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How To Use Incubation In A Sentence

  • PUNE: The IIT Bombay Alumni Association (IITBAA) - Pune Chapter has tied up with the Centre for Innovation, Incubation & Entrepreneurship (CIIE) at the IIM-A for the benefit of creative minds and technocrats who qualify for Innovations 2011 ', to be organised from January 8, 2011 in Pune. The Times of India
  • Nest initiation dates were estimated by candling incubating nests and assuming an incubation period of 24 to 26 days for hatching nests.
  • In the ass and mule in almost all cases the period of incubation is short and the disease develops in an acute form. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • Back in the 1950s, Dutch ethologist Nikolaas Tinbergen conducted now-classic studies of the bird's incubation behavior and discovered something astonishing: When presented with a choice between brooding its own small egg and the giant egg of a much larger bird, the oystercatcher invariably chose to sit on the giant one. From 'The End of Overeating'
  • Information recorded for all nests in all years included date found, incubation stage determined by floatation or candling, and status (parasitized or not parasitized).
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  • By discovering its shape, and how it behaved biochemically in the human immune system, they showed that this retrovirus (a retrovirus invades and fuses with DNA of host cells and replicates as part of that cell) was the first known human lentivirus, that is a virus with a long incubation period. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Eggs were candled to determine incubation stage, and laying dates were calculated by backdating.
  • Viable molds and bacteria were determined by incubation on two different media.
  • There is a like discrepancy in the views on the possibility of its diffusion by drinking water, on the influence of conditions of soil, on the question whether the dejecta contain the poison or not, and on the duration of the incubation period. Scientific American Supplement, No. 458, October 11, 1884
  • Following incubation with fluorescence-conjugated secondary antibody (at room temperature for 60 min) and rinses, slides were incubated with DAPI (1: 10,000, Sigma, St. Louis, MO) for 15 minutes to counterstain nuclei, mounted, and cover-slipped. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In contrast to aerobic germination where the radicle emerged first and both root and shoot growth were observed, only the shoot emerged and elongated during the entire anaerobic incubation period.
  • Sex ratio predictions were based on the average temperature during the middle third of incubation.
  • This is done by inoculation and incubation of the nutrient medium.
  • I'd nearly given up on trying to hatch duck eggs in an incubator - the hatch rote was typically small, and the incubator developed a putrid odor midway through the incubation in spite of following the directions.
  • The megapodes bury their eggs in relatively isolated pockets, where the conditions are right for incubation, making them susceptible to humans and other predators.
  • Incubation lasts 10 to 16 days; chicks hatch synchronously and are brooded for about 4 days depending on the weather.
  • The illness has an incubation period of up to 11 days.
  • The mutagenic activity of 0.05 nmol of BP 7,8-diol-9,10-epoxide-2 towards strain TA 100 of S. typhimurium was inhibited 50% by incubation of the bacteria and the diol-epoxide with myricetin (2 nmol), robinetin (2.5 nmol), luteolin (5 nmol), quercetin (5 nmol), Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • This was followed by a 5-min incubation with the substrate-chromogen, 3,3′-diaminobenzidine (Vector SK-4100). PLoS Medicine: New Articles
  • Helpers are involved with territory defense, and all aspects of reproduction: incubation, brooding, feeding, and guarding nestlings and fledglings.
  • Nevertheless, incubation of leaf discs with cysteine increased glutathione contents substantially in untransformed and transformed poplars, particularly in the light, suggesting that cysteine supply remains a key limitation.
  • Thus prolonged incubation with HC-056456 produces a phenocopy of the lack-of-hyperactivation phenotype of the CatSper null sperm. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • He discussed incubation, symptoms, risks, delivery systems, relative costs. CHAMELEON
  • In smallpox, there is an incubation period of 8-18 days between initial infection and first symptoms.
  • All washes were at room temperature and repeated following each incubation.
  • You have to go through a sort of incubation period while people weigh you up.
  • The eggs have to be turned to help the chick embryo develop into a healthy chick during the incubation period.
  • Young birds fledge after a length of time that varies widely between species, but is roughly similar to the length of the incubation period.
  • After overnight incubation in selective media, recombinants were plated onto MM agar containing 20 g/ml kanamycin and maintained at 25°C in a sealed gas jar under microaerophilic conditions.
  • The numbers of revertants and viable cells were counted after incubation for 2 days at 37°C.
