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How To Use Incur In A Sentence

  • Any expenses incurred by volunteers will be reimbursed.
  • ‘I find most skeptics to be incurable optimists,’ Hyde continues.
  • Organizing your finances and time helps you become more productive and responsive and ensures you avoid unnecessary pitfalls, such as incurring wasteful late fees. - Home Page RSS
  • Or “incurve,” a term commonly used as the nineteenth century became the twentieth. The Neyer/James Guide To Pitchers
  • Instinctively, Hunter tried to field the ball barehanded - an unfortunate decision, as it turned out - and incurred a hairline fracture to his right thumb.
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  • Before the conversion of Granby House, it was not clear how this could be done without incurring enormous expense.
  • The only factor preventing major incursions into treasured civil liberties is the resistance of the population at large - and, for the moment at least, the public appear to be acquiescing in the government's plans.
  • Here, hundreds of millions of men, women and children are suffering from an incurable disease, chronic arsonicosis, and millions more are at risk.
  • We have increased housing support grant so that all local authorities that incur a deficit in running a hostel will qualify for grant.
  • That you know; and you know too, that she purchased her glory and her greatness not by faint-heartedness, but by choosing to suffer pain and incur dangers in the day of need. Hellenica
  • Tumorem splenis incurabilem sola cappari curavit, cibo tali aegritudine aptissimo: Soloque usu aquae, in qua faber ferrarius saepe candens ferrum extinxerat, &c. 4390. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • This invention relates to improvements in vertical continuous casting or the casting technique of obtaining cast pieces by drawing a strand formed in a water-cooled mold downward without incurvating, and then cutting the strand.
  • In either case, however, the business has the use of the asset and incurs a monthly payment obligation.
  • If I am injured in body or pocket I expect the person causing that injury to compensate me for any losses that I incur unless it has been a genuine accident.
  • Due to this classification, it does not incur such penalties as cocaine or heroin do.
  • In contrast, a strongly obtuse apical angle is associated with an incurved ventral beak that is appressed to the dorsal umbo, resulting in the delthyrium being partly obscured.
  • The winner will be responsible for the payment of all tolls, congestion charges, parking or road traffic fines incurred during the loan period. The Sun
  • He was scared of incurring his father's wrath .
  • Where there is an incursion into the airspace of a landowner within the reasonable height then this prima facie gives rise to claim to trespass:
  • He promoted the Virgin as its protectress, commissioning a hymn in her honour, and incurred criticism from Bruno of Querfurt for ‘favouring the Roman people above all others with money and honours'.
  • This itself is a problem since foreign funds incur much higher hidden expenses.
  • Dentro de los planes que tiene para mejorar su calidad de vida, esta la compra de un tanque de almacen de agua potale, debido a que el vital liquido no abastece en la zona y amenaza a la producción por la sequía, ella solicita un prestamo para la compra de materiales fertilizantes e insumos vegetativos que aporten un mejor mantenimientos agronomo a sus tierras y garantizen un crecimiento óptimo a la cosecha, esta inyección de capital a futuro le favorecera, para el establecimiento de 1 cuarto de manzana de piña, que le ayudara economicamente a la incursion en nuevos rubros y el mejoramiento continuo de sus niveles de vida. Kiva Loans
  • It has incurred the displeasure of purists. Times, Sunday Times
  • The results are in general agreement with the previous typological categories defined by Railey in showing a general progression from incurvate, thin specimens to excurvate, thicker forms through time.
  • Tumorem splenis incurabilem sola cappari curavit, cibo tali aegritudine aptissimo: Soloque usu aquae, in qua faber ferrarius saepe candens ferrum extinxerat, &c. 4390. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • That expenditure our sons will incur just on their motorcycles and mobile phones," the turbaned, grey-bearded Mr. Singh says. On Punjab's Farms, 'Everybody Has No Jobs'
  • Pedigree animals may incur big bills because of hereditary illnesses. The Sun
  • This establishment was severely damaged by flooding at the end of the second century and rebuilt in much the same form, only to be slighted during the barbarian incursions of AD 276.
  • However, this can be overcome by appropriate revenue-enhancing incentive conditions in the contract and the incurrence of monitoring and enforcement costs.
