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How To Use Ineffective In A Sentence

  • An American family of eight has gone missing while driving from Michigan to Alaska and police believe they may be somewhere in northern B.C. Several families with loved ones who are mentally ill are speaking out about what they call a decrepit, overcrowded, ineffective psychiatric facility at Vancouver General Hospital. CBC | Top Stories News
  • Locked into declining industries and a shrinking public sector, unions have become ineffective. Times, Sunday Times
  • The unions had almost no influence on the factory floor and were ineffective in collective bargaining.
  • Burying one's head in the sand is an equally ineffective tactic. Global Warming, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • It is sad that there are ineffective ministers and somnolent bureaucracy giving the people a raw deal.
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  • During states of ineffective arterial volume, local production of vasodilatory prostanoids and kinins in the kidney offsets the decrease in renal blood flow and helps maintain the glomerular filtration rate.
  • An ineffective flu jab given to millions of elderly people last year has been blamed for a record number of deaths over the winter. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a broken economy, rampant inflation, ineffective industry, overdominant trade unions and high taxes. The Sun
  • In reality, the country's ivory controls are ineffective and riddled with corruption. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their cannonade, although impressive, was quite ineffective.
  • And why have the solutions presented thus far been so expensive and ineffective? Times, Sunday Times
  • 7 "Citing 'Failed Efforts' to Inform Public of Condom 'Ineffectiveness, ' Physician Groups, Politicians Ask CDC Head to Resign, " Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report, July 25, 2001.
  • If pot concentrates the AIDS drugs, they could be toxic; if reduced, they could be ineffective.
  • More serious, however, was the ineffectiveness of official propaganda in favour of the war.
  • What is difficult to overlook is her record of being totally ineffective as a four-term assemblywomen, her inability or unwillingness to work with others, even within her own party, and her extreme positions on issues such as Medicare, social security, education, veterans affairs and many others. Mitchell Bard: The Tea Party All-Stars: The Worst of Extreme GOP Midterm Candidates
  • For example, by relying exclusively on mortality data the ineffectiveness of medical science is overstated.
  • It is significant that the term entered the language at a time of ineffective monarchical rule, in the mid-fifteenth century.
  • These figures underline the ineffectiveness of prison as a deterrent and a reformer.
  • Forget spending hours on a treadmill: aerobic exercises such as these have been found to be ineffective for weight loss. Times, Sunday Times
  • This could make the antibiotics used to treat human infections ineffective. Times, Sunday Times
  • Furthermore, they claim that any such interference is completely ineffective.
  • The post-war ecumenical movement: good but ineffective. The Times Literary Supplement
  • His tactics turned out to be sterile, dull and most importantly ineffective.
  • Claiming he was willing to put that behind him, Raggio added, "What is difficult to overlook is [Angle's] record of being totally ineffective as a four-term assemblywoman, her inability or unwillingness to work with others, even within her own party, and her extreme positions on issues such as Medicare, social security, education, veterans affairs and many others. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • En route to their operational area, they mutinied and the battalions were deemed combat ineffective.
  • A disturbed mental state will often result in an unhappy and ineffective athlete which alone usually indicates overtraining.
  • In his essay, he demonstrated the ineffectiveness of interest rates in controlling business cycles.
  • The U.S. may be encouraged by allies and commentators again, at the point that sanctions are judged to be ineffective (or if the U.N. Security Council can't even agree on sanctions), to talk directly with the Iranians, but talking to the Iranians will still mean negotiating give-and-take (and negotiating with a strengthened Iran that has either proven unsusceptible to sanctions, or proven that the world is not united against it). Hooman Majd: Why We Are Going To Go To War
  • The public perception is that social workers are underpaid, overworked and largely ineffective. Times, Sunday Times
  • But he has compiled an 11.24 ERA this season and his season-long ineffectiveness is more troublesome now that Rolando Arrojo has been shifted from the bullpen to the rotation, replacing Oliver. - American League East
  • Why oh why oh why did the Yankees think it was wise to pay $82.5 million to this 34-year-old pitcher, who has proven himself so unreliable and ineffective that the mere mention of his name causes unflappable New Yorkers to seethe? Sympathy for A.J. Is Not Tolerated Here
  • And by this point, the process became so slow and drawn-out that they were ineffective.
