

[ UK /ɪndˈʌstɹɪəsli/ ]
  1. in an industrious manner
    they hoed up weeds industriously all morning

How To Use industriously In A Sentence

  • It is wise, too, in relation to the civilized world around us, to avoid giving occasion to the odium which is so industriously excited against ourselves and our institutions. Cotton is King, and Pro-Slavery Arguments Comprising the Writings of Hammond, Harper, Christy, Stringfellow, Hodge, Bledsoe, and Cartrwright on This Important Subject
  • Ian looked consideringly at his own offspring, industriously engaged in piling wooden blocks on top of each other by the hearth. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • So long as they were in favour, they were free to feather their nests, which Andrei did as industriously as anyone else.
  • I profess, without flouting or flattering, I have much admired with what facility and fluentness, how pertinently and properly, they have expressed themselves, in language which they were never born nor bred to, but have industriously acquired by conversing with their betters. Good Thoughts in Bad Times and Other Papers.
  • Hot samshoo is first poured down his throat and rubbed on his joints, then he is rolled over on his stomach; Yung Po then industriously flagellates him in the bend of the knees with a flat bamboo, and his wife scrapes him vigorously down the spine with the sharp edge of a porcelain bowl. Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume II From Teheran To Yokohama
  • A submissive orchestra dictated to by a spectacled man with frowsy hair and a dress suit, industriously followed the bobs of his head and the waves of his baton.
  • _motif_ of his works; nay, finally, it finds these more interesting than the works themselves; it reads more about Goethe than what has been written by Goethe, and industriously studies the legend of Faust in preference to Goethe's _Faust_ itself. Essays of Schopenhauer
  • During the years of the gold rush in Australia the Chinese were well known for industriously working their way through the mullock heaps (the heaps where the other miners discarded the material they had scoured for gold).
  • What farther he might have had in his thoughts to do is known to Him whom he served so industriously and so faithfully in his spirit in the gospel while he was here on earth, and with whom he now enjoys the reward of all his labours and all his sufferings; for certain it is concerning Dr Owen, that as God gave him very transcendent abilities, so he did therewithal give him a boundless enlargedness of heart, and unsatiable desire to do service to Pneumatologia
  • Morton told him, and the old man ruminated a while, as he industriously cleaned, primed, and loaded his gun, while Morton waited, watching a long, plume-like line of smoke along the distant horizon, which he knew was from a Portland steamer. Sara, a Princess
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