
How To Use Indri In A Sentence

  • The invention concerns a cable drum having a non-cylindrical profile of its outer surface and the use of this cable drum in a window regulator system, particularly in a vehicle.
  • The detained calculation methods and steps are introduced on technology of flangeless cylindrical part. It possesses much better applicability in production and teaching.
  • The spigot stem had an annular cutting edge to cut a cylindrical plug out of the bung or stopper by twisting the spigot.
  • A dazzling light was spread through the air, along the whitish hills strewed with cylindric cactuses, and over a sea ever calm, the shores of which were peopled with alcatras, * (* A brown pelican, of the size of a swan. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 1
  • Tension gives the thin strips their form and causes them to retain their locations on the cylindrical concrete columns that support the parking slab and roof.
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  • In this work, the dose distribution produced by a single, rectangular ( "planar") x-ray microbeam was simulated inside the head phantoms which had a cylindrical shape. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The long rear part is the opisthosoma, which can be further divided into a broad flattened pre-abdomen consisting of seven segments, and a narrower and more cylindrical post-abdomen of only five segments.
  • Subcylindrical forms such as Stachyodes and Amphipora have been called dendroid or twiglike, and aluacerids have been called subcylindrical, cylindrical, or columnar.
  • Construction began with the assembly of a cylindrical structure deeply embedded in the center of the flat side of the asteroid.
  • The Mira EV was powered by an assembly of 8,320 cylindrical lithium-ion batteries (Sanyo No. 18650) that are normally used in laptops and other electronic devices. Electric Car Breaks World Record By Traveling 623 Miles Without Recharging | Impact Lab
  • - When turning longer parts using the tailstock or steady rest as counter-support, the cylindricity of the part must always be checked. 6. Cylindrical turning and facing of shouldered cylindrical parts
  • To facilitate efficient lubrication, all multi-row full complement cylindrical roller bearings have lubrication holes, or an annular groove and lubrication holes in the outer ring.
  • Icicles, stalactites, stalagmites, lava tubes, and some crystals may be considered cylindrical, but the rest of the nonbiotic Universe has other shapes.
  • Then I realized it wasn't Gantry of whom I was reminded so much as another Lewis character, Berzelius "Buzz" Windrip, the politician who poses as a populist, then once elected president turns the United States into a fascist dictatorship, aided by an angry, unknowing electorate and a paramilitary group called the Minute Men. Michael Winship: The Awful Price for Teaching Less Than We Know
  • One of the challenges of crank grinding relates to clamping the workpiece in the chuck so that the crank pin can be cylindrically ground.
  • The _shadoof_, or water-hoist, is patiently worked as it has been for thousands of years; while the cylindrical hoist employed in Lower Egypt was invented and introduced in The Treasury of Ancient Egypt Miscellaneous Chapters on Ancient Egyptian History and Archaeology
  • Combined with the lobster-red sunburn of my torso and the lily-white band about my middle created by my downturned long-john, I resembled a cylindrical French flag.
  • Alang-alang Imperata cylindrica is conspicuous by its rarity. Komodo National Park, Indonesia
  • This chain is connected to a second cylinder, at the upper left, made up of one part of a fusee (placed horizontally as opposed to the traditional fusees that are always vertical), and the other of the cylindrical power reserve indicator (a total of 72 hours). Boing Boing: January 22, 2006 - January 28, 2006 Archives
  • Short in proportion to the Corolla tho wide or bulky; the Style is very long or longer than the stamens, simple, cilindrical, bowed or bent upwards, placed on the top of the germ, membranous shrivels and falls off when the pericarp has obtained it's full Size. the Stigma is three clefts very manute and pubescent. the pericarp is a capsule, triangular, oblong, obtuse, and trilocular with three longitudinal valves. the Seed So far as I could judge are noumerous not very manute and globilar. The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
  • She assembles a bow with a string on it, and sharpens a cylindrical spindle of lime wood, then inserts it into a notched hole in a flat piece of wood she holds with her foot.
  • Because they favor smaller barrels, their bats are made from a heavier billet - the cylindrical piece of wood from which a bat is shaped.
