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How To Use Individualism In A Sentence

  • Andrews assumes that the lyric poet's freedom to dissent is only the freedom to say ‘yes’ to the American ideology - individualism.
  • She won't be hyped, marketed, trendified, commodified, put in a box - and even though she probably loathes sound-bites as well, she has a way with words when describing her fierce individualism.
  • From the Whiskey Rebellion to the Know-Nothings to the reborn Militias of the 1990s, the eastern establishment has always had reason to fear the expression of a certain kind of cussed American individualism that rebels against what it sees as the encroachments of the state. Obama's Culture War
  • These values include individualism, liberty, democracy and the rule of law.
  • Authoritative parents respect children's individualism while insisting they meet reasonable requirements.
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  • Individualism has such essential and non-essential characteristics as plebeianism, freedom, democracy and aggression.
  • Also, he had written a song called ‘Man is the Measure of All Things’, which he claimed was a hymn to individualism and against collectivism.
  • On the contrary, people on the left and on the right are equally forceful in decrying self-centered individualism, consumerism, new pressures on the family, and the decline of community. Why the Culture War Is the Wrong War
  • It is possible that individualism and collectivism operate very differently at the individual level than at the cultural level.
  • Because of the emphasis on materialism and individualism, businesses concentrated on ‘shareholder value’ rather than customers or employees.
  • Justice Sotomayor's famous ­declaration — that a "wise Latina" will often come to a better judicial ruling than a white male — implies an ethnic-and-gender "essentialist" philosophy that is ­repugnant to Justice Kennedy's core individualism. The Decider
  • To win, the Left needs to discredit and defeat the very idea of capitalism, individualism, and personal freedom.
  • they turned to individualism as their salvation
  • Individualism is a pretty new idea relatively speaking and one which most of us today take for granted.
  • The star is not the dissolution of individualism into death and oblivion but the freezing of particularity into an eternal image of itself.
  • Rather, a masculinist workplace culture that rewards long hours and values competitiveness, individualism and instrumentality excludes those people that want a life outside work, whatever their gender.
  • As has been indicated, life on the frontier is productive of individualism.
  • What about the ideal of rugged individualism, and the popular portrait of divorce as an act of courageous, costly, self-redemptive self-realization?
  • In such a harmonious family environment, family members do not exercise a high degree of independence, and collectivism rather than individualism is stressed.
  • Individualism has been the secret ingredient in developing his chain of fashion stores.
  • It was Bill Clinton, after all, who coined the eternal slogan for the era of hyperindividualism: ‘It's the economy, stupid.’
  • While Rousseau is frequently cited with approval by numerous leaders of the sans-culottes, or by Robespierre or Gracchus Babeuf, Rousseau was more a prophet of radical individualism than he was of cooperation.
  • They have treated students as members of competing racial groups rather than individuals, claiming that "individualism" is a form of "cultural racism. Balkinization
  • The collective salvation of our civilisation requires the inner transformation of every individual from the ignorance of materialism and individualism to the Gnosis of collective spiritual awareness.
  • The accusations of unsociability, of individualism, of aristocratism, were closely connected with this particular mood.
  • Individualism has been the secret ingredient in developing his chain of fashion stores.
  • Capitalism, democracy, individualism, gender equality, and secularism are Western notions that have been adopted in Asia.
  • To explain what he meant by 'moral Communism' Matsuoko cited his own family, but said the Japanese concept of moral Communism had been overwhelmed by liberalism, individualism and egoism from the West. When Ayn Rand Villains Ruled the Earth, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Walking down the hall, I see people grouping together, each with their own visible and audible definition of individualism.
  • For Bookchin, the latter form of anarchism is positive insofar it advocates individual liberty, but it ultimately undermines the broader goals of anarchism by focusing on transient notions of individualism.
  • The recognition that both individualism and relatedness can have both positive and negative facets has become more pronounced in recent years.
  • Mauss's underlying concern was with individualism as an aspect of the fragmentation and disembedded nature of capitalist society.
  • Far too frequently their proponents take shelter behind a sort of eclectic individualism.
  • Huawei eliminates individualism and promotes collectivism, " Cheng said.
