simply formulates the supreme law of life itself; the separation of the three types is necessary to the maintenance of society, and to the evolution of higher types, and the highest types -- the _inequality_ of rights is essential to the existence of any rights at all. The Antichrist
  • At home, he remains focused on decreasing Brazil's shocking inequality.
  • He accordingly resolved to manufacture and employ pyroxyle, although it has some inconveniences, that is to say, a great inequality of effect, an excessive inflammability, since it takes fire at one hundred and seventy degrees instead of two hundred and forty, and lastly, an instantaneous deflagration which might damage the firearms. The Mysterious Island
  • As I enjoyed the quasi-fictional depiction of President Nixon's trip to China at the Metropolitan Opera, my mind wandered as to whether his excursion to foreign territory and his interest in accelerating America's ties with Asia also catalyzed his passivity towards the tumultuous transformations in his own country; just as President Clinton's premature overtures to China for expansive trade catalyzed income inequality at home in hopes of futural prosperity fueled by the prospects of global demand for American products from a growing and wealthier global consumer. Milton Curry: Nixon in China and the American City: Radical Urban Revitalization Needed
  • Of course, our leisure rested upon a pyramid of startling inequality and social difference.
  • Women living in states with high income inequality were somewhat more likely to report worse mental and physical health.
  • One problem with our democracy is that a rigid class and caste hierarchy coupled with gross gender inequality has kept large sections of our population traditionally without a voice.
  • To confront our inequality, therefore, we must confront both society's denigration of us in these terms and our own self- denigration as people.
  • The onward march of inequality continues unchecked. Times, Sunday Times
  • The importance of staging the show is that the problems of inequality, of tyranny and injustice still exist.
  • Inequality in the aspects of judicatory judgment and relative weakness of judicatory execute.
  • Frustration and weariness permeates most of the debate about the inequality of the healthcare system, with public waiting lists topping 29,000 in December.
  • Despite the fact that many organizations are now addressing diversity, company initiatives are not strong enough salves for the wounds caused by decades of social inequality in the workplace.
  • Do trickledown economics work or is it simply a self-serving justification for grotesque inequality? Times, Sunday Times
  • Addressing actual inequality, also known as redistributive politics, would see funds flow into the poorest parts of the country, massive schemes for socialized housing and community facilities. British Blogs
  • the growing inequality between rich and poor
  • We want to end exploitation, oppression, injustice, inequality, poverty, hunger and violence.
  • The bureaucracy promotes political equality and, to a limited extent, constrains economic inequality.
  • A case in point is the conventional wisdom on inequality. Times, Sunday Times
  • How does fiscal policy affect the inequality of incomes?
  • How does fiscal policy affect the inequality of incomes?
  • Compared with the European Union, levels of inequality in the US resemble those of Latin American countries more than so-called sclerotic countries such as France or Germany.
  • The demonstrations mark the start of what is expected to be a drawn-out battle that protest organizers have called Occupy Nigeria, adopting the brand name franchised by the Wall Street protests against economic inequality. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Inequality correlates closely with several indicators of social and political disintegration, suggesting that the broader well-being of the nation is affected by wide disparities in income between the rich and poor.
  • So he hoped to attack inequality of opportunity. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the dimension of gender is added, we can see even greater disadvantage and inequality for females.
  • The rantings and cryings I could do unembarrassed in front of them ranting about God and the world inequality and my self-induced craziness, paranoia. Jaeaxe Diary Entry
  • Government regulation did not end inequality or banish corporate influence in politics.
  • There was however great inequality in preparation for eternal life. The Pharaohs and other royals, nobles and key officials were mummified and accompanied by grave goods and great treasure.
  • Such comments underscore the chasm between the response of liberals and of socialists to social inequality.
  • They were convinced of the incapacity of the free market significantly to diminish poverty and inequality.
  • Bled by war and terrorism, beset by a lingering financial crisis and stubbornly high unemployment, facing stagnant wages and growing inequality, saddled with obsolete infrastructure and massive public debt, the United States today seems far removed from the confident "hyperpower" of a decade ago. Will Marshall: To Fix Our Country, We Need to Fix Our Politics First
  • He acknowledges that social constructionism, while it is a powerful tool for contesting naturalisations of inequality, may also promote the notion that humans have complete control over what they construct.
