
Indian corn

  1. tall annual cereal grass bearing kernels on large ears: widely cultivated in America in many varieties; the principal cereal in Mexico and Central and South America since pre-Columbian times

How To Use Indian corn In A Sentence

  • When walking outside collect some colorful leaves, pinecones and acorns, then gather together a bunch of small pumpkins, gourds, apples and Indian corn.
  • From this the English call their samp, which is the Indian corn beaten and boiled and eaten hot or cold with milk and butter, and is a diet exceedingly wholesome for English bodies. Home Life in Colonial Days
  • A large quantity of wheat and Indian corn had been secretly buried at the Marquis's Quinta, or Country House; and thirty pipes of good red wine there also ensepulchered.
  • It produces Indian corn and other cereals and potatoes in the colder regions, and tropical fruits, sweet potatoes and mandioca (_Jatropha manihot_, L.) in the low tropical valleys. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • Although not picky eaters their were particular favorites on the porcine scavengers’ menu: nuts, fruit, shellfish, Indian corn and tuckahoes, the wild tubers gathered by Pocahontas's people to get through famines.
  • Meanwhile some Indian corn has been roasted by a peculiar process, so that the grains have swelled up to the size of thimbles; they are mixed with a lot of silver coins, and the whole conglomeration is then scattered over the child's head, young brothers and sisters making a tremendous rush for the spoils. Memoirs of an Arabian Princess
  • Indian corn, holcus sorghum, maweri, or panicum, or bajri, as called by the Arabs; gardens of sweet potatoes, large tracts of cucumbers, water-melons, mush-melons, and pea-nuts which grew in the deep furrows between the ridges of the holcus. How I Found Livingstone
  • Corn is also called " Indian corn ".
  • Corn is also called " Indian corn ".
  • I used to think "mealies" was a coined word for potatoes, but it really signifies maize or Indian corn, which is rudely crushed and ground, and forms the staple food of man and beast. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 099, March, 1876
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