How To Use Indebted In A Sentence

  • I am deeply indebted to Henry Rosemont, who gave a great deal of assistance in the final revisions of the manuscript.
  • I am deeply indebted to him for his help.
  • As the last country in the world to abolish slavery, only in 1888, temporary slavery due to indebtedness and forced labour has continued and been combated regularly by Government in isolated regions, where the arms of the justice system face a demographic challenge. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Fighting contemporary slavery
  • Most of the people we were lending to had, at one time or another, been indebted to illegal moneylenders, who charge interest rates of 300 percent per annum.
  • They felt a deep sense of indebtedness to the learned scholars of the early medieval period.
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  • I genuinely mean that - I am indebted to the team here for putting up with my pet hates and musings every week.
  • At the same time three muskets were discharged; and while one ball rattled against the corslet of proof, to the strength of which our valiant Captain had been more than once indebted for his life, another penetrated the armour which covered the front of his left thigh, and stretched him on the ground. A Legend of Montrose
  • Having presided with his president over the first-ever downgrading of the debt his department issues, Mr. Geithner hied to Wroclaw, Poland, to share his wisdom with the assembled European finance ministers, who pointed out that the euro zone is less indebted than the U.S. and not well placed to warn them, as Mr. Geithner did, of the danger of dependence on foreign creditors. Aggregating Conceals Some Important Facts
  • As is the case in Asia, high levels of corporate indebtedness are likely.
  • But property valuations matter only if a company makes its cash from trading its assets or is heavily indebted. Times, Sunday Times
  • the movement is philosophically indebted to Rousseau
  • At closing, a fee of one percent (1.0%) of the face value of the instrument, and one percent (1.0%) of the gross proceeds of any indebtedness drawn down over the course of the engagement.
  • [65] See pp. 179-182, _Evolution and D.sease_, by J. Bland Sutton, to whom and to our mutual friend D..D. Thurston I am indebted for information on various points. Are the Effects of Use and Disuse Inherited? An Examination of the View Held by Spencer and Darwin
  • The students enjoyed the tour and are indebted to their teachers for their efforts in making it a reality
  • I am indebted to my correspondent Mrs D. M. Ross for this compelling tale.
  • (For help with the Russian, I am indebted to the kind - ness of my colleague Nora Montesinos and a number of correspon - dents.) * appy polly loggy - apology choodesny - wonderful baboochka - old woman * chumble - to mumble Where's the show?
  • Negotiations reconvene one day after the top Republican lawmaker suggested an ambitious effort to trim future indebtedness by more than $4 trillion may be unworkable.
  • Kiefer Sutherland has admitted that he feels "indebted" to All - Digital Spy - Entertainment and Media News
  • Small peasants, engaged in rice, vegetable and banana cultivation, are unable to find a way out of growing indebtedness, due to the abolition of subsidies on fertilisers, agrochemicals and seeds.
  • In the province of South Trondhjem the great increase of the indebtedness of the landowners is ascribed in part to the subdivision of property by the creation of _Myrmoend_, literally 'bogmen' The Quarterly Review, Volume 162, No. 324, April, 1886
  • He knew that Moscow could no longer afford to prop up its deeply indebted allies. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am indebted to Scottish cookery writer, Sue Lawrence, for this recipe.
  • The indebted food maker pulled off a 1.1 billion refinancing in an attempt to escape a web of financial constraints. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am indebted to my correspondent Mrs D. M. Ross for this compelling tale.
  • He's also a terrible miser, hoarding gold in his attic while his poor young wife - who has agreed to the arrangement only to protect her woefully indebted father - wants for the smallest pat of butter.
  • An entire battalion of Scotsmen should feel indebted to him.
  • Freud certainly had many original ideas; but even the most inventive minds are indebted to their predecessors.
  • The recent relaxation of the bankruptcy laws is thought to be one reason so many indebted people are using this escape route. Times, Sunday Times
  • As evidence of how Manning means it when he uses the word "indebted," as he has repeatedly this week, Johnson held out his wrist. New Orleans Saints Central
  • Aspects of his style are indebted to Manet and Sickert, the former in the alla prima succulence of paint application, the latter in muted, at times almost murky, close tonality in the depiction of crowds.