  • Here we see Heidegger critically pointing the finger at Nietzsche for his radical individualism, which equated freedom with a solitude that denied our worldly contextuality.
  • Elaw's Memoirs testify vividly to her dauntless independence, her boldly visionary sense of mission, and her radical spiritual individualism.
  • For they beg the questions they ask by simply assuming the truth of individualism.
  • I believe that we have great opportunities to create 'contemporary decoration that is part of our digital and information age, part of our shrinking borderless world, and part of our new movement of individualism, casualism, and spiritualism. Information aesthetics
  • We celebrate individuality, but eschew the individualism that stifles creativity inhibits collaboration, and limits intelligence.
  • The philosophy of individualism defined cheerfulness as the most beneficial of emotions since it served the self.
  • This is not an easy case to argue in societies like ours, where a kind of narcissistic individualism is continually on display, creating a selfish cult of celebrity that is the antithesis of the values I'm advocating.
  • The accusations of unsociability, of individualism, of aristocratism, were closely connected with this particular mood. My Life
  • The celebration of rugged individualism during westward expansion in the mid-1800s surely had a lasting influence as well.
  • Talbott said the jamboree is a celebration of rugged individualism that manifests itself in the way a person steps up to a challenge, as well as athletic prowess.
  • Luther's individualism vested an enormously heightened dignity in the least of Christ's brothers and sisters.
  • Western images serve as shorthand images of patriotism, democracy, rugged individualism, and a host of other virtues.
  • Or is it also about a state of mind that is only possible because of Western individualism, egalitarianism, freedom of choice and civil institutions and rights?
  • In the novel, Henry's rugged individualism and disdain for society are stylizations of his father's misanthropy.
  • The answer, of course, lies in a problem that always confronts methodological individualism in its attempts to deal with structural features of social relationships. Choice, Rationality, and Social Theory
  • This approach captures the essence of the classical liberal tradition concerning the rule of law and individualism, while avoiding some of its own ambiguities.
  • Although it might seem that Luther's individualism was inimical to ‘fraternity’, Luther was clear that an individual could scarcely exist in isolation from others.
  • Here and there in this report attention has been called to the evils of departmentalism, to the emphasis upon specialization in the undergraduate work, and to the apparent fact that the College of Arts has been forced to surrender to the demands of individualism and utilitarianism that have been sweeping the country. Undergraduate Work and the University of North Carolina
  • What does a country built on headstrong individualism and the myth of self-reliance do with its people convinced that they know best?
  • You call it selfishness I call it individualism, and individualism is what made this country great. Matthew Yglesias » Victimization and Selfishness
  • One set of beliefs expresses the commitment of a democratic society to the liberal values of justice, individualism, egalitarianism and freedom of expression.
  • Even that ultimate symbol of rugged individualism, the cowboy, is an endangered species.
  • In the contemporary western world, rapidly changing styles cater to a desire for novelty and individualism.
  • A legal formula is likely to devalue that individualism, the very uniqueness we assume such wills are designed to capture.
  • It seems so much in contrast to that aggressive individualism around us in today's world.
  • No other group so fully embodies the American spirit of bravery and rugged individualism.
  • Individualism - the belief that the individual alone and unaided is entitled to determine what is good or bad and to separate truth or falsehood - is a prevailing attitude.
  • Americans need to retake their original principles (interdependent individualism and liberal democracy), where work was eminent (mainly among protestants), but where a societal sense was basilar. Unemployment, Labor Market Regulation, and Sour Grapes, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The spirit of individualism is sapping the strength and resolve of early pioneers, but some of this spirit is still alive, and this makes it possible for the Israeli society to withstand the generation-long pressure.
  • The rise of individualism in the West can perhaps be most clearly seen in the emergence of the modern family. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • This odd little book weighs collective ideology against individualism, caricaturing both.
  • So Far From God parodies the family saga to decenter patriarchal biases inherent in the form; it further critiques individualism and constructs a new literary identity characterized by community.
  • Occidentalism, say the authors, is a revolt against rationalism, secularism and individualism.
  • Nor is it simply the decline of deference to elite rule and the rise of individualism, majoritarianism, and equalitarianism.
  • Can affirmative action be reconciled with liberal individualism?
