How To Use Indiscernible In A Sentence
This play is not for those easily bored by indiscernible, confusing stories that demand heavy philosophical thought.
We have seen that sensibility extrinsically distinguishes indiscernibles and then exhibits to the understanding (without however making it exponible) a difference that the understanding should itself be able to find.
In short, at a time when art production was increasingly "dematerialized" and reliant, if not indiscernible, from its recording, reproduction, and transmission, Sharp both pioneered logistical means of so doing, and functioned as a vital relay and catalyst in his daily life.
Instead, what you get is the indiscernible voice of a child singing in which I have concluded to be a mélange of Chinese and Arabic slang.
The much vaunted Aussie "larrikin" sense of humor is indiscernible from the wit and laughter heard all over the world, it's famously | Top Stories

What that means is works that avoid melodic drama and any narrative sense, instead building on drawn-out repetition and evolution in almost indiscernible increments.
But more importantly it is able to tap in to the psyche, the primeval, the indiscernible something that makes us human beings.
The satellite should detect that small bits of time and space are actually missing from each orbit, something indiscernible to orbiting astronauts but measurable nonetheless.
Instead, it was tender, but unfortunately any jalapeno flavour was indiscernible.
The some what older suburbs of North Tyneside have houses which look indiscernible from each other.
Neither showed any sign of having seen the other; and before long she was nothing but a dot hazed through dust, then indiscernible from scenery.
He stares at my clothes with an indiscernible look, waits for a second, then shrugs imperceptibly and returns to his work.
Faced with the most intense, physical postseason game of his career, late-season giant Pau Gasol shrank to an indiscernible size in the Lakers' 104-99 loss to the Utah Jazz at EnergySolutions Arena.
Her nod was indiscernible, with no appeal as to what and whom Ezra wanted to talk about.
The act of waiting, although indiscernible to an outside observer, disrupts the illusion of time by erasing the past, diminishing the present, and aggrandizing the future when that which is waited for is expected to appear.
It was a subtle welling, almost indiscernible.
It's a shame because the fans suffer as the league homogenizes into one indiscernible parity-filled blob.
O'Brien's smile was so thin it was almost indiscernible.
The water itself was indiscernible, reflecting nothing at all.
Then, the light flew high and higher, until it was indiscernible from the stars.
The transition was almost indiscernible.
The haze ate into their eyes, making the sounds more vivid and the sights all blend together in indiscernible colored shapes.
Almost indiscernible on the bottom right hand corner of the stone were her initials: T. S.
The main harm from classical homeopathy is not likely to come from its remedies, which are probably safe but ineffective, though this is changing as homeopathy becomes indiscernible from herbalism in some places.
All she could see was a light purple mist that clouded anything beyond into indiscernible shapes.
It was as indiscernible and unimportant as my newly inflected mid-Atlantic accent.
The form stepped forward out of the corner, condensing from the darkness into a head, shoulders, and indiscernible body cloaked in some material light and impatient in movement as the summer wraiths in this part of the world.
Apparently these people are elected by students to represent them, but what these guys are doing is indiscernible, nothing they do seems to concern students.
Bork described the Ninth as an "inkblot" with an indiscernible meaning.
Where is the Ninth Amendment hiding?
All she could see was a light purple mist that clouded anything beyond into indiscernible shapes.
Upon one of the boughs, high off the ground, almost indiscernible from the night around it, a hunched form sat motionless, as if waiting.
It was filmed from a ferry, and at some distance, leading to the creature's features being indiscernible, and over all being very small on screen.
The most basic function of food preference, or sense of taste, is the ability to detect the almost indiscernible subtleties of the foods we eat.
Someone at the other center had took it, printed it out and handed it to the guy with the box for some indiscernible reason.
She glanced at him again, but he was focused on some indiscernible thing in front of him, his jaw clenched as they walked forward.
The room holds six women and three children at the moment, packed in with almost indiscernible spaces between them.
an indiscernible increase in temperature
He had noticed an almost indiscernible quirk to the enemy pilot's flying technique.
the transition was almost indiscernible