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How To Use Indenture In A Sentence

  • Besides being the colour of pants worn during training and performing, red trousers symbolize the indentured servitude of children who were bound by contract and often forced to live and train at these schools.
  • This was referred to as ‘adoption’ and was distinct from binding them to labor for a master under indenture.
  • But I was told that there, in fact, was those kind of indentures in the second column also, the vote for U.S. S.nator. CNN Transcript - Special Event: Leon County Circuit Court Hears Arguments in Election 2000 Contest - December 2, 2000
  • They actually want you to treat them like indentured servants!
  • When their terms of indenture were over, some moved to Johannesburg and Cape Town, but most remained in the eastern region.
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  • The Indenture does not provide for any other rights on the occurrence of such an event of default.
  • If the bond is publicly marketed, a trustee is named to monitor and ensure compliance with the terms of the indenture.
  • What portion of himself or herself any one complicated physical and psychological human being really and truly 'conveys' to another by means of the simple contract known as the "plighted troth" or that of a larger deed called the called the "solemnization of matrimony", is a riddle difficult of solution; and as to how much one may claim on the strength of one or other of these indentures, that is a more difficult problem still. Hints for Lovers
  • There were no lacemaker or milliners' apprentices at all in the earlier period, but eleven were indentured in the latter. Consuming Passions: Leisure and Pleasure in Victorian Britain
  • Similarly, violations of bondholder rights by persons other than the company generally will not result in a breach of the bond indenture, since these persons are not party to the indenture.
  • Her story loosely mirrors the author's own experiences as the indentured servant of a mean-spirited and violent woman.
  • Apprentices' indentures issued by the Edinburgh College of Surgeons in the 1720s forbad trainees to exhume the dead - which suggests that they had been doing so.
  • His medical training began in 1820 with his indenture to a local surgeon.
  • The Collins girls were from Tyringham and the Paynes, who were born in Connecticut, may have been indentured from the poorhouse of Norwalk or Bridgeport as well.
  • The employment bureau furnished the information necessary to know that a worker was indentured and should not be lured away.
  • But it also vigorously polemicised on behalf of Indian indentured labourers.
  • In the 19th century, most of the brothels of the East were staffed by Japanese girls, or they were sold to factories as indentured textile workers.
  • The island's population - made up of Chinese, Malays and Europeans - is descended from indentured labour brought in to work the deposits of phosphate of lime discovered in 1887.
  • One girl indentured in the early 1980s reported that her mother was tricked by Han procurers who had promised a waitressing job.
  • After a three year apprenticeship - "indentures" they called it - I was ready to cover court without being chaperoned by a senior. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • an indentured servant
  • Today, we are shocked when young children are put to work for pennies a day in India, or China, in conditions of indenture that approximate slavery.
  • Another source of recruits for the freebooters were the indentured servants or _engagés_. The Buccaneers in the West Indies in the XVII Century
  • The indenture system was based on the assumption that the owner of an indenture owned a human property, and the 1818 Constitution upheld the standing validity of all contracts, including indentures.
  • In the traditional way, he was indentured as a welder and began his apprenticeship at the Technical College.
  • In Austria there were major and minor nobles, small farmers who were freemen, indentured farmers and serfs.
  • Indentured Khoisan servants and slaves, on the other hand, must have been at work on Groote Valleij at the time of the auction, but the only record of their presence is the sale of Lubbe's slaves. Belongings: Property, Family, and Identity in Colonial South Africa
  • People like to portray this as we the little consumers fighting against the big evil record companies and the artists they have in indentured servitude. Matthew Yglesias » Intellectual Property is About Consumers
  • Following the abolition of slavery in 1835, Indian indentured labourers were introduced to work the sugar plantations.
  • `The Corporation, the King," Luberon added quickly, `have drawn an indenture up with Mistress Swinbrooke. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • He left school at 16 years of age, with no idea what he wanted to do, so his father indentured him as an apprentice in his company.
  • After Xavier bought out my indentures, I was presented with a number of careers.
  • The rights of bondholders are determined differently because a bond agreement, or indenture, represents a contract between the issuer and the bondholder.
  • This indenture of lease, made and entered into in quintuplicate … The VCA president signed evenly along the dotted line. Yellow Dirt
  • Typically, an indentured immigrant singed with a ship owner or a recruiting agent in England.
  • It was also the day when indentured servants were given the day off to celebrate with their families.