  • The complaint also accused Forest of ignoring a study that revealed that Celexa, which is chemically similar to Lexapro, was ineffective in children and then having its sales staff use a second study that with more positive outcomes for Lexapro's pediatric use, reported Reuters. NewsInferno
  • The spurious argument that Lewin was ineffective in stemming crime is so openly dishonest that Jamaicans like myself have started to tune out.
  • The main harm from classical homeopathy is not likely to come from its remedies, which are probably safe but ineffective, though this is changing as homeopathy becomes indiscernible from herbalism in some places.
  • He takes their election out of context, not recognizing the U.S. push towards this "democratic" event and not recognizing that it was the withdrawal of economic support by the U.S. and its servient allies that led to the weakening of the government – and not that the support was withdrawn after the Hamas almost-government had become weakened and ineffective. The Hebrew Republic - Book Review
  • Increasing the supply of new nurses may turn out to be perversely ineffective if overall numbers grow and nurses perform even more non-nursing tasks.
  • Instead, the company has focused on ineffective and inconvenient security procedures for the sole purpose of pacifying the traveling public.
  • One in three small firms finds the service ineffective and another 49 per cent are unsure if it works or not, a survey found. The Sun
  • The watchdog criticised low standards, poor quality teaching and ineffective management.
  • Not only is access to hardcopy data often slow - sometimes it never occurs at all because of ineffective retrieval or misfiling.
  • He seemed listless and uninterested at times last year - and ineffective at others.
  • In light of the mission to spread the gospel, the division of the churches seemed pragmatically ineffective and theologically scandalous.
  • It is largely ineffective against a regime that is unmoved by the sufferings of its people. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inappropriate use of many medicines has led to ineffective treatment and drug resistance.
  • I have no time now to look for studies portraying the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of homeopathic remedies in patient studies.
  • The school currently has CCTV cameras mounted on its roof but in the past vandals have been able to climb onto the building and damage the cameras during a spree - rendering them ineffective.
  • Equally ineffective will be forcing retail banks to flog branches. The Sun
  • Ideologically, the Clinton administration was committed to the idea that most terrorists were misunderstood, had legitimate grievances, and could be appeased, which is why such military action as the administration authorized was so halfhearted, and ineffective, and designed more for 'show' than for honestly eliminating a threat. Archive 2008-08-01
  • Emphasis in gesture is just as inartistic – and therefore ineffective – as emphasis in tone or language. The Art of the Story-Teller
  • The ad industry doesn't need a bunch of clueless and ineffective new rules - they just need a good brief.
  • This hung situation usually means a weak, indecisive and ineffective coalition. The Sun
  • ‘Until the development of rapid-onset anti-emetic drug delivery systems, there will likely remain a subpopulation of patients for whom standard antiemetic therapy is ineffective and who suffer from debilitating emesis.’
  • Most of them are pervaded by a brooding spirit of melancholy of the 'moping' rather than the 'musical' sort, and consequently rather ineffective as an artistic motive. Proserpine and Midas
  • The post-war ecumenical movement: good but ineffective. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Poison sprays such as arsenate of lead are not eaten by this type of insect, and consequently are ineffective remedies for aphids. Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minnesota, 1916 Embracing the Transactions of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society,Volume 44, from December 1, 1915, to December 1, 1916, Including the Twelve Numbers of "The Minnesota Horticulturist" for 1916
  • The above guidelines advise against antibiotics because of their ineffectiveness, which may not be true.
  • The technique is at best ineffective and at worst dangerous.
  • Loss of albumen and proteins, either from uncontrolled glomerular filtration, or from ineffective reabsorption, prevents establishment of normal capillary osmotic pressure.
  • Besides it being unfair and immature for adults to burden children with such an assignment, taking these messages into the schools is both illogical and ineffective.
  • The authors also say that peer review is ineffective as a mechanism for restructuring scientific activity.
  • Pressure groups, however, have described the final deal as ineffective and one of the biggest political sell-outs in decades.
  • This can lead to war heroes being trapped in ineffective treatments instead of being seen by experts. The Sun
  • The combination of the described vicious cycles acting as accelerator wheels, a set of ineffective brakes, and increasingly obesogenic environments represents a major challenge for weight management.