  • Rwanda refused to confirm or deny the reported incursion, which raised fears of reignition of a devastating six-nation, five-year central African war that started with the 1998 Rwandan invasion of ANC Daily News Briefing
  • I am unable to determine by what law I ought to incur your wrath and that of your followers. Sources of the West: Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 1: From the Beginning to 1715
  • You are to understand that, through the incurrent necessities of every circumstance, each of them spoke in whispers, even now. Domnei A Comedy of Woman-Worship
  • It would simply be part of the overhead expense incurred by the solicitor in the proper conduct of his practice.
  • Because of their incurved leaves, the plant is narrow and can be grown at a tighter spacing.
  • We have also offered to reimburse any expenses they incurred while they were without their belongings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Being the incurable stickybeak that I am, I went back thru the archives ’til I found the thread you mentioned. Cheeseburger Gothic » Newly renovated Ladies Lounge.
  • The colleges concerned have to incur extra expense and inconvenience.
  • In all likelihood, the debt was incurred on Lord Petre's ‘iorney to Axminster’ exactly twelve months earlier, a year being a round term for a loan.
  • To remove a conviction so generally adopted, Quentin easily saw was impossible — nay, that any attempt to undeceive men so obstinately prepossessed in their belief, would be attended with personal risk, which, in this case, he saw little use of incurring. Quentin Durward
  • Machiavelli admired Borgia for enforcing the summary punishment of evildoing without incurring the hatred of his subjects. Matthew Yglesias » Luce & Machiavelli on Leadership
  • Showing little progress and imposing a burden on educators and their resources, the incurables were gradually abandoned in favor of those who showed more promise.
  • The play has incurred the wrath/anger of both audiences and critics.
  • Accordingly, not wishing to incur expense in their present want of money, they sent back at once the Thracians who came too late for Demosthenes, under the conduct of Diitrephes, who was instructed, as they were to pass through the Euripus, to make use of them if possible in the voyage alongshore to injure the enemy. The History of the Peloponnesian War
  • In the literature of the eighteenth century the warrant is inseparably associated with the short, incurvated service sword commonly known as the cutlass or hanger; but in the press-gang prints of the period the gangsmen are generally armed with stout clubs answering to Smollett's The Press-Gang Afloat and Ashore
  • At the story's beginning, a drug damages Rodney and makes him completely and incurably aphasiac; the only dent in the aphasia is an Ancient device which allows Rodney to do pictoral mental communication with Ancient gene carriers, just barely enough that they don't need to ship him home immediately. October 6th, 2007
  • She was an undemanding friend, ready to listen with attention, whereas I was incurious about her, perhaps assuming that since she was so young, she had nothing to teach me about books or life, an idea which seemed terribly sad years later.
  • The publisher admitted that it would incur a'double digit' rise in newsprint prices. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why was Hitler allowed to remilitarize the Rhineland, annex Austria, and invade Czechoslovakia before the Allies confronted him over his incursion into Poland in September 1939?
  • His research focuses on why U.S. citizens do or do not support military incursions into foreign states.
  • Then combined pipe-line theory, the accumulator's integrated mathematical model with incurvate and strange diameter series connection pipeline is built.
  • Tax relief is provided by the Revenue Commissioners in respect of expenditure incurred on the repair, maintenance or restoration of the approved building or garden.
  • John's ex-wife is also hospitalized, with incurable cancer.
  • We had five overturned sledge accidents - every one of our sledges suffered an overturn or two, but luckily no significant damage was incurred.
  • You're a hopeless/incurable romantic.
  • The incurable condition is caused by inflammation blocking intestines. The Sun
  • Inputting time spent and expenses incurred on jobs, activities or tasks is quick and easy.
  • There were some suggested improvements, including building up the growing love between the plumber and the undine, mentioning earlier that undines are incurable romantics, and changing the plumber's ex (who shows up several times) into several separate exes to demonstrate the plumber's previous personal history. 6/18/08: Taos Toolbox, days 10-11: Some have broken under the strain of it
  • There are grants available towards costs incurred while developing a business idea.
  • Neurologists are often accused of being interested in only rare incurable diseases.
  • I incurred his displeasure by refusing the invitation.
  • Pandemic influenza remains a non-eradicable zoonosis, and SARS has made an unwelcome zoonotic incursion.
  • Unfortunately the bashing our President has incurred is evidence that we still need more growth. Gingrich praises Obama's speech
  • Even though closely spaced parallel approaches increase the throughput capacity, an optimal taxiway layout is necessary to minimize gate-runway time and reduce incursions.
  • Discussions of the American alliance in this volume, and our economic and cultural bonds therein, are in general incurious, dogmatic and one-dimensional.
