How To Use Indefinite In A Sentence

  • But we should not expect our troops to go on doing this indefinitely.
  • In the case of nouns, the singular with the postpositive definite article and the indefinite plural are given in parenthesis. Fritiofs Saga
  • In order to retain flexibility the Directors propose that the 5% in five year limit should be continued indefinitely.
  • This can cause the players' strategies to oscillate back and forth indefinitely.
  • What if the project continues indefinitely? Principles of Corporate Finance
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  • She's adamant that she'll begin an indefinite hunger strike once she reaches jail.
  • They face indefinite suspension while charges of gross misconduct are investigated.
  • They are rather fanatical about lengthening their own lives and fending off death indefinitely.
  • Britain cannot continue indefinitely to spend more than she is earning without higher taxes or higher interest rates - either of which will harm our economic prospects.
  • An annuity in perpetuity does not have a fixed time span but continues indefinitely and receipts can therefore only come from interest earned. Collins Dictionary of Economics
  • He adds, a few lines further on, that this term freedom is an indefinite, and incalculably ambiguous term… liable to an infinity of misunderstandings, confusions and errors.
  • This final section describes practices such as confining children for indefinite periods in six-by-nine foot cells, abuses that led to the appointment of a court-ordered monitor for Eufaula. 2008 November 13 « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • They seem determined to string the talks out for an indefinite period.
  • Moreover, if he concentrated on his breathing, and the parole board soon ruled in his favor, he might go on witnessing sunrises indefinitely, despite the aging that worked in him now like naphthous bees in a leathery hive. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • With a tie in the Senate, filibusters can go on indefinitely, and the vice president will become the swing vote on key bills.
  • Here it's not even suggested that continuing indefinite detention has anything to do with ‘investigating and preventing subversive activity’.
  • Iraqi state television said the deputy governor had ordered an indefinite curfew in the province from 1900 in response to the killings.
  • ‘Any extension should also have a finite timeframe so that such extensions cannot be exploited indefinitely,’ he cautioned.
  • China has delayed indefinitely its national ‘action plan’ on climate change, which was due to be released on Monday after exhaustive consultations among ministries in Beijing and provincial and local governments.
  • They are paying a price for this that could have been postponed indefinitely only by losing indefinitely. Times, Sunday Times
  • And, although the Artstore is giving me a good price on mounting boards, I can't go on spoiling good card indefinitely.
  • They would then have the opportunity to apply for indefinite leave to remain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its application situation on heat shearing blade, guide plate and nodular indefinite chill roll are introduced too.
  • Mitch, and possibly Harley, would be immediately suspended indefinitely.
  • Under cross-examination from Botha's advocate Lappe Laubscher, Van Zyl said while Tutu initially attempted to accommodate Botha by allowing him to respond to questions in writing, he had never undertaken to indefinitely "immunise" him from testifying. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In such positions they can also stay in office for an indefinite period of time. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • Also consider that individuals who have NO fat tissue (e.g. lipodystrophy) have extremely elevated metabolic risk factors, meanwhile others who can apparently indefinitely grow more fat mass (multiple symmetric lipomatosis - think ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • As Adam opened his mouth to place a piece of meat in it, a long, loud belch escaped, seeming to reverberate indefinitely in the open dining room.
  • Nouns derived from a place name in German, used in this kind of sentence, don't normally take the indefinite article ein.
  • They are paying a price for this that could have been postponed indefinitely only by losing indefinitely. Times, Sunday Times
  • Currently, migrant workers are automatically given indefinite leave to remain after five years. The Sun
  • Rather than roll out a service that couldn't cope with demand, they subsequently decided to suspend it indefinitely.
  • Many of the prisoners in America's supermaxes also can be held indefinitely as the Iraqi prisoners were.
  • Many people fear that he plans to cling to power by postponing elections indefinitely. Times, Sunday Times
  • The next day the union voted to begin an indefinite strike.
  • When mom gets jailed indefinitely for drugs, the uncle and kid, forced to be roomies, adjust uneasily to each other's lifestyle, come to understand one another, and finally become inseparable.
