How To Use Indulgence In A Sentence

  • The US had once looked upon Japanese ambitions with a level of sympathy, even indulgence.
  • I don't really think political blogging should be about the posters although I regret to say that this assertion is abnegated by the kind of exercises in self indulgence your are currently reading. The Adventues of Rocky and Gatewinkel (or When Gatemouth Met Hackshaw)
  • His Eminence Don Pelasio de Labastida, an eighteenth century bishop of Mexico City set a scandalous example of such indulgence in earthly pleasures. To the charreada with stars in her eyes
  • This column will doubtless attract accusations of self-indulgence, although you might equally contest that having demanded that my photograph appear at the top of the page and that my name appear in capitals and bold type, that particular ship has sailed. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Christians are to be taught that he who sees a man in need, and passes him by, and gives [his money] for pardons, purchases not the indulgences of the pope, but the indignation of God.
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  • Too frequently the stories seem to settle for, at worst, an indulgence in superficial whimsy, at best, a cultivation of the bizarre in situation and event that, at least as I read them, can't bear the weight they're asked to bear when left to provide the primary source of dramatic interest. Genre Fiction
  • We may then sum up by saying that Lord Byron generally established on an impregnable rock, guarded by unbending principles, those great virtues to which principles are essential; but that, after making these treasures secure -- for treasures they are to the man of honor and worth -- once having placed them beyond the reach of sensibility and sentiment, he may sometimes have allowed the _lesser virtues_ (within ordinary bonds) such indulgence as flowed from his kindly nature, and such as his youth rendered natural to a feeling heart and ardent imagination. Lord Byron jugé par les témoins de sa vie. English
  • So the starting point of the law is an essentially agnostic view of religious beliefs and a tolerant indulgence to religious and cultural diversity.
  • The sumptuous VIP room - the Krug Room - is an intimate setting where indulgence is accompanied by fine delicacies like oysters and caviar.
  • Love is foolish and self- destructive when people get addicted to gambling, alcohol, drugs, and sensual indulgence. Many people suffer from this kind of negative love. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Heal a digestive tract after illness or overindulgence with glutamine or a course of probiotics. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Shakespeare's "Henry IV," the rotund, free-living Falstaff character was known as Plump Jack, famous for his speech defending jovial indulgences--"banish plump Jack and banish all the world. To Ski Or Not To Ski
  • These were such an expensive indulgence for me at the time (balata balls had great feel but cut easily) that I never actually used them. Balls in the Basement
  • Many of the insanities start in this fashion; and all such practices, instead of being encouraged, should be discouraged; and all experienced and intelligent students of psychical research warn those who "dabble" in the subject against the repeated and promiscuous indulgence in such practices -- because of the dangerous, even disastrous, effects upon the mind, in many instances. The Problems of Psychical Research Experiments and Theories in the Realm of the Supernormal
  • Therefore in reviewing the opinions and practices of ruder ages and races we shall do well to look with leniency upon their errors as inevitable slips made in the search for truth, and to give them the benefit of that indulgence which we ourselves may one day stand in need of: _cum excusatione itaque veteres audiendi sunt. The Golden Bough
  • In an age of crassness, vulgarity and self-indulgence, she has continued to be an icon of what we once were and of what we might yet become again.
  • Can they not see that they are imperilling us all with their show boat self indulgence? Archive 2007-04-15
  • To prefer food to art, capriciousness and indulgence to "simplicity" and "contemplat [ion]," and eating to other forms of incorporation, is, of course, a female or effeminated preference (Gill 597). Wordsworth’s Balladry: Real Men Wanted
  • Many items came complete with copper food warmers, and the entire evening was one of indulgence (and overindulgence at times).
  • The solicitation of dale is now immunodeficient to a nonindulgence of colorimetrical darjeeling, from overachiever highlighter to pearlescent toot. Rational Review
  • The decomposed body of King Midas, lying in state in his coffin, might be viewed as the just reward for his over-indulgence.
  • The fact that there is so little at stake in terms of financial rewards, book royalties and readerships means that innovative writers can afford a little self-indulgence.
  • Each day we seem to sink deeper into the quicksand of self-indulgence.
  • The sailor, who was a "Bostonian," an inheritance with the ship, opened his mouth in favor of the unfortunate professor, but like his mates, he stood in much awe of a master whose indulgence demanded implicit obedience in return. Rezánov
  • Their pleasure was not happiness, contemporaries charged, but egotism, immorality, indulgence, and vice.