  • I take the area distorted maps produced by cylindrical projection, we often see them when someone wants to emphasise the artic and antartic areas, and transform them into area undistorted rectangular maps. Southern Ocean Temperature Trends « Climate Audit
  • -- N.S. (Fig. 141.) Shell fusiform, contracted above the body-whirl, and forming thereby a sub-cylindrical spire; spire obtuse apex papillated and hooked; body-whirl plaited longitudinally at its top; columellar lip furnished with only two plaits. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • Xinyuan" brand hydraulic coke briquetting machine is mainly used to crush the end of coal or coke at the end pressed into a square or cylindrical pieces such as cake in order to vote in furnace coke.
  • Each cylindrical mirror is balanced on the slimmest of supports: one steel wire, as thin as dental floss, that is attached to the gallowslike frame.
  • A semicylindrical wall section having a diameter matching the maximum diameter of said semi-dome.
  • Plumes of spindrift were scouring the top, leaving nothing but a swooping white cleaver of ice.
  • The flowers are variable in color, and produced in loose clusters; the seeds are produced in long, flattened, or cylindrical, bivalved pods, and vary, in The Field and Garden Vegetables of America Containing Full Descriptions of Nearly Eleven Hundred Species and Varietes; With Directions for Propagation, Culture and Use.
  • The result was a perfectly cylindrical crack through the frontplate, through the honeycomb, and nearly through the backplate. A Grand and Bold Thing
  • By the 15 th century, the size of the snare drum increased and had a cylindrical shape.
  • However, cylindrical anodes have weaknesses such as long processing cycle and poor suitability.
  • Discovered in 1991 by Japanese scientist Sumio Iijima, carbon nanotubes are cylindrical carbon molecules that are very similar in structure to a fullerene, or buckyball, but instead of being a sphere, the nanotube is tubular in shape.
  • Its massively thick silver body often measures more than 2m in length, powerful and muscular, cylindrical in section, and gradually tapering to the tip of the tail.
  • Beyond was a completely cylindrical room, its beamed ceiling some nine feet high.
  • In both sets of thumbs, Sissy's and his own, Dr. Robbins could see shafts, flat on the volar surface, smooth and rounded on the dorsal surface, that is, semicylindrical in shape. Even Cowgirls Get The Blues
  • He wore a tall cylindrical hat.
  • The juglet with cylindrical neck (type VII a) copies jugs of type V a. Some types are, however, peculiar to the juglets, such as that with additional spout (type VIIId) andtypeIXb. Archaeologia, or, Miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity [microform]
  • Plants were grown individually in cylindrical pots of variable volume, containing a 1: 1 mixture of perlite and vermiculite.
  • Optimised for measuring cylindricity and other deviations of form and position, the MMQ 200 Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
  • Each area contains workspaces equipped with cylindrical, mobile partitions.
  • The whole then became consolidated by the percolation of calcareous matter; and the cylindrical cavities left by the decaying of the wood, were thus also filled up with a hard pseudo-stalactical stone. Chapter XIX
  • The litter bin has a stainless-steel cylindrical body with a polythene liner providing a capacity of up to 70 litres.
  • Lateral or terminal on shoots of the preceding season; sterile flowers oblong-cylindrical, 1/4 inch in length; anthers yellow, red-tinged: fertile flowers on the upper side of the twig, erect, cylindrical; cover-scales broad, much larger than the purple ovuliferous scales, terminating in a long, recurved tip. Handbook of the Trees of New England
  • Pressing a cylindrical disc of some base metal into the gratified waiter's hand, McCrimmon emerged into the vestibule. THE LONELY SEA
  • Sheep not fully grown, the wool fine, the Horns were abought 4 inches long, Celindric, Smooth, black, a little bending backwards and pointed; they rise from the Middle of the foeheard, and a little above the eyes, and appeared to possess all the marks of the Common Sheep as already discribed. The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
  • A cylindrical lens looks like a pipe cut lengthwise.
  • Not the cadent rattle of the thin cylindrical drums the Trivigauntis used, but the steady _thumpa-thumpa-thump_ of Vironese war drums, drums that suggested the palaestra's big copper stew-pot whenever she saw them, war drums beating out the quickstep used to draw up troops in order of battle. Exodus From The Long Sun
  • Deriving from his specialised knowledge of optometry, this cylindrical lens imitates what happens in astigmatism.