  • Since accurate data have been kept, there have been no other periods of sharply rising inequality.
  • Although hierarchy was not expressed by ritual along the coastal strip, inequality remained fundamental to perceptions of caste.
  • But we are likewise indeed far removed from the temper of three or four, even of one or two generations ago, in inflexible insistence that the inequality of classes shall preserve all its old ruthless consequence for individuals. The Present Challenge to British Imperialism
  • It is at least simple enough for the simplest of critics to apply or misapply: whenever they see or suspect an inequality or an incongruity which may be wholly imperceptible to eyes uninured to the use of their spectacles, they assume at once the presence of another workman, the intrusion of a stranger's hand. A Study of Shakespeare
  • Is social inequality the inevitable corollary of economic freedom?
  • He used the opportunity to decry inequality. Times, Sunday Times
  • It made me all the more frustrated that Nixon had blocked our efforts to complete the Great Society agenda of the late 1960s and early 1970s, because a stronger antipoverty policy and a better social safety net could have braked the sharp increase in economic inequality that ensued in America. The Good Fight
  • Building community Gross inequality is not just about economics, it is about moral choice.
  • This can be termed politically based inequality.
  • In spite of these considerations, Weber certainly did regard capitalism as a class society - economic relations form the basis of inequality.
  • The politically optimal policy toward the foreigner may be precluded by the inequality of factors affecting the balance of bargaining.
  • Such distantiation is the main route to increasing inequality today. Open Democracy News Analysis - Comments
  • For many, the solution to an increase in inequality is to make the tax structure more progressive — raise taxes on high-income households and reduce taxes on low-income households. Progressive Taxation is Anti-Education?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Inequality, conversely, is blasted as being unjust, unfair and tragic.
  • The more people turn to and demand government does what they want, the more they become wards of the state, serfs working on the government's estate and squabbling over the tiny things they're given by a tyrannical state who will allow no freedom that might lead to what they define as inequality or unfairness. Word Around the Net
  • Too many hours for some, combined with too few hours for others, can further polarize income inequality, as has occurred in Canada.
  • Today, the experience of old age is moving away from that of the wealthy leisured elite of Rome to one characterised by inequality and poverty.
  • Fairness matters - but for him it is less about income inequality than the actions of a wealthy elite. Times, Sunday Times
  • In my research into the history of racism and racial inequality I found that much of white supremacist or European racism had as its justification a belief in religious superiority and what I will call civilizational superiority. Dedrick Muhammad: Chael Sonnen Not Fit for Public Office
  • Difficult issues regarding income and wealth inequality are put on the back burner. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a time not only of heroic inequality but of incredible ostentation.
  • The introduction of school fees would create inequality between schools.
  • These changing conditions led to a major rethinking of the causes of global inequality. Sociology
  • Capitalism, by necessity, must do this in order to establish and support inequality because Capitalism is inequality.
  • People are concerned about social inequality.
  • What they do to redress inequality is highly questionable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The conclusion is that the huge degree of inequality when it comes to income distribution is the main determinant of the poverty in the country. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Petroleum, elections and poverty matters
  • One East German poet included a portrayal of Prometheus not as benefactor but as ‘the enemy who brought war and inequality into the once paradisal world and produced human misfortune by offending the gods.’
  • The linear inequality constraint of contact force is obtained by using dynamic equation of robotic arm and joint generalized driving force constraint.
  • Rapid economic growth may lead to the simultaneous increase of both poverty and inequality.
  • The central defining social fact of our world is gaping global inequality.
  • It argued that a laissez-faire, trickledown approach had failed and had only widened economic inequality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even if women are legally entitled to equality, sexist language still activates and re-circulates deeply held beliefs about female inequality.
  • This inequality gets worse at higher IQs Assuming a normal distribution, 4.8% of whites would fall above 125 IQ versus only 0.9% of Hispanics, which explains why Hispanics are given ethnic preferences in prestige college admissions. The Volokh Conspiracy » A View from an Incoming Harvard 1L

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