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How To Use Indescribable In A Sentence

  • ` ` The style of his Grace (to say nothing here of his thought, of which others have spoken words of admiration certainly not too strong) often runs into poetry; and it has everywhere that indescribable not-too-muchness which is always the cachet of high-class work. '' Ginx's Baby. His Birth and other Misfortunes: A Satire
  • Fresh salmon has an indescribable flavor.
  • It's just this wild, indescribable experience which I will now foolishly and crazily attempt to describe.
  • Historian/music critic Greil Marcus coined the term "yarragh" to refer to the indescribable impact of "certain sounds, certain small moments inside a song which can then suggest whole territories, completed stories, indistinct ceremonies, far outside anything that can be literally traced in the compositions that carry them. Michael Sigman: Jeff Beck at 67: Perennial Guitar Hero
  • The relief I felt was indescribable, and I hope to get thus entoiled no more. A Brief Memoir with Portions of the Diary, Letters, and Other Remains, of Eliza Southall, Late of Birmingham, England
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  • No longer could I stand for barely a minute, I had begun holding onto walls for support as I walked, I coughed and yacked indescribable things into the bathroom sink, I yelled at the kids playing on my yawn. Spilling Sand
  • ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR: Nancy, you know, they continue to just be -- I don ` t want to use the word indescribable because, you know, frankly, it ` s my job to try to describe it and seems like a cop-out. CNN Transcript Sep 8, 2005
  • Most people describe a plane of almost indescribable beauty, peace, and comfort.
  • The F-101B, the F-102, and the F-106 were high-speed interceptors, the F-105 a “fighter-bomber” designed to drop nuclear weapons, the F-104 an indescribable and dangerous oddity. Matthew Yglesias » Government for Sale
  • Before long a carnival of color began which I can only describe as delirious, intoxicating, a hardly bearable joy, a tender anguish, an indescribable yearning, an unearthly music, rich in love and worship. A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • As her mother, the pain and anxiety I feel for her is indescribable and the feeling of helplessness overwhelming. The Sun
  • The Popes mandatary came together with two great gentlemen of the Cardinals, and when four oclock of the night was passed, they removed me from my prison, and brought me into the presence of the Cardinal, who received me with indescribable kindness. The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
  • It was suddenly extremely short and coloured an indescribable shade of ginger.
  • There are also critics' year-end lists -- and some indescribable chemistry that makes for a nice pairing between dark, cold weather and movies that provoke contemplation rather than shell shock.
  • The abject misery and utter abandon is positively indescribable.
  • As for the three-day trek there was no point in describing the indescribable.
  • However, many others articulate this land that seems indescribable.
  • Developing a private practice can give you the best of all worlds: career, independence, and the indescribable pleasure of self-fulfillment.
  • Rolling his gutteral Prussian R's with gusto, he sang in an indescribable blend of nasality and hypertensive stridency. Music of the Weimar Republic --
  • Each soul undergoes terrible and indescribable sufferings, related to the manner in which it has sinned.
  • These are again very frightening to watch, as the exhaust pipes glow cherry red to orange in colour and the noise is indescribable.
  • The Pope’s mandatary came together with two great gentlemen of the Cardinal’s, and when four o’clock of the night was passed, they removed me from my prison, and brought me into the presence of the Cardinal, who received me with indescribable kindness. CXXVII
  • We had been reduced by our journey to an almost indescribable condition. A BOOK OF LANDS AND PEOPLES
  • You tread loathingly an indescribable earthen floor, and your eye, on entering the apartment, is arrested by a nameless production of the fictile art, certainly not of _Etruscan_ form, which is invariably placed on the _bolster_ of the truck-bed destined presently for your devoted head. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 56, No. 345, July, 1844
  • The rest was indescribable: riding a meteorite through incandescence, shock, thunderblast, stormwind, night, mountains and caverns of cloud, rain like bullets, crazy tilting and whirling of horribly onrushing horizon, while the noise roared and battered and vibrations shook brains in skulls and devils danced on the instrument panel. The Rebel Worlds
  • The wreckage, when I saw them the next morning to collect the keys of the embassy in order to retrieve documents and other things for safe keeping, was indescribable, as it was indeed for the whole of that half of the city.
