
How To Use Indonesia In A Sentence

  • If the Indonesian judiciary really can be influenced by political heavies, this is one occasion when I hope such influence is exerted.
  • Dian Agung Nugroho's photo "F*** You (What's on her mind?)" captures a Chinese Indonesian schoolgirl flipping off an old Chinese Indonesian beggar lady. Boing Boing
  • Here retired US diplomat Ellsworth Bunker drew up a plan to transfer the administrative authority for West Papua from the Netherlands to a neutral administrator, and thence to Indonesia.
  • A further explanation may lie in the principles and style of legal interpretation and administration that are operative in Indonesia's contemporary legal system.
  • But a country that is even closer to Indonesia is Australia and there are still pygmies in Australia too.
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  • The Titan Arum was discovered in 1878 in its sole indigenous habitat, the Indonesian island of Sumatra, and grows in cultivation in only a handful of places around the world.
  • About 100 workers' representatives attended the hearing, but Sony was only represented by two Indonesian assistant managers.
  • Carambola, a small tree or shrub, is thought to be native to Java or other parts of Indonesia, and perhaps also Sri Lanka.
  • The President said the bridge would boost the economy on Madura island, which has been largely untouched by development, lagging behind other regions in Indonesia.
  • Some of them married Indonesian women, converted to Islam or other faiths and applied for Indonesian citizenship.
  • A number of Jakarta street foods that carry the Betawi suffix, including gado-gado Betawi and sup Betawi, a spicy beef soup made with coconut and milk, came from this subset of Indonesian people. The Dish: Gado-Gado
  • In Friday's pictures, rain slams the Northeast, a man is publicly whipped in Indonesia, India prepares to celebrate Gandhi and more. Photos of the Day: Oct. 1
  • It's rejected the Pacific Islands Forum but some of the countries its courting such as Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, even Papua New Guinea, could all bring something to the table here and I don't think we have really trialed that, Jones stated. Australia Urged to Rethink Fiji Ties
  • The worker, employed by stevedoring company Perkins, was crushed by a container while unloading an Indonesian ship.
  • Yusuf Ahmad/Reuters INDONESIA TORRENTS: Villagers carried a motorcycle in a flooded village in Palopo, Indonesia, Wednesday. Today's Photos: Nov. 5
  • Asset management companies set up by governments in Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia and Thailand have mopped up the worst bad loans, unburdening banks by pulling the plug on deadbeat borrowers.
  • The government's response was to distance itself from the tragedy, claiming repeatedly that the boat had sunk in Indonesian waters.
  • The women in Indonesia and Malaysia wear what is known as baju kurung and baju kebaya. Archive 2009-09-01
  • Manouria emys, which occurs as far south as the Indonesian Island of Sumatra, and as far north as the Chinese border with Burma. The Full Feed from
  • The government wanted to boost the growth of Indonesia's textile industry by developing rayon fibre production in order to reduce dependence on imported cotton.
  • Too much pressure now could help to derail Indonesia's emergent democracy.
  • The sparsely populated island of New Guinea, the second largest island in the world after Greenland, is divided between two countries: the independent nation of Papua New Guinea in the east, and the Indonesian Papua -- formally known as Irian Jaya -- in the west. Danna Harman: Searching for Cannibals
  • On the other is the open-air lounge, with a fully stocked bar and comfy Indonesian daybeds with plump throw pillows, and low tables that double as footrests.
  • The four orang-utans and two gibbons were returned to Indonesia after being illegally poached and smuggled to Japan eight months ago.
  • To this end, the company is betting on expanding its oil and gas productions from fields outside Indonesia.
  • It follows that Islam in Indonesia has been always complex and multifaceted.
  • The wristbands are not freely distributed to our employees as it would deviate from the original intention to help our target beneficiaries in Indonesia who need curative eye treatment.
  • Besides, there was also some Indonesian food such as sate ayam, bakmi goreng, lumpia, bakwan, rempeyek, kembang goyang and kerupuk ikan. Scand News for S.E.A - Scandinavian News Portal for Southeast Asia
  • The DNA profile of the bloodstain found on a bedsheet was the same as Muntik Bani's, the Indonesian maid who died from abuse in October last year, the High Court was told. Nst online
  • The most common ceramics to be found in Indonesia are green-glazed wares, conventionally called celadon.
