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How To Use Ineptitude In A Sentence

  • When we form an intention to achieve certain financial goals, or career objectives and we are blocked by either our own feelings of inadequacy, ineptitude, or by externals such as prejudice, the common response is frustration!
  • Not out of malice, just out of sheer social ineptitude. The Sun
  • His tightly honed but grandiloquent rhetoric rang like gold on marble, even when it was covering gross political ineptitude.
  • I have been with Telstra for 24 months now, their severe ineptitude is amazing. Telstra Bill Glitches Drive Dealers, Customers To Despair | Lifehacker Australia
  • In defence of the teams, some filthy weather contributed to the ineptitude. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Todd's slapstick ineptitude is surpassed only by his wacky lies, which compound his mishaps into an international incident. Roush Review: The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret
  • As the ash settles, the world is awash with advice for those whose holidays were ruined by volcanic activity and government ineptitude. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Council of Ten referred to the doge as ίl vecchίo ίdίota— the old idiot—and they were so certain of his ineptitude that they never took a moment to look beyond the trembling hands and quivering chin which held steady enough when he dined alone. The Book of Unholy Mischief
  • What they grew dissatisfied with was Bush's bungling, his ineptitude driving oil to 80 bucks a barrel and putting America in diplomatic isolation as a Christian Zionist-led pack of cowboys, and the idea that we are stuck there nation-building for a pack of ingrateful Arab shitheads that would as soon as kill us than dip their purple fingers. The number of Americans who have died in the Iraq war...
  • Instead, on the eve of the opening ceremony Sunday, setbacks such as unhygienic accommodations and collapsing structures have triggered accusations of corruption and ineptitude. On eve of Commonwealth Games, India's persistent red tape is in spotlight
  • Equally appalling is the ineptitude of the industry watchdogs and the paltry penalty which they have dished out. The Sun
  • Caution threatened to descend into catatonia as, after a bright opening minute or so, the first half turned into a hash of misplaced passes, hoofs into the air and slithering ineptitude.
  • You can no longer rely on his ineptitude to prop up your fragile ego.
  • Given the ineptitudes that followed — the Nannygate flap over Attorney General — designate Zoe Baird, gays in the military, Whitewater's first stirrings, the Mogadishu debacle — his dawdling is understandable. Policy Wank
  • Trying to stand up only to completely lose his footing and fall right back down, Peter chuckled at his own ineptitude.
  • gross ineptitude
  • Over the years it has been accused of everything from gross ineptitude and massive corruption to scheming for world domination.
  • In defence of the teams, some filthy weather contributed to the ineptitude. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a prose style with all the ineptitudes filed away.
  • In defence of the teams, some filthy weather contributed to the ineptitude. Times, Sunday Times
  • We need look no further than the popular TV show "The Office" to see that too much personal fraternization and familiarity will lead to employee contempt, regardless of the talent or ineptitude of the manager.
  • Whatever qualms about the ineptitude of it, which are probably put into perspective at a time like that lobbyists and waste aside, our government has not lead The Great Satan without being reasonably effecient, trusting the lattermost was probably the best bet to those surveyed. "Faith" Means Not Wanting to Believe What is True, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Normally po-faced and formal, these parties give the girls their only chance of social interaction, which for them means dancing like mad and giggling at the ineptitude of their partners.
  • Some day you will bitterly deplore his ineptitude, his thriftless ways, his selfishness, his lack of delicacy, his inability to understand love, and countless troubles arising through him. A Woman of Thirty
  • However their deceit conceals not so much defiance and ineptitude as fear.
  • Equally appalling is the ineptitude of the industry watchdogs and the paltry penalty which they have dished out. The Sun
  • His record as a leader, tarnished by scandal and ineptitude, hardly qualifies him as a national saviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Afghan insurgency feeds off frustration with the ineptitude and rapaciousness of Kabul. The General Who Would Try KSM
  • The supposed spinelessness and ineptitude of politicians is often one of the few things about which military officers can agree.
