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How To Use Indoctrination In A Sentence

  • Fear, fury, desire, shame -- the whole philosophy of the religious moralist is simply an abstraction, systematisation and indoctrination of emotional reactions as so-called moral principles. Duncan Does Deus
  • It may well be that indoctrination in the techniques of terror to destroy the Government would be indictable under either statute.
  • In Robert Heinlein's "Stranger in a Strange Land," Jubal said we're prisoners of our early indoctrinations, "for it is hard, very nearly impossible, to shake off one's earliest training. Why You Will Always Exist: Time Is 'On Demand'
  • Sociology books and rejections of ones parents relgious indoctrination is such a bad basis to talk about anything! Matthew Yglesias » Clinging to Religion
  • He complains that Enterprise's indoctrination of new employees is "cultlike," drumming into them the false promise of promotion to the executive ranks while blurring the fact that they are "chiefly insurance salespeople" whose primary duty is to "bully" customers into signing up for the maximum collision-damage coverage. Will Work for Fodder
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  • He has overcome the indoctrination of his high school curriculum.
  • This is an extraordinary experiment in mass indoctrination.
  • Each person in this stressful situation must always sustain hope and resist enemy indoctrination.
  • Anyway, he checked the wound, removed the skin flap, and dressed it for me, and the indoctrination proceeded with my foot propped on a chair and the Book being carried around by helpers. And the painted ponies go up and down
  • But I do still have hope that they might at least taste a slice of reality at some point, and become self-aware to their indoctrinations, the scars of which have blinded their ability to perceive with a shadowland of Utopian disillusion.
  • The training program is a specific kind of militarist indoctrination of minors.
  • Increasingly, institutions of higher learning are allying themselves with the proponents of social justice, blurring the line between knowledge and belief, education and indoctrination.
  • I signed the main petition, because I really am passionately opposed to DEFINING children by the religion of their parents (while 'indoctrination' is such a loaded word, nobody could be in favour of it). Dawkins Replies on Ed's Blog
  • One reasons progressives oppose school choice is that the majority of school teachers are tilting toward a secular-statist point of view, and progressives treasure the opportunity to indoctrinate young minds (the code words for this in the debate are things like protecting the "shared experience" which sounds like indoctrination to me). Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Respecting Individual Decision-Making
  • This is straightforward ideological indoctrination of very young children.
  • Kantner and Palmer participated in a media conference call Wednesday and sounded as if they had undergone proper corporate indoctrination.
  • The camps were quite intensive, involving as much as 14 hours a day of military training and political indoctrination.
  • By the middle of the nineteenth century, a sizable urban population made up of slaves and former, or manumitted slaves, known as gente de color (people of color), could freely gather in the cabildos and develop their vital culture, complete with rites, indoctrinations, and celebrations reconstituted from the surviving remnants of a shattered African legacy.
  • Their life was one of constant propaganda and indoctrination.
  • Because if this campus indoctrination is as brutally effective as Warren says it is, his suggestions seem rather tame: Archive 2009-09-01
  • They force villagers to attend political and cultural indoctrination sessions.
  • How could such sensory and aesthetic and moral indoctrination have been so readily overthrown?
  • Even ignoring that a President appoints judges who decide cases on the issue of whether teaching creationism constitutes religious indoctrination, a President who believes in creationism is not one I want making decisions on, for example, whether global warming is occurring. anonymous Says: Matthew Yglesias » Fairy Tales
  • It the indoctrination at a young age to accept her fate is the abuse I'm referring to, a point you keep avoiding. for the last time, is that indoctrination wrong or not? The Memory Hole
  • The hate filled indoctrination expectorated from the pulpit by Wright was more akin to the distorted view of Islam relied upon by Bin Laden to encourage others to kill that to the teaching of Jesus. Early Word: Articles of Faith - The Caucus Blog -
  • He feared the danger of excitement replacing understanding, and the awakening of feelings supplanting the indoctrination of the understanding and the cultivation of the heart.
  • Of course, after decades of postfeminist indoctrination, men aren't meant to be this way. Times, Sunday Times
  • This can hardly be called atheistic indoctrination though, since the children who go there all choose to participate, and the parents of those children are well aware of the activities that the camp includes. Planet Atheism
  • How useful is this appellation of ‘science’, for it dresses up so much religious indoctrination as ‘secular education’.
  • They portrayed catechetical instruction as an authoritarian form of indoctrination that forced children to ‘play the parrot,’ repeating back answers they did not understand.
  • The first approach, ‘Teaching for commitment’ or the confessional approach was traditionally used in ancient churches and has since been aspersed as promoting indoctrination.
  • An unswerving determination to have no truck with tertiary institution insulated the artist from cultural indoctrination.