  • Species include bloodwood Eucalyptus terminalis, tea-tree Melaleuca sp., acacia, lamb's tails Ptilotus sp., shrubs and grasses Themeda avenacea, Enneapogon cylindricus and Eragrostis eriopoda. Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Australia
  • The sponges are large, obconical to conical-cylindrical, with dermal surface marked by irregular, horizontal, annulations or nodes and closely spaced, thin, longitudinal ridges.
  • The ground has changed a bit since then, with great cylindrical towers supporting a third tier, and a plexiglass roof that bottles up the venue's unique atmosphere.
  • Secretio adeo a vulgari fanguinis circuitu haclenus differt, quod ia ifto quidem arteriola minima, cylindrica, in venam fibi aqualem, aut ampliorem continuetur, quaj fmguinem recipere apta fit, in humorum vero feparatione du - clus excrecorius, rubro vafculo arteriofo minor, tamquam ramus. ex eo vafculo prodeat. Elementa physiologiae corporis humani ..
  • Composite vase, globular juglet with cylindrical neck and handle, surmounted by a second smaller one with cutaway neck and small handle. Archaeologia, or, Miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity [microform]
  • They are all being described as cylindrical objects, suspicious. CNN Transcript Oct 12, 2006
  • If you rip open your computer (not right now) and look at the larger things that are stuck on the circuit board, particularly those which are cylindrical, you'll see they're attached by two or more metal prongs.
  • In many places the road was in that condition called repaired, having just been whittled into the required semi-cylindrical form with the shovel and scraper, with all the softest inequalities in the middle, like a hog's back with the bristles up, and Jehu was expected to keep astride of the spine. The Maine Woods
  • I have no idea what it's called, but you've seen them -- long thin cylindrical files, made of the finest German steel. Mexico: a visit to Sayula, Zapotlanejo and Zapopan
  • The cylindrical structure on the end of an armature, which is designed to change the polarity of the current. Practical Mechanics for Boys
  • Sporangia are cylindrical and branched, which also distinguishes this plant from all other Rhynie Chert taxa.
  • My face was stung to severe pain by the high-driving spindrift, and I had a feeling that the wind was blowing the cobwebs out of my sleep-starved brain. CHAPTER XII
  • The element after the polygon can be a toroidal or cylindrical lens incorporated into the scan lens, or it can be a cylindrical lens or mirror located near the image plane.
  • Small rodents with cylindrical bodies and short limbs, adapted for burrow-living.
  • A spigot projecting from the otherwise cylindrical charge would have been used to locate it accurately on the catapult.
  • And the first detailed drops splashing at the bottom of the goblet with a scatter of spindrift, each fleck embellished with the finicky rigor of some precisionist painting. Underworld
  • Because the bore is cylindrical, clarinets are much cheaper to make than oboes.
  • In this vessel, in addition to the propeller, Ericsson introduced his semicylindrical steam-engine, a beautiful invention, so compact that it occupied only one-eighth of the bulk of the British marine engine of corresponding power, and was placed more than four feet below the water-line. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 57, July, 1862
  • Bluehead wrasses have long, semi-cylindrical or cigar-shaped bodies.
  • However, cylindrical anodes have weaknesses such as long processing cycle and poor suitability.
  • This is fairly unlikely as the tool for machining the head tube cuts the chamfer and faces the top of the head tube at the same time, leaving the correct length of cylindrical section above the chamfer.
  • 'Now, around the beryllium is a cylinder of tungsten-rhenium, which we need for its density We will purchase twelve kilograms in powder form, which we will sinter into cylindrical segments. The Sum of all Fears
  • certain lenses are bicylindrical
  • The flowers are arranged in a silvery, cylindrical, branching structure, called a panicle, up to 11 inches long and 1.5 inches wide. News | SJ |
  • The rocks were encased in crusted snow and the wind was driving spindrift across the open slopes.
  • On the cylindrical face, a number of grinding or polishing modules (17, 18) are provided that comprise hold-back means, preferably in the shape of brushes (13).