  • Is it therefore a tradition that should be perpetuated indefinitely, or should it be abandoned?
  • The wedding was postponed indefinitely after her death. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some might stay on indefinitely, happy with a job suited to their talents, (like re-up'ing a 'careerist' in the public-employee military service). An idea to save newspapers (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • The verdict was postponed indefinitely as the French foreign ministry lobbied Moscow for his release. Times, Sunday Times
  • It seems to be, at this intermediate stage of nominal determiner grammaticalization, a lexical feature of indefinites rather than an effect of syntactic or pragmatic factors.
  • She was given an indefinite sentence for her part in that atrocious crime, yet has been deemed fit for release. The Sun
  • In this intermediate period, especially indefinite determiners seem to be distributed in a quite clear cut way according to the specificity of the referents introduced by the respective noun phrases.
  • This means that on current trajectories, absent massive new influxes of immigrants, Europe's population is set to age still further and to enter into an indefinite decline.
  • September 15th, 2008 at 10: 13 am auto canada insurance progressive … indefinite reclining notarizes consulted lambs: … MVN
  • The project has been postponed for an indefinite period.
  • He explained that he was in fact on indefinite exile from the Parish for committing the unforgivable and irredeemable sins of garrulity, irreverent laughter, vile thoughts and oversleeping.
  • On this account, it is the polysemy of the indefinite article that gives rise to the ambiguity of the indefinite noun phrase.
  • But the end of that answer is perfectly correct - the issue is the reradiation back down to Earth, which a small quantity of CO2 can of course do indefinitely without limit on the total energy exchanged. Rabett Run
  • Take the embryo or fetus out alive, and put it in indefinite cryostasis. The Morality of Abortion « Lean Left
  • The laundromat will remain closed indefinitely.
  • The Opposition says the indefinite detention of children for the purposes of law enforcement is a national disgrace, and it vows to release all children from detention centres if it wins government.
  • Originally Miramax scheduled the film for release in late 2001, but after September 11 it was shelved indefinitely.
  • To see why this method has to be wrong, consider what happens if you continue indefinitely. Times, Sunday Times
  • Below this first principle are a second one, which is also called the monad, and the indefinite dyad. Pythagoreanism
  • Starting at three fifteen, it would drag itself out indefinitely.
  • If they don't follow them, they're not going to be a part of the program, whether it be indefinitely or permanently.
  • There is also the sense that you cannot expect a miracle to continue indefinitely. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have enough people lying their way in to stay indefinitely as it is. The Sun
  • Previously, through coppicing and replanting, estates were able to sustain their timber supplies into the indefinite future.
  • Still expecting a light sentence, he was crushed by his condemnation to indefinite imprisonment.
  • That is why you should be suspicious of any investment proposal that predicts a stream of economic rents into the indefinite future. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • Might it be possible to prolong life indefinitely?
  • Everything was in the word carminative -- a detailed, exact foreground, an immense, indefinite hinterland of suggestion. Crome Yellow
  • In such positions they can also stay in office for an indefinite period of time. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • Cells from these embryos can be used to create pluripotent stem cell ‘lines’, cultures that can be grown indefinitely in the laboratory.
  • In order to retain flexibility the Directors propose that the 5% in five year limit should be continued indefinitely.
  • The indefinite detention without trial of foreign nationals under emergency terror laws is incompatible with European human rights laws, the Law Lords have ruled.
  • In this form, it can be stored in a small-mouthed jar and will keep indefinitely unrefrigerated.
  • A failure to do so would leave Britain with huge budget deficits stretching into the indefinite future and a legacy of rising debt for future generations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet, the shapes were sufficiently indefinite to make me careful not to let myself be overimpressed by the uncomfortable resemblance, though I must confess, the very thought was sufficient to set some odd thrills adrift in me. Carnacki, the Ghost Finder
  • They supposed, in their unastonished acceptance of the facts, that things would have to go on like this indefinitely. The Creators A Comedy
  • In a subjectless sentence, you("have")is a marker of an indefinite topic.