  • During the 6-10 day incubation, the male takes care of the nest - cleaning and guarding it, and periodically doing a headstand to fan the eggs and aerate them.
  • After 10 or 20 min of incubation at 26°C, the reaction was stopped by the addition of an equal volume of sulphanilamide.
  • The illness has an incubation period of up to 11 days.
  • It is a fantastic three years of self-definition, talent incubation, self-motivation. Times, Sunday Times
  • After incubation the agarose was washed successively with dioxane solution, dioxane, distilled water and ethanol.
  • For the serine variants, dimeric intermediates predominate after ice incubation, and the trimeric intermediates dissociate to monomers in the presence of reducing agent.
  • Other authors have stated that incubation in cowbirds only differs from other passerines in the minimum reported.
  • In a laboratory incubation experiment, timing change in amount of humic acid(HA) and fulvic acid(FA) was studied in dark-brown soil and paddy soil during corn stalk decomposition.
  • After incubation, the number of elongated motile promastigotes were counted.
  • An egg contains water within its beautiful smooth surface; and an unformed mass, by the incubation of the parent, becomes a regular animal, furnished with bones and sinews, and covered with feathers.
  • After washing, the HRP (horseradish peroxidase) conjugated polymer complex was visualized by incubation for ~5 min with AEC (3-amino-9-ethylcarbazole) substrate-chromogen; sections were then counterstained with hematoxylin for 30 seconds, washed and mounted. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Incubation time and concentration of cytokines were chosen according to optimal responses known for the ICAM-1 upregulation on other tumour cell lines.
  • Laying-stage incubation presents a paradox for hatching synchrony: our data show that not all embryos are incubated for the same length of time, so some mechanisms must exist to synchronize hatch.
  • However, if effective incubation begins during the laying cycle, hatching synchrony must be attributable to some mechanism other than the initiation of incubation after clutch completion.
  • In general, birds require at least one day to lay an egg, and many species delay incubation until their entire clutch is laid.
  • The position and shape of the peaks did not change with increasing time of incubation.
  • In the acutely infected child or adult, this stage represents the incubation period before immune response.
  • Some of my favorite duck hens were getting older though, so I had to reconsider artificial incubation for any fertile eggs they laid.
  • There was no measurable incorporation of C into sucrose, hexoses or the raffinose family of oligosaccharides at any stage of the incubations.
  • The college in which we studied was in some ways an incubation chamber for babus.
  • Embryos in the eggs do not begin to develop until their mother warms them through incubation.
  • The male takes no part in incubation, continuing drumming displays over the nesting territory.
  • Stage of incubation was determined by candling and by flotation as calibrated for Canvasback eggs (M. G. Anderson and B. D. Sullivan unpubl. data).
  • At the end of the incubation, tissues were removed and the formamide solution was centrifuged at 20,000×g for 20 min in an Eppendorf centrifuge. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Cultures were considered negative for Brucella only after four weeks of incubation.
  • Business incubation as a concept is developing around the world.
  • Morphometric studies were carried out on the chick nodose ganglion between day 5 of incubation and 2 weeks after hatching.
  • Although evasion from the water surface arises from dissolved gaseous mercury in the water column, incubation studies on sediment and lacunal gas data both suggested that the source of Hg flux from vegetation was in the sediment.
  • One really finds it beneath oneself to go ad hominen with the mom of a christianist lesbian love-child incubation chamber, but this time, the aspish Lyndy-Loo has exceeded the bounds of propriety. Think Progress » Lynne Cheney: Putting Scooter Libby On Trial ‘Does Not Reflect Well On Our Judicial System’
  • There is no support for the idea that female larks work harder during the chick rearing period compared with the incubation period.
  • Supraoptimal concentrations were inhibitory, probably because of the excessive osmolarity of the incubation medium.
  • The incubation period ranges from one to 12 days.
  • And when he chose to speak a harsh thought, it was ten-fold harsher than ordinarily, because it seemed to proceed out of such profundity of cogitation, because it was as prodigiously deliberate in its incubation as it was in its enunciation. CHAPTER XII
  • After further incubation of the plates at 20° for 18 hr (to allow all viable eggs to hatch) the plates were scored for unhatched eggs.
  • The dried analytes are butylated by the addition of butanol - HCI and 65 degree C incubation.
