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How To Use Indeterminate In A Sentence

  • The Arithmetica is a collection of 130 problems giving numerical solutions of determinate equations (those with a unique solution), and indeterminate equations.
  • The indeterminate sentence means it will be up to the parole board to decide when it is safe for the man to be released on licence.
  • Rather, the smell of the place urges me indeterminately, diffusedly, to truantry. Journeys to Bagdad
  • The propagules of these predominantly arctic/alpine grasses consist of indeterminate spikelets, which revert to vegetative growth before dehiscing from the parent plant.
  • It is not clear whether Elizabeth is referring here to the deconstructionist theory of the late twentieth century which undermined the assumption that texts have intentional, recuperable meanings — in which case Kafka is a bad example, because his texts were recognized as being radically indeterminate in meaning well before the advent of poststructuralism — or whether she is saying that Kafka was a kind of prophet of deconstruction. Disturbing the Peace
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  • An indeterminate outcome was defined as resolution of signs and symptoms of infection with a need for continued antimicrobial suppression.
  • An adequate account of boredom, then, must explain in one sense that only something indeterminate is lacking.
  • Some organisms, including sponges, barnacles, and encrusting coralline algae, can, however, survive overgrowth, without apparent damage, for indeterminate periods of time or may even benefit from being overgrown.
  • Despite the figurative grotesquerie, which is more nuisance than threat, it is a painting of nothing — no thing as such but atmosphere — a moody, indeterminate matter expressive of an interior mental state conjured through paint and paint alone. Ensor Unmasked
  • Our guide is of indeterminate age, with teeth as exposed and raw as the crags of the mountains around us.
  • There has been argument about whether or not there should be an extension of the interlocutory injunction which is to expire today for a period of indeterminate length.
  • Miss Logan made indeterminate gestures to the priest, then set off in pursuit of her employer.
  • Third, the planet brightness stabilizes very much, the sort can not glimmer like fixed star indeterminate.
  • ‘It also allows me to make what you might call indeterminate or minor little changes, modifications,’ he acknowledges.
  • These can be used to resolve the infection status of individuals with indeterminate serological results.
  • And what they currently find there might best be described as a bordello of indeterminate purpose: everything from shopping tips to a discussion on the deeply important subject of "vibrators: friend or foe? CNET
  • Overall, the Court's conclusions are expressed in terms that indicate no objection under article 3 to a mandatory indeterminate sentence for murder.
  • Or a fool, perhaps, for all her sonneting, for there are men who relish a weak headpiece as the chiefest ornament of women, especially when its indeterminate vagaries boast an escape-valve remotely connected with the fine arts. Judith of the Plains
  • The biological positivists could only propose indeterminate detention or extinction for such categories of offender.
  • Sex offenders would face open-ended prison sentences, known as "indeterminate," if members of a jury found them to be predatory. rss feed
  • Extrapolating our findings to this high risk population indicates that screening would identify more than 180 million uncalcified, radiologically indeterminate nodules.
  • Although I, like most law professors, can do a riff on how "35" is indeterminate, that is recognized as "academic" in the most pejorative sense; unless and until some 33-year-old is viewed as the truly indispensable person to inhabit the Oval Office, it will be taken as a given that we "know" what "35" means, which means a the passage of time time measured in solar (and not, for example, lunar) years. Balkinization
  • Problems of this type which are found in the manuscript are examined in and some of these lead to indeterminate equations.
  • He considers problems of indeterminate equations of the first degree and trigonometric formulas.
  • Supervised probation and indeterminate sentences guided by the progress of the child were the usual means.
  • Half-hidden under the lumpy covers was a creature of indeterminate size, his head turned away from the door.
  • The Autonomous Robots Simulation System (AR-SIM) is developed for the purpose of studying various issues concerning autonomous robots under complex indeterminate environment.
  • In the indeterminate fluxations of a cosmos in which ‘things happen’ and it is futile to ask about whence or wherefore, he accepted responsibility for nothing except the poem he aspired to be.
  • Unfortunately, the imported Italian color has faded to an indeterminate yellow.
  • If a driver absolutely must call a cyclist something, the driver may call him “Wim van Est,” or else “Heidi Van de Vijver” if the cyclist is a woman or person of indeterminate gender. Archive 2008-03-01
  • A differential diagnosis would be an overlapping spectrum of non-Langerhans cell histiocytosis with xanthoma disseminatum, generalized eruptive histiocytoma, and indeterminate cell disorder.