  • These newcomers earned their living as small businessmen, religious teachers or labourers and were later to provide succour and support for the third wave of Indonesian migration to Thailand.
  • One of my top priorities was to pay another visit to Asia's only great ape, the orangutan, which is endemic to Borneo and the Indonesian island of Sumatra. NYT > Home Page
  • Español · Israel: Anuncio de telefonía celular agita el debate por la ocupación palestina bahasa Indonesia · Israel: Perusahaan Iklan Seluler Memicu Debat Okupasi Global Voices in English » Israel: Cellular firm ad stirs occupation debate
  • A third such operation offshore Indonesia, further confirm the value of integrated bottomhole assemblies. Schlumberger Limited CEO Discusses Q4 2010 Earnings Call Transcript - Seeking Alpha
  • He has been actively engaged in an open exchange on what Indonesia is and should be.
  • Beaded cloth from India, Indonesian batiks, and Hawaiian tapa are perfect for pillows or throws.
  • On Monday, for its first weekday bulletins, the Five News team could call upon a dozen reporters in Thailand, Sri Lanka and Indonesia.
  • Analysts say Golkar boasts the most qualified candidates and has a strong foothold throughout Indonesia.
  • For both, the top priority was to maintain permanently friendly relations with Indonesia; no other issue was to be permitted to disrupt the relationship.
  • Indonesia, may lend support to the multilineal or "branching" view of human evolution. Undefined
  • Our image chief just isn't feeling the love: U.S. goodwill envoy Karen Hughes got a earful from a group of mostly female Indonesian Muslim students on Friday, who expressed anger at the U. S.-led invasion of Iraq and attacked Washington's foreign policies. 10/21/2005
  • This crescent is significant to Islam and is borne on the state flags and official marquees of Muslim countries from Algeria to Indonesia. Daniel Bruno Sanz: Bad Moon, Burnt Qurans, Birthers and Flat Earthers
  • Meanwhile, the EU lets oilseed enter the market duty free, but imposes high duties on processed oils from Indonesia and Malaysia.
  • Many of the island's great stands of trees have been felled, and Indonesian loggers continue to decimate an area half the size of Switzerland each year.
  • The man, who wants to remain anonymous, is believed to have picked up the disease when he lived in Indonesia. Northern Ireland Man Is Diagnosed With Leprosy | Impact Lab
  • The consulate will carryon a political dialogue with Indonesia.
  • Currently, there are at least five martial arts in Indonesia that stage women's fighting events: judo, karate, pencak silat, taekwondo and wushu.
  • Fortunately, reason prevailed, the feudal overlords decamped, and no-one (apart from an unfortunate Indonesian border policeman) was killed.
  • Instead, in his view, they may have knowingly allowed the heavily overloaded and unseaworthy boat to leave Indonesia and sink soon afterwards.
  • ABS: During the Indonesian times, while doing my studies in Yogyakarta, I came across books on Timor-Leste such as “EasTimor: Nationalism and Colonialism” by Jill Jollife, a fellow journalist, from Australia. Global Voices in English » East Timor: Abe Barreto Soares’ Poetry for Nation Building
  • Padahal, berulang kali para pakar ekonomi Indonesia maupun dunia mengatakan bahwa untuk membentengi krisis global, sebuah negara mesti memperkuat ekonomi realnya, mikro. Global Voices in English » Indonesia: Central Bank Chief, the next VP?
  • European explorers - first the Portuguese in search of the Spice Islands (Indonesia) and then the Spanish - reached the Carolines in the 16th century, with the Spanish establishing sovereignty.
  • In the other loungey-area (you are too tired to bother much with effusive description of the decor, but there is a great buffet area), there is a news broadcast about an earthquake in Indonesia, which leads to worries about a tsunami in the Asian region. > Leave Perth
  • If Indonesia wants to have an internationally competitive workforce, a major overhaul of its educational system is only the first step in a long process that lies ahead.
  • He came to Indonesia in 1938 as a soldier and a lithographer for the Dutch Army in Indonesia.
  • In China, India and Indonesia, twice as many people are dying from diarrheal diseases than from HIV/AIDS. Jonathan Lewis: I Am a Water Billionaire
  • Timor-Leste is one of the smallest countries in the world, consisting of the eastern half of the island of Timor western half belongs to Indonesia, and the islands of Atauro and Jaco, and the exclave of Oecusse. Howard Steven Friedman: Timor-Leste Beauty
  • Indonesia is not full of progs like we are.
