- a 15-year cycle used as a chronological unit in ancient Rome and adopted in some medieval kingdoms
How To Use indiction In A Sentence
- Jon Stewart Makes Jim Cramer Exhibit A in Indicting Wall Street Bankers" is there a word "indiction", my dictionary has it meaning something other then past tense of "indict Firedoglake
- The date is thus changed to April 7, 335, at the end of the eighth indiction, when Julius Constantius and Rufius Albinus were consuls.
- Theophylaktos gives a false date for the adoption of Tiberius, naming December in the ninth indiction - that is, 575.
- And by a very easy connection of ideas, the word indiction was transferred to the measure of tribute which it prescribed, and to the annual term which it allowed for the payment. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 2
- Benedictines.] * It does not appear that the establishment of the indiction is to be at tributed to Constantine: it existed before he had been created Augustus at Rome, and the remission granted by him to the city of Autun is the proof. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
- There are also special treatments of the distinct systems used in Egypt's different regions and the introduction of the indiction system.
- The indiction was a cycle of fifteen years, the first of these cycles being conceived to have started at a point three years before the beginning of the present Christian Era. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
- The protocol consisted of an invocation, which was both symbolic and verbal, and was chronologically dated: the year, the month and the day, and the indiction.
- Also, history shows that predator populations are a good indiction of food source. Cape Cod Great White Travels to Jacksonville
- As a cross-check and source of additional information, many manuscripts give the year according to the year of the indiction.