  • After incubation, the color was developed with the peroxidase substrate (hydrogen peroxide) and the stable chromogen (diaminobenzidine).
  • If eggs hatched and were then depredated within three days, failure may have been incorrectly assigned to the incubation stage.
  • One nest was parasitized after incubation had begun, and the cowbird egg in another nest did not hatch.
  • Staff were asked to replace damaged glass tops to aquarium tanks, and they were also told that keeping an incubation facility in the zoo kitchen is ‘inappropriate’.
  • They are gregarious throughout the year, with the exception of the laying and incubation period.
  • Births occur almost a month after incubation, in tune with the next lunar cycle.
  • After incubation on ice for 45 minutes, the cells were washed twice in a balanced electrolyte solution.
  • After incubation, the sections were washed thoroughly with distilled water and counter-stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate as described above.
  • Thus, the benefits to offspring of male incubation may be reduced in various species.
  • Dark stipes were harvested from cultures grown in the continuous darkness for 2 days after preincubation for 8 days under a 12 hr light / 12 hr dark regime.
  • For example, ratites and tinamous have sole male incubation, but communal laying apparently occurs in only a few of these species.
  • The incubation period almost certainly varies with the number of bacteria originally passed on.
  • At the conclusion of incubation, the cells and media were removed and centrifuged.
  • We confined our trapping to the late stages of incubation to minimize nest desertion due to trapping procedures.
  • The samples were sonicated for 30 min, followed by centrifugation and overnight incubation at 65°C as described above.
  • After a few more days of incubation, the ends of some mycelia may enlarge and form basidia within which nuclear fusion and meiosis may occur.
  • While the incubation period for rabies is as long as six years in humans, it is only six months in a dog. U.S. Now Free of Canine Rabies Virus | Impact Lab
  • After a second overnight incubation and washing, the detection antibody is added.
  • Incubation lasts 10 to 15 days and the altricial chicks are brooded for about 5 to 6 days after hatching.
  • Within this order, incubation of eggs is effected in brood chambers formed by the carapace, except in laying resting eggs.
  • The Black Death was not an epidemic of bubonic plague but a viral haemorrhagic fever with a long incubation period that allowed it to travel far despite the limitations of travel in the Middle Ages.
  • The pairs stay in close proximity, exhibit behavioral synchrony, and locate and maintain incubation sites together.
  • After incubation, 5 ml of RPMI media were added to the cell flasks and then the cell solution was pipetted to a 50-ml vial.
  • Incubation time is short, 10 to 12 days, which allows the young cowbird to get a head start in the nest.
  • To protect eggs and hatchlings from predators, volunteers and staff search for nests and collect eggs for incubation.
  • CLEMENT: These are cases that have what we call incubation, that is, they have a respirator on them to assist breathing. CNN Transcript May 25, 2003
  • THE RAT TRAP: In need of creative solace for various writing ventures that are still in long-term incubation, I headed alone to the Finborough Theatre in Chelsea to witness some actors putting themselves through the mill at the outer limits of the creative world. Archive 2006-12-01
  • Generally, when someone, particularly a child, gets rabies and no one can find the proximal cause, bats are assigned the blame -- even though, as this article said, the incubation period for rabies is up to a year and all sorts of animal contact occurred over that period of time. The mysteries of rabies Boing Boing
  • The male usually remains near the nest until incubation begins, and rarely stays with the brood once they hatch.
  • Among my brethren and sistren in incubation I count the folks working at places like idealab, betaworks, alleycorp, as well as certain current and former university venture lab specialists I hold in high esteem. Dave Lerner: I Am Incubator
  • Embryos in the eggs do not begin to develop until their mother warms them through incubation.
  • She hadn't left Hong Kong during the two-week incubation period, it said.
  • The Parental Care Model hypothesizes that endothermy is arisen as a consequence of selection for parental care because endothermy enables a parent to control incubation temperature.
  • Also, biofilms differ between incubation sites because an active biofilm did not develop if slides were incubated in a non-adult habitat, such as a sandy intertidal area, but did develop on slides placed at the adult habitat.
  • Cowbird nestlings were placed into nests prior to the hatching of host nestlings to simulate the shorter incubation periods characteristic of parasitic species.
  • Eggs to be examined for hatching success were candled by using a portable candler at both the mid-stage and late-stage of parental incubation to determine embryo developmental stage and viability.
