
How To Use Indent In A Sentence

  • The lower mandible, which is powerful, and is indented at its point to receive the hook, has a very sharp edge, which, with that of the upper mandible, constitutes a pair of formidable shears. Scientific American Supplement, No. 829, November 21, 1891
  • Palpation of the nasal structures should be done to elicit any crepitus, indentation, or irregularity of the nasal bone.
  • He dug the blade deep into the shallow indent that had been made and flung the dirt into a pile to his left.
  • Besides being the colour of pants worn during training and performing, red trousers symbolize the indentured servitude of children who were bound by contract and often forced to live and train at these schools.
  • True enough, there was a tell-tale head-shaped indentation on my pillow this morning, but that could mean anything.
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  • This was referred to as ‘adoption’ and was distinct from binding them to labor for a master under indenture.
  • He signed a five-year contract with an English company indenturing himself for labor in the South Seas at fifty cents a day. “Day had broken cold and gray, exceedingly cold and gray, . . . .”
  • But I was told that there, in fact, was those kind of indentures in the second column also, the vote for U.S. S.nator. CNN Transcript - Special Event: Leon County Circuit Court Hears Arguments in Election 2000 Contest - December 2, 2000
  • Late in October, for example, it occurred to Eduard that if he cut a cherimoya a custard apple with green indented skin and a creamy white interior into thin slices, the flesh looked like crabmeat; now a dish with cherimoya and spider crab is on the menu. The Sorcerer’s Apprentices
  • Asylum's MFP NanoIndenter is a true "instrumented" indenter and is the first AFM-based indenter that does not use cantilevers as part of the indenting mechanism. Nano Tech Wire
  • Some are quite basic, mere saucer-like indentations, but others are exquisitely engineered with intricate pivots and fulcrums unravelling to form a protruding secure holder.
  • Covered with mysteriously indented curves and sinuous ridges, the sculpture invites comment and touch.
  • The escarpment has been shaped into numerous irregularities, indentations, and promontories, and is pierced by thalweg ravines, gorges, and rocky passages connecting the plain and plateau. Cliffs of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons), Mali
  • Shield: Or, a diminished bordure Vert, on a chief indented Azure, two fleurs-de-lis of the first.
  • They actually want you to treat them like indentured servants!
  • And basically, he applied the same standard we did, and that is, if there was some kind of indentation that was consistent throughout the ballot -- didn't have to cover the whole ballot, but as long as there was enough to show a pattern that this is how the voter voted, then we would go ahead and count that as a vote. CNN Transcript - Larry King Live: Florida Supreme Court Grants Gore Campaign a Reprieve - December 8, 2000
  • Use back of small melon baller to make indentations in mousse.
  • Having some transindental brain fart and not being able “to look at something I've killed” is a load of poopy (sorry, need to keep this clean for the kids). The Meat Not Eaten
  • When their terms of indenture were over, some moved to Johannesburg and Cape Town, but most remained in the eastern region.
  • The Indenture does not provide for any other rights on the occurrence of such an event of default.
  • Because the coastline of the area is indented, as wheat-growing expanded northwards the farms were still close to the sea and hence transport costs were low.
  • If the bond is publicly marketed, a trustee is named to monitor and ensure compliance with the terms of the indenture.
  • Lorna's pillow was still indented where her head had been, and he pressed the side of his face against it, breathing in the smell of her hair.
  • And if these ballots have indentations, punctures, dents on them - you know, the wind didn't make them, people came to the polls and people made those marks on those ballots.
  • Per fesse indented quarterly or and sable, in each quarter an annulet counterchanged. Notes and Queries, Number 43, August 24, 1850
  • The effects of bending are neglected to first approximation, and the dominant resistance to indentation is taken as the isotropic tension.
  • What portion of himself or herself any one complicated physical and psychological human being really and truly 'conveys' to another by means of the simple contract known as the "plighted troth" or that of a larger deed called the called the "solemnization of matrimony", is a riddle difficult of solution; and as to how much one may claim on the strength of one or other of these indentures, that is a more difficult problem still. Hints for Lovers
  • There were no lacemaker or milliners' apprentices at all in the earlier period, but eleven were indentured in the latter. Consuming Passions: Leisure and Pleasure in Victorian Britain
  • It absolutely astonishes me that the ‘Tab’ key will not indent a line in any website builder currently used by members of the group.