  • Results of randomized studies assessing the efficacy of triple antibiotic ointment (e.g., polymyxin, bacitracin and neomycin) are indeterminate.
  • Additionally, as the "impressions" which strike the chords are themselves conceived as both "external and internal" to the lyre, to recall the earlier grouping, the locus of adjustment is itself displaced into an indeterminate rhythmic activity. Shelley's Golden Wind: Zen Harmonics in _A Defence of Poetry_ and 'Ode to the WestWind'
  • Under a gold standard, would the price level be indeterminate in a completely closed economy, where specie could not flow?
  • Totally abstract, and indeterminate, purged of all anthropomorphic and mythological qualities, God becomes the ominously ambiguous and threatening deity who evokes nothing but dread and terror.
  • A recent History essay had been handed back to me with the words `Random gunfire at an indeterminate target. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • She was a ruddy-faced, cheerful blonde of indeterminate age.
  • A zone can be anything: its spatial characteristics are indeterminate, adequate to absorb the contradictions of the Socialist market economy.
  • Philoponus, in contrast, arrives at something he calls corporeal extension (sômatikón diástêma), which is a composite of Neoplatonic prime matter and indeterminate quantity and must not be confused with Philoponian space. John Philoponus
  • Furies > (In later accounts, Tisiphone, Megaera, and Alecto, three goddesses who guard the gates of hell; in earlier accounts, they are avenging deities, of indeterminate number, sent from hell to punish wrongdoers) aslake > assuage; cool The Faerie Queene — Volume 01
  • He survives by using his kick-boxing skills, defending himself and his haphazard household, a family composed of an effeminate hustler named Taboo, a blowzy hooker called Laurita, and her baby of indeterminate origin.
  • 'Solar Set' is a determinate variety, unlike many of our readers may be used to (called indeterminate). 2: Vegetables and small fruits in the tropics
  • BALES: ... you get some that are called indeterminate, that just keep going all season. CNN Transcript Jul 16, 2005
  • It believes that a circular spaceship carrying 1,500 smaller ships filled with bombs will at some indeterminate point destroy both Britain and America.
  • Sylleptic branching, the production of new shoots from current buds without an intervening rest period, is common within light-demanding species with an indeterminate growth pattern and results in an excurrent crown form.
  • He seems to be being asked to look at what industry might need at some indeterminate time in the future.
  • Sinatra sang, Martin boozed, Davis danced, Bishop did the standup thing and Lawford was Lawford, a handsome English actor of aristocratic background and indeterminate talent who happened to have become the brother-in-law of the next president of the United States. When the Rat Pack ruled supreme
  • Large differences exist, for example, in the rate at which tundra plants can respond to changes in weather and climate, due to differences in allocation to stems versus leaves or to secondary chemistry versus new growth [32], in the ability to add new meristems [33], and in the constraints on the amount of growth that can be achieved by a single meristem within a single year (i.e., determinate versus indeterminate growth). Effects of changes in climate and UV radiation levels on function of arctic ecosystems in the short and long term
  • The individual scholia of such a collection may be the work of an indeterminate number of scholars. Byzantine Philosophy
  • This is a wonderful piece of ancient machinery of indeterminate age, and consists of a crank-driven triple piston pump.
  • Inevitably patients with Crohn's disease or indeterminate colitis will from time to time have restorative proctocolectomy.
  • If a given volume per unit of time were withdrawn continuously, the liquid to be detoxicated would have an indeterminate salt concentration.
  • In the first step, a leaf primordium is formed that involves a switch from indeterminate to leaf developmental fate in the shoot apical meristem cells.
  • The tariffs for murder and, for indeterminate terms, the mandatory sentences are all signs that the executive doesn't trust the judiciary.
  • an indeterminate stem
  • And so there follows a long line of possible gastrointestinal issues: giardia, shigella, amoebiasis, random and indeterminate food poisoning, hookworm, tapeworm, ringworm, and naturally the occasional mystery disease, to name a few. Gan_bei: A Story of Flora, Fauna, and Kung Pao Chicken
  • This indeterminate nodule was excluded from the analysis.
  • In the determinate type, the inflorescence meristem becomes a terminal flower, whereas in the indeterminate type the inflorescence meristem gives rise to a number of floral meristems.
