
How To Use Industrialise In A Sentence

  • Consequently, we lag all the other industrialized countries in buildout investment, even France!! — Comcast Appeals F.C.C. Sanction - Bits Blog -
  • Despite predictions of almost unbounded mobility, most people in industrialised nations are less physically active than ever before.
  • The industrialized world now contributes about $ 1 billion per year through bilateral aid programs to relieve urban congestion.
  • It is one of comparison between the northern, highly industrialised countries and the southern, less well developed economies.
  • With all of their manufactured steel, vulcanized rubber, and processed plate glass, Model Ts were selling at about 25 cents a pound - perhaps the best bargain in the industrialized world.
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  • They moved to the city, away from their farm lives, to work in factories as America industrialized.
  • That is that industrialised agriculture in its current form is neither sustainable nor exportable to the Third World.
  • It modernized and industrialized at a fantastic rate, and agricultural production doubled between 1945 and 1974.
  • Steven explains how the land has been slowly drained, reclaimed, and industrialised.
  • Doctors would really have to go after the food industry, the medical industry, and the pharmaceutical industry and we'd all have to admit to the complete train wreck of what I call industrialized medicine. Alison Rose Levy: Robert Thurman: The Sacred Cows in the Health Care Debate
  • The Chinese industrialized textile production
  • This was a regressive tax system, but less regressive than that of any other industrialized country.
  • But successful geoeningeering might also encourage industrialized nations to continue to underwhelm on climate policy, because they would be protected from the consequences of their carbon emissions for longer. An easy solution to climate change?
  • I expect obesity to worsen in all the industrialized and industrializing countries and for human health to suffer as a result.
  • Since its inception, the OCA has campaigned aggressively against rBGH, which is banned in Europe, Canada, and most of the industrialized world. GOOD NEWS OF THE WEEK: GET OUT, MONSANTO! WAL-MART GOES rBGH-FREE
  • These same children can, however, suffer the death penalty, the United States being the only industrialized nation that sentences minors to death.
  • A small portion of this growth will occur in the cities of the industrialized world.
  • This is because the commission assumes that the EU will implement further, aggressive climate policies if there is a global agreement to do so and that other industrialized countries will aim for similar cardon dioxide cuts. EU Looks to Carbon Reductions
  • Since then, 48 nations have now signed this treaty, including all the major industrialized countries.
  • The gritty, industrialized city that grew up around the mines spilled down the Hill onto the flats below, denuding the immediate surroundings through its processes of extraction and production.
  • If we're to wake, just for a moment, from this drug-induced day-dream to glance at the facts, you must surely know that you are the most unequal industrialized society in the world, next to Singapore. Kyle G. Brown: Have a Good Look, America, That's Democracy in the Making
  • A nation four-fifths peasant and two-thirds illiterate was industrialised, urbanised and educated within 30 years.
  • Simultaneously, photography was both domesticated and industrialised.
  • Figure 1 illustrates this first energy transition, the growth in energy use quantities, using the minimum degree of representation of spatial heterogeneity, that is, by differentiating between industrialized and developing countries. Energy transitions
  • Both towns were also larger and more industrialized than other towns in the area.
  • Capitalism has metamorphised our desires, we cannot go back, we cannot reindustrialise. Sonic Truth
  • I have accepted that the fate of health care cost control and sharing in industrialized societies is through a single payer system. The Volokh Conspiracy » Health Insurance and Pharma Stocks Rise, US Treasuries Sink in Reponse to Obama Care:
  • As rural areas have been industrialized in recent years, rice-fish farming has gained attention because it is an organic method that combines rice and fish production while maximizing labour and ricefield resources. Chapter 3
  • As service-and-information production becomes more industrialized, concentrated, bureaucratized, and automated, more and more service-and-information-producing organizations begin to operate behind what might be called one-way communication mirrors. Why Nothing Works
  • Given the multicausal linkages, this needs to be done at all levels of the economy and in almost all spheres of life in both industrialized and developing countries. 1. Using indigenous knowledge in agricultural development.
  • Industrialized countries continue to export their waste.
  • Factory-made clothes for both sexes became the staple of mainstream fashion in the industrialized world, and for ordinary clothes everywhere as local artisanal traditions declined.
  • These figures correctly suggest that our economy is highly industrialized, characterized by gigantic business corporations in its manufacturing industries.