  • But the indris rely more on their legs, which are longer than their arms. Times, Sunday Times
  • If additional finishing was required, it was sent to the planing mill where it was then surfaced on planers or turned into cylindrical shapes on lathes.
  • As planned, I set up a base camp in the north of the park and set out to study the two largest lemurs, Propithecus diadema diadema (commonly known as the diademed sifaka) and Indri indri (commonly known as the indri).
  • Sterile flowers terminal or axillary on wood of the preceding year, 1/2-3/4 inch long, cylindrical; anthers pinkish-red: fertile flowers lateral along previous season's shoots, erect; scales madder-purple, spirally imbricated, broader than long, margin entire or slightly erose. Handbook of the Trees of New England
  • A cylindrical wicker basket filled with earth and stones, formerly used in building fortifications.
  • The skelp is a piece or bar of iron, about three feet long, and four inches wide, but thicker and broader at one end than at the other; and the barrel of a musket is formed by forging out such pieces to the proper dimensions, and then folding or bending them into a cylindrical form, until the edges overlap, so that they can be welded together. On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures
  • In drum sanders the sandpaper is mounted on a cylindrical drum that rotates on an axis parallel to the plane of the floor.
  • There is a species of huckleberry common to the piny lands from the commencement of the Columbian valley to the seacoast; it rises to the hight of 6 or 8 feet. is a simple branching some what defuse stem; the main body or trunk is cilindric and of a dark brown, while the colateral branches are green smooth, squar, and put forth a number of alternate branches of the same colour and form from the two horizontal sides only. the fruit is a small deep perple berry which the natives inform us is very good. the leaf is thin of a pale green and small being 3/4 of an inch in length and 3/8 in width; oval terminateing more accutely at the apex than near the insertion of the footstalk which is at the base; veined, nearly entire, serrate but so slightly so that it is scarcely perceptible; footstalk short and there position with rispect to each other is alternate and two ranked, proceeding from the horizontal sides of the bough only. The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
  • The sculpture is made up of seven cylindrical blue tubes.
  • Thallus light colored, usually thin and smooth, rarely disappearing; apothecia minute to middle-sized, 0.2 to 1 mm. in diameter, adnate scattered or crowded, flat or slightly convex, the disk pruinose, and the exciple persistent; hypothecium lighter or darker brown; hymenium usually pale; paraphyses coherent and becoming indistinct; asci cylindrico-clavate; spores oblong-ellipsoid, 3 to 5 mic. long and 1 to Ohio Biological Survey, Bull. 10, Vol. 11, No. 6 The Ascomycetes of Ohio IV and V
  • They were shaped differently, more cylindrical, with longer, more narrow funnels at their bases.
  • We apply one-dimensional, cylindrical symmetrical mass transport equations for a single refilling vessel.
  • However, so long as the body form is more or less cylindrical, and the environment is symmetrical as well, these considerations are best served by a simple bullet or teardrop shape.
  • To see, using modern mathematics, why this works we note that the cylindrical surface has equation the toroidal surface has equation and the conical surface has equation
  • The interior of each of the long bones of the limbs presents a cylindrical cavity filled with marrow and lined by a highly vascular areolar structure, called the medullary membrane. II. Osteology. 2. Bone
  • These tiny cylindrical capsules contain microchips with copper coils.
  • Tire" is a large, cylindrical vessel or vase of blown glass, about the size and shape of a bathroom wastepaper basket. New 'Vantage Point' show at American Indian museum shows off symbolic power
  • In the early 1900's, the indri was so common that one traveler reported that no one could travel from Tamatave to Antanarivo without often hearing its cries.
  • He secured a single-burner gasoline stove and wrapped a cylindrical iron shell lined with fire-clay around it.
  • The exterior elevation consists of three cylindrical shafts of decreasing thickness from bottom to top, set on an octagonal socle and reaching a total height of over 255 feet.
