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How To Use Inedible In A Sentence

  • The only clanger was the crackling, one half of which was flabby and inedible. Lancaster's 10 best budget restaurants, pubs and cafes
  • There were still flowers in plenty, pink campion, toadflax, small blue scabious, honeysuckle, and six-inch mushrooms, inedible no doubt, but the blackberries were ripe and juicy enough to quench thirst.
  • The vegetable dumplings, in contrast, were almost inedible, with a slimy exterior and no discernible flavour.
  • In 1740 during an intense frost, birds fell to the ground frozen in flight and rock-hard bread was inedible.
  • Sharing space with the sweet and sugary stuff will be all kinds of inedible things from consumer durables and garments to furniture and lifestyle products.
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  • Since the caterpillars have very bright distinctive colours, the birds quickly recognise that they are inedible and leave them alone.
  • Since the launch of the programme in 2001, hospital meals should no longer consist of inedible slop but healthy - and even gourmet - food.
  • And the food was inedible. Times, Sunday Times
  • After the puffball has matured, the contents change into a brown, dustlike mass, and the top falls off; and it is then inedible. The Home Medical Library, Volume V (of VI)
  • Prices are too high, prize money too low, the food is inedible and the queues too long. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yeah, I named him Seymour, and then proceeded to behead him (the flowering stem is inedible, and saps the nutrients from the rest of the plant ... it had to be done!) and kidnap some of the "offspring" (read: stalks) to make these muffins! What Seymour Made!
  • … Every time he closed his eyes, her adumbrated silhouette burnt with inedible precision into his retina, bought back the pain he was trying to run from. Extending Your Vocabulary « Write Anything
  • Apples are naturally occurrent and edible while sparkplugs are inedible artifacts. June 29th, 2009
  • Fruit growing in gardens and fish from the local rivers are mutated and inedible.
  • In Hindu mythology, the two demons Rahu and Ketu are said to "swallow" the sun during eclipses, snuffing out its life-giving light and causing food to become inedible and water undrinkable .
  • They took the wrong sort of tent and their tinned food proved inedible. Times, Sunday Times
  • We found the food inedible. Times, Sunday Times
  • The garish colors, the bawling kids, the irritating and distracting music and the inedible snacks make it no place for conversation or cogitation. Matthew Yglesias » McDonald’s Or Starbucks
  • The food's not only inedible but is dished up in large portions. The Sun
  • It became a journey of headaches and hunger; inedible food provided from vending machines. Times, Sunday Times
  • It basically turned a potato into a mushy mess that was completely inedible.
  • Hallmark envelope glue ranks high on my list of tastiest inedible things ever, right above coffee and right under Taco Bell Fire Sauce. Thank You Card Season!
  • Having endured the worst of American food for the best part of our holiday, with huge portions of inedible, sugar-laden stodge, this was the straw that broke the camel's back.
  • It seems the meat is almost inedible anyway. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inside this nearly inedible shell is a reasonably tasty caramelized banana concoction, which is made off-putting by a scattering of slices of black licorice.
  • Producers of inedible food aren't that bothered anyway and won't notice that appreciation is no more than polite. Blaikie's Guide to Modern Manners
  • In today's Highlands, the march of the modern means that the hills support unsaleable sheep and the shores inedible shellfish; salmon are caged and deer without number pollute the bens.
  • The milder kinds are eaten as vegetables; the medium ones used as condiments; and the strongest are inedible but have been used as emetics.
  • This liquid was made by chopping up the roots of an inedible yam which looked like stringy, tough beetroot.
  • The skin was extremely greasy underneath, the meat very poor; it was almost inedible. Times, Sunday Times
  • While the parrotfish makes a potentially tasty meal, even the slightest puncture of the organ that produces the slime during cleaning renders the fish foul-tasting and inedible.
  • And the food was inedible. Times, Sunday Times
  • The skin was extremely greasy underneath, the meat very poor; it was almost inedible. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a native of Africa, where there were originally two species: the watermelon itself and the very bitter colocynth, which is inedible without being processed but has some food uses as well as some in traditional medicine.
  • Sadly, it was served with a dated garnish of kiwi, strawberry and orange, complete with inedible peel.
  • Some of it was pungently stimulating; some, for this farang, verged on the inedible — like eating incendiary, pongy swamp. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pea purée was a congealed, dry mound of inedible gloop.
  • Unlike summer squash, butternut squash has a hard, inedible skin that is easily removed with a vegetable peeler.
