How To Use Inebriate In A Sentence

  • We hooked up with the wedding party towards the inebriate end of the evening - my word, did we ever.
  • Wen son, you await here, I quest big ice-cubes apology" Yi snow more thinks more uneasy, directly rush out to inebriate fairy building.
  • With inebriated puppets and an eerie soundtrack, consider it a shoddier predecessor to Thunderbirds. 2009 June :
  • She played it to the hilt as an over-inebriated soprano trying to sing in an operetta.
  • The Garda witness said the victim was quite inebriated when he saw her later and she had to be helped into a Garda car.
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  • Finnegan howled and spluttered in inebriate rage, then sank back in his seat and stared up at Arabella with a kind of awestruck respect. Salvage for the Saint
  • Ready availability being the most precious of Prohibition virtues, gin was lifted above the historical pedigree that led Willa Cather to call it “the consolation of sailors and inebriate scrub-women.” LAST CALL
  • His voice was heavy with booze, yet even in his inebriated state, he managed to speak clearly.
  • Moreover, it can give one a feeling of energy, power and strength that can last for days after the inebriate effects have worn off.
  • As for reducing the number of public inebriates, the answer is simple: Do not let them drink.
  • Bleeding superstars, inebriated goalies and headhunting defensemen were commonplace.
  • The primary food handler smoking -- smoking -- and apparently inebriated whilst stationary and without an HACCP. TEN STEPS TO HAPPINESS
  • Children are resorting to binge drinking, often becoming so inebriated they can't speak or walk.
  • He would bring him to his office after the Senate recessed and ply him with drinks until the inebriated Kentuckian would agree to anything Johnson wanted.
  • Become inebriated, do not fight it, revel in the sheer joy of unmitigated excess and alcohol induced stupidity.
  • But Congress is ready to reach for our wallets at the behest of President Bush and Wall Street lobbyists who threaten us with a 1932 style Depression if they do not get $700 billion for the debts of Wall Street gamblers and financial inebriates! Eric Cantor Kills Bail Out
  • In her inebriated state, she was ready to agree to anything.
  • Scott was obviously inebriated by the time the dessert was served.
  • The outsider sees to him is happy, can I know that he is drinking bitterness wine and intentionally wants to inebriate.
  • The Magistrates, believing that imprisonment would not reform the woman, decided to send her to an inebriates' home for two years.
  • Even though I was, unsurprisingly, inebriated, and just wanted to lark and josh around with the lads.
  • An inebriate Glaswegian was ahead of me in the queue.
  • To make a long story short, Billie got ten different kinds of sloshed and I had to drag her half-naked, inebriated self off the table where she'd been stip-dancing for some jocks.
  • Eventually the inebriated band were inveigled to call at a particular tavern where Hunter's hired help had made prior arrangements.
  • inebriates," as they are called, blow a .30 or higher and are still functioning. The Full Feed from
  • He keeps six lovers, a time-travelling pet dodo from the past and a constantly inebriated brain. An Interview with Johanna Sinisalo
  • Scott was obviously inebriated by the time the dessert was served.
  • Oh K, I did get a little bit TOO inebriated at one point, but it was nice for me to be KAT-atonic for a bit, as a reminder for how wonderful it is to have my wits about me. What a Fuckin' Great Weekend!
  • September 8th, 2009 TILA TEQUILA has blasted her American football star boyfriend SHAWNE MERRIMAN - insisting allegations she was "inebriated" prior to his arrest on suspicion of choking and restraining her are false. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • But Roger felt far otherwise; and this sudden qualm of conscience once quelled (I will say there seemed much of palliation in the matter), a kind of inebriate feeling of delight filled his mind, and Steady Acton plodded on to the meadow yonder, half a mile a-head, in a species of delirious complacency. The Complete Prose Works of Martin Farquhar Tupper
  • I was arrested last knight at a bar (Sherlocks) in Addison Texas, for a P. I … I was inebriated, that is generally why I go to bars in the first place (first mistake), but they literally came inside and arrested me claiming that i threatened attack my server (who I was actually very attracted to) and then proceeded drag me off in their handy dandy Show me your papers mobile … Now don't think i was falling down drunk that isn't the case i was fully coherent. Alex Jones' Prison
  • With his left arm he gave Billie a clumsy and rather inebriated embrace, and tipped his glass to Albert.