  • It is important that we go to confession and receive Holy Communion, attend Mass and visit the cemetery to gain a plenary indulgence for the Holy Souls.
  • But the camp performer always knows that he is being sentimental and enjoys the indulgence.
  • When money ran out, they were the only ones working on their land not grudging their son's indulgence in the newfound joys of matrimony.
  • Beyond sentimentality and self-indulgence, these backward glances at a naïve landscape awaken - or reawaken - the conservationist within us.
  • I'll bet most of you reading this can relate to the struggle back and forth: indulgence vs. virtue, comfort food vs. fitness fuel.
  • The prospect of yet more exploitative taxes to support reproducer indulgence means that a questioning of the bio-political privileging of natality is long overdue.
  • I do not speak from personal experience, for I detest the sweet, cloying stuff; but it occasionally fell to my lot to guide down-stairs the uncertain footsteps of some ventripotent Kommerzien-Rath, or even of Mr. Over-Inspector of Railways himself, both temporarily incapacitated by injudicious indulgence in Swedish Punch. The Days Before Yesterday
  • The assumption is that we need professional help to rid our rotten bodies of all the poisons and harmful chemicals accumulated during the season of overindulgence.
  • He was neither a prude nor a Puritan, but he was scornful of self-indulgence, and though he earned a reputation as the champion of the poor, it was only of the deserving and never of the idle.
  • The biggest problem with overindulgence in chocolate is weight gain.
  • Therefore, it is necessary for us to use Internet in a reasonable way and restrain overindulgence.
  • Pope Sixtus IV's fund-raising campaign touted indulgences which would free your deceased loved ones suffering in purgatory.
  • But for the ultimate indulgence this winter, splash out on one of the new fake furs.
  • Have we become a nation of obese imbeciles too sated with our diet of consumerism, television and self-indulgence to care who is pulling the strings at the top?
  • I saw it yesterday - a midday summer movie by myself, one of my few truly decadent indulgences - and found it surprisingly funny and true.
  • Lets look at some way to sort out this over-indulgence - at least in young people.
  • Ape mothers nurse their babies for several years, and during this period they are protective and attentive to the point of indulgence.
  • I'm taking the afternoon off to eat lunch at our favourite restaurant (if we can fit it in after our mid-morning indulgences), and then go buy myself a birthday prezzie.
  • My one fault is the overindulgence of a bleak perspective.
  • Since the excess of animality and the accumulation and abundance of its stratas have their origin in food, drink and indulgence in carnal pleasures, a fast accomplishes what abundant food cannot.
  • However, I fear they are retreating, and minority indulgences such as cribbage are going the same way as dominoes, shove ha'penny, bar billiards, and the very jolly, unpretentious boozers in which they used to be played day and night. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • On the other days of the year this indulgence is a partial one. 11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
  • But she says these are special occasion indulgence pieces, not necessarily suitable for doing the weekly shop or walking the dog.
  • My one self-indulgence is expensive coffee.
  • I have zero appetite for the indulgence of spoiled brats, and I will tell her this myself if you don't.
  • Theirs was a complex relationship, alternating between filial indulgence and collegial rivalry.
  • Driving an SUV when it really is not necessary is an example of overindulgence in the United States.
  • Their ruinous vice, if we are to trust the records of the time, was what the old monks called accidia -- [Greek text] -- and ranked it as one of the seven deadly sins: a general careless, sleepy, comfortable habit of mind, which lets all go its way for good or evil -- a habit of mind too often accompanied, as in the case of the Angle-Danes, with self-indulgence, often coarse enough. Historical Lectures and Essays
  • What looks like self-indulgence is actually self-punishment.
  • Consumerism is a bottomless pit of self-indulgence and excessiveness that, rather than being fulfilling, leaves people craving for still more.
  • For the believers in society and community, however, such views raised the spectre of lawlessness and anarchic self-indulgence.
  • In an age of crassness, vulgarity and self-indulgence, she has continued to be an icon of what we once were and of what we might yet become again.
  • Many students overlook the fact that self-destructive behaviors such as overindulgence in alcohol or caffeine, drug abuse, and ignoring signs of fatigue are manifestations of self-violence. American Yoga Association Beginner’s Manual Fully Revised and Updated
  • I'm still waiting for the culture to rid itself of its tiresome reverence of the 60s and kitschy kicky indulgence of the 70s, and explore the 80s as something other than an era of legwarmers, poufy hair, shoulderpads and Dallas.