  • The second version defines the seventh continent as Oceania Australia, Indonesia and other surrounding islands and brings in the bigger challenge of Carstensz. The Seattle Times
  • PT Indo Tirta Suaka, a pig farm owned by Indonesia's biggest conglomerate, is taking methane released from manure and turning it into power. Indonesian Businesses Find Savings Through Emission Reduction Plans
  • A significant proportion of the university's international fee-paying students hail from Indonesia.
  • After the incident, Indonesia Ambassador to ROK embassy door Nicolas La Sida website issued a statement denying relocation information.
  • This sense of statelessness terrified him and he dreaded what might happen if the Indonesian or Malaysian police nabbed him.
  • The idea is to work with local raw materials, source everything locally to cut the supply-chain waste," adds Mr. Stillhart, the company's head of coffee and so-called popularly positioned products—the entry-level food and drinks aimed at lower-income consumers—in Indonesia. Global Food Firms Stir Local Ingredients
  • She adds beans to beef rendang, which is one of the varieties of Indonesian coconut milk curries from Padang, Sumatra. The Volokh Conspiracy » Are Carbs Worse than Fat?
  • The Australian Government says Indonesia has an independent judiciary and a pardon is only appropriate after a conviction.
  • The malls are complaining because not only is their traffic down, but some cinemas have stopped paying rent," said Ananda Siregar , head of Blitz Megaplex, Indonesia's second largest cinema chain. Indonesia Drops Tax That Blocked Blockbusters
  • I also lived 17 years overseas, in Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia/East Timor, Egypt, Hong Kong and India; and have done the rounds of several low-budget insurgencies, plus the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Bosnia - so I know of what I speak. MP Nunan: "Off the Map" Is Off the Mark
  • The club's youth exchange program has sent many young Indonesians to other countries and has long been a model for homestays abroad.
  • According to the Indonesian official, a meeting will take place later in the evening to decide whether the time-bound measures will be inserted into the text.
  • During the 32-year long kleptocratic rule of the authoritarian president Soeharto the huge Indonesian archipelago was ruled from Jakarta.
  • More than 200 asylum seekers were missing after their ship capsized on its way to Australia from Indonesia. What's News
  • It is no secret that such an expectation is not yet a part of the national consciousness of Indonesia.
  • They said that Papua was not one of the territories that declared their independence as the Indonesian unitary state on Aug 17, 1945.
  • Sausages come topped with your choice of sauerkraut, caramelized onions, sweet peppers, salsa verde or a spicy Indonesian salsa called sambal balado. The Orange County Register - News Headlines : Top Stories
  • Malaysia has also pledged to send personnel to Indonesia and has provided two military aircraft for rescue missions.
  • Telkomsel's pretax profit contribution to SingTel fell 11% in Indonesian rupiah terms in the quarter ended June 30. Investors Put SingTel on Hold
  • At least 80 Indonesian workers were currently undergoing training in Japan in preparation for the opening of the new plants.
  • Examples of such dwarfism or gigantism include the giant tortoises of the Seychelles islands, Indonesia's Komodo dragons, and the boas of the Belizean Snake Cayes.
  • This is a momentous opportunity that Indonesia must seize.
  • Sept. 27 - Oct. 1 Agence France Presse/Getty Images An Indonesian vendor is caned Friday in Aceh for violating sharia, or strict Islamic law, by selling food during the fasting time of Ramadan. Irish Troubles, Strong Tea, Flash Report
  • Across the office, a couple of guys were discussing English, Indonesian and Mandarin Chinese in the morning.
  • Malang, like other regional towns of Indonesia, is changing, and a market for new local newspapers is emerging.
  • YOGYAKARTA, Indonesia (Reuters) - The Sultan of Yogyakarta, a revered Indonesian royal who has long harbored political ambitions, told an audience of thousands made up of princes and commoners that he would run for president next year. Democratic Underground Latest Breaking News
  • Indonesia's dignity and self-respect are not diminished by pursuing good relations with Australia.
  • Since he has never been to Indonesia before, he did not want to come with a fixed concept, but rather to discover the new situation first.
  • Divers can explore the underwater wonders of Eastern Indonesia on seven to eight days cruises to the islands of Komodo, Alor, Flores, Sumbawa and Lombok.
