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How To Use Indemnity In A Sentence

  • The Court of Appeals held that Hallberg was judicially estopped from indemnity from Portland because his claim was factually inconsistent with claims he made defending the previous suit on which he had prevailed. One less bell to answer (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Other government plans to make all nurses take out indemnity insurance could worsen the blame culture, NT says. Times, Sunday Times
  • In its defence the Third Party has admitted liability by the defendant but denies any obligation for contribution or indemnity.
  • Indemnity hinges upon the principal continuing in business and exploiting the agent's connection.
  • TCM has two of the best: Double Indemnity (tonight, 8 ET/5 PT), a seminal double-cross film noir starring Barbara Stanwyck and Fred MacMurray (in a far cry from his My Three Sons days); and Swing Time (10 ET/7 PT), which may just be the best of the Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers films, and is the only one to address hard economic times. Critic's Corner Wednesday
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  • The applicant is to pay the costs of the respondent of the summons on an indemnity basis.
  • Schedule of repayment of vendor loans Tax indemnity for 7 years.
  • The central strategy of the housing announcement is a new-build indemnity scheme, which will target first-time buyers by encouraging lenders to provide 95% loan-to-value mortgages on newly built homes. U.K. Plans Housing Scheme
  • They paid an indemnity to the victim after the accident.
  • The spirit indemnity means produce because of violating the personality power of indemnification system.
  • The Treaty of Nanking, which ended the First Opium War in 1842, ceded the island of Hong Kong to Britain, required the Chinese to pay $21 million indemnity, and opened the so-called treaty ports of Shanghai, Canton, Amoy, Foochow, and Ningpo to foreign trade. The Last Empress
  • In a moment all the wrongs he had suffered at their hands were forgotten; he accepted the position of dictator or _suffete_, he caused more humane laws to be passed, and not only saved the people from ruin and enabled the merchants again to sell their goods, but paid the large sum demanded as a war indemnity by Rome within the year. The Red Book of Heroes
  • He therefore proposed that the account between him and the journal should be closed with the end of the "Lys"; and that as indemnity for the injury done him by the action of Buloz in publishing his unfinished work in the Honore de Balzac, His Life and Writings
  • According to a press release from the FDIC, the counterfeit checks display the word "remitter" above the indemnity notice in the lower-left corner while the words "cashier's check" appear near the top center. Orlando Business News - Local Orlando News | The Orlando Business Journal
  • In my view, however, a claim of the former kind is plainly raised, albeit there is also a claim under the express indemnity clause.
  • A farmer with APH insurance coverage receives an indemnity if the harvested yield is less than the yield guarantee.
  • Once, however, it is appreciated that this fifth paragraph is dealing with claims which are within the limit of indemnity, it must have a general application and cannot be restricted to questions of apportionment of costs.
  • The London Club is a ‘protection and indemnity’ company which provides third-party liability insurance to ship owners, operators and charterers.
  • The money, he said, was an indemnity from the Argentine government for jailing him during the last military regime.
  • We also anticipate, together with your lawyers, assisting in the interpretation of any warranty and indemnity requirements included in a contract.
  • Believe me, shortly wearing the pink ribbon will no longer be a badge of indemnity from the penalties of the law. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • Melbourne, Australia, and professional indemnity insurance, professional liability insurance from an insurance broker instructions, frequently asked questions and the mine is located.
  • Even without the terms of a trust deed, an indemnity would arise, naturally, from the Trustee's office, Octavo Investments v Knight, for example.
  • Who will be the provider of personal indemnity insurance if it all goes wrong? Times, Sunday Times
  • The issue of in camera hearings had been "bedeviled" by the recent controversy over secret indemnity applications by two former cabinet ministers, the police commissioner and 3500 policemen. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Insurance is the purchase of an indemnity against the risk of loss caused by a fortuity.
  • Democrats have balked at the governor's proposal to cap pain-and-suffering recoveries at $250,000 and to create an indemnity fund to subsidize treatment of brain-damaged infants. Budget Deal Takes Shape
  • You can buy indemnity insurance to cover yourself. Times, Sunday Times
  • An indemnity bond is a premium charged by the lender and paid by the customer to insure the lender against a default in mortgage repayments by the borrower.
  • Some, although few, home contents policies have a reverse indemnity clause which may cover costs and damages in some cases.
  • Police said it was "debateable" whether the indemnity could be considered a success or not. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It was decided to do this by ordering those costs to be taxed on the indemnity basis.
  • Due to the distinctive feature of " double indemnity" system, this article attempts to make a breakthrough in testing its effects in society.
  • It is arguable that this behaviour also justifies costs being awarded against him on a substantial indemnity basis.
  • By contrast, traditional indemnity health insurance pays a large portion of the bill for whatever medical care patients seek.