  • Like many autobiographers, her honesty leans towards self-indulgence in her refusal to attempt to give the reader anything more than a blandly introspective narrative.
  • Then came the inevitable moment of grateful acknowledgment when her senses brought of their best to pay for their indulgence -- their best on this occasion being that vow to Israfil which presently she found herself renewing. The Heavenly Twins
  • His energy, his empathy, his self-indulgence, his appetites -- for food (unsated as it must be these days), for sex (maybe sated these days, maybe not), for attention, for power, for good deeds -- are all outsized. Michael Takiff: Bill Clinton, Still the Biggest Dog in Town
  • My inability to do needlework was treated with surprising indulgence by my teacher.
  • It's a bit of an indulgence and cost a packet, but I like it.
  • Afterall, Hooky spent more time at the Hacienda and the Dry Bar than most and is therefore better qualified to comment, even if, at his own admission, much of the time spent there was slightly blurred by "overindulgence". New Order Information Service
  • This impetuous and fiery temperament was rendered yet more fearful by the indulgence of every intemperance; it fed on wine and lust; its very virtues strengthened its vices, -- its courage stifled every whisper of prudence; its intellect, uninured to all discipline, taught it to disdain every obstacle to its desires. The Last of the Barons — Complete
  • How long before fed-up Mexicans begin demanding the same indulgence? "We have never done anything against the drug lords. We stay away from the drug war "
  • Top of the list was a positive mental attitude including the occasional indulgence in her favourite gin and tonic and unfiltered cigarette.
  • Their first meal is a good substantial dinner, at ten, eleven, or twelve o'clock, after which follow pawn and the hookha; to this succeeds a sleep of two or three hours, providing it does not impede the duty of prayer; -- the pious, I ought to remark, would give up every indulgence which would prevent the discharge of this duty. Observations on the Mussulmauns of India Descriptive of Their Manners, Customs, Habits and Religious Opinions Made During a Twelve Years' Residence in Their Immediate Society
  • Workers then come to exhibit some of the more traditional virtues such as generosity and trustfulness, and avoid some of the more traditional vices such as cowardice, stinginess, and self-indulgence.
  • With our junk food, lack of exercise, self-indulgences and self-imposed stress, many of our old folk will outlive their sons, daughters and even grandchildren.
  • What you'll see, if you permit yourself the indulgence, is as unexpurgated a view of the period between 1875 and 1945 as you're ever likely to find on any website, or in any classroom for that matter.
  • The new work, for example, is somewhat autobiographical, a self-indulgence that once he would not have allowed himself.
  • She allowed herself only a few moments'indulgence in self - pity.
  • It's understood as a mark of educated cultivation, not wilful indulgence or evasion.
  • The psychologist Alfred Adler concluded that middle children, who had neither suffered the indignity of being "dethroned" like the eldest sibling, nor the pampered indulgence of the youngest, had the best chance of growing into successful, well-adjusted adults. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • It doesn't work if your pot belly is the result of over-indulgence.
  • Preeminent among Luther's complaints were the practice of selling of indulgences (essentially, the selling of forgiveness for sin), the practice of "simony" (selling church positions), and the Church's policy on purgatory. The Vail Trail - All Sections
  • The film closes with the end of the affair - a summer of self-indulgence and irresponsibility has transformed into autumnal reflection, mirroring the changes in wider society at the turn of the decade.
  • Francis Wayland, a prominent theologian, antislavery activist, and longtime president of Brown University in the decades before the Civil War, spoke for many of the cloth when he warned that “thoughtless caprice,” “sensual self-indulgence,” and “reckless expense” were not only sinful but also socially ruinous. A Renegade History of the United States
  • He is a serial political apologist, saying sorry, sacrificing an aide and obliging his shadow cabinet to pay back their most egregious claims, like medieval Christians buying indulgences.
  • Basically if you knew that you had sinned you would wait until a pardoner was in your region selling an indulgence and purchase one.
  • Palm Springs is a curious button, as it was involved in environmental progressiveness long before fashion, with its vast wind farms and other ingenuities, and then it enjoyed a lost weekend during the Hope/Sinatra/Skelton period, where it smacked of overindulgence and development at the expense of eco-conscientiousness; and now it is back, retrofitting, retooling, and fashioning a green future, or at least one that strives for balance. Richard Bangs: How Green Is My Valley?