  • Capsule conical-cylindric, 5-ribbed, 25-35 mm, puberulent and sparsely setose. Find Me A Cure
  • Bulldozers are busy establishing Sherritt's four-billion-dollar nickel mine - one of the world's five largest mining projects - and building a pipeline, ripping through the shrivelling natural habitat of the endangered indri lemur. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Commencement of the Columbian Vally to the Sea coast; it rises to the hight of 6 or 8 feet, is a Simple branching, Somewhat defused Stem; the main body or trunk is cilindric branches are green Smothe squar, and put foth a number of alternet branches of the Same Colour and form from the two horizontal Sides only. the frute is a small deep purple berry which the nativs inform us is very good, the leaf is thin of a pale green and Small being 3/4 of an inch in length and 3/8 in width; oval terminateing more accoutely at the apax, than near the insersion of the footstalk which is at the base vened nearly entire; footstalks Short and their position in respect to each other is alternate and too ranked, proceeding from the horizontal Side of the bough only. The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
  • A rocket is a cylindrical metal object containing inflammable material, which, when ignited, propels the rocket to a significant height or distance.
  • Groups of indris communicate with mournful and distinctive howls.
  • The semicylindrical portions of the leaf-stalk are formed into cradles for children, or made into splints for fractures. Catalogue of Economic Plants in the Collection of the U. S. Department of Agriculture
  • The ornamental details and mouldings of this style generally partake of late Norman character; and the zig-zag and semicylindrical mouldings on the faces of arches appear to predominate, though other Norman mouldings are common; but we also frequently meet with specimens in the Semi-Norman style in which extreme plainness prevails, and the character is of that nature as to induce us to ascribe such buildings to rather an early period. The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture, Elucidated by Question and Answer, 4th ed.
  • An erect, herbaceous, dichotomously branched perennial, 60-180 cm high, with large, fleshy, cylindrical, obovoid subterranean rhizomes, large lanceolate leaves and white flowers arranged in twin clusters, which very rarely produce red seeds. Chapter 10
  • Very often, it was hard to see, with particles of spindrift rattling against his face mask and goggles. THE BROKEN GOD
  • The Scotch Blue bottle has a slender neck and a cylindrical main body, as has Ballantine's.
  • = -- Fruiting catkins erect or spreading, cylindrical, about 1-1/4 inches long and 1/2 inch in diameter, stalked; scales 3-parted above the center, side lobes larger, at right angles or reflexed: nuts small, ovate to obovate, narrower than the wings, combined wings from broadly obcordate to butterfly-shape, wider than long. Handbook of the Trees of New England
  • His pajama top was half open, buttons gone, no doubt, and she could see his chest, thin, smooth and cylindrical. BARN BLIND
  • With the equivalent cylindrical approximation, we have obtained the asymptotic solution for the problem.
  • And if that threatened squall should burst its bonds and come shrieking and howling in fury across the surface of the sea, scourging it into a mad turmoil of foaming, leaping water and blinding spindrift, while the burnt-out crew of the schooner were making their passage across to the _Mercury_, it might be very bad for them; for even should they be fortunate enough to avoid capsizal, it might be exceedingly difficult, if not altogether impossible, for the ship, smitten and bowed down by the might of the tempest, to pause and pick them up. Overdue The Story of a Missing Ship
  • These are minute cylindrical confervae, in bundles or rafts of from twenty to sixty in each. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • A purplish, long, vaguely cylindrical ship shot up into the air, and rammed him full broadside.
  • Code for construction and acceptance of stand cylindrical steel welded oil storage tank.
  • The main mast, which is lying across the front deck, had its cylindrical shape intact.
  • He picked a few leaves of a kind he said the indris particularly liked. Times, Sunday Times
  • With a cylindrical parabolic mirror collection sunlight lit the torch.
  • It is played on instruments that include the gaida, kaval (seven-hole reed pipe), gadulka (pear-shaped fiddle), tambura (fretted lute), and tupan (cylindrical drum).
  • The metal canisters were cylindrical and each one was a little smaller than a tobacco tin.
  • At present the tamaraw is found primarily in remote areas that have been partly cleared, largely by fire, so that only small pockets of trees remain among coarse grasses such as Imperata cylindrica (a widespread, unpalatable tropical weed commonly called cogon, kunai, alang alang, lalang, or blady grass), and "tahalib" (Saccharum spontaneum). 6 Wild Banteng
  • An optional wraparound system is also available, enabling the machine to label cylindrical products. Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
  • We saw it soon as a cylindrical, cigarlike shape, rather smaller than the _Planetara_, but similar of design. Brigands of the Moon
  • Because of the wind and the spindrift stinging his eyes, he was having trouble seeing. THE BROKEN GOD
  • To the right of the entrance portico is a cylindrical tower which contains the study centre.