  • Inverlochie, and desir'd the Col.nel to minister to him the oath of allegiance, that he might have the King's indemnity: But Col. Hill, in his deposition, doth further depone, that he hasten'd him away all he could, and gave him a letter to Ardkinlas to receive him as a lost sheep; ... The Jacobite Rebellions (1689-1746) (Bell's Scottish History Source Books.)
  • He had been a member of the defendant, a mutual society providing, inter alia, professional indemnity cover. Times, Sunday Times
  • According to the Costs Grid, an hourly rate of up to $400 is allowable for costs on a substantial indemnity scale.
  • The term noir was coined in 1946 by French critics reviewing a group of American thrillers, including Billy Wilder's Double Indemnity and Otto Preminger's Laura, both from 1944, to mark a phenomenon they thought new to American cinema, a "harsh," "true to life" quality, a mood of "pessimism and despair. Day into Noir
  • Under this treaty, they were to pay an indemnity for five million dollars.
  • In other words, the efforts of the defence counsel on a partial indemnity basis are justified.
  • Each partner is entitled to an indemnity for all bonafide expenses incurred on behalf of the partnership.
  • Oh, we have thought that all out, and for every ship they did not deliver in Kiel Harbour, there would be an extra indemnity of $5,000,000. Germany and Austria at the Outbreak of War
  • One can readily understand an indemnity against claims brought by workmen in respect of plant or tools belonging to the workmen.
  • I have never heard of anything, and I cannot conceive of anything, more absurd and more affrontive of all sober judgment than the cry that we are getting indemnity by the acquisition of New Mexico and California. Problems of Expansion As Considered In Papers and Addresses
  • Under the provisions of rule 49.10, the successful parties would ordinarily be entitled to substantial indemnity costs.
  • Indemnity will be auto - paid to the individual account of the employee through the national bank intranet.
  • In each case the insured defendant failed to defeat the claim and in each his liability to the plaintiff exceeded the limit of the indemnity provided.
  • So make sure that you maintain a professional indemnity insurance policy for any work that you may intend to do!
  • In any event, I am firmly of the view that this is not a case for total indemnity in the awarding of costs.
  • They paid an indemnity to the victim after the accident.
  • Political exiles had not been given indemnity from prosecution.
  • Protection and indemnity insurance protects against third parties and environmental damage.
  • The housebuilder will have to contribute up to 3.5% of the value of the house into the indemnity pot, but the government will guarantee a proportion of any losses. , so it is hard to know what the level of taxpayer liability might involve. House building scheme designed to kickstart market unveiled
  • It is unclear if residents will have to pay for indemnity insurance. The Sun
  • In the last two weeks, we've watched two of the classic film noir pictures: Double Indemnity and The Postman Always Rings Twice.
  • The Costa people were probably worried about their decision and have put in clauses to limit their indemnity against current sentiment. On John Updike « Tales from the Reading Room
  • It claims that those groups inappropriately benefited from the team's final recommendations to cap pain-and-suffering in malpractice awards at $250,000 and to create a medical indemnity fund to help hospitals pay for the costs of treating brain-damaged infants. Ethics Questions
  • In the result the benefit of the lease was assigned by decree to the infant and the trustee, subject to indemnity, made to account for profits.
  • The principle of indemnity is commonly incorporated into all insurance contracts.
  • After Waterloo, France was shorn of more territory, and had to pay an indemnity and suffer an army of occupation for five years.
  • As the accounts stated, the loss was due to claims under a policy written for the solicitors' indemnity fund and for bad debts on reinsurance recoveries.
  • It is this incorruptibility--conferred upon him by his outsider status--which makes him the perfect "poppa" in Double Indemnity. Just to prove I went to grad school (as if anyone cares)
  • On the same reasoning the wholesaler is entitled to indemnity from the manufacturer.
  • Research on how to recover the damage brought by industrial injury, especially how to judge the application of civil compensation or commercial insurance indemnity is the highlight of this article.
  • The consultants are in dispute with the Department over medical indemnity.
  • The just compensation clause has been interpreted by the courts to provide less than indemnity, though judges talk a good game about “fairness and justice” and putting the owner in the same position “pecuniarily” that he would have been in had there been no taking of his property. The Volokh Conspiracy » Eminent Domain Battle over Flight 93 Memorial Continues:
  • After his retirement, he chaired the committee on currency and foreign exchanges and served on the cabinet committee on indemnity.
  • HOLDING: (Opinion by Landau, P.J.) – A public employee who prevails on a lawsuit by asserting that the claim did not arise during the course of employment is judicially estopped from initiating an action against the employer for indemnity of legal expenses by asserting a position inconsistent with that asserted during the original claim. One less bell to answer (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Political exiles had not been given indemnity from prosecution.
  • The right to property being inviolable and sacred, no one ought to be deprived of it, except in cases of evident public necessity, legally ascertained, and on condition of a previous just indemnity.
  • We would require some indemnity from them to cover us from liability.
  • Prime Group had given an indemnity as a principal obligor, and not just a guarantor, to the Respondents in respect of the tenant's obligations under one of the Leases.