  • The dogs are a reminder that the three friends were also keen sportsmen, and this journey would have provided them ample opportunities for indulgence.
  • It was a sprawling double album, which was, depending who you talk to, an overblown self-indulgence or the best thing he'd ever put on record.
  • the child was spoiled by overindulgence
  • There have also been grumblings about charges and tithes collected by churches - indulgences being one case.
  • Love is foolish and self- destructive when people get addicted to gambling, alcohol, drugs, and sensual indulgence. Many people suffer from this kind of negative love. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • However, I will permit myself -- and more importantly, will beg your indulgence for -- analepses and occasional analogies where my own admittedly subjective views and readings seem to demand them...or at least wish for them in a spirit of whimsical velleity. Omar Karindu on Bendis’ Daredevil – Some Introductory Remarks | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • Now, by love I don't mean indulgence or sentimentality.
  • Graham was himself a formidable "scrutinizer"; and, famously, a "strong resenter," with intermittent compulsion to test the indulgence of his friends. Our Man on Capri
  • Most especially Luther disputed the sale of indulgences whereby, as Luther perceived, believers might buy forgiveness for themselves or their departed relatives.
  • I do all the time, but of course I don't limit or otherwise curtail this self-indulgence.
  • The Reformation erupted over just this issue in the sale of indulgences.
  • The cast approaches the material with relish and Polanski prevents broad characterisations and self-indulgence amongst his actors.
  • Then he moved back in with his mother, sealing his fate and cementing his status as parasite and waster of indulgence and advantage.
  • He replaced these beloved indulgences with fruit and yogurt.
  • The Profitboss steers clear of such indulgence, for in the end everyone pays dearly for the privilege of the few.
  • Nor have we examined adequately suffrages for the dead, the question of indulgences, the role of Mary in Christian piety, or the sins of denominationalism against the communion that is God's present gift.
  • Wouldn't you be too old to bring me my whey in the morning soon as I'd awake, perhaps with a severe headache, after the plenary indulgence of a clerical compotation? Going to Maynooth Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry, The Works of William Carleton, Volume Three
  • Congregatio super Disciplinâ Regulari" and other Congregations, consultor of the Congregations of Rites and Indulgences, and qualificator of the Holy Office. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • One grain of that divine principle would make the - rale of seif-indulgence kick the beam. Practical piety; or, The influence of the religion of the heart on the conduct of the life
  • The refectory is a large room, with a long narrow table running all round it – a plain deal table, with wooden benches; before the place of each nun, an earthen bowl, an earthen cup with an apple in it, a wooden plate and a wooden spoon; at the top of the table a grinning skull, to remind them that even these indulgences they shall not long enjoy. Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
  • The nineteenth century was worse, if anything, than earlier periods, for it furthered what might be called the evangelistic slant toward novel-reading, the attitude that neatly classified this form of self-indulgence with dancing, card-playing, hard drinking, and loose living of every description. Definitions: Essays in Contemporary Criticism
  • King is indulging his imagination, and we have to indulge his indulgence if we're going to enjoy this.
  • The consequences of the strength of the political spirit are not all direct, nor does its strength by any means spring solely from its indulgence to the less respectable elements of character, such as languor, extreme pliableness, superficiality. On Compromise
  • It is populated by a pantheon of upper-middle class aesthetes, running the full gamut from self-indulgence to self-pity, gold-digging doctors and junkie beggars.
  • They prepared proper accommodations and obtained special indulgences for the pilgrims so that their visit would be as spiritual as possible.
  • A big earner but a careful spender, his main indulgences are fishing equipment and holidays - and even then he stuffs his four kids in economy while he flies club.
  • I think this neglect of graphic design as a serious discipline is the fact that it is seen mainly as based on aesthetic indulgence.
  • He has the pale, pasty set of the sedentary, a fleshy padding of indulgence and a deep, broad accent with an odd similarity to that of Charles Kennedy.
  • They were sybarites who enjoyed power and indulgence.
  • What it also does is remind me of how special and precious those few are who don't disappoint, who don't surrender to the odds, the ravages of time, or self-indulgence.
  • While the weather is being wicked, join me in an afternoon of pure unadulterated self-indulgence.
  • To be able to look at childhood fantasies with indulgence and optimism is a lot about recognising the child in all of us.
  • Constant indulgence in bad habits brought about his ruin.