  • JAKARTA, INDONESIA - Long shadowed in the United States by dark rumors that he attended a radical Muslim school while growing up in Indonesia, President Obama faces pressure from some old school pals to finally come clean about the past. Prison
  • The Indonesian coalminer that he co-founded said yesterday that he was thinking about underwriting a rights issue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scientists isolated the disease from swine in a part of Indonesia where pigs are raised underneath elevated wood-slatted platforms that house chickens.
  • This ecoregion represents the moist forests on Halmahera, Morotai, Obi, Bacan, and the other nearby Maluku Islands in the northeastern Indonesian Archipelago. Halmahera rain forests
  • At 12.59 am, a massive deep sea quake struck just off the coast of Indonesia, sparking a tidal wave of monstrous proportions.
  • I have been extremely distressed by the religious and ethnic violence that is widespread in certain parts of Indonesia and am chagrined that the government has not seen fit to protect innocent Indonesian citizens from that violence.
  • BANDA ACEH (Indonesia) - Political parties in Indonesia's Aceh province pledged peace on Friday for the first national elections since government and rebel forces signed a deal to end decades of war. TODAYonline
  • Delegates from around 190 nations began the session Monday on the Indonesian resort island of Bali.
  • The federation said that Indonesia's CPO stocks have reached between 400,000 and 500,000 tons, and the stocks will continue to increase because the market is already oversupplied.
  • I just feel like I need something different because every other day of the week I have Indonesian food, such as rendang (beef stew), tempeh or tofu. The Jakarta Post Breaking News
  • The White House announced that the U.S. would lift the embargo on commercial sales of non-lethal defense articles and expand contact between the U.S. and Indonesian militaries.
  • Typically, the trades bring warm moist air towards the Indonesian region.
  • Two British military liaison and reconnaissance teams have also been deployed - one to Colombo and the second to Indonesian capital Jakarta.
  • Nine foreign fishing vessels, all Indonesian flagged, were apprehended and escorted to Gove by Customs and the Navy, the Senators said.
  • All over Indonesia the H5N1 strain of avian influenza was killing birds by the million. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was one Indonesian guy in a red shirt who, not weighed down by carry bags, lenses and boom mikes, was running after the police car with a video camera no larger than the size of his palm.
  • The Indonesian archipelago stretches over a vast area, straddling the equator.
  • According to reports, South Korean agents tried to steal Indonesia's imports from South Korea on advanced trainer T-50, Panther tanks and other negotiations the price of strategic intelligence.
  • The Indonesian bishops have been petitioning for some 30 years now to ordain some of their married catechists in order to provide the Eucharist mass and the sacraments for people.
  • Given the fractured power structure in Indonesia, there is a real danger of civil unrest and anarchy.
  • Obviously, Indonesian artists were elated to learn of the appointment of Dullah.
  • This explains why the region was under Dutch colonialism in the shortest period of time among the rest of what constitutes Indonesia.
  • ‘We've photographed rhinoceros hornbills and great argus pheasants before but when we found that we'd photographed a Sumatran ground cuckoo, we couldn't believe it,’ said field leader Yoan Dinata of Fauna and Flora International Indonesia.
  • Two years in the making, the house is something between a Mexican palapa and an Indonesian-style bure.
  • The trees bearing rudraksha fruits are found in the Himalayan region, Nepal, and also in Indonesia and belong to the Eleo Carpus Ganitras type of plants.
  • In return, several members of Bank Indonesia's board of governors tendered their resignation.
  • Mr An is one of many people taken aback in recent years by a change in the atmosphere of intellectual life in Indonesia. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was as much a part of the allure of the trip as the expedition's ultimate goal: the summit of 16,024-foot Carstensz Pyramid on the island of New Guinea which includes the Indonesian province of West Papua and the country of Papua New Guinea. The Seattle Times
  • The study provides scientific evidence that the so-called "hobbit" bones found in 2003 on the Indonesian island of Flores belonged to a pygmy with a skull-deforming condition called microcephaly, not a member of a previously unknown species of human being, Pruning the Human Family Tree
  • Thousands of women in Indonesia have become victims of a trendy beauty treatment called the silicone injection, long outlawed in most developed countries.