  • It must industrialize the country, generate skills and boost much-needed job creation. South Africa's Zuma Says Upgrades Will Add Jobs
  • It is most prevalent in regions of temperate climates that are highly industrialized, but rarely occurs in areas that are underdeveloped.
  • But pushing up the price of land makes sure Ireland remains a backward unindustrialised country, dependant on multi-nationals. - 3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,27,28,29,30,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,41,42,48,49,50,52
  • The programme also saw global warming as fuelling an anticapitalist environmentalism that was delaying the industrialised improvement of developing countries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Will the pressure applied by environmentalists be enough to goad the industrialized nations into using less fossil fuels?
  • Industrialized process often accompanying serious environment to pollute, endanger human body health through accepting contaminative provision.
  • It is difficult even to take seriously the proposition that, whether because of globalization or otherwise, the governments of industrialized countries are hurting for tax revenue.
  • This clonal and recombinant species, which produces both vegetative and sexual diaspores, is considered endangered in most parts of Central Europe and in other industrialized regions.
  • However, this is changing rapidly, as Thailand becomes industrialized.
  • Instead it plans to purchase quotas of greenhouse gas emission from poorer and less industrialized countries.
  • Studies of other countries confirm that workplace harassment is common throughout the industrialized world. Sociology
  • Stalin's methods had industrialized the Russian economy.
  • The group of Eight industrialized countries have been urged to fulfill their pledges on increasing development aid to Africa.
  • The documentary illustrated the gulf between industrialized and developing countries.
  • an industrialized land
  • The leading industrialised nations need to embark upon emergency transition strategy to renewable energy.
  • It was he who coined the term ‘the Condition of England’ and it was he who pressed the English to come to terms with the modern urbanized and industrialized novelty of their condition.
  • The capital city, Bujumbura, is the populous and most industrialized city.
  • Korea and Taiwan industrialized in the 1950s through import-substitution, and Singapore and Hong Kong were initially commercial entrepôts.
  • The display of exotic animals in zoos was a public manifestation of the industrialized nations' ability to dominate the world.
  • After World War II, Yugoslavia industrialized quickly but did not become urbanized.
  • Yes as countries become more industrialized their population growth tapers off.
  • Opponents claim that fracking will industrialise the countryside and lengthen our dependence on fossil fuels. Times, Sunday Times
  • In honor of Earth Day, click here to tell these companies that you oppose their plans to industrialize Bristol Bay. Robert Redford: As Companies Gather for Shareholder Meetings, Opposition to Bristol Bay Mine Mounts
  • That helped eliminate "cretinism" and similar medical problems lowering intelligence in the industrialized world a few generations ago. Colonialism's Surprisingly Weak Impact:
  • Will the pressure applied by environmentalists be enough to goad the industrialized nations into using less fossil fuels?
  • Industrialized countries consume natural resources in huge quantities.
  • We have industrialised countries have access to global markets, and developing countries don't have access to global markets.
  • Socialist critics reply that although some amount of alienation will surely exist in any industrialized society, capitalism significantly intensifies alienation and makes it more pervasive. Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
  • Israel industrialized rapidly, but at significant cost to the environment and public health.
  • He will inspire us with his own story, the story of the World Bank, which represents the collective good will of the industrialized West, atoning for centuries of colonialism by working to vanquish poverty from the developing world.
  • In the wake of Silent Spring all industrialised societies acted to reduce pollution.
  • According to official statistics, the Japanese work longer hours than workers in most other industrialized countries.
  • Yet even so, the United States still leads most industrialized countries in teenage pregnancies, abortions and childbearing.
  • For the Australian people, the collapse of the globalised monetary system is good news: we can dump the policies that have destroyed our industrial economy, and we can rebuild and reindustrialise. Current News - Top Stories
  • The first looks at the growth of Bronzeville from 1890 to 1950 in relation to the great migration of African Americans from the rural South to the industrialized North.
  • People in most of the industrialized nations, especially the USA, are regarded as members of the so-called affluent society or the acquisitive society.
  • It has to be appreciated that, in a complex industrialised society such as ours, some wastes are unavoidable.
  • The Kremlin also spent less and less on its "nonproductive" health system, which was one reason for a remarkable trend revealed by Western demographers: in the 1970s the Soviet Union became the first industrialized country in the world to experience rising infant mortality and declining life expectancy. A Callous View Of Human Life
  • Saouma called for fair trade terms to allow developing countries to sell their agricultural products to the industrialized countries.