  • Brad Penny won't be back until next week at the earliest, and rookie left-hander Nate Teut was ineffective in his major league debut Saturday against Milwaukee, taking the loss, then getting sent to Triple-A Calgary. - National League East
  • In 1981, the FDA declared spirulina ineffective for weight loss, and no subsequent studies to the contrary have been published.
  • However, the devil must be given his due and it cannot be argued that Hafaz Assads’ actions in Hama were ineffective. Matthew Yglesias » Haim Saban
  • After Tiglath-Pileser I, the Assyrians were in decline for nearly two centuries, a time of weak and ineffective rulers, wars with neighboring Urartu, and encroachments by Aramaean nomads.
  • We've all seen people who are bright, talented, and capable - but also blatantly insecure: disputatious, difficult, and ultimately ineffective.
  • Current calls for "reform" and "accountability," including those of, claim that compelling teachers and administrators to put students first requires firing teachers deemed ineffective and assumes that standardized test data can make such determinations and therefore protect students from miseducation. Larry Strauss: Students First and Other Lies
  • If your area was underperforming then you would surely aim to make it better, not cover up for people who are ineffective.
  • Relapses of the malady, ineffectiveness of different drug regimens and even resistance to drugs are emerging.
  • The final reason for the ineffectiveness of the wonder weapons comes from their secretive development and combat employment.
  • Keeping this type of register is completely ineffective to fight computer fraud or cyberterrorism.
  • Even without corruption, ineffectiveness and inefficiency in the use of public money would follow decentralization, as a result of a lack of skills and knowledge.
  • The chemical was almost totally ineffective in killing the weeds.
  • In a vacuum or at the state level they are vulnerable to the self-satisfied: cruisers, well-funded sinecures, bloviators, experts without portfolios or the simply ineffective.
  • Furthermore, they claim that any such interference is completely ineffective.
  • You prefer the Neanderthal ineffective “he-man” redneck cowboy policies of GWB? Think Progress » Limbaugh stands by his Haiti remarks, tells critical caller she’s a ‘bigot’ with ‘tampons in her ears.’
  • The hoses which the doomed emergency workers hauled up the stairs would have been completely ineffective.
  • This point of view would be bolstered by the position that regional policy is not so much ineffective as poorly timed. Urbanization in Post-Apartheid South Africa
  • The causes of irritable bowel syndrome are poorly understood and the treatment can be ineffective, meaning that those it afflicts often suffer all their lives. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her boss, Keith, is a world-weary figure whose vast experience is matched by his ineffectiveness.
  • It's amazing how ineffective personal missions are within a team sport like rugby. Times, Sunday Times
  • For example, cases are cited by Mr. Darwin, of plants which are more fertile with the pollen of another species than with their own; and there are others, such as certain 'fuci', whose male element will fertilize the ovule of a plant of distinct species, while the males of the latter species are ineffective with the females of the first. Origin of Species
  • Large companies are slow, bureaucratic, unresponsive and ineffective.
  • Some marketing managers who should know better suggest legally ineffective trademarks for their products.
  • His readers, on the other hand, certainly read books, but his scraps of praise ‘were so niggardly to the writers he scrutinised that he was held by some to be an equally ineffective medium’.
  • The petty commander proved ineffective and spent much of his time feuding with a rival tribe. Times, Sunday Times
  • Development of chemical weapons was restrained in the 1920s by public outrage on moral grounds as well as protests from old-line army leaders on the basis of tradition and ineffectiveness.
  • In lawns, mowing of hawkweeds is ineffective because the low-lying rosettes are missed by mower blades.
  • I don't care if it is loud, ugly, or ineffective, and I don't infer that it is anything but fabulous, the engraving is enough to sell me. diddy dum diddy do When is a Rifle Not Accurate Enough?
  • Leaders who do not look after the interests of their followers are not only unethical but ineffective.
  • However, the interpretation of sign at nests to classify nest predators was almost wholly ineffective.
  • An ineffective flu jab given to millions of elderly people last year has been blamed for a record number of deaths over the winter. Times, Sunday Times
  • The little shy sounds of Schumann are constantly forgetting that they are shy or child-like and strutting out boastfully in an ineffective dash or prance.
  • Economic reform will continue to be painful and ineffective.
  • Bombing civilians in retaliation is ineffective and counterproductive.
  • Her opponents complain that Lady Ashton is ineffective.
