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How To Use Ineffable In A Sentence

  • Given the combination of ineffable beauty and extremely unpleasant sensations in my stomach and head, I would be quite content to die here.
  • The ineffable in poetry is almost always the unreadable. Times, Sunday Times
  • J'y constatais d'abord, qu'une inquiètude nous attendait à tout spectacle auquel nous assistions et qu'une déception à peu près ineffable accompagnait toujours la chute du rideau. Pélléas and Mélisande
  • Everywhere a sullen look, -- everywhere that ineffable aspect of crestfallenness! What Will He Do with It? — Complete
  • This isn't what ‘ineffable’ means: she's using it as a fancy periphrasis for ‘unspeakable’, but its orientation is exactly the opposite.
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  • She sighed a sigh of ineffable satisfaction, as if her cup of happiness were now full.
  • If truth is ineffable, beyond words, we can't determine whether it can be intuited.
  • Weep then, my word ineffable!" cried Malcolm, and laid himself again at her feet, kissed them, and was silent. The Marquis of Lossie
  • Reuchlin claimed that Cabalistic manipulation of the Hebrew letters of the ineffable name of God, IHVH, produced a five-letter name, IHSVH, or Jesus, which was the true name of God and conferred on its user powers that were divine in origin, far above the power of nature. Loss of Faith
  • Even on a cloudy day the light beaming through the top of the dome seems to represent the ineffable visitation of divine beauty.
  • If ‘the world’ is something beyond all description, an ineffable thing-in-itself, no real answer to the question has been given.
  • These aspects are: 1. mystical experience consists of pre-rational immediate consciousness or feeling; 2. mystical experience removes the distinction between subject and object; 3. mystical experience is prior to language and is therefore ineffable; and 4. mystical experience dissolves or annihilates the self; 5. mystical experience cannot be sustained, and is therefore transient; 6. mystical experience is nevertheless noetic, that is, it imparts insights about the nature of Reality. About religious experience (William James, Schleiermacher etc)
  • You may give them all they need of food and drink and make the conditions of their existence as favorable as possible, and they may grow and bloom, but there is a certain ineffable something that will be missing if you do not love them, a delicate glory too spiritual to be caught and put into words. An Island Garden
  • Bill is puffing and blowing, but there is a look of ineffable peace and growing content on his rose-pink features.
  • The text makes reference to the Shem haM' phoras, the ineffable, unspeakable Name of God.
  • He rewinds the tape to replay a passage about a girl he was courting at the time, and the ineffable sadness that creeps over his face is heartbreaking.
  • There is something ineffable about the experience of being on a high mountaintop.
  • There it stands, high above them all, and remote from them all, in its air of great antiquity, in its unaccountableness, in its serene truthfulness, in its unapproachable sublimity, in that impress of divine majesty and ineffable holiness which even the unbelieving neologist has been compelled to acknowledge, and by which every devout reader feels that the first page in Genesis is forever distinguished from any mere human production. Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader Being Selections from the Chief American Writers
  • It is interesting to note, that while Washington seems increasingly populated by $20-a-head edutainment “museums” and wax-statue celebrity shrines, that San Francisco is welcoming an institution where one can consider “first-things,” the basic questions that art seeks to address and accommodate a range of effable and ineffable responses. Field Trip: The Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco « The Blog at 16th and Q
  • Big awards, thankfully, don't always go to big ensembles, but there's a long way to go before a couple of perfect minutes of lapidary precision and ineffable depth can hope to compete on equal terms with a Wagnerian stem-winder. posted by Matthew @ 10: 00 PM Not long for this world
  • Hawaiians refer to it as mana, the Greeks called it pneuma, the Japanese call it ki, yogis know it as prana, devout Christians might think of it as the Holy Ghost, martial artists know it is energy, and my 10-year-old son insists it the ineffable force that lends atoms awareness of themselves. Arthur Rosenfeld: What Is Qi?
  • This word, when thus pronounced, is called the ineffable word, which cannot be altered as other words are, and the degrees which you have received, are called, on this account, INEFFABLE DEGREES. The Mysteries of Free Masonry Containing All the Degrees of the Order Conferred in a Master's Lodge
  • To sublimate is thus to confer ideality on that someone or something through which the subject articulates his or her ineffable desire.
