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  1. without discretion or wisdom or self-restraint
    she inquired indiscreetly after the state of his health

How To Use indiscreetly In A Sentence

  • As Pierre Weiss, the IAAF general secretary, indiscreetly termed it: "She is a woman but maybe not 100%. Caster Semenya may return to track this month after IAAF clearance
  • ‘Well, Juliet's party was successful, as per usual,’ Hannah said, propping an elbow on the table, indiscreetly rolling her eyes.
  • So much the better, there is no message that indiscreetly outshouts the message that the book itself must communicate directly, that you must extract from the book, however much or little it may be. Italo calvino | if on a winter’s night a traveler « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • she inquired indiscreetly after the state of his health
  • My hands flew up to my cheeks and I remembered those friendly French faces which now flashed before me: the old man on the bike whose smile seemed over-polite the little girl grinning sweetly, ever indiscreetly the young man who said salut (hoot hoot!) Escapade
  • Unfortunately Chris drew unwelcome attention by behaving indiscreetly in a wine bar, which first prompted speculation about our marriage.
  • One mom who can't quite reconcile Connie's brown skin and black hair with my green-eyed blonde complexion asks indiscreetly, “Peruvian adoption?” to which I simply nod instead of asking, “Fertility treatments?” about the squalling brood in her triple-wide stroller. The Uninvited Guest
  • He talks indiscreetly, self-deprecatingly and with a bracing disregard for modern niceties. Times, Sunday Times
  • These also recovered, and by the following morning all had passed the ordeal, save one, who having escaped so much longer than the rest, fancied himself entirely out of danger, and indiscreetly boasted of his better constitution, laughing at what he called the effeminacy of his companions. Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • Their liaison takes place, strangely and indiscreetly, on a bed in a vast open gallery.
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