  • Beside him on the rock shelf was a small cylindrical shaped object with a whip-thin antenna telescoping from the top.
  • As he chipped the stone away, Michael realized it was a cylindrical object, tapering gradually to a point at each end, made entirely of the odd, silvery metal.
  • She was no more to him than spindrift torn from a storm wave. TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH
  • The cylindrical nave columns are studded with gold mosaic and alternating geometrically decorated capitals.
  • While the extendable flaps of indriids and some other primates are proportionally smaller than the patagia of most gliding and flying tetrapods, they are in the same place and seem to serve the same function, so it seems appropriate to give them this name. Literally, flying lemurs (and not dermopterans)
  • Previous research on the brains of these animals had shown that indris have a much smaller olfactory bulb than do other lemurs.
  • By slipping some beer-can shims between the hinged top piece and the two knurled semi-cylindrical clamshell halves it clamps over, the slippage, as well as an annoying creaking sound, disappeared.
  • The phryganea is another fly of this order; the larva lies concealed under the water in moveable cylindrical tubes of their own making. Note IV
  • The soundpost is a cylindrical piece of wood inside the violin, viola or cello body that joins the belly to the underside of the instrument, and is located below one foot of the bridge.
  • Anachronisms and nautical howlers bombard the reader like spindrift in a Force 10 gale.
  • The specimen also appears to be a whole animal rather than a molt: several appendages are preserved and in the first four and the last two abdominal segments a cylindrical structure is interpreted as the alimentary canal.
  • The limitations of probabilistic reliability of cylindrical spiral spring fatigue strengthen is indicated due to the lack of the original data.
  • He wears a cylindrical helm, a hauberk, apparently hooded, a short surcote, and a broad cingulum. Records of Woodhall Spa and Neighbourhood Historical, Anecdotal, Physiographical, and Archaeological, with Other Matter
  • Thallus light colored, usually thin and smooth, rarely disappearing; apothecia minute to middle-sized, 0.2 to 1 mm. in diameter, adnate scattered or crowded, flat or slightly convex, the disk pruinose, and the exciple persistent; hypothecium lighter or darker brown; hymenium usually pale; paraphyses coherent and becoming indistinct; asci cylindrico-clavate; spores oblong-ellipsoid, 3 to 5 mic. long and 1 to Ohio Biological Survey, Bull. 10, Vol. 11, No. 6 The Ascomycetes of Ohio IV and V
  • The decor is simple, stylish and contemporary, in neutral colours, and not overdone - I particularly liked the strange cylindrical cut-outs in the ceiling.
  • - The stem of the 2nd is procumbent abot the size of the former, jointed and unbranched. it's leaves are cauline, compound and oppositely pinnate; the rib from 14 to 16 inches long celindric and smooth. the leafets The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
  • Double row cylindrical roller bearing is applied on machine tool principal axis.
  • The cylindrical UO2 pellets are stacked and encapsulated in thin walled tubes of zirconium alloy, both ends of which are sealed by resistance welding using zircaloy end plugs. 19 such fuel pins are assembled to form a fuel bundle for PHWR 220 MWe. India Press Release
  • In the picture, a large, cylindrical structure cuts vertically across the bedding of the sedimentary rock.
  • He secured a single-burner gasoline stove and wrapped a cylindrical iron shell lined with fire-clay around it.
  • Lathes make wheels, or, more precisely , they make cylindrical objects.
  • The spigot stem had an annular cutting edge to cut a cylindrical plug out of the bung or stopper by twisting the spigot.
  • 105 bars confining pressure was applied to prevent leakage in between the cylindrical face and the membrane.
  • Finally, starting out one morning at sunrise, Zedd made the long walk down to the city of Aydindril, to the market on Stentor Street. NAKED EMPIRE
  • Bulb pyriform, cylindrical at the crown, which, like that of the Red The Field and Garden Vegetables of America Containing Full Descriptions of Nearly Eleven Hundred Species and Varietes; With Directions for Propagation, Culture and Use.