  • Penicillins, cephalosporins, monobactams and carbapenems can all be hydrolyzed by multiple members of the beta lactamase family of enzymes, resulting in a microbiologically ineffective compound.
  • What is difficult to overlook is her record of being totally ineffective as a four-term assemblywomen, her inability or unwillingness to work with others, even within her own party, and her extreme positions on issues such as Medicare, social security, education, veterans affairs and many others," Raggio said of Angle. The Full Feed from
  • The treatment was expensive and ineffective, with a high recurrence rate.
  • The running game has been ineffective because of injuries and poor blocking, and the receivers don't have the speed to make the downfield passing game a threat.
  • I'm really surprised Representative Bachmann would say those things, whinges Pawlenty, before making some insane argument that Bachmann has been ineffective because she didn't somehow control Congress at the time. Republican presidential debate in Iowa - as it happened
  • Relatives are raising her children as best as they can, trying to fend off her dangerous attempts at “motherhood” and “aunthood”, both ineffective attempts may be causing additional PTSD problems with her children, nieces and nephews. The 51st State in the Union: PTSD
  • One explanation may be that large-seeded species are successful at all successional stages once seeds arrive, but that colonization is delayed by ineffective seed dispersal.
  • Regulators are discredited, politicians are bickering and central banks are ineffective. Times, Sunday Times
  • The result is ineffective Web sites which may turn away customers and sites that need to be recoded after the complaints start coming in.
  • The exigence that drives her study is this question: ‘What occurs between the best of intentions that we begin with and the often ineffective or even negative outcomes that students and teachers report?’
  • Most of the second-line TB drugs used to treat drug-resistant TB are known for their relative ineffectiveness against the bacilli, meaning a lengthy treatment of up to two years. Doctors Without Borders
  • The country's administrative capabilities and public health services have remained frail and ineffective.
  • The flies' preference for attacking cattle's forelegs can also render ineffective such animal treatments as back rubs and ear tags.
  • New York Times art critic Michael Kimmelman lambasted the process as an ineffective means for choosing a design for a public memorial, or any architectural space.
  • For example, The United States of Tara is an ineffective title for a show about a character with split personalities. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Cliche name: “United States of _____”
  • This hung situation usually means a weak, indecisive and ineffective coalition. The Sun
  • The enemy's ineffectiveness is a blessing, she said, and why the attacks continue baffles her. Heroes or Villains?
  • The other two potentialities described in the Sankhya philosophy, rajas, physical dynamism and tamas, insensibility, are rendered ineffective.
  • Others again believe that social spending has become ineffective or even counterproductive.
  • But why do they become ineffective and obsolete? Christianity Today
  • This unstable heart rhythm produces an ineffective heartbeat, causing insufficient blood flow to vital organs.
  • The charter was ineffective in many ways. Times, Sunday Times
  • In some ways, the title was self-explanatory: "Toronto Community Housing Corporation - Controls Over Employee Expenses Are Ineffective. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Every personal soul, however "inartistic," is an artist in this sense; and every personal life thus considered is an effective or ineffective "work of art. The Complex Vision
  • Initially overplaying Jordan to keep the ball from him, sometimes they allowed guard Joe Dumars to play him straight up, or run a double-team at him the minute he touched the ball, forcing him to pass to an ineffective teammate. One Season
  • Zeno's and Emilio's aboulic personalities, their incapability of pursuing and sustaining an active participation in life, reflect Svevo's tragic sensibility of life as a disaster and his meditation on vulnerability and death, filtered through the looking glass of bitter-sweet irony mixed with ineffective wisdom.
  • Republicans struck back hard against news of the Democrats 'new jobs platform, which they characterized as tired and ineffective. Top Stories from CQ
  • Corroborating this possibility, addition of recombinant wild type αSNAP rescued exocytosis in streptolysin O-permeabilized sperm, while the mutant protein was ineffective. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • verbose and ineffective instructional methods
  • Any visit to the doctor always resulted in a prescribed medication that was ineffective.
  • There is a growing sense that sensible and necessary regulation has been replaced by an expensive and ineffective regulatory sledgehammer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Millions of dollars were spent on slick and on-message, yet largely ineffective ads, when the money could have gone towards supporting local groups that knew their territory, mobilizing young people to staff and run regional efforts, investing in aggressive online campaigns to take on dirty lobbyists, or other efforts that not only would have built genuine political pressure but laid the groundwork for a lasting movement. Jamie Henn: As the World Burns: New Yorker examines Senate's climate fail
  • And with the exception of some of the larger states, New York, California, and Texas come to mind, no matter how effective or ineffective a governor is, he or she tends to be a footnote in history.