  • Even more than the Victorian era, ours is an age of individualism rather than individuality.
  • If that is so then why has capitalism turned into monopolism, and why has individualism turned into a zombie like adherence to corporate ideas? OpEdNews - Diary: Grass Roots Revolution
  • The serviceman is the product of a Western society which, while it values individualism intrinsically, values subordination in pursuit of a collective objective as well. Soldiers and Warriors
  • This happened because Britain alone had a culture of individualism which regarded individual property ownership as the natural state for everything - and it was governed by an oligarchy of property owners.
  • We tend to forget how often we have succumbed as a nation to a pervasive individualism that stigmatizes poor children and blames their families.
  • Are individualism and stardom necessary to the dramatic work, or are they supplemental, a mere appendage of modernity?
  • He was -- he was very concerned that in a society where individualism was so prized, eventually that could lead to a kind of atomization and fragmentation of society and culture. American Culture, American Tastes: Social Change & the 20th Century
  • He was a craggy, bearded bear of a man in a black Stetson, who seemed to embody the rugged individualism of the pioneer.
  • It can be read as a long-running dialectic between individualism and communalism.
  • This movement is showing a sustainable and very concrete economic path based on principles of collectivism and not individualism.
  • Capitalism stresses innovation, competition and individualism.
  • She knew that rampant individualism was shallow and unsatisfactory. Times, Sunday Times
  • But while it created room for the diffusion of authority it did not have a place for individualism.
  • Fascism explicitly repudiated the bourgeois individualism that it associated with liberalism.
  • It attacks those who emphasise individualism and individual rights.
  • But this requires a degree of intellectual self-renunciation which is incompatible with individualism.
  • In the contemporary western world, rapidly changing styles cater to a desire for novelty and individualism.
  • Thus methodological individualism can sometimes impede the sort of radical objectivation of social phenomena that the use of certain sociotheoretic models or tools requires. Methodological Individualism
  • But both extremes, rugged individualism and ruthless collectivism, are unbalanced and destructive.
  • Actually there is a deep relationship between these apparently contradictory stances: individualistic nationalism and national individualism.
  • American prosperity was based on rugged individualism and self-reliance, on business enterprise and on minimising the weight of government on both citizen and industry. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • Individualism has been the secret ingredient in developing his chain of fashion stores.
  • (Duguit) but even individualism (Laski), while Protag - orean humanism and some correlative forms of pragma - tism permit freedoms in choices almost without stint. JUSTICE
  • As the previous stage was characterized by the homogeneousness and hatred of everything different, this stage showed an increasing interest in what was different and was marked by an extreme expressionistic individualism.
  • In the contemporary western world, rapidly changing styles cater to a desire for novelty and individualism.
  • Unable to craft for itself a new form of civic collectivity, secular liberalism remains mired in individualism and blind to cultures built around universal ideals and collective aspirations.
  • He is struck by what he calls the individualism of American officers.
  • So Far From God parodies the family saga to decenter patriarchal biases inherent in the form; it further critiques individualism and constructs a new literary identity characterized by community.
  • The original Western nineteenth-century route to modernization was associated with laissez-faire capitalism, individualism, and democracy.
  • Individualism has been the secret ingredient in developing his chain of fashion stores.
  • The main obstacle is not partisanship, but individualism.
  • The ethical discourse of aesthetics embodies individualism or universalism or their complex correlation.
  • the individualism of the frontier in Andrew Jackson's day
  • In the contemporary western world, rapidly changing styles cater to a desire for novelty and individualism.
  • individualism is in danger of being swamped by a kind of corporatism
  • Under the heading ‘liberty’ the charter states: ‘We believe in individualism more than social determinism.’
  • In our education, collectivism and individualism are mutually exclusive and we are always taught to sacrifice individual interests for those of our team.
  • She considers her independence and individualism to be both positive and negative.
  • He sees the core political battle as between collectivism and individualism, and he is anti-collectivist. Times, Sunday Times
  • The market economy invests heavily in and rewards individualism, not self-sacrifice and altruism, the lifeblood of the family.
