How To Use Indolent In A Sentence

  • _ When a scirrhus affects any gland of no great extent or sensibility, it is, after a long period of time, liable to suppurate without inducing fever, like the indolent tumors of the conglobate or lymphatic glands above mentioned; whence collections of matter are often found after death both in men and other animals; as in the liver of swine, which have been fed with the grounds of fermented mixtures in the distilleries. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • One arm disentangled itself from the covers, her fingers curling indolently into the fine cotton of the quilt.
  • My sister, indolent and unimaginative as she was, had visions of endless touch-typing speed trials supervised by austere women under flickering striplights.
  • It's not so much dreamy as it is lazy and indolent.
  • As a matter of fact, my brother painted very few things, at any stage of his career, as mere representations of reality, unimbued by some inventive or ideal meaning: in the rare instances when he did so, he naturally felt an indolent comfort, and made no scruple of putting the feeling into words — highly suitable for being taken _cum grano salis_. Old Familiar Faces
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  • The song is moody and weighed down but not indolent: Propelled by a polyrhythmic drumbeat, it reveals emo-core and math-rock leanings.
  • As a teenager he was mature in the sense that he knew his way around town, but like all 15-year-olds he could be pretty indolent.
  • Let no one say that laptops have not changed the way writers work: right now, I am sitting in an internet café facing the Pacific Ocean, watching indigo fog roll across a 180 degree view of what Wallace Stevens would have called indolent ocean. Author! Author! » Blog Archive » Book marketing 101: the post-conference query
  • He believed that independence was the first duty of a literary man, and that true dignity consists in diligent labor rather than in indolent railing at fate and the scoffings of "uncomprehended" genius. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 74, December, 1863
  • A constitution marked by this development is indolent, relaxative, and an easy prey to epidemics. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
  • Critics say the test has a significant rate of false positives—apparent detection of cancer that isn't confirmed with further tests—or that it identifies so-called indolent tumors that are ultimately of little health consequence. Panel Faults Widely Used Prostate-Cancer Test
  • Fungal or mycobacterial infections usually have an indolent and protracted course but can mimic bacterial arthritis.
  • Better, far better aspire to deserve this name, than to repose indolently on a rank and a title deduced from monarchies, to say to thyself, "I shall be a lady forever. The Young Maiden
  • The indolently nude woman in the featured painting was in fact modeled by Ingres's first wife.
  • Mutual good humour is a Dress we ought to appear in whenever we meet, and we should make no mention of what concerns our selves, without it be of Matters wherein our Friends ought to rejoyce: But indeed there are Crowds of People who put themselves in no Method of pleasing themselves or others; such are those whom we usually call indolent Persons. Spectator, June 25, 1711
  • The movie's high point—its very high point—is Frances McDormand's sensational performance as Sam's mother, Jane, a pansexual record producer who can't suppress a nervous giggle when she introduces her strait-laced son to a gaggle of indolent musicians. 'Contraband': Almost Illegally Entertaining
  • There's a wonderful cover shot to the 1958 album Legrand Jazz, with pianist-composer Michel Legrand wearing an expression of insouciant expectation, Gauloise at the corner of his mouth, indolently summoning invisible sidemen to action. This week's new live music
  • This bushy, indolent fellow, who is built like a well-fed possum, hangs from a rail by his tail, and hooks into his favourite snack, a salami sandwich.
  • Mutual good humour is a dress we ought to appear in wherever we meet, and we should make no mention of what concerns ourselves, without it be of matters wherein our friends ought to rejoice: but indeed there are crowds of people who put themselves in no method of pleasing themselves or others; such are those whom we usually call indolent persons. The Young Gentleman and Lady's Monitor, and English Teacher's Assistant
  • Ten years ago, our nation's two leading rock critics declared the premier band of the era to be nothing but indolent hacks.