  • Its role is defined by the first indent of Article 4 TEU: it shall provide the Union with the necessary impetus for its development and shall define the general political guidelines thereof.
  • Similarly, violations of bondholder rights by persons other than the company generally will not result in a breach of the bond indenture, since these persons are not party to the indenture.
  • Her story loosely mirrors the author's own experiences as the indentured servant of a mean-spirited and violent woman.
  • Her hands pressed down her rib cage to the indent of her waistline, to the smooth curve of her narrow hips. KING OF THE MOUNTAIN
  • Ultrasonic backscatter does react to changes in structure, however it can not be linked to a determined hardness value using the indentation method.
  • The indenter was secured into the arbor of a milling machine.
  • On his forehead a narrow, inch-long indentation from a rifle-butt remains as a souvenir of his ordeal.
  • Apprentices' indentures issued by the Edinburgh College of Surgeons in the 1720s forbad trainees to exhume the dead - which suggests that they had been doing so.
  • His medical training began in 1820 with his indenture to a local surgeon.
  • A band of about thirty spearmen, with a pennon displayed before them, winded along the indented shores of the lake, and approached the causeway. The Abbot
  • To make his case, he puts on a slide show: First he shows images of a living cyanobacterium a microbe sometimes called blue-green algae and highlights some characteristics—long filaments made up of cells with small indentations where they meet. First Contact
  • Stand up for not indenturing our children to China and to Saudi Arabia. CNN Transcript May 26, 2008
  • The Collins girls were from Tyringham and the Paynes, who were born in Connecticut, may have been indentured from the poorhouse of Norwalk or Bridgeport as well.
  • Clinton must be sad that Rude-EE, her slightly less evil and a crapload lot dumber indentical twin separated from birth New Rudy Ad Features Bhutto Footage, Warns Of Death At Hands Of Radical Muslims
  • It bulks above long moorland valleys, its northern face hollowed and indented by some of the finest Welsh cwms. Country diary: Pumlumon
  • The indents which follow include a reference to telecommunication services.
  • In ponderosa pine, lodgepole pine, and Sitka spruce, dimpling sometimes occurs as numerous small, conical indentations of the plane of the growth ring.
  • #27- Yes the thumb nail indentation for a cleavage straight to a clavicle is a nice touch. Regretsy – Top This
  • The employment bureau furnished the information necessary to know that a worker was indentured and should not be lured away.
  • But it also vigorously polemicised on behalf of Indian indentured labourers.
  • Down below, a mile, perhaps, a rocky point juts out into the river, up above another, so this forms a kind of indentation, an exclusive sort of bay for the dwellers therein, and the whole rather aristocratic settlement is put down on the railway map as Grandon Park. Floyd Grandon's Honor
  • They're worried about the dimples - these are the indentations - not the perforations of the ballots.
  • In the 19th century, most of the brothels of the East were staffed by Japanese girls, or they were sold to factories as indentured textile workers.
  • I'm still learning the intricacies of blogging and HTML formatting, especially indenting.
  • We made an indent for the engine spares last week.
  • So there's a visual component to them even though they seem to be ordered in a specific way - every shift, indentation, whatever, is there for a rhythmic reason or sense.
  • Picking it up, she reads where a page is indented.
  • The island's population - made up of Chinese, Malays and Europeans - is descended from indentured labour brought in to work the deposits of phosphate of lime discovered in 1887.
  • A Bright Idea guilloche Caldwell says he's one of few artisans who know a special technique called guilloche, which scrapes reflective indentations into his metal pieces to create a radiating shine. Week in Words
  • The damage to the limestone monument appears to have been carried out with a heavy instrument such as a hatchet, since there are large indentations on the remaining plinths which managed to withstand the attack.
  • Capt White apparently walked away unharmed, but the hanger still bears the scar, a deep indentation above its heavy iron doors.
  • Physical inventories were recorded annually (1 June), and served as the starting point for the indents.
  • The indentation in her skull also matched.
  • One girl indentured in the early 1980s reported that her mother was tricked by Han procurers who had promised a waitressing job.
  • After a three year apprenticeship - "indentures" they called it - I was ready to cover court without being chaperoned by a senior. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • an indentured servant
  • The Giant's Causeway is off the north coast and Belfast Lough indents the south-east coastline.