  • By then, as a writer of a later generation, David Foster Wallace, remarked, the “brave new individualism and sexual freedom of the 1960s devolved into anomic self-indulgence” for the so-called Me generation of the 1970s. Raymond Carver
  • Communitarian concepts have been gaining a following in response to excessive individualism in the West and a retreating from collectivism and authoritarianism in other parts of the world.
  • I will miss his eclectic, enthusiastic, unassuming, rugged individualism.
  • The first is that we are an altogether unregimented people, with a strong belief in the virtues of rugged individualism and in the right of the average man to go along about as he pleases, so long as he does not do actual injury to society. The Armed Forces Officer Department of the Army Pamphlet 600-2
  • “They believe on the whole in individualism rather than tribalism, national patriotism rather than ethnic loyalty, meritocracy rather than nepotism, nuclear families rather than extended clans, law and fair play rather than privilege, corporations of strangers rather than mafias of relatives, and true love rather than the arranged marriages necessary to keep ethnic categories clear-cut.” The Volokh Conspiracy » So a Libertarian and a Liberal Walk into a Bar
  • We seem to be standing up for corporate profit, but defending our individualism is the straw man. Think Progress » Why George Washington would disagree with the right wing about health care’s constitutionality.
  • The Party, on the other hand, frowned upon too much individualism, too much humanism practiced by any of its members.
  • For these suggest that holism and individualism can fruitfully be seen as serving different interests in social explanation.
  • These days, the Chinese leadership operates through consensus. Prominent displays of individualism are risky, as are unscripted engagements with the foreign media.
  • Generation X tends to individualism.
  • We celebrate individuality, but eschew the individualism that stifles creativity inhibits collaboration, and limits intelligence.
  • Revelling in colour and contrast, drama and dissonance, boldness and individualism, it was the architectural legacy of Romanticism.
  • You can smell the damp and dust of a rented aesthetics decked out in ornaments of individualism but still not really a home. Archive 2009-06-01
  • On the level of theory, fusionism claimed that individualism was the necessary basis for any society that wished to provide the possibility of a virtuous life.
  • Gramsci also acknowledged the dynamism of bourgeois individualism, but advocated a redirection of that energy to mass culture.
  • Opposed is the apparent liberalism, individualism and anarchy on offer in a postmodern world.
  • The theory of individualism triumphs here as everywhere else; disorganizes, that is to say, the forces that holding together might have been able to build up a succession of great works. Goupil's Paris Salon of 1897
  • Not a millimetre of individualism or personality was in evidence.
  • It is the law itself which encodes the values of individualism and materialism.
  • Poetic anti-discourse is dependent on the fragmentation of capitalism, modernity, and individualism, to which it counterposes social cohesion.
  • With a "cold" marketplace filled with anonymous entities, the irrationality of nationalism and tribalism is replaced by the peaceful, harmonic, and natural rationality of individualism. Hostility Toward Economics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Because for students to learn about the many atrocities strewn along the path of Manifest Destiny would upset the national narrative of continual social progress, rugged individualism, and free enterprise. Michelle Chen: Ethnic Studies Ruling Escalates Arizona Schools Struggle
  • Until we politically and socially emasculate it, we will continue to be shackled by a fantasy of individualism and a Hobbesian worldview that can no longer be ameliorated by an endless frontier or global economic dominance.
  • Such individualism lies at the heart of Americans' self-understanding as a people but it is a new idea in Europe and it makes the French particularly uneasy.
  • Nietzsche's "Birth of Tragedy" argued that the Greeks 'reputed Apollonian harmony was achieved only by suppressing Dionysiac impulses, while Burckhardt maintained that the Italian Renaissance was born from and sustained by "competitive individualism. Book review of Hugh Trevor-Roper's "History and the Enlightenment"
  • Instead it demands a considerable degree of autonomy and nurtures individualism.
  • Self-reliance and individualism can be made meaningful for all only by first reviving the power of collective action.
  • For many years, the term methodological individualism was associated primarily with the work of Karl Popper. Methodological Individualism
  • This, he felt, helped foster the importance placed on rugged individualism and independence that still imbues many discussions of southern values.
  • We would suggest that to assume that all women possess a drive toward inter-relatedness, or that all men possess a drive toward individualism, is to depreciate that individual's experience.