  • The new restaurant is a great success and allows her to continue her indulgence of the increasingly greedy and self-absorbed Veda.
  • Avoid excessive indulgence in sweets and canned drinks.
  • To the world and to herself, she was a no-nonsense, practical woman who scoffed at indulgence and spurned luxury.
  • Unfortunately, this talent had a weak side: her inclination toward indulgence and spoiling her little darlings.
  • Thus he passed first through what he colorfully described as a ‘positively fanatic indulgence in free thinking.’
  • It is, however, worth noticing how prevalent sleeplessness is among a class of women who have never practiced any self-indulgence or allowed any relief to their desires. Married Love: or, Love in Marriage
  • The bathroom is filled with soothing, perfumed unguents, strangely shaped tools for massage, oils, candles, a luxury indulgence which can only be matched by Harrods!
  • And he warns that people need to take steps to avoid long term mental health problems caused by seasonal frazzled nerves, frayed tempers, and over-indulgence.
  • Bubble gum books can be the most delightful things ever, like eating a whipped cream covered chocolate ice cream cake with a wedge of gorgonzola cheese - you know it's suicide by culinary over-indulgence but what's a clogged attery to a little piece of dairy heaven? Burantashi etc
  • During my week off I took to the streets in search of indulgences.
  • But Rome's inference hence, is utterly false that the Church has a stock treasury of the merits and satisfactions of Christ and His apostles, out of which she may dispense indulgences; the context has no reference to sufferings in expiation of sin and productive of merit. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The section on overindulgence captures the well-known observation of drunken robins that have ingested too much overripe fruit.
  • Yet such indulgence is often the way, as people laugh off alcoholic excess while working themselves into a righteous moral lather over something smelly in a cigarette.
  • Here he might live a strange litany, delivered from right and wrong and from the hound of heaven and from every God (except the exotic Mexican one who was pretty slack himself and rather addicted to Oriental scents) —delivered from success and hope and poverty into that long chute of indulgence which led, after all, only to the artificial lake of death. Book 2, Chapter 5. The Egotist Becomes a Personage.
  • Lunch by a side stream was blissful indulgence.
  • We are in the era of guarded opulence and while heads are rolling in town, a certain level of indulgence continues to continue in Napoleon's France.
  • An occasional glass of wine was his only indulgence.
  • ‘We appeal to you to guard against excessive indulgence and lack of discernment in behavioural patterns,’ he said.
  • From the prisons and music halls of Edwardian England to Kenneth Williams, American GIs in London, and the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Polari has been used to laugh, bitch, gossip, and cruise. Sonos
  • Since Woodbury does not think abstinence to be the cure of intemperance, could he not justify his practice by a higher principle than self-indulgence, lay it on a deeper foundation than dilettanteism? The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 75, January, 1864
  • From the sun lounger Maggie had been watching Liz conduct her hard sell with a kind of bemused indulgence. FALLEN WOMEN
  • It doesn't really seem to have been put together with the serious classical collector in mind, but it is an enjoyable late-night indulgence for the "chill" crowd.
  • You will kill the child with indulgence.
  • His earlier life of self-indulgence had been unsatisfying, as was his six-year experiment with ascetic penances.
  • You can abandon yourself to pleasure but need to keep an eye on over-indulgence.
  • On the other days of the year this indulgence is apartial one. Christmas is coming. . . . .
  • He seemed destined for a career of peripheral self-indulgence, a YouTube showboater and gimmicky solo act who could not integrate his astonishing artistry into a team. QPR's swashbuckling Adel Taarabt leads ranks of second division Caesars | Rob Bagchi
  • The committee also said that many projects lacked proper supervision from mid-managers, and that quality standards were often replaced with self-indulgence.
  • Glasgow is not suffering from maladministration of its affairs, but from an over-indulgence in municipalization, carried into the realm of speculative enterprises, which always involves the investment of a large amount of capital and the running of many risks. Britain's Experience of Public Ownership
  • We can see the waste associated with such self-indulgence every time that we walk down the high street because all those excessively expensive paving slabs are today just as cracked and just as full of chewing gum as the cheaper variety.
  • The unfiltered self-indulgence of a diary gives way to the more considered, craftlike blog.
  • My lust for life and overindulgence meant that I pooh-poohed the idea of taking seven days to detox - as a Londoner, I could do it in a single day.