  • It was ruled for text by indentation using a bone instrument.
  • Because our electric semicolon indented for us, do we have to backspace back to the left column?
  • Edouches per Indiam habentur, quod ferarum genus satis est maius nostris communibus equis, geren in fronte tetri capitis tria longa cornua, ad formam pugionis, ex vtraque parte scindentia, vt eis nonnunquam interficiant Elephantes. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Article 3 is divided into four paragraphs, or indents, and is in these terms.
  • The president of the bank was a hard-faced aesthete with cheekbones so deeply indented that he appeared skull-like under harsh ceiling lights.
  • When ripe, the pease are of medium size, often much indented and irregularly compressed, and of a light, dunnish, or brown color. The Field and Garden Vegetables of America Containing Full Descriptions of Nearly Eleven Hundred Species and Varietes; With Directions for Propagation, Culture and Use.
  • Today, we are shocked when young children are put to work for pennies a day in India, or China, in conditions of indenture that approximate slavery.
  • Use the Tab key to indent the first line of the paragraph.
  • Another source of recruits for the freebooters were the indentured servants or _engagés_. The Buccaneers in the West Indies in the XVII Century
  • All the lines are automatically indented for you.
  • The clypeus, however, is merged with the epicranium, and the usual suture between them does not appear distinctly in after life, though its place is seen in figure 167 to be indicated by a slight indentation. Our Common Insects A Popular Account of the Insects of Our Fields, Forests, Gardens and Houses
  • Now, if somebody, for example, were to put the stylus through the hole next to Al Gore's name, and then they're making up their mind whether they want to carry through with that and actually vote for him, and then decide you know what -- I'm a Democratic, but I just don't like this guy -- and they pull the stylus out, could that leave the kind of indentation you're talking about? CNN Transcript Dec 5, 2000
  • The indenture system was based on the assumption that the owner of an indenture owned a human property, and the 1818 Constitution upheld the standing validity of all contracts, including indentures.
  • It simply refuses to accept such a thing as an indent. Girl Meets Boy « Tales from the Reading Room
  • It has immediate effect on the customer satisfaction, which in turn indirectly affects customer behaviour indention.
  • The trees, which are of magnificent size, are left to grow naturally; -- the Isar, which is turned into it, flows in more than one stream with its mountain impetuosity; the lake is gracefully indented and overhung with trees, and presents ever-changing aspects of loveliness as you walk along its banks; there are open, sunny meadows, in which single giant trees or splendid groups of them stand, and walks without end winding under leafy Gothic arches. The Complete Project Gutenberg Writings of Charles Dudley Warner
  • Wake up, get out of bed, remove your butt from that indented sofa cushion and take a long overdue vacation from ‘media land!’
  • In the traditional way, he was indentured as a welder and began his apprenticeship at the Technical College.
  • Chapter 14 covers lists, and Chapter 15 explains how to align and indent text.
  • Her left hand hit the token, and she lightly fingered it, letting her hands learn every crevice, indentation, every detail of that token.
  • Where the craft landed were scorch marks and the deep indentations in the ground showed it was a heavy, sizeable besigheid.
  • Gently make a small indentation in the center of each cookie.
  • Even if the lines ins are initially indented differently, this recipe makes their indentation homogeneous.
  • Why do dogs do the squashiest, most unpleasant turds that hide in the grass and spread themselves in the indentations on the bottom of your shoe, but don't start smelling until you get indoors and then render the place uninhabitable until you've left every window open for a month? News
  • In Austria there were major and minor nobles, small farmers who were freemen, indentured farmers and serfs.
  • Indentured Khoisan servants and slaves, on the other hand, must have been at work on Groote Valleij at the time of the auction, but the only record of their presence is the sale of Lubbe's slaves. Belongings: Property, Family, and Identity in Colonial South Africa
  • In a matter of days, if not hours, the little indentation in the middle of my belly is going to erupt in a volcanic burst of nubbly flesh, and all at once I will be sporting the dreaded pregnant belly button.
  • A large degree of hysteresis upon indenter retraction was observed.
  • There is something very rough and ready about it all, and the new portions print darker and more smudgily than the old, except toward the left, where they have missed ink and indented. In the Days of the Comet
  • The second ring is considerably smaller and has an emerald colour stone indented in the middle.