  • Even more so when Lord Luberon sends us a copy of the indenture and the first payment of your fee. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • Most of us are indentured to one or another degree to any of a number of physical and psychological desires.
  • If the bond is publicly marketed, a trustee is named to monitor and ensure compliance with the terms of the indenture.
  • The name Sheldon appears alongside those of Shakespeare's friends in Warwickshire indentures and conveyances, and in the medical casebook of Shakespeare's son-in-law, Dr John Hall of Stratford.
  • Slaves, indentured servants, land owners, and independent Khoisan formed variously permuted relationships with each other and with the natural environment. Belongings: Property, Family, and Identity in Colonial South Africa
  • Gregory Nalbone, a native-born New Yorker, whom you see here photographed from the other, more courteous direction (above), is also a bona fide model, trying to make his way in the toughest and most competitive market that exists for members of that profession, evidently with some considerable success, though not enough to be free from the modern equivalent of indentured labor at The Eagle. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Indentured servitude, sweatshops – even forced abortions – are well-documented practices in Marianas islands factories, which have thus far managed to avoid U.S. labor laws while still, as a U.S. territory, applying “Made in the U.S.A.” labels to the finished product. Think Progress » Gingrich: ‘This Is, In Fact, World War III’ And The U.S. ‘Ought To Be Helping’
  • The police state control grid is part of the the Financial recovery or repossation of of real property or serf, indentured slaves. is comming to you will see a higher tech police grid in America, in order to recoupe the losses of the Royal familys, there is no coinsadence that the United States and Britton are so close a allie. Alex Jones' Prison
  • Even more so when Lord Luberon sends us a copy of the indenture and the first payment of your fee. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • At the dawn of the twentieth-century, baby farms provoked sensation, newspapers advertised babies, and indentures and deeds were still used to exchange children.
  • Apprenticeship indentures from the 1880s make interesting reading.
  • The indenture conveying these rights was left in the hands of George Holdrege of the Burlington railroad.
  • Below the freemen came indentured servants. America Past and Present
  • For $100, for example, you can save a young girl from a life of indentured servitude.
  • Indentured Servants. \% -- In the case of such as came voluntarily, carefully drawn agreements called indentures would be made in writing. A School History of the United States
  • To the fur traders they were commodities who could be purchased and indentured to company stores through watered-down alcohol and cheaply made goods.
  • Way too many of his parables were based on 'master and servant' for my taste and lent too much credibility to the notion of indentured servitude. Norman Lear: A Letter to Pat Robertson
  • He promoted the welfare of Pacific peoples, especially indentured labourers.
  • More would have made the trans-Atlantic voyage, but poverty had forced many into debt or indenture.
  • They are so thoroughly unhealthy, so morbid, so pallid with moonlight, so indentured by the ayenbite of inwit, that it is hard to believe that Shandygaff
  • People from different parts of India, now called Indo-Fijians, came to work as indentured laborers on sugar plantations.
  • Then he offered his alternative: masters should insist on such huge indentures that Negroes would be in virtual slavery after baptism.
  • If the bond is publicly marketed, a trustee is named to monitor and ensure compliance with the terms of the indenture.
  • Parents also begged the girls not to reveal the parents' involvement in the indenture to the police, and accused the girls of being unfilial if they did.
  • Because there were no actual conveyancing documents in process regarding the lands the executor-councilors claimed that Henry had "promised" them, a tripartite indenture was not relevant to complete their (nonexistent Henrician) grants. From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • To bind into the service of another by indenture.
  • Typically, an indentured immigrant signed with a shipowner or a recruiting agent in England.
  • Pinned to the parchment of one of the indentures was a letter, which Winterborne had never seen before. The Woodlanders
  • The organization of staple production - tobacco and cotton - in the formative years depended upon the labour of thousands of British indentured labourers.
  • Such regulations could be evaded by both workers and employers, but most workers, whether serving an internal or external indenture, did return to their villages.
  • Paddy can be clever and quick-witted enough when presented with an opportunity to shirk the duties set forth in his indentures, but otherwise he's as weak-minded as a fish.
  • That's industry standard, according to the Working Group on Bridesmaids Indentures of Gray's Inn of Court," Quiller-Couch interjected. Battle of the Bulging British Bridesmaids
  • Though the people were spared a life of slavery, many of them ultimately came to the Americas as indentured servants, bound by contract to a specific term of unfree labor.