  • indescribable beauty
  • He dreamed also, if one may judge by the sounds that came from his cage at night, complaining, whining, almost barking like the "yaps" of a young puppy, and many sorts of indescribable noises. In Nesting Time
  • The noise and music from the bars, the restaurants and the discotheques gets all mixed up to produce an indescribable cacophony of sounds which carries on until the wee hours of the night and hardly lets anyone sleep.
  • ‘You are not rich, Niña?’ came the singing, caressive bird-like voice: ‘Then, you are poor?’ — this was indescribable irony. The Plumed Serpent
  • This is an indescribable surprise and honour so thank you.
  • I believe in immensurable indescribable power of smile. I believe in immensurable indescribable power of smile.
  • As her mother, the pain and anxiety I feel for her is indescribable and the feeling of helplessness overwhelming. The Sun
  • Each of the major fibers, as rendered in an ordinary plain-weave construction, has a unique, all but indescribable hand that is so familiar to us that we tend to use the fiber names archetypally and to speak of cottony, woolly, silky, and linenlike sensations. HOME COMFORTS
  • Patience's death had written there irradicably, with poverty speaking from every fold of the blouse and skirt, yet with all the indescribable charm of girlish beauty at fifteen, Lydia was more appealing than Lydia of the Pines
  • I can imagine she is doing a tremendous job in what must be indescribable circumstances.
  • The feeling of elation and relief after completing the course was indescribable.
  • When we arrived on Wednesday afternoon we witnessed scenes of almost indescribable devastation.
  • She took an indescribable pleasure in the swift motion of the cab with its rubber-tyred wheels. Bertha Garlan
  • Like all mystically indescribable ideals, glove perfection is best described through negation.
  • It was with a twitch of this kind, and a certain indescribable twinkle of his somewhat melancholy eye, as he seemed intuitively to form a hasty conception of the oddity of his appearance to a stranger unused to the bush, that he welcomed me to his clearing. Roughing It in the Bush
  • Many sources downplay the toxicity factor and riddle toxins as unknown and indescribable, which is far from the truth. Kim Evans: Health Care: Scientific or Rational?
  • The thrill of cruising the skies, open to the elements but harnessing them to your purpose, is almost indescribable. Times, Sunday Times
  • While those with money live a life of fabulous luxury and efforts are made to attract more and more international multimillionaires and billionaires to the capital, hundreds of thousands of people live in indescribable poverty.
  • The pavement is already strewed with decayed cabbage-leaves, broken hay-bands, and all the indescribable litter of a vegetable market; men are shouting, carts backing, horses neighing, boys fighting, basket - women talking, piemen expatiating on the excellence of their pastry, and donkeys braying. Sketches by Boz, illustrative of everyday life and every-day people
  • Well, it says a lot for a man in his early twenties to be able to give a voice to that indescribable pain that every adolescent girl experiences.
  • For the ruffianish pages of Jack London, the pungent, hospitable smell of a first-class bar-room -- that indescribable mingling of Maryland rye, cigar smoke, stale malt liquor, radishes, potato salad and _blutwurst_. Damn! A Book of Calumny
  • All was bustle and disorder, ropes in indescribable confusion, trusses of hay, hencoops, pigs, sheep and passengers' luggage littered the decks.
  • His face was flushed with indescribable rage, his teeth gnashing with his eyes bulging.
  • This subject is mentioned elsewhere: see chapter on the Arts and Sciences of the Singhalese.] _The use of fruit_ -- Fruits are abundant and wholesome; but with the exception of oranges, pineapples, the luscious mango and the indescribable "rambutan," for want of horticultural attention they are inferior in flavour, and soon cease to be alluring. Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History, Antiquities and Productions, Volume 1 (of 2)
  • Wherever she appeared, the vivid personality of Mrs. Stewart made a kind of effervescence which that indescribable entity, a vivid personality, is sure to keep fizzing about it. The Invader A Novel
  • But now, having achieved an awareness -- obscure and indescribable indeed, yet actual -- of the enfolding presence of Reality, under those two forms which the theologians call the "immanence" and the "transcendence" of the Divine, a change is to take place in the relation between your finite human spirit and the Infinite Life in which at last it knows itself to dwell. Practical Mysticism A Little Book for Normal People
  • What is perfectly clear is the speech of the indescribable Divinity.