  • They were cunning and trustless, narrow - slitted and heavy-lidded, at one and the same time as sharp as a ferret's and as indolent as a basking lizard's. The Jacket (Star-Rover)
  • Follicular lymphoma usually has an indolent clinical course and may present with waxing and waning enlargement of the lymph nodes.
  • Lately he had become an indolent sea-bather idly scudding in the tepid shallows.
  • I think; perhaps _ape_hood rather, -- paltry imitancy, from the teeth outward, of what our heart never felt nor our understanding ever saw; dim indolent adherence to extraneous and extinct traditions; traditions now really about extinct; not living now to almost any of us, and still haunting with their spectralities and gibbering _ghosts_ (in a truly baleful manner) almost all of us! Latter-Day Pamphlets
  • The workers are lazy indolent villains and the leaders are intelligent, hard working visionaries.
  • He was, indeed, deeply and warmly affectionate, but troublesome through outbreaks of will and temper, showing all the ordinary instinct of trying how far the authorities for the time being will endure resistance; sufficiently indolent of mind to use his excellent abilities to save exertion of intellect; passionate to kicking and screaming pitch, and at times showing the doggedness which is such a trial of patience to the parent. Life of John Coleridge Patteson
  • In general, the prognosis is favorable and the disease is indolent, with a reported survival rate of 78% at 5 years.
  • Deep indolent ulcers also require local wound care and antibiotics.
  • Wang, who, leaning indolently against the back of her chair in a position halfway between sitting and standing, asked, Have you had dinner?
  • On the other hand, the consumer market knows the indolent pleasures of the Internet paralanguage very well, as well as video and voice connectivity amusement. Palmisano's IBM To Make Sametime Work With AOL, Yahoo
  • ‘White trash’ are characterized as indolent, lazy, promiscuous, ignorant and incapable of bettering themselves.
  • When applied in lotions every night for five or six times consecutively, it will heal indolent ulcers; and its rubefacient effects serve instead of those produced externally by mustard. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • The Pacific in this region is an indolent blue expanse, pure and lonely, an almost untraversed sea. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • There were built-up fabrics, called _Charlottes_, caky externally, pulpy within; there were also _marangs_, and likewise custards, -- some of the indolent-fluid sort, others firm, in which every stroke of the teaspoon left a smooth, conchoidal surface like the fracture of chalcedony, with here and there The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 30, April, 1860
  • Artists fall prey, as much as anyone, to the indolent satisfactions of 'affluenza'. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think we've made it abundantly clear that we who pay the taxes have had enough of subsidising the indolent, improvident, and irresponsible. In health care reform debate, Obama puts focus on affordability
  • The sultry weather in the tropics encourages tourists to lead an indolent life.
  • His eyes were sleepy, his expression indolent or good-natured. Elizabeth's Campaign
  • And this skin was stretched over curves which likewise seemed ripened by a southern sun, recalling a sultana with their indolent and vegetative luxuriance. Loulou
  • His corpulent figure and indolent manner belied ambition and a keen political intelligence.
  • Instead, save the scythe for the kitschy styling, indolent performances, and hokey gags.
  • Most patients are alive at last follow-up, suggesting that the lymphoma is indolent and has a slowly progressive clinical course and a favorable outcome.
  • Had you called him indolent or useless he had smiled, but "daidlin ', thowless, feckless, fushionless wratch," drew blood at every stroke, like a Russian knout. Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush
  • I like the description of preboom Los Angeles that McWilliams cites: “a town of crooked, ungraded, unpaved streets; low, lean, rickety, adobe houses, with flat asphaltum roofs, and here and there an indolent native, hugging the inside of a blanket.” I Feel Earthquakes More Often Than They Happen
  • The sultry weather in the tropics encourages tourists to lead an indolent life.
  • They might draw from the waters, which cover a very small part of the fertile valley, fish enough to support, with the nelumbium nuts, nearly the whole of the present population; but then they are lotus-eaters, and as such improvident and indolent by all rules of poetry and legend. Lippincott's Magazine, Vol. 22, September, 1878
  • My sister, indolent and unimaginative as she was, had visions of endless touch-typing speed trials supervised by austere women under flickering striplights.