  • I am indebted to three of these crisis clubs for giving me an excellent, if slightly surreal, grounding in football management.
  • The personal indebtedness of Americans has never been greater.
  • no one indebted for others,while many people don't know how to cherish others.
  • Farmers were ruined and indebted as a consequence of war and the passage of troops.
  • However little Quentin thought himself indebted to the King of France, who, in contriving the surprisal of the Countess Isabelle by William de la Quentin Durward
  • The plight of the highly indebted eurozone economies has forced harsh cuts in spending. Times, Sunday Times
  • We sold the horses, and there still wasn't enough money to satisfy the indebtedness.
  • Tax on indebtedness of railroads, "*** to whatsoever party or person the same may be payable", as applied to railroad bonds held by a municipal corporation under authority of the State, _held_ an infringement of reserved State sovereignty. The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation Annotations of Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of the United States to June 30, 1952
  • Existence is always infinitely indebted to this absolute antecedence, this inconceivable origin.
  • This is hardly the first time that banks have oversold an over-indebted company. Times, Sunday Times
  • With his singular New Orleans-indebted legato style silenced, Little Feat somehow soldiered on, veering into jazzier terrain behind guitarist Paul Barrére and keyboardist Billy Payne. Troubadours, Technicians and Dixie Chickens
  • We are indebted to the sub-postmaster of Liberton, a village a few miles out of A Hundred Years by Post A Jubilee Retrospect
  • Knowing all this, the Babu asked the Brahman point-blank to perform a false samadhi, that is to say, to feign an inspiration and to announce to the sorrowing mother that her late son's will had acted consciously in all the circumstances; that he brought about his end in the body of the flying fox, that he was tired of that grade of transmigration, that he longed for death in order to attain a higher position in the animal kingdom, that he is happy, and that he is deeply indebted to the sahib who broke his neck and so freed him from his abject embodiment. From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan
  • Perhaps one of the chilblain-fingered girls behind the counters down below had been the "Sympathiser" to whom she had been indebted for a shilling. Mrs. Day's Daughters
  • The task is to give other indebted economies the incentive to persist with structural reforms. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am deeply indebted to this country because it gave me so many opportunities. Times, Sunday Times
  • The heavily indebted pub and restaurant sector is facing a wave of collapses. Times, Sunday Times
  • She has extended a lot of courtesies to me, and I feel somewhat indebted.
  • This application is still held in abeyance until the athlete's indebtedness to the club has been cleared.
  • Yet such was her distress I was sorry for her, though I believed it to be rooted and grounded in falsity, and that she had no need to regard with such disapprobation her sister's being indebted to an English gentleman who gave her in all honour the best he had. The Heart's Highway: A Romance of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century
  • The coercers of the forced girls in this study kept them in control with violence, deception, indebtedness, and affection.
  • This is a useful yardstick when comparing highly indebted companies in a particular industry with lowly indebted ones.
  • We are also indebted to the Minister and the Whips for allowing us adequate time in which to adduce our arguments.
  • We are deeply indebted to Dr Allen and the rest of the hospital staff.
  • The range and extent of Shakespeare's indebtedness is a badge of his genius, not a blemish upon it.
  • By a single act of accounting alchemy, the company transformed its indebtedness into over a billion dollars of golden profit.
  • By January 1992 her total indebtedness to the bank amounted to some £288,000.
  • Ballina Athletic Club are indebted to the many businesses of the town who provide sponsorship and spot prizes.
  • Professor Clarke wishes to express her indebtedness to many people for help on this essay.