  • The formation was indescribable, and certainly not comprehendible and grasped by the players. Times, Sunday Times
  • And when he sometimes thinks he has found the right idea, he perceives that a drop of indescribable incandescence has fallen into the world, with a glow that makes the whole earth look different.
  • Love has always been considered as an innocent and indescribable alliance between two people.
  • I felt a sense of indescribable relief.
  • It was a sudden, indescribable sensation prickling up his spine, sending out a warning to his weak mind.
  • The pain is undifferentiated or indescribable as discussed above.
  • The war game only lasts a few minutes but the tension it creates is beyond imagination and the exhilaration indescribable.
  • The cruelty of the bear farming is indescribable. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said: 'It was indescribable. The Sun
  • Developing a private practice can give you the best of all worlds: career, independence, and the indescribable pleasure of self-fulfillment.
  • His dark eyes smoldered with indescribable emotion.
  • He said: 'It was indescribable. The Sun
  • I'm tempted to call it "indescribable," except we need to describe it, eh? Boing Boing: August 20, 2006 - August 26, 2006 Archives
  • Again a smile of indescribable expression illumined her lips, cheeks, and eyes. — The Enchantress; or, Where Shall I Find Her? A Tale
  • They were no longer the shape of humans, but had been morphed into huge indescribable creatures.
  • I felt a sense of indescribable relief.
  • What has become an endangered species is a still further type of negation, metaphysical negation, in which the no turns out to be a yes: no to appearances, yes to something so exalted it's indescribable.
  • The destruction here is indescribable and the thesaurus has no words for what we have seen.
  • Here on these wind blown islands with their indescribable untouched beauty, you travel among spectacular sandbars and reefs in search of natural produce.
  • When she was very young, she had a quality that's almost indescribable, a luminescence.
  • Fresh salmon has an indescribable flavor.
  • I went into this most insalubrious place with little gnome-like people hunched over indescribable pictures, and I asked the man for this Tokyo Rose.
  • He is that familar bugaboo of Jack's, a clubman and a society man, "the sort that grace social functions and utter inanities with a charm and unction which are indescribable; the sort that talk big, and cry over a toothache; the sort that put more hell into a woman's life by marrying her than can the most graceless libertine that ever browsed in forbidden pastures. “There be things greater than our wisdom, beyond our justice.”
  • This barbaric act is indescribable and inexcusable. The Sun
  • Any kind of cognizance of an indescribable excess in the joy of the bath, any kind of ardour or thirst which perpetually impels the soul out of night into the morning, and out of gloom, out of "affliction" into clearness, brightness, depth, and refinement: -- just as much as such a tendency DISTINGUISHES -- it is a noble tendency -- it also Beyond Good and Evil
  • Her voice was thick, but alluring in some indescribable way.
  • The trangressiveness of this act for both communities is indescribable.
  • It's like, whatever I learnt or received from the Reiki today had an effect on me in some indescribable manner.
  • Other efforts to invoke the indescribable and ineffable may result in verbal paradoxy — “Dark with excessive bright thy skirts appear,” wrote Milton of God's ambiance, and of Satan's, “darkness visible.” LITERARY PARADOX
  • Every England fan had a whooping, whistling counterpart so we shouted louder until the din was indescribable.
  • I hated this feeling, this indescribable and uncomfortable emotion surging up within me.
  • The voice was one of a singular and indescribable quality of tone; it was heavy as the subbass of an organ, and of a velvety softness, and yet it seemed to pierce the air with a keen dividing force which is generally characteristic of voices of much less volume. Dred; A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp. Vol. I
  • There is a freedom, thrill and ecstasy associated with being employed which is indescribable.
  • The man before me would soon endure the most indescribable suffering - for my sake!
