How To Use Indisposition In A Sentence

  • The Suez Canal and the Mediterranean must have been kinder because they were never blamed for her indisposition.
  • Even the wives and daughters of low tradesmen, who, like shovel-nosed sharks, prey upon the blubber of those uncouth whales of fortune, are infected with the same rage of displaying their importance; and the slightest indisposition serves them for a pretext to insist upon being conveyed to Bath, where they may hobble country-dances and cotillons among lordlings, squires, counsellors, and clergy. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • Mrs. Clinton was confined to her room that morning by a slight indisposition.
  • First, this is an application which has to overcome this Court's indisposition to revisiting discretionary decisions of trial judges.
  • The following day, he made a token appearance and gave up citing indisposition.
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  • Her nerves must have been affected by her indisposition.
  • At first, La Scala scheduled Il trovatore, but the tenor, claiming indisposition, suggested Giordano's opera instead.
  • This influence is ac - companied by a disposition to criminate him who may be intrust - ed with the direction of the means of protection, sharpened by an indisposition to retribute those who lose by not receiving that protection however sirongly called for by equity. Memoirs of the war in the Southern department of the United States
  • Probably Dee, through indolence or inadvertence, or, more likely, simple indisposition, hadn't made contact with her. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • But I hope it is only a slight indisposition and that he will return to health by the week's end. "
  • Many secret indispositions, coldnesses, and aversions to duty, will undiscernibly steal upon it; and it will require both time and close application of mind, to recover it to such Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. II.
  • his hesitancy revealed his basic indisposition
  • Stella sang the role for all four performances because of the indisposition of Jean Mitchell who had been double cast in the role.
  • I myself was suffering from a slight alimentary indisposition. HE SHALL THUNDER IN THE SKY
  • He turned quickly and, when he was unable to determine who had been responsible, had to fight down his indisposition. DANSVILLE
  • Aides to the Prime Minister said he was suffering from a " slight indisposition ".
  • And Captain Tom regretted the temporary indisposition that prevented immediate departure with them, and continued to sit and drowse more and more in the big chair. BY THE TURTLES OF TASMAN
  • He was aware that his ingratitude to his benefactress was the theme of general remark and reproach; and he apprehended, should the King fall a victim to one of those attacks of indisposition to which he was continually subject -- an event which had been foretold by the astrologers, and which was anticipated by his physicians -- that he should be unable to contend against the animosity of the irritated Princess, and the undisguised aversion of the Duc d'Orléans, who made no effort to conceal his dislike to the haughty minister, against whom he published during his sojourn at The Life of Marie de Medicis — Volume 3
  • Doctors from these regions reported that even in cases of the slightest indisposition, children were taken to the infection hospitals.
  • Whatever the nature of his indisposition, this serves to underline the fact that the era characterised by his astute political manoeuvring is coming to an end.
  • The royal entourage likes progress to run smoothly, "free from the disruptions of gastronomic indisposition."
  • What with flies and dust, and heat and indisposition, I scarcely ever remember to have spent a more disagreeable day in my life '.
  • How much sloth and negligence, heat and passion, the prevalency of fashion or acquired indispositions do severally contribute, on occasion, to these wrong judgments, I shall not here further inquire. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • When indisposition, therefore, confined her to the limits of her own apartment, our heroine adopted the same mode of conduct observed at the Hermitage, during Mrs. Bertram’s illness: — she sung, she read, she assisted Mrs. Ross in any piece of fine needle-work which happened to be in hands at the time; and, in short, endeavoured to soften the painful or tedious moments of distress by every possible means best calculated for the purpose. Stella of the North, or the Foundling of the Ship
  • She recalled his hauteur and studious coldness towards herself, his air of deep understanding and mastery, his magic look of wizardly youth, his eloquence, his immense self-possession, his mysterious connection with Cleopatra's indisposition and recovery. Too Old for Dolls A Novel
  • Laxman got an opportunity to bat only once against UAE and had to sit out in the match against Sri Lanka due to indisposition.
  • I gathered the impression that he would have liked to write a Century war article, but could never quite overcome his indisposition to appear in print.
  • They woke her with their boisterous noise and lack of consideration for her indisposition.
  • Apparently indisposition had, in March 1748 prevented him from working on a plan for winter shelter of orange trees.
  • For indisposition of any kind, 3 tablespoons diluted with water can be taken.
  • Probably Dee, through indolence or inadvertence, or, more likely, simple indisposition, hadn't made contact with her. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • On the night I went, its star Sheridan Smith could not go on, due to a " sudden indisposition ".
  • At this time Elizabeth began to become apprehensive in expectation of her monthly indisposition.
  • This appointment was necessary due to the indisposition of John, although it was nice to see him and his wife in the audience.
  • I myself was suffering from a slight alimentary indisposition. HE SHALL THUNDER IN THE SKY
  • The cause of his recent trivial indisposition was a hostile criticism in a local paper, but with the dismissal of the critic the incident is now regarded as closed, and M. Gordkin will resume his saltatorial activities in a day or two. Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 146, March 25, 1914
  • He did so, and after passing through some of the intricate avenues common in old houses, was ushered into a small apartment, commodiously fitted up, in which he found Father Buonaventure reclining on a couch, in the attitude of a man exhausted by fatigue or indisposition. Redgauntlet
  • But Julia never complained about her condition and Charlotte had no way of knowing what the cause of her present indisposition was.
  • A social catastrophe would therefore pose no more than a minor indisposition for the regime.
  • There's a disposition to believe any bad news, whatever the source, and an indisposition to believe the good news, no matter how reliable.
  • Meanwhile, Elizabeth lived in her own quiet agony as the time continued to pass with no sign of her monthly indisposition.
  • Amongst the Saints there are some gigantick ones, who continually suffer with patience indispositions of body, of which God takes great care. The spiritual guide which disentangles the soul / by Michael de Molinos ; edited with an introduction by Kathleen Lyttelton and a note by H. Scott Holland.
  • Probably Dee, through indolence or inadvertence, or, more likely, simple indisposition, hadn't made contact with her. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD

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