  • * Rick Rypien of the Vancouver Canucks is suspended indefinitely for going after a fan in Minnesota. Len Berman: Top 5 Sports Stories
  • The store will be closed for an indefinite period.
  • All received indefinite sentences and must serve a minimum of five years. The Sun
  • The list of such fond dicta could be extended indefinitely.
  • The $4.9 billion budget Sims proposed last month put a number of programs into a metaphorical "lifeboat" -- meaning they would be funded indefinitely for six months, with their long-term survival contingent whether the Legislature will authorize their funding. Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Local News
  • After having worked out a hard core system of rules for analysing numerals, definite articles, and indefinite articles, we give a thorough study of the French singular definite article le.
  • How can we justify in effect canceling the Fifth Amendment, nullifying due process, and allowing for indefinite incarceration without a trial?
  • In addition, interest on overdue tax accrued indefinitely and not on a day-to-day basis even if it was so calculated.
  • No one's entitled to hang on to a nice presenting job indefinitely. Times, Sunday Times
  • It seems better to regard questions of this sort , as to the quality of residence, as primarily relevant in considering whether the propositus has the intention of permanent or indefinite residence.
  • And what we are to understand by the word commandment, which is expressed indefinitely, we may see in what follows; namely, that it is the same thing with the law, "The law," says the apostle, The Whole Works of the Rev. John Howe, M.A. with a Memoir of the Author. Vol. VI.
  • The cabinet has postponed league matches indefinitely. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sometimes, however, they can make them ‘immortal’ - transforming a normal cell into a cancerous cell that proliferates indefinitely.
  • Although the discussion of what is physiology and what is medicine is likely to continue indefinitely, it is clear that the prize awarder has, on several occasions, applied a broad definition. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1901-2000
  • Greece's ability to devalue its currency before it joined the euro allowed its leaders to postpone reform indefinitely. Times, Sunday Times
  • The U.S. government is to stop using the term "illegal enemy combatants," a label contrived by the Bush administration to justify detaining people indefinitely without ever bringing them before a court or even granting them prisoner-of-war status. Embassy
  • A gas tends to expand indefinitely.
  • With recycling and an adequate source of power, this immense population is sustainable into the indefinite future.
  • The show's creator, Marc Cherry, appeared to admit one of the incontestable truths about TV — "The only thing harder than creating a hit show is knowing when to end it" — saying he was afraid the show would "drift away into nothing" if allowed to continue indefinitely. Critic's TCA Notebook: That's a Wrap
  • The strength of such a nation will be indefinitely greater than that of any other less personalized and so less communalized nation. Evolution Of The Japanese, Social And Psychic
  • It was able to land but the launch of commercial flights was postponed indefinitely. Times, Sunday Times
  • Breadth of a claim is not to be equated with indefiniteness.
  • She may wish to postpone a divorce indefinitely. The Sun
  • Who can afford to sit at home moping indefinitely in a headscarf? Coping With Sudden Hair Loss
  • She was a machine, inde - fatigable; she could sit up and hold him indefinitely and was ready to do so. Juxtaposition
  • Conciliation talks were postponed indefinitely on August 10, prompting the union to serve the strike notice.
  • The aircraft will remain for an indefinite period, delivering supplies to more remote locations.
  • In an attempt to postpone the comedown indefinitely, some people become addicts, taking the drug continuously to maintain a permanent high.
  • Might it be possible to prolong life indefinitely?
  • But should so vague and indefinite a threat to peace be sufficient reason for military intervention?
  • But he was a quick learner; when a woman came in complaining that Jesus had been disrupting her neighborhood by behaving obstreperously, Mr. Bennett told her that he would order the police to lock up the Savior indefinitely. Washington Warrior
  • Nor can East Timor expect to survive indefinitely on international handouts.
  • There is no warrant for the long-term or indefinite detention of a non-UK national whom the Home Secretary wishes to remove.