  • The system was not only complicated but also ineffective.
  • A strangely ineffective display as the frenetic pace of the game seemed to restrict his creativity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The district council pretends to be interested in cleaning up public spaces, but on this issue it has been totally weak and ineffective.
  • Just as well people know me for the ineffective correspondent that I am.
  • If pot concentrates the AIDS drugs, they could be toxic; if reduced, they could be ineffective.
  • What is difficult to overlook is her record of being totally ineffective as a four-term assemblywomen, er inability or unwillingness to work with others, even within her own party, and her extreme positions on issues such as Medicare, social security, education, veterans affairs and many others. The Full Feed from
  • The causes of irritable bowel syndrome are poorly understood and the treatment can be ineffective, meaning that those it afflicts often suffer all their lives. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps 20,000 Japanese and nearly 350 vessels were engaged in minesweeping efforts, which were largely ineffective. Whirlwind
  • Another ineffective display came to a premature end with 12 minutes remaining and Spurs hanging on for grim life. The Sun
  • Current efforts at law enforcement and the administration of criminal justice were considered hopelessly ineffective. The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
  • No inactivation was observed when the medium was not aerated, and light alone or porphyrin alone was ineffective.
  • Locked into declining industries and a shrinking public sector, unions have become ineffective. Times, Sunday Times
  • And why have the solutions presented thus far been so expensive and ineffective? Times, Sunday Times
  • Other performers, again, are remarkable for vivacity of action and elocution, who nevertheless are felt to be feeble and ineffective in rousing an audience to emotion.
  • In its simplest form, adaptability is the ability to rethink your plan when pressure renders it ineffective. Why Leaders Fail Under Pressure
  • Take noise for example - for nearly three years residents adjoining a housing development had to endure a dumper with an ineffective exhaust being driven around the site like a stock car - no complaint was made.
  • Most chemical head lice treatments are expensive and ineffective as they don't kill the eggs. Times, Sunday Times
  • What John McCain offer is a weak ineffective leader who has to grovel for political contributions. McCain Campaign Is Returning Donations - The Caucus Blog -
  • The catalogue of wasteful, ineffective programmes is almost endless. Times, Sunday Times
  • As many as 70 per cent of amputees report phantom pain in limbs that are no longer there and conventional painkillers are often ineffective. Times, Sunday Times
  • This notion is also supported by the observation that substitution of salubrinal with subtoxic concentrations of the phosphatase inhibitor cantharidin induced a comparable increase in PSI-mediated cytotoxicity, whereas the PP2B / calcineurin inhibitor cypermethrin proved to be ineffective. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • This takeover was greeted with indifference by city governments, and ineffective brutality by the police. The Times Literary Supplement
  • As one reads the reports of writers who have given arsphenamine in large doses and in rapidly repeated courses of treatment, and when one hears of the remissions obtained, in number and in duration far superior to the number of remissions observable in untreated paralysis, it cannot confidently be maintained that arsphenamine is ineffective against progressive paralysis. Julius Wagner-Jauregg - Nobel Lecture
  • The fact is that it is ineffective in cases of proven crime and criminals who have been caught red-handed.
  • Table 5-1 describes briefly one of the many different ways each style might be perceived as effective or ineffective by others.
  • Iodine is, however, ineffective as an algicide.
  • England were ineffective and strangely subdued yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • The content of the robocalls is accurate but senior Republicans privately describe them as petty and ineffective at a time when a strong economic message is needed.
  • Regulators are discredited, politicians are bickering and central banks are ineffective. Times, Sunday Times
  • A weak and ineffective Police force, to sum up, is a certain threat to the maintenance of law and order in this country, and the criminals know it.
  • ‘The whole area of joyriding and juvenile crime is indicative of how ineffective our justice system has become,’ he added.
  • Maxmian ordered the execution of every tenth man, which proved to be an ineffective deterrent.
  • This often includes lazy or incompetent peers, ineffective management, or a seniority system that rewards obsolete employees and punishes newer, more aggressive go-getters.
