How To Use Indignant In A Sentence
He communed with himself for a moment, and then muttered indignantly:
In the late 1980s Craxi indignantly told Frei that he had never committed a single illegal act.
Italy's Dirty Linen
We have every reason to remain indignant, disgusted, embarrassed and angry about this fact, but no room anymore whatsoever to feign surprise.
The CNN estimate of the Searchlight Rally. | RedState
An owl hooted across the compound, and a paraquet disturbed by the outcry uttered a shrill, indignant protest.
The Lamp in the Desert
And you call that a first class service?" snorted one indignant customer.

Justly indignant at our folly, for quarrelling is not allowed in his domains, the King laid us under sentence of banishment, decreeing that we should spend the fifteenth night of each month in this dreary forest until a tailor came who could mend the garments we had torn.
Folk Tales From Many Lands
However indignant and hotheaded he might appear, his intemperateness could rapidly be defused by humor or kindness.
Ophelia leaps about and barks, indignant at a style of hunting so contrary to her habits; and Sir Ralph, astride the stone railing, is smoking a cigar and, as usual, looking on impassively at other people's pleasure or vexation.
He had by a second will bequeathed all his possessions to the Church, reserving in them a life-interest for his virtual wife; and when the cousinry swooped down on what they thought their prey, Madame Mulhausen could receive them and their condolences with the indignant scorn which their greed and cruelty deserved.
A Handbook to the Works of Browning (6th ed.)
They lead to sometimes-cordial responses but usually indignant comebacks, and that makes me equally irate.
She may feel indignant but it's really unfair to deprive your daughter of loving grandparents.
The Sun
One of the tricks is to get indignant over a cause you can never win.
I got an indignant reply from Mr Norris.
Miss Burney protested indignantly, her long thin nose turning pink with mortification at this irreverent piece of mimicry
A simple morality play starring villains and victims always draws a bigger, more indignant crowd than the more involved narrative of structural inequality.
He was terribly indignant at what he saw as false accusations.
Amid the tsunami of indignant emails were a couple of noteworthy contributions.
I was all ready to indignantly beg your pardon and say that these are 100 per cent mine!
Times, Sunday Times
After King's "I Have A Dream" speech at the March on Washington an indignant Sullivan wrote to Hoover the speech was "demagogic" and that "We must mark [King] now, if we have not done so before, as the most dangerous Negro of the future in this Nation.
FBI agents that spied on Martin Luther King also ran COINTELPRO operation against 'Omaha Two'
If any one had taxed him with the vice, he would have indignantly repelled the accusation, and conceived himself unworthily aspersed.
The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit
The driver was clearly indignant that I hadn't avoided him, and refused to acknowledge the crowd of about 20 pedestrians, all shouting that he had jumped two red lights.
At one point, Kirie asks her father about his conversation with the aforementioned spiral fetishist, provoking him to indignantly accuse her of eavesdropping.
The Justice scratched his head and waxed phlegmatically indignant.
The Benefit of the Doubt
He snorted indignantly, and walked away across the tram rails, his hump quivering with rage.
A crowd soon gathered, and despite the indignant cries of the master-pavior, who declared he was never more sane, this son of
The Palmy Days of Nance Oldfield
He is indignant at being charged with the "imbecility of hoping to force the working classes into the churches by earthing up the paths of escape.
From the archive, 13 January 1863: Bishops rail against Sunday excursions
From her indignant retelling, she said that they even commented, in earshot, that she must not be a “proper Chinese”.
I can’t be racist! I’m Asian! — Fusion Despatches
The ministers of the tyrant, by the orders, and in the presence, of their master, beat him on the neck with leather thongs armed at the extremities with lead; and when he fainted under the violence of the pain, he was removed in a close litter, to conceal his dying agonies from the eyes of the indignant city.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Although her economical style can sacrifice immediacy and intimacy, this is a fiercely indignant and justly cynical work.
Times, Sunday Times
The chemist was indignant at what he called the manoeuvres of the priest; they were prejudicial, he said, to Hippolyte's convalescence, and he kept repeating to Madame Lefrançois, "Leave him alone! leave him alone!