  • Thus an indeterminate composition approaches greater concretism by allowing nature to complete its form in its own course.
  • Demonstrations of general theorems; contracted method of division and of finding the highest common divisor of polynominals; theory of indices and radicals; discussion of equations; mathematical infinity, infinitesimals and indeterminate quantities; summation and interpolation of series; theory of logarithms; binomial, multinomial and exponential theorems; theory of probabilities general theory and solution of equations of the higher orders; symbolical representation and properties of numbers; different systems of notation, etc., constituting the philosophy of Arithmetic. A Catalogue of the Officers and Students of The Furman University, for 1860-'61
  • Black slabs of indeterminate material had been used to construct the ancient castle.
  • It shares the grasp the spongy moss may take on the slippery surface, or when the root, thin as whipcord, of a certain fig-tree has crept across the face of the grey rock forming a ridge or barricade against which decayed vegetation accumulates, there the BAEA flourishes, displaying an indeterminate line of mauve flowers above oval, crimpled leaves. The Confessions of a Beachcomber
  • Locals exercising their dogs of indeterminate breed (all hill dogs look handsome with their husky-like fur coats) acknowledged our presence with warm smiles.
  • Additionally, for lesions without obvious calcifications or for those with indeterminate calcifications, a phantom study can be done.
  • The what and how of a living embodiment, as of a living world, are entirely indeterminate horizons of facticity which can only be made determinate through concrete ethnographic research.
  • For he that goes about the violation of a law, wherein no penalty is determined, expecteth an indeterminate, that is to say, an arbitrary punishment. Leviathan
  • The Reuters Building does not strive to be a perfect whole but is a fuzzy, indeterminate figure that blends into a context from which it takes its cues.
  • Tentacle porn is what happens when you go to a con with some people you don’t know that well, and they run into some people they know that you don’t, and you doze off on somebody’s floor, and wake up an indeterminate amount of time later to a falsetto voice screaming in Japanese, cheesy-dramatic porn music, and then you open your eyes and see what’s on the TV… How to Irritate and Annoy People in the Name of Blogging « Whatever
  • This indeterminate sentence requires considerations of rehabilitation.
  • First, he argues that the condition of possibility for any determinate, legislative relationships between faculties is that these faculties are capable of a free and indeterminate — that is, The Transcendental: Deleuze, P. B. Shelley, and the Freedom of Immobility
  • Moreover, the very indeterminateness of the dialect, the possibility of using varying degrees of "broadness," increased the facility of rhyming, and added notably to the ease and spontaneity of composition. Robert Burns How To Know Him
  • We immediately took to the word because "glissade," said with just a hint of indeterminate European accent, sounded more respectable than "sliding on our backsides down the face of a snowy mountainside with our snowshoes splayed out in front of us and our poles dragging ingloriously behind. NYT > Travel
  • Though the meaning of the term prophet is here indeterminate, Miriam is the first woman ever to bear it. Miriam: Bible.
  • This model is characterized by a single monopodial trunk and plagiotropic, indeterminate branches.
  • The parallel to Kafka is most appropriate here, but the ‘characters’ are as indeterminate as the landscape.
  • the equivocal (or indeterminate) objects painted by surrealists
  • Looking at each other critically and building their own inadequacies out of competition and indeterminate goals, they rush forward thinking they have somehow grown beyond the mistakes of their youth.
  • the influence of environment is indeterminate
  • My transcription is the standard followed by both Szczurowski 1954 and Patkanyi 1963, in which g is understood as a voiced obstruent of unknown/indeterminate value and many perhaps most scholars interpretet it as dental [d] or even interdental fricative [D]! RAT-ENGLISH DICTIONARY.
  • He revealed the limitations and contradictions of the technique, and the paradox that the results of total determinacy actually sound random, chaotic, and indeterminate.
  • Meanwhile, crime-control measures were enacted mandating ‘new restrictions on the indeterminate sentence, parole, and probation’.
  • Plants are sessile, autotrophic, and grow in an indeterminate and modular manner.
  • The removalists are due at Jen's place at 7am, and at my joint some indeterminate time later to move the piano and the rest of my worldly goods for the third time in 12 months.
  • I really enjoy it, I like doing it, I like composing music that I can kind of dissemble and say “what are different ways of telling the same musical story but making the middle something that is sorta indeterminate.” Archive 2008-12-01
  • Books 1-3 contain linear or quadratic indeterminate equations, many of them simultaneous.