  • On the opener spots beneath the trees the ground is covered to a depth of two or three feet with mosses of indescribable freshness and beauty, a few dwarf conifers often planted on their rich furred bosses, together with pyrola, coptis, and Solomon's-seal. Travels in Alaska
  • Throughout the film, Mettler asks directly: how do you speak the unspeakable, describe the indescribable, and more precisely, film the unfilmable?
  • When one achieves that, there is an indescribable sense of fulfilment.
  • It was with indescribable relief that I received the news that President Roosevelt had been re - elected.
  • But now, having achieved an awareness -- obscure and indescribable indeed, yet actual -- of the enfolding presence of Reality, under those two forms which the theologians call the "immanence" and the Practical Mysticism
  • Strong "arrack" [10] is brewed in large quantities from the gornuti palm, and the scene of debauchery that succeeds the first day of the feast is indescribable. On the Equator
  • In notes about the latter film, the director urged audiences to "exalt in the excessive excellence of exhausted funds as they funnel into a whirlpool of wonder and weirdness made palpable in a cacophonic cascade of indescribable incoherence. Picking Out Eye Candy
  • The chaos and confusion was indescribable.
  • To discover a talent and help it to flourish is an indescribable high.
  • I think there was a certain indescribable reserve of gravity upon them all, but there was not one whose lips did not part in a white line when looking at me, nor whose eyes and ears did not watch me with an interest as benign as it was intent. Daisy
  • We had been reduced by our journey to an almost indescribable condition. A BOOK OF LANDS AND PEOPLES
  • There is a quaintness and unworldliness about its old streets and wharves, which is indescribable in print; there is a wonderfully impressive expanse of sea and sky on the Bay of Bidassoa, a couple of kilometres away, and all sorts and conditions of men may find an occupation here for any passing mood they may have. The Automobilist Abroad
  • On the occasion of the betrothal she had arrived late, dressed in indescribable odds and ends, with an artificial red flower stuck into her frowzy wig. The Promised Land
  • It was something intangible, indescribable, but it was there, like a secret hidden in his smile that no one but those close enough to hear the whispers of the wind could understand.
  • The smell in the hut is indescribable in a family magazine.
  • The zipping allows us sensory delights which can only remain indescribable. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » February : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • But Serenity has an indescribable atmosphere, a palpable sense that living in this world is dangerous.
  • The confusion in the long series of Etruscan galleries on the ground floor of this museum is indescribable; the vitrines are coated inside with oil and mud, and a vast number of fragile objects have been fragmented or displaced.
  • His dark eyes smoldered with indescribable emotion.
  • Inside, it was altogether delightful, with odd windows and corners and lounging places, sunshine everywhere, and the indescribable air of half-shabby, well-used cosiness which is so dear to every one but the owners thereof. Teddy: Her Book A Story of Sweet Sixteen
  • GRANVILLE; at the other, the dapper figure, with its indescribable air of old-fashioned gentlemanhood, the light of his smile shed impartially on the benches opposite, but his slight bow reserved for the MARKISS, as, leaning across the table, he pinked him under the fifth rib with glittering rapier -- this is a sight that will never more gladden the eye in the House of Lords. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, April 25, 1891
  • It is an indescribable feeling. The Sun
  • You also mutilated the dead bodies of our soldiers and treated them with indescribable indignities.
  • How does one describe an incredibly beautiful land and its indescribable tragedy?
  • Yet there was something superior, Atherton thought, something more tasteful, in short, indescribable, about this female. A Peep at the Pilgrims in Sixteen Hundred Thirty-Six
  • Mrs. Gorbachev, who had stepped off the plane the night before in what the press described as an “indescribable” fur, had on a very long, very chic, brown or liver-colored broadtail coat … belted in the back, collar turned up. Barbara Bush
  • Trust: that almost indescribable quality of relationship in which a leader builds and then enjoys the confidence of the people. Christianity Today
  • Trust: that almost indescribable quality of relationship in which a leader builds and then enjoys the confidence of the people. Christianity Today
  • Diaries kept by two of them recorded the indescribable agonies they had suffered as their lives ebbed slowly away.
  • Laserpithium was a North African herb of indescribable deliciousness, akin to garlic, but far more tasty. ROMAN LASER.