  • MARIA RESSA, CNN JAKARTA BUREAU CHIEF (voice-over): The alumni of this Islamic boarding school includes nearly all of Indonesia's top terrorist suspects, like the suicide bomber from last month's Marriott Hotel blast in Jakarta and the men now on trial for the Bali bombing last year, which killed more than 200 people. CNN Transcript Sep 5, 2003
  • SEVEN DAYS MOURNING FOR SUHARTO: GEORGE W. BUSH WOULD LIKE THIS SORT OF ENDINGBy Kevin A. Stoda The longtime leader of Indonesia, Suharto, is dead, but aside from the funeral on a few TV stations and aside from a handful of flags at half mast around Bali, life goes on in this tropical paradise. SEVEN DAYS MOURNING FOR SUHARTO: GEORGE W. BUSH WOULD LIKE THIS SORT OF ENDING
  • Indonesia is also a haven for the international trade in endangered animals, an illegal activity that ranks only behind drug trafficking in lucrativeness.
  • This ecoregion represents the semi-evergreen dry forests of Timor, Wetar, and some smaller islands in the provinces of Nusa Tenggara and Maluku in the eastern Indonesian Archipelago. Timor and Wetar deciduous forests
  • The Indonesian courts upheld Mr Haryanto's claim and rejected Man's claim.
  • In the capital, Jayapura, demonstrators marched past heavily armed police in support of a referendum on independence and to renounce a 1969 U.N.-backed vote that brought Papua under Indonesia's control. Violence, Protests Underscore Papuan Independence Movement
  • Dua koran ini melanjutkan, penangkapan para pejabat teras Indonesia oleh KPK telah mempertinggi peluang Yudhoyono untuk kembali terpilih pada Pemilihan Presiden Juli nanti. ANTARA - Berita Terkini
  • The clove is native to the far east of Indonesia, yet somehow these cloves found their way to ancient Mesopotamia. A Conversation with Jack Turner
  • Scientists have unearthed the bones of a human dwarf species in Indonesia that existed as recently as 18,000 years ago.
  • The outfit for men is called baju melayu or baju koko which is worn together with kain samping (made out of songket) and songkok (a dark coloured headgear); in Indonesia the men will usually wear pants with similar color to the shirt or (normal black pants) and a (black head cover called) Peci. Archive 2009-09-01
  • Jatuhnya pesawat milik TNI yang terjadi beberapa kali belakangan ini dapat dijadikan sebagai indikasi bahwa kualitas Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) perlu dipertanyakan. Global Voices in English » Indonesia: Deteriorating Primary Defense Weapon System
  • However, the fodder is not utilized in Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Chapter 37
  • Tuesday, February 16, 2010 at 3: 10 a.m. JAKARTA, Indonesia - President Barack Obama's visit to Indonesia next month will give new momentum to already positive relations between Washington and Jakarta, the foreign minister said Tuesday. Fore, right!
  • Indonesia used to be a Dutch colony, known as the Dutch East Indies. Huckabee's 'Kenya' clarification raises more questions
  • You get turtles, moray eels and titan triggerfish but not the variety of reef fish in the Red Sea or Indonesia, says John Bantin.
  • At Grasberg operations in Indonesia, we have continued during 2009 and forward the development of our very large underground projects to develop the reserves that are there these are 40 billion pounds plus of copper, 35 million ounces of gold enormous reverse with very large life we've continued to develop the access to the reserves that directly underlie the existing pit, which will be available to us as the pit depletes, which is currently scheduled for 2015. Home Page
  • Malaysia has deported an Iraqi suspected of being the ringleader of a syndicate that smuggles people out of western Asia to Australia via Malaysia and Indonesia, the official news agency Bernama reported Wednesday.
  • The park was officially gazetted and is the only national park in Indonesia to have gone through this process.
  • The Indonesian army has not faced any external threat since 1965 yet it has arrogated enormous powers to itself inside the country.
  • Tour the edge of mt bromo volcano w/indonesia adventure capitalists PaulFDavis. com Saya cinta Indonesia - Photown News
  • In the meantime, Philippine's export keeps plunging and falling price of palm also begins to threaten the export situation of Indonesia and Malaysia.
  • Carey satirizes literary culture, plays with archetypes, exoticism, and the convolutions of travel yarns, and evokes Malaysia and Indonesia with aplomb.
  • The city's colonial past means most world cuisines are represented, from French haute cuisine to Indonesian rijsttafel.
  • Yet most analysts of the Indonesian economy agree that a consumption rally alone can't sustain recovery.