  • Britain is highly industrialized, with over 80% of exports comprising manufactured goods. Geography Basic Facts
  • Since rural voters in industrialized countries rely more heavily on fossil fuels than urban voters, our prediction is that malapportioned political systems will have lower gasoline taxes, and less commitment to climate change amelioration, than systems with equitable representation of constituents. Matthew Yglesias » Malapportionment Is Destroying the Planet
  • If you prefer the modern, industrialised phalanx of grey and fuscous brown, then I refer you to Eamon McCann in the Belfast Telegraph.
  • At the end of the 19th century, Britain was the most industrialized society in the world.
  • However, there is abundant anecdotal evidence of the effects of chemical pollution on the populations of small cetaceans inhabiting industrialised areas.
  • Morroco's protest will attack the economic policies of the industrialised world towards the poor and in Athens the national telecoms firm will be targeted for having allowed an anti-abortion group to sponsor a phonecard. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Aerial photographs that offer new perspectives on our industrialised planet. Times, Sunday Times
  • The documentary illustrated the gulf between industrialized and developing countries.
  • We assume that other industrialized nations are going to help with money for food and other supplies.
  • Stalin's methods had industrialized the Russian economy.
  • So it's perplexing to discover that cancer in industrialised countries is rising.
  • The problem facing China or any nation that modernizes and industrializes in the twentieth century can be simply stated. A History of China
  • In the 19th century, glass-making became industrialised and many items were mass produced e.g., beakers, bowls, door handles.
  • He said the heart of the problem lies in what he called the industrialized world's disregard for the importance of sustainable local farming. Prince Charles Stresses Need for Sustainable Agriculture During US Visit
  • Industrialized countries must reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
  • As the country industrialized, home and workplace became distinct.
  • As China and India industrializes more, the competition on American autos are going to go up, not down. Good News: “Treasury Secretary Paulson Says Government Won’t Buy Troubled Assets” (On the Bailout, Part 25) « PurpleSlog – Awesomeness & Modesty Meets Sexy
  • Capital goods and components were shipped from Japan to newly industrialising countries for processing and then re-exported to industrialised countries.
  • They wanted to industrialise their nation.
  • An alien reading Our Bodies would conclude that exclusion from a restroom because of one's "trans-gender" identity is a far greater tragedy than, say, dying because America is the only industrialized country without universal health care — or than suffering from an affliction such as quadriplegia or bladder cancer. Latex Conquers All
  • This condition affects almost a third of all adults in industrialized western societies. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • Under its auspices, it may be possible to overcome the hesitations of the East, to create that new sense of partnership between the industrialised West and the unindustrialised East which could be of such inestimable benefit to both. The United Nations as a Force for Peace and Prosperity
  • Pollution, particularly from the energy-intensive wealthy industrialised countries, is warming the atmosphere. Eco-Justice
  • Asia has industrialized since the mid 1970s and many nations outside of Japan have no limits on sulfated aerosol production. Balkinization
  • And yet, by the end of the century, its economy had declined to occupy a middling rank among Western industrialized nations, with its GDP per head below the average for the European Union.
  • Rather than raise the economic level of the poor to that of the rich - which they regard as unfeasible and undesirable - their goal is to curb the consumption of those living in the industrialised nations.
  • It will be harder for these economies to sustain such stellar growth once they have become industrialised. Times, Sunday Times
  • In modern industrialized societies, the drive to make everything rational and calculable severs reason from the project of human emancipation and reduces it to the status of a tool.
  • One supposed breakthrough is the discovery that CO2 is not "well-mixed" through the global troposphere (mid-level atmosphere), but is actually "lumpy" - distributed in higher concentrations in two "belts" circling the globe, especially in Northern hemisphere, which is more heavily industrialized.
  • And just to give you a sense of the realization on the part of the White House of what a global issue this economic crisis is, President Bush has invited the finance ministers of the G7, the so - called G7 countries, industrialized nations, to the White House. CNN Transcript Oct 10, 2008
  • As India industrializes, businesses are in search of more land to build factories. India Witnesses Growing Conflict Over Land
  • This lacuna is conspicuous when compared to the extensive comparative literature on similar welfare institutions in the advanced industrialized economies of Western Europe and North America. Archive 2006-06-01
  • Part of the industrialised world's mistrust of Opec dates back to the oil shock of 1973 that sent the global economy into crisis.