  • Sections were incubated overnight at 70°C with 1 µg/ml of the digoxigenin-labeled probes, and binding detected by overnight incubation with alkaline phosphatase-conjugated anti-digoxigenin antibody (1: 3500, Roche), which was visualised with NBT (Nitro blue tetrazolium chloride)/BCIP (5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate, toluidine salt; 1: 50, Roche) or Fast Red (Roche) for fluorescence. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Typically, plates are inverted during incubation to prevent condensation droplets from falling onto the surface of the agar.
  • After incubation at 37°C for 2 days, a single colony was picked and put into a 10 ml starter culture which also contained 20 g/ml chloramphenicol.
  • These are the _hippoboscoe hirundinis_, with narrow subulated wings, abounding in every nest; and are hatched by the warmth of the bird's own body during incubation, and crawl about under its feathers. The Natural History of Selborne, Vol. 2
  • After incubation for 72 hrs, the tetrazolium-based cell viability (MTT) assay was performed. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • They confirmed that explant cultures with a longer incubation period are valuable for studying the death and repair of the trophoblast and for investigating the chronic regulation of placental function under pathological conditions. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Extracting by acetone and freeze drying got highest hypericin content. The antioxidant activity decreased when increasing the incubation time, extracting in methanol performs better.
  • The local experience indicated that the incubation period is between two and 11 days.
  • Preincubation of cells with cromoglycate, dihydroquercetin and amentoflavone, a biflavonoid, decreased the potency of drugs to inhibit the ionophore-induced release; the optimal inhibitions were observed when drugs were added simultaneously with the ionophore A23187. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • VEM-like material that accumulated in incubation fluid when kidney slices were incubated anaerobically. Robert F. Furchgott - Autobiography
  • Eggs were candled to determine stage of incubation and to estimate hatching dates.
  • Hepatitis has a long incubation period.
  • Briefly, exosomes were fixed to beads (4.0 µm latex beads, 4\% solids, Interfacial Dynamics 12-4000) by incubation of 5 µg purified exosomes, as measured by Bradford assay, with 10 µl latex beads for 15 min at room temperature in a 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tube. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Sense and antisense RNAs were annealed to create double-stranded RNA by heating to 93°C for 30 s, followed by twenty-five 30-s incubations at 2° decrements for each incubation.
  • Incubation time and concentration of cytokines were chosen according to optimal responses known for the ICAM-1 upregulation on other tumour cell lines.
  • After incubation with medium containing 5 µg/ml of cycloheximide PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Male albatrosses share in the incubation of eggs.
  • At the end of incubation, samples were allowed to cool down to room temperature under ambient conditions and always maintained in an aqueous environment.
  • To monitor the effects of feather-clipping on body condition, females were recaptured and weighed on the second day of incubation and again when nestlings were 4 days old.
  • Creutzfeldt Jakob disease is a degenerative neurological disease with a long incubation period.
  • Eggs were candled at 13 days, and unhatched eggs at 20 days of incubation were opened to allow classification of down color.
  • The inoculum size and incubation conditions were the same as mentioned earlier.
  • Gender-biased incubation patterns in the rails and gallinules are poorly known, but male nocturnal incubation has been documented in several species, including at least one that is not considered a joint layer.
  • This may be due to active consumption of glyoxylate during incubation of the samples.
  • The technique, known as interspecies nuclear transfer, would for example, involve the cells of an Oryx being inserted into the womb of a goat for incubation. Khaleej Times : UAE News
  • Ambient temperature is commonly thought to influence avian incubation behavior.
  • This is relevant in understanding the species barrier effect in which there is a reduction of incubation times with multiple passages in interspecies infection.
  • Starved border cells plated on to nutrient agar demonstrated no sign of contamination after 48 h incubation.
  • The incubation period between exposure and onset of fever ranged from two to 16 days.
  • After about eighteen days' incubation, one or two chicks will hatch, fledge, and begin to whisper the blue-throat song.
  • The musicals in the 2011 edition of the NYMF, which is now in its eighth year, may or may not have a future, but the 12 presented in the festival's Next Link Project—a juried program that offers an intensive professional incubation period—will at least have been given a thorough polishing. A Starter Kit for Musicals
  • Such events would occur during their incubation in the mammalian lysate.
  • Long incubation periods and frequent asymptomatic infections, make it difficult to rely on diagnosis.