Madame Bovary A Tale of Provincial Life
That's what comes of trying to satisfy them fellows," one City Father observed, in an indignant and unstilted speech to his colleagues.
The Philistines
The partial acknowledgment of the injustice and unworkability of the austerity measures came only after popular resistance and the peaceful revolt of the indignant scored its first major victory for the anti-austerity and pro-democracy campaign.
Greece is standing up to EU neocolonialism | Costas Douzinas and Petros Papaconstantinou
His indignant parents promptly disinherited him, and Joly went to work as a secretary to put him through medical school.
His fine sonnets to Liberty, and indeed, all his pieces which have any reference to political interest, remind me of the spirit in which Schiller has conceived the character of William Tell, a calm, single hearted herdsman of the hills, breaking forth into fiery and indignant eloquence, when the sanctity of his hearth is invaded.
Memorials of Mrs. Hemans, with Illustrations of Her Literary Character from Her Private Correspondence
righteously indignant
Forth, where boys and girls recalled the doings of Robert Louis and his friends with bull's-eye lanterns and gunpowder, in that cheerful form known to Louis Stevenson as a 'peeoy,' and considered it a point of honour to do likewise, no matter how indignant such mischief made the authorities.
Robert Louis Stevenson
A simple morality play starring villains and victims always draws a bigger, more indignant crowd than the more involved narrative of structural inequality.
Some were indignant at the treatment of a former head of state; others wanted to see justice take its course.
The frantic denouncer of simony had himself become a simonist; the indignant opponent of Antoninus had become his secret accomplice; the accuser of misprision had accepted an enormous bribe as the guerdon of misprision.
Gathering Clouds: A Tale of the Days of St. Chrysostom
With expostulatory shakes of the head and indignant glances I called his attention to the fact that I was not alone.
The Arrow of Gold
I couldn't help myself as indignant words came out of my mouth.
She wrote an indignant letter to the paper complaining about the council's action.
Of course she was very indignant and scolded them, Goliah specially, whereupon Goliah's sister Catty, who is well named, being of a feline nature in the worst sense of the word, had broken out and "cussed" her outrageously.
A Woman Rice Planter
Another over-watchful Newbury "awakener" rapped on the head a nodding man who protested indignantly that he was wide-awake, and was only bowing in solemn assent and approval of the minister's arguments.
Sabbath in Puritan New England
So saying, the indignant Sage nevertheless plunged the contemned pieces of gold into a large pouch which he wore at his girdle, which Toinette, and other abettors of lavish expense, generally contrived to empty fully faster than the philosopher, with all his art, could find the means of filling.
Quentin Durward
Once, I wrote "ln" on the board and immediately heard indignant cries of confusion.
Adrian Monck
Refilling her strained but still indignant lungs, she pressed the megaphone to her lips and bellowed at the empty beaches of the atoll.
Although her economical style can sacrifice immediacy and intimacy, this is a fiercely indignant and justly cynical work.
Times, Sunday Times
And thus it came about that she ceased to grow indignant at Branwell's follies; she made up her mind to accept with angerless sorrow his natural vices.
Emily Brontë
In business it never pays to get indignant in any way.
But my favourite character is without a doubt the indignant, motor-mouthed teenager.
And a little earlier than this, when meditating his pantisocracy scheme with Southey and Lovell, he had addressed the dead poet in his indignant
A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century
Dr. Madden left her, telling her that she was not pregnant, and when she reappeared at his office in a few days, he reassured her of the nonexistence of pregnancy; she became very indignant, triumphantly squeezed lactescent fluid from her breasts, and, insisting that she could feel fetal movements, left to seek a more sympathetic accoucheur.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
If anyone should be indignant, we should be - for failing to force the North to tighten its belt and pay for the biospheric damage it has caused to date.
And shall I always be immured, like a captived thrush?" asked Edwin, indignantly.