  • Bonus creepy points for you for use of the highly charged word "lynched" to describe what happened to Clinton out of her own arrogance and ineptitude. Hillary To Campaign Staff: Goodbye
  • That kind of ineptitude is clearly a NeoCon republican specific trait! Think Progress » Bush Administration Pushes False Propaganda, Condemns It
  • Turns out the anticipation is usually the worst of it, except during blood tests where the ineptitude is the worst. And I don’t watch ER, either | Her Bad Mother
  • Her fear, discomfort and social ineptitude would rage inside of her during class.
  • As the ash settles, the world is awash with advice for those whose holidays were ruined by volcanic activity and government ineptitude. Times, Sunday Times
  • His arrogance and ineptitude were on fine display Tuesday, when he dickered over the word torture.
  • Since the report was written by a captain who had been roused to fits of hysterical rage by Bayley's ineptitude, some serious editing had been performed.
  • The troublesome aspect of this affair is the ineptitude on display at the Justice Department. Election Reform
  • The range was unique in that every golf range I've ever been to has golf balls lying around within a dozen feet or so of the practice tees - mute evidence of the ineptitude of those whaling away.
  • His tightly honed but grandiloquent rhetoric rang like gold on marble, even when it was covering gross political ineptitude.
  • Here we have a somewhat cruder type, printed on hand-laid, deckel-edged paper, with excessive margins and uncut leaves, with bindings of a painstaking crudeness and elaborate ineptitude. The theory of the leisure class; an economic study of institutions
  • The correspondence was regularly posted on a web site, broadcasting the ineptitude of this spammer to the world.
  • Powell has the courage to publicly acknowledge Team Obama is cornered by their own ineptitude and his grand plans are unstainable. gl, Pittsburgh State of the Union: Powell 'concerned' about Obama's agenda
  • And much of the defense's ineptitude - missed double plays and misplays ruled as hits - isn't reflected in the error total.
  • He left the Kimberley Process in protest last year, because of what he called ineptitude and hypocrisy among some member states, and he named South Africa, Russia, China and India as countries which undermined the certification process. The Bearded Man
  • But this hardly addresses the deeper mystery of why this administration has gotten itself caught in the Venus flytrap of the Arab-Israeli conflict, after vowing not to do so, and why it has done so with a degree of ineptitude that recalls the dimmer moments of the Carter administration. The Annapolis Fiasco
  • It was envisioned, the story goes, as a short-term, inconsequential distraction, not a lasting symbol of the Tory campaign's ineptitude and crudity.
  • The burden of what they may have considered to be social ineptitude is lifted, and missed opportunities, failed relationships and difficulties forming friendships are explained. Times, Sunday Times
  • But having done so -- even with complete ineptitude -- think how smug he could feel after it all blew up, knowing that careful drafting of the offering document by his $1,260-an-hour lawyer had boilerplated the risk, thus keeping him out of prison. Undefined
  • His record as a leader, tarnished by scandal and ineptitude, hardly qualifies him as a national saviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • One aspect of all of this that begs further inquiry is the seeming ineptitude of the military planners. Randall Amster: WikiLessons: War Is a Joke, But It Isn't Funny
  • Celtic may have a new manager, but the Euro ineptitude which has been their hallmark of late remains.
  • Jackson has come a long way since his youthful ineptitudes in Derry.
  • “British forces believe that, in many respects, their Afghan allies pose more of a challenge to their mission than the Taliban … It is the Afghan government that is now proving more of an obstacle to stability in an area where a mixture of official corruption, ineptitude and paranoia are stymying British efforts.” Cons Accept Manley Report, Now Up To Libs – Update « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • Mr. Kan's critics say the answers are being delayed by what they characterize as his ineptitude, and say the only solution is to force him out. Tsunami Zone Residents Scorn Tokyo Jockeying
  • Far from being cynical spoilsmen or naive incompetents, individuals whose presidencies provide studies in ineptitude, Garfield and Arthur emerge as men of considerable ability.
  • His contempt for ineptitude as well as his disdain for those who held opinions contrary to his was legendary.