  • * The term “Vandal,” he said, “best describes the roving, independent, free-and-easy character of that class of traveling Americans who are not elaborately educated, cultivated, and refined—and gilded and filagreed with the ineffable graces of the first society.” Mark Twain
  • How is midnight baby always ineffable Jing cries to do? What should notice?
  • Traditionally qualia have regarded as intrinsic, private, ineffable monadic features of experience, but current theories of qualia often reject at least some of those commitments.
  • the ineffable name of the Deity
  • Remainder doesn't pretend to anatomize the human mind, translating its ineffable qualities into sensible prose, as so much middling psychological realism post-Joyce and post-Woolf generally settles for. Point of View in Fiction
  • To subordinate the essentially cinematic as he does is itself a technique of ineffable skill; and to efface his signature as a director from the style of a film argues a modest purity of aim that is refreshing.
  • Bill is puffing and blowing, but there is a look of ineffable peace and growing content on his rose-pink features.
  • In our quotidian acts of reverence, we read these portraits with ineffable sadness, but every day we are exalted by them, joining in the community of a city that has discovered itself in a union of souls.
  • But modern scholars, practicing an ineffable linguistic science called stylometric analysis, insist that they can discern traces of the Master's voice in the lines. Out of the Miasma of Bardolatry, a Masterpiece
  • So shall crown Thee the topmost, ineffablest, uttermost crown— From ‘Saul’
  • We all tried to pin down that ineffable quality of inspired classroom activity that can't be made digital and stuffed down an Ethernet cable.
  • It also involves invoking a rich panoply of cognitive and affective associations, from mere calculation to ineffable beauty.
  • In their elephant-cord hipsters, tab-collared shirts and Carnaby Street suede laceups, they exuded an ineffable and hopelessly unattainable cool.
  • God is supereminently being -- "I am who am" -- but in Him the good is anterior to being, and the ineffable name of God is above all His other names. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • Thus all affirmations about God fall short, and only negations about God are really true: God is invisible, ineffable, beyond our names, beyond our words.
  • Glory is ineffable splendor of His presence!
  • Having been God-beseemingly affianced unto the Lord, ye passion-enduring maidens-have brought Him as dowry your blood and immolation, and have worthily obtained the divine palace wherein ye are unceasingly filled with ineffable enlightenment; wherefore, in spiritually celebrating your holy and honourable memory, we glorify the Saviour and in faith call out: Supplicate The General Menaion or the Book of Services Common to the Festivals of our Lord Jesus of the Holy Virgin and of Different Orders of Saints
  • Such sustained confusion and a sense of ineffable, implicit meaning do appear to result in the person's consulting inadvertencies and trying to wrest meaning from them.
  • The antinomy is comprised of a seemingly contradictory stance among occultists and mystics that, on the one hand, regards spiritual truths as ineffable, but on the other, assumes that there is much to say about ineffability.
  • In the final analysis we are left with the ineffable mystery of great music.
  • Since each experience is personal and unique, it is ultimately ineffable; it can never be fully described or shared with anyone else.
  • The UN's authority is instead one of those ineffable mystical mysteries.
  • Page 19 are chilled, their affection hurried back on themselves in curdling horror, with pity ineffable, and sorrow that cannot be repressed, we are united in saying, let the will of the law be done! The Martyred President: A Sermon Preached in the First Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, N. Y.
  • It is hard to describe the arrogant majesty and ineffable magic of New York to Britons, who treat it, understandably, as just another city.