  • The early fishers were Malays, also known as Macassans, from the Indonesian islands, and it seems they regularly sailed south in their sailing ships or praus to harvest, preserve, and take their trepang home.
  • Indonesia has more volcanoes than any other country, and they cause frequent disruption to transport. Times, Sunday Times
  • When recently I asked an Indonesian acquaintance for advice on the feeding habits of young puppies, the reply I got was not one I had expected.
  • Indonesia declared its independence in 1945, but for four more years, the Dutch fought to hang on to their former colony, known as the Dutch East Indies. NPR Topics: News
  • C Indonesian confrontation against the Singapore Malaya merger proposal.
  • Indonesia, which set huge waves known as tsunamis rolling out around the region. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • When the Indonesian currency collapsed, the retail price of soya escalated, making the cooking oil far too expensive for the bulk of the people to afford.
  • Until the Netherlands transferred sovereignty to an independent Indonesia in December 1949, West Papua remained an economic and administrative backwater.
  • Since no simians have ever been detected on these islands, this population possibly acquired the virus from Indonesian simians on their migratory pathways.
  • In Africa and parts of Indonesia, the game goes by the name Milo and points are scored differently.
  • The airline has so-called code-sharing agreements with Delta Air, Alitalia, Garuda Indonesia, Thai Airways and Vietnam Airlines.
  • For us Indonesians,rice is the most usual food.
  • The Indoaustralia plate meets with the Euroasia and Pacific plates, and their movements cause intense tectonic activity in Indonesia.
  • The police also are under pressure to prove they can work effectively after their separation from the Indonesian Military.
  • July 21, 2010 at 12:19 pm my “most wanted to see” destinations are: Bora-bora, Indonesia and Greece! The world is in the palm of our hands | Free People Clothing Boutique Blog
  • The ceremonial Indonesian procession slowly descended the stairs onto the stage.
  • Indonesia will send 14 players to the Olympics, consisting of two in the men's singles, six in the men's doubles, four in the mixed doubles and two in the women's doubles.
  • Wasn't the closest port in Indonesia when the ship received a distress call?
  • Tales of a half-ape, half-man-like creature in the rainforest are part of the folklore of tribespeople on Sumatra in Indonesia but, despite many sightings by locals and Western scientists, its existence has never been proved.
  • Indonesia, Southeast Asia's largest economy, was forced to postpone its maiden global offering of Islamic bonds, known as sukuk, in November when the credit crisis triggered risk aversion. Indonesia Advances Islam Bond
  • ‘We should be aware that imported shrimp can be easily re-exported with an Indonesian label on it and nothing can be done to prove or trace the origin of the commodity,’ he said.
  • For us Indonesians,rice is the most usual food.
  • The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) legislator Rekso Ageng Herman also said that the social insurance bill would not work if it remained unrevised.
  • Aceh is an autonomous province of Indonesia which enforces the Sharia law. Global Voices in English » Aceh, Indonesia: Adulterers will be stoned to death
  • Being the chairman of the Indonesian Governors Association, he said, would make it easier for him to coordinate with the regions.
  • The old Indonesian and Malaysian name laksa shows that this pasta originated in Persia, not from a Chinese source (as in the case of the modern Indonesian name mie).
  • The parliaments of Australia and Indonesia have yet to ratify the treaty.
  • Food price protests were seen a factor in the ousting of Indonesia's long-term autocrat Reuters: Top News
  • Thalassa in the wake of the great explorers: Indonesia special Marine Worm Cult's Violent Rituals
  • Indonesia's election campaign is in many ways a battle between two dynasties which have dominated politics since the country's birth almost 60 years ago.
  • For many physically disabled people, steps leading into a public transportation vehicle are unconquerable barriers, and public transport in Indonesia generally do not have handicap-access, such as ramps.
  • Wahid reportedly replied he will ask Indonesia's finance minister and the tariff bureau chief to investigate the problem.
  • The United States may withdraw non-essential staff from its embassy in Indonesia because of increasing concerns about the security of its citizens, well-placed sources say.
