How To Use Industrialist In A Sentence
They watched in wonder as bankers, industrialists and assorted spivs piled up more and more riches.
Policy discontinuity frustrated industrialists and investors who wished to engage in forward planning: they could not anticipate stability in government programs.
American defender of theirs says just the same of their industrialism and free-trade; indeed, this gentleman, taking the bull by the horns, proposes that we should for the [78] future call industrialism culture, and the industrialists the men of culture, and then of course there can be no longer any misapprehension about their true character; and besides the pleasure of being wealthy and comfortable, they will have authentic recognition as vessels of sweetness and light.
Culture and Anarchy
The organisation claims the support of prominent industrialists and of former members of the security forces.
The government has set up a committee of industrialists and academics to advise it.

Today, many Canadians outside of your industrialist and financier circles are suffering again from globalization.
The government wields enormous power over the economy, and industrialists are always looking for ways to promote their interests.
The winners will be Irish landlords, existing house-owners and industrialists.
Not satisfied with having built the first American locomotive and running for president (for the Greenback Party ticket), industrialist Peter Cooper decided to try his hand in desserts.
Alex Santoso: The 10 Neatest New York Inventions Ever
The Zone covers 300 acres which, for the next twelve years, will offer unprecedented benefits for industrialists and investors.
Richard Nixon loathed public broadcasting, and nominated the ultraconservative industrialist Joseph Coors to the CPB board.
When the daughter of an industrialist apparently kills herself, her sister is unconvinced.
He is a rich German industrialist called Hess.
The Times Literary Supplement
This led in 1881 to the incorporation of a privately owned company financed by industrialists and bankers with headquarters in Montreal.
The Fatherland Party was lavishly financed by Rhineland industrialists, but it was no mere front for the ruling classes.
But few industrialists believe that interest rate cuts alone will bring relief.
Governments, industrialists, colonialists, charities and individuals have all devised ambitious plans to develop it.
It therefore supplied what all industrialists desired, namely, a degree of foresight, through its ability to cost for future changes.
He was many things in his time - musician, pilot, cattle-rancher, industrialist, journalist.
There are also closer links between public administrators and industrialists than is the case in other European countries.
Along with the industrialists and merchants of Glasgow and Edinburgh, they assembled in Edinburgh dressed lavishly in tartan, wearing kilts, singing Robert Burns songs.
Rural artisan winemakers are battling industrialist producers in a bid to preserve the magical results of husbandry and handcraft.
For landowners, industrialists, financiers, the Catholic Church, and the military who witnessed the consummation of the Russian alliance in the state visit of Nicholas II to France in October 1896, it was an Indian summer.
To the industrialists supplying the steel and to the owners of the shipyards, the battleship fleet plan could be presented as both patriotic and highly profitable.
The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
The prosecution still managed to nail him for robberies at the homes of leading industrialists.
The aspiration for democracy went hand in hand with the need for information: new MPs, supported by many progressive industrialists, initiated a reform of the Public Accounts, as we will see hereafter.
The solar system belongs to footballers, film stars and billionaire industrialists.
Times, Sunday Times
State power contributed to the growth of the cotton industry, a point overlooked by industrialists in the early nineteenth century.
Traders, industrialists, and working-class consumers had every reason to complain that they were paying heavy taxes to support idle rentiers who had invested in the national debt.
In April 1992 they persuaded Boris Yeltsin to put three industrialists into the government to act as a brake on the free-marketeers.
HOW do you persuade a German industrialist to pay big money for a British competitor?
Times, Sunday Times
Japan is then in the throes of a conflict between rich industrialists keen on quickly modernising the nation and the samurai clans trying to retain the old order.
Some industrialists, especially foreign investors, chose to exploit available subsidies and low wage rates.
When the French group behind products such as President Camembert cheese built up its 29% stake, a group of Italian banks and industrialists rallied to the defense of Parmalat and tried to come up with a counterbid in order to keep the company in Italian hands.
Lactalis Advances in Parmalat Bid
The reasons given by the industrialist associations of Germany for retaining possession of Belfort as indispensable for the preservation of their country against our ideas of revenge are the same as those of Barrés exacting Mayence to protect us against the velleities of invasion by the Boches.
Time Regained
With due speed, German industrialists were required to design and produce ovens and gas chambers that would enable the mass murders to be carried out quickly and cleanly without involving German personnel too much.
Industrialists claimed that although industrial pollution killed fish, it did not contain germs and indeed might act as a germicide and have a positive effect on water.