  • We have all sold our kidneys to pay off a debt so that we can save our families from indentured servitude.
  • We know no more of a constitutional compact between sovereign powers, than we know of a _constitutional_ indenture of copartnership, a _constitutional_ deed of conveyance, or a Select Speeches of Daniel Webster, 1817-1845
  • Many of the local indentures of the fifteenth century survive too; at first glance they seem informative, but can be misleading as to electoral method.
  • Then he offered his alternative: masters should insist on such huge indentures that Negroes would be in virtual slavery after baptism.
  • These Greeks often were subject to the padrone system, a form of exploitative indentured servitude employed in many of the larger industrial cities of the North and in the large mining corporations of the West.
  • He afterwards commenced the business of a scaw-banker, which means that he went about the country enticing mechanics and rustics to ship to America, on promise of having their fortunes made in that country; and then by artful practices, produced their indentures as servants, in consequence of which on their arrival in American Prisoners of the Revolution
  • Once used to bring workers to the American and West Indian colonies, indentures exchanged a fixed period of labour for transportation, payment, food, and housing.
  • Africans, who crossed the ocean as slaves, and immigrants from Europe, who came initially as indentured servants, added additional strands to the repeopling of the country.
  • I could hear the milk-maids' buckets clatter, the cows lowing in the dell, and the indentured servant boy's tortured cries as he was being flogged.
  • There was this conviction in Froude that since History is based on achievement, and since the history of the Antilles was so genetically corrupt, so depressing in its cycles of massacres, slavery, and indenture, a culture was inconceivable and nothing could ever be created in those ramshackle ports, those monotonously feudal sugar estates. Derek Walcott - Nobel Lecture
  • Most often these children were indentured to a master for maintenance in return for their labor.
  • Above all, I wish to say that it is up to the community to win its freedom and that its ultimate weapon, an irresistible one, is satyagraha … I am, of course, a satyagrahi and I hope always to remain one, but in December last I fell more under the spell of indenture. ANC Today
  • This can be expressed as a ratio or as the conversion price, and is specified in the indenture along with other provisions.
  • Under the indenture governing the Company's 11. 25% senior subordinated notes (the "Notes"), our ability to engage in certain activities such as incurring certain additional indebtedness, making certain investments, and paying certain dividends is tied to ratios based on Adjusted EBITDA (which is defined as "EBITDA" in the indenture). Undefined
  • Labour drawn from a reserve became regulated through systems of migration where migrants were employed on contracts known as indentures.
  • `The Corporation, the King," Luberon added quickly, `have drawn an indenture up with Mistress Swinbrooke. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • The Indian population also became largely urban as indentured workers left the sugar estates.
  • In the 1860s they had brought Indian indentured labourers to work in the sugarcane plantations of Natal.
  • However, custom has taken off the edge of it since; namely, that they who did thus contract matrimony should forfeit their indentures, that is to say, should lose the benefit of their whole service, and not be made free. The Complete English Tradesman (1839 ed.)
  • Moreover, the abrogation of indenture contracts in 1900 eliminated the condition under which many Japanese immigrated to this country.
  • These forms typically include serfdom, indentured labor, debt peonage, convict labor, ‘wage slavery,’ and forms of elite slavery, in addition to plantation slavery.
  • Those statutes set terminal dates for servants arriving without written indentures; in any event they seem to have applied only to English servants.
  • Then he offered his alternative: masters should insist on such huge indentures that Negroes would be in virtual slavery after baptism.
  • Shakespeare was married at the age of 19 to Anne Hathaway, probably before his indenture to the butcher was over.
  • The creditors said that the bond indenture allowed a foreclosure on the company's assets in lieu of repayment.
  • Even girls without a good relationship with their parents forgave them and accepted their indenture as a filial duty.
  • American companies carved up “the rich volcanic soil” and worked their indentured laborers of color “from sunup to sunset.” Deconstructing Obama
  • He was indentured to a baker who had a Masters degree in pastry cooking, and was acknowledged as one of the best chefs in the locality.
  • The contractual remedy provided for in the trust indenture did not preclude alternative relief being granted under the oppression remedy.
  • In Austria there were major and minor nobles, small farmers who were freemen, indentured farmers and serfs.
  • Yes, we should all live within our budget, even government, lest we all become indentured servants.
  • Fortunately he was literate and his indenture involved legal training.