  • SINGAPORE—A rise in Japan's shares led most Asian stock markets higher Friday, as the Group of Seven industrialized nations agreed to a coordinated intervention to stanch the yen's recent surge, providing some relief as the nation grapples with last week's crippling earthquake and a continuing nuclear crisis. Asia Markets Higher; Tokyo Up 2.5%
  • It is, at its most simplistic, that France must regain its former glory; it must reindustrialise to make things and create jobs; it must dump the euro and throw up barriers against immigration, cheap imports and external interference; France must come first. The Guardian World News
  • The Soviet Union had industrialized rapidly, until she was strong enough to destroy the invading German forces in the Second World War.
  • Industrialized countries continue to export their waste.
  • Most other industrialized nations privately agree they are necessary but are loath to step forward and be counted.
  • If true, it is a feat of economic wizardry unmatched in the western industrialized world in the last quarter century.
  • You are looking at a newly industrialized country, whose inhabitants have money to spend.
  • Military rulers who held power from 1964 to 1985 used the bank to industrialize the country further. The Easy Credit That Fueled Brazil's Boom Now Imperils It
  • The governments of the industrialized world had failed to get the measure of the crisis.
  • Britain is highly industrialized, with over 80% of exports comprising manufactured goods. Geography Basic Facts
  • Nearly 20 years after the so-called Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro which produced the first international agreement to limit greenhouse gas emissions, no leading industrialized power will find the political will to impose the draconian carbon taxes or order the substantial carbon cuts it would take to markedly lower carbon emissions. Can Anything Serious Happen in Cancun?
  • Poor countries that integrated themselves into the world economy were able to industrialise rapidly. Times, Sunday Times
  • The point we are just beginning to grasp is that these grey slabs of silicon industrialise the countryside. Times, Sunday Times
  • He felt very strongly that communism was all but necessary for undeveloped nations to industrialize. Matthew Yglesias » Overestimating the USSR
  • But this pre-modern Gemeinschaft conception of an all-encompassing community that members unreflectively endorse seemed distinctly ill-suited for complex and conflict-ridden large-scale industrialized societies.
  • ‘Old China was unable to industrialize because it did not have a strong enough government to defend the country and keep society in order,’ he says.
  • Low inflation in industrialized countries restrained increases in import prices, resulting in a general improvement in the terms of trade.
  • However, there is abundant anecdotal evidence of the effects of chemical pollution on the populations of small cetaceans inhabiting industrialised areas.
  • This means, barring reform, conflict is inevitable as India industrializes faster. Property Rights Drive Indian Politics
  • Monet was drawn to the industrialized city of London with its bustling riverfront, which was frequently covered in nearly impenetrable fog.
  • The driving theme of Harrington's major works was that modern industrialized societies are moving ineluctably toward some variable form of collectivism.
  • The G-8 is a group of industrialized countries meeting. CNN Transcript Aug 17, 2008
  • Encouraged by the romantic writers of the nineteenth century, we too find in the life of castle, cathedral, and beetling hilltop towns a poetic refuge from an industrialized world.
  • Energy consumption rises as countries industrialise.
  • In all his fiction, rural black folk culture stands upon its own foundations, in some sense independent of and in opposition to an urbanized, industrialized, mechanistic, and denatured Western civilization.
  • To accelerate technology innovation and industrialize hi - tech needs the support of risk investment.
  • Industrialized condos for sale florida, diverging topical, superpatriotic she was anthropical from a superscript mineralogy, the harpo she pericardiac and was piratically at neuroplasty the allegedly day with no covetously bloomer. Rational Review
  • The Middle East has a major impact on the industrialized world. Preventing World War III - A Realistic Grand Strategy
  • No doubt Coppola and his screenwriter, John Milius, were fully aware of the plot of Die Walküre, the ingenious portrayal of the helicopter gunships as modernized, mechanized Valkyries — the music both romanticizes combat and wryly points out the absurdity of ancient notions of chivalry in a war where the killing is almost industrialized. In the corners of my mind
  • First, worldwide patterns of population growth and migration have resulted in increased urbanization, not only within the established industrialized states, but also in many undeveloped and developing societies.
  • Aside from the official fivefold regional division of Brazil, a simpler economic distinction is made between the poor, underdeveloped North and the wealthier, more industrialized South.
  • Their economy was the Cinderella of the industrialized world.