  • As an indolent student, I would leave the radio on all night.
  • Family allowances were designed to make the poor self-reliant and independent not lazy and indolent.
  • In those men who are not severely immunocompromised, Kaposi's sarcoma may remain an indolent cutaneous disease.
  • Classically, prior to HIV or in the absence of severe immuno suppression, it is a fairly indolent skin disease.
  • leprosy is an indolent infectious disease
  • his indolent leechlike existence
  • We have an indefinable impression that the rajah is a sensuous, indolent, extravagant sybarite, given to polo, diamonds and dancing girls, and amputates the heads of his subjects at pleasure; but that is very far from the truth. Modern India
  • Had you called him indolent or useless he had smiled, but "daidlin ', thowless, feckless, fushionless wratch," drew blood at every stroke, like a Russian knout. Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush
  • My thesaurus lists all these unattractive equivalents: indolent, somnolent, lumpish, torpid, lax, good-for-nothing… and so on.
  • There are here," he reports, "about twenty-five hundred men, five hundred of them sick, the greatest part of them what they call poorly; they bury from five to eight daily, and officers in proportion; extremely indolent, and dirty to a degree. Montcalm and Wolfe
  • They didn't want any competition in the lazy and indolent stakes.
  • But indolent border guards didn't bother to check on him - they just took his passport, stamped it, and let him leave.
  • All the presidial companies are composed of the natives of the country, but the most of them are entirely indolent, it being very rare for any individual to strive to augment his fortune. What I Saw in California
  • There, he says, he was basically indolent, though he did immerse himself in a new ‘hobby’ - making music by computer.
  • The oil is used for skin diseases such as scrofula, indolent ulcers, and ringworm. 7 Medicinals
  • But indeed there are Crowds of People who put themselves in no Method of pleasing themselves or others; such are those whom we usually call indolent Persons. The Spectator, Volume 1 Eighteenth-Century Periodical Essays
  • It took place in the bed-room, where, as usual save on Sunday morning, Ada consumed her strong tea and heavily buttered toast; the state of her health -- she had frequent ailments, more or less genuine, such as afflict the indolent and brainless type of woman -- made it necessary for her to repose till a late hour. In the Year of Jubilee
  • an indolent hanger-on
  • He threw himself as he spoke upon a chair, and indolently, but gracefully, received the kind offices, of Albert, who undid the coarse buttonings of the leathern gamashes which defended his legs, and spoke to him the whilst: -- "What a fine specimen of the olden time is your father, Sir Henry! Woodstock; or, the Cavalier
  • In this example, an aggressive variant grows 10 times as fast and metastasizes at 10 times the rate of the indolent variant with the same morphology.
  • Mist brooded on the cerulean-green sea like incandescent wraiths, yet the sky was a faint blush of cerulean, and the diluted sun was indolently mountaineering the stairway into the heavens.
  • The Chinagos -- such they were called by the indolent, brown-skinned island folk -- saw to it that they did not displease Schemmer too greatly. THE CHINAGO
  • If I were to follow my poor Joliet through all his transmigrations and metempsychoses, as I have learned them by his hints, allusions and confessions, I should show him by turns working a rope ferry, where the stupid and indolent cattle, whose business it is to draw men, were drawn by him; then letter-carrier; supernumerary and call-boy in a village theatre; road-mender on a vicinal route; then a beadle, Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 29, August, 1873
  • NHL can be broadly classified into two main clinical categories: indolent lymphomas, mainly characterized as follicular lymphomas, which tend to grow relatively slowly; and aggressive lymphomas, mainly typified as diffuse large B-cell lymphomas DLBCL, which grow much more rapidly. Pharmacyclics Reports Updated Clinical Results from its Phase IA Trial of its First in Human Btk-Inhibitor PCI-32765 - Yahoo! Finance
  • He may be getting rid of ambling tearful goal-scapegoat Dimitar Berbatov, indolent Glenn Hoddle-lite Michael Carrick, juddering, creaking, back-firing defensive Rolls Royce Rio Ferdinand and apparently want-away ace grappler Nemanja Vidic. Football transfer rumours: Kasper Schmeichel to Bayern Munich?