  • Now this is no doubt a very comforting idea for those of us who harbor fantasies of romantic individualism and hero-worship, but I don't think it's the way architecture actually gets made in the real world. An Interview with Richard Rayner about Cloud Sketcher
  • In the contemporary western world, rapidly changing styles cater to a desire for novelty and individualism.
  • He uses “hipster” to indict all aspects of modernity — secularism, individualism, irony, skepticism, post-modernism, etc. Matthew Yglesias » The CAP/Dwell Connection
  • Our analyses of national data for 12 European countries and Israel lent strong support to our hypotheses linking theological modernism with cultural and economic individualism.
  • We celebrate individuality, but eschew the individualism that stifles creativity inhibits collaboration, and limits intelligence.
  • German history in the Middle Ages was strongly influenced by two opposing principles: universalism and individualism.
  • For the purpose of my argument Rousseau was a romantic idealist who believed in individualism and and that the human condition was perfectible, and he was, in fact, these things. Matthew Yglesias » The Collapse of Latvia
  • Neither writer is an exponent of unthought, liberal individualism.
  • What attracted liberal intellectuals to socialism was something else: mainly, the idea of community, which they contrasted invidiously to the individualism and competition of a market society.
  • Instead it demands a considerable degree of autonomy and nurtures individualism.
  • Rather, a masculinist workplace culture that rewards long hours and values competitiveness, individualism and instrumentality excludes those people that want a life outside work, whatever their gender.
  • Pride, a religious term for unbridled individualism, threatens the welfare of an orderly community.
  • Very little individualism and original thought.
  • his untempered individualism
  • Under the shiny surface there's homelessness, ignorance, insane people on the streets, hypocrisy, a certain coldness and strong individualism in people in general.
  • Many of its adherents promoted the individualism and lay preaching that Edwards so deplored.
  • The two goals - reflecting the two sides of modern democratic individualism - were finally incommensurable.
  • The adverse effect of such strong accentuation on individualism was the erosion of the fragile sense of solidarity, which indigenous tradition attempted to revive in the national form.
  • It is really from the union of Hellenism, in its breadth, its sanity of purpose, its calm possession of beauty, with the adventive, the intensified individualism, the passionate colour of the romantic spirit, that springs the art of the nineteenth century in England, as from the marriage of Faust and Helen of Troy sprang the beautiful boy Euphorion. Miscellanies
  • The philosophical roots of both individualism and collectivism are the same.
  • It is true that "sola scriptura" has all-too often functioned as a licence for individualism - "every man his own pope" - but it originated in a context which emphasised confession as a corporate, "churchly" activity. The Boar's Head Tavern
  • Arrington's subsidiary themes concern Young's efforts to separate God's chosen people from the corrupt Gentile world and to build a self-sufficient society based on economic cooperation, as opposed to the individualism and privatism of American society at large. Secrets of the Mormons
  • These can be tentatively related to their respective contexts: class in Britain versus American democracy; interest in the social whole versus individualism.
  • Mauss's underlying concern was with individualism as an aspect of the fragmentation and disembedded nature of capitalist society.
  • Indeed, just as Tocqueville had to coin the term individualism to describe the unique way he observed Americans relating to one another in society, he also invented a concept that he called "the principle of interest rightly understood" to describe Americans 'moral code. The Freedom Fighter's Journal
  • This is self evident, given his adherence to those great left wing principles; individualism, the free-market, starving workers and torture.
  • They believe on the whole in individualism rather than tribalism, national patriotism rather than ethnic loyalty, meritocracy rather than nepotism, nuclear families rather than extended clans, law and fair play rather than privilege, corporations of strangers rather than mafias of relatives, and true love rather than the arranged marriages necessary to keep ethnic categories clear-cut. The Volokh Conspiracy » So a Libertarian and a Liberal Walk into a Bar
  • However, the belief in the reality of a mental substance was part of the rhetoric of the theory of individualism, not the discovery of that reality.
  • The virtues of individualism and self-reliance seemed compromised in a world of corporate power and urban throngs.
  • Capitalism, democracy, individualism, gender equality, and secularism are Western notions that have been adopted in Asia.