  • To Jonathan's credit, he's been able to 'industrialize' our strategies or playbooks to the point that they are presented in a format that provides ease of knowledge transfer from thought leaders and strategists that support him to buyers and managers in countries where IBM procures HR services," says Edward O'Donnell, global sourcing manager, IBM Integrated Supply Chain. Purchasing - Top Stories
  • South Korea is one of the world's only industrialized nations to still have a six-day workweek.
  • The country is the only major industrialized country that does not have a free-trade arrangement with any of its economic partners.
  • The rates are highest in the industrialized world, for reasons that we can only speculate about.
  • Swedes entering the work force, like people in most industrialized countries, face bright prospects.
  • Creation of incentives to industrialized nations to develop and export fuel-efficient technologies to the developing world.
  • Global carbon emissions are at record levels, as emerging countries continue to industrialise. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fertility in the vast majority of industrialized nations has now dipped to below replacement level.
  • Britain, in common with many other industrialized countries, has experienced major changes over the last 100 years.
  • These were shown to be related principally to historical metalliferous mineral working, urban and industrialized centres.
  • To his credit, he was at the helm as his country industrialized.
  • Many other industrialized countries are spending about $70 per person, per year.
  • The importance for entrepreneurs and competition alike is that an incubator industrializes innovation and new ideas, and solutions come pouring out.
  • They industrialized later than the democratic countries and had a strong agrarian elite.
  • It does not become an economic superpower but it does become a ‘newly industrialized country’, like Malaysia, Taiwan and South Korea.
  • Austrian filmmaker Hubert Sauper paints Tanzania as the victim of a complex and punishing dynamic that exists between industrialized nations and the developing world.
  • Now I feed my dog on chicken thighs at 40p a pound; a bargain made possible by the wonder of industrialised farming.
  • There was no proper risk assessment done for that kind of industrialised farming.
  • The Soviet regime created new industrial centers such as Tomsk and Novosibirsk, but Siberia and the Russian Far Eastern regions remain largely unindustrialised, having traditionally served as a raw materials and energy base. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The industrialized world now contributes about $ 1 billion per year through bilateral aid programs to relieve urban congestion.
  • America is the only industrialized nation that has not enacted a paid infant care leave. An Introduction to Community Health
  • In 1877 Japanese nobles formed the Iwakura mission and travelled the world cherry-picking ideas on how to industrialise the country.
  • The governments of the industrialized world had failed to get the measure of the crisis.
  • The G-7 organization groups together the world's seven leading industrialized nations.
  • The terrible poverty at the global level he sees as getting worse, with the same dynamic at work within all countries, even industrialised ones.
  • England and Wales already have the highest levels of burglaries, car thefts, assaults and robberies in the industrialised world.
  • However, as the country started to industrialise itself, more and more coal was needed to fuel steam engines and furnaces.
  • Throughout the industrialised world, people have banded together in organised groups to protect the rights of children on issues like child labour, health, and education.
  • This section ranges across the central area of England, from the wilds of the Peak District via the industrialised Black Country to the idyll of the Cotswolds.
  • Miners are concerned that resource nationalism is leading governments like Baluchistan to push for a greater take in the profits of projects through increased equity stakes, taxes or royalties, at a time when companies are struggling to satisfy the voracious appetite of emerging economies like China as they rapidly industrialize. Pakistan Gold-Copper Project Faces More Obstacles
  • Elimination of tuberculosis in industrialized nations hinges on diagnosis and treatment of latent tuberculosis infection to prevent disease.
  • Children born in one of the industrialized countries have a fair chance of reaching an average 78 years of age.
  • What is the expected response of farmers in industrialised countries to sustainable agriculture?
  • The nations of South East Asia will quickly industrialize and catch up with the West
  • Although copyright was conceived of as a right accruing to individual authors, it has grown and changed and become industrialized.
  • Stalin forced famine upon Soviet Ukraine and the Caucasus to collectivize farming, appropriating it to feed the workers as the U.S.S.R. rapidly industrialized. Caught between two killers
  • · The US ranks last in the industrialized world on rates of "mortality amenable to health care" -- that is, the nation's care system often fails to manage those conditions that we know how to prevent or treat ( "amenable" conditions), resulting in premature death and suffering. Joe McCannon and Maureen Bisognano: The American Health Care System Is in Pieces -- But Some of the Pieces Are Doing Remarkably Well
  • This is a controversial plan as Russia becomes more industrialized.
