
How To Use Indurate In A Sentence

  • Sometimes the skin is indurated and lies in folds, or the shoe-boil shows abrasions on its surface and fistulous openings leading from abscess centres. Common Diseases of Farm Animals
  • 'If there be not in her a proud mind, a crafty wit, and an indurate heart against God and His truth, my judgment faileth me.' John Knox
  • Swamp or Hanover Square, to subscribe to a testimonial to some one of the best abused of these "indurated" sinners, in honor of his distinguished services in lowering some tax-rate, in suppressing some nuisance, in establishing some new municipal safeguard to life or property. Jersey Street and Jersey Lane Urban and Suburban Sketches
  • It may begin as a hard nodule, or as a papillary growth which breaks down on the surface, leaving a deep ulcer with a characteristically indurated base -- the _crateriform ulcer_. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • They are so extremely short and indurate that it is difficult to imagine the function they perform; at first they are capable probably of absorbing from the air. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
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  • It has been properly observed, that there are preparations which so indurate the cuticle, as to render it insensible to the heat of either boiling oil or melted lead; and the fatal qualities of certain poisons may be destroyed, if the medium through which they are imbibed, as we suppose to. be the case here, is a strong alkali. Miracle Mongers and Their Methods
  • Bertram Cornell, the indurate, cold-blooded Englishman, is struck by many arrows but remains upright and still as a statue as his comrades make their way to safety. “Why this longing for life? It is a game which no man wins.”
  • The material most prized for the purpose of pipe-making is the beautiful red pipe-stone of the Coteau des Prairies, which is an indurated aluminous stone, highly colored with red oxide of iron. Tobacco; Its History, Varieties, Culture, Manufacture and Commerce
  • Usage: We see so much bad news every day that we risk becoming an indurate society, incapable of deep feeling until great tragedy. Word of the Week #11
  • This is a well indurated fluviatile quartz arenite. Qwaider Planet
  • If deep tissue damage is also present, the area may be indurated or boggy when palpated.
  • Two fossiliferous horizons have been identified at this locality; the multituberculate specimens occur in the lower of these horizons, in a thin layer of indurated black shale below a massive sandstone layer.
  • cold-blooded and indurate to public opinion
  • The usage is now firmly indurated.
  • The water filter is made of cast iron, cast steel, brass and stainless steel with small figure. It is indurate and easy to install.
  • If there be not in her a proud mind, a crafty wit, and an indurate heart against God and His truth, my judgement faileth me. Mary Queen Of Scotland And The Isles
  • The cephalic end of the worm produces an indurated papule that vesiculates and eventually ulcerates.
  • Imagine if this presidential election cycle, rather than trading in gauzy platitudes on one hand, and restatements of indurated positions on the other, could actually rise to the level of debating the philosophical issues that derive from legitimate questions about the role of government in our lives. Adam Hanft: Gun Control, Health Privacy, 5-4: Time for a Conversation About... Ugh... Philosophy
  • Its indurate was beginning to show the wear of feet and wheels through centuries. Starfarers
  • The one who is too lazy, idle, or indurated in convention to perform this work will not see or hear. 2009 February 25 | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • In coves and depressions, strongly-acid gley soils with indurated horizons occur. Ecoregions of New Jersey (EPA)
  • The water filter is made of cast iron, cast steel, brass and stainless steel with small figure. It is indurate and easy to install.
  • Crab fossils were found within the lowest portion of the exposed Bahariya Formation in a blue-gray indurated shale.
  • He is indurated to humble fare.
  • The rocks have been intensely deformed and sheared and the calcareous conglomeratic sandstones are well indurated.
  • He shall have all the good words that may be given, [2082] a proper man, and 'tis pity he hath no preferment, all good wishes, but inexorable, indurate as he is, he will not prefer him, though it be in his power, because he is indotatus, he hath no money. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Moxa can be used on areas with poor muscle and skin tone (may be found within the same muscle that has indurated triggers) and to vitalize deficient channels.
  • The lowest bed is an obliquely laminated, blackish, indurated mud, with distinct traces of vegetable remains.
  • For it is I think that gives the asseveration such grace and dignity, so that a small but not insignificant wrong is done when (on a couple of occasions in Posthumous Keats) his precisely guarded hope is indurated into "his statement to his brother George, in 1818, that he would be among the English poets after his death," within "a future that meant to place him 'among the English poets.' Keats's Afterlife
  • Examination of the gastrectomy specimen revealed an indurated tumor with central ulceration located in the fundus.