  • There is one fact which no one can misunderstand, the while -- that after the defections under which you have suffered, and under your known want of military stores, an incursive war from the mountains appears ferocious -- both revengeful and cruel -- when every one knows that time will render it unnecessary. The Hour and the Man, An Historical Romance
  • Both companies say that they have taken thousands of tourists to destinations on the warning list without incurring any injuries or deaths. Times, Sunday Times
  • The auto manufacturer incurred a $843.6 million loss in 1990.
  • A company is not prohibited from incurring unallowable costs, but they cannot be recovered either directly or indirectly under federal government contracts.
  • Your wife would have to incur the expenses in order to be reimbursed for them.
  • In a fit of phrensical heedlessness, I sent a letter to my beloved Miss Howe, without recollecting her private address; and it has fallen into her angry mother’s hands: and so that dear friend perhaps has anew incurred displeasure on my account. Clarissa Harlowe
  • The trick is how to get that benefit and not incur the rent-seeking costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • For example, you may not be covered for any damage incurred to an item while it is being repaired or restored without the insurer's knowledge. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sepals very large, incurved, overlapping each other, having the appearance of being semi-double, and being of good substance. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • It is commonly associated in descendant languages of proto-Kaskazi, including Ruvu languages, with the idea of protecting with amulet medicine that created a defensive barrier against ill-intended sorcery or physical incursion. 146 In the colonial period, * - kinga medicine was instrumental in protecting Zaramo people from witchcraft. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • It is the profound, incurable, and inextirpable bigotry of the English people, to which they will not hesitate to sacrifice the national honour, the public happiness, their own liberties, and their own consciences ... .... Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in the Years of 1845 and 1846
  • These programs benefit New York City and communities all over the state by helping individuals transcend the cycle of incarceration and live more stable and happy lives, thereby reducing the pain and economic costs that crime incurs. Anthony Papa: Incarcerated Men on Rikers Island Cook Thanksgiving Meals For the Hungry
  • This meant that poor people subsidised banking for rich people who were less likely to incur charges. Times, Sunday Times
  • Suddenly the writer remembers the nameless malady of the poor — that mysterious disease which the rich share but cannot alleviate, which is too subtle for doctors, too incurable for Parliaments, too unpicturesque for philanthropy, too common even for sympathy. The Greatest Thing in the World And Other Addresses
  • The passenger has been contacted and the airport will be paying for the damages incurred. Times, Sunday Times
  • I emphasize, once again, that each time we combine materials and parts into semi-finished or finished products, we are decreasing the percentile of the total cost of that product incurred as a cost of transportation.
  • These measurements were recorded because they allowed us to define such attributes as incurvate base, excurvate blade, etc. in a non-subjective manner.
  • Indeed, one might argue that the languages of music and of dance share a degree of abstraction somewhat compromised by the incursion of word and plot.
  • During the quarter, Verio began to incur costs associated with the previously announced expansion of its hosting operations.
  • It would simply be part of the overhead expense incurred by the solicitor in the proper conduct of his practice.
  • City officials said they can use an unspent $5.4 million from an annual federal fund that reimburses the District for costs incurred because of its status as the capital.
  • Many will also have incurred overdrafts and credit card loans, which are not included in the figures. Times, Sunday Times
  • In The Phoenix, the first appearance that a Zeppelin airship makes is on its way to the Allies as part payment of the reparations bill Germany incurred in the Treaty of Versailles.
  • I took my folio with me, and I left two hundred pounds behind in debts I had incurred knowing I would never pay them. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • The high prices at many airports have incurred many complaints and also drew unfavourable media attention.
  • Maquettes, for example, are models built to help explain an architectural or sculptural commission to people who are no good at understanding arm-waving and verbal explanation: [A maquette] is used to visualize and test shapes and ideas without incurring the cost and effort of producing a full scale product. Archive 2008-08-01
  • But Hashemi believed that ultimately this would not solve the problem, which he described as incurable, between the Taliban government and the United States. Israelated - English Israel blogs
  • He responds with the optimism and fervour of the incurable romantic.
  • Presumably it's precisely in order to avoid incurring such a duty that persons choose to transfer things by bequest rather than by gift.
  • Blooms were misshapen, small and nothing like the incurving form I had expected.
  • Incurable diseases are being treated and cured by unauthorised self-styled doctors who have learned from their ancestors.
  • Should the proceeds of sale fail to cover the amount due, including expenses incurred, the Carrier shall be entitled to recover the balance from the Merchant.