  • “Hah, my brave soldier, Edward!” said the Emperor, “I must have been blind that I did not sooner recognise thee, as I think there is a memorandum entered, respecting five hundred pieces of gold due from us to Edward the Varangian; we have it in our secret scroll of such liberalities for which we stand indebted to our servitors, nor shall the payment be longer deferred.” Count Robert of Paris
  • We are indebted to the kindness of Captain Franklyn, master of the "Columba," for a large sheet of plate glass, which makes a magnificent window. Journal Kept During The Russian War: From The Departure Of The Army From England In April 1854, To The Fall Of Sebastopol
  • Mountmellick is especially indebted to Stephen for his help and encouragement in getting the branch set up.
  • This essay is indebted to the postmodern thinkers who have developed these theories.
  • Could there be a more humbling realization than that one is consubstantial with one's enemy, or that one is indebted to one's enemy?
  • The residents of the area said he had committed suicide as he was heavily indebted and was finding it difficult to repay his loans.
  • Those who knew him by repute, or knew him not at all, are similarly indebted to a man who did so much, either directly or indirectly, to make Australia a better place in which to live.
  • There is little question that the US expansion of the past decade has largely been fuelled by a huge drawdown in personal household savings and corresponding rise in private sector indebtedness.
  • Mrs. Catherine Weston of Ferryland Plaintiff on the 17th August last made Complaint upon Oath before Our Justices of our Court of Common pleas that William McDaniel of Ferryland planter is justly Indebted to her in the sum of One hundred and nine pounds four shillings and fivepence sterling being for the Amount of a Book-debt, and that he refuses payment thereof although thereunto frequently required. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • I am indebted to him for kindly reading and commenting copiously and acutely on the first drafts of all the chapters.
  • We are deeply indebted to Dr Allen and the rest of the hospital staff.
  • Several farmers explained that as they become more indebted they have to turn to private traders and money lenders.
  • Cherubini was one of those innovative composers to whom the even greater ones that followed were indebted for his bridges to new stylistic worlds. Rodney Punt: Medea Takes Revenge in an Abandoned Warehouse
  • It needs equity to recapitalise heavily indebted but still viable firms. Times, Sunday Times
  • [4] I am greatly indebted to Dr. Duchenne for permission to have these two photographs (figs. 1 and 2) reproduced by the heliotype process from his work in folio. The expression of the emotions in man and animals
  • The task is to give other indebted economies the incentive to persist with structural reforms. Times, Sunday Times
  • The confidence of America's heavily indebted consumers is at a 13-year low.
  • Indian farmers are often indebted and credit constrained and do not have access to chemicals at the right point in time.
  • Australians have never been as heavily indebted as they are now.
  • Second, we have been in a heavily indebted situation for more than 30 years.
  • The planetary precariat -- illegal immigrants, temporary and informal workers, insecure indebted citizens in neoliberal post-welfare states, dwellers in peri-urban slums and refugee camps are profoundly limited in their capacity to engage in acts of consent. Amor mundi
  • It's a psychologized style that is in many ways indebted to the work of the filmmaker Ross McElwee, whose self-deprecatingly cadenced voice-overs sound almost like a model for Mr. Block's. Parental Guidance Is Advised
  • The seme of indebtedness attaches itself definitively to Peter in the board meeting where George is obliged to come to his defence.
  • Catherine Weston of Ferryland made Complaint upon Oath that William McDaniel of Ferryland planter is justly Indebted to her in the Sum of one hundred and nine pounds four shillings and five pence sterling which he has refused to pay; … praying that justice may be done her. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • he was indebted to the pioneering work of John Dewey
  • Dubai World and its entities account for a very large chunk of the Dubai economy and its indebtedness and we expect Emirates NBD to have a full share of that," Madha said.
  • Burr remained abroad for four years, living in customary indebtedness. Five People Born on February 6 | myFiveBest
  • Overall, it should help to rebalance the economy away from an excessive reliance on a heavily indebted consumer who needs to save more. Times, Sunday Times
  • But such reforms and restructurings are very deflationary in highly indebted economies.
  • The blood transfusion brought colour to my face and I am deeply indebted to some anonymous donor.
  • I am deeply indebted to all the doctors and nurses who treated me.
  • In all this, indeed, I feel I cannot stress too frequently how indebted we all are to Sir Gerald Turner's statesmanship. THE SCAR
  • On a personal note, Kleenex is indebted to him for all the tissues that girls have used to wipe away tears and heartbreak.