  • A bald deism has undoubtedly been the creed of some of the purest and most generous men that have ever trod the earth, but none the less on that account is it in its essence a doctrine of self-complacent individualism from which society has little to hope, and with which there is little chance of the bulk of society ever sympathizing. Voltaire
  • All the normal yakyak about individualism and personal responsibility was on display.
  • In such a conflictual family environment, it is difficult to organize family activities, and family members will tend to focus on themselves, thus stressing individualism rather than collectivism.
  • The reason is the increasing emphasis on individualism that industrial capitalist society imposes.
  • To them the cowboy is and always will be the crowning pinnacle of American manhood and rugged individualism. Shane, Revisited
  • It was once said that Britain was divided into herbivores, the gentle types who read the Guardian and believe in collectivism, and carnivores, the thrusting go-getters who favour rugged individualism.
  • I believe in rugged individualism and that no one owes me anything just because I live and breathe. Final Weekend - Tim Burns (R CAND, PA-12). | RedState
  • His intention was to achieve the expression of universal harmony by avoiding individualism and particularity.
  • He did it that night, and he did it well; and since Martin had made the biggest stir, he put it all into his mouth and made him the arch-anarch of the show, transforming his reactionary individualism into the most lurid, red-shirt socialist utterance. Chapter 38
  • There is a danger of the radical individualism of our society meaning that whole sectors dismiss other whole sectors. Times, Sunday Times
  • This individualism was perhaps a natural reflex of an economy bursting forth from its medieval limitations.
  • And Scandinavians are almost 100% Protestant too - which fits with a spirit of independence and individualism.
  • My central contention with regard to these writers 'pessimistic conceptions of freedom and their overall anti-modern pathos is that we ought to read them less as a separate current opposing the dominant narrative of nineteenth-century liberalism and its identification with rights, institutions, and the competitive individualism they foster than as a The Melancholic Gift: Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy and Fiction
  • And the bylines are a who's who of great thinkers, journalists, politicians and activists, including Bertrand Russell, Theodore Roosevelt, Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, union leader Walter Reuther, Theodore Dreiser (on what he saw as a "destructive phase" for American individualism circa 1932), Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., James Warren: This Week in Magazines: A Remarkably Resilient Progressive Turns 100, Eliot Spitzer Gropes to Turn a Corner
  • (This is is the big culture movement that transformed the domestic space and it gives us a glimpse of how homeyness is being transformed by new forces in in American culture: feminism, new child rearing, American individualism, the "baggier" family, the celebrity culture, and, yes, artisanal chocolate again.) 4. cloudy selves and cloudy groups. Grant McCracken
  • Now all of you know that Naziism is acknowledgedly entirely opposed to any self-expression, any individualism, and any freedom. Racial Relations in the Union of South Africa
  • Cash and Co stand at the very heart of country's embrace of the western myth of rugged individualism.
  • Somehow Ronald Reagan's party of western individualism and limited government has ended up not just increasing the size of the state but turning it into a tool of southern-fried moralism. And Lower… - Swampland -
  • Moreover, industry research indicates that the youth market is looking for individualism - and finding it in denim.
  • The star is not the dissolution of individualism into death and oblivion but the freezing of particularity into an eternal image of itself.
  • He will likely go from strength to strength as an independent MSP in a parliament where individualism is seen as a political virtue.
  • A collectivist perspective is characterized by an emphasis on the needs of the group, the opposite of individualism.
  • Far from inspiring individualism, or egoism, the act should inspire awe, humility.
  • Enhancing style and expressing individualism is another reason why shoes have bridged the gap between the sexes.
  • Out of such stratagems was born the distinctively Dutch combination of individualism and communitarianism, which is still alive and well today.
  • What about individualism, capitalism, democracy, scientific rationalism, technical inventiveness - the supposed special features of European value-systems?
  • It was individualism baresark, amok, crazily frantic. The Fortunate Youth
  • Storey and Sisson recommend the UK find a better balance between individualism and collectivism in managing its human resources and industrial relations.
  • As a whole it reaffirmed liberal individualism, pluralism and parliamentary democracy.
  • The ethical discourse of aesthetics embodies individualism or universalism or their complex correlation.
  • If you study Austrian economics, you will learn that a central tenet of the school is methodological individualism.

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