  • Note 13: CPR, 1547, p. 148 (Oct. 7th); for other grants that employed the tripartite indenture regarding property in conveyance when Henry VIII died, see CPR, 1547, pp. 4; 13; 23; 39; 116; 151; 157; 161; 178; 179; 239; 241 back From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • We note that in The Parish of St Pancras case an attorney's clerk, articled by indenture, was held to be an apprentice and to gain a settlement as such for poor law purposes.
  • The indenture records the terms on which a man was engaged to serve his lord; it would normally specify his wages and, if it was a long-service contract, his retaining fee.
  • Those "indentured servants", who were nearly all brought from India and became known as coolies, were akin to slaves in that they often became indebted to their employers and saw their contracts extended to pay back their debt. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • they are descendants of indentured importees
  • By an indenture of the same date executed by them, the Somerset Estate was appointed and transferred to the 4th Duke.
  • Pinned to the parchment of one of the indentures was a letter, which The Woodlanders
  • Servitude became a central labor institution in early English America: Between one-half and two-thirds of all white immigrants to the British colonies arrived under indenture.
  • The list was a transection of Egyptian society: governors, judges, bankers, merchants, civil servants, policemen, butchers, and fellahin who, indentured to their own government by the Corvée, sent their slaves to the Suez Canal works as substitute laborers. Three Empires on the Nile
  • I put my signature to certain indentures, received my pottage, and fled from his presence. The Dignity of Dollars
  • The bond indenture normally specifies a number of restrictive covenants to which the issuing corporation must adhere.
  • The two halves of the indenture, preserved in the Records Office of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, show that Shakespeare was represented by his brother Gilbert.
  • The name Sheldon appears alongside those of Shakespeare's friends in Warwickshire indentures and conveyances, and in the medical casebook of Shakespeare's son-in-law.
  • Remote probing indicates that this distortion has caused an open-ended chroniton-well indenture. Darth Vader's Day Off
  • Slave, servant, indentured servant, serf, it all meant the same to me.
  • A sunset clause in the indenture bill is due to expire in December.
  • I could hear the milk-maids' buckets clatter, the cows lowing in the dell, and the indentured servant boy's tortured cries as he was being flogged.
  • The second difference between the Han and aboriginal indentured girls is the family members involved in their indenture.
  • The biggest scandal in baseball at the moment is the Baseball Hall of Fame's failure -- for the fourth time -- to induct Marvin Miller, who freed players from indentured servitude. Peter Dreier: Baseball's Error: No Marvin Miller in the Hall of Fame
  • The company employing him went bankrupt, his indentures were cancelled and he was now totally without any future.
  • At twelve he was indentured for nine years as a bookkeeping apprentice to a ship chandler. Archive 2009-03-01
  • First there were white slaves known as indentured servants, most of them poor people caught stealing Main RSS Feed
  • This indenture system, which had satisfied the planter aristocracy's demand for workers, was abolished in British Guiana in 1917.
  • She is hopelessly indentured to her wicked stepmother who treats her like a voluptuous doormat.
  • Instead single parents indentured their children and many others came from the poorhouse and other asylums.
  • The first way to do right by these people, to make their service less indentured, is to pay their Social Security set-asides — a legal requirement, although you’d hardly know it judging from the number of people who dodge it. How To Treat the Help?
  • Parents also begged the girls not to reveal the parents' involvement in the indenture to the police, and accused the girls of being unfilial if they did.
  • The lord could not seize the laborer's property, sell the indenture to a third party, or sell the laborer into slavery.
  • Therefore, all persons so listed under the headright claim cannot be considered indentured servants. Mother Earth Land Grants in Virginia 1607-1699
  • Since the redemption was to be accomplished through an amendment to the Trust Indenture, acceptance by holders holding two-thirds of the Debentures was required.
  • Instead of slavery, one compromise should be widespread adoption of long-term indentured servitude. Art Brodsky: Purists and Zealots for Internet Freedom
  • Families rather than indentured servants went to Massachusetts, and to Connecticut, which received a royal charter in 1662.
  • To explain every little mark of usury and covetousness, such as the mortgages, bonds, indentures, &c. the piece of candle stuck on a save-all, on the mantle-piece; the rotten furniture of the room, and the miserable contents of the dusty wardrobe, would be unnecessary: we shall only notice the more striking articles. The Works of William Hogarth: In a Series of Engravings With Descriptions, and a Comment on Their Moral Tendency

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