  • Just what one learned from the linnet and the throstle was never disclosed by Wordsworth but that was probably because their lessons were ineffable, like the Beatific Vision. NATURE
  • The word ineffable, is important here, Those that practice the art of negative theology, whether within the Abrahamic tradition or not, will always ascribe God as being unknowable, yet paradoxically knowable through this form of theology, though of course not at the anthropomorphic level. The Student Operated Press
  • The ineffable nature of the crimes against nature and humanity are such that we call upon comic relief to alleviate the pain, as to directly cognize, as the famous, Armenian mystic, G.I. Mitchell J. Rabin: A Call to Consciousness Louder Than Ever Before 2012
  • For you the word good has such a sense, because you were taught in fine Foucauldian fashion that all value judgments are assertions of power, but it follows neither that I share the same ineffable sense—my goal is to make the ineffable effable—nor that your Foucauldianism is correct about value judgments without further argument. Good, better, best
  • Anything involving crystals, ley lines, acupuncture or the kinetic balance of my ineffable psychic bioenergy would be fine. Times, Sunday Times
  • The true word of a Mason is, not the entire, perfect, absolute truth in regard to God; but the highest and noblest conception of Him that our minds are capable of forming; and this _word_ is Ineffable, because one man cannot communicate to another his own conception of Deity; since every man's conception of God must be proportioned to his mental cultivation, and intellectual powers, and moral excellence. Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
  • And his unspeakably acute sufferings originated in the ineffable wisdom of the plan of God, who foreordained it and bestowed it on him.
  • The profane love of woman presented itself to my fancy, clothed, not only with all its own charms, but with the sovereign and almost irresistible charms of the most dangerous of all temptation—of that which the moralists call virginal temptation—when the mind, not yet undeceived by experience and by sin, pictures to itself in the transports of love a supreme and ineffable delight immeasurable superior to all reality. IX. Part II.—Paralipomena
  • She sighed a sigh of ineffable satisfaction, as if her cup of happiness were now full.
  • How to convey in words my ineffable dreams that I have never told anyone about, that cannot be spoken about?
  • Other efforts to invoke the indescribable and ineffable may result in verbal paradoxy — “Dark with excessive bright thy skirts appear,” wrote Milton of God's ambiance, and of Satan's, “darkness visible.” LITERARY PARADOX
  • Such considerations suggested to the author of that article that the ineffable name, when rendered effable, may have been pronounced Yahuah or Yahoah. What We're up Against - The Panda's Thumb
  • In other respects, the Panamera 4 is very like a Porsche: the stiffness and solidity of the chassis, like a bathysphere hatch; the high-speed data stream from the front wheels to the steering wheel; the ineffable sense of leverage against the road. Deciding the Case of Panamera v. Porsche Purists
  • I was obsessed with him for two years, but our hormones were an ineffable fog, innocent of corporeality. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gesture was intended to show his friends and enemies the young man's ineffable beauty.
  • Although Plato describes the Forms as ineffable, dialectical language enables their apprehension.
  • God, whose plan is ineffable, foreordained that the heart of Jesus would be stricken with seven afflictions.
  • And for thirty years I missed the ineffable wonder cradled within that biblical imagery.
  • An ineffable and exquisite smile wreathed her lips, dreamy, sad, sensuous, the supremity of unconscious happiness. To the Last Man
  • For next to God, we worship and love the logos who is from the unbegotten and ineffable God.
  • The ineffable name, the tetragrammaton, the shem hamphorash, -- for it is known by all these appellations, -- consists of four letters, _yod, heh, vau_, and _heh_, forming the word הוהי. The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • This ‘philosophy’ replaces the ineffable mystery of God with the ineffable mystery of consciousness.
  • Poetry, music, art - these among others are vehicles that try to render the ineffable into some degree of conscious apprehension and communication.
  • When he stopped, the flourish of the gyrator was ineffable. Rattlin the Reefer
  • Direct spiritual experience, peak experience, enlightenment or whatever one may call it is usually ineffable and thus hard to describe and pass on.
  • I stood upon the gulf which girds my dwelling: in one hand, I held my sacred talisman, that bears the name ineffable; in the other, the mystic record of our holy race. Alroy The Prince Of The Captivity
  • The ineffable in poetry is almost always the unreadable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Supreme in its progress could never be borne forward upon some soulless vehicle nor even directly upon the soul: it will be heralded by some ineffable beauty: before the great King in his progress there comes first the minor train, then rank by rank the greater and more exalted, closer to the King the kinglier; next his own honoured company until, last among all these grandeurs, suddenly appears the Supreme Monarch himself, and all — unless indeed for those who have contented themselves with the spectacle before his coming and gone away — prostrate themselves and hail him. The Six Enneads.