  • The insular cortex is indented by a number of sulci, one of which - the central sulcus of the insula - is deeper and more prominent than the rest.
  • It is exactly comparable to the way the surface of a ping-pong or tennis ball can be indented.
  • The very much indented leaves, whose projections can be completely removed with a dexterous snip of the scissors, generally furnish the various layers of the barricade; the little robinia-leaves, with their fine texture and their unbroken edges, are better suited to the more delicate work of the cells. Bramble-Bees and Others
  • Alphabetical arrangement of trade goods and supplies was also demanded by the committee during this time to ease the preparation and review of indents.
  • On my return from America I crept round Homer's apartment as if frightened my foot would indent the carpet too much and I would be blamed. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • People like to portray this as we the little consumers fighting against the big evil record companies and the artists they have in indentured servitude. Matthew Yglesias » Intellectual Property is About Consumers
  • It has a highly irregular shape, covered in bumps and indentations.
  • Using a small fork, press down onto the balls to leave the indent of the fork tines.
  • Settlers brought with them both chattel slaves and the habit of indenturing captive Khoisan. Belongings: Property, Family, and Identity in Colonial South Africa
  • The surface of the reinforcement may be plain, ribbed or indented.
  • I would get this really happy feeling when I was putting on my coat if I could look around and everything was nice: the glasses turned upside down and shining, the carpet speckless and smooth like a mowed lawn, the pillows on the bed fat and indented. We
  • This was achieved in two ways - by pricking the paper or by indenting it with a stylus.
  • His orbs were scintillant with reflected luminosity, while his submaxillary dermal indentations gave every evidence of engaging amiability. Vampishone Diary Entry
  • When the buns have risen, use the back of a knife to make a cross indentation on the top of each one.
  • A paragraph is indicated in print by what is known as the indentation of the line, that is, by commencing it a space from the left margin. How to Speak and Write Correctly
  • Following the abolition of slavery in 1835, Indian indentured labourers were introduced to work the sugar plantations.
  • `The Corporation, the King," Luberon added quickly, `have drawn an indenture up with Mistress Swinbrooke. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • There are keys on a table which, judging by the indents in the dust, have been used a few times.
  • She could see silver indentions along the blade in elegant curves gleaming in the moonlight.
  • Gently make a small indentation in the center of each cookie.
  • If you do send in clips, I'll be looking at headlines, cutlines, weird indents (I hope I don't run across too many), cropping, teases and just about anything else on the page that involves detail work.
  • Use a scrap piece of wood the same size as the door frame top, and set it in the front of the form to make a frame indention.
  • It can even include invisible codes such as carriage returns, tab stops, indentations, and format changes.
  • The FL panhandle is on central time (from what I understand) and, coicindentaly of course, also happens to be more conservative. Sound Politics: What to Expect Today: Exit Polls
  • On the surface of the rocks numerous holes and indentations are found, which after rain, hold water, and besides these, around the foot of the outcrops, "soaks," or shallow wells, are to be found. Spinifex and Sand
  • He and Violet sing duets as the purple film displaces the glories of azure and gold, and the twilight shadows the dusky bits of wood, the frowning rocks, and the indentations of shore that might be nereid haunts. Floyd Grandon's Honor
  • You then can remove tabs if you want by the above-mentioned method: gq is the command sequence for indenting comments.
  • In recording the measurements of the bore in extreme proof and after service, distinguish between "indentation," which is the depression at the "seat of the shot," which is always below, and the "wear of the bore," which is generally above, and increase of bore, or Ordnance Instructions for the United States Navy. 1866. Fourth edition.
  • Gently make a small indentation in the center of each cookie.
  • He left school at 16 years of age, with no idea what he wanted to do, so his father indentured him as an apprentice in his company.
  • The York post indent was particularly important as York was the port for most of the inland trade.
  • The lieutenant drew his thumbnail back and forth on the letter in front of him and left a deep indention on the edge. The Convict and Other Stories
  • The ventral arm plates are pentagonal with an acute proximal angle, a slightly indented distal edge, and separated from one another.
  • We cowered in a faint indentation in the wall, pressing against the dripping bushes, and I heard the vehicle scrape a quantity of paint from its opposite side before it was past, the driver calling a nonchalant thanks. The Moor
  • For top-down and thin-wall part design, the Indent feature lets you add geometry or form a recess based on a tool body.