  • It believes that a circular spaceship carrying 1,500 smaller ships filled with bombs will at some indeterminate point destroy both Britain and America.
  • Seven patients with definite Crohn's disease, seven with indeterminate colitis and 52 with typical ulcerative colitis have a functioning pouch.
  • The problem is that the meaning of a sentence tends to drift off into what linguists would call the Indeterminate Adverbial Phrase.
  • I have an extremely vague recollection of Jerry in some interview or other mentioning "The Nursery Frieze," the Gorey work consisting of a long series of animals of indeterminate species, each uttering a single, odd word, like "sphagnum" ... "orrery" ... deadsongs. vue.168 The WELL: Ripple
  • If all the atoms within you and in your vicinity have absolutely determinate properties, then the indeterminate mass and shape and volume of you, your brain, and your teeth somehow supervene on the determinate microstructure.
  • 0/0 is an indeterminate form
  • But the new indeterminate sentence system had an immediate impact.
  • Such engagements were of indeterminate duration, there being no fixed date for their end, and each was discharged by performance rather than expiry.
  • For the United States, the leading spacefaring nation for nearly half a century, to be without carriage to low Earth orbit and with no human exploration capability to go beyond Earth orbit for an indeterminate time into the future, destines our nation to become one of second - or even third-rate stature," the astronauts said in the letter. Space: The "New West" Frontier
  • The PET first indication was evaluation of the indeterminate solitary pulmonary nodule.
  • Given that these lines of ancestry do not converge to a point, but pass through an interval of indeterminate width into a communal state, the set of ancestors of any eukaryote will not include a universally shared organismal member (usually referred to the literature as the last eukaryotic common ancestor, LECA). A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • I'd like to see indeterminate sentencing, so we can look at the risk they pose before we release them.
  • Of indeterminate age - at least 150 but maybe much older, say, dating back to Pythagoras and his right triangles - the 7 tangram pieces (credited by some sources to the Chinese) can form countless different designs.
  • It also ignores that states have choice of law doctrine including renvoi precisely for this reason, which is why the procedure/substance distinction is so indeterminate. The Volokh Conspiracy » More on that Tenth Circuit adoption decision:
  • The legal form of service was theoretically far different; in practice, task-work or “cropping” was substituted for daily toil in gangs; and the slave gradually became a metayer, or tenant on shares, in name, but a laborer with indeterminate wages in fact. VIII. Of the Quest of the Golden Fleece.
  • Two of the most common, but functionally indeterminate, grass grains regularly identified from American Bottom sites are panic grass (Panicum sp.) and beardgrass.
  • of indeterminate age
  • The problem is that the meaning of a sentence tends to drift off into what linguists would call the Indeterminate Adverbial Phrase.
  • If exclusivism is unwarrantedly dogmatic, inclusivism and pluralism are unacceptably indeterminate.
  • A slightly longer period may be justifiable but indeterminate detention without judicial approval is not.
  • The reproductive shoot apex contains the indeterminate, primary inflorescence meristem that produces the main inflorescence axis of the plant.
  • Under a so-called indeterminate sentence for public protection, an offender is handed a minimum term that they must serve but they will only be freed after that point if the Parole - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Many species, especially non-vertebrates, exhibit quiescent life stages of indeterminate duration.
  • I have had my first, and I may add my last, experience of "brewis," an indeterminate concoction much in favour as an article of diet on this coast. Le Petit Nord or, Annals of a Labrador Harbour
  • As the argument proceeds, social reality, seen as fragmented and indeterminate, is soon dissolved into ‘discourse’.
  • And to obviate any difficulties or misunderstanding which might arise from leaving indeterminate the sum necessary to be appropriated for the civil establishment of each of the respective powers, that the sum be now ascertained which is indispensably necessary to be applied to those purposes, and which is to be held sacred under every emergency, and set apart previous to the application of the rest of the revenues, as hereby stipulated, for the purposes of mutual or common defence against any enemy, for _clearing_ the incumbrance which may have become necessarily incurred in addition to the expenditure of those revenues _which must be always deemed part of the war establishment_. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 03 (of 12)
  • A cloud of extinction events, bodeful and indeterminate, hovers on the world horizon or just over it. Very Bad News
  • Other molluscs are present but less common, including bivalves, scaphopods, orthoconic cephalopods, tentaculitids, and small, indeterminate juvenile ammonoids.
