How To Use Industriousness In A Sentence
Bob knew from his research that the beehive was a key Masonic symbol for industriousness.8 He surmised that the Florence coke ovens were KGC-Masonic in origin.
Shadow of the Sentinel
Pretty amazing that our industriousness will be our downfall if we don't counter with more smurtz than what put us here in the first place. stories
Behaviour can be shaped, as evidenced by the industriousness of the Japanese.
So much also for the idea—popular among Keynesians—that if only German industriousness didn't create such a competitiveness gap, the rest of Europe would have a better shot at catching up.
Germany Slides Toward Recession
Social mobility, or at least the hope for it, creates industriousness, sacrifice, and personal financial savings.

He jokingly called us the "A" students for our industriousness.
This gap is not due to a difference in industriousness or talent.
Your industriousness and economic nature will bear fruit.
The town is really just three main streets, South Street and Market Street and North Street, and about them bubbles a decorous throb of industriousness.
Helene employed household help, but Cullman's German housewives prided themselves on their industriousness and housekeeping without servants.
They Open Up waste-land, till the fields, grow vegetables and raise pigs to lighten the people of their burden and to develop industriousness, which is the true mark of the labouring people.
Achievements of Mao Tse Tung
To adopt wise King Solomon's words about industry (the concrete form of the more abstract word 'industriousness'):
They greatly impress me with their intellectual and behavior-analytic skills and their consistent industriousness.
Likewise, Maurice-Quentin de la Tour's monumental pastel portrait of the magistrate Gabriel Bernard de Rieux, who looks up from reading in a book-strewn study as a clock keeps time behind him, is the essence of the erudite professional whose industriousness has merited him his elite stature and surroundings.
With All the Time in the World
(49 percent), "high professionalism, competence" (45 percent), "industriousness" (40 percent), as well as "initiative, integrity, and culture" (by 21 to 26 percent).
RIA Novosti
The results of this study as well as prior studies suggest that narcissists do care more about being perceived as superior on agentic traits (e.g., industriousness, assertiveness, dominance) compared to communal traits (e.g., agreeableness and honesty).
Do Narcissists Know They Are Narcissists?
Winning the future," as President Obama puts it, requires both industriousness within America and acknowledgment that success elsewhere brings its own opportunities.
Let a Thousand Talents Bloom
The women's critique broke down views of virtue and vice that associated smoke with virtuous masculine industriousness and clean air with vicious feminized luxury.
This image of industriousness - echoed in various forms on walls throughout the village - also underscores indigenous agency.
His industriousness, you suspect, is in part a lacquering against his own legend.
Times, Sunday Times
The results of this study as well as prior studies suggest that narcissists do care more about being perceived as superior on agentic traits (e.g., industriousness, assertiveness, dominance) compared to communal traits (e.g., agreeableness and honesty).
Do Narcissists Know They Are Narcissists?
No special point this evening, other than I'm thinking that the way to creative industriousness in my leisure hours may well be through being leisurely more generally.
Now that our technologies so adeptly bridge the old divide between industriousness and relaxation, work and play, either through oscillation or else a kind of merging, everything being merely digits put to different uses, we ought to ask if we aren't selling off the site of our greatest possible happiness.
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