  • I use my intelligence and senses to tell me whether or not food is inedible. The Sun
  • However, do not eat the leaves of the rhubarb plant as they are inedible and toxic.
  • However, moufflon overgraze the higher parts of the massif where the flora is poor, leading to the decline of high altitude plant species and an increase in inedible species. Tibesti-Jebel Uweinat montane xeric woodlands
  • Any of several Mexican plants of the genus Dioscorea having a large, inedible root that yields an extract used as a raw material for synthetic steroid hormones.
  • Loneliness was rife, the food often inedible and the standard of education appalling. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sliced potatoes on top overdone, tough, inedible. Times, Sunday Times
  • Producers of inedible food aren't that bothered anyway and won't notice that appreciation is no more than polite. Blaikie's Guide to Modern Manners
  • Tracey, Stephen, Timothy and Kevin landed in the bottom, and although Stephen's bacon-wrapped Chilean seabass effort was universally panned (Waxman called it "inedible") and horribly executed, Tracey went home for her over-fenneled, sloppy, poorly-cooked italian sausage 'sliders' that Jonathan Waxman claimed his son could make, and that Colicchio said would be insulting to Italians, and therefore himself. Top Chef DC Finale: Who Will Be Named Top Chef?
  • But it proved inedible and they ended up going having to out for a meal at the Village Tavern.
  • It became a journey of headaches and hunger; inedible food provided from vending machines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Modern bread wheat itself is also a fairly recent crop in the evolutionary timescale, having arisen only about 4000 years ago through hybridisation of tetraploid (pasta or durum) wheat with inedible goat grass.
  • He fantasized that the inedible slop was his mother's blintzes with raspberries and cream.
  • Studies show that planting arid or wastelands that are unsuitable for food production with inedible biofuel crops such as jatropha could provide a way out.
  • I'm not talking the stylized shots from magazines where what's on the plate is so gussied up it's pretty much inedible (not to mention stone-cold), I mean good, honest home cooking. No Cheese, Please
  • The cunjevoi is a poisonous plant with inedible, reddish fruits.
  • I told the waiter there was only the most minute amount of meat on my lobster and it was inedible.
  • Loneliness was rife, the food often inedible and the standard of education appalling. Times, Sunday Times
  • In today's Highlands, the march of the modern means that the hills support unsaleable sheep and the shores inedible shellfish; salmon are caged and deer without number pollute the bens.
  • Whatever they marinated the vegetables in wasn't pleasant at all - they all had a uniformly sour taste that made them almost inedible.
  • All of it was unexceptional verging on inedible.
  • In 1740 during an intense frost, birds fell to the ground frozen in flight and rock-hard bread was inedible.
  • There were still flowers in plenty, pink campion, toadflax, small blue scabious, honeysuckle, and six-inch mushrooms, inedible no doubt, but the blackberries were ripe and juicy enough to quench thirst.
  • Like a cappuccino, a hamburger should be easy to get right, but is too often inedible. Times, Sunday Times
  • I use my intelligence and senses to tell me whether or not food is inedible. The Sun
  • Variations on sugar paste, more or less inedible, include starch or plaster of Paris amongst their ingredients, and are intended purely for decoration.
  • Cook the asparagus in salted water; drain and cut away any inedible ends.
  • The grey city took you in its mouth and spat you out as inedible and you felt you had survived something that would kill a normal person.
  • Humans have been turning inedible grass into edible food via livestock since Neolithic times, and we show precious little inclination to stop. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gutters were choked with inedible refuse: sticks, feathers, rags, skeletons of animals that had been boiled for their meager flesh.
  • The tightly bound tournedos of salmon adorned with candied lime was inedible - none of the flaky, moist delicateness that the fish is all about.
  • There are many inedible poisonous mushrooms out there to be mistaken for edible ones.
  • Anything inedible is composted, along with any packaging which can no longer be reused.
  • Avoid the orangy and inedible false chanterelles. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the U.S., Honeywell makes Green Jet Fuel from oil of camelina seeds, an inedible weed, that is grown in rotation with dry-farmed wheat.
  • The food's not only inedible but is dished up in large portions. The Sun
  • Globe artichokes are members of the thistle family and, with their robust leaves and inedible choke, they can seem rather arduous to prepare. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since Neolithic times we have used livestock to turn inedible grass into food. Times, Sunday Times
  • Has a highly acidic taste; inedible. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where they are exposed to the light, new potatoes go green and become inedible. The Sun
  • There's an old joke about people complaining that the food at a resort is almost inedible, and what's more, the servings are too small. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Note that cattle are ruminants and can convert inedible grains such as grass into protein and that they do not require to be fed soy and other grains.