  • The leaves of the ash are light and pendulous, and cut into numerous leaflets; those of the oak are deeply indented, and generally grow in tufts. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • Count on the outside of the wrapper until you reach the appropriate line, take a knife and gently press on that line, making an indention, but do not pierce through the wrapper just make it so when you take off the wrapper you will see the line. And so I begin… at
  • Transition 2 The parser calls characters() for every character data in the document, including indenting.
  • The metal figurines that emerge from the mould are rough, indented with the texture of the clay.
  • Spoon the flour paste into an icing bag and pipe it into the cross indentations - if you don't have an icing bag or syringe, make the paste loose and dribble it from a teaspoon.
  • I always have preferred to see such discussions in nested format, meaning that responses always are visible, indented somewhat from their parent.
  • The rustling was coming from the side from one of those indentions.
  • Then shalt thou see the dew-bedabbled wretch Turn, and return, indenting with the way; Each envious brier his weary legs doth scratch, Each shadow makes him stop, each murmur stay: For misery is trodden on by many, And being low never relieved by any. On Hunting
  • She recovered after courses of radio and chemotherapy but found another unconnected indentation in her other breast 12 years later.
  • Remember to indent for a fresh supply of order cards at the begining of every month.
  • A foot with a high arch, on the other hand, will have a large indentation and a very narrow band connecting the ball of the foot to the heel.
  • With printing's meticulous replating to create subtle indentions on paper that create depth and form, Dunham's wiry scratches slowly filled out and became solid and robust. Local Breaking News
  • As the rain fills the indent, blood mixes and stains the pooling water red. Jane Hardy: Terry Thompson's Animals
  • All text is flush left unless otherwise indicated, with ½ inch indent on first line of paragraph.
  • He stood in what seemed to be an indent in the cliff wall on the far right.
  • The friction of the spindle against an indentation in the fireboard grinds particles from both surfaces, which must heat to 800 degrees? Seven Ways To Light a Fire Without a Match
  • After Xavier bought out my indentures, I was presented with a number of careers.
  • The rights of bondholders are determined differently because a bond agreement, or indenture, represents a contract between the issuer and the bondholder.
  • This indenture of lease, made and entered into in quintuplicate … The VCA president signed evenly along the dotted line. Yellow Dirt
  • In this case, the matrix seen through the hole would represent sediment that has infilled an indentation originating in the interior of the valve.
  • When the tide is out at Strandhill one can see clearly the indents and hollows in the sand, reminding us that extreme care needs to be taken when swimming there.
  • There were cruel bruises and indentations on the flesh of her neck where the necktie had cut in, and she had the characteristic pinpoints of petechial hemorrhages on her face and in her eyes, which were common to strangulation victims. Without Pity
  • One window looked out on it, but the door was in a kind of indentation in it round the corner. Catharine Furze
  • Typically, an indentured immigrant singed with a ship owner or a recruiting agent in England.
  • He was able to show that as a bubble collapsed one side of the sphere would suddenly indent forming a pointed jet which penetrated the other side of the bubble at high speed.
  • All three of us pitched in and got the man over to a worn leather couch that held onto the vaguely human indentation of someone tall and heavy recently removed.
  • It was also the day when indentured servants were given the day off to celebrate with their families.
  • Similarly, submailboxes appear as sent, drafts and so on, indented beneath Inbox.
  • I can't really remember what was first, just that I started noticing odd indentations in things, like in a fresh jar of peanut butter, leaving a little cowlick of Jif hanging over the screw top. Put it Where it Doesn't Belong
  • Even more so when Lord Luberon sends us a copy of the indenture and the first payment of your fee. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • Most of us are indentured to one or another degree to any of a number of physical and psychological desires.
  • Another stylus was used to play back the recording turning the indentations on the cylinder into sound.
  • For indented scars—patulous or atrophic scars and ice-pick scars—there are a few fairly extreme options. Simple Skin Beauty
  • Moreover, cutting off the circulation to any part of the body and leaving (hopefully) temporary indentations to the skin is another dead giveaway. Jason Kitchen: When Pondering Life's Greatest Questions, Look no Further Than Yahoo!
  • If the bond is publicly marketed, a trustee is named to monitor and ensure compliance with the terms of the indenture.
  • From his groin to his knees, his skin was indented with hollows like large smallpox scars.