The Children's Portion
On our return from the ruins near Meshed, Taisir (our soldier) came to us and was very indignant about the price the sultan charged for his soldiers.
Southern Arabia
Don Manuel was indignant at what he termed the selfish and unfeeling conduct of Villabuena, who would thus sacrifice his daughter's happiness to his own pride and ambition.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, Number 361, November, 1845.
She was wearing an indignant expression, hands on her hips, and a slight pout on her full lips.
And what an introduction it is: much like Jones himself it's an entertainingly naïve, indignant, and jealous document that helps one to immediately cotton to Jones.
Some cybernauts said they weren't even clear on Zhao's contribution, but were nonetheless indignant at attempts to sweep under the rug the death of a man who played such an important historical role.
an indignant denial
Reps and Dems will remain unshakenly indignant (for different reasons, of course) in their mutual admiration societies.
The gods were wroth at so presumptuous an offer, but when they would have indignantly driven the stranger from their presence, Loki urged them to make a bargain which it would be impossible for the stranger to keep, and so they finally told the architect that the guerdon should be his, provided the fortress were finished in the course of a single winter, and that he accomplished the work with no other assistance than that of his horse Svadilfare.
Myths of the Norsemen From the Eddas and Sagas
Astonished and indignant at so sudden and violent an assault, Camilla stood suspended, whether to deign any vindication, or to walk silently away: yet its implications involuntarily filled her with a thousand other, and less offending emotions than those of anger, and a general confusion crimsoned her cheeks.
Upwards of a thousand of the former are all over the trailer's web page, holding forth in that peculiar combination of arrogant certainty, indignant victimization, and pseudo-wised-up, cockily confident wrongness that marks the true Randroid.
Ellis Weiner: "I love John Galt!" (Atlas Shrugged: the Movie)
He was terribly indignant at what he saw as false accusations.
Her hair was awry and she had one hand on one jutting hip indignantly, her eyes half-closed in a cuss.
They confess that the cause why they persecuted their brother was his having dreamed; as if truly this ass an inexpiable offense; but if they are indignant at his dreams, why do they not rather wage war with God?
Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
If the recipient was feeling truly, righteously indignant about the measly offer made by the allocator, however, then the only way to punish the allocator sufficiently is to reject the offer.
An indignant Cape robin and a sweet waxbill soon followed - each weighing a few grams.
He was indignant about the mutilation of the cable and wanted to make a complaint about it right away.
So if your boyfriend has been taking advantage of the fact that you will always oblige, you may feel quite feel indignant.
Times, Sunday Times
A few chickens squawked indignantly as the cold gust of air hit them, but they soon settled back down into their boxes, feathers ruffled to keep out the chill.
It is concerned, not with visible objects, but with abstract truth; for numbers are pure abstractions — the true arithmetician indignantly denies that his unit is capable of division.
The Republic by Plato ; translated by Benjamin Jowett
Why that should be so remains the subject of endless fascination or indignant denunciation.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet the same amount of indignant anger seems to have deserted them when it comes to their own colleagues.
As I scooped up the tortoise, it gave an indignant wheeze and swiftly retracted its limbs and head, bringing up the hinged piece of plastron that closes the brown-and-butterscotch patterned “box” of protective shell.
Beginner’s Grace
And I would depicture her, a foiled and wistful little wraith, very lonely in eternity, and a bit regretful of the world she loved and of its blundering men, and unhappy, -- for she could never be entirely happy without Peter, -- and I feared, indignant.
The Cords of Vanity A Comedy of Shirking
But here it challenged man to essay a fall; for where it burst its way over rocky slopes were channels jeopardous and hardly navigable, sequences of foaming rapids, races of wild water swirling round opposing boulders, and careering indignant of restraint between long walls of beetling rock.
Apologia Diffidentis
His indignant countrymen actually caused him to be prosecuted in the native courts, on a charge nearly equivalent to what we term defamation of character; but the old fellow persisting in his assertion, and no invalidating proof being adduced, the plaintiffs were cast in the suit, and the cannibal reputation of the defendant firmly established.