  • Those transactions that were settled immediately with cash were not posted to the account book, since no indebtedness existed.
  • Germany will have to choose between maintaining fiscal rectitude or enabling the rescue of the highly indebted economies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hearst's inclusiveness as a collector, coupled with his improvidence as a purchaser, contributed to an indebtedness of $100 million in 1937-a predicament so grave that he had to sell more than half his art collection.
  • Much was grafted onto previous styles, notably in painting, while monumental sculpture was heavily indebted to Egyptian and north Syrian models, especially in standing and seated individual figures.
  • He took a major role in the ensuing negotiations concerning German foreign indebtedness.
  • As businesses liquidated inventories, they decreased their indebtedness to banks and acquired government debt.
  • Given the European sovereign debt crisis, geopolitical instability in oil producing nations, and continuing concerns about the global economy, the devastating megaquake and tsunami could not have come at a worse time both for the indebted Japanese economy and the global economy," analysts at GoldCore said in a note to clients Monday. - Top Stories
  • We are deeply indebted to Dr Allen and the rest of the hospital staff.
  • Anyway, we are indebted to Pope Gregory XIII for straightening up the calendar.
  • Indeed when the time was right for me - as I believe it was pre-ordained - I found the shul and the rabbi to whom I am most indebted.
  • This does not cover countries like Nigeria, which is among the most indebted, but owes the money to private lenders.
  • The display summons Condo's art-historical forebears, including Velazquez, Magritte, Picasso and Rembrandt, artists to whom he is indebted for his brush stroke, textures and subject matter. A 'dark, twisted fantasy' revealed
  • Nevertheless her indebtedness should not be exaggerated; the ill consequences were more the result of China's inelastic revenue system than of the real burden of foreign debt, which amounted only to one tael per capita.
  • The heavily indebted football club has struggled on and off the pitch since the American duo took control and is a whisker away from bankruptcy. Times, Sunday Times
  • He always admitted his deep indebtedness to Vinogradoff and the methods of research inculcated by him.
  • Next year will provide a relief for the eurozone and especially its highly indebted economies. Times, Sunday Times
  • He obviously feels deeply indebted to her. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am also indebted to this article for Kaufman’s very persuasive demonstration of the ways that "constructivism exists in dialectical tension with negative capability" (371), a notion I have tried to pursue here using a somewhat different vocabulary, and for his demonstration of the ways this claim has broader critical resonances with respect to the relationship between formalist and Frankfurt school criticism. close window Notes, "Darkness Audible: Negative Capability and Mark Doty’s 'Nocturne in Black and Gold'", Romanticism and Contemporary Poetry and Poetics
  • Unlike most sculptors' drawings, but like many of Smith's vigorous works on paper, it exists only in terms of floating dabs of home-brewed ink on a flat surface, its rhythms echoing Japanese calligraphy, its lacy all-overness indebted to Jackson Pollock's poured paintings. Works of Many Dimensions
  • Younger generations of players were indebted to his numerous arrangements and various innovations to the playing of the accordion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Over time there has been an important shift in financing for highly indebted poor countries, away from private and bilateral nonconcessional sources to the International Development Association and other sources of multilateral concessional financing.
  • Apart from bad money management and indebtedness, some individuals who are out of work due to illness or who have to give up work altogether due to ill health, may also find themselves living on the breadline.
  • Earlier this month, for example, the Balearic Islands, a heavily indebted Spanish region, announced that it lined up a €100 million credit line from Banco Santander SA. European Nations Pressure Own Banks for Loans
  • He not only during his lifetime kept up a cordial correspondence with his friends and relatives -- who were indebted to him for many acts of kindness -- but, wishing to have his name commemorated in the House of Diaries of Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore, Volume I Comprising Their Life and Work as Recorded in Their Diaries From 1812 to 1883
  • At a stroke it cuts total indebtedness from 21 billion to 17 billion. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were, of course, much nearer the blends of Arab and Arabian blood to which we are indebted for everything we prize most in horseflesh.