  • They would then have the opportunity to apply for indefinite leave to remain. Times, Sunday Times
  • His wife was apparently reconciled to his going away to an unknown destination for an indefinite period. The Friendship: Wordsworth and Coleridge
  • The airport's use by anything but small charter aircraft has been postponed indefinitely. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's not healthy to suffer indefinitely, but to say ‘suffering is a choice’ just further victimises people: I'm choosing to have a hard time!
  • The cabinet has postponed league matches indefinitely. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the latter therapy, once patients are weaned from steroids, the purine antimetabolite is continued for an indefinite period while the physician monitors white blood cell count and liver enzymes.
  • The relations of hades to geenna, and also to paradeisos, are well put in this extract from a funeral sermon of Jeremny Taylor: "The word Aides signifies indefinitely the state of separation, whether blessed or accursed; it means only ` the invisible place, 'or the region of darkness, whither whoso descends shall be no more seen. Epistles to the Seven Churches in Asia.
  • this could go on indefinitely
  • They had spoken of it casually as something that would, as a matter of course, take place in the indefinite future, as, for instance, his promotion in the navy, in which he was now a padwar; or the set functions of the court of her grandfather, Tardos Mors, Jeddak of Helium; or Death. The Chessmen of Mars
  • From the monad proceeds an indefinite duad, which is subordinate to the monad as to its cause. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume I: The Beginnings of Science
  • Long residence is not a qualification to stay indefinitely. The Sun
  • She's adamant that she'll begin an indefinite hunger strike once she reaches jail.
  • Unless a compromise can be crafted to include thorough safety and security inspections of all tractor-trailers crossing the border, the plan should be parked indefinitely.
  • Gran Turismo 5 Delayed Indefinitely Polyphony Digital's PS3-exclusive boutique racer was due to ship this March, but Sony says it's been delayed with new release info 'tba'. PC World
  • She requires several more surgeries but they have been indefinitely postponed due to financial constraints.
  • The court adjourned indefinitely while the contents of the recordings are studied. Times, Sunday Times
  • His request to stay indefinitely was kept under review. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pushing the number of unit sales up every quarter can't be continued indefinitely.
  • It was able to land but the launch of commercial flights was postponed indefinitely. Times, Sunday Times
  • The project has been postponed for an indefinite period.
  • The court adjourned indefinitely while the contents of the recordings are studied. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead, the meeting will be adjourned indefinitely. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ordinarily, comets are conspicuous at their perihelia, as being their shortest distances from the sun, which is the focus of their orbit, and inasmuch as a parabola is but an ellipse with its axis indefinitely produced, for some short portion of its pathway the orbit may be indifferently considered either one or the other; but in this particular case the professor was right in adopting the supposition of its being parabolic. Off on a Comet
  • I got notice in a reply to a support ticket appeal of not only a rejection of the appeal, but an "indefinite suspension" (a permaban) from the JIRA. World of SL
  • He would uncurl out of an indefinitely lengthy trance, and note with wonder that the ship was going the other way.
  • At an indefinite height overhead something made the sky blacker, which had the semblance of a vast architrave uniting the pillars horizontally…
  • On 6 August, the High Court found that the Migration Act authorised the Australian government to detain stateless people indefinitely, regardless of the prospect of ever being able to deport them.
  • But equally we can not, should not and will not indefinitely suspend the democratic process.
  • 'indefiniteness' and 'general imbecility' of what we had to offer -- all so unworthy a _Bostonian_ audience -- we commenced, and with many interruptions of applause, concluded. International Miscellany of Literature, Art and Science, Vol. 1, No. 3, Oct. 1, 1850
  • Another soldier asked about the so-called stop-loss policy which has allowed the Pentagon to indefinitely extend troops' tours of duty.
  • Yours to command, indefinitely with an ironclad contract.
  • The accusative has thus two forms: the definite (with accusative ending) and the indefinite (the same as the nominative).
  • We mean by integration that faculty in the human mind whereby it is able to combine an indefinitely large number of impressions.
  • A gas tends to expand indefinitely.