He was then totally at home as the bonhomous but mountingly indignant Mr Hardcastle in a revival of Oliver Goldsmith's She Stoops to Conquer at the Young Vic in 1972.
The Guardian World News
He was indignant that we would even suggest that he was dirty.
Victims of egg-plundering skuas, which resemble large rapacious gulls, squawk indignantly.
Jess felt faintly indignant at the remark.
Now, the day after I see uproar, furor and indignant articles across the various news sites I read.
Now, it in a stage-coach in the depth of winter, when three passengers are warm and snug, a fourth, all besnowed and frozen, descends from the outside and takes place amongst them, straightway all the three passengers shift their places, uneasily pull up their cloak collars, re - arrange their "comforters," feel indignantly a sensible loss of caloric: the intruder has at least made a sensation.
The Caxtons — Volume 09
No wonder that he is indignant, and looks upon us with scorn.
The Children of the New Forest
Of course, I am speaking as a mom, and a pretty indignant mom… What a cheap and tawdry political trick.
Mourning residents are indignant over what they call negligence on the part of the club's management, which President Dmitry Medvedev also criticized in a nationally televised videoconference on Saturday. Front Page
As the mechanical creatures quietened, a faint cheep could be heard, then a sort of indignant squawk.
The indignant customer complained to the manager.
My voice was of a contralto, albeit noticeably indignant in its own frustration.
Don't get so friggin 'indignant about your own hallucinations, m'kay?
Mr. Roche was righteously indignant over this blatant lack of due diligence and ordered one each of the "approved" snow tires shipped to the artist, who would have the freedom to decide which snow-tire pattern would be immortalized in the Official Cadillac Christmas Card.
Life Lessons From the Car Guy
From" long live youth" to" cloth gift"and "butterfly "in new era, and to later "season" series, his writing experienced pure extolment, painful division and indignant irony.
There was angry and indignant protest from two out of three mentioned.
My father sounded perplexed and a little indignant.
KANDAHAR COCKNEY: A Tale of Two Worlds
I rebelled with a mute, indignant impulse, which I was not old enough to enounce or to argue.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 108, October, 1866
All Rights Reserved to Tooth & Nail Records Lyrics: on a cold December, just before dawn as the sun said "hello" to the sky the mantis prayed while the lamellicorn tumbled and rolled in a threadbare tie the holland lops in the Callicoon glades indignantly thumped their feet and hopped away when they cut their noses on the sharp-tipped blades (since the grass doesn't mind in the least) the heat pad waiting in the chicken-wire hutch where the does from the netherlands stay but that dry alfalfa don't taste like much and we're tired of the timothy hay - Business News
She wrote an indignant letter to the paper complaining about the council's action.
Some, indeed, of belles lettres, poems, plays, or memoirs, he tossed indignantly aside, with the implied censure of psha, or frivolous; but the greater and bulkier part of the collection bore a very different character.
Chapter XX
His brothers had not replied at all, seeming to be indignant with him; while his father and mother had written a rather sad letter, deploring his precipitancy in rushing into marriage, but making the best of the matter by saying that, though a dairywoman was the last daughter-in-law they could have expected, their son had arrived at an age at which he might be supposed to be the best judge.
Tess of the d'Urbervilles
Philo said "How do the contributors here arrive at their confident, not to say chokingly indignant, conclusions about climate change when so much science is implicated from so many different disciplines?
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Strange monsters known as BEM have escaped from the other world, and they have possessed the indignant spirits naturally occurring inside of everyday items.
Anime News Network
Suddenly the indignant cries of the whole listening company mingled in confusion with the inspired voice of the improvisatrice and the descriptive music of the lutes.
The Royal Pawn of Venice A Romance of Cyprus
Upwards of a thousand of the former are all over the trailer's web page, holding forth in that peculiar combination of arrogant certainty, indignant victimization, and pseudo-wised-up, cockily confident wrongness that marks the true Randroid.
Ellis Weiner: "I love John Galt!" (Atlas Shrugged: the Movie)
Indignant, Tyrone did not hesitate, and as the blades cut deep, blood began to spill.