  • The decoction is a good wash for indolent ulcers, and the dried powdered root sprinkled on ill conditioned sores, seldom fails to produce a healthy discharge, and a disposition to heal. The Cherokee Physician, or Indian Guide to Health, as Given by Richard Foreman, a Cherokee Doctor; Comprising a Brief View of Anatomy, With General Rules for Preserving Health without the Use of Medicines. The Diseases of the U. States, with Their Symptom
  • As his government went from indolent to comatose, he made unprecedented use of the government jet as a taxi back home.
  • He is old and fat and indolent.
  • Rosine Le Fruit Défendu (1914) was true to its name, exactly as I would imagine a mythical forbidden fruit to smell like: an indolent, creamy, sinfully sweet aroma of nectarous, over-ripe fruits (apples? plums? maybe even bananas?) enriched further by a buttery floral accord (ylang-ylang? tuberose?) with an almost coconutty undertone. Archive 2007-07-01
  • In this regard, it is desirable to test their ability to distinguish between active disease and indolent infection.
  • Nobody wants to appear indolent or indifferent.
  • There was something indolent in the way he half leaned, half stood. BETTER THAN THIS
  • However, this single? and the Boys Outside album it comes from? is absolutely beautiful, a driftingly melodic, indolent daydream of a thing. This week's new singles
  • The force of the coincidence that four of these six members of parliament carry the name "Margaret" is too compelling for even the most indolent to ignore and, driven to the books, I find in my lexicon of names that the Margarets of this world have independence -- with that they all would agree. The Heirs of Runnymede
  • The lesion typically has a very indolent course, which may span decades.
  • Although the majority of cases behave indolently, occasional distant metastasis, local invasion or recurrence have been reported.
  • Restaurant regulars have been identified as wispy-eyed figures who live just around the block, but these indolent customers cannot be said to have truly traveled. Edward Champion's Reluctant Habits
  • While Mother rises virtuously early for sacristan duties at Little Saint Mary's church, we heathens opt for an indolent morning with the papers.
  • But it will be remembered that he recognises the holiness of marriage and family life, and if he thinks virginity and coenobitism a higher life, has no mercy for the dilettante asceticism of a morbid or indolent "incivisme. NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
  • My thesaurus lists all these unattractive equivalents indolent, somnolent, lumpish, torpid, slack, lax, good-for-nothing… and so on.
  • an indolent ulcer
  • I like the description of preboom Los Angeles that McWilliams cites: “a town of crooked, ungraded, unpaved streets; low, lean, rickety, adobe houses, with flat asphaltum roofs, and here and there an indolent native, hugging the inside of a blanket.” I Feel Earthquakes More Often Than They Happen
  • He threw himself as he spoke upon a chair, and indolently, but gracefully, received the kind offices, of Albert, who undid the coarse buttonings of the leathern gamashes which defended his legs, and spoke to him the whilst: — “What a fine specimen of the olden time is your father, Sir Henry! Woodstock
  • So it is through and by these two great changes in your attitude towards things -- first, the change of attention, which enables you to perceive a truer universe; next, the deliberate rearrangement of your ideas, energies, and desires in harmony with that which you have seen -- that a progressive uniformity of life and experience is secured to you, and you are defended against the dangers of an indolent and useless mysticality. Practical Mysticism
  • Lymphoma, choriocarcinoma, ovarian carcinoma and other malignancies for which effective chemotherapy exists and tumors such as carcinoid (which are noted for an indolent course) may be associated with prolonged survival.
  • I arouse the indolent, dissipate the winds, and appease the avengeful. The Bay State Monthly — Volume 1, No. 2, February, 1884
  • he lives indolently with his relatives
  • Prostate cancer is an indolent disease in most men.