  • The sliced potatoes on top overdone, tough, inedible. Times, Sunday Times
  • Prices are too high, prize money too low, the food is inedible and the queues too long. Times, Sunday Times
  • Born in 1950 in Tucson, Arizona, he found American food inedible compared with his mother's cooking so she sent him to school with a flask of hot rice and stir-fried vegetables.
  • I don't know if it was the beef or the noodles or both which were to blame, but my food wasn't very warm and was so oily it was virtually inedible.
  • And despite the overuse of the term gastropub, most food served in pubs is virtually inedible, not to mention the difficulty of finding decent wine in a pub bar. Taking None for the Road
  • Globe artichokes are members of the thistle family and, with their robust leaves and inedible choke, they can seem rather arduous to prepare. Times, Sunday Times
  • They took the wrong sort of tent and their tinned food proved inedible. Times, Sunday Times
  • He fantasized that the inedible slop was his mother's blintzes with raspberries and cream.
  • Ben also paid £1.89 for a pack of lemon bonbons that turned out to be so hard in the centre that they were practically inedible.
  • The caprifig, whose syconia are generally considered to be inedible, is the wild fig of Asia Minor.
  • It seems the meat is almost inedible anyway. Times, Sunday Times
  • This time of year they seem only to last for a few hours before they are inedible.
  • There are many inedible poisonous mushrooms out there to be mistaken for edible ones.
  • Like a cappuccino, a hamburger should be easy to get right, but is too often inedible. Times, Sunday Times
  • They live on eucalyptus, which is mostly inedible to humans. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Brawls at Chuck E. Cheese: “It was like something out of a Quentin Tarantino movie.”
  • The cold was harsh and some found the food inedible and spat it out over the parapet.
  • Firstly they disguise egg white, that inedible devil's gloop, as the most delicious manna from heaven.
  • Where they are exposed to the light, new potatoes go green and become inedible. The Sun
  • The garish colors, the bawling kids, the irritating and distracting music and the inedible snacks make it no place for conversation or cogitation. Matthew Yglesias » McDonald’s Or Starbucks
  • These chemicals make the fruit inedible.
  • Since Neolithic times we have used livestock to turn inedible grass into food. Times, Sunday Times
  • The food was totally inedible.
  • Cow pats would litter pastures, making grass inedible to cattle and depriving the soil of sunlight.
  • Here and there uneaten brambles glistened, inedible now for all but the hungriest creatures. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is thinking of farmers who breed grasses to produce food crops, and of cooking as a process of predigestion to enable us to consume otherwise inedible foods.
  • The poor things had been rendered totally inedible in a vat of tasteless oil.
  • What occurs is a meal from hell comprising of inedible food, accompanied by a cascade of bitchery and innuendo from the hostess, and ill-concealed contempt and bad manners from the guests.
  • Inside this nearly inedible shell is a reasonably tasty caramelized banana concoction, which is made off-putting by a scattering of slices of black licorice.
  • What, for instance, is the point of making a paper-thin wafer of aubergine and laying it on top of a piece of foie gras when it is virtually inedible because it also tastes like paper?
  • Failure to observe the tithes would invoke not only severe Divine punishment but in most cases would render the grain religiously inedible and consequently unsalable.
  • Since Neolithic times we have used livestock to turn inedible grass into food. Times, Sunday Times
  • We found the food inedible. Times, Sunday Times
  • Adequate facilities to render or denature the inedible meat product as applicable must be provided.
  • Humans have been turning inedible grass into edible food via livestock since Neolithic times, and we show precious little inclination to stop. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tightly bound tournedos of salmon adorned with candied lime was inedible - none of the flaky, moist delicateness that the fish is all about.
  • These neglected spots are overgrown with gorse, brambles, nettles, blackthorn, and mullein, as well as with the bitter spurges, and the stringy inedible bracken. Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 8
  • With mountains of inedible packed lunches staring us in our bored little faces, something was bound to give.
  • It smells delicious (if you can get past the scent of melted plastic, that is) and it's probably completely inedible.
  • They took the wrong sort of tent and their tinned food proved inedible. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, it proved to be possible, using only the parts discarded as inedible, to reconstruct ‘a very nearly perfect specimen’.

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