  • Education, which is a defense of indoctrination (the "lost soul" in the title refers to the alleged "corporatization" of the university and its interests). Schrecker and Me at Brandeis - David Horowitz - Townhall Conservative
  • Would you say those children also receive "indoctrination" in Newtonian physics? A View: The Science=Atheism Meme
  • Fear, fury, desire, shame -- the whole philosophy of the religious moralist is simply an abstraction, systematisation and indoctrination of emotional reactions as so-called moral principles. Duncan Does Deus
  • Of course, after decades of postfeminist indoctrination, men aren't meant to be this way. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Buckley is there in San Francisco when, at a prenomination rally, thousands of college students declare opposition to their professors '"intensive indoctrination in state welfarism, anti-anti-Communism, moral libertinage, skepticism, anti-Americanism. Principled and Pilloried
  • What Fox and the right mean by liberal indoctrination is anything other than slavish conformity to RIGHTWING propaganda Think Progress » Texas Education Agency Slams Fox News’s Fearmongering About The State’s Social Studies Curriculum Changes
  • It was the prevailing confessional indifference, religious ignorance, and the neglect of Lutheran indoctrination by catechization, especially of the young. American Lutheranism Volume 2: The United Lutheran Church (General Synod, General Council, United Synod in the South)
  • The word indoctrinate is quite often used to point out how the other group whose ideas are in opposition to one's own, are cloaking their motives as "proper" education; yet, in actuality, a certain amount of indoctrination is required in order to establish and maintain societal norms. Indoctrination?
  • We believe that it is based on utterly false allegations regarding the Minnesota legal system and that it provides for indoctrination in the shibboleths of political correctness.
  • They are burdened by years of indoctrination, with its bias against individual responsibility and risk-taking.
  • They believe in separation of church and state, that religious indoctrination has no place in state schools.
  • What if, say, I think the book I receive in the mail is a waste of pulp, a detriment to society and is frightening in the way that indoctrination literature always is?
  • The final argument used by the public school is one of socialization and their failed attempts to convince the masses that children need indoctrination and must become social conformists by association with their peers.
  • They call it indoctrination because they fear what truths the child sees. Florida GOP chair: Obama trying to 'indoctrinate' children
  • Former college stars such as the 23-year-old Askren often need a much longer indoctrination before excelling in freestyle, and Askren has adapted his style. Askren, five others claim Beijing wrestling berths
  • And, one sign of indoctrination is that they deny the truth. Modest Active Wear
  • The emerging generation are more and more impervious to standard school indoctrination, less ready to give up their seats on buses, less respectful and filial.
  • We have so massively exceeded any kind of political entity the Founding Fathers could have possibly imagined or anticiapted (in size, in numbers, in geographical distribution, in ineducable ideological rigidity; in grotesquely uneven distributions of power, in potentials for abusing that power, in possibilities for indoctrination and propaganda; the list goes on) that the mechanisms for making fundamental changes to the basic legal structures of our union are incapable of functioning any longer. Think Progress » After Whining About Being ‘Suppressed,’ Chamber Discloses It Spent $123 Million In Lobbying
  • They practised relentless and insidious indoctrination.
  • To what degree this new puritanism is due to indoctrination or to the fear of retribution is a matter of speculation. Communist China—Time for Reappraisal
  • How strong an effect does indoctrination really have?
  • Despite the three-year indoctrination programme of an English degree, he has held on to his core belief that Jack Vance is the greatest writer out there. June 2009
  • I would be relucted to call most of todays education as "education" rather indoctrination at worst or "prizes for all" regardless of ability at best. OPEN THREAD
  • Those of us with a bit of eastern European culinary indoctrination swoon at the idea of prune-filled pastries. Reading, Writing, Cooking and Crafting: The much maligned prune
  • Evolutionary indoctrination had gradually gnawed away at his faith and he had wondered more and more about the truthfulness of the Bible account of history.
  • After quietly poking around in 16 Army camps and indoctrination centers, the Senate Preparedness subcommittee this week concluded that the Armed Forces still have too many chairborne troops.
  • Overcoming this systematic indoctrination in misinformation is a tall order. Inkblurt · More ‘isms!!
  • It is indoctrination Misguided pride leaves us impervious to any version of success that does not bear the patent of our system.
  • The military in particular were subjected to intense political indoctrination.
  • He's thin and geeky and doesn't look like he'd be much use in a fight, before or after indoctrination into an underground network of illegal bare-knuckle slugging.
  • Understood in the broad sense, military indoctrination is a collective concept, which includes the entire range of methods and ways of training and inculcation of moral and psychological qualities in the personnel.

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