  • The idea began in a place called Bandung, in Indonesia, in 1955 when a bloc of mostly African and Asian nations, often former colonies freed in the tumult that followed World War II met and announced to the world that they would be a force to be reckoned with. Crooks and Liars
  • TVC Telkom - Gratis Telpon Rumah client: pt. telkom agency: bates indonesia AD: ulva prinka tulip CW: tomy siagian prod. house: atmosphere director: anggun priambodo dop: ipung art: iwent wardrobe: ranti ada juga di culapculap. - Business News
  • And why weren't they more effective in persuading the Indonesians of the importance of this case to Australia?
  • The term flip-flop used in relation to Obama could be construed to be a negative code word for his upbringing in Indonesia, one of the lands of indiginous flip-flop wearing peoples. Barack Obama has not flip-flopped or betrayed his lefty fans. You need to understand: He's a "visionary minimalist."
  • The Camellia sinensis tea plant is native to China and commercially produced in tropical and subtropical regions, primarily China, Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia, India and Sri Lanka (Ceylon).
  • Dutch New Guinea, now West Papua, was briefly self-ruling from December 1, 1961 until December 18, 1961, when Indonesia invaded and evantually annexed it.
  • The Prime Minister has just announced establishment of six new Honorary Consulates in Indonesia, namely, Ambon, Balikpapan, Kupang, Medan, Surabaya and Ujung Pandang. Government Response to Senate Consular Services Report
  • Banyak di antara para menginginkan orang Batak, orang Melayu, KH Abdurrahman Wahid adalah tokoh nasional yang sejak awal mengedepankan politisi yang berasal dari akademisi menjadi orang Jawa, atau keturunan Chinese yang pernah mengenyam pendidikan saja pun di belakang tim pemenangan para calon pluralisme dan kemajemukan di Indonesia sehingga patut disebut sebagai Bapak berani mengajukan dirinya bahkan banyak dalam berbagai pemilihan umum baik un - terkesan "naif" dengan pernyataan-pernya - lebih cocok. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Also cruising through to the semifinals were Indonesian men's singles shuttlers.
  • A conservative Indonesian lawmaker who helped pass a controversial antipornography law resigned three days after he was caught watching explicit videos on his computer during a parliamentary session. World Watch
  • Clinton in turn said the United States supports “open dialogue” between the Indonesian government and Papuan representatives to address regional grievances. US, Indonesia, Urge Further Action on South China Sea
  • Towns were levelled by tidal waves which left bodies wedged in trees as the waters receded, Indonesian officials and witnesses said.
  • The politicians, business interests and journalists that were part of the Indonesian lobby in Australia did use racial stereotyping.
  • Indonesia banned in 2001 the sale of ramin, a blond tropical hardwood, and registered it under CITES Appendix 3 to curb the illegal trade.
  • Australia's relations with Indonesia were relatively untroubled during the early years of the 1970s.
  • On Thursday morning, the Indonesian Anti-Terrorism Special Unit Densus 88 was reported to be in the middle of shoot-out with a small Islamic hardliner group at the outskirt of Solo, Central Java. Global Voices in English » Indonesia: Most wanted man confirmed dead
  • Centuries of Portuguese misrule followed by brutal occupation by Indonesia has meant that only 40% of the 800,000 can read or write.
  • These university students are expected to understand more about the condition of oil and gas business in Indonesia, the limited unrenewable natural resources, with the hope that they will be the right agents to deliver the information effectively to their colleagues.
  • Jakarta uses the term integration when referring to the turn of events leading up to East Timor becoming Indonesia's 27th province in 1976. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Trees burned on a peatland area being converted into an oil palm estate in the Indonesian province of Riau. Every Tree Counts
  • Ina: i'm so corious about uzumaki movie. i have seen a lot of uzumaki movie picture in the internet. but i can't find it in the DVD store in my country in indonesia. if you all know ... Anime Nano!
  • JAKARTA, INDONESIA : Gunmen raided a police station killing three police officers in the island of Sumatra, Indonesia, local media said Wednesday. Gunmen attack Indonesian police station, kill 3 officers - World News, 47294
  • Now the company is exporting those ideas to other parts of the world - from Indonesia to the Congo.
  • I think we need to be coordinating with Indonesia to get permission to overfly their territory. BALANCE OF POWER
  • Many of Indonesia's ethnic groups have strong kinship groupings based upon patrilineal, matrilineal, or bilateral descent.
  • Italiano · Indonesia: adulteri lapidati a morte, nuova legge della provincia autonoma di Aceh Global Voices in English » Aceh, Indonesia: Adulterers will be stoned to death

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