  • It was envisioned, the story goes, as a short-term, inconsequential distraction, not a lasting symbol of the Tory campaign's ineptitude and crudity.
  • It was a shame that the ineptitude failed to spark more goalmouth action. Times, Sunday Times
  • well-meaning ineptitude that rises to empyreal absurdity
  • His tightly honed but grandiloquent rhetoric rang like gold on marble, even when it was covering gross political ineptitude.
  • As such, he was utterly made for the job, as his combination of physical clumsiness, verbal ineptitude and unwaveringly glaikit expression must have made even the most gauche and pallid code-cruncher feel like a cocksure sophisticate. Be My Enemy
  • Yet ineptitude at the back could not entirely explain away this truly awe-inspiring spectacle.
  • Then the regional financial crisis hit and suddenly the air was full of accusations of bureaucratic ineptitude, corruption and outright dereliction of duty.
  • It is time you write sometihing constructive and sensible and stop displaying your ignorance, biasness and ineptitude. Obama considers trip to Iraq
  • His political ineptitude knew few bounds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Who knows better than artists how much ugliness there is on the way to beauty, how many ghastly, mortifying missteps, how many days of granitic blockheadedness and dismaying ineptitude there is on the way to accomplishment, how partial all accomplishment is, how incomplete? Tony Kushner At The School Of Visual Arts: 'Artists Know That Diligence Counts As Much, If Not More, As Inspiration'
  • Their ineptitude and apparent lack of concern must be dealt with. The Sun
  • In a tenure marked by cocksureness and ineptitude, his greatest accomplishment may be inadvertently awakening a media reform movement.
  • Competence addressed without concern for its potentially destructive possibilities is hardly preferable to a benign ineptitude.
  • In both cases, apology hardly compensates for the manifest evidence as to the scale of one's ineptitude.
  • She revels in her emotional, moral and intellectual ineptitude, in the obligatory tiny little dress, prancing around on the nearest available red carpet, loving it.
  • This cavalry was quickly dispersed at the Battle of Sedgemoor, contemporaries claimed on account of Grey's own cowardice and ineptitude.
  • But his ineptitude in not changing the wording of the bordering text left a "literary seam" (what rhetoricians might term aporia) that sticks out like a pimpled nose. MoJo Blogs and Articles
  • They are now more likely to call a product obstreperous than blame themselves for their ineptitude.
  • Far from doing himself any favours, however, his ineptitude kicks off a war between the Axe Gang and the inhabitants of Pig Sty Alley, a run-down shanty town that provides a surprising home to some kung-fu legends.
  • Though calling Obama unqualified for a job that Bush handled with ineptitude for the ages is a bit strong. Bush on Obama: 'This guy has no clue'
  • We've attended over 200 of them, including some that have gone down in fannish history for their ineptitude, such as the 1968 Baycon, the 1988 Nolacon II, and the 1993 ConFrancisco (forever known as ConFiasco). OmegaCon: If You Build It, They Will Come
  • He contributed to a freesheet that attempted to expose mismanagement and managerial ineptitude. Times, Sunday Times
  • They do not look for, do not see, and do not achieve insight into their fatal flaws - arrogance, overweening pride, hypocrisy, ineptitude, and, increasingly, irrelevance.
  • What you call crankiness in old people, so trying to the younger generations, does not arise from natural hatefulness of disposition and a released congenital selfishness, but from atrophying glands, and, no doubt, a subtle rebellion against nature for consigning men to ineptitude when they should be entering upon their best period of usefulness, and philosophical as well as active enjoyment of life. Black Oxen
  • to slide into those mechanical and untruthful habits of thought which are so pleasant and so easy as descents to mental ineptitude.
  • Obscuring the role that corruption and ineptitude have played in arming and equipping our foes in the interests of drumming up another war just makes me sick beyond belief. Biden on Iraq - Swampland -
  • Social ineptitude is exclusively for the geeks, like the geek squad. Venn Diagram: The Difference Between Geek, Nerd, Dork and Dweeb | /Film

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