  • Whatever the discouragement, it is rewarding to persevere and find a nugget, when the thrill of discovery is indescribable.
  • They speak of pixies and fairies of indescribable beauty, who ensnare the heart of innocent lads.
  • She watched a few kids play in the sandboxes, and young couples kiss under trees as well as old couples walking around with an indescribable air of understanding.
  • It is as easy as sitting down on a comfortable chair and what happens next is almost indescribable.
  • We marched [30 Oct.] to Madrid, or rather its suburbs, where the poor inhabitants were in indescribable distress, seeing that they were again to be abandoned to French clemency and contributions. The Autobiography of Liuetenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B.
  • The question really comes down to being asked to describe the indescribable.
  • Next to her in the back is Jasper, who is wearing an indescribable woe-is-me expression.
  • I stood before the gate awhile and looked into the courtyard, breathing in garbage and sewer odors and another indescribable smell.
  • Did he throw himself into the jaws of death to resolve some indescribable inner torment? Times, Sunday Times
  • It is an indescribable feeling. The Sun
  • Such an explosion, indescribable in its fury, might in the end raise the height of the subocean island a foot. Hawaii
  • The thrill of cruising the skies, open to the elements but harnessing them to your purpose, is almost indescribable. Times, Sunday Times
  • How the pubescent boy and wimpy character became a slicing, dicing, seething pot of neuroses and indescribable rage.
  • And for the moment they recoiled under the shock of that fiery onslaught; for the moment they parted and wavered and oscillated beneath the impetus with which he hurled his hundred Chasseurs on them, with that light, swift, indescribable rapidity and resistlessness of attack characteristic of the African Cavalry. Under Two Flags
  • I wrung his hand with indescribable relief, and he sent the "ramrod" on guard, to saddle my horse. Campaigns of a Non-Combatant, and His Romaunt Abroad During the War
  • The pavement is already strewed with decayed cabbage – leaves, broken hay – bands, and all the indescribable litter of a vegetable market; men are shouting, carts backing, horses neighing, boys fighting, basket – women talking, piemen expatiating on the excellence of their pastry, and donkeys braying. Sketches by Boz
  • Here on these wind blown islands with their indescribable untouched beauty, you travel among spectacular sandbars and reefs in search of natural produce.
  • Fiery Magyars, mechanical Teutons and stolid muzhiks mixed together in an indescribable hellbroth of combative fury and destructive passion. The Story of the Great War, Volume V (of 12) Neuve Chapelle, Battle of Ypres, Przemysl, Mazurian Lakes
  • And bowing, the waiter went before them up the narrow stairs and led them into a dusky, fady, gloomy-looking chamber, whose carpet, curtains, and chair coverings seemed all of mingled hues of browns and grays, and from their fadiness and dinginess almost indescribable in color. Self-Raised
  • The extreme pathos of the opening section, with the wailing phrase in the muted strings under the reiterated G of the flutes (an inverted organ-point of sixteen _adagio_ measures); the indescribable effect of the muted horn heard from behind the scenes, over an accompaniment of divided violas and 'cellos _con sordini_; the heart-shaking sadness and beauty of the succeeding passage for all the muted strings; the mysterious and solemn close: these are outstanding moments in a masterpiece of the first rank: a page which would honour any music-maker, living or dead. Edward MacDowell
  • All these things were so perfectly imitated, that you seemed to have the genuine article before you, and yet with an indescribable, ideal charm; it took away the grossness from what was fleshiest and fattest, and thus helped the life of man, even in its earthliest relations, to appear rich and noble, as well as warm, cheerful, and substantial. The Blithedale Romance
  • It filled me with indescribable terror to think how swiftly that desolating change had come. The War of The Worlds
  • There is a strange and peculiar sensation experienced in recovering from a state of insensibility, which is almost indescribable: a sort of dreamy, confused consciousness; a half-waking, half-sleeping condition, accompanied with a feeling of weariness, which, however, is by no means disagreeable. The Coral Island A Tale of the Pacific Ocean
  • To have a morning walk at such a time is an indescribable experience.

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