  • Defenders argue that it is a problem common to all industrialized economies. Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
  • But in most industrialized nations, that is simply not happening. Christianity Today
  • It seeks to promote energy efficiency and alternatives to fossil fuels, and insists on reductions in the emission of greenhouse gases by the industrialised world in the hope that the climate may stabilise.
  • There is no question that Russia industrialized rapidly in the three decades before 1914.
  • Lands imperial armies had conquered, cossacks homesteaded, Bolshevik engineers industrialized, Red Army troops defended—all signed away, with a few strokes of a borrowed pen. The Return
  • Will they choose to further modernize this industrialized country by reforming laws and social norms unfair to women?
  • Industrialized countries must reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
  • The US was allowed to industrialize at a time when we didn't know these things would hurt the Earth, but we know now.
  • In the real world, we lose strategic position as our economy de-industrializes. Stan Sorscher: Free Trade: Flawed Theory and Bad Policy
  • According to official statistics, the Japanese work longer hours than workers in most other industrialized countries.
  • The masses, having lived in peonage and slavery under their old masters, fell into a similar yet more industrialized status as United States firms moved onto the island in search of cheap labor and tax benefits.
  • The industrialized world now contributes about $ 1 billion per year through bilateral aid programs to relieve urban congestion.
  • It showed na unprecedented, independence, a modern industrialized economy and other social reforms.
  • What is the expected response of farmers in industrialised countries to sustainable agriculture?
  • In a comprehensive study called "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," analysts at CLSA cite new pressures in Asia to "industrialize" food production as a trend that could favor multinationals such as American agribusiness giant Cargill. A Costly Disease
  • The Canadian premier will in June will host the next summit of the so-called G-8 group of seven wealthy industrialised nations and ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Underdeveloped countries, as to be expected, make full use of supplier and buyer credit facilities available in the industrialised nations.
  • A potent threat to the environment of industrialized countries and their neighbors, acid rain occurs when precipitation picks up industrial chemicals as it falls to earth.
  • Underdeveloped countries, as to be expected, make full use of supplier and buyer credit facilities available in the industrialised nations.
  • But the world's population will nearly double in 40 years, and hopefully the poor countries will industrialise.
  • By the start of the twenty-first century, there were nineteen megacities, only four of which were in industrialized countries. The Times Literary Supplement
  • And we want to put in place conditions for an economy that does not just export primary materials but also industrializes to produce value-added goods and more jobs. The Post-Neoliberal Age
  • The United States remains one of the few advanced industrialized countries in the world that still practices capital punishment.
  • We have the highest economic growth of any of the world's major industrialized nations.
  • Using powerful genetic-analysis tools more commonly targeted to cancer and other diseases prevalent in industrialized nations, researchers are studying patterns that underlie malaria and tuberculosis in developing countries and more obscure conditions such as leishmaniasis and Chagas 'disease. Fore, right!
  • The western and southern borderlands of the Russian Empire were both its most urbanized and industrialized regions and the thickest with national minorities.
  • Germany was the last major European state to industrialize, and the fastest.
  • As significant is the fact that both the USA and Britain, following the logic of neo-liberal globalization have de-industrialized and turned as a result into "rentier", mostly financial economies, outsourcing most of their production to poorer countries where labor is cheaper and less organized. Possible next stages in the global economic situation
  • The idea was that industrialized, mass-produced housing could shelter all those wretched proletarians consigned to rat-infested tenements.
  • However, participants denied reports that the four planned to create an alliance modelled after the Group of Seven industrialized countries.
  • How does it differ for those in the developing world or those in the industrialized world - for those who are refugees or those who are houseless?
  • The locations still range from barren, mountainous regions to industrialised mining areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite predictions of almost unbounded mobility, most people in industrialised nations are less physically active than ever before.
  • … Reading — a defining characteristic of civilization as far back as ancient Greece when all Athenian citizens were expected to know how to read — is now taken for granted in industrialized democracies. Literacy News – 63th Edition « News « Literacy News
  • How badly have we as industrialized nations miscalculated in our dealings with those less developed?
  • Austria is highly industrialized, but expert craftsmanship is also valued and can be found in products such as leather goods, pottery, jewelry, woodcarvings, and blown glass.
  • We're one of the few industrialized countries left that makes it very hard to cogenerate heat and electricity, but if we did more of that, as is common abroad, we would save half of the fuel, carbon and cost. Worldchanging: Bright Green
  • He does not accept that industrialised farming is to blame for the foot-and-mouth outbreak.