  • I sincerely hope that she never again has to endure the horror of entertaining the kind of deviants who value moral principle and compassion over social conformity and sensual indulgence.
  • Critics might think it indulgence in willful perversity.
  • Is this writing, then, some kind of solipsistic indulgence conducted purely for your own benefit?
  • Powdered bronzer, applied lightly all over the face, can also help camouflage over-indulgences, says New York City-based makeup artist Maria Verel.
  • Connell, in particular, outlines how bibliomaniacal self-indulgence threatened the ideological sleight-of-hand that invited Britons to understand others 'private properties as part of the common stock of the national heritage, and to understand gentlemanly book collectinglike that of Jane "Wedded to Books': Bibliomania and the Romantic Essayists
  • Both dishes were proof that the sort of culinary self-indulgence and over-elaboration that has become commonplace in so many fish restaurants need not be a part of running a successful seafood restaurant.
  • It might not be the most impressive show in the festival, but it's precisely the sort of experimental, self-regarding indulgence that I'd expect in Venice.
  • I hoped for a kind judge: I relied too much upon an unjust indulgence, for I hoped to shuffle by. TESTIMONIES
  • If we had, we would not treat blatant apologists for the Soviet Union with fond indulgence and even respect.
  • Love is foolish and self- destructive when people get addicted to gambling, alcohol, drugs, and sensual indulgence. Many people suffer from this kind of negative love. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • He finds the pampered spirit of self-indulgence still asking for ease, and indisposing him to victory. Sermons for the New Life.
  • Seafood cassolette is a hearty indulgence of shrimp, scallops, red snapper, lobster, lump crab and peas in a creamy au gratin sauce with a splash of champagne. -
  • You can abandon yourself to pleasure but need to keep an eye on over-indulgence.
  • In fact, there was so much of it I rode the train home feeling thoroughly sick from overindulgence.
  • They have made a world in which the only freedom is self-indulgence, a world from which - most terrible of all - prison can sometimes be a liberation.
  • Palm Springs is a curious button, as it was involved in environmental progressiveness long before fashion, with its vast wind farms and other ingenuities, and then it enjoyed a lost weekend during the Hope/Sinatra/Skelton period, where it smacked of overindulgence and development at the expense of eco-conscientiousness; and now it is back, retrofitting, retooling, and fashioning a green future, or at least one that strives for balance. Richard Bangs: How Green Is My Valley?
  • In view of the sacrifice our troops have made on our behalf, this insensitivity to them and their families suggests a level of self-indulgence and ingratitude that shocks the conscience.
  • My characters and I share a similar esteem for the middle-ground, between indulgence and obligation, and any extremes of the spectrum.
  • Francis Wayland, a prominent theologian, antislavery activist, and longtime president of Brown University in the decades before the Civil War, spoke for many of the cloth when he warned that “thoughtless caprice,” “sensual self-indulgence,” and “reckless expense” were not only sinful but also socially ruinous. A Renegade History of the United States
  • Sulla's successor in the eastern command, Lucius Licinius Lucullus, became a byword for luxury and personal indulgence.
  • Rob, 33, does indeed make wonderful, hand-made choccies, but this is no self-indulgence allowed by doting grown-ups.
  • Because transgression is vice, because we must control our passions, because vice is self-indulgence, because passion can only be controlled by reason, because reason is control, because control is virtue. Stoicism, Sophistry and Sodomy
  • Their main mistake is to expect the people around them not just to like them, but to be like them, to display the same easy American manners, the same loving indulgence, despite the aching resentments of the war, the grinding poverty of life in Europe, and the inequalities in their situations as hosts and guests. On William Maxwell « Tales from the Reading Room
  • unchivalrously, the husbands who had to provide such innocent indulgences eventually began to count the costs
  • I had one of my favourite breakfast indulgences: a deluxe Belgian waffle with strawberries, whipped cream, pecans and brown sugar.
  • The negative side of this aspect is that self-indulgence may cause physical problems.
  • It is, in fact, an exceptionally charming story, and even hard-hearted churls will find themselves smiling with beatific indulgence by the end of it.
  • Yes, she is usually very quick," replied Mrs. Gay gently, while she gathered all the forces of her character, which were slightly disorganized by her recent indulgence in pensive musings, to do battle against an idea which she had striven repeatedly of late to banish from her thoughts. The Miller of Old Church
  • Indulgence, the strict Covenanters were reduced to what they style themselves in the "Informatory Vindication," a "wasted, suffering, anti-popish, anti-prelatic, anti-erastian, anti-sectarian remnant. The Life of James Renwick A Historical Sketch Of His Life, Labours And Martyrdom And A Vindication Of His Character And Testimony
  • The measure was created to curb overindulgence by young drinkers.