Think about it: industrialist builds wealth by building stuff; rich heirs drift leftward and, in adolescent fashion, rail against the industry that provided them with their affluence.
Matthew Yglesias » Five State Solution
It also demanded compensation for farmers and financial assistance for industrialists due to power shortage in the state.
And if we go on in this way, with everybody, intellectuals, artists, government, industrialists and workers all frantically killing off the last human feeling, the last bit of their intuition, the last healthy instinct; if it goes on in algebraical progression, as it is going on: then ta-tah! to the human species!
Lady Chatterley's Lover
Considering the monies at stake, Goa's famed five star facility, the Fort Aguada resort, could well be called Fort Knox for a day with millions of dollars at stake as film stars and industrialists outbid each other at the Indian Premier League's (IPL) second players auction here Friday.
India eNews
A wealthy industrialist established a foundation to promote his ideas among the rich and powerful.
The Japanese call it keiretsu; the Koreans say chaebol; the Russian word is semibankirshchina; and the Americans label the cozy arrangement among industrialists, bankers and government officials crony capitalism.
No Uncertain Terms
In West Germany the trade unions generally accepted the definition of national interest propounded by the government and industrialists, because they benefited from it.
The Japanese call it keiretsu; the Koreans say chaebol; the Russian word is semibankirshchina; and the Americans label the cozy arrangement among industrialists, bankers and government officials crony capitalism.
No Uncertain Terms
He believes that industrialists have a lot to offer academic institutions in helping them to manage their resources.
Within a year of the passing of the Prostitution Control Act, it was revealed that Victorian sex industrialists were involved in the lucrative international sex trade run by crime syndicates, which is worth $A30 million in Australia Robinson, 1995.
Legalization of Prostitution in Austrailia
The industrialist's son was kidnapped
PURI/BHUBANESWAR: Industrialist Anil Ambani exhibited his generosity during a visit to Puri on Sunday. - Articles related to Starbucks, Microsoft are mighty in social-media marketing
Software reliability guru C. K. Cho admonished the industrialist not to think of software as a product but as a portable factory.
Who is, face it, a weird obsessive industrialist with control issues and a reckless disregard for safety.
Times, Sunday Times
Large industrialists, enlisting the support of unions, announced the first general strike.
To the industrialists supplying the steel and to the owners of the shipyards, the battleship fleet plan could be presented as both patriotic and highly profitable.
The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
The workshop was attended by some 30 industrialists, financiers and renewable energy specialists from around the world.
These might be well-known industrialists, financiers or politicians who will improve the reputation of a business.
Business Studies Basic Facts
Several doctors, businessmen and industrialists accompanied the children.
The Surveyor at the front rank of tax assessment may have been outgeneralled by a small but active body of higher civil servants and interested industrialists.
Is he further aware that many industrialists believe that those high premium rates will cost us business and jobs?
The title stayed in Europe only a little while longer until it moved to America as industrialists challenged each other in the 20th century with the Chrysler Building, the Empire State Building and then the Willis (Sears) Tower.
Howard Steven Friedman: World's Tallest Building Back Home in the Middle East...Forever?
The Church attack on modernity and progress did not dissuade industrialists pushing conventional religiosity on the working class.
More mature people are likely to admire financiers and industrialists who have achieved great success.
They're not like other immigrants, who can be pretty thick, " said Riccardo Marini, a textile manufacturer and the head of the Prato branch of Confindustria, the Italian industrialists' organization.
The Industrialists were pressing their own constitutional demands.
Exporters, farmers and industrialists alike are vexed and blame the government.
The region needs this type of investment to make it attractive to industrialists, tourists, and workers.
Tchaikovsky wrote that in 1878, after the completion of his fourth 2)symphony, in a letter to his benefactress, Nadezhda Von Meck, the widow of an industrialist.
Clearly, the Indians were wronged and the industrialist was an aggressor.
By eliminating interfirm competition, these industrialists could raise prices to a level just short of motivating customers to substitute another product or service — or do without.
Managing Strategic Relationships
The owner of this account is a foreigner, a miner and an industrialist.
The industrialists are dressed as bewigged aristocrats of pre-revolutionary France.
However, the antiscientific attitudes of the Christian right are being exploited to prevent the government of the United States from taking actions that might be essential for everyone's welfare, including the grandchildren of those industrialists, preachers, politicians, and scientists who now so vehemently oppose any action.
Victor Stenger: Global Warming and Religion
Peter Cooper, a self-taught industrialist, inventor and social reformer, founded the college with the mission of making higher education available to all; it was among the first to admit blacks, women, students of any religion and those who could not pay, making it need-blind long before the term existed.