  • The casual drinkers stumbled out to be replaced by the more sinister silent sort of inebriate - the kind with cold, mad eyes.
  • We hooked up with the wedding party towards the inebriate end of the evening - my word, did we ever.
  • A certain disillusion is perhaps necessary for the practice of conversation: it is the art of the thriftless genius, appropriate to the brilliant failure, the genius manqué, and the inebriate.
  • It is in the Schellinggasse and justifies itself by the possession of a very fine orchestra whose _militär-kapellmeister_ knows naught but inebriate _tanzmusik_. Europe After 8:15
  • Midway through the charming, inebriated song, in which two "swellegant" party pals swap banter, dish on guests and form a dipsomaniacal camaraderie, Crosby croons to Sinatra with his distinctive "ba ba ba boom" and Sinatra jokes, "Don't dig that kind of crooning, chum. Kim Morgan: Christmas With Crosby, Bing
  • After all, self-discipline was to be the dominant trait of both the proper slave master and the reformed inebriate.
  • His poor sister, shamed by her brother's drunkenness had moved far and away where she oughtn't to have news of Masdy's daily inebriated activities. Masdy's Silver
  • I turned and observed both of these young inebriates tumbling down the stairs, their hand luggage bouncing along beside flailing limbs and gyrating torsos. Border disorder: passages into Mexico
  • An overflow crowd, clearly inebriated by spirituous drink, literally gathered around the field and scaled nearby trees to watch the game.
  • His mind was too wine-muddled to think anything through, other than trading hit and miss blows with his equally inebriated adversary. TREASON KEEP
  • helplessly inebriated
  • He is an habitual inebriate but not an habitual drunkard.
  • She dismissed several passengers 'claims that Slater was "inebriated," then Vieira asked about the fact that on Steven Slater's MySpace profile, Slater wrote "Beating alcoholism and substance abuse' one day at a time 'has opened up new worlds of opportunity for me, "yet he grabbed two beers on his way out of the plane. Cynthia Susanne, Steven Slater's Ex-Wife, On 'Today Show': I Don't Know Him To Be An Alcoholic (VIDEO)
  • The smell of alcohol and sweat poured from the doorway and they stepped back as two inebriated guys stumbled past them.
  • Bones evade her as he did us at such moments, or would he save our reputation, and consent, for the moment, to accept her as a new kind of inebriate? Selected Stories of Bret Harte
  • Yet in Alaska the word "inebriate" is spoken everywhere. The Full Feed from
  • She played it to the hilt as an over-inebriated soprano trying to sing in an operetta.
  • In silence, she sipped her wine and seduced the big yellow moon with her naked body until her sadness was beginning to inebriate itself away. The Punany Experience
  • He had inspected the dark labyrinth of the Old Brewery, tripping over the inert, inebriated bodies, peeking into miserable closets housing filthy mothers and cankerous children.
  • After seven or eight bourbon and cokes in about an hour I started nursing my drinks because even in my inebriated state I valued my liver more than my pride at never getting outdrunk by a girl.
  • Thus the scene is set when Nick -- the lone straight guy in a "queercore" alternative rock band The Jerkoffs -- reluctantly plays a gig at a club with both Norah and Tris (and the inebriated Caroline) in attendance. JAM! Showbiz
  • We were two slightly inebriated gentlemen trundling along on a Sunday evening.
  • They are political or philosophical, merrily inebriate or sententiously sober.
  • To that end, if anyone wants an inebriate Santa staying on their floor sometime in December, do let me know.
  • Until my recent trip to Anchorage, Alaska, I had never heard the term "Chronic Public Inebriate," yet in Alaska the word "inebriate" is spoken everywhere. The Full Feed from
  • Homeless chronic inebriates require access to transitional housing and supportive services in order to stabilize.
  • Extreme danger to their lives George McGovern's daughter died frozen in the streets following her stay in a dry shelter after a later-life relapse and great public expenditures, because street inebriates are regularly incarcerated, hospitalized, treated -- with little to no success. Stanton Peele: Why We Should Give Serious Thought To Wet Shelters For Alcoholics
  • The mud underfoot is fast becoming a river and various members of the crew are skidding and staggering across the car park, like inebriated Bambis.
  • In 1913 the London County Council carried a resolution to close its inebriate reformatory, Farmfield.