  • Therefore, males are emancipated from mate guarding and parental duties during the incubation period, making this period free for opportunistic extrapair activities.
  • Early symptoms are often non-specific, and usually include fever, headache and myalgia after an incubation period of 3-9 days.. Nunc Scio » Blog Archive » Deadly virus outbreak in Uganda
  • The incubation period varies depending on the time of year when the eggs were laid.
  • Thus, the benefits to offspring of male incubation may be reduced in various species.
  • This solution was titrated with the HSA fragment by adding small amounts of an ~ 0.3 mM protein solution in the aqueous buffer and recording the spectrum after incubation for a few minutes after each addition.
  • Male albatrosses share in the incubation of eggs.
  • When incubations were carried out with [1 - C] acetate, the main fatty acids labelled were palmitate, oleate, linoleate, and linolenate (results not shown).
  • If such sites are also large enough to admit fluorescent, tracer dye molecules, the permeable areas can be visualized with an epifluorescence microscope following incubation in the tracer.
  • Average tactics of implicit decision-making involve self-reflection, incubation, reinforcement and mental imagery.
  • Males leave the females soon after incubation begins, and females provide uniparental care for precocial young.
  • The percentage of GAS opsonized was determined by counting the number of colonies growing after incubation with test immune sera and comparing this with the number of colonies growing after incubation with control sera.
  • Sections were incubated overnight at 70°C with 1 µg/ml of the digoxigenin-labeled probes, and binding detected by overnight incubation with alkaline phosphatase-conjugated anti-digoxigenin antibody (1: 3500, Roche), which was visualised with NBT (Nitro blue tetrazolium chloride)/BCIP (5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate, toluidine salt; 1: 50, Roche) or Fast Red (Roche) for fluorescence. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Pairs form during winter and spring, and dissolve after the female begins incubation.
  • The first chicks will start to pip the shell as early as the 19th day of incubation.
  • Following another incubation, and after filtration through nylon gauze, the highly fluorescent nuclei were analyzed with an impulse cytophotometer.
  • I think the incubation time for chicken pox is under a week though, right? A Perpoxing Question
  • However, because some automated stainers operate in a batch mode, it may not be possible to vary incubation times.
  • Nesting female scoters rely on nutrient reserves stored before nesting for completion of incubation, but rely on exogenous nutrients for egg formation.
  • Any attempt to stop the process of incubation, after the contagion has once been received within the body, or to prevent its being thrown out upon the surface, would destroy the patient's life: the morbid poison must be concocted, and it _must come away by being drawn to the skin as soon as possible_, to prevent its settling in the vital parts, and injuring them. Hydriatic treatment of Scarlet Fever in its Different Forms
  • After 10 min of incubation at room temperature, 1.25 ml of solubilized extracts were aliquoted into 1.7-ml microcentrifuge tubes.
  • For example, the parasite causing benign tertian malaria, Plasmodium viva, has an incubation time of about ten to seventeen days; the resulting fever, which can be as high as 104 – 106 degrees Fahrenheit, lasts for two to six hours and recurs every third day. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • After a few weeks, the eland will be pregnancy tested - and the researchers will wait out the 11-month incubation period.
  • The Courier project is in "incubation" - so a long way from going on sale - but there is speculation that a mid-2010 launch is still possible. The First Post: Latest
  • After 10 or 20 min of incubation at 26°C, the reaction was stopped by the addition of an equal volume of sulphanilamide.
  • Morphological changes in Vero cells were recorded at two hourly intervals twice and after overnight incubation at 37° C in a CO2 incubator.
  • Condors typically lay only one egg per season, with the male assisting in incubation.
  • The new incubation units are being snapped up by locals who are eager to start-up business in the thriving town of Portarlington.
  • We spread unpurified spores from the diploid onto a YPD plate containing cycloheximide and determined the fate of the cells after 12 hr of incubation.
  • It has an incubation period of between two and 10 days and initial symptoms are similar to flu.
  • Incubation was at permissive temperatures for 3 days.
  • After incubation at 30°C for 90 s, the reaction was stopped by the addition of 1.0 ml glacial acetic acid, and was stirred vigorously.
  • In contrast, a short preincubation (2 min) of cells with quercetin or luteolin decreased their inhibitory effect on the ionophore-induced release, whereas a longer preincubation increased the inhibition. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • Since fat cells floated to the surface of the incubation medium, it proved a simple matter to separate and purify these cells from the mostly vascular cells in adipose tissue. Martin Rodbell - Autobiography
  • Our data also show that the thermotropic phase behavior of these lipid dispersions changes after prolonged periods of low-temperature incubation.