  • Poppies and fruit are indeterminate symbols with a practical purpose, mysterious talismans with the power to ward off subsequent suffering.
  • Do you enjoy ‘theme restaurants,’ especially if the theme is indeterminate and mainly involves a glut of random pop cultural detritus hanging from the walls?
  • She was a tall woman of indeterminate age.
  • a zillion is a large indeterminate number
  • The forecourt was gloomy, underlit and overlooked by a dark brick building of indeterminate purpose.
  • Such cases tended to display abundant inflammation and were classified as indeterminate for dysplasia.
  • The large, cold stars were indistinct in the night, indeterminate, like the encamped army of shacks and hovels on the outskirts of Peshawar. THE LAST RAVEN
  • I have baby-fine, straightish (frizzy when humid) hair of indeterminate color (started going grey at 27 and freaked) – and I hate it. Good 'Hair?' Hardly. How Chris Rock gets it wrong |
  • ‘Well, at least this bit is as it should be,’ Graham said, pointing with a half-eaten croissant at a sour-faced lady of indeterminate years, stomping along the pavement.
  • A round-faced chef of indeterminate gender was very imperiously ordering around another androgynous person in a karate uniform, while some lady chopped carrots for no discernible reason.
  • But I'm aware as I write this that these are the same things I write whenever I'm sick - and that this cycle of indeterminate abdominal trouble is much the same as January's.
  • Luminous veils of white and yellow arise at the centers of her paintings, evoking indeterminate distance and establishing a mood of poetic reverie.
  • He wore a thick old coat, once black, now an indeterminate gray. SMOKE AND MIRRORS
  • Leaves in vascular plants are produced by determinate growth on the flanks of indeterminate shoot apical meristems.
  • Our common law once upon a time did not recognise indeterminate sentences.
  • The taxi driver was of indeterminate national origin and quizzed me as to what I did for a living.
  • I hope to carry on for an indeterminate period.
  • BALES: You get some that are called indeterminate, that just keep going all season. CNN Transcript Jun 18, 2005
  • Translation here must be indeterminate because no amount of evidence will guarantee that the translation we offer will be uniquely correct.
  • Victimless crimes and indeterminate sentences were thus proscribed.
  • The clerk was a small man of indeterminate age, and in spite of working in a wig shop, his own black-died backswept hair was thin and flecked with dandruff. Babylon Nights
  • Her figure can only be described as protoplasmic, amorphous; her age, too, is indeterminate, but is presumably in the fifties.
  • They are concerned that an estate of freehold must be of indeterminate duration.
  • God, it was said, “sees” all of time in one eternal instant; yet seeing, like knowing, requires real relations in the perceiver; moreover, one cannot see as fully actualized that which is still only possibly to be actualized, that is to say, the partially indeterminate future. Process Theism
  • [And this means that] The accord between imagination as free and understanding as indeterminate is therefore not merely assumed: it is in a sense animated, enlivened, engendered by the interest of the beautiful (KCP 55). Notes on 'The Transcendental: Deleuze, P. B. Shelley, and the Freedom of Immobility'
  • Competitions" for open-ended contracts preapprove contractors for almost indeterminate periods of time (five to ten years, for instance) and money ranging into billions. Janine R. Wedel: Shadow Elite: Selling Out Uncle Sam - Government Contracting - A Free Market Farce
  • He handed down an indeterminate sentence, which means the man can only released if the Parole Board decides he is not a danger to the public.
  • Chinese vocabularies have characteristics of indeterminateness, polysemy , flexibility of parts of speech and the lack of morphology changing.
  • The biological positivists could only propose indeterminate detention or extinction for such categories of offender.
  • There are no owners for this property but the nation, an indeterminate, invisible personage; no barrier other than so many seals exists between the spoils and the despoilers, that is to say, so many strips of paper held fast by two ill-applied and indistinct stamps. The French Revolution - Volume 3
  • Behind a grimy, barred window sits a chain-smoking woman of indeterminate age.
  • Firstly Abu Kamil is the first Arabic mathematician who we know solved indeterminate problems of the type found in Diophantus's work.
  • Samples were interpreted as indeterminate if the OD values were in the range 0.3-0.5 units.