  • Such sanctions, however, are ineffective against third party spoliators, who are not parties to the lawsuit and are not subject to the authority of the court.
  • Making complaints is one means of getting issues addressed but this is time-consuming, defensive and often ineffective. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dictionary is blemished by those long ineffective example sentences.
  • Taxation is a blunt and largely ineffective tool of changing the habits of consumers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite philandering, murder, and just plain ineffectiveness, they are still treated as Gods by the liberal press. Political family names bring shame as well as fame
  • Sadly, the reverse prospect is more likely: that the cuts will remove better teachers from the system and leave it predominantly populated by the ineffective ones.
  • Starting quarterback Scott Mitchell was ineffective before leaving in the second quarter with a hamstring injury.
  • The post-war ecumenical movement: good but ineffective. The Times Literary Supplement
  • These weapons are totally ineffective against tanks.
  • We have a galaxy of ineffective and obnoxious stewards in the ground. Times, Sunday Times
  • The graph itself needs to be rotated -90 degrees, so that size is indeed the x-axis and shame the y-axis, but simply switching the labels is ineffective, as it changes (and makes wrong) the meaning of the graph. Low culture.
  • Scepticism there may be, but the present situation is unsatisfactory and ineffective.
  • Leaving home without my “sweat rag” is disastrous, as it often leaves me blinded from the salty sweat trailing through my ineffective eyebrows and into my eyes. Archive 2008-08-01
  • I’m not sure, but it doesn’t look to me like transportation emissions are factored into the “vegetarianism is ineffective” link; I think that study is concerned entirely with direct production emissions. gerrycanavan Tuesday Is Soylent Green Day « Gerry Canavan
  • The furious opposition triggered by gun control efforts flows directly out of what can only be called a religious fervor for empowerment, which is resistant to all logic on the harmfulness of widespread gun availability or the ineffectiveness of violent conflict resolution. Robert Koehler: The Paradox of Disarmament
  • The court is ineffective because it lacks the necessary enforcement machinery.
  • Again the ineffectiveness of him cost the attack much of its ability to maintain serious pressure.
  • When the New York Times briefly reported on it, even the title conveyed the controversy: Low-Sat Diet Ineffective, Study Finds. Kristin Wartman: Change in Season: Why Salt Doesn't Deserve Its Bad Rap
  • The OC considers the long-term ineffectiveness of domestic social policy: Vox Popoli
  • Private companies will also be allowed to collect fines in areas where courts have been ineffective.
  • It has been rendered ineffective by careless road-users, mostly though because it has been partially laid.
  • The Obama administration will not "foreclose" the idea of introducing a second stimulus package should the first one prove ineffective. James Warren: Taking the Long View
  • The court is ineffective because it lacks the necessary enforcement machinery.
  • The Yankees'rotation , through a combination of injuries and ineffectiveness, had recently contributed anything but stability.
  • Further treatment with a combination cream that included topical steroid, antibiotic, and nystatin was also ineffective.
  • Although the ass makes a great spiker, he is ineffective as pressure.
  • Hoops and canes had proved ineffective and a strong but natural support was urgently required to keep the new growth of this plant upright.
  • Disease-allele counts, further conditioned on the current count, may be realized by use of rejection sampling, but this is ineffective.
  • Some dentists are convinced that the addition of fluoride in water is ineffective as a prophylactic treatment.
  • But he refused to gloat after United teammate Veron was substituted after an ineffective performance.
  • In light of the way in which the high court framed the issue when it granted certiorari, I am inclined to think the court will conclude that, since Arave had a fair trial, the fact that his attorney may have been ineffective during plea bargaining is irrelevant. Supreme Court
  • Sumner scheduled sentencing for the following month, but he postponed it after Bo Diddley submitted a posttrial motion, written with the help of another inmate, claiming that he'd been denied a fair trial because of his public defender's "ineffective assistance. Chicago Reader
  • Using the same wet and used brush head both day and night can be ineffective. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was ineffective for the first two games of the Pistons' playoff series against the Heat and sat out the final game as Detroit was swept.
  • A few months ago, I signed onto a statement by a group of testing experts, which cautioned that such strategies were likely to misidentify which teachers were effective and which were ineffective, to promote teaching narrowly to the test, and to cause a narrowing of the curriculum. Ravitch: The pitfalls of putting economists in charge of education

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