  • Plants that have a compact growth habit or those that adapt well to having their roots confined can be grown in containers almost indefinitely.
  • An indefinite overtime ban by the 21-members also starts today and another one day strike is planned for next week.
  • Subjectively, this manifests itself in the perception that the "feelings" elicited by art and music are in fact the ACTUAL feelings the artist felt, somehow, dizzyingly 'captured' by the work, immortalized, held in 'static communion' by the canvas, or musical recording, or camera... and now able to enrapture and enchant us indefinitely. Jason Silva: On Creativity, Marijuana and "a Butterfly Effect in Thought"
  • But it is obvious that one relatively small peninsula can not contain this missionary zeal indefinitely.
  • This free electricity will flow indefinitely, without much, or any maintenance.
  • Its 460,000 unionized factory workers and retirees still have a top-dollar medical plan, and no one gets laid off without getting most of their pay indefinitely.
  • In Korematsu, the Supreme Court affirmed the constitutionality of forcible evacuation; however, on the very same day, in Endo, the Court held indefinite detention to be illegal. Is That Legal?: Japanese American internment Archives
  • These-spells of autocracy were once frequently longer and of indefinite duration, sometimes, indeed, extending over decades.
  • That is, a concept is indefinitely extensible if any attempt to delineate the extension of the concept leads to an instance of the concept not so delineated.
  • It seems crazily optimistic to think we can juggle all these dangers indefinitely, but there's hope. Times, Sunday Times
  • His great genius was to see the global scope, and indefinite time scale, of the mechanisms of change operating cyclically on earth.
  • Much like The Shield, this isn't a narrative that can continue indefinitely without overstraining our credulity. Ask Matt: Entourage, Ringer, Closer, Torchwood and More!
  • Keeping them imprisoned indefinitely is not the right solution, even if there is no good answer. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Still Missing the Point
  • Anxiety is endowed with a certain character of indefiniteness and objectlessness; correct usage even changes its name when it has found an object, and in that case speaks instead of fear.
  • The vascular system of Littorina littorea differs from the more familiar vertebrate pattern in a number of important respects: the heart receives primarily oxygenated blood to circulate to the body...; there is no capillary system between the arteries and veins but a series of indefinite haemal spaces, though these are not necessarily of dimensions very different from capillaries. How to perform CPR on a slug
  • Likewise, there is an interval of a similarly indefinite length of time between the injection of the remedial serum and the lowering of the speculative fever.
  • When I lived near there a few years ago, the corner was like a souvenir of West Berlin's improvisatory spirit, and I could imagine it extending into some indefinite future, with its slightly scruffy, but unmistakable vitality intact. Kreuzberg Bellyaches Over Kebab Tourism
  • Most mainstream politics have capitulated to the normalization of a state of indefinite, vague and continuous low-level war.
  • My teaching at Yale seemingly warranted an indefinite deferment from the Vietnam War draft. Joseph E. Stiglitz - Autobiography
  • Anyway, indefinite detention without any review is worse than just killing: To bereave a man of life, or by violence to confiscate his estate, without accusation or trial, would be so gross and notorious an act of despotism, as must once convey the alarm of tyranny thoroughout the whole kingdom. The Volokh Conspiracy » Defamation by Government Still Political Question
  • All exits from the city were totally blocked from the morning and an indefinite curfew was imposed from 6pm.
  • While the company warned that this might not continue indefinitely — quoth the prospectus, "sellers may become increasingly sophisticated about the valuation and prices of their forests and may demand higher premiums for high quality forests" — that loss of advantage isn't necessarily inevitable or imminent. China's Forest Versus Hong Kong's Trees
  • -- The measure of the carucate was as indefinite in Edward III. 's time as at an earlier period. Notes and Queries, Number 35, June 29, 1850 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • Junior and middle-ranking civil servants have pledged to join the indefinite strike.