  • He plays the role of a square bachelor of indeterminate age who has decided to undergo an extreme procedure that will completely remove all memories of his free-spirited girlfriend of two years.
  • He said the only sentence he could pass is indeterminate life sentences.
  • He specialized in what I'll call Mulberry Street people - indeterminate ethnicity, but certainly not spindly WASPs or gesticulating Levantines.
  • Various taxonomically indeterminate Crato Formation specimens also seem referable to the group. Archive 2006-11-01
  • At the meeting he pledged to introduce indeterminate sentencing for serious offenders, meaning they would not be released from prison until it was proved they were safe.
  • He then continued his studies at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics investigating an indeterminate equation of degree three.
  • It is a tall growing indeterminate plant which should be staked and tied for best results.
  • This is not a review of the position, for example, following an indeterminate sentence which may be imposed at the time of conviction.
  • The effect upon equilibrium quantity is again indeterminate, depending upon the relative size of the changes in supply and demand.
  • I have the ability to pour myself at will into other cartoon personages - male, female or indeterminate.
  • All those dark, placeless landscapes and stringy, demented characters of indeterminate sex are straight from a Freudian case study.
  • Said individual is licensed to drive or fly with eight current drivers’ and pilots’ licenses under four different aliases (all seemingly valid birth certificates from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand—indeterminate if these were done at Agency requests or by other resources); The Codex Continual » Agency Bio: Sam Herneson
  • She is being helped by Stacey, an American of indeterminate function, who is pining for Starbucks.
  • In general then, the relation of subject to predicate in a true affirmative judgment is the relation of what is at least relatively indeterminate to what at least partially determines it.
  • Results of randomized studies assessing the efficacy of triple antibiotic ointment (e.g., polymyxin, bacitracin and neomycin) are indeterminate.
  • Many centres, however, suggest surgical excision of all indeterminate follicular lesions to make a definitive histological diagnosis.
  • In such a universe of discourse, one opinion is as good as another since none has foundations any stronger than the claims offered by each other's rhetorical cheering squads, thus leaving everything ‘indeterminate.’
  • an indeterminate point of law
  • After some indeterminate amount of time I began to be hazily aware that something was on my shirt.
  • I see it as a good example of meaningless, puffed-up verbiage intended to convey the impression of eloquence or significance; but perhaps it is also an example of a kind of belabored delicacy: it's as if the author is saying "there is a group which certain people of interest belong to, but I will preserve them by claiming an indeterminate quantity for censure". SOME OF WHOM HAVING.
  • I remember a Roy Lichtenstein drawing from the 80s that showed a distraught woman of indeterminate age with a speech bubble saying, I can't believe it ... Pamela Newton: The Curse of the Unmarried Generation
  • Visually retreating to an indeterminate distance are soft-focus spots or clouds of unbroken color clunkily applied with an airbrush.
  • Spend enough time at "The Sacred Made Real" and the paintings, with their figures "spotlit" against indeterminate darkness, start to read as "portraits" of the sculptures, a not-unlikely notion underlined by the pairing of Mart nez Monta z's exquisitely carved "Crucifixion" and Zurbar n's two-dimensional version, in which Christ is like a carving in strong side-light. Bringing Devotion to Life
  • Whether mental illness is attributed to a hypothetical brain disease or to an ‘internal dysfunction’ of indeterminate origin, the moral implications are the same.
  • The only definite ornithischian materials known from this unit are the fragmentary holotype specimens of Tatisaurus and Bienosaurus and some indeterminate postcranial material.
  • an indeterminate future
  • The removalists are due at 7am, and at my joint some indeterminate time later to move the piano and the rest of my worldly goods for the third time in 12 months.
  • The serious looking female civil service type of indeterminate age who sat to my left was a model of discretion prior to Jack's appearance on stage.
  • Therefore, the precise provenances and functions of the two Doric capitals found in this building (parts of colonnades, supports for benches, or material for the lime kiln?) must remain indeterminate.
  • She was wearing a coat of an indeterminate pinkish, orangeish, reddish colour that I will call ‘hot salmon’.
  • an indeterminate campaign
  • Originally only four patients were classified as having definite Crohn's disease and 15 as indeterminate colitis leaving 62 with ulcerative colitis.
  • Dance bands, jazz and crooners of indeterminate age gave way to the new imported sound of the States - rock'n'roll.

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