How To Use Individualization In A Sentence

  • Mary is the generalized young thing of novelettes, with no attempt at individualization except perhaps her "velvety" eyes, which however are forgotten in the course of the story. A Doomed Young Man
  • There is some, 'individualization' involved even in acute attacks (of Bronchitis) - & no, Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • It does not affect the conviction and it's only the ground of sentence and execution individualization.
  • The philosophy rests on what Mr. Gardner terms "individualization," getting students to deeply understand a lesson or topic by learning about each of the children's learning styles, and "pluralization," the practice of teaching each subject in a few different ways. Beyond the Test-Prep Bounds
  • The third in the DS series, the 'i' stands for "individualization" or "eye" as it alludes to one of the new hardware additions. Popgadget: Personal Tech for Women
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  • It is of the Criminal Individualization and specific utilization of economical execution of punishment and socialization.
  • Stereotype and individualization are two different arts of characterization.
  • Many of them could not be raised above the lowest class of common labourers, but by adopting a system of individualization, that is studying each man's natural abilities, we could always arrive at the best results. Six Years in the Prisons of England
  • The cognitive processing of needs also results in the individualization of motivation which is related to the ability of self-development and of self-regulation.
  • It is to the extreme individualization involved by the developments of erotic symbolism that the fetichist owes his morbid and perilous isolation. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 5 Erotic Symbolism; The Mechanism of Detumescence; The Psychic State in Pregnancy
  • Part four, the relation between the principle of suiting punishment to crime and the criminal individualization.
  • The integrant approach ‘sees the nation as an integrative counter-movement to processes of modernization, individualization, mobilization, and differentiation.’
  • The individualization of MR Car Design for Audi S3 series underlines the unique character of the "sportster" in a distinctive way. Top Speed
  • It may be achieved through complex processes of individualization in effort-related bonus systems.
  • He pointed to her use of the term "individualization," which he'd also found in Alfred Rosenberg's Nazi tome "The Myth of the 20th Century. Herman and Göring
  • It may be achieved through complex processes of individualization in effort-related bonus systems.
  • To the basic wraparound values that had been established -- family-focused treatment, community-based services, and now interdisciplinary collaboration -- Dennis added the concepts of treatment based on a client's strengths, unconditional care, and "individualization," which required providers to tailor treatment plans to each client's individual needs rather than offer predesigned services. Chicago Reader
  • In other words, we are at that stage of individualization that you in Europe were at a couple of centuries ago.
  • Chicago Booth offers an unprecedented level of flexibility and individualization in an advanced management program.
  • The art of characterization went through a process from stereotype to individualization.
  • This individualization fits well with the new, unconventional protest movement, which favors small, interactive actions over mass demonstrations.
  • Durkheim attributes the process of individualization of property in turn to two processes.
  • N&S critique the presumed attachment of environmentalists to romanticist premodernist images of society and celebrate economic modernization, along with the growing affluence, individualization, and freedom that this social process creates. Joseph Romm: Memo to Media: Don't be Suckered by Bad Analyses from the Breakthrough Institute
  • The individualization comes from the room's Dewey Decimal theme: The artwork and reading selections are chosen according to the topic number.

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