
  1. lacking the power to produce a desired effect
    laws that are inefficacious in stopping crime
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How To Use inefficacious In A Sentence

  • High-flying oratory proved utterly inefficacious in winning any major foreign-policy result he set himself to bring home in triumph. Terry Krepel: John L. Perry's Greatest Obama-Hating Hits
  • Then I just started wittering in a pretty inefficacious way at the Carribean customer service woman.
  • Going to school can appear to be a waste of time and inefficacious. Archive 2009-02-01
  • The ambitious but inefficacious poor soul has tried his best.
  • -- The wounding of the child's mouth, gums, and lips, in the often inefficacious methods with gags, hemostats, raspatories, etcetera, are entirely unnecessary. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • Even an executive customer service rep pledge to resolve the situation was inefficacious. Bank of America Screws Even Ex-Employees Of 21 Years On Mortgages - The Consumerist
  • Functionalism certainly does not imply that the mind is inefficacious.
  • Whatever one thinks of the death penalty, it appears quite obvious that the decision to seek capital punishment will be a mixture of inefficacious and antagonizing to those Puerto Ricans who believe that they were promised a measure of genuine "sovereignty" in the "compact" the Congress passed in 1950. Balkinization
  • laws that are inefficacious in stopping crime
  • But though it is not absolutely efficacious under all circumstances, it is of great potency always, and rarely inefficacious.
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