  • Nitrogen mineralisation was measured by aerobic incubation of soil that had been fallowed or had grown annual crops (wheat, canola) or perennial pastures.
  • Where tobacco tissue was subjected to extended incubation in the dark, accumulated transgenic levan did not breakdown.
  • In rheas, very small and very large clutches are more likely to be abandoned during incubation compared to intermediate-sized clutches.
  • Parents sustain themselves during incubation on energy stored as body fat and lipid-rich stomach oil in the proventriculus.
  • Even the longest intercontinental flights are briefer than the incubation period of any human infectious disease.
  • Sensitivity of culture isolation increased with higher initial inocula and shorter incubation.
  • Following a 48-hr incubation period, cells were examined for cytopathic effect or plaques, respectively.
  • After incubation, the assay solution with roots was filtered and a 1 mL aliquot from each sample was removed to a new tube.
  • Moreover, contents of lactate in stem tissues increased at an early stage of anaerobic incubation.
  • The incubation period varies depending on the time of year when the eggs were laid.
  • In choosing the eggs intended for incubation, the cultivators selected those produced in the successful 'educations' of the year. Fragments of science, V. 1-2
  • The ability of the egg to survive with suspended incubation and for the chick to become torpid are important for survival, since the adults spend a lot of time away from the nest looking for food that can be hard to find.
  • In contrast, the incubation period for quartan malaria, caused by Plasmodium malariae, can be as long as thirty or forty days, with fever coming every fourth day. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • In summary, in rheas as well and in other ratites, the high energetic costs associated with incubation and post-hatching parental care would favor paternal care and a mating system that combines polyandry and polygyny.
  • The duration of incubation depended on the tissues under study and the stage of plant development.
  • Lepromatous disease has a mean clinical incubation time of 10 years.
  • Eggs were collected and replaced with dummy eggs after 4 days of incubation or when candling revealed signs of development.
  • In general, longer incubation times for primary malarial infections occurred in patients who had recently taken antimalarials and/or had had a previous episode of infection.
  • For how the energetic cycles of that power the cell emerged, that alone has only entertained many interesting possibilities, hot core and cooler oceans, reducing ocean/sea floor/land and more oxidizing atmosphere, molecules generated by incubation in space and subsequent infall to earth, reacting with terrestrial molecules, photochemistry (from a uv-rich sun), concentration gradients of a wide variety of sorts, reactions of molecules produced by energetic processes involving meteor impact/burnup. Alice In Wonderland official trailer
  • There are several reversions to male incubation from a shared incubation ancestor.
  • Briefly, sections were blocked in either normal goat, rabbit or horse serum containing 10% (v/v) from stock avidin solution (Vector Labs) for 20 min followed by 1 hr incubation with anti-PPARβ/δ PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The infrared spectra of the cation-DNA complexes were recorded after incubation of the mixtures of polynucleotides and cation solutions for 2 h.
  • But rabies incubation is very long, said Zhen Fu, DVM Ph. D., professor of pathology in the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Georgia. The mysteries of rabies Boing Boing
  • At this point, 60% of the cells had large buds that continued to elongate with prolonged incubation.
  • At this point, 60% of the cells had large buds that continued to elongate with prolonged incubation.
  • After the incubation period of 2-6 days, symptoms of the plague appear including severe malaise, headache, shaking chills, fever, and pain and swelling, or adenopathy, in the affected regional lymph nodes, also known as buboes. - Articles related to Physicians in Qatar work on treatment of ovarian cancer
  • Eggs to be examined for hatching success were candled by using a portable candler at both the mid-stage and late-stage of parental incubation to determine embryo developmental stage and viability.
  • Biologist Jack Frazier pointed out that the temperature around the eggs during the incubation is critical in sex determination.
  • In smallpox, there is an incubation period of 8-18 days between initial infection and first symptoms.
  • To estimate this time period, we visited each bird's burrow early in the breeding season and determined the current incubation stage by egg candling.
  • For long-term incubation, oocytes were cultured in MEM with 20\% foetal calf serum in a PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • To illustrate, consider a nest found during the incubation stage and that candling of the eggs revealed they were close to hatching.

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