How To Use Indwell In A Sentence

  • You who listen to me Sunday after Sunday will not suspect me of seeking to minimise either of these two aspects of our Lord's mission and operation, but I do believe that very largely the glad thought of an indwelling Christ, who actually abides and works in our hearts, and is not only for us in the heavens, or with us by some kind of impalpable and metaphorical presence, but in simple, that is to say, in spiritual reality is in our spirits, has faded away from the consciousness of the Expositions of Holy Scripture Ephesians; Epistles of St. Peter and St. John
  • As a rule, the indwellers in nature are autonomous and disinterested in man.
  • The Divine indwelling has its chief glory in that it is the manifestation of Divine love.
  • We got to install an Indwelling Curiosity Cutout in some nosy booger.
  • The Holy Spirit is believed by Christians to indwell believers and guide the CHURCH. Concise Dictionary of Religion
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  • Unlike other spiritual traditions, including Gnosticism, Pantheism, and forms of Christian apophasis and via negativa, the Buddhist understanding of oneness does not rely on the monotheistic perception of a centrally located source or an indwelling force or principle that acts to create coherency. Shelley's Golden Wind: Zen Harmonics in _A Defence of Poetry_ and 'Ode to the WestWind'
  • Henry Cairnes, "skipper in Leith, fled out of the countrie to the Easter seas;" and that "John Stewart, indweller in Leith, died in exile. The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)
  • Believers have a stock of habitual grace; which may be called indwelling grace in the same sense wherein original corruption is called indwelling sin. Pneumatologia
  • To turn this statement into theological form it is only necessary to claim that the "perfect man" which the religious instinct is trying to form is "the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ," that that perfect humanity was once realised in the historical Christ, and that the higher instinct within us -- ourselves, yet not ourselves -- which makes for life and righteousness, and is the source of all the good that we can think, say, or do, may (in virtue of that historical incarnation) be justly called the indwelling Christ. Light, Life, and Love : selections from the German mystics of the middle ages
  • Once the decision has been made to use an indwelling urinary catheter, efforts should be made to minimize problems.
  • Davis mentions their equally possessing the divine essence, and their inability to disagree, but for him the main factor is that the three enjoy the relation of perichoresis, which he expounds as meaning “co-inherence, mutual indwelling, interpenetrating, merging” (2006, 72). Trinity
  • This, secondly, is the Lord Christ by faith to be eyed in; and that not only in respect of the first enduing of our hearts with his Holy Spirit, but also of the continual supplies of it, drawing forth and exciting more effectual [327] operations and actings of that indwelling Spirit. Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
  • Agnes Finnie, an indweller in the Potter-row, Edinburgh, was indicted before a judge and a jury, on twenty articles of indictment, charging her with witchcraft and sorcery. The Mysteries of All Nations Rise and Progress of Superstition, Laws Against and Trials of Witches, Ancient and Modern Delusions Together With Strange Customs, Fables, and Tales
  • Studies have shown that indwelling central venous catheters may contribute to the increased incidence of infections with staphylococcal organisms, especially Staphylococcus epidermidis.
  • On the side towards the park the wall was little more than a colonnade -- to which doors could be fitted in winter-time, and here, as from a loggia, the indweller could feast on one of the fairest prospects in Oxfordshire. The Lady of Loyalty House A Novel
  • Vastu architecture transmutes the individual rhythm of the indweller to the rhythm of the Universal Being.
  • The term perichoresis, circumincessio, immanentia, was meant to express the peculiarity of the relations of the Three Divine Persons or Subsistences -- their Indwelling in each other, the fact that, while they are distinct they yet are in one another, the Coinherence which implies their equal and identical NPNF2-09. Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus
  • He or she also explains the need for an indwelling urinary catheter.
  • Well, then, further observe that the special emphasis of the prayer here is that this 'indwelling' may be an unbroken and permanent one. Expositions of Holy Scripture Ephesians; Epistles of St. Peter and St. John
  • They are indeed the ornaments of the living stones of this house, to make them meet and fit for such an indweller as the Lord Christ. The Sermons of John Owen
  • She also had a seizure disorder and multiple infections of an indwelling catheter through which she was receiving total parenteral nutrition.
  • These two words connote at once a corporeal indwelling of the Divine (a Divine madness which is necessary for the making of sagacious, artistic utterance), and an empty, arrogant persiflage (as in being puffed up, or ‘blowing hot air’).