  • He rewinds the tape to replay a passage about a girl he was courting at the time, and the ineffable sadness that creeps over his face is heartbreaking.
  • For all the systematization of the creative process, for all the diaries, notes, tests, photographs, and catalogues, ineffable it remains. The Sorcerer’s Apprentices
  • If (the scripture) had not used such words, how then could we have learnt of these ineffable mysteries?
  • That seems to be the ultimate hubris to me — to assume that the ineffable is “effable.” Firedoglake » A Constitutional Crisis of Cheney’s Making?
  • How is it possible to retain our fantasies about the ineffable and mysterious qualities of love under these circumstances?
  • Like the majority of his breed, Corker (for such was his name) had ever been wistful to be noticed by any one -- effusively grateful for every word or pat, an ever-ready wagger and nuzzler, to none ineffable. Zuleika Dobson, or, an Oxford love story
  • He gazed at an ineffable, agonizing radiance which only he could perceive, banishing whatever throwback emotions the brew had triggered.
  • Its force, its felicity is in its reach toward the ineffable. Toni Morrison - Nobel Lecture
  • Some of Christ's sufferings were a consequence of the ineffable divine light granted to him.
  • It also aligns to various religions teachings which maintain that the true nature of God is unknowable as his or her or its ineffable name.
  • This historical disinterest has led to a theoretical inability to cope with concepts which people use to describe the ineffable experiences of being.
  • They had an ineffable smell that escaped even the plastic packing.
  • ineffable ecstasy
  • There are, in short, perfectionist reformers as well as religionists, who wait to see the salvation which it is the task of humanity itself to work out, and who look down from a region of ineffable self-complacence on their dusty and toiling brethren who are resolutely doing whatsoever their hands find to do for the removal of the evils around them. The Complete Works of Whittier
  • Or, as my Alaskan hiking partner puts it when confronted by a scene of ineffable beauty, ‘It's good to be alive.’
  • All thanks to Linda and the other doyennes of technological progress such as Marylin Chambers, Traci Lords and the ineffable (actually, very effable) Nina Hartley. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Now again their eyes met; an ineffable expression suffused the countenance of Lord Monta-cute. Tancred Or, The New Crusade
  • Something about the plastic face, a face frozen in an expression of ineffable sadness. THE FORBIDDEN GAME
  • His ineffable, effable, effanineffable, deep and inskrootabul singular nayme. LAZY - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The visual impact of this film cannot be overstated; every shot captures a moment of ineffable beauty or unspeakable horror.
  • And we all went beyond this and found something ineffable… an experience of profound mystery.
  • It's the ineffable mystery of existence. Times, Sunday Times
  • The almost universal theme of the writers and orators who have celebrated this bimillennial epoch has been the future rather than the past, not the advance that has been made, but the progress that shall be made, ever onward and upward, till the race shall achieve its ineffable destiny. Looking Backward, 2000 to 1887
  • The Paris Cineffable Feminist and Lesbian Festival is a pearl of a festival, an international "non-mixte" event exclusively for women. GreenCine Daily: Paris Dispatch.
  • The novel explores the meaning of enlightenment, and the perplexities of reconciling the ineffable and the everyday.
  • For Faqir, it is the belief that all poetic expression can convey the ineffable, disclosing the nature of their inner being unalloyed by the fetters of religious and social convention.
  • It is a fond conceit of the superstitious Jews that his blasphemy was in pronouncing the name of Jehovah, which they call ineffable: he that made himself known by that name never forbade the calling of him by that name. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume I (Genesis to Deuteronomy)
  • The beauty of a sunset is ineffable.
  • She recalled the ineffable scenes of the passion, the burial and the resurrection. Balthasar and Other Works - 1909
  • Elohim, etc., and still less Yahweh, the ineffable name, i.e. a name unutterable to any human tongue; instead of these, they used metaphors or expressions having reference to the Divine attributes. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • They must invent new terms that are themselves unsatisfactory, since no language can have words for what is fundamentally ineffable, undescribable, and beyond possible comparison with objects or phenomena of the empirical realm.
  • Sometimes he introduces himself by the same method to the imagination; and sometimes he addresses the mind in a manner ineffable, which is called Inspiration. The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 1

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