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The industrialist gave the original diamond as a present to Arlena Marshall, but he later demanded its return when Arlena dumped him.
Labor wanted price controls retained but wage controls lifted; industrialists wished to raise prices and to keep the lid on wages.
The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
He was attacked by bankers, politicians, industrialists and lobbyists.
Times, Sunday Times
The prosecution still managed to nail him for robberies at the homes of leading industrialists.
The problem was guaranteeing that industrialists would in fact invest the profits they consequently received.
Early volunteers in the field of education included Amaliya Tiktin, wife of the philologist Dr. Heimann Tiktin, and Paulina Gelber, wife of the industrialist Moritz Gelber of Jassy.
Romania, Women and Jewish Education.
The Zone covers 300 acres which, for the next twelve years, will offer unprecedented benefits for industrialists and investors.
Exporters, farmers and industrialists alike are vexed and blame the government.
Its style harks back to the days when wealthy industrialists commissioned architects to design gracious new homes.
If the current trend in gas prices continues, industrialists fear that inward investment in Britain will suffer.
Tchaikovsky wrote that in 1878, after the completion of his fourth symphony, in a letter to his benefactress, Nadezhda Von Meck, the widow of an industrialist.
Industrialists struggling against labor unions often exploited the new immigrants, making them scabs during worker strikes.
The pair find themselves working together on the case of a young woman, the niece of a wealthy industrialist, who disappeared forty years previously.
Times, Sunday Times
Industrialists agreed to trade union demands for a codetermination law, giving labor a share in the management of the coal and steel industries.
1951, Jan. 25
The government has set up a committee of industrialists and academics to advise it.
Louis Stanley is a Cambridge man who went on to become a leading industrialist.
Original Sin" has a wonderful chapter on Robert Owen, the 19th-century English industrialist who migrated to America to found a utopian community called New Harmony.
Paradise Lost, Again and Again
A panel of judges comprising industrialists and venture capitalists will choose the finalists of the event.
The interest groups behind it were northern industrialists who wanted to feed their private greed at public expense.
The leaders of our nation do however have a charge to stimulate discussion and ideas if none is forthcoming from the industrialists.
Businessmen, industrialists, farmers and real estate developers and dealers have a great time.
The Zone covers 300 acres which, for the next twelve years, will offer unprecedented benefits for industrialists and investors.
If you love to hate the superrich, The Valet, a delectable comedy in which the great French actor Daniel Auteuil portrays a piggy billionaire industrialist facing his comeuppance, is a sinfully delicious bonbon," writes Stephen Holden in the New York Times.
GreenCine Daily: Interview. Francis Veber.
Depending on ideological preference, people blamed politicians or generals, Communist agitators or Fascist fifth columnists, school-teachers or industrialists, the middle classes or the working classes.
It marked a decline in power of the industrialists in favor of financiers.
Guadalajara industrialist and state deputy-elect Manuel Villagómez Rodríguez, who has served as the foundation's president since its inception, is renowned as a vocal critic of government programs, policies, officials and private individuals who do not cotton to his ideological stand point.
A Season Of Hope
The museum was named in honor of her grandfather, Chicago industrialist Charles Hosmer Morse.
Wonder if the shady American industrialist who comes to the island bearing "gifts" and the mysterious, gorgeous Lapuatuan ex-patriate are up to no good.
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Take one wealthy industrialist, add a river, and what do you get?
Times, Sunday Times
And it was not just the industrialists, bankers and media moguls who benefited.
The government has set up a committee of industrialists and academics to advise it.
The irony for me is that it really isn't conservative industrialists who employ violence and intimidation, it's poor schlubs doing it to other poor schlubs.
It was later found that the proposal would merely save the Parwanoo-based industrialists their octroi duty at the state's barrier.
Similarly, black industrialist would have arisen to serve the black community, and the presence of these black billionaries would have fored the gods to factor them into positioning, excluding such Manifest Destiny abused such as AIDS in Africa, drive-by gangbanging and the crack epidemic.
Your Right Hand Thief
He was many things in his time - musician, pilot, cattle-rancher, industrialist, journalist.
This is what fundamentally differentiates the U. S from Europe: in Europe, cartelized and organized industrialists accepted unions as stakeholders out of enlightened self-interest, in the U. S, a much more corporatized and fragmented employer class refused utterly.