  • What of architectural beauty I now see, I know has gradually grown from within outward, out of the necessities and character of the indweller, who is the only builder — out of some unconscious truthfulness, and nobleness, without ever a thought for the appearance and whatever additional beauty of this kind is destined to be produced will be preceded by Walden
  • A life force indwells in nature.
  • An indwelling catheter is placed and facial nerve monitoring established.
  • The author pointed out indwelling intravenous ducts under collarbone ensured smooth performance of marrow transplantation.
  • His ministry is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, and during this age to convict man of sin, regenerate the repentant sinner, to indwell, guide, instruct, sanctify and empower the believer.
  • Hence aesthetics requires as its basis the system in which God is known as indwelling in the world, that He is not far distant from any one of us, but that He animates us, and that we live in Him. Aesthetical Essays of Frederich Schiller
  • We got to install an Indwelling Curiosity Cutout in some nosy booger.
  • Anyone can utter the words, of course, but unless the Holy Spirit indwells a person they cannot say such things as a sincere expression of true worship.
  • Sacred places are not revealed, made holy by an indwelling power; rather, certain spaces are sacralized by the ‘cultural labor of ritual’.
  • Mr. Jarvie's, whose dinner hour was now approaching, I stopped at a small unpretending shop, the sign of which intimated the indweller to be Christopher Neilson, surgeon and apothecary. Rob Roy
  • the Holy Spirit is the indweller of the church and its members
  • First: He is not asking for that indwelling which is ours at conversion; for this he would not need to pray, for at the moment of regeneration Christ is ours and eternal life (which is only another way of saying, "the life of the eternal") is our never failing possession. And Judas Iscariot Together with other evangelistic addresses
  • an indwelling divinity
  • Our native land, or the country of our adoption is as dear to us as to the other indwellers. The Jews and Patriotism
  • Sclerosing agents may also be injected into the indwelling catheter.
  • The Spirit is the mode of the divine indwelling.
  • Maybe such a Romantic legacy of phonotextual encounter could serve to model and propagate, in its own right, an "indwelling" ethics beyond negativity — as advocated for in other terms, though also by linguistic association, in a writer like Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • It is facing towards the east, a n d, '' trickling water. "of a Mansion world. was prepared for Adam before he look! water was trickling from the 1 4 I was shown how this Light 18 Metatron, then, showed me was corrupted and his body-house right-hand side." was used to ingather all of the the mystery of those who inhabit closed to the recognition of other 8 I saw that the "House" he select elements of creation, a n d the Kolob in the midst of the vehicles that indwelled within his spoke of was not the "House" of these elements were purified when "House"! Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The love that is God ad intra consists precisely in how the Persons mutually inhere or indwell, which is something our minds can perceive only dimly and indirectly, by analogy, even as we are called to participate in it as children of God. Archive 2006-12-01
  • It required more than one repetition of the blows to rouse an indweller, but finally a window was enough raised to permit the thrusting out of a becapped head. Janice Meredith
  • This indwelling of charity impelled her to freely go and lovingly come to the aid of her kinswoman.
  • New Testament nowhere speaks of the indwelling Spirit in such a sense as implies an obliteration or absorption of the conscious individual ego, while "effacement" instead of fellowship is a favorite expression in the Oriental Religions and Christianity A Course of Lectures Delivered on the Ely Foundation Before the Students of Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1891
  • Eventually Satan himself will "indwell" the Antichrist, and will lead the forces of Evil against the forces of Good, led by the descended Christ, in the final confrontation at the Battles of Armageddon. Ellis Weiner: Rapture And Rand: Peas In A Pod
  • And likewise I doe understand that this said John Wentworth, a sea robber, is an indweller with you, soe I desire that you would punish this rogue, according to your good law. The Bay State Monthly — Volume 2, No. 5, February, 1885
  • He will come and not only rest upon us, but indwell us. FROM THE CROSS TO PENTECOST
  • indwelling"; and the renewed emphasis which, from the time of Problems of Immanence: studies critical and constructive
  • Either that or the salubrious locality she indwelleth is experiencing a nux vomica famine. The Chimes at Midnight
  • For, as I said before, if it were unfitting for Him thus to indwell the part, it would be equally so for Him to exist within the whole. On the Incarnation
  • Commune with the indweller ( God ) through meditation and heartfelt prayer.
