How To Use Inculcation In A Sentence

  • The inculcation of political orthodoxy and instruction of a more coercive nature was left strictly in the hands of the Party.
  • Even if the inculcation seems to work, in this case or that, no one has any idea why or how, reliably, to get it to do so again. Education: let's celebrate both academic and vocational learning | the big issue
  • Such inculcation is a duty even of the authors of history textbooks. Nathan Söderblom - Nobel Lecture
  • The enigmatical form of the inculcation is the device whereby that mind will be compelled to follow his track, to think for itself his thoughts again, to possess itself of the inmost secret of his intention; for it is a school in whose enigmatical devices the mind of the future was to be caught, in whose subtle exercises the child of the future was to be trained to an identity that should restore the master to his work again, and bring forth anew, in a better hour, his clogged and buried genius. The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded
  • Moral education, the inculcation of values, cannot be left solely to the study of popular songs or even the wider popular culture of films and television.
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  • The responsibilities of a teacher lie not only in the inculcation of knowledge, but also in the setting of good examples and cultivating of virtues.
  • JAIPUR: A pilot project for promoting bio-intensive gardens at government schools in Jaipur, Tonk and Udaipur districts of Rajasthan has started yielding positive results by initiating a skill-building process among students and teachers for environment protection, maintenance of nutrition levels and inculcation of water-efficient habits. The Hindu - Front Page
  • Today's polls reflect the sharp end of years of inculcation of avarice and greed in our society.
  • Aspiration, however, is not a kind of conceptualization or inculcation; rather, it is a resolution, struggle and hardship. A MEANINGFUL PREPARATION FOR HAJJ
  • My feeling is that the implicit function is the inculcation of abstract systematic thinking - which is necessary for modernizing societies, but is not a spontaneous human attribute (we are naturally 'animistic'). School Reform, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Federal officials running the contraband camps were instructed, “Among the things to be done, to fit the freed people for a life of happiness and usefulness, it was obvious that the inculcation of right principles and practices in regard to the social relations ought to find a place.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • Unlike many conservatives, he gives equal time to a critique of capitalism - its ravages on human communities, its promotion of a thoroughgoing materialism, and its pervasive inculcation of relativism.
  • Education meant the inculcation of truths as dogmas, the institutionalization of habits of obedience, the subjection of the individual to the community.
  • I commented on this over in Marginal Revolution to say that (from a variety of evidence) I think it is probably true that extra schooling improves life expectancy and increases health, and that this may be due to inculcation of abstract systematic thinking - www. Schooling and Health, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Education meant the inculcation of truths as dogmas, the institutionalization of habits of obedience, the subjection of the individual to the community.
  • Many noted that the fraternity served the churches through its inculcation of moral virtues and brotherly love.
  • As Tony Blair's most hated trusted lieutenant, you assisted in the invasion of Iraq, the destruction of the NHS, the diminution of Civil Liberties to a level commensurate with that of Stalin's Russia, the demolition of education, the politicisation of the Police and the inculcation of a Benefits culture that will take generations to remove. Archive 2009-06-01
  • To be sure, although the administration's HHS ruling flouts the spirit of the Supreme Court's decision, it probably satisfies the letter because it allows that religious organizations whose purpose is "the inculcation of religious values" aren't subject to the contraceptive-coverage requirement. On Religious Freedom, Years of Battles Ahead
  • Unlike Geertz's 1966 definition, the type of symbolic participation I am pointing to here does not involve the inculcation of a unitary or unified cultural style.
  • Lord Arlington's letter thereon; in which are such strong inculcations of continuing friendship with the Spaniards here, that he doubts he shall be highly discanted on by some persons for granting commissions against them; must beg his Grace to bring him off, or at least that the necessity of this proceeding may be taken into serious debate and then doubts not but true English judges will confirm what he has done. The Buccaneers in the West Indies in the XVII Century
  • Understood in the broad sense, military indoctrination is a collective concept, which includes the entire range of methods and ways of training and inculcation of moral and psychological qualities in the personnel.
  • The responsibilities of a teacher lie not only in the inculcation of knowledge, but also in the setting of good examples and cultivating of virtues.
  • Quality education is possible only through the inculcation of the values of life.
  • My feeling is that the implicit function is the inculcation of abstract systematic thinking - which is necessary for modernizing societies, but is not a spontaneous human attribute (we are naturally 'animistic'). School Reform, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • I carry that inculcation to audacity as do many others who were lucky to have known Pat. Richard Walden: When a Great Teacher Dies... and Lives On
  • So insidious and far reaching had become the inculcation of false philosophies summed up in the general term Kultur, that the subjects of the autocratic-ridden empires believed they were being guided by benign influences. History of the American Negro in the Great World War His Splendid Record in the Battle Zones of Europe; Including a Resume of His Past Services to his Country in the Wars of the Revolution, of 1812, the War of Rebellion, the Indian Wars on the Frontier, t
  • Thus, education and training were more of an inculcation of acceptable behaviors to serve employers rather than the needs of individual learners.

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