Either she'll be touched to be rediscovered or she'll be very, very indignant and hurl ethnocentric epithets.
His intention was simple evasion, but he provoked an indignant response.
Many indignant customers led the vigilance officers straight to the errant trader who had got them in the soup.
The old lady complained indignantly , her lips trembling as she spoke.
But when the pair of sheep were driven off, blatting indignantly, we found ourselves in possession of a handsome but completely surplus male Labrador.
On demanding an explanation of this unapostolic alliance, the diocesan received an indignant reply from the priest that he had mistaken his character, for he was incapable of aiding or abetting the sin of bigamy, and that all he had done was to pronounce a blessing for their living happily together until her husband should return.
Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia
Part of me wishes that I could be like some of the loftier commentators and get all morally indignant about this.
Mildly indignant surprise was what she intended to convey, and almost succeeded.
Brett sounded annoyed, indignant perhaps at his best friend having lied to him.
Now, it in a stage-coach in the depth of winter, when three passengers are warm and snug, a fourth, all besnowed and frozen, descends from the outside and takes place amongst them, straightway all the three passengers shift their places, uneasily pull up their cloak collars, re-arrange their "comforters," feel indignantly a sensible loss of caloric: the intruder has at least made a sensation.
The Caxtons — Complete
But I find it hard to get indignant about an amoral, egomaniacal novelist refusing to save the lives of two brutal killers.
It is to be regretted that she declines to do so: I might finally have received a proper answer to the question with which I started (in genuine puzzlement) - How do the contributors here arrive at their confident, not to say chokingly indignant, conclusions about climate change when so much science is implicated from so many different disciplines?
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Some of the women were indignant that I had the audacity to go on to their patch - it was their territory and I was seen as the intruder.
Tittmann thinks not so much "wrath" is meant, as an indignant feeling of fretfulness under the calamities to which the whole of human life is exposed; this accords with the "divers temptations" in Jas 1: 2.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Values that embrace social solidarity and participation were indignantly rebuffed by the new culture.
Her hair was awry and she had one hand on one jutting hip indignantly, her eyes half-closed in a cuss.
Ah, but you wouldnt say they looked like fools when they landed a big pike, I can tell you, said Tom, who had never caught anything that was big in his life, but whose imagination was on the stretch with indignant zeal for the honor of sport.
III. The New Schoolfellow. Book II—School-Time
Mirabeau himself was indignant with what he called a pantomime; for he said that Ministers had no right to screen their own responsibility behind the inviolate throne.
Lectures on the French Revolution
My therapist would be indignant; she would shake her ringleted mane and emphasize the ugly words she has taught me: dysfunctional.
There could be no reproach in listening to these, unresented, but Santron assumed a most indignant air, and more than once affected to be overcome by a spirit of recrimination.
Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Vol. 3, July, 1851
And as to "tufts" -- that vile distinction which independent M. P.s are so indignant at -- why, if a dissenting nobleman -- even the seventh son of an Irish peer -- were to be had for love or money, what a price he would fetch in such an Utopia of nonconformity!
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 58, Number 358, August 1845
Some of them will even write indignant ‘I'll never buy your product again’ letters and then, on their way home from mailing the letter, stop off and pick up the product.
`She gets her annual increment ,' he pointed out indignantly.
I feel indignant on behalf of the young people and teachers because I was speaking on their behalf.
Times, Sunday Times
The indignant customer complained to the manager.
Malcolm saw the indignant and angry expression on her face change to… he wasn't quite sure.
And when the speaker began to condemn the revolutionaries saying that in inciting the people to revolt they were only fostering their own interests, a general murmur filled the mosque; voices rose in indignant protest, and some cursed the imam.
G. Roger Denson: The Beauty We Fear: The Mosques of Secular Muslim Writers
But this “penny-a-liner,” as the Doctor indignantly called him, had attacked him in his tenderest point.
Dr. Wortle's school
Baron Morgan, a grizzled old warrior with iron-grey hair, rose from his seat indignantly.