  • She sees indentions on the wall that resemble a hand print.
  • The name Sheldon appears alongside those of Shakespeare's friends in Warwickshire indentures and conveyances, and in the medical casebook of Shakespeare's son-in-law, Dr John Hall of Stratford.
  • Slaves, indentured servants, land owners, and independent Khoisan formed variously permuted relationships with each other and with the natural environment. Belongings: Property, Family, and Identity in Colonial South Africa
  • In spoken discourse, there is not the visual prompt of paragraph-initial line indentation to indicate a division in the discourse structure.
  • Many of those in More to Remember are written in such fixed forms as the haiku, triolet, dramatic monologue, and sonnet while others experiment with slant rhyme, indentation, and the blues form.
  • When the stairs were replaced with new timber, the family could see marks from the hobnail boots of the soldiers indented in the wood.
  • Gregory Nalbone, a native-born New Yorker, whom you see here photographed from the other, more courteous direction (above), is also a bona fide model, trying to make his way in the toughest and most competitive market that exists for members of that profession, evidently with some considerable success, though not enough to be free from the modern equivalent of indentured labor at The Eagle. Archive 2009-01-01
  • The distractor items all consisted of a small metal screw located to the left of this circular indentation.
  • In preparing such bolts, as they come from the forge, in order to undergo the process of turning, they have to be "centred;" that is, each end has to receive a hollow conical indent, which must agree with the axis of the bolt. James Nasmyth: Engineer, An Autobiography.
  • Felix Page's _left_ side had been toward the balustrade at the instant Fluette snatched up the candle-stick; on the balustrade was a deep indentation where the base of the improvised weapon had impinged, after glancing; and the fatal blow had struck upon the victim's _right_ temple. The Paternoster Ruby
  • The ectoderm anterior to the primitive streak forms the neural plate which is slightly indented along the midline.
  • When a chart is made to show the topical structure of a text, the progressive indenting represents topical depth.
  • Lesson 4 explains drop caps, hanging indents, and how to set tab stops.
  • Indentured servitude, sweatshops – even forced abortions – are well-documented practices in Marianas islands factories, which have thus far managed to avoid U.S. labor laws while still, as a U.S. territory, applying “Made in the U.S.A.” labels to the finished product. Think Progress » Gingrich: ‘This Is, In Fact, World War III’ And The U.S. ‘Ought To Be Helping’
  • Their broadly indented margins show the distinctive prickly spines that are typical of most evergreen hollies - and dangerous to bare feet!
  • The sea indents the coast.
  • This place was a kind of indentation in the side of a precipitous butte, above which the cliff (if it may be so called) arched over part way like a canopy. The Free Range
  • The X-rays showed a slight indentation in the man's skull.
  • The police state control grid is part of the the Financial recovery or repossation of of real property or serf, indentured slaves. is comming to you will see a higher tech police grid in America, in order to recoupe the losses of the Royal familys, there is no coinsadence that the United States and Britton are so close a allie. Alex Jones' Prison
  • Even more so when Lord Luberon sends us a copy of the indenture and the first payment of your fee. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • At the dawn of the twentieth-century, baby farms provoked sensation, newspapers advertised babies, and indentures and deeds were still used to exchange children.
  • The noses are riveted to a raised area, carefully indented to the front along a vertical midline.
  • In the code,[sentence dictionary] notice how the line after the if statement is indented.
  • AFM data, described below, also did not show any obvious plastic deformation after repeated indentation.
  • Remember to indent for a fresh supply of order cards at the begining of every month.
  • Apprenticeship indentures from the 1880s make interesting reading.
  • I try again, pressing harder, but the back of the knife handle indents my forefinger much more readily than the cutting edge scores the rock.
  • He said there are many reasons that a ballot could have dimples or indentations that have nothing to do with voter intent.
  • The indenture conveying these rights was left in the hands of George Holdrege of the Burlington railroad.
  • The end result was aesthetically very pleasing, with clear, slightly indented type on crisp linen paper, but was very expensive. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • She stared at it, her fingers tracing the indents were small crystal diamonds filled the interior lining.
  • A particularly annoying feature is the lack of indentation or the skipping of a line between paragraphs, leading to the general appearance of text consisting of an unbroken flow of sentences.
  • Maryne then realized that the man's steps were light and made no noise as they barely made an indent on the sand.

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