  • I am now approaching the border land of what may be called the abstruse in science, in which I humbly acknowledge it would take a vast volume to contain all I don't know; yet I hope to make plain to you this most beautiful and accurate method, and for fear I may forget to give due credit, I will say that I am indebted to Dr. Hastings for it, with whom it was an original discovery, though he told me he afterward found it had been in use by Scientific American Supplement, No. 484, April 11, 1885
  • I am indebted to Phillips Kuhl, president of Cambridge Healthtech Institute CHI, for supporting this project without hesitation, along with many other dedicated colleagues at CHI and Bio-IT World, especially Allison Proffitt, Mary Ann Brown, Mark Gabrenya, and Alan El Faye. The $1,000 Genome
  • Overall, it should help to rebalance the economy away from an excessive reliance on a heavily indebted consumer who needs to save more. Times, Sunday Times
  • Microsoft appears to have constructed a kind of alternate universe for itself, where Microsoft never loses, and all are eternally indebted to their vast wisdom and largess.
  • It's immediately recognisable as a Shane Meadows picture both through the harsh, handheld, in-your-face aesthetic, indebted to the realism of Ken Loach and Mike Leigh, and the now familiar, unprepossessing mug of Meadows himself. Britain's best film directors show some early promise
  • Joseph Rauh, to whom I am indebted for the citation, has the most vivid memory of Prich's disappearance when he neglected to Shepardize the Justice's first opinion. Sheparditis
  • America's treasury secretary identified the most heavily indebted countries.
  • Many were heavily indebted even before the disaster and have no money to re-establish themselves.
  • We are indebted to him for the best description of the vascular system and for studies in haemodynamics, in which field, however, the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • I'd begin from the ancient Roman ideal of manliness - which is the root of our term virtue [vir is Latin for man] - and work up through the weakening of that ideal of manliness by Christianity, and on towards Rousseau's bourgeois man before turning to Hemingway and such figures as Michael Landon as Pa Ingalls [here I would be indebted to Dutch.] Archive 2006-06-18
  • She humored me and encouraged me nonstop, and I shall always be indebted to her.
  • Probably indebted in its basic structure - its long, irregular, unrhymed lines and its dignified but casual language - to the example of Walt Whitman, the poem sounded a note previously unheard in African American poetry.
  • As we talk I discover that I am in fact deeply indebted to him.
  • The heavily indebted pub and restaurant sector is facing a wave of collapses. Times, Sunday Times
  • The final compiler and editor, to whom we are indebted for the collection in its present form, undoubtedly found the sweeping scepticism of the poet Agur and the pious protestations of his anonymous adversary, the thesis and the antithesis, inextricably interwoven in the section now known as the thirtieth chapter. The Sceptics of the Old Testament: Job - Koheleth - Agur
  • The subsequent mortgages to his brother provide a somewhat objective support for his argument that he was indeed indebted to Dieter.
  • I too am profoundly indebted to Christian Wolff.
  • A sadly appropriate analogy would be the profligate and highly overindebted consumer who has finally reached the end of his rope.
  • You all have given me really good advice in the past, and I'm indebted to you.
  • The risk is that a higher cost of borrowing will see us move from the top quartile to the bottom quartile of indebted nations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr Arthur Clennam, enclosing the sum of twenty – four pounds nine shillings and eightpence, being the amount of principal and interest computed at the rate of five per cent. per annum, in which their client believed himself to be indebted to Mr Clennam. Little Dorrit
  • Beat’s outer trappings — black turtlenecks, cigarette pants, neckerchiefs, berets — is indebted less to Jack Kerouac and his wayward cohort, who slouched about in frayed flannel shirts, than to stylized interpretations in movies like “Funny Face” or the less well-known “Subterraneans,’’ a 1960 film based on a Kerouac novel about the kinky denizens of North Beach in San Francisco. August 2006
  • Younger generations of players were indebted to his numerous arrangements and various innovations to the playing of the accordion. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, if you find your fund is stuffed full of profitless, indebted firms busy selling off their assets, then further trouble could be looming.