Letters of indignant complaint poured into the court at Brussels.
Christianity Today
However, posters on online food forum are indignant at the idea, protesting that "parboiling any meat is a crime against humanity" and suggesting that such a step might make a tasty "pork broth", but does nothing for the flavour of the ribs themselves.
How to cook perfect barbecue ribs
More liberties," Janet indignantly declared, and after the first visitation or two she resolutely set her face against what she called the answering of impertinent questions.
Janet's Love and Service
He made a momentary show of haughty, indignant refusal, but a movement of my sword quelled the brief revolt in him.
An Enemy to the King
Indignant, she turned away, but he evidently took this as a sign of encouragement and spurred his horse forward to ride by her side.
Now, the day after I see uproar, furor and indignant articles across the various news sites I read.
mailed an indignant letter to the editor
The municipal officials are hounded by indignant dog haters.
But in real life he's not particularly indignant, either.
Times, Sunday Times
His indignant countrymen actually caused him to be prosecuted in the native courts, on a charge nearly equivalent to what we term defamation of character; but the old fellow persisting in his assertion, and no invalidating proof being adduced, the plantiffs were cast in the suit, and the cannibal
Narrative of a four months' residence among the natives of a valley of the Marquesas Islands, or, A peep at Polynesian life
The paper indignantly rejected charges that it had invented the story to boost sales.
He became very indignant when it was suggested he had made a mistake.
There was an indignant shout from the hockey players.
‘‘Do you think,’ I asked indignantly, ‘he is shamming?’
News of the raid quickly spread on microblogs, partly fed by indignant postings from those who had been detained.
Notwithstanding this, he became indignant when the so-called "Avellaneda" published his prolongation of the adventures of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza, and he bestirred himself to furnish his own rounding out of the story and to make all other spurious sequels impossible by killing off his hero.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
But soon we drew out of the hot sunshine into the old orchard with its paltry display of deformed, green, runt apples, and its magnificent columns and canopies of poison ivy -- that most beautiful and least amiable of our indigenous plants; and then we got among scale-bark hickories, and there was one that had been fluted from top to bottom by a stroke of lightning; and here the little red squirrels were most unusually abundant and indignant; and there was a catbird that miauled exactly like a cat; and there was a spring among the roots of one great tree, and a broken teacup half buried in the sand at the bottom.
The Spread Eagle and Other Stories
Ira is portrayed as a sentimentalist who is viscerally and passionately indignant about the inherent inequalities and injustices of America.
I'd rather not be panhandled by a drunk when I go downtown, and I walk away feeling rather indignant because I work for a living even though I don't always like it.
I recall one of them in indignant tears on the street corner, weeping as he pointed out my sober condition.
Chapter 27
But that was not what held them counterpoised in this intensity of anger and hostility, so strange to both of them, and causing them both such indignant pain.
His Disposition
‘The guttural comment’ is the croak of the frog who is indignant at the trespass.
'I know no life that must be so delicious as that of a writer for newspapers, or a leading member of the opposition -- to thunder forth accusations against men in power; show up the worst side of every thing that is produced; to pick holes in every coat; to be indignant, sarcastic, jocose, moral, or supercilious; to damn with faint praise, or crush with open calumny!
Lance Mannion:
Even a written apology failed to placate the indignant hostess.
She wrote an indignant letter to the paper complaining about the council's action.
Shorty shook his head indignantly, as he spread his chips out in the vicinities of '3,' '11,' and '17,' and tossed a spare chip on the
When the philosopher read the interview, he fired off an indignant personal letter to the minister.
The Passion of Michel Foucault
Some asked indignant questions about why his host in Japan was stinting the money required to send his body home.
It would be too late to stride by, nose held high and glowing with indignant dislike, I had already said hello.
There is no such word as ‘swoony,’ I said indignantly.
Times Squared
The exceedingly stout lady indignantly tackled a bus inspector.