Matthew Yglesias » EFCA in International Comparison
True, Adeline Daumard calculated that, whereas in 1820 merchants, industrialists, proprietors, and rentiers held 53 per cent of all wealth in Paris, by 1911 the figure was 81 per cent.
The world of commerce infused his secret war on slavery, which he called his "wool business," funded with venture capital from Northern industrialists. -- Top News
Policy discontinuity frustrated industrialists and investors who wished to engage in forward planning: they could not anticipate stability in government programs.
He was many things in his time - musician, pilot, cattle-rancher, industrialist, journalist.
It was the sharpest downturn the billionaire industrialist had seen.
Times, Sunday Times
Governments, industrialists, colonialists, charities and individuals have all devised ambitious plans to develop it.
Through the industrialist and a retired British defence force officer, he came into contact with what he called the chemical and biological warfare mafia.
ANC Daily News Briefing
One of the last great houses to be built in Cheshire is Henbury Hall, commissioned by Sebastian de Ferranti, the retired industrialist and friend of Prince Charles and other royals.
Even bankers like the Rothschilds and Oppenheims and industrialists like Henry Ford, the Krupps, the Agnellis, Onassis and Stavros Niarchosshowed up in Marbella.
Honest Cooking: Dining At The Marbella Club: Legend Of The South
JOHANNESBURG, Feb 9, Reuter - A top South African industrialist expressed concern at what he called frequent, confusing and often contradictory statements made by various African National Congress
ANC Daily News Briefing
Plant management and regional industrialists are demanding that the strike be made illegal, while union officials want the government to renationalize the plant, which was privatized in 1996.
In fact, it was the aggressive chauvinism of the industrialists, the middle classes and the press which had created the climate that led inexorably to war, even among the Central Powers.
The workers themselves faced a double struggle: against the conservatives, who were concentrated around the land-owning nobilitv; and against the liberalists, who were concentrated around industrialists and businessmen.
He is generally rated Italy's No. 3 industrialist.
At the same time local industrialists and producers were harassed and intimidated.
He had apparently been adopted by a wealthy industrialist.
A local industrialist gave away the trophy and the prizes to the winners at the concluding day yesterday.
They kneecapped the industrialist
At first many politicians and industrialists scorned his findings.
Times, Sunday Times
Framed for the murder of his greatest competitor, all that stands between industrialist Howard Stark and certain doom is his young son, Tony … and his strange alter-ego — Iron Man!
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Beginning pre-war, in the 1930s, there were groups of industrialists, which we found out were collaborating in the shadows, the "cagoule" they were called ... and they went on to build and lead (or already were) some of the biggest companies in France (L'Oreal, Renault, etc) just as Standard Oil and others had done in the U.S.
Vivian Norris de Montaigu: Choosing Sides in a 1930s-like Economy
Their chief rival, Juventus, is owned by the wealthy industrialist Agnelli family, who own the Fiat car company.
The industrialists are dressed as bewigged aristocrats of pre-revolutionary France, with Hearst as Cardinal Richelieu.
Can you come up with a leader of an industrialized Western nation who rose to power as the puppet of wealthy industrialist kingmakers, but turned out to be a True Believer who those kingmakers could not control?
The fabric of the century-old castle, built for a wealthy English industrialist, is crumbling and more than £5m needs to be spent to restore it to its former glory.
His anecdotal scenes featuring comic urchins were considered vulgar by critics but appealed to wealthy industrialists.
Industrialists must move fast to take advantage of new opportunities in Eastern Europe.
Industrialists must move fast to take advantage of new opportunities in Eastern Europe.
He must be capable of entertaining politicians, industrialists, the unemployed, pickpockets, gamblers, philanthropists, popsies and prudes.
It marked a decline in power of the industrialists in favor of financiers.
The prosecution still managed to nail him for robberies at the homes of leading industrialists.
These might be well-known industrialists, financiers or politicians who will improve the reputation of a business.
Business Studies Basic Facts
Soon these two rather different pursuits become intertwined as our designated heroes find themselves under assault from a tinpot dictator and a greedy Western industrialist.
Her father, Sir Hugh Bell, was an industrialist baronet filled with the ideals of high Victorian liberalism, devotion to empire, and profit-these were not, to his mind, incompatible aims.
Lalonde said that the government would seek alternative solutions to the energy demands of farmers and industrialists.
Lebanese industrialists have pushed for registration of falafel, tabouleh and other elements of traditional Middle Eastern cuisine as Lebanese to protect them from what they call plundering by the - A directory of Lebanese blogs
It's us giving back to all the world leaders, capitalists and industrialists, and we don't discriminate.