  • Numerous hazardous sites around New Zealand have to be decontaminated at considerable expense, but the people who have gained from producing those toxins have incurred no cost.
  • These columns moved forward on the surface of the sea, and the clouds not following them with equal rapidity, they assumed a bent or incurvated shape, and frequently appeared crossing each other, evidently proceeding in different directions; from whence we concluded, that it being calm, each of these water-spouts caused a wind of its own. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 14
  • When it became apparent that India was not going to attack, the cross-border incursions quickly rose again.
  • They are not hardy in the UK, but they can stand a little frost without incurring damage. Times, Sunday Times
  • As for the euro, if it became more prominent as a reserve currency, the eurozone would incur net costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cost of resource city transition can be divided for ordering cost and cost of incur loss through delay .
  • `But, all the same, I shall not risk incurring his wrath again. TIME OF THE WOLF
  • What on earth the referee had done to incur such mindless, moronic abuse, one can only hazard a guess.
  • The BMC calendar is legal -- even without Ford's blessing -- and when you protect yourself from legal liability by shutting it down, you incur PR liability by seeming like a bunch of candy-asses who can be bullied into submission by a memo from some white-shoe legal goon from a Fortune 100. Boing Boing
  • we have incurred huge losses
  • The Seekport News Search feature allows users to search for results incurrent stories almost immediately after they are posted online by newssources. Archive 2006-03-01
  • In Mysidiella newtonae n. sp., from the early Norian of the Wallowa Terrane of Oregon, the lunule is even shorter and more deeply incurved than in M. orientalis.
  • Any normal expense incurred in the day-to-day operations of the company falls under this category.
  • As an ethical concept, the metaphysical concept of "fidelity" tries to fetter translation onto the two poles of "faithful" and "unfaithful", thus incurring a number of insolvable problems.
  • Thus Aristotle avoided the idea that God was inactive and self-contemplative for an eternity, and then for some unknown reason, or by some unknown motive, commenced to act outwardly and produce; but he incurred the opposite hazard, of making the result of His action, matter and the Universe, be co-existent with Himself; or, in other words, of denying that there was any time when His outward action _commenced_. Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
  • The corporation will pay all costs and expenses incurred with its written consent.
  • He will also incur costs in selling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pedigree animals may incur big bills because of hereditary illnesses. The Sun
  • The contractor is paid for the actual costs he incurs plus a previously agreed lump sum for his overheads and profit.
  • For their militant incursion, the police were received with hurled stones and were chased down the streets.
  • They seemed rare round there from the time he took; and I was just casting about in my mind as to what method would be best to employ in getting up the smooth, yellow, sandy-clay, incurved walls, when he arrived with it, and I was out in a twinkling, and very much ashamed of myself, until Silence, who was then leading, disappeared through the path before us with a despairing yell. Travels in West Africa
  • Within its walls, researchers from Columbia, Harvard Medical School, the Salk Institute and others are studying embryonic cells in an effort to overcome an incurable fatal disease called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. Stem-Cell Researchers
  • Special allowances are given for expenditure incurred in exploring for minerals and petroleum resources and mine development expenditure.
  • This gloomy picture I hold up, not as a prophecy of the fate we are doomed to incur, but only as descriptive of what the term subjugation unquestionably imports. A Discourse Before the General Assembly of South Carolina, on December 10, 1863: Appointed By the Legislature as a Day of Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer
  • The mouth (incurrent canal) and anus (outcurrent canal) are located at the anterior end, and while the foot extends out the posterior. Mollusca
  • This article describes two cases of myelopathy admitted to our burn center after a high-voltage electrical burn incurred in the workplace, with symptoms onset around 16th and 4th day, respectively.
  • Any costs you do incur can also be spread over a longer period with monthly payments. Times, Sunday Times
  • The best you can hope for is getting the airline to reimburse you for some of the expenses you incur while waiting for your suitcase to show up.
  • We also require details of the quantum of the claim including a breakdown of the elements of the costs and how they have been incurred.
  • The contractor is paid for the actual costs he incurs plus a previously agreed lump sum for his overheads and profit.
  • Other Ministers own property abroad, and to give them these payouts on the grounds that they have ‘incurred debts’ is a sign of a very sick society.