This means I can get whipped up into a state of ill-informed indignation, because if I'm going to get indignant it may as well be in quite a pompous and nescient fashion.
That plan would affect homeowners too, of course, and so we're once again hearing the odd piece of indignant commentary from staid house-proud folks and lawn-care business operators.
I don't agree at all,'she answered indignantly.
The Archbishop of Canterbury elect becomes a Druid and is indignant at those who think he may be flirting with paganism.
He is indignant at suggestions that they were secret agents.
Americans would indignantly object if anyone said that armadillos and gophers were deformed and grotesque.
Noticing in the next act that her box was empty, Vronsky, rousing indignant "hushes" in the silent audience, went out in the middle of a solo and drove home.
Anna Karenina
Constable Foss visited the camp of a gang of Italian railroad labourers near Hawkins and was reported to be bringing several indignant "dagoes" over to Windomville to see if Courtney or the two ladies could identify them.
Quill's Window
Leaning towards me, he indignantly hissed in my ear.
You see wot 'appens when you go off on your own," he exclaimed indignantly.
Officials, instead of being chastened, were indignant.
They appeared to be arguing about something, Emilia gesturing furiously while her sister adopted an indignant pose, her hands firmly planted on her hips.
Alternatively, the word could be equivalent to _noua_ 'new, unfamiliar', as at _Fast_ III 455 'iamque indignanti _noua frena_ receperat ore'.
The Last Poems of Ovid
The author contributed a viewpoint based on personal experience without adopting the indignant and uncivil tone that exists elsewhere in this particular discussion - thank you!
She was most indignant with me when I suggested she might try a little harder.
I was all ready to indignantly beg your pardon and say that these are 100 per cent mine!
Times, Sunday Times
She waxes righteously indignant if anyone tries to contradict her.
A miniature bird flapped around his head, squawking indignantly.
If it was designed to make me feel indignant, it failed.
Times, Sunday Times
He liked his little protege ever since that unfortunate child -- a waif from a Chinese wash-house -- was impounded by some indignant miners for bringing home a highly imperfect and insufficient washing, and kept as hostage for a more proper return of the garments.
Under the Redwoods
Alderman Constantine, a High Churchman, indignant at being passed over by a junior in the contest for the mayoralty, brought the matter before the Council Board, and produced an old by-law by which aldermen, according to their ancientry, were required to keep their mayoralty.
The Journal to Stella
While some in the "news" media and other pundits are indignantly asking, "What's with all the tzars?" none are calling for an end to the tzarist era, arrest of anyone acting as a tzar, or dismantling the growing tzarist networks of power.
MND: Your Daily Dose of Counter-Theory
I pointed that out to her and watched her face change from its look of indignant perplexity to a very sad and hurt confusion.
The druggist was indignant at what he called the manoeuvres of the priest; they were prejudicial, he said, to Hippolyte’s convalescence, and he kept repeating to Madame Lefrancois,
Madame Bovary
You've been risking your life and that pretty pink English skin of yours for one of the most worthless men in British Columbia; he's been a cattle rustler, a 'salter' of gold mines, and everything that is discreditable; it makes me indignant.
The Shagganappi
Opposition parties reacted indignantly to Mr De Klerk's overnight announcement that he would not set up a judicial inquiry.
I began to feel very indignant with my friend for having stepped overboard and gone off in that way.
Three Men in a Boat
People will turn a blind eye for the first few bits, but I think there would come a point where even customers would become indignant.
He has a face of that rubicund, knobby type I have heard an indignant mineralogist speak of as botryoidal, and about it waves a quantity of disorderly blond hair.
A Modern Utopia
Derek snorted indignantly, and returned to his own amusements.
I was indignant at the heartlessness of his cynicism, and so the answer that leaped to my lips was out before I had time to reflect upon its unladylikeness.
The Light of Scarthey
Chafing at his position of dependence, and indignant at Temple's delay in getting him preferment, he returned to Ireland, was ordained, and received the small prebend of Kilroot.
Consequently, Tessa wrote an angry and indignant letter to this newspaper denying that she had said any such thing.