  • They seem to have been a somewhat negative people, generally described as docile, gentle, generous, and indolent. Cuba, Old and New
  • A literary image erases the more indolent images of perception.
  • The _syphilitic gumma_, which begins as a rounded indolent swelling, is usually situated in the middle line near the posterior edge of the hard palate. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • He has perhaps been as determined to realize his odd project as his proudly indolent subject was determined to avoid exertion.
  • It may serve, as it often has, to rouse the indolent from the gratification of complexional sloth, and recall the unthinking and irregular from the haunts of dissipation and vice to the blessings of serious reflection. The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor Volume I, Number 1
  • He was no longer sulky and indolent: he no more desponded about himself, or defied his neighbours. The Virginians
  • Improved after this indolent fashion, one of the hottest of my forenoons became also one of the most enjoyable.
  • There's a wonderful cover shot to the 1958 album Legrand Jazz, with pianist-composer Michel Legrand wearing an expression of insouciant expectation, Gauloise at the corner of his mouth, indolently summoning invisible sidemen to action. This week's new live music
  • Like an indolent poet, boiling within, forceful outside, the drummer filled the hall.
  • The most indolent beings won't have any more reason to hesitate before setting off to find pleasures that will cost them neither money nor effort.
  • The Church in the one instance is a kind of conveyancing office where the transaction is duly concluded, each party accepting the others 'terms; in the other case, a species of sheep-pen where the flock awaits impatiently and indolently the final consummation. Natural Law in the Spiritual World
  • For the word indolence, it merely says, "the quality or state of being indolent. Things found on the way to other things.
  • There are some poetic moments in this essay, beautiful descriptions of organs “It [the liver] laps over the pink sweep of the stomach, from whose lower border the gauzy omentum is draped, and through which veil one sees, sinuous, slow as just-fed snakes, the indolent coils of the intestine.” Personal Essay Class, Week Six « So Many Books
  • The Countess, fatigued and discontented, received the politeness of the abbess with careless haughtiness, and had followed her, with indolent steps, to the parlour, over which the painted casements and wainscot of larch-wood threw, at all times, a melancholy shade, and where the gloom of evening now loured almost to darkness. The Mysteries of Udolpho
  • She is described as indolent and sensual, and she once declared that the chief good in the world was love. Famous Affinities of History — Complete
  • NHL can be broadly classified into two main clinical categories: indolent lymphomas, mainly characterized as follicular lymphomas, which tend to grow relatively slowly; and aggressive lymphomas, mainly typified as diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL), which grow much more rapidly. RedOrbit News - Technology
  • Our committing of ourselves to God is to be, not in indolent and passive quietism, but accompanied with active well-doings. faithful -- to His covenant promises. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • In Noyce's film, Michael Caine plays the aging, indolent British journalist Thomas Fowler.
  • If in doing so he were to be perceived as another wealthy and indolent foreigner (usually German or French but not always so) suffering and despondent because of a katzenjammer from a previous night of quaffing Laos Beer, so be it. An Apostate: Nawin of Thais
  • Anyway, they inspire indolent ladies to train down and to diet and do sundry other things in the pursuit of slenderness.
  • There is much more citrus in the beginning, the fragrance is more brisk, fresher, with none of the indolent smoky peachiness of the classic, but there is still a certain very Guerlain weightiness about the blend, a certain dark substantionality that is palpable under the breezier notes. Guerlain Mitsouko Fleur de Lotus: Perfume Review
  • The disease had a very indolent course, remaining localized to the organ for several years, and responded favorably to the local radiation therapy.
  • This has changed my perspective completely from thinking of non-voters as indolent to thinking that they're tactical, even-handed and pragmatic.
  • She was young, portionless, bad with money, indecisive, and indolent (so Thackeray thought).
  • In favorable circumstances the healing of indolent wounds, ulcers, or burns may be aided and with a minimum of scarring.

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