How To Use Indemnification In A Sentence
The spirit indemnity means produce because of violating the personality power of indemnification system.
With all the precaution taken, the French nuclear pollution had affected nearby indigenous groups and the French government has been entangled in indemnification claims and protests.
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She suggests indemnification, which is exactly what the marketplace offered and users accepted from folks like Red Hat and HP and Oracle and Novell, which proved to be a fine avoidance strategy to any SCOsource license.
LXer Linux News
After first introducing the idea of indemnification, I explained the role warranties and representations play in risk allocation.
Jim Thomas: 7 Keys to Indemnification in Business Sales, Part 4 of 3
All these people, more than 100,000 peasant families, received the right to own land without indemnification, that is, without needing to make a payment of any kind, (? with) the peasant being released from the payment of rent or the delivery of part of his products.

Statute law hasn't prescribed the indemnification of servant identity in our country owing to unclear identity of civil servant and indistinct relation between judicature and administration.
The defendant raised four defences to the claim for indemnification.
Times, Sunday Times
The ancient dame seeing herself so rudely nonsuited, went off screaming revenge; and although she had not had a tooth in her head for twenty long years, she noised about town that Mr. Leyton had knocked two of her teeth out, and importuned the Governor to obtain her some pecuniary indemnification.
Travels in Morocco
QA3's attorney, Thomas Dahlk, a partner at Husch Blackwell Sanders LLP, acknowledged that the indemnification is a complicated legal issue and questions the Provident trustee's legal standing in its suit against QA3 and dozens of other broker-dealers. Latest Headlines
The company this week offered its customers "protection" against such retaliatory suits in the form of an indemnification programme.
The vote rejecting the CSX protection, called indemnification, was 23-16.
Local News from The Lakeland Ledger
The Duchess of York was one of the highest feeders in England: as this was an unforbidden pleasure she indulged herself in it, as an indemnification for other self-denials.
Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
In other words, he explains, producers won't submit their animals for analysis without a guarantee of indemnification, meaning economic protection to recover losses should the virus be discovered.
Paula Crossfield: Unchecked Swine Flu, (Sick?) CAFO Workers and Lax Regulation, Oh My
The vaccine cooked up by Big Pharma left some victims dead and others crippled with Guillain-Barré syndrome, but this was not a concern for the drug companies because the government had granted them indemnification, that is to say they would not be held responsible.