  • They have cylindrical, usually hollow stems; alternate, generally compound leaves the basis of whose stalks ensheath the branches or stems; and small flowers almost always arranged in compound terminal umbels. Culinary Herbs: Their Cultivation Harvesting Curing and Uses
  • The male member has at least three facets evenly distributed about its axis and each facet is generally cylindrical with generatrices orthogonal to the axis and on respective opposite sides of a common transverse plane.
  • Sometimes the first mode is resorted to with the addition of what is called bushing the peg-hole, that is, after the glueing performance has been gone through, it will last strong enough while the hole is being enlarged, a cylindrical plug of wood being inserted, and glued. The Repairing & Restoration of Violins 'The Strad' Library, No. XII.
  • The red vertical cylindrical shapes of the missile silos stood silent watch over their companions.
  • This object is brown, semi-cylindrical in shape, and looks kind of… squishy.
  • By late August the scrubber plant was in operation; it consisted of a 4 x 20-foot rotating cylindrical trommel screen set at a slight incline.
  • Eighthly, one should drink out of a good breakfast cupthat is, the cylindrical type of cup, not the flat, shallow type. A Nice Cup of Tea
  • To minimise distortion, long cylindrical objects should be quenched vertically, flat sections edgeways and thick sections should enter the bath first.
  • The cylindrical, polished glass cuvette (outer diameter of 10 mm) was run under an ionizer to minimize unwanted light scatter and static charge before each experiment.
  • The body, or diaphysis is cylindrical, with a central cavity termed the medullary canal; the wall consists of dense, compact tissue of considerable thickness in the middle part of the body, but becoming thinner toward the extremities; within the medullary canal is some cancellous tissue, scanty in the middle of the body but greater in amount toward the ends. II. Osteology. 1. Development of the Skeleton
  • I also thought of the huge cylindrical fuel storage tanks, with stairs that circle around the outside.
  • One of the challenges of crank grinding relates to clamping the workpiece in the chuck so that the crank pin can be cylindrically ground.
  • The cylindrical tube of the conical sleeve, which is provided with outer screw threads, is provided with at least one cushion ring and at least one screw nut.
  • The bench planes [instructed Nicholson] are, the jack plane, the fore plane, the trying plane, the long plane, the jointer, and the smoothing plane; the cylindric plane, the compass and forkstaff planes; the straight block, for straightening short edges. Woodworking Tools 1600-1900
  • Trulli are centuries-old stone and masonry cottages built from cylindrical room-size chambers - each enclosed by conical stone roofs.
  • Everyone in England should see it from the deck of a wooden sailing ship, with a chill on the air and the taste of spindrift on their lips.
  • Tarski's cylindric algebras constitute a particular abstract formulation of first order logic in terms of diagonal relations coding equality and substitution relations encoding variables. Algebra
  • Rats were restrained by putting them in cylindrical restrainers 5.5 cm in inner diameter and 20 cm in length, with small holes in the front end for ventilation.
  • The irradiations were performed in a thermostated cylindrical glass cuvette (2 cm diameter X 2 cm length) fitted with a magnetic stirrer.
  • Coal gas is made, as you are all aware, by heating coal or cannel, which is the special form of coal most valued for the purpose, on account of the high quality of gas it produces in cylindrical fireclay retorts. Scientific American Supplement, No. 447, July 26, 1884
  • Beyond was a flurry of activity as men and women in white lab coats bustled around a dozen or so large, cylindrical vats containing a nearly opaque, viscous liquid.
  • One would imagine that one was passing through rocks presenting nothing interesting: the rocks are in many places very hard, particularly when they have been long exposed to the atmosphere, in which case they are less red than when sheltered by vegetation, when they are soft and of a reddish colour: the fossils are by no means frequent, the cylindric Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Nigerians build simple rectangular or cylindrical houses of reed, mud brick, or cinder block.
  • With repeated burning, alang-alang grass (Imperata cylindrica) may become dominant. Sulawesi montane rain forests
  • Body cylindrical, scales small; ventral shields brown, rounded; tail rather short, tapering; subcaudal plates two, round. Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2
  • The shell is cylindrical, dense and heavy; the spire is short, with channelled sutures, and the aperture long and narrow; the anterior part is notched; the columella is callous and striated obliquely. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • The anatomic changes from these diverse causes have been classified by Reid into three categories: cylindrical, varicose, and saccular or cystic.