  • Liechtenstein was one of 15 countries blacklisted in 2000 by the Group of Seven industrialized nations for "noncooperation" in the prevention of money laundering. Inside Bribery Probe of Siemens
  • Cities grew much faster there than in the industrialized nations. The Origins of Economic Inequality between Nations: A critique of Western theories on development and underdevelopment
  • Rich industrialised countries have sown the seeds of global warming.
  • Chindonya troupes date back to the end of the nineteenth century, when the Japanese way of life was rapidly becoming industrialized and westernized, and manufacturers decided it was essential to advertise new products.
  • In all the industrialised countries the welfare state is on the verge of collapse.
  • Energy consumption rises as countries industrialise.
  • Most of the industrialized capitalist countries had nearly complete male suffrage by the early twentieth century. Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
  • The growing importance of international trade is reflected in the importance of trade to most major industrialized nations. International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
  • By proclaiming acquisition of material goods his god's reward to the deserving, he industrializes religion and so seeks salvation in an assembly line of consumption. The Envy of Creation
  • Japan was the first non-European power to become industrialized, which it had done by the end of the 19th century.
  • Meanwhile, bud has been demonized, criminalized, and the drug war has been industrialized.
  • He invented neon and fluorescent lighting, and the humble little AC electric motor that you find throughout all modern industrialised societies.
  • Le Monde said recently we have to get rid of financialisation and reindustrialise - this is stupid! Sonic Truth
  • According to official statistics, the Japanese work longer hours than workers in most other industrialized countries.
  • The original Marshall Plan was America's strategy to reinvigorate a war-ravaged Europe by pumping in money to allow countries to rebuild, reindustrialise and remove trade barriers. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Even other advanced industrialized nations don't compare with the U.S. in this flexibility.
  • Far more than any other industrialized nation, America relies on its highways. Getting There: The Epic Struggle between Road and Rail in the American Century
  • But AIDS research is overwhelmingly carried out in the industrialized world.
  • It is simplistic to think that countries can industrialise by copying or reverse-engineering foreign technology.
  • They live in, and come close to dying in, an industrialised society, and it ain't done them no good nohow.
  • Industrialized nations have pushed relentlessly for increased access for their goods and services in developing country markets.
  • Before the dissolution of Yugoslavia, Croatia, after Slovenia, was the most prosperous and industrialized area, with a per capita output perhaps one-third above the Yugoslav average.
  • No other country would industrialize to the same extent before the 1870s, giving Britain a near-monopoly on the production of manufactured goods.
  • Yet France industrialized slowly and unevenly, and the political and economic power of landed wealth persisted.
  • Medieval guilds were endowed with the right to combine and make their own regulations -- precisely this impetus is behind the MFA system's retreat from the world of unabashed capitalism (also known as "reality" in the industrialized world). Anis Shivani: Creative Writing Programs: Is The MFA System Corrupt And Undemocratic?
  • In 1973, the industrialized world just got a little more honest and allowed rates to float.
  • And I think you can account for a lot of the the underlying cause of many of the recent transitions to democracy in Spain and Portugal and in many parts of Latin America, certainly in the Soviet Union does have to do with the fact that as economic development occurs, as a country industrializes, as it becomes more urban, it becomes, therefore, more educated. The End of History and the Last Man
  • Adam Sullivan: I have accepted that the fate of health care cost control and sharing in industrialized societies is through a single payer system. The Volokh Conspiracy » Health Insurance and Pharma Stocks Rise, US Treasuries Sink in Reponse to Obama Care:
  • The era that deserves most to be associated with the term "laissez-faire" coincided with the classical gold standard of 1881-1914, when the industrialized world based its financial system on gold, a metal of essentially inelastic supply. Fiat Money in Crisis
  • The richest country in the industrialised world will continue to have some of the worst pockets of poverty.
  • Waits is sitting in the back room of a roadhouse near his home town of Santa Rosa, where the industrialised farmscape north of San Francisco starts becoming wine country. The Guardian World News
  • The results confirm the fact that coastal seas close to populous and industrialised areas are most impacted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Asthma remains the most commonly reported occupational lung disease in most industrialized countries.
  • Encouraged by the romantic writers of the nineteenth century, we too find in the life of castle, cathedral, and beetling hilltop towns a poetic refuge from an industrialized world.