  • I cannot think it a hardship that more indulgence is allowed to men than to women
  • Even Severo, who attends church regularly (if not religiously), believes ‘that masses and religious vows, like the selling of indulgences, images, and scapulars, were a dishonest business’.
  • In any case, however, where it shall be found contumaciously slighting credibility, and refusing to be reduced to anything like probable fact, we shall beg that we may meet with candid readers, and such as will receive with indulgence the stories of antiquity. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • lived in a most penurious manner--denying himself every indulgence
  • What does a triviality like that matter compared to my indulgence of hatred?
  • The city of indulgence and excess will be this summer's location for the largest annual scientific forum and food technology exposition.
  • I had too much experience of my father's pertinaciousness ever to hope for a change in his views; yet the bliss of living with my aunt, in a new and busy scene, and in the unbounded indulgence of my literary passion, continually occupied my thoughts: for a long time these thoughts were productive only of despondency and tears. Memoirs of Carwin, the Biloquist
  • Guilt's malignancy stalks a gas-lit shadow-dance upon the walls, perversity arouses oestrus in the embers of our trance; magic moments muted in taut breath are crushed in weighted consequence, discretion flees the night to heighten senses steeped in self-pity, drowned in self-indulgence. Archive 2008-07-01
  • Lies, fraud, chicanery and self indulgence are endemic in society today - or am I being presumptuous?
  • She was reared with her father and mother in honour and indulgence and learnt rhetoric and penmanship and arithmetic and cavalarice and all manner crafts, such as broidery and sewing and weaving and girdle-making and silk-cord making and damascening gold on silver and silver on gold, brief all the arts both of men and women, till she became the union-pearl of her time and the unique gem of her age and day. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Let it be perpetually remembered to the credit of this apostle of alimentation and vitativeness with temperance, that, in his religious system, eating was a 'sacramental' process, and not a physical indulgence merely, as the ignorant allege. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 101, March, 1866
  • Whether it's a hot date, a business meeting or a family gathering, dining out can be a delicious indulgence - even if you're a diabetic.
  • (Soundbite of song, "Symphony No. 8") MONTAGNE: It's Gustav Mahler - sure puts to music the notion of overindulgence, which is where we begin this year's post Thanksgiving chat with music commentator Miles Hoffman. Slimming Down the Classics
  • I refer downright beastly gluttons and drunkards to this; but indulgence short, _far short_, of this gross and really nasty drunkenness and gluttony is to be deprecated, and that, too, with the more earnestness because it is too often looked upon as being no crime at all, and as having nothing blameable in it; nay, there are many persons who _pride_ themselves on their refined taste in matters connected with eating and drinking: so far from being ashamed of employing their thoughts on the subject, it is their boast that they do it. Advice to Young Men And (Incidentally) to Young Women in the Middle and Higher Ranks of Life. In a Series of Letters, Addressed to a Youth, a Bachelor, a Lover, a Husband, a Father, a Citizen, or a Subject.
  • The 100g bar of Chocolat Noir, which I scoffed in one heady moment of shameless indulgence, was chock-a-block with cocoa solids - a whopping 76 per cent.
  • when peanut butter turned into a guilt-ridden indulgence akin to candy bars, cookies, and cakes: diet disasters to be avoided at all costs.
  • Indulgence in smoking can seriously harm your health.
  • Experimentation with mind-expanding drugs has become, for many, indulgence in mind-controlling drugs.
  • Pay-per-view religion is a very contemporary idea and offers a new way to charge for indulgences.
  • I am reinforced in my self indulgence by the attitude of another lapsed vegetarian friend.
  • (the monk of melodrama always has a bass voice), while excessive or precocious sexual indulgence tends to be associated with the same kind of puerile voice as is found in those persons in whom pubertal development has not been carried very far, or who are of what Griffiths terms eunuchoid type. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 5 Erotic Symbolism; The Mechanism of Detumescence; The Psychic State in Pregnancy
  • Famous for such musical showpieces as the Soldier's Chorus and the sparkling Jewel Song, its Romantic indulgence in magic and menace, sex and religion still have a compelling charm.

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