  • It is not an if of doubting, but of illation and concession; seeing he hath wronged thee, and thereby has become indebted to thee; such an if as Col.iii. 1 and 2 Pet.ii. 4, &c. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Though the EU's rescue package has helped ease near-term concerns about a wave of defaults across Europe, concerns about the solvency of the indebted countries remain — whether governments, which are still running sky-high deficits, will be able to push through massive austerity measures for years to come remain. U.S. stocks advance even as euro euphoria fades
  • It is to the Spaniards that we are indebted, if "indebted" be a suitable term, for the wide-topped falling boot of the sixteenth century; that inconvenient, no-service thing -- good for the stage-players, fancy-ball men, and fellows like old Hudibras, who crammed a portable larder and wardrobe into its unfathomable recesses; but for the rough-riding horseman or the active hunter, a nuisance beyond all description. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 57, No. 357, June, 1845
  • Acting in this spirit, and resolutely proceeding on our determination to avow our obligations to the authorities we have consulted, we frankly say, that to the note – book of Mr. Snodgrass are we indebted for the particulars recorded in this and the succeeding chapter — particulars which, now that we have disburdened our consciences, we shall proceed to detail without further comment. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
  • The heavily indebted stock made ground gradually throughout the morning before really gaining momentum around lunch time. Times, Sunday Times
  • The move is part of capital-raising measures for the indebted company. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this sphere, as always, he was indebted to the classics, but the new research also showed that he was paying careful attention to contemporary events.
  • The consequences for severely indebted countries are dire: higher interest rates for many, and a credit crunch.
  • Subsequent mortgage restructuring increased the indebtedness.
  • To Miss B---- I was indebted for the first doll I remember possessing -- a gorgeous wax personage, in white muslin and cherry-colored ribbons, who, by desire of the donor, was to be called Philippa, in honor of my uncle. Records of a Girlhood
  • Here he is again indebted to the precritical Kant, but he also goes somewhat further beyond him. Johann Gottfried von Herder
  • But if the heavily indebted company cannot raise enough from this disposal process, it could be forced into bankruptcy. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am greatly indebted to you for your help.
  • Although the piece is indebted to lush, late - 19 th-century chromatic harmony, there's something classical about the ambience of Fauré's soundworld.
  • She humored me and encouraged me nonstop, and I shall always be indebted to her.
  • Charlotte Brontë's fear of being accused of plagiarism certainly rules out any conscious literary indebtedness.
  • That's why I'm indebted to our good friend Xtian for procuring such excellent tickets for last night's game and for providing a 90-minute tutorial on Beckenbauerian tactics.
  • Although it is the world's biggest aluminium producer, it is heavily indebted. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am deeply indebted to my family for all their help.
  • Who talks about others being "indebted" to us now? Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The total indebtedness of the company is reckoned at 17 billion euros.
  • For our sake, they had left their families behind and society should be indebted to such supreme sacrifices, they noted.
  • Though the family obsession with privacy required that much be left out, Carrington had done the essential spadework, and all subsequent biographers are indebted to him.
  • The Stoxx 600 has rallied nearly 6% in 2011, "driven by speculation the economic recovery is on an accelerative path and policies to support indebted euro-region countries will be successful," Mr. Pope said in emailed comments. European Stocks Gain for Fifth Day
  • Whilst, like many currently, they are heavily indebted to the post punk sounds of groups such as Gang Of Four or NYC's Mars, they do it with their own verve and fire rather than be mere copyists.
  • Now a penny-a-liner is indebted to a single phrase which furnishes his column; a clergyman near The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 75, January, 1864
  • We are also indebted to Europeans for several words which, while probably of a native origin in this hemisphere, nonetheless seem to have entered North American English with indirect assistance from abroad: French -- particularly Canadian French -- imported toboggan, rubaboo VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 4
  • As businesses liquidated inventories, they decreased their indebtedness to banks and acquired government debt.