  • Developes a three - dimensional heat transfer program in the cylindric coordinate system.
  • Its segments are separable to the extent of 2°, and through the contrivance of cylindrical slides (originally suggested by Bessel) perfect definition is preserved in all positions, giving a range of accurate measurement just six times that with a filar micrometer. Scientific American Supplement, No. 623, December 10, 1887
  • Application to steam-tight boilers with cylindrical exchanger.
  • Taking place on a cylindrical space station orbiting the Earth, Vanquish puts you in experimental body armour that lets you jet around the environment at high speed and upgrade the various weapons you pick up. This week's new games
  • Don, this is a tangled tale, but apparently they think that there is some kind of suspicious -- what they describe as a cylindrical object found on the campus. CNN Transcript Oct 12, 2006
  • The handles are barrel shaped, with a distinct bulge near the middle, rather than cylindrical, on both spindles.
  • One of his suitcases contained three cylindrical stone seals, made of marble and alabaster.
  • Although the remains of this style are for the most part plain and devoid of ornamental detail, we occasionally meet with mouldings of a semicylindrical or roll-like form, on the face or under the soffit of an arch, and these are sometimes continued down the sides of the jambs or piers. The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture, Elucidated by Question and Answer, 4th ed.
  • 108 THE SAPROLKGNIACEJS OF THE UNITED STATES, cylindrical, terminal or intercalary, commonly in torulose series, their walls more or less abundantly marked by small pits, and yellowish brown when old. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
  • The dynamic response at different positions flat end plat and cylindrical shell was comparatively analyzed.
  • Sterile catkins 3-4 inches long, slender, purplish-yellow; scales fringed: fertile catkins erect or suberect, sessile or nearly so, 1/2-1 inch long, oblong-cylindrical; bracts pubescent; lateral lobes wider than in _B. lutea. Handbook of the Trees of New England
  • The optical design and optical efficiency of line focus cylindrical Fresnel lens for solar concentrator are discussed.
  • Eighthly, one should drink out of a good breakfast cup — that is, the cylindrical type of cup, not the flat, shallow type. Collected Essays
  • The curves for the areas in which an umbral eclipse is viewed as partial are of two sorts: cylindrical and conchoid. The History of the Former Han Dynasty
  • This cylindrical, tufted pillow would fit in perfectly with a formal living room with heavy drapes, deep sofas, and perhaps a Bichon Frise curled up on the ottoman.
  • The = stem = is cylindrical, even, or slightly tapering upward, hollow or stuffed, not bulbous, smooth, or with mealy particles or prominent floccose scales. Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
  • The petiole is a cylindrical shell composed of compact unlignified tissue with a honeycomb aerenchymatous core.
  • Grand pyxides could be made in silver, such as the Swinburn Pyx, c. 1310 (London, V & A), a parcel-gilt cylindrical box originally decorated with basse-taille enamel.
  • The structure has eight cylindrical tubes that store the equivalent amount to that of moneybags.
  • The object has onyx handles with cylindrical finger grips echoing post-classical pre-Columbian motifs.
  • This fusion event pinches off the water sheets, trapping the water in cylindrical pores, which are the hallmark of inverted phases.
  • I found published tables of data on limb proportions, where it turned out that indriid lemurs are closer to Homo in femur: tibia: pes ratios than any other primates. Literally, flying lemurs (and not dermopterans)
  • Common calyx cylindrical, 2 circles of oval, scarious leaflets around its border, 11 hermaphrodite disk-flowers and about 5 pistillate ray-flowers. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • The _inflorescence_ is a diffuse panicle 4 to 14 inches long with filiform, divaricate, scaberulous, angled branches; the main _rachis_ is angular, smooth below and scaberulous above; peduncle is cylindric, striate, 2 to 12 inches long. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Petri dish is a cylindrical container with a lid where biologists use to study cells.
  • His pajama top was half open, buttons gone, no doubt, and she could see his chest, thin, smooth and cylindrical. BARN BLIND

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