  • The knights below were as much an intimidating show of force as a serious vanguard of any incursion over the border. TREASON KEEP
  • The _first glume_ is concave, pale yellow, shining and cartilaginous to about 2/3 its length from the base, and the upper third is membranous, dimidiately ovate; at the back in the cartilaginous portion, there are three to six deep convex smooth ridges running across the glume; the membranous tip is thin and with anastomosing green veins; the margins of this glume are thick, narrowly incurved, ciliolate, and with a narrow wing on the outer margin. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • She has been diagnosed with blepharospasm, an incurable condition affecting a handful of people. The Sun
  • As its name suggests, the Stopwatch mode is time based, with one team attempting to complete a set of incursive mission objectives, while the other defends.
  • He explained further that after being refined in Spain, the refined products are then taken by marketers and imported into the country and demurrage which is the cost incurred by reason of transaction delays in the ports of a country, are normally charged by the importer for the duration in excess of the number of days agreed for evacuating the product. AllAfrica News: Latest
  • Any effective international regulation of nuclear weapons is bound to entail troublesome incursions challenging prerogatives of national sovereignty.
  • Costs incurred converting your loft will not be allowed directly against your profits because this will count as capital spending. Times, Sunday Times
  • The incurrence of a defect on “unnecessary inspection” serves as a reminder to talk to yourself when putting anything down, even temporarily. QUALITY IS PERSONAL
  • incurring debts is easier than paying them
  • MS is an incurable disease that attacks the central nervous system causing severe disability.
  • He has an incurable and widespread nepotism.
  • The disease is incurable in about half of patients at presentation.
  • The winner will be responsible for the payment of all tolls, congestion charges, parking or road traffic fines incurred during the loan period. The Sun
  • Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience you may have incurred. Times, Sunday Times
  • The knights below were as much an intimidating show of force as a serious vanguard of any incursion over the border. TREASON KEEP
  • The only fees usually incurred in these situations are a small admin fee and a valuation fee to establish the new property is suitable security. Times, Sunday Times
  • The incurvation increased slightly during the next 4 1/2 hrs., but remained nearly the same for the next 17 hrs. Insectivorous Plants
  • The Pentamerida were biconvex with incurved beaks and were characterized by an internal muscle platform, the spondylium.
  • Each competitor tries to manoeuvre the other into making an error or violating the rules and incurring a penalty.
  • No distinct difference was perceptible; certainly none in the degree of incurvation; but the incurvation round the bits of sponge lasted rather longer, as might perhaps have been expected from the sponge remaining damp and supplying nitrogenous matter for a longer time. Insectivorous Plants
  • All surveying practices should employ a sophisticated time-recording system which relates to daily time-sheets and measures time-cost incurred against anticipated fees.
  • Most of the problems associated with chronic or incurable illness, being social issues, require interventions by communities.
  • I'll be happy to reimburse you for any expenses you might have incurred.
  • They would become the first and best source of hard evidence on terrorist incursion, available for cross-examination and trusted neither to exaggerate nor to dissimulate.
  • Himself an indefatigable collector of books, the possessor of a library as valuable as it was interesting, a library containing volumes obtained only at the cost of great personal sacrifice, he was in the most active sympathy with the disease called bibliomania, and knew, as few comparatively poor men have known, the half-pathetic, half-humorous side of that incurable mental infirmity. The Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac
  • I think I must be setting some kind of a record for the number of bans incurred and also the speed at which I cop them.
  • Whilst the introduction of competition will undoubtedly benefit some aspects of efficiency, additional costs might also be incurred.
  • They are in addition to payments being made by BA for hotel, transport and food expenses incurred by disrupted passengers.
  • You also agree that all expenses incurred by us in this connection will be paid by you.
  • He also incurred bank charges when making cash withdrawals in Bulgaria. Times, Sunday Times
  • A claimant whose motor car is damaged by the negligent driving of the defendant will either incur expense in putting right the damage or discard the vehicle, i.e., write it off as uneconomic to repair.
  • : The term medical marijuana took on dramatic new meaning in February, 2000 when researchers in Madrid announced they had destroyed incurable brain tumors in rats by injecting them with THC, the active ingredient in cannabis. RVABlogs
  • an incurable addiction to smoking
  • Illicita libido is = præpostera seu postica Venus, and is expressed by the picturesque phrase indicare (seu incurvare) aliquem. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The same goes for expenses, a company books an expense in the period incurred, not when the invoice is paid. Think Progress » Boeing Complains About Losing Health Care Tax Break Despite Being One Of Least Taxed Big Corporations
  • Drivers can opt to take part in the scheme instead of paying fines and incurring penalty points on their licences.