  • Two foreign tours later, my garden had become a cider-pond, surrounded by staggering inebriated wasps.
  • Several of the more inebriated patrons were dancing, whether it was on the tables, chairs or floor.
  • Why I think you may be inebriated is that you obviously think that any of those young ladies with hiphugger jeans and tattoos on their backs might possibly be reading your weblog. No Title
  • Believing as I do that all persons act as they must, it makes not the slightest difference whether the person so acting is what we call inebriated, or sane, or insane The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Volume VIII. Interviews
  • On the intercom she recognized Landon's voice and immediately understood he was extremely inebriated to the point where his speech was undecipherable.
  • In her inebriated state, she was ready to agree to anything.
  • His mind was too wine-muddled to think anything through, other than trading hit and miss blows with his equally inebriated adversary. TREASON KEEP
  • With all their troubles forgotten, they settled into inebriated slumber. IRONCROWN MOON: PART TWO OF THE BOREAL MOON TALE
  • This allowed for an extremely inebriated guy to take the stage.
  • Latecomers always, inebriates pulling in after midnight, addressing Maven as “my man” or “dude,” and never requesting a receipt, never even noticing him lifting the gate by hand. DEVILS IN EXILE
  • Like the sparkle of the red wine to the inebriate are the seductive influences of the ballroom. Choice Readings for the Home Circle
  • Become inebriated, do not fight it, revel in the sheer joy of unmitigated excess and alcohol induced stupidity.
  • It was more like a soccer match attended by a club of misanthropic inebriates.
  • I was inebriated and thought they were really cool, but they had gone out of fashion before they'd even left the shop.
  • Pennington looked back, disheartened to see that the four inebriates wore the Boleyn colors and crest. The Tudors: King Takes Queen
  • Other positives include the convenience of not getting inebriated.
  • As I get increasingly inebriated, I make friends to stumble from bar to bar with.
  • In the hands of an inebriated amateur at the Hogmanay party, it would have you rushing to put a Billy Eckstine or Fats Domino record on the radiogram.
  • The kids are all resourceful and responsible and pitch in financially when needed, while dad is an incontinent, inveterate, indecorous inebriate. Tonight's TV Hot List: Sunday, Jan. 9, 2011
  • Had she been some rowdy inebriate they might have turned the plane around or emergency-landed. Lionel: Olfactory Terror at 36K Feet
  • If the Washingotn Post-owned Slate wants to continue to publish this kind of inebriated, partisan, journalistically amoral crap they can watch their own credibility roll around like backwash in the bottom of a Hitchens bottle. Firedoglake » And In This Corner…Juan Cole
  • In this age of industrial capitalism, the goal was to restore inebriates' economic productivity as well as their willpower.
  • These contumacious students were, as students frequently are, inebriated by ideas to the point of silliness.
  • The old man was not inebriated or hurt by a passing vehicle.
  • In GTA the havoc was great, but the difficulty of both missions and side-jobs would waver between "trivial" and "controller-snappingly infuriating" with all the predictability and grace of an inebriated hobo. Saints Row
  • Anchorage used to have an honor farm where inebriates grew their own food and fished.
  • In her inebriated state, she was ready to agree to anything.
  • Although it would probably work, while inebriated Chris tended to have a massively expansive personality, and he exaggerated an awful lot.
  • Public interest in medical treatment for inebriates waxed when local prohibition laws and sentiment waned.
  • Not the least of his indignities was his flamboyant and often inebriated wife, Martha, who dominated the capital's gossip columns -- and political columns -- more than any political spouse of his time. Reconsidering John Mitchell
  • It makes for great chess players and ballerinas and turns the rest of us into jealous inebriates. Three Stations : An Arkady Renko Novel
  • Then, with all the strength she possessed, she threw the inebriate onto her shoulders as if he was nothing more than a mink stole.
  • Rather legendarily, our leading man arrived for the final night's call 40 minutes late and still inebriated, but was word-perfect throughout the production.
  • His poor sister, shamed by her brother's drunkenness had moved far and away where she oughtn't to have news of Masdy's daily inebriated activities. Masdy's Silver
  • What he had not anticipated when he chose the slightly inebriated, seriously overweight woman attempting to hail a cab, was how attached she would be to her pocketbook.
  • In her inebriated state, she was ready to agree to anything.