  • You have not been long enough in India to case-harden into the cursed egotism of this hard-hearted land, and remember, age, crawling on, has indurated old A Fascinating Traitor An Anglo-Indian Story
  • This indurated metamorphic rock and its tectonic fabrics are cut across by several centimetre-scale cracks infilled by undeformed quartzitic matrix.
  • Neuerthelesse, desirous to vanquishe his indurate affections, he continued abroade for a certaine time, during whiche space, vnable to quenche the fire, he led a more desolate and troublesome life, then he did before. The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1
  • Sandstone is indurated sand, composed of silicilastic grains bound together by chemically precipitated cement or a recrystallized matrix of fine sediment.
  • It [sic] steatites for instance I have specimens of every degree of induration from the hardness of soap to the most compact polished jasper and they illustrate the fact of jaspers being indurated steatites, so clearly and fully that I cannot find in my heart to keep them asunder. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • Great heat indurates clay.
  • Most exhibit little surface change and are indurated on palpation.
  • Venous stasis ulcers often are shallow with irregular borders and are surrounded by indurated, hyperpigmented skin.
  • What you feel is the indurated mesentery or the adherent bowel.
  • However, partially indurated sands and gravels also occur, and form a belt of low cuestas that separate Ecoregion 84d from the mainly Tertiary sediments of Ecoregion 84b. Ecoregions of New Jersey (EPA)
  • [Dr. Johnson again.] acorn ... the nut of the oak usu. seated in or surrounded by a hard woody cupule of indurated bracts. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 2
  • The red kind is that ufed in medicine, qnder the name cf Armcniiin bole; an indurated kind of Chap. ij,3 Lapis Lazuliy Rotten Stoncy &? The Economy of Nature Explained and Illustrated: On the Principles of Modern Philosophy. By G ...
  • Would it surprise you to learn that English door-handles are commonly made out of coquilla nuts? that your wife's buttons are turned from the indurated fruit of the Falling in Love With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science
  • The figure was drawn from a specimen obtained from the indurated sand beneath the miocene bed at Elizabethtown, Bladen county, and is referred to the centenaria but with doubt. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • Flatbrook Valley is underlain by sandstone, limestone, and other rocks, and is almost completely covered by glaciofluvial sediments dominated by gravels and partly indurated gravels. Ecoregions of New Jersey (EPA)
  • Porphyry was observed on several spots; indurated clay frequently; and, on the top of the hill below which we encamped, I found quartz porphyry, and at the foot a psammite? which I had met several times associated with talc-schiste. Journal of an Overland Expedition in Australia : from Moreton Bay to Port Essington, a distance of upwards of 3000 miles, during the years 1844-1845
  • Ecoregions 84d and 84b are generally underlain by different ages of sediments, and are separated by a belt of low cuestas that are composed of partially indurated sands and gravels. Ecoregions of New Jersey (EPA)
  • It requires strength and precision to divide thoroughly the indurated stricture, which is apt to elude the knife. A Manual of the Operations of Surgery For the Use of Senior Students, House Surgeons, and Junior Practitioners
  • Great heat indurates clay.
  • indurated customs
  • He says: "Of all the accidental productions met with among cattle, with the exception of wens, a certain kind of indurated tumor, chiefly situated about the head and throat, has abounded most in my practice. Cattle and Their Diseases Embracing Their History and Breeds, Crossing and Breeding, And Feeding and Management; With the Diseases to which They are Subject, And The Remedies Best Adapted to their Cure
  • For example, chaetal sacks are one of the few ectodermal features of polychaetes that regularly express engrailed, and chaetae are the primary indurated elements in the ectoderm.
  • Both have fruits that are defined as pyrenes - having one or two seeds enclosed in indurate endocarp and surrounded by fleshy exocarp.
  • For it is I think that gives the asseveration such grace and dignity, so that a small but not insignificant wrong is done when (on a couple of occasions in Posthumous Keats) his precisely guarded hope is indurated into "his statement to his brother George, in 1818, that he would be among the English poets after his death," within "a future that meant to place him 'among the English poets.' Keats's Afterlife

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