  • Around 400,000 Britons suffer from the incurable disease. The Sun
  • It does not need vast expense to be incurred, just good common sense based on knowledge of these situations. Times, Sunday Times
  • When we have to pick up double, we reincur those costs," Cameron said, noting Waste Management then has to pay overtime, extra gas for additional trips to the transfer station and the standard transfer station fees, which are based on the weight of the trash. The Union - All Categories
  • The creature that incurred the congestion charge in Central London yesterday was neither fish nor fowl nor good red herring. Times, Sunday Times
  • And luxuriant greenery is a magnet for local wildlife in the dry, so station gardens also require considerable fortification to discourage pigs and wallabies from making damaging incursions.
  • Cost of resource city transition can be divided for ordering cost and cost of incur loss through delay .
  • The authorities impose countless conditions restricting strikes, any breach of which can incur heavy prison sentences.
  • Better still, it does not incur any additional costs - we just pay for Internet access.
  • What began as a careless exhortation has blossomed into something I am proud to be a part of, and I hope this redresses some sort of karmic imbalance I no doubt incurred in my youth.
  • Playing such a provocative character, she may have been risking her career and incurring the anger of her fans who expected the usual singing and light-footed girl-next-door.
  • Neque prius in iis desiderium cessat dum dejectus consoletur; videre enim est ipsam arborem incurvatam, ultro ramis ab utrisque vicissim ad osculum exporrectis. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Helping yourself to the bank's money without asking will incur penalties of £30 each time, capped at a ceiling of £90 per month.
  • Even though they may appear immediately on your statement, you may incur interest charges and fees if you draw against uncleared cheques.
  • Many people here who suffer from cancer believed this rubbish and of course spent their life savings and even incurred debts to pay for this man's vitamins to cure the disease.
  • The leaves are broad, with short stems; the heads are large, white, very compact, well protected by the incurved leaves, and equal in quality to those of the Cauliflower. The Field and Garden Vegetables of America Containing Full Descriptions of Nearly Eleven Hundred Species and Varietes; With Directions for Propagation, Culture and Use.
  • I dare not incur the ill-will of my kinswoman.
  • You risk incurring bank charges if you exceed your overdraft limit.
  • The king and his party returned, having found no trace of the reported incursion. TIME OF THE WOLF
  • All fee quotations exclude Value Added Tax and any outlays that we may incur whilst carrying our assignments.
  • As often happens in such cases, the dangers incurred from the zeal of the local loyalist seem to have been much the most formidable of the perils of the hour. Maria Edgeworth
  • Recurring costs are incurred on an ongoing basis, such as final assembly, while nonrecurring costs are made up of one-time expenses such as initial tooling and production planning.
  • In 1148 he incurred Stephen's wrath by attending a papal council at Rheims and retorted with an interdict which was little regarded.
  • His cellmates seemed incurious as to how an elderly British pensioner had found himself in prison and Bond was in no mood to enlighten them.
  • These foolish, forgotten things have turned this robot into an incurable romantic. Times, Sunday Times
  • The employer had, therefore, to incur heavy development costs before any net tangible benefits would accrue from the invention.
  • It is why Democrats actually pass plicies that make sense, and it is also why Democrats get so tired of talking to conservatives who are so freakin incurious that they will accept whatever their "daddies" at fux and talk radio tell them, even when it contradicts what they so heartily "believed" the day before. White House's top health care spokeswoman resigning post
  • such expenses are necessarily incurred
  • The shape of the violin - the upper bout or shoulders, the incurved waist, the lower bout or hips - were the creation of the unknown 15th-century inventor.
  • An incurable optimist, I have every faith that technology will rid itself of its maladies and go on to create a better world.
  • It confirmed the existing boundary and released the Free State from the significant financial liabilities it had incurred under the Treaty.
  • But it wasn't worth incurring his wrath. Times, Sunday Times
  • They all started making films three decades or more ago, when documentaries were considered more than rhetorical bludgeons and instructional tools for the incurious and semi-literate.
  • The third sepal is saccate, with a slightly incurvate spur.
  • Wage garnishment for taxes just adds insult to the injury incurred from a far too complex tax code. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Entrepreneurs and Government
  • But nor do we want the divisiveness and social damage which inequality incurs. Letters: Disciplining force of organised labour
  • In general, except for the expenses described above, no deduction is allowed for lobbying expenses paid or incurred after December 31, 1993. Matthew Yglesias » Corporate Political Contributions as Tax Break
  • Parkinson's disease is a debilitating and incurable disease of the nervous system.

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