  • industrialize" biology and make manipulated genes and altered species patentable. Chapter 9
  • While the French Revolution politicized the sans-culottes, the Industrial Revolution industrialized them.
  • The fact is that American agriculture was supposed to industrialize and mechanize its crop-gathering and harvesting 35 years ago.
  • The treaty gives industrialized nations eight years to cut their collective emissions of six key greenhouse gasses.
  • The new grant funds awarded by CIRM will be used by BioTime to "industrialize" the manufacture of the purified cell types for therapeutic applications. NBC Dallas-Fort Worth - News Top Stories
  • Parts of the Basque Country have also become heavily industrialized.
  • The president has invited the finance ministers of the so-called G7 countries, the industrialized nations, to the White House. CNN Transcript Oct 10, 2008
  • Generally, the more industrialized and urbanized a country is the lower the proportion of the population engaged in agricultural production.
  • I think that's been a positive evolution of Russia's role within what has in the past been called the G-7, it's really now more properly the Industrialized Nations Summit. Press Briefing By Mike Mccurry
  • The catchment area for this study did not include any major metropolitan or industrialized cities.
  • We also recorded whether the research was led from the United Kingdom or another industrialised country or pertained to a developing country.
  • More accurately, the dichotomy is between societies which are urbanised and industrialised, and those which derive their livelihoods primarily from the land.
  • People can't be occupied so easily once they are urbanized, industrialized, literate, connected by modern communications, and politically aware.
  • Their economy was the Cinderella of the industrialized world.
  • (Actually, there are countless ways to live upon this tremorous sphere in mirth and good health, and probably only one way-the industrialized, urbanized, herding way-to live here stupidly, and man has hit upon that one wrong way.) Even Cowgirls Get The Blues
  • Literally all the residents of industrialized countries now carry measurable amounts of several xenobiotic pollutants in breast and other tissues.
  • In addition, global migration has shifted movement from Europe to the colonies, to multidirectional movements, including from the developing south to the industrialized north.
  • The group of Eight industrialized countries have been urged to fulfill their pledges on increasing development aid to Africa.
  • Can you come up with a leader of an industrialized Western nation who rose to power as the puppet of wealthy industrialist kingmakers, but turned out to be a True Believer who those kingmakers could not control?
  • This led to the creation of large, industrialized, cooperative farms.
  • The text also urges countries to reform subsidies that favour industrialised countries or are harmful to the environment, and commits to halving the 2 billion people living without proper sanitation by 2015.
  • The thesis of the report is that developing and industrialized nations are stunted, underleveraged and suppressed because the economic lives of some of their women are stunted, underleveraged and suppressed. Laura Liswood: Risk Management
  • But in industrialized countries where mass-produced and processed food are mainstays, foraging has taken on a special significance for those who want to feel more connected to what they put in their mouths. A Walk on the Wild Side
  • As more of the world industrializes -- China, in particular -- and does so without pollution controls, things could get pretty ugly. Saturday Thread: Exporting Excrement
  • industrialized areas
  • Artistically he translated this into a bucolic rural utopia in the Shire, the antipode to modern industrialised society, where Frodo longs to return.
  • In the industrialized areas such as Pattaya and Bangkok, it is easy to forget that Thailand is still mainly an agrarian economy, even if telecommunication towers are now appearing in the rice fields.
  • Meanwhile, the country industrialized relatively successfully to make it less dependent on world trade.
  • Japanese Finance Minister Noshihiko Noda said he explained last month's huge yen-selling intervention during an informal dinner with his counterparts from the Group of Seven industrialized nations. Dollar Appears Poised to Resume Its Decline
  • There are four basic types of shuttleless looms widely used in industrialised countries. Chapter 6
  • The rich industrialized countries emit almost half the world's carbon dioxide, with China accounting for a further fifth, and its emissions are growing rapidly as it industrializes. It's The Consumption, StupidEnergy Outlook: It's The Consumption, Stupid
  • Speaking as someone whose grandmothers were both born the subjects of actual ruling monarchs (Kaiser Wilhelm II and Emperor Franz Joseph) of functioning industrialized powers, the notion that European kingship was dependent on state religion or that either were the primary impediment to modernism is dubious in the extreme, and the bit about the priesthood is in Dan Brown territory. Matthew Yglesias » George Orwell Was a Socialist
  • Banana plants are interspersed among the manioc, avoiding the monoculture typical of industrialized agriculture.
  • They wanted to industrialize their nation.

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