  • The virus carries dedifferentiate and then gain the ability to differentiate into any type of cell in the body and to indefinitely propagate itself. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • These were highly levered transactions that probably assumed high consumer spending indefinitely, which given the state of the economy just isn't panning out. Leveraged Buyouts Hit Bondholders
  • Now some German feminists are suggesting that frau should replace the indefinite man, which is an androcentric generic when used in contexts such as man soll das nicht machen ‘one shouldn't do that’.
  • This method is that of grouping parts around centres, and several of such groups around larger centres, upward and onward indefinitely; while in living beings, according to their complexity, each individual part, and each individual group of parts with its centre, _is left free to move within its own sphere, yet at the same time is harmonized with the movements of its neighbors through the medium of the common centre_. The Continental Monthly, Vol. III, No. V, May, 1863 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • The diverseness and conflict of the fusion information are managed effectively; meanwhile, the uncertainty, non-integrality and indefiniteness are degraded.
  • Several US embassies in the Middle East decided to close indefinitely.
  • This nunnation expresses indefiniteness, e.g. “Malikun” = a king, any king. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • It is based on the concept of indefinite admittance matrix, and uses an algebraic method of symbolic code in the generation of symbolic network functions.
  • More than two thirds of those who are awarded it receive it for an indefinite period. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is essential to the survival of ciliate lineages; most ciliates cannot reproduce indefinitely by asexual fission, and eventually die out if prohibited from conjugating.
  • All received indefinite sentences and must serve a minimum of five years. The Sun
  • We should let them stay indefinitely. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dispersed particles do not remain suspended indefinitely but eventually settle to the bottom of the container because of the gravitational pull.
  • Where Mr. Calderwood lost me was when he described a tear to his right inner thigh adductor muscle that probably called for him to hang up his running shoes indefinitely. In It for the Long Run
  • The prisoners are protesting against conditions at the camp and the indefinite nature of their detention. Times, Sunday Times
  • So a stay that would last indefinitely would be presumptively prejudicial to the plaintiff.
  • If the case went against him, Mr Messenger could be fined, suspended indefinitely or for a fixed period or struck off.
  • Nine Law Lords ruled on Thursday morning that their indefinite detention breached human rights but the government has refused to release the prisoners while it considers its position.
  • She got indefinite leave to stay. The Sun
  • Snow cornices lie deep into the early summer and, on a clear day, the views north to the Glen Shiel hills and beyond display a jumble of hills and mountains that seem to roll on indefinitely.
  • Here the indefinite a fun and fruity wine can be paraphrased as a fun and fruity kind of wine.
  • This process is repeated indefinitely, with a stream of input samples being taken and passed along the chain of capacitors.
  • She may wish to postpone a divorce indefinitely. The Sun
  • He wants to sell it, but she claims they had a verbal agreement that she could stay there indefinitely. The Sun
  • The Law Lords ruling stated that indefinite detention without trial of foreign nationals was discriminatory, because it applied only to foreigners and not to British nationals.
  • Meanwhile, indefinite curfew has been reimposed in the state from this afternoon.
  • Most of the conjuncts will be vacuously true by virtue of having false antecedents - i.e., there will be indefinitely many things that John did not say.
  • The only indefinite features in Degas's paintings and multi-hatched pastels are the gauzy skirts of his ballerinas.
  • Frontiers, the indefinite open spaces at the farthest edges, are beyond the borders and boundaries of known territory.
  • Instead, the meeting will be adjourned indefinitely. Times, Sunday Times
  • WACO (April 14, 2010) -- The Dairy Queen on North 19th Street in Waco is closed indefinitely after a kitchen fire Wednesday morning filled the building with smoke. KWTX - HomePage - Headlines
  • That is to say, there are referential and quantificational uses of indefinite descriptions and these are a reflex of a genuine semantical ambiguity.
  • Another important point is that, whereas a lease has a finite length, a commonhold is indefinite. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government can't expect the taxpayer to bail this company out indefinitely.
  • The ground state of hydrogen is stable for an indefinitely long period of time.
  • She was given an indefinite sentence for her part in that atrocious crime, yet has been deemed fit for release. The Sun

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