  • An immersion of this sort in the deep ethos of literature, in its placeless disposition of indwelling effect, refuses the complacencies of the inscribed. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • Now that the body of our Lord was not transelemented or transnatured by the 'pleroma' indwelling, we are positively assured by Scripture. The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • Ask a born-again person about his or her faith and they will probably mention their experience of the indwelling Christ and how important that is to them on a day-by-day basis.
  • {xiv} indwelling and permeative Life of the human spirit, but as foreign and remote, and He was thought of as "coming" in sporadic visitations to whom He would, His coming being indicated in extraordinary and charismatic manifestations. Spiritual Reformers in the 16th & 17th Centuries
  • Use of invasive medical devices, such as indwelling catheters, often carries a risk for infection.
  • We need to move from being spectators to being participants in the raw, infiltrating presence of God that He may indwell our lives in a substantial way. FROM THE CROSS TO PENTECOST
  • All patients who had an indwelling Foley catheter were successfully voiding within 12 days after the procedure.
  • Attachment to the wealth in any form is to be sublimated by realization that all the wealth is illusory and the real Lord is our indwelling Self in everything.
  • Her indwelling urinary catheter was removed, and her urine output remained in normal range.
  • Christian doctrine identifies the rules by which Christians use confessional language to define the social world that they indwell.
  • It is because the Spirit is an earnest of our inheritance, that his indwelling is a seal. A Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians
  • That the Persons mutually indwell in love is, accordingly, not free: it is of the essence of God that they do so. Beating the filioque horse
  • Perhaps the nurse is struggling to insert an indwelling catheter in a patient who is about to undergo a total hip replacement.
  • The term perichoresis means 'mutually inhering' or 'mutually indwelling'; and as the Apostle John wrote, God is love. Archive 2006-12-01
  • Davis mentions their equally possessing the divine essence, and their inability to disagree, but for him the main factor is that the three enjoy the relation of perichoresis, which he expounds as meaning “co-inherence, mutual indwelling, interpenetrating, merging” (2006, 72). Trinity
  • Objective:To investigate the safety and superiority of blood drawing through an indwelling vein needle on in oral glucose tolerance test .
  • An intermittent injection cap was then fastened to the indwelling catheter and secured to the forearm.
  • The certainty Christians should have through being justified through faith in Christ is most important, and comes through the direct witness of the Spirit, indwelling the believer.
  • an indwelling goodness
  • Under the new covenant we have the born-again experience, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the body and blood of Christ, and the ministries and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
  • His ministry is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, and during this age to convict man of sin, regenerate the repentant sinner, to indwell, guide, instruct, sanctify and empower the believer.
  • Her lumbar drain and indwelling Foley catheter was removed the morning after surgery, and she ambulated in the hall later that morning.
  • They "reign in life" above through the indwelling seed, while all that is "corruptible" goes down into dust below. Parables of the Christ-life
  • We are agreed to receive into these dales no Judge, who is not a countryman and indweller, or who hath bought his place. The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 03 Masterpieces of German Literature Translated into English. in Twenty Volumes
  • Remember that this self-discipline is the fruit of the indwelling Holy Spirit, and only those who are already saved are so indwelt.
  • The process ends with faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ, spiritual rebirth and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
  • Patients receive heparin in many ways, including heparin line flushes, subcutaneous heparin, and heparin-coated indwelling catheters.
  • Method : We accept indwelling needle at vena saphena magna near medial malleolus and cephanus vena at wrist.
  • The effect of all the divine indwelling, which is the characteristic gift of Christ to every Christian soul, is to mould the recipient into the image of the divine inhabitant. Expositions of Holy Scripture: Romans Corinthians (To II Corinthians, Chap. V)
  • A life force indwells in nature.
  • Thus, He is the indweller in all beings, material and energy.
  • The addition of a thermistor or thermocouple within an indwelling catheter results in a device that serves a dual purpose.
  • Our contemporary mind having once for all grasped the possibility of a more intimate _Weltanschauung_, the only opinions quite worthy of arresting our attention will fall within the general scope of what may roughly be called the pantheistic field of vision, the vision of God as the indwelling divine rather than the external creator, and of human life as part and parcel of that deep reality. A Pluralistic Universe Hibbert Lectures at Manchester College on the Present Situation in Philosophy
  • Pollwart ther, William Craw indweller ther, Bessie The Mysteries of All Nations Rise and Progress of Superstition, Laws Against and Trials of Witches, Ancient and Modern Delusions Together With Strange Customs, Fables, and Tales
  • Objective:To investigate the safety and superiority of blood drawing through an indwelling vein needle on in oral glucose tolerance test .

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