  • I think Percy Smith was strongest at coon songs, and Trail sang all sorts, and G. and Kirke played accompaniments, whilst the writer picked out his own to a chantie respecting the procedure to be taken with an inebriated mariner -- such a merry evening! From Edinburgh to India & Burmah
  • I banged on the door, too inebriated and stupefied to think.
  • Philostratus in turn described Andros as a land of Cockaigne for inebriates.
  • Prominent candidates are denounced as renegade and inebriate.
  • The tree trunk has become a useful crutch for the inebriate.
  • Where the government are getting it wrong is that they seem unable to differentiate between the mild irritant of inebriated and loud youth and the frightening increase in violent and brutal crime.
  • He was inebriated by his phenomenal success
  • Nor could I leave Laurel sitting alone and inebriated to hurry after Jinna and explain to her, even if I had felt inclined to do so. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • The inebriated man drew a sword and sloppily lisped out, ‘You embarrreshed me!’
  • Well, the day before she sent to Lord Jedburgh explaining that she had to leave, it seems that a highly inebriated Don Ramirez proposed to her and insisted that she accept.
  • She played it to the hilt as an over-inebriated soprano trying to sing in an operetta.
  • Tash bemusedly watched the meanderings of her increasingly inebriated castmates as Richard and Hugo attempted to create a way to play checkers with beer bottle tops.
  • The hitherto silent island of Naxos has startlingly become populated with fauns and maenads and sileni and old Silenus himself swaying inebriate on his donkey.
  • Officers took the inebriated tourists to the Pattaya police station and booked them on charges of physical assault and drunk and disorderly behavior.
  • At least my old friends didn't find me inebriated on the floor of a bar.
  • After he said a few things and we looked at how he was acting we realized he was inebriated.
  • He insisted he had simply tried to prevent Tequila, real name Tila Nguyen, from leaving his house after a row because she was "inebriated". - Celebrity Gossip + Lifestyle Magazine
  • But he worries that they can be misused, misinterpreted and even befuddle someone who is truly inebriated. Testing the Limits of Tipsy
  • He was greeted with round on round of affectionate cheers, which brought a suspicious moisture to his eyes, albeit many of the voices were inarticulate and inebriate. Chapter III
  • Dr. Leslie E. Keeley would be appalled by how many people are getting drunk -- "inebriated," he would say -- on New Year's E.e. If Dr. Keeley Could See You Now,
  • Of the most memorable, ecstatic and monumentally fun moments so far, many have happened while inebriated.
  • A crowded train pulls into the crowded station, where the platform looks not unlike it does during the evening commute -- only younger, more untucked and a lot more inebriated. Metro after Midnight: ‘If they cut service, I might jump’
  • Alcohol abuse has in many instances also reduced once dignified, principled and balanced people into inferior inebriates lacking drive, initiative and resoluteness.
  • I am come into my garden, O my sister, my spouse, I have gathered my myrrh, with my aromatical spices: I have eaten the honeycomb with my honey, I have drunk my wine with my milk: eat, O friends, and drink, and be inebriated, my dearly beloved. The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Old Testament — Part 2
  • Thoroughly fed up with the whole affair, I cut my losses and my inebriate courage disappeared.
  • At fact I had no courage to be inebriated into the potpourri... I can only take a look at her on the sneak. , just as enjoying , enjoying a vase of flower.
  • From 12 March 1915 ‘sixteen male inebriates of the non-criminal type’ were sent to Shaftesbury from the State Penitentiary for a period of re-habitation.
  • So exuberant, perhaps a tad inebriated but almost always good natured and fun.
  • The lawyer said the American was inebriated at the time, so that he had lost control of his actions.
  • They wept over it as they sang it, the graceless young scamps who had all broken their mothers 'prides, and I sang with them, and wept with them, and luxuriated in the pathos and the tragedy of it, and struggled to make glimmering inebriated generalisations on life and romance. Chapter 16
  • “It's a contemplative space designed by a 21st century landscape architect, though rather than being used as a place of serene meditation, it became the well-concealed playground of horny teens, drug dealers and rapists, as well as the pissoir of inebriated sports fans.” Anti-Tsunami Landscapes
  • I asked her how long it had taken her to get her sea legs, but she said she'd been rather inebriated.
  • Even though I was, unsurprisingly, inebriated, and just wanted to lark and josh around with the lads.

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