  • Dressed in a golf shirt, his face the picture of bureaucratic indemnity,Mr. Wang faced an unusually combative news conference during which reporters asked why government workers had hastily buried a damaged rail car rather then preserve it for investigators (it made rescue work easier, he said and why an unconscious 2-year-old girl was found in the wreckage long after officials had abandoned the search for survivors (he called the belated discovery "a miracle. NYT > Home Page
  • Substantial indemnity costs are reserved for cases involving reprehensible, scandalous or outrageous conduct.
  • Mr. Xu Jing Cheng Huarui companies that constitute fraud, demands return, and Double Indemnity.
  • Because the indemnity basis may produce unfair results in certain cases.
  • But if they are not officially working, they are uncertain whether indemnity cover is valid. Times, Sunday Times
  • The biggest single cost was indemnity insurance, which was about 5,000 a year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dealing first with the issue of retrospection, Mr Elias expressed the view that the indemnity could not operate retrospectively so as to apply to acts done or decisions made prior to the coming into force of the indemnity.
  • The indemnity shall not exceed ten times the laundry fee.
  • The defeat of the Boxers led to the signing of the Boxer Protocols in September 1901, providing a $332 million indemnity.
  • The victors imposed a hard treaty which included the payment by China of a war indemnity and the cession to Japan of the Manchurian territory around Port Arthur.
  • Political exiles had not been given indemnity from prosecution.
  • An indemnity bond is a type of insurance that protects the lender from negative equity.
  • Should one party violate this Contract, the other party shall have the right to claim indemnity according the provisions specified in this Contract.
  • He added that an indemnity was due him. At the same time, drawing his certificate book from his pocket, he begged the inspector to have the goodness to write him "a bit of an attestation.
  • The lender may also ask you to pay a small premium to cover search indemnity insurance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus, for example, many indemnity insurers will not pay for elective cosmetic surgeries.
  • The indemnity shall not exceed ten times the laundry.
  • The Chinese government ceded Hong Kong to Great Britain and paid an indemnity for lost and damaged property.
  • If you don't have a licence or public indemnity insurance and a tenant has an accident in your home, you could be in trouble. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is no certainty that the IHS will be awarded all the costs it incurs and it is adamant that it cannot take part in the tribunal if guarantees of indemnity are not given.
  • Therefore, it is advisable to take out contingent buildings indemnity insurance as a precaution, despite your lender not requiring it for the purposes of the mortgage. Times, Sunday Times
  • In its defence the Third Party has admitted liability by the defendant but denies any obligation for contribution or indemnity.
  • The work will be covered by government indemnity, a guarantee provided to national galleries by the Treasury. Times, Sunday Times
  • That is, no claim other than the claims for indemnity under the insurance policies: in contemplation at the time of entering into the deed.
  • The applicant is to pay the costs of the respondent of the summons on an indemnity basis, such costs to be taxed forthwith.
  • You could even take out a low-priced indemnity policy to protect yourself against anything going wrong. The Sun
  • In a familiar Double Indemnity type love triangle the hero sleepwalks into murder.
  • But the defendants insist that the result of an indemnity basis taxation does not correspond with their contractual rights.
  • The original lessee could then recover from the assignee under the indemnity.
  • His rights cannot be established by possession from time immemorial, nor by innumerable and regular acquittances; he must produce the act of enfeoffment which is many centuries old, the lease which has never, perhaps, been written out, the primitive title already rare in 1720, [2229] and since stolen or burnt in the recent jacqueries: otherwise he is despoiled without indemnity. The French Revolution - Volume 1
  • Principle of indemnity is the logic terminal and one of the basic principles of marine insurance law.
  • It is a vehicle to encourage banks to lend to those with smaller deposits, similar to previous mortgage indemnity guarantee schemes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The freeholder will usually act only if the complainant provides a financial indemnity to cover the cost of any legal action. Times, Sunday Times
  • The difference, however, is that the risk has not been excluded from the policy and therefore, we have always been providing an indemnity in respect of legal liability for such claims.
  • If expansionists embraced a vision of a great world power straddling a continent and dominating the commerce of two oceans, Webster wanted nothing to do with it, nor with the acquisition of Mexican territory as a war indemnity. A Country of Vast Designs
  • The insurer could not sue them in the owner's name (exercising rights of subrogation under the insurance policy) because they were all entitled to indemnity under the same policy.
  • We also anticipate, together with your lawyers, assisting in the interpretation of any warranty and indemnity requirements included in a contract.
  • A policy of reinsurance is an agreement by way of complete or partial indemnity to the insurer.
  • At the urging of trial lawyers, Democrats also carved out the most contentious components of Mr. Cuomo's Medicaid overhaul, which seeks to impose a $250,000 cap on pain and suffering malpractice awards and establish a special indemnity fund to help hospitals pay for medical costs of treating neurologically impaired infants. Cuomo Budget Plan Under Siege by Democrats

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