  • Long ago he thundered that easy credit, personal indebtedness and the housing bubble would lead to a crash. Times, Sunday Times
  • The authors are deeply indebted to A. Asioli and E. Fornaciari, University of Padova, for biostratigraphic analysis of some samples, and to M. Sgavetti, University of Parma, for photogeological analysis.
  • YOUR correspondent is indebted to readers for their interesting comments about last week's column on timber-framed buildings.
  • That makes it one of the most indebted nations on earth at more than 13,000 per person. The Sun
  • But they ought to be asked by anyone who feels indebted to literature for any of their beliefs, skills or sensitivities. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The heavily indebted Spanish company said that preparatory work had begun and that it expected to maintain a majority shareholding in O2. Times, Sunday Times
  • Practices specifically outlawed - such as debt peonage, where subjects are trapped in an unending cycle of indebtedness for necessities of life which cannot be overcome through their labor - were in reality widespread.
  • The result has been the growth of both poverty and indebtedness.
  • It's a psychologized style that is in many ways indebted to the work of the filmmaker Ross McElwee, whose self-deprecatingly cadenced voice-overs sound almost like a model for Mr. Block's. Parental Guidance Is Advised
  • Are Americans really the heavily indebted spendthrifts the world's press makes them out to be?
  • Although there are useful discussions here about scribal culture, the printing trade, and political communication, there is nothing to which historians will be indebted.
  • His treatise Paulina de recta Paschae celebratione, deeply indebted to Roger Bacon's Opus majus of 1267, compelled his friend Copernicus to expand research on the sun and moon, resulting in the development of the heliocentric system. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • The present writer gladly avails himself of this opportunity to record his indebtedness for much valuable individual instruction.
  • Poke around the middle of the store, and you'll find a mix of subgenres: reprints of vintage comics; the arty (and often raw) 'comix' indebted to the underground movement of the 1960s; and Japanese titles based on the hyperactive animé cartoons. The Spirit of the Spirit
  • The fire service were also on the scene swiftly and we are indebted to them for their actions.
  • They served me with a letter of demand to repay my total indebtedness of $8 million forthwith.
  • [Footnote: I am indebted for this "marchen" to Maria Saksis, a very intelligent Algonquin Legends of New England
  • Ænone could not follow him; and step by step, in the ardor of criticism, he advanced so far that he was soon ready to prove that the campaign had been most wofully misconducted, and was only indebted to accident for success. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 5, May, 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • One advertisement from 1922 announced the sale of '5000 acres and many mozos colonos who will travel to work on other plantations'. (Mozos colonos were indebted labourers.)
  • Under the indenture governing the Company's 11. 25% senior subordinated notes (the "Notes"), our ability to engage in certain activities such as incurring certain additional indebtedness, making certain investments, and paying certain dividends is tied to ratios based on Adjusted EBITDA (which is defined as "EBITDA" in the indenture). Undefined
  • To avoid default, the deeply indebted country will have to pay its international creditors before paying its public-sector workers. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is continuing to support indebted eurozone economies by acquiring the debt instruments of governments with huge fiscal problems that urgently need euros. Times, Sunday Times
  • For this post I am indebted to Barbara of Winos and Foodies who, a while back, wrote a post about how simple it is to make English Muffins.
  • Far be it from me to gainsay thee in aught, for I am indebted to thee for many favours and bounties and much kindness, and (praised be Allah!) The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • What began as my ambivalence about having another woman's baby has alchemized into a purity of love for both Olivia and Angel Cate, and I realize the longer I love Olivia, the more indebted to Angel Cate I become. Joyce McFadden: Donor Egg Love
  • We are deeply indebted to Dr Allen and the rest of the hospital staff.
  • Yet the unwinding of Britain's indebted economy was always going to be painful. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are indebted to all those who serve as reservists, and to their employers who make such a commitment possible. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus, the majority of graduates face up to the real world already heavily indebted.
  • The loans must be prepaid with net cash proceeds of any non-ordinary course asset sales and certain insurance